"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
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14 August 2009


Six Lobbyists Per Lawmaker Work on Health Overhau - Bloomberg.com

Learn The Magic Word; That'll Change The World!!!, page 1

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Citizen questions healthcare, gets threatened in the middle of the night!

Russian subs move toward Canadian East Coast - Yahoo! Canada News

Gates: It's A "Mystery" How Long US Forces Will Be In Afghanistan

Smoking Mirrors: The Prophecy of Diseased Whores and Vampire Scum.

Concocting the Appearance of Recovery

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: New York Times Doesn't Read Its Own Healthcare Horror Articles

The Canadian Press: Rich countries shouldn't get pandemic vaccine first: Gates Foundation exec

Raw Replay - Revisiting History;Southern Poverty Law Center: Militias on the rise

Refreshing News: The secret of red-yellow autumn leaves

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The big crisis is ahead of us - Marc Faber 08/12/2009

YouTube - A Summary of The Death Threats Against Obama & Other Democrats So Far

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Socialism is the N-word?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!?

123 Real Change: Podcast Show #3

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Congressman: Obama Could Use Pandemic To Declare Martial Law

Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part I

Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part II

Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part III

Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part IV

Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part V

Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part VI

SteveLendmanBlog: Manipulation - How Markets Really Work

From Sea To Shining Sea: What the Government Healthcare Bill Actually Says

Two convicted for refusal to decrypt data • The Register

Judge Rules DVD-Copying Software Is Illegal | Threat Level | Wired.com


Nicotine improves brain function in schizophrenics | COSMOS magazine

No-warrant terrorism raids proposed - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The Truth About Health Insurance - WSJ.com

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Obama Posters On Government Property Allowed; Anti-Obama Posters Called “Vandalism”

Why Are Internment Camps Being Built?

Marijuana Is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink? by Paul Armentano

**Obama Health Plan's Dirty, Tyrannical, Hidden Secrets

BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh, East and Fife | Cannabis may prevent osteoporosis

High-Fat Diet May Make You Stupid and Lazy - Yahoo! News

BBC NEWS | Technology | This website will self-destruct...

AGORAVOX - The Citizen Media - Hypocrisy, Hyperbole, and the Death of the Democratic Party

Let's Kill Grandma - Well All Right!

Ron Paul Interviewed by Bruno Falsely About Austrian Economics

Rand Paul: In It To Win It

Give me death panels, or give me liberty!

Fear for Obama's Safety Grows as Hate Groups Thrive on Racial Backlash

My Way News - E-mails from public overload House Web site

Breitbart.tv » ‘06 Flashback: Pelosi Tells Anti-War Protesters ‘I’m a Fan of Disruptors’

Child's Play: Cub Reporter Bags Obama | NBC Miami

Senators exclude end-of-life provision from bill - Yahoo! News

NYT: ‘Death panel’ rumor has familiar roots - The New York Times- msnbc.com

YouTube - Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine

Sarah Palin: Concerning the "Death Panels" | Facebook

Obama Health Care Reform Riles Up Whole Foods CEO John Mackey - ABC News

My Way News - Residents on edge as 9 women vanish from N.C. city

NASA's moon plan too ambitious, Obama panel says - Nation - MiamiHerald.com

S. Korean firm to open major dog cloning centre

Climate Change Measure Should Be Set Aside, U.S. Senators Say - Bloomberg.com

New Zealand exorcism killers escape jail

School prayer charges stir protests - Washington Times

Charles Manson Murders, 40 Years Later - ABC News

Internet addresses to run out by 2011 - Technology - ArabianBusiness.com

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Nepalis flock to see 'baby god'

U.S. food companies seek easier sugar quotas - Yahoo! News

Florida child-welfare panel: Use of psychiatric drugs on foster kids widespread

Sources: Edwards to admit paternity of ex-mistress' child :: WRAL.com

9/11 Mind Swell

CPS Investigates Patriot Blogger Grigg

Obaaama — Alex Jones animation

NAFTA & Global Warming: A Globalist Scam

CNSNews.com - FCC’s Chief Diversity Officer Wants Private Broadcasters to Pay a Sum Equal to Their Total Operating Costs to Fund Public Broadcasting

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Truth Behind The Lockerbie Bombing

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Democratic lawmaker: Obama willing to be a one-termer

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » The Global Child Prostitution Cancer

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Many Gun Owners, the State and Media Agree; 2a Is No Longer Relevant

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Forced Vaccination Program Feared

Alex Jones’ Prison Planet.com » Evidence that Global Temperature Trends Have Been Overstated

Chuck Hagel climbing the White House ladder

Cap and trade dead in the Senate?

The Fatah convention: A litmus test for the sanity of the West

Can the GOP win in 2010?

'Oh, Big-Spending Obama'

Europe out of recession - Obama's America? Not so much

Stimulus being spent in dribs and drabs

Cheney-Bush relationship not all sweetness and light

Axelrod's unsolicited email on health care reform

J Street's Arab and Muslim donors revealed

The People's Genie Is out of the Bottle

Obama's Pitchforks

You Might Be a Birther if...

Fighting Back

Town Hall Outrage? Media cooperated in disruptions at GOP events

Brits defend their much-criticized nationalized health care

Why Social Security Will Go Bankrupt Sooner Than People Think

Obama bulldozing Israel's future

Obama's Nazi Straw man: An Old Alinsky Trick

Birthers damage conservatism

Connect the Dots on ObamaCare

Now Being American Is Un-American

Obama Failed to Master Alinsky's Rule #12

At what point does a liberal become a Stalinist?

Empty Cradles, Demographic Destiny and the Death of the West

*Audio:The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – August 13th With Wayne Madsen

Hollywood Starlets do 1950's PINUPS!!2 Gallery

My Personal National Healthcare Plan by Todd Steinberg

Why the Government Doesn’t Need Your Gold by Richard Daughty

Blindsided by David Calderwood

Many Gun Owners, the State and Media Agree; 2a Is No Longer Relevant by Michael Gaddy

The 2nd American Revolution by Gerald Celente

Hotlined by William Norman Grigg

The 'Save America Plan' 54,376 – and It Will Be Self-Funding! by Gary North

Is Ron Paul the last relevant Republican in Washington?

Natural Health from A to Z - Blood Pressure

Line in the Stand: The State Sovereignty Movement | Tenth Amendment Center

Obama's surgeon general nominee advises Burger King - Washington Times

Study: Global warming bill could cost 2.4 million jobs, $1,250 per household - Phoenix Business Journal:

Will Michigan Nullify Federal Gun Laws? | Tenth Amendment Center

According To An MD - Part 1 Of Obama Care Was Already Passed Last February!

Taliban Now Winning - WSJ.com

Rudolph Eric ;The Atlanta Olympics Bomber

Dorothy Rabinowitz: Obama’s Tone-Deaf Health Campaign - WSJ.com

Why Obama’s Health Care Plan Can Kill You | Real Zionist News

The 'Second American Revolution' Has Begun

Karl Rove involved in firing of attorney, files reveal | World news | The Guardian

Obama's torture hangover | Scott Horton | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Debate over US healthcare reform takes an ugly turn | World news | guardian.co.uk

Video: rumours and fears stoke fury over Obama healthcare plans

Five reasons Hillary Clinton should cheer up a bit | World news | The Guardian

Clinton makes gaffe on 2000 US election during Nigeria visit | World news | guardian.co.uk

Ex-US Army Corps official admits war zone bribes - Times Online

Kitco:Pressure (Countdown) Toward Breakdown

Why A Full Military Takeover Is Unlikely

Secret Service Detains Maryland Protester Holding "Death To Obama" Sign

Cafferty File: Is President Obama Meeting Your Expectations?

Glenn Beck: I'm Not a Fear Monger

The Big Dog talks to Netroots Nation about how to keep the progressive momentum

Ann Coulter Puts Rahm Emanuel's Brother On Death Wish List

Bill O'Reilly Should be FIRED NOW! Keith Olbermann's Worst Person In The World

Digby at Netroots Nation: Why are deficits only a problem for Democratic administrations?

Missing From The Health Care Reform Debate: Medical Tourism

I've Got Facts On My Side & You've Got Glenn Beck On Your Side! Rep Rick Larsen Town Hall

CNN Has a Lou Dobbs Problem: Dobbs Allowed to Trash the SPLC While Anderson Cooper Promotes Their Report

The Daily Show: Reform Madness - White Minority

Hardball: Lawrence O'Donnell Exposes Clueless Town Hall Protester

Isakson should be mad at Republicans and not Obama

The Rachel Maddow: Seniors Being Targeted With Fear Mongering Astroturf Ad Campaigns

Hate Speech: So Easy A Caveman Could Do It-- More Glenn Beck Advertisers Pull Off His Show

Ed Schultz's Op-Ed: This is Not the Country That We Should Be Proud of Right Now

The Rachel Maddow Show: House Releases New Evidence in U.S. Attorney Scandal

08-14-2009: NASA's moon plan too ambitious, Obama panel says

08-13-2009: E-mails from public overload House Web site

08-13-2009: National Guard drill at high school to prepare for possible H1N1 riot

08-13-2009: Rep. Paul Broun: Obama's Socialist Elite Is Planning For Martial Law

08-13-2009: Mobile phones get cyborg vision

Ex-ISI chief says purpose of new Afghan intelligence agency RAMA is ‘to destabilize Pakistan’

Not a good month for the Christian Right

“Manufactured Protests” Myth Starts To Crack

Oman takes lead as e-Purse marks new era of cashless society

When the Dead Have No Say

FLASHBACK: Michelle Obama's 'Cost Cutting' Health Care Program Accused of Patient 'Dumping'

Gov't insurance would allow coverage for abortion

Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed! Red Alert! Ezekiel Emanuel escapes when confronted.

SHOCK UNCOVERED: Obama IN HIS OWN WORDS saying His Health Care Plan will ELIMINATE private insurance


Marc Faber Says America Will Launch More Wars to Distract from Bad Economy

Speaking in Mexico, Obama Calls American Opponents of Immigration Amnesty ‘Demagogues’

Tax Credits for ‘Green Energy Technology’ Include Solar Power and Electric Cars

House Health Care Legislation May Lead to ‘Unintended Consequences,’ Republican Senator Says

Global Warming Bill Would Cut U.S. Economic Growth, Study Says

Americans Had to Work from January 1 to August 12 This Year Just to Cover Cost of Government

Obama Again Inflates Number of Uninsured Americans--Falsely Claiming '46 Million of Our Fellow Citizens Have No Coverage'

Obama in 2003: ‘I Happen to be a Proponent of a Single-Payer Universal Health Care Plan;' Obama in 2009: ‘I Have Not Said That I Was a Single-Payer Supporter’

MoveOn.org is Trying to Mobilize Activists to Attend Town Hall Meetings to Push for ‘Public Option’ Health Care

Bill Clinton Says Republicans Are Promoting Fear Over Health Care Reform

Sharpton, Gingrich Join Forces to Push Obama's School Reforms

Bank of America Drops Arbitration Requirement, Opening Itself to More Lawsuits

Palin Stands By 'Death Panel' Claim

Pakistan Pounds Taliban Bases, Following Taliban Leader’s Reported Death

China Might Appeal WTO Ruling on Imported Movies, Music, Books

Hillary Needs A Time Out

The Etiquette Czar's Rules for Patriotic Protest

Unwinnable War?

We’d Rather Not Have Fewer Sources

The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War

Video: Say No to the Swine Flu Vaccine

Why Aren't Progressives Disrupting ObamaCare Town Halls?

High Tech Weaponry used in Gaza: Radiation contamination by Depleted Uranium

Collapse in the Wake of the Fed's Wall Street Bubble?

What killed the auto industry?

Wealth Inequality Destroys US Ideals

This is No Recession: It’s a Planned Demolition

Obama Eyes Military-civilian terror prison

Global Power and Global Government: Evolution and Revolution of the Central Banking System

Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order

Controlling the Global Economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve

Forging a “New World Order” Under a One World Government

Honey bees disappearing may be a greater threat than global warming

57 Trillion Reasons To Murder 100 Million - RevolutionRadio.org

How to Cure Diseases Before They Have Even Evolved » American Scientist

Princeton Bioethics Professor Peter Singer: Devaluing Human Life

Asia Times Online :The closing of the Christian womb

Site - Mind Power; Secrets Vault

08-13-2009: Computer scientists reveal new voting machine hack successfully changed votes

World Population Projected To Reach 7 Billion By 2011

08-12-2009: Proof That Alex Jones Should Be Put In A Mental Institution (Satire)

08-12-2009: Government Disaster Plans Leave Disabled People Behind

Google Deal With Publishers Raises Privacy Concerns

08-12-2009: Blackwater and affiliates: History and intentions

08-12-2009: Schools Taking Biometric Security To New Big Brother Levels

Deficit Plays Into Health Reform - washingtonpost.com

Healthcare We Can Believe In

Obama to Take On Health-Care Critics - washingtonpost.com

Peggy Noonan: From ‘Yes, We Can,’ to ‘No! Don’t!’ - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - More Health Care Nonsense

Public Spending's Day Of Reckoning - Forbes.com

Ignoring Iran's nuclear plan would be the West's greatest blunder - Telegraph

Rude protests are American tradition | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Is Obama's promise of transparency broken? - Aug. 14, 2009

ObamaCare Will Lead to Rationed Care for Elderly - WSJ.com

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- A Weakening Will To Crush Terror

TheHill.com - Pork-barrel spending increases in 2009

Obama Wants Big Banks To Pay More for Oversight - washingtonpost.com

CQ Politics | Estate Tax, Expiring Tax Breaks Await Congress

'Sex,' 'Porn' On List Of Kids' Top Web Searches - cbs2chicago.com

Taking Facebook IQ Test Could Cost You

Google Gets Faster Less Spammy With Revamped Search Engine - Webmonkey

Air traffic controller suspended, was chatting on phone with girlfriend during Hudson River crash

Gun-rights groups see good opportunity | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Kenyan gang kills noted geologist in mine dispute | World News | Idaho Statesman

John Quade dies at 71; character actor specialized in playing heavies -- latimes.com

*Practical Internet Privacy by Paul Green

How 6 people accidentally found a fortune - CNN.com

Plan B for business groups: Going negative - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

'1984': It's here

Unhealthy for liberty

The 'messiah' has lost his mojo

'Hate crimes' brings pro-'gay' cash to your town

End-times Muslim beheadings on the rise

CNN finally 'fires' Lou Dobbs!

How much is time worth?

Unwinnable war in Afghanistan?

'Optempo' up in Afghanistan

The hypocrisy of healthcare protestors - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Seniors divorce AARP

FrontPage Magazine - A Slow-Motion Honor Killing

World Net Daily Player:Obama plan needs '$13,000/family' tax hike

World Net Daily Player:Human Events' Gizzi: Health care support falling

World Net Daily Player:Ex-Gore aide: Middle class hikes coming

World Net Daily Player:Michigan congressman: Moving Gitmo inmates 'bad idea'

The story of backlash to Congress

Town halls burst with Obama 'plants'

Beheadings: Old terror alive again in 21st century

National Guard reveals 'internment' job sites

National Guard drill at high school to prepare for possible H1N1 riot | Sun Journal

Roadblocks Devised to Push Back Against Health Care Town Hall Protesters - Political News - FOXNews.com

Republicans refuse to sign off on civility pledge

Euthanasia advocates authored part of Obamacare

'Special Report' Panel Fact Checks Obama's Statements About Health Care - Special Report w/ Bret Baier - FOXNews.com

White House Makes 'Viral E-Mail' of Its Own - Political Punch

Massive campaign for Obama hits air - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

AARP wields power in health care debate - Washington Times

CNN gives boot to talk radio hosts

New FCC official: 'Fairness Doctrine never repealed'

Obama's environmental czar started group targeting Beck

Obama's 'green jobs czar' worked with terror founder

Muslim radicals behead Christian orphan workers

Laurie SoCal Harvest celebrates 20 years

Obama inspiring young conservatives?

Clinton Dodges Question About Losing Her Cool in Congo - Political Punch

Cap-and-Trade's Unlikely Critics: Its Creators - WSJ.com

How U.S. allies nearly won Vietnam War


**American Minute for August 14th:William J Federer's American Minute**


Federal judge calls soldier's Obama challenge 'frivolous'

Exclusive: President's aunt ends her silence

Gibbs stumbles explaining Obama's birthplace

What conspiracy theory?

Why eligibility story is still alive

*Article Links/Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


*Transcripts:Obama's Remarks at the Medal of Freedom Ceremony

Roundtable on Obama's AARP Mistake

Interview with the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic

Obama's New Hampshire Health Care Town Hall

Roundtable on Obama's Town Hall Meeting

Writers Discuss Obama's Town Hall Meeting

Reps. Pallone and Blackburn Debate Health Care

Sen. Brown on the Health Care Fight

Panel on Pelosi/Hoyer 'Un-American' Op-Ed

Rep. Scott and Dr. Hill Debate Health Care

Interview with Rep. John Dingell

Analysts Discuss Health Care Reform

Interview with Rep. Steve Cohen

Interview with Senator Barbara Boxer


**Politics; Video/Greta To Sheila Jackson-Lee: "You're Not Listening Again"

Obama: Those Against "Pathway For Legalization" Are "Demagogues"

Grandchildren Remember Eunice Kennedy

Pelosi In 2006: "I'm A Fan Of Disruptors"

Flashback: Edwards Denies He Fathered Baby With Mistress

11-Year-Old Interviews Obama On Education

Update: FOX's Garrett Gives WH's Gibbs Fishy Emails

Congressman To Constituents: I Have Facts, You Have Glenn Beck

Ronald Reagan Speaks Against Socialized Medicine

ABC: Fear for Obama's Safety Grows as Hate Groups Thrive

Sen. Vitter: Climate Change Is "Ridiculous Pseudo-Science Garbage"

Gingrich, Sharpton Announce Education Tour

Clinton Tells Heckler He "Ought" To Go To "Town Hall Meetings"

Hannity Holds Balanced Obama Focus Group

Tom Daschle: Why We Need Health Care Reform

Ann Coulter, Air America Discuss: Racism or Capitalism?

FOX's Major Garrett Reflects On Angering Robert Gibbs Today

Obama's Aunt On President's Birth Status, His Life

Bernie Sanders On "Political Outrage For Hire"

Dean: Opposing Views Undercut Bipartisan Health Care Progress

Liberal Talker Ed Schultz: Conservatives "Want Obama To Get Shot"

Dem Rep.: Obama Willing To Be One-Term President For Health Reform

Coulter On Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel's Brother

Gibbs: Town Halls Not "Indicative of What's Going On in America"

FOX News Asks WH: Why Are People Receiving Health Care Emails When They Never Signed Up

O'Reilly: NBC News Once Again Helps President Obama

Dem Congresswoman Throws Out "Disorderly" Town Hall Goers

"Special Report" Panel On Health Care Reform

Sheila Jackson-Lee Claims Video Of Her On Cell Phone May Have Been "Doctored"

Rasmussen: Obama Approval Falls To 47%

Olbermann: O'Reilly Should Be Fired

Cheney's "Tell-All" Book On Relationship With Bush

Markets; Video/Post-Recession Garbage Growth

El-Erian: Stock Market Has Gotten 'Overly Optimistic'

Are Banks Walking Away from Foreclosed Homes?

How Far Would You Go to Avoid Sales Taxes?

Fed's Worries Aren't Over Yet...

Fed Helps Gold Rally?

Byron Wien's New Role at Blackstone

Trouble Ahead for the Dollar?

Eyeing Retail for Recovery

Gold Struggles, Dollar Gains

Bank of England Signals Policy Will Stay Loose

Transportation Stimulus Funds Under Fire

World; Video/Karzai Challenger Gains in Polls

Buy Afghanistan's Drugs?

Iran in Crisis

Fed's Assessment Ripples Through World Markets

Lockerbie Bomber's Likely Release Sparks Outcry

U.S. Attacks Afghan Taliban

Pro-Zelaya Protest in Honduras

Afghans Anxious as Pre-Election Violence Spreads

Not Just Timber on Hijacked Russian Ship

Israel Denounces Motives of Human Rights Groups


Aerosmith cancels troubled tour after Tyler injury | Entertainment | Music | Reuters

The Associated Press: Tributes for guitar legend Les Paul; dead at 94

The Woodstock Experience: The 40th Anniversary in Rolling Stone : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

Jimmy Page: My Les Paul Guitar is My Mistress and Wife - NJ.com

Jackson Doctor Bought Propofol At Raided Pharmacy, Officials Say - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

AFP: Cargo ship that vanished spotted off Cape Verde islands

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Hopes fade for Taiwan survivors

The Associated Press: Afghan election an early test of Obama's war plan

Sen. Webb first U.S. lawmaker to meet junta chief in Myanmar - CNN.com

BBC NEWS | Africa | Clinton wraps up African tour

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iranian ex-MPs challenge Khamenei

Clinton ex-aide says Kim 'fully engaged' in talks | Reuters

VOA News - Medvedev: Caucasus Murders Aim at Destabilizing S. Russia

AFP: No normal ties with Ukraine under current leaders: Medvedev

Climate sceptics and believers unite | Toni O'Loughlin | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The Associated Press: Pro-Chavez lawmakers approve education law

Egypt: 34 fishermen freed months after Somalia hijacking - CNN.com

Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Yemeni military battles rebels

AFP: S.Korean boss extends N.Korea visit

Al Jazeera English - Europe - Many dead in fresh Caucasus clashes

YouTube - Yushchenko "disappointed by Medvedev's unfriendly letter"

YouTube - Medvedev and Merkel:media conference

YouTube - 'Lockerbie bomber' to be released early - 13 Aug 09

YouTube - Karzai challenger gains in Afghan polls - 14 Aug 09

YouTube - Commercial dispute leads to Arctic Sea seizure?

The Associated Press: Mourners gather in Pa. for 3 dead in plane crash

Bill Clinton Defends End-of-Life Counseling - Prescriptions Blog - NYTimes.com

Is AARP’s Bark Worse Than Its Bite? - WSJ.com

Daily Herald | Quinn not backing off tax increase, plans to seek full term as governor

Specter in Pittsburgh: ‘I put my neck on the line’ | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/14/2009

Judge Asks Potential Drew Peterson Jurors to Fill Out Questionnaire Despite Push to Move Trial - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Black Man Pleads Guilty to Posing as Obama-Hating White Supremacist on Facebook - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

Obama, rival join on health -- baltimoresun.com

YouTube - Obama Grilled by 6th Grader

YouTube - Eyewitness captures US plane crash video


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