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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
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07 January 2009


Army apologizes for sending 'Dear John Doe' letters Stars and Stripes
Financier linked to Richardson also gave to Obama -- chicagotribune.com
McCain unveils new PAC - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
The Associated Press Burris expects to join Senate 'very shortly'
Toronto Anti-war protestors enter consulate - Israel News, Ynetnews
'Full-blown’ humanitarian crisis in Gaza ICRC
22 confirmed killed after morning airstrikes in Gaza www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
32 suspected Afghan militants killed
A Soldier's Mother The Images they Show...
AccuWeather.com - Weather Blogs - Weather News
Airstrike kills three Gazans during declared three-hour lull Death toll approaches 700 www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
Al Jazeera English - War on Gaza - Gaza diary Are we not human
An Alternate Gang Of Three Theory
ANALYSIS-Job cuts soar as small U.S. firms fight to survive By Reuters
Analysts ;Gaza Might Be Obama's First Foreign Policy Crisis
Anti-Semitic threats up in Germany, Switzerland
Army sorry for 'John Doe' letters to relatives of war dead
Atheist bus ad campaign provokes bitterness in Barcelona
Austria’s ‘Woman on Wall St.’ and Madoff - NYTimes.com
Bailout rage divides the GOP
Balkans freeze as Russia cuts gas supply
Barack Obama meets US presidents at White House lunch - Telegraph
BART police officer who fatally shot man resigns
Blagojevich Impeachment Panel Demands Donation List
Blagojevich Objects to Release of Wiretaps to Impeachment Panel
Bloomberg.com Worldwide
Bollywood's goodbye to George W. Bush.., A film that makes fun of him
Boston Review — Dean Baker Free Market Myth
Bridges, streets being closed for inauguration
Budget deficit to hit $1.2 trillion in fiscal 2009 - Yahoo! News
Burris expects to join Senate 'very shortly' - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com
Canadian soldier killed in Afghan bomb blast
Chicago Public Schools' cappuccino bill $67,000 CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Education
Children make up third of Gaza dead - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos
Christmas for Orthodox Christians
Clinton Senate confirmation hearing set for January 13
Colorado political leaders make American history
CQ Politics Gates Estimates Another $69.7 Billion Needed in Fiscal 2009 for Wars
DEBKAfile - Massive Israeli assault on Hamas smuggling tunnels, Egyptian ultimatum to Hamas
DEBKAfile - The four Israeli soldiers who died from accidental tank fire in 24 hours
Deep Brain Stimulation Helps Those With Advanced Parkinson's - US News and World Report
Defense spending as 'stimulus'
Demonstrators rally in LA to support Israel
Fed faces tough task ending emergency support - Yahoo! Finance
For New EU President, A Baffling Array of Challenges
FOXNews.com - Protester Calls for Jews to 'Go Back to the Oven' at Anti-Israel Demonstration - Local News News Articles National News US News
FT.com - World - Obama faces battle over fiscal stimulus
Gary Berntsen Thinks CIA Needs 'Leadership Not Management'
Gaza fight resumes amid word of talks - Israel-Palestinians- msnbc.com
German jobless rate rises for first time in 3 years
Ghana Inaugurates New President
Ghana's new president; Africa's symbol of a working democracy
Gilad to visit Cairo to discuss truce Confronting Hamas Jerusalem Post
Google cuts temporary workers but murky on details - Yahoo! Finance
Grand Jury Probes Richardson’s Former Chief of Staff
Greek leader reforms cabinet
Hamas feeding kids a TV diet of hatred Daily Telegraph Piers Akerman Blog
History unlikely to be kind to Bush - Matthew Dallek - Politico.com
Hypocrisy From the Party of Pork The New York Observer
If Surgeon General is a Spokesman for Good Health, Gupta May Be Fit
Iraqi Shiites mark holy day under high guard
Islamic fanatics name Alan Sugar, Mark Ronson and Lord Levy in a hit list of Britain's leading Jews The Sun News#OTC-RSS&ATTR=News#OTC-RSS&ATTR=News#OTC-RSS&ATTR=News
Israel acts because the world won't defend it Daniel Finkelstein - Times Online
Israel continues to target Palestinian medics in Gaza www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
Israel's Gaza Gamble
It's a Phone! It's a Projector! Meet the Logic Bolt - News and Analysis by PC Magazine
Japan whalers say activists disrupted sailor search
Jewish girl beaten in Paris over Gaza
Jobs top agenda as Missouri lawmakers start 2009
Joe the Plumber to become war correspondent
Latest Score Gazans 600, Israelis 5 (4 from 'friendly' fire)
Marathon Announces Natural Gas Discovery in New Area of Oklahoma's Woodford Shale Resource Play
McCain Launches Country First PAC
MIDEAST Israel May Face Charges for War Crimes
NY Gov. Paterson; perilous present, hopeful future
Obama 'sure' bad press is coming
Obama Financial Markets Face 'Substantial' Overhaul - Politics and Government US News Story - CNBC.com
Obama inherits $1.2 trillion deficit – even before new stimulus
Obama Looks to Journalist-Doctor Gupta to Sell Health Change
Obama raises $27 million for inaugural
Obama sees financial regulation plan by April-CNBC
Obama to engage immediately on Mideast as president
Obama's Pick to Lead CIA Clears Key Hurdle
Officer in BART shooting quits force
Oil drops largest percentage in 7 years on crude build - Yahoo! Finance
Our Legal Immigrants Deserve Better Politics & Media SPLICETODAY.COM
Pakistan Again Denies Involvement in Mumbai Attacks
Panetta pick as CIA chief under fire - CNN.com
Pat Fitzgerald Boots One - January 7, 2009
Police Puzzled By Strange Lights Over Morris County - wcbstv.com
Police warn British Jews of revenge attacks
Porn kings Larry Flint and Joe Francis go begging for a bailout
Possible Obama envoy backs Hamas outreach
Prospects For Zimbabwe Unity Government In February Slim - Observers
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Are Tax Revolts a Thing of the Past
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Failure to Communicate
RealClearPolitics - Articles - I Want To Play Poker With Harry Reid
RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Hill Leaders React To Deficit
Report Al-Qaida No. 2 blames Obama for Gaza fight - Yahoo! News
Richardson adviser worked for firm feds probing
RNC calls unprecedented meeting to question future leaders
Salmonella outbreak sickens 388 across U.S. CDC Health Reuters
Salmonella outbreak spreads to 42 states, CDC says
Satyam chairman resigns amid $1bn fraud - Times Online
See Washington, DC, like a local
Senate committee expected to confirm Clinton
Senate Dems May Seat Roland Burris, But No Final Deal - cbs2chicago.com
Somali pirates free Turkish cargo ship, ransom paid
Sri Lanka Reinstates Ban on Tamil Rebels
States of emergency declared across Europe over gas - Times Online
Steve Irwin offered to help search for missing whaler; captain
The American Century isn't over csmonitor.com
The Associated Press Obama taps spending watchdog, eyes Social Security
The Atheist Bus Drove In on the Web
The Big Lie at the Center of Big Spending Stimulus » The Foundry
TheHill.com - Former Va. Rep. Davis to lead GOP centrist group
TheHill.com - Reid ‘I don’t work for Obama’
Time Warner expects $25B charge, loss for year - Yahoo! Finance
Tracing The Highs And Lows Of The Bush Presidency
Trans Texas Corridor Not Dead - Just Renamed
Truthdig - Reports - Israeli Voices for Peace
U.S. companies face $409 billion pension deficit study - Yahoo! Finance
U.S. to airlift supplies to Darfur - International Herald Tribune
US House panel sets Jan 13 hearing on TARP bailout
US troop movement plans still up in air
Video of a Bombed School in Gaza
Where would you goWhy Feinstein broke with Obama on Panetta
Why the Democratic Scandals Don't Matter (Yet) - The Plank
ACLU sues NC school system over recruiting access

video - Blackwell on the State of the GOP
video - Boehner's Opening Remarks
video - Conrad & Gregg Discuss Economic Stimulus Package
video - Interview with Majority Leader Hoyer
video - Obama Announces Chief Performance Officer
video - Obama on the Budget, Panetta, and Gaza
video - Obama Says Burris Is a Senate Matter
video - Obama, Bush Lunch with Past Presidents
video - Pelosi Re-Elected Speaker
video - Reid Comments on the Burris Appointment
video - Reid; Entire Senate Will Have to Act on Burris
video - Youngest Congressman, First Member Born in the 1980's