"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

23 June 2009

23 June 09

New ADL Hate Bills Attack America

The Golden State Is Melting

AfricanCrisis - South Africa: Govt won't seize white farms, says minister. Eish, I agree - an explosive ticking time bomb!

Addressng legal and illegal immigration: beating a dead horse

Call For Natl Independent Commission On Immigration

Instead of Real Financial Reform, Obama’s Plan capitulates to Wall Street

White House to Abandon Spy-Satellite Program - WSJ.com

Wyoming’s National Elk Refuge on Ten Most Imperiled List | Amy Linn | Travel & Outdoors | NewWest.Net

Using The Economic Crisis To Attack Workers

Taliban defectors: US, Israel funding militants

Solar Project Meets Bigger Foe Than Cloudy Skies: The Air Force

Argentina - Abduction Interrupted?

Iran Had a Democracy Before We Took It Away | CommonDreams.org

Paul Craig Roberts - Iran Falls To US Psy Ops

Are the Iranian Election Protests Another US Orchestrated ‘Color Revolution’? : Information Clearing House - ICH

*Here is your Audit of the Federal Reserve!

Man Destroys His House – I Have Nothing To Lose

NASA's mission to bomb the Moon: Scientific American

Using The Economic Crisis To Attack Workers

Amazing volcano photo shows shock wave - MSNBC Articles

YouTube - Electric Drag racing: White Zombie

Devvy Kidd -- Every "Law" Obama Signs Brings US Closer To...

Next question in swine flu - who gets vaccinated? | Reuters

Evidence is revealed (DU Rods and Sabots survived the inferno at Camp Doha)

Growing Concern Over MRSA Transmission Between Pets And Their Owners

Major Nanotechnology Article In Russian Magazine

Terry Arnold - US Meddling In Iran Election

California Collapsing | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter


Obama Closes Doors on Openness

Michael Hudson: Obama's (Latest) Surrender to Wall Street

BBC NEWS | Americas | US seeks to stop Geronimo lawsuit

Talmud Permits Judicial Deviation From Constitution

Review - William Engdahl's 'Full Spectrum Dominance' - Pt 1

YouTube - Robert F Kennedy explains vaccines and the autism coverup

savethemales.ca - "Soviet" Agents Designed IMF, World Bank & United Nations

End 'cruel' religious slaughter, say scientists - Home News, UK - The Independent

Space travel: Everybody's going to the moon | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

YouTube - Al-Qaeda Doesn't Exist

YouTube - EXPOSED-Illuminati Luciferian Masonic Occult Hollywood

9/11 FEMA Videographer At Ground Zero Goes Public

06-23-2009: Report: 60,000 Inmates Sexually Abused Every Year

06-23-2009: What Actually Happened in the Iranian Presidential Election? Esam Al-Amin

Obama Says U.S. Prepared For North Korean Attack

06-23-2009: Mousavi Was The Butcher Of Beirut

06-22-2009: U.S. Tops List of Countries with the Largest External Debt

06-22-2009: Is This The Death Of The Dollar?

06-22-2009: WSJ Article Says Greater Global Governance Needed

06-22-2009: Video: Zbigniew Brzezinski discusses "intelligent manipulation" In Iran

06-22-2009: China: Hundreds of Riot Police Battle the People of Shishou

06-22-2009: Numbers On Welfare See Sharp Increase

06-22-2009: Iran Starts Airforce Exercises

06-22-2009: Obama Signs Anti-Smoking Bill Into Law

06-22-2009: Urban Ranger Youth Patrols In UK

06-22-2009: Iran finds US-backed MKO fingermarks in riots

Mossad-Taliban whistleblower killed in Pakistan

The panopticon economy

Obama's Financial Reform Proposal: A Stealth Scheme for Global Monetary Control

The future of neo-eugenics. Now that many people approve the elimination of certain genetically defective fetuses, is society closer to screening all fetuses for all known mutations?

CIA Agent: "Government Officials Like Cheney Are Not To Be Trusted When They Assert Something Without The Support Of Incontrovertible Evidence"

Kentucky “Hate Crime” Report Mentions Constitution Party

Swiss Offer Millionaires a Haven Away from the Poor

Job hunters 'dumbing down' resumes

The Empire Strikes Back: FTC Plans to Regulate Blogs with Affiliate Relationships

Supermarket suppliers 'helping destroy Amazon rainforest'

VA State Police Say Anti-NWO and Gun Rights Activists are Terrorists

Meet Shah Ali Khamenei

An Inside View of Vote Fraud

Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship

Big Brother in Basel: Are We Trading Financial Stability for National Sovereignty?

VIDEO: Pulling the World Economy Out of Recession

Reading between more Netanyahu lines

No, idiot, capitalism is not democracy!

video - Clouds of Secrecy

`Tonight' Sidekick Ed McMahon Dies in LA at 86

Obama Wants New Council to Help Auto Industry

US, Kyrgyzstan Reach Deal on Airbase Use, Official Says

Investigators Probe Capital's Worst Subway Crash

Sotomayor Overturned Prison Regulations to Allow Santeria-Practicing Convicts to Wear Beads

Senate Democratic Leader Wants New Guest Worker Program Despite Recession and High Unemployment Rate

Senate Intelligence Chairman: Virtually All Drug Trafficking In U.S. Controlled From Federal and State Prisons

Less Than 24 Percent of Guns Seized by Mexican Authorities in 2008 Were Traced Back to U.S.

No Annulment of Election, Iran’s Guardian Council Declares

Islamic Attire Symbolizes ‘Servitude and Humiliation,’ Says French President

House and Senate Health Reform Bills Prohibit Subsidies to Illegal Aliens

GOP Lawmaker Wants White House to Produce Communications Related to Firing of Inspector General

The ObamaCare Horror Story You Won’t Hear

Ten Days That Shook Tehran

'You Light Up My Life' Writer Accused of NY Rape

Madoff Lawyer Seeks 12-Year Term for Swindler

Rich, Poor Nations Seek Deal for U.N. Finance Meeting

Verified Identity Pass Shuts Down

Craigslist Suspect's Ex-Fiancee Ends Relationship

Washington Subway Urged to Upgrade Before Crash

Stone Age Well Found in Cyprus

LA County Sheriff Says DNA Backlog Search Stopped

When Giants Fall: 'China Is Destined to Be the Leader of the World'

DHS To Kill Domestic Satellite Spying - CBS News

Big Bang collider set for autumn restart: CERN | Science | Reuters

savethemales.ca - In 1969, Rockefeller Official Said US Would Be De-industrialized

The Silver Bear Cafe - The U.S. and the U.K. Will Both Default on Their Debt by the End of Summer

Broker aided Madoff, US says - The Boston Globe

The White House - Blog Post - United We Serve Kick-Off

Citizens Acquitted of Speaking Against War | AfterDowningStreet.org

Smoking Mirrors: The Conscience of a Crocodile, the Morals of a Pig

Destabilization 2.0 | The Corbett Report

The Pod People And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon

Take the "Replace Roundup" Challenge! | bytestyle.tv

Iran Riots: Neda Death Footage – Poster Child For A Million More Tragedies? « Pak Alert Press

Seeing Through All the Propaganda About Iran by Eric Margolis

American's Journey: JFK + Executive Order 11110 = Head Shot?

YouTube - Glenn Beck's Fake Crying Photoshoot

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Alex Jones Show : Ron Paul Exposes Obama’s Regulatory Fed Plan!

June hasn't been this nice since ... 1913

Al Jazeera English - Focus - Why America is a bank-owned state


Military Officials Plead Guilty to Felony Charges Over Afghanistan Defense Contracts

Japan plans underwater sponges to soak up uranium - Telegraph

In stark legal turnaround, Obama now resembles Bush | McClatchy

What Actually Happened in the Iranian Presidential Election?

Wall Street Arbitration or ‘Puttin in the Fix’? | Sense on Cents

Ron Paul: The World's Most Popular U.S. Congressman (VIDEO)

YouTube - Ron Paul: International Bailout Brings Us Closer to Economic Collapse 6/22/09

Tillman's mom: McChrystal lied at hearing - UPI.com

YouTube - CIA, Iran and the Election Riots - June 14, 2009

Why do we have to hear Republican objections to health-care reform all day long on TV?

In Iran, Authorities Admit Voting Discrepancies

Barney Frank Introduces Legislation To Decriminalize Marijuana

Rachel Maddow: Iranian Protesters Targetting the Basiji

John King on How To "Attack" A Senator

A chilling Shawna Forde video: Patrolling with the border with a gun down her pants

Karim Sadjadpour Reminds Chris Wallace That U.S. Meddling in Middle East Politics is Not Productive

The Jobs Just Aren't There. So What Happens Next?

Digby: They're Worried About Rationing? We Already Prioritize Healthcare On the Basis of Who Can Pay

The meaning of Neda

Robert Reich: What Obama Must Do To Save Universal Healthcare

David Gregory Badgers Benjamin Netanyahu Over Whether Israel Will Take Unilateral Action Against Iran

Dianne Feinstein: "I don't know if Obama has the votes (for health care) right now."

John McCain: U.S. Should Board North Korean Ship

Street Battle in Iran

Chip Berlet gives a scholar's insight into the roots of right-wing conspiracism and the violence it engenders

Fox News Suggests The Media May Be Pushing Obama's Agenda

Goldman Sachs in London: Massive Profits, Fat Bonuses.

Western Stooge Pahlavi Positioning Himself To Take Power In Iran

Mousavi Was the Butcher of Beirut

ACLU files suit against TSA on behalf of Campaign For Liberty’s Bierfeldt

Tribal Leader Who Revealed Taliban Israeli-U.S. Links Assassinated

Congressman Ron Paul on Healthcare

Neocon blogs cheer violence by Iran protesters

The Raw Story | Son of shah says protesters defeat could lead to nuclear war

Tens of thousands of Chinese fight the police in Shishou :: Malcolm Moore

Vaccinate Canadians under 40 and natives first: experts

Seeing Through All the Propaganda About Iran

Iran ex-monarch's son asks Israel to back rioters

DHS To Kill Domestic Satellite Spying - CBS News

Google Analyzes Your Vacation Snaps to Figure Out Where You Were | Popular Science

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 22nd With Senator John Whitmire

audio - The Alex Jones Show - L I V E - June 19th With Dr. Neil Carman

Obama talks tougher on Iran violence

Obama: World 'appalled' by Iran violence

Obama questions legitimacy of Iranian election

Obama: Govt-run health care could trump private

State cuts tax exemptions for kids

Sanford back Wednesday, his office says - Local / Metro - The State

Ed McMahon Dead at Age 86 | NBC New York

South Florida radio icon Neil Rogers calls it quits, retires -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Mpls Taxpayer Money to Promote Tap Water

Metro: 9 killed in Red Line collision - wtop.com

Metro train crash investigators focusing on sensors - Washington Times

New All-Time Lows for Both CBS & ABC Evening Newscasts - mediabistro.com: TVNewser

US files trade case against China over exports - Yahoo! Finance

Michelle Obama on Health Care Reform, First Lady GMA Exclusive - ABC News

What 2 Watch 4: Damage Control

My Way News - NKorea ship suspected of holding arms passes China

Obama calls on HuffPost for Iran question - Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - FNC's Garrett Asks Obama What Took So Long To Be "Concerned"

Obama pushes for energy measure

Obama's immigration straddle

Arizona might make illegal immigration a crime

Trespassing: AZ to criminalize undocumented border crossings

Give illegal immigrants health care?

The Conversation: Immigration & America

Local politicos respond to Obama's plan for immigration reform

Minuteman imposter Shawna Ford charged in double murder

Easy for suspected terrorists to buy guns in the US , report says

Illegal immigration costs us all dearly

De-Facto amnesty may be next on the Obama agenda

Tancredo linked to Minuteman group accused of Arizona double-murder

Did Anti- Immigration "Extremists" Leave Long Trail Of Victims?

Federal News Radio : ICE and DEA: working together

YouTube - Obama Outlines Immigration Overhaul

Obama toughens his talk on Iran

Obama Announces $80 Billion Pharma Deal

Patients Often Not Told About Abnormal Test Results

National HIV Testing Day is this Saturday!

Health Buzz: Dramatic Prostate Cancer Findings and Other Health News

Health Buzz: Dogs May Spread MRSA and Other Health News

Experimental Urine Test Spots Appendicitis

YouTube - Obama Signs Tobacco Control Bill - Bloomberg

YouTube - Health Care reform

YouTube - New report shows prevalence of HIV-AIDS

'Tonight Show' sidekick Ed McMahon was everybody's friend

Longtime friends: McMahon was a 'rock' and 'a star in his own right'

Farrah Fawcett, battling cancer, back in hospital

Story Breakdown for ALICE IN WONDERLAND is Revealed

Alice in Wonderland: First Look

Hasselbeck sued for copyright infringement

King works return to bookshelves

Obama Says Second Fiscal Stimulus Not Yet Needed

Ford Among First to Get Loans for More Efficient Cars

Verified Identity Pass shuts down

Madoff says 12 years is plenty

US and EU Slam China on Exports

Bernanke Set to Defend Record Amid Debate on New Term

FDIC Considers Extending Backstop for Transaction Accounts

YouTube - Obama Signs Tobacco Control Bill - Bloomberg

YouTube - Currency Outlook - Dollar Declines Against the Euro - Bloomberg

NASA Probe Orbits Moon

Google's content trial delayed

China Not Relenting On Internet Filter Mandate

Google Halts "Suggest" Function On China Web Site

Bing Drives Microsoft's Paid Clicks Up 13%

Buzz Aldrin's journey from moon to alcoholism

Netbook or notebook? A majority of consumers can't tell the two apart.

FTC Is Ready to Pounce on Dishonest Bloggers

IBM supercomputer reuses heat to warm buildings

Iran rules out scrapping vote as Obama questions results

Time frame set for Ahmadinejad's inaugural

Neda's Death Highlights Women's Role in Iran Protests

Poll: Most Americans think Palestinians must recognize Israel's right to exist - Haaretz - Israel News

Suspected US missile strikes kill 17 in Pakistan: officials

France: liberty, equality, and fraternity – but no

Hawaiians Shrug Off Missile Threat

British Soldiers Carry Out Major Taliban Assault in Afghanistan

Wave of attacks as Obama aide assesses Afghanistan plan

Hopes of finding Air France Airbus black boxes dashed

FACTBOX: Key facts about Russia's region of Ingushetia

Leader of Russian region wounded in suicide attack

Zimbabwe's mines minister barred from Britain

Wives of G8 leaders urged to boycott summit over 'sexist' Berlusconi

Kyrgyzstan agrees to allow US troops to stay in country

Whaling peace talks 'to continue'

Nigeria arrests nine gunmen linked to oil attack

Most Romanians intimidated in Belfast leaving city

1.02B Chronically Hungry People Worldwide, UN Says

Feared Basij militia has deep history

7 Blasts Around Baghdad Kill at Least 24

YouTube - How Western media backs green revolution in Iran

YouTube - Fiance tells of Neda's last moments - 23 Jun 09

YouTube - South Korea Unveils New Missile

YouTube - AF447 crash: very weak black-box signals

YouTube - Ingush suicide bomber could be a woman

YouTube - US money reincarnates Kyrgyz airbase

Obama 'Outraged' by Government Crackdown in Iran

Crash subway 'warned over trains'

Obama admits occasional cigarette

State Patrol: Woman missing from ferry walked off

Lobbying Frenzy Begins as House Climate Bill Heads for Floor

Senate GOP: Will Sotomayor uphold Constitution?

Republicans Turn Up Heat on Sotomayor

Window opens on fateful days of Nixon presidency

More Nixon tapes to be made public

Voting Rights Act Upheld, But Court Hints at Change

States could lose money over prison rapes

Poll: Optimism over stimulus fading

Confidence in Obama's stimulus plan falling: poll

Insurers: Any Government-Run Health Plan 'Devastating'

Chris Dodd aims for health bill passage by week's end

Graham: Cost Estimates a 'Death Blow' to Calls for Public Health Care Plan - Political News - FOXNews.com

Southern Baptists Reject Church

Negotiations over health insurance co-ops at impasse

GAO Cites Gun Sales to Those on Watch List

Lawmakers going back to work on budget - 6/23/09 - Chicago News - abc7chicago.com

Obama toughens his talk on Iran - CNN.com

YouTube - Obama Signs Tobacco Control Bill - Bloomberg

YouTube - At least 6 killed in Washington subway crash

YouTube - Obama vs Tobacco. Tobacco wins

YouTube - Scotus voting rights

Pep Rallies and Public Schools: How the State Programs Us for War by J. L. Bryan

Question Authority: Always and Forever Hereafter by William Buppert

Why Do They Just Giggle? by Butler Shaffer

The Solar Downturn by Richard Daughty

Jim Rogers: How he's investing after the crisis- Features-The Economic Times

Can they pay it back? - Business - Macleans.ca

Abandoned storage locker contents up for sale. What can you get?

Fact or Fiction: Dogs Can Talk: Scientific American

Anti-state and pro-market - Washington Times

Not a Theocracy but a Thugocracy

Healthcare Reform: A Looming Policy Disaster

Death Knell for 'Mainstream' Journalism

Another DOJ Criminal Division Mess Up

Cuba's Spy Program Widely Seeded in US Government

Lomborg vs. Gore

SCOTUS lets Plame suit die

McCain's powerful plea for more forceful response to Iran violence

Dems ignoring Obama's paltry budget cuts

Obama's poll numbers begin to tumble

Buchanan on Iran protests: It's the Jooooooos

Women and the Iranian Unrest

When America's Enemies Experience Domestic Unrest

Simple Healthcare Math

D.A.'s office let illegal immigrants go

Taliban averts attacks with U.S. equipment - Washington Times

Homeland Security drone patrolling NNY - Newswatch50.com... We're Always On!

Controversial book to stay on reading list -- chicagotribune.com

ACORN drops tarnished name and moves to silence critics | Washington Examiner


700 NYC teachers are paid to do nothing - Yahoo! News

Pajamas Media » Why Is the Justice Department Cozying Up to Islamic Radicals?

Antonio Villaraigosa has himself to blame in bowing out - Los Angeles Times

Hot Dog Diplomacy: Obama Says It's Up to Iranians to Accept July 4 Invitations - Political News - FOXNews.com

Freeing the Limits of Incorporation.

The American Community Survey

Lingering Unemployment Likely to Challenge Obama and the Nation - washingtonpost.com

Misremembering Reagan by Ramesh Ponnuru on National Review / Digital

The Pork Spending We Should Worry About | Consume | SPLICETODAY.COM

Zeke's Anatomy

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Why all regulatory roads lead to the Fed

Clinton did it (and others helped)

Op-Ed Contributor - A Fairer Credit Card? Priceless - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets - Lest We've Forgotten, Health Care Is Not a Right

IBDeditorials.com - A Real Jobs Solution

Bernanke at the Creation - WSJ.com

Fundmastery Blog » Blog Archive » China Counterattacks With “Buy China” Policy

Op-Ed Contributor - Iran's Chinese Lessons - NYTimes.com

Giving 'Realism' a Bad Name

Column: Spectator of the free world: Obama and Teheran | Columnists | Jerusalem Post

The Crisis in Iran Is Just Beginning - The Daily Beast

The Iranian election by the numbers - Top05 World - Macleans.ca

SPECIAL PREVIEW: The Abandonment of Democracy

Potential for Apocalypse: Is War between Iran and Israel Inevitable? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Iran's Crisis Posing a Problem for Its Mideast Allies - TIME

The silent killer in Uganda - The Boston Globe

Give peace a chance - Washington Times

FT.com / Columnists / Gideon Rachman - Check-list for an Iranian revolution

Mixed Media

The New Race for the Moon - WSJ.com

What Iraq can teach Iran | csmonitor.com

Beginning the end in Iraq - The Boston Globe

Independents' Warning for Obama - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - ObamaCare: Kiss Your Access Goodbye

Persian Paranoia,Iranian leaders will always believe Anglo-Saxons are plotting against them. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Reagan, Obama, and Presidential Teflon

The Obama Method

The War Over Waxman-Markey | Mother Jones

RealClearPolitics - Bad Times for Whistle-Blowers

Emanuel's Mastery Of Reading Reporters

Did you hear the one about Obama? - Arts & Culture top02 - Macleans.ca

Editorial - Afghanistan’s Failing Forces - NYTimes.com

Obamacare meets the reality of nationalized health care: Rationing and long lines | Washington Examiner

Editorial: Good health isn't cheap | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/22/2009

A Clunker of an Idea

U.S. House Leaders Schedule Climate-Change Bill Vote - Bloomberg.com

Supreme Court Avoids Voting-Rights Act Fight - WSJ.com

TheHill.com - Dems ignore Obama cuts

Church blesses fathers with beer - Telegraph

Road cleaned by neo-Nazis may be named for rabbi : 24 Hour Breaking News : The Buffalo News

My Way News - FBI files show wide "Deep Throat" investigation

Bus driver faces sack after she is exposed as Miss Nude Belgium 2009

The Associated Press: Dead Sea peril: sinkholes swallow up the unwary

Air Canada to permit pets as hand luggage - Telegraph

Should schools cut animal dissections? - South Florida - MiamiHerald.com

Report: US automakers to gain on new gas mandates

Obama puts critics of financial overhaul on notice - Washington Times

Washing machine that uses one cup of water - Telegraph

Twitter Will Make Money With Sponsored Direct Messages

The immorality of laws regulating technology

Is Obama losing his luster?

Hearing set on default in Obama eligibility case

Senators get 705,000-plus letters opposing 'hate crimes'

Sotomayor squashed journalist's 1st Amendment rights

NYT: Duke lacrosse players killed Meredith Kercher

flashback - JUNE 4 - 'Transparent' White House blacklists 'birthers'

What's the difference?

Farah's $10,000 birth certificate challenge

Hearing set on default in Obama eligibility case

Does Congress have guts to investigate 'Walpingate'?

Obama, Inviting Ideas Online, Finds a Few on the Fringe - NYTimes.com

Grassroots sign onto eligibility billboard campaign

Obama: Where have all his records gone?

Wee the people: Port-a-potty named for Pelosi

Hamas denies claims of aiding Iranian forces

Iran being undercut on nukes, U.S. says - Washington Times

Iran Unrest Reveals Split In U.S. on Its Role Abroad

Obama Saudi suit stance irks 9/11 families - Washington Times

Sanford back Wednesday, his office says - Local / Metro - The State

Clear Pass lanes shut down at airports | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star

San Francisco D.A.'s program trained illegal immigrants for jobs they couldn't legally hold - Los Angeles Times

Drenched in blood of slavery

Robert Bork: Sotomayor Pick 'A Bad Mistake' | Newsweek Politics | Newsweek.com

*article links - Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

video - "He's Barack Obama" by JibJab

Obama knows about 'suppressing ideas'

Zoning out the church

Sen. Embarrassment, D-Calif.

Nevada's adulterous Republican senator

Republicans in the wilderness

Obama aura getting stale

10 days that shook Tehran

Too Much: Rationalizing for the Rich: Cakewalk No More

Cigarette Control and Thought Control: Reasons to beware the new tobacco regulation bill - Reason Magazine

Spanish bar invites insults from stressed customers - Telegraph

Warwick Castle's dungeon attraction make 15 people faint - Telegraph

Ananova - Man digs 50ft hole to fish - in his kitchen

'Creating' a healthy niche market

American Minute for June 23rd:William J Federer's American Minute

Bankster “Holiday” Planned for September?


Obama Defends Expansion Of Fed Powers - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

YouTube - Iran protest at White House - Washington DC - June 21

Bizarre California cult, Fellowship of Friends, attacks GodLikeProductions.com for reposting WikiLeaks expose, 21 Jun 2009 - Wikileaks

Pam Martens: Obama's Money Cartel

Kouross Esmaeli: John McCain Holds No Credibility as Far as Supporting Iranians

Why do we have to hear Republican objections to health-care reform all day long on TV?

In Iran, Authorities Admit Voting Discrepancies

Barack Obama's honeymoon with voters is over, polls suggests - Times Online

US supreme court refuses to revive a lawsuit by Valerie Plame brought against former members of the Bush administration | World news | guardian.co.uk

Video clip of student's last breath makes her martyr of Tehran - Times Online

New ADL Hate Bills Attack America

Earth's coastlines after sea-level rise, 4000 AD - environment - 21 June 2009 - New Scientist

Know Thyself: Tracking Every Facet of Life, from Sleep to Mood to Pain, 24/7/365

The Weirdest Object in the Solar System? | LiveScience

BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Tools are 'temporary body parts'

Giant Solar Plane Will Stay Aloft for Five Years Straight | Popular Science

Death Before Life After Life | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Will FBI hunt for Hoffa’s body in Giants Stadium debris? | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/18/2009


World Net Daily Player - Ron Paul wants U.S. to stay out of Iran's affairs

World Net Daily Player - Iranian expert says nation in revolution

World Net Daily Player - Congressman 'hopeful' Iranians can take back country

World Net Daily Player - 'Forceful commentary' must be avoided

audio flashback / Conference on AIDS - Montreal June, 1989

audio flashback / Anatomy Of An Overthrow - Iran: August-December 1978

audio flashback / The Fifth Amendment and The Grand Jury - 1957

audio flashback / Meet The Press - Jawahralal Nehru - November 5, 1961

audio flashback / The Health Care Debate - February 23, 1961

audio flashback / Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - Korea - Riots in East Berlin - June 17, 1953

audio flashback / Ayatollah Redux - 1979

audio flashback / Peoples Right To Be Informed - Brit Hume - 1973

audio flashback / The Freedom Of Information Act - March 30, 1965


transcript - Obama Signs Tobacco Law

transcript - Bayh and Issa on Obama and Iran

transcript - Senator McCain on Iran and North Korea

transcript - Editor Bill Keller on Reporter's Escape from the Taliban

transcript - Interview with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

transcript - Interview with Senator John McCain

transcript - Guests: Senators Dodd and Graham

transcript - Guests: Sen. Bayh, Reps. Hoekstra and Ryan

transcript - Guests: Sens. Casey, Feinstein, Grassley, and Lugar

transcript - Shields and Brooks on Iran


Roubini: 'Significant Market Correction' Ahead

Apple Does It Again

Cavuto: Pay Czar Should Target Politicians

Apple: Steve Jobs' Liver Transplant

Gartman: Buffett's 45% Loss 'Inexcusable'

China Could Cruise Past Its 8% Growth Target

Truck Bomb in Northern Iraq

A Tense Calm Over in Iran

Exclusive Al Qaeda Interview

Bodies Of British Hostages Identified

Commons Speaker Expenses

Assassination Attempt In Russia

Iran Rules Out Annulling Election

What's Behind North Korea's Military Display?

Iran Is Tweeting @ the World

The Story of Neda (Warning: Graphic Content)

Al-Shabaab Goes for an Arm and a Leg

Sarkozy Backs Burqa Ban

John McCain on Iran

Reza Pahlavi Speaks About Events in Iran

New Commons Speaker John Bercow Thanks MPs

Gordon Brown Shares Condolences

Dodd, Graham Want Regime Change In Iran

"This Week" Roundtable On Iran

McCain: Obama Has "Done Well" As President

Sens. Feinstein, Casey, Lugar, Grassley On Iran

Netanyahu Won't Second-Guess Obama On Iran

Thompson: Obama Was "Slow" To Respond To Iran

Rep. Ryan On Budget, Health Care, GOP

"Fox News Sunday" Panel On Iran, Obama Bias

McCain: U.S. Has "Moral Obligation" To Support Iranians

Judge Sotomayor Resigns From All-Women's Club

Sen. Bayh, Rep. Hoekstra On Iran

Bayh and Issa on Iran

Brit Hume on the Media's Coverage of Obama

Sen. McCain on Obama and Iran

Watch Live: Obama Signs Smoking Control Act

Ann Coulter On Death Of George Tiller

US Will Continue "Hot Dog Diplomacy" With Iran

Krauthammer On Iranian Situation

Dean on Health Care's Problems in the Senate

O'Reilly: "Axis Of Evil" Challenges President Obama

Some Dems Blocking Health Care Reform

Sen. Cornyn: CBS Poll On Health Care Is "Skewed"

Sen. McCain On Neda

D.C. Metro Train Collision Kills At Least 4

Sharpton: Uighurs "Have Done Seven Years For No Reason"

Obama Praises Drug Cost Management

Rep. Cantor Argues Against Public Health Care Option

Sen. Bond On The Debate Over Cap and Trade

Obama: Cheney's Policies Have Made Us Less Safe

Sebelius: Health Care Is "Crushing Families And Businesses"

Obama Signs Tobacco Control Act

Watch Live: Obama Holds Press Conference On Iran, Health Care

Huckabee Endorses Marco Rubio In FL Senate Primary

White House Coordinates Question With Huffington Post?

FOX News Panel Reacts To Obama Presser On Iran

Obama Hammered By Networks On Iran

FNC's Garrett Asks Obama What Took So Long To Be "Concerned"

Obama Says He Is "95% Cured" Of Smoking

Obama Will Keep A "Path Open To Iran"

Obama Explains Benefits Of Government Run Health Care

Gibbs Defends Obama's Stance On Iran

Scarborough Criticizes McCain, Graham For Response To Iran

Michelle Obama On Health Care: "Government Can't Do It All"

Sen. Conrad On Abandoning Support For Co-Op Plan

Brit Hume On The Press And The President

Rep. Clyburn On Missing Governor, Health Care

Talk radio

06/22 The Mark Levin Show

06/19 The Mark Levin Show

***Talk Radio Network:Michael Savage Audio Archive***

audio - old shows: Michael Savage

audio - Jeff Rense & David Icke

audio - Sinclair: Interview# 25

audio - Dr. Henry Niman's June 19 Special Report:Swine Flu

Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve 2008 Annual Report / pdf - 520 pages

Federal Reserve 2007 Annual Report / pdf - 405 pages

Federal Reserve 2006 Annual Report / pdf - 349 pages



Videos and Reading

The Illuminati

Chinese Secret Society Threatens Illuminati

Conspiracies - The Illuminati - Our Secret Masters

Illuminati Mystery Bablyon: Texe Marrs Video by Conspiracy Central

WACO The Big Lie Parts 1 & 2 (Video 1)

WACO The Big Lie Parts 1 & 2 (Part 2)

WACO: The Rules of Engagement (1/2)

WACO: The Rules of Engagement (2/2)

Texe Marrs Gulag USA Concentration Camps In America

TEXE MARRS The Blind & The Dead (alex jones occult illuminati skull bones icke)

the Freeman Perspective w/ Texe Marrs

Texe Marrs - Thunder Over Zion (RARE Video!)

Texe Marrs - Is the Pope Catholic

Texe Marrs - The Eagle Has Landed

Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings: The New Atlantis -- Volume 1

Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings 2 - Riddles in Stone - Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.

Eye Of The Phoenix : Secrets Of The Dollar Bill

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 1

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 2

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 3

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 4

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 5

YouTube - Tom Horn on Prophecy in the News - Part 6

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ONE -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TWO -- Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART THREE – Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FOUR—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART FIVE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SIX—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART SEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART EIGHT—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART NINE—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART TEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

DEFENDER PUBLISHING: PART ELEVEN—Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

To Kill A Tree - Part 1

To Kill A Tree - Part Two

To Kill A Tree - Part 3

To Kill A Tree - Conclusion

Demons in Alien's Clothing

Evil International Roman Catholic Government Agents Are Claiming To Be USA Government Agents by Tony Alamo

Jesus Said that Satan Would Have a Church and Government

More Inside Story on Waco Massacre