"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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10 January 2009

Saturday - 10 Jan 09

Grateful Dead Live at Nassau Coliseum on 1979-01-10
Grateful Dead Live at Shrine Auditorium on 1978-01-10
Grateful DeadGrateful Dead Live at Golden Hall - San Diego Community Concourse 1970-01-10

Abington Teacher Accused Of Having Sex With Boy 300 Times - wbztv.com
Bible is only book in these classes 010909 - The Augusta Chronicle
Blagojevich impeached, awaits trial in Senate
Boxer Says EPA Should Regulate Coal Waste
BREITBART TV - Update CNN Reposts ‘CPR’ Video, Claims It Is Accurate
BREITBART TV - Alan Colmes Says Goodbye To Hannity On Final Episode of Duo’s Show
BREITBART TV - Blagojevich ; Impeachment ‘Not A Surprise’
BREITBART TV - Bush Thanks Military In Penultimate Radio Address
BREITBART TV - CNN Showcases ‘iReport’ On Christlike Portrayal Of Obama
BREITBART TV - Court Rules Burris Does Not Need IL Secretary of State’s Signature
BREITBART TV - First Carbon-Free City Under Construction
BREITBART TV - Five Injured In Drive-By Shooting Outside Chicago High School
BREITBART TV - John Ziegler Takes on MSNBC’s O’Donnell Over Palin
BREITBART TV - Lack Of Oversight On How Bailout Money Is Being Spent
BREITBART TV - Man Makes Off With $11 After Beating, Stuffing Teacher in Trunk
BREITBART TV - Obama Gets Cameo In Latest Spider-Man Comic
BREITBART TV - Obama Now Promises Stimulus Plan Will Create More Than 3 Million Jobs
BREITBART TV - Pat Buchanan ; Israel Turning Gaza Into A ‘Concentration Camp’
BREITBART TV - PBS Host ;‘We’re All Working For Barack Obama’
BREITBART TV - Tom Cruise Calls Travolta Son Death ‘Horrific’
BREITBART TV -Man Wants Kidney Back From Wife As Part Of Divorce
BREITBART TV -Strip Club Fans Uses Fake $20s to Tip Dancer and Buy Coffee
BREITBART TV -Update; Man Who Killed Arkansas Anchorwoman Is A Serial Rapist
Brit Hume lies and says everybody agrees ... that the New Deal failed
Citigroup, Morgan Stanley talk about merging units
David Shuster smacks down Palin docu-director John Ziegler; Palin turns on Ziegler too
Free Trade Rules
Gitmo Whistleblower Talks To BBC About Torture
Group That Funded Rep. Ellison's Pilgrimage to Mecca Called a Front for Extremism - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker
Ill. court Burris doesn't need 2nd signature - Politics- msnbc.com
Israel In Gaza, Shooting Itself In The Foot
Italians slapped down by privatizing Social Security
Mount Vernon teacher put 2nd Bible in classroom newarkadvocate.com The Newark Advocate
MSBREITBART TV - NBC’s Maddow ‘Embarrassed’ And ‘Insulted’ By Bush
New twist in mystery of mobster's neighbor
Northwest floods close highways, stall truckers
Obama Site Linked to 'Bush Shoe Toss' Event
Obama's intel team; 'The United States does not torture'
Pastor arrested in teen-sex case -- OrlandoSentinel.com
S.F. Yelp user faces lawsuit over review
Senate Dems on Obama Stimulus ; Size Matters
Sheboygan girl, 17, charged for allegedly having sex with boy, 14 sheboyganpress.com Sheboygan Press
Smart meters in France call time on culture of parking cheats - Times Online
The big list Female teachers with students
The Columbus Dispatch Car thief tried to visit Columbus victim
The Daily Show Joe a.k.a. Go Away! the Plumber's War Correspondence
The Latest Industry To Ask For Billion Dollar Bailout The Porn Industry
Wingnut John Ziegler pays Shuster a second visit from Planet Bizarro
But it's … Ifor the children!-I
Campbell's Soup pledges more 'gay' ads
CitizenLink Yes Pecan!
Eligibility issue to follow Obama into Oval Office
God doesn't exist Proof demanded!
Government ban on publishing news lifted
Inaugural stage door dedicated to Jesus
Israeli offensive is a just war
Korea rising
Like it or not, you pay for faith in evolution
Misunderstanding the 'Fairness Doctrine'
Old lessons Israel hasn't learned
On Obama's inauguration, Muslims say, 'It's our time'
Prayer provides hope after murder conviction
Preparing for Obama
Robert Reich's Blog The Stimulus How to Create Jobs Without Them All Going to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers
Savage Nation programming expanded
The Canadian Press Sevilla striker Kanoute facing fine for showing Palestine T-shirt
The Republican Party In need of a good revolt
The White House Scandalous again!
Watch Obama commercial they don't want you to see
What if 2009 were your last year here
What is an evangelical
- Obama Promotes Stimulus Package in Weekly Address
01-09-2009 All UK E-Mails To Be Stored
01-09-2009 Face Scanners To Be Installed In Schools
01-09-2009 Japan; Homeless Take Refuge In Tent Cities
01-09-2009 Wireless Power Electrifies CES
01-10-2009 British Airways Credit Card Has 46% Interest Rates
01-10-2009 Gaza International Plan Hatched To Bring Back Fatah
01-10-2009 Greenpeace Giving Electronic Makers Green Grades
01-10-2009 The Fed's Bubble Trouble
01-10-2009 The Purpose Of The Economic Meltdown
30 Politically Incorrect Movie Characters
5 People Shot Outside Chicago High School
After the Feds Bail Out the Porn Industry
Al Franken stole the election Prove it or shut up Salon
Another Middle-Eastern Mistake by Ron Paul
Army Holds Mad Scientist Conference
At age 140, lobster to regain his freedom
Baby Moose Falls Through Wash. Family's Window
Ban on foreign journalists skews coverage of conflict in Gaza World news The Guardian
Barack Obama's 'Black Widow' The Super Spy Computer
BBC NEWS Health Breast cancer gene-free baby born
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Inside Shackleton's polar refuge
Belarus president says devaluation was IMF demand
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » The Workshops Of Identity
Blago Strikes Again
Boom, bust and ... Black Death
Border Patrol ;San Diego Plaza Used by Smugglers
Boxing Ring Collapses on Indicted Baltimore Mayor
British Bank caught funnelling millions to Iran
Buchanan Accuses Israel of 'Blitzkrieg,' Creating 'Concentration Camp' NewsBusters.org
Budget Woes Prompt States to Rethink Prison Policy
Burris contradicts himself in testimony before impeachment committee
Burris May Return to the Senate Next Week
Bush Takes Last Air Force One Flight to Honor Dad
Charles McCarry Let's Give the CIA Its Due - WSJ.com
China's soaring birth defects linked to pollution - Telegraph
Chorus call for New World Order
Clift Can Obama Deliver on His Promises Newsweek Voices - Eleanor Clift Newsweek.com
Climate warming means food shortages, study warns
Company selling food past its best-before date thrives in economic crisis - Telegraph
Computer puzzle may ease post-traumatic stress
Defect Analysis and Liberalism
Dems stew in botched Burris imbroglio - John Bresnahan and Manu Raju - Politico.com
Did Earth's Twin Cores Spark Plate Tectonics Discovery News
Downturn escalates on both sides of the Atlantic - Telegraph
Economists see longest recession since World War Two
Edgy China blog site shut amid Internet porn sweep - Yahoo! Finance
Europe's Rampant Muslim Jew-Hatred, and Absent Jewish 'Islamophobia'
Feds Have Plan If Mexico Drug Violence Spills Over
First Page Funnies by Paul Hein
FOXNews.com - Feds Plan 'Surge' if Mexico Drug Violence Spills Into U.S. - Local News News Articles National News US News
FrontPage Magazine - Send in the Clown
FT.com - Americas - Citgo to continue oil aid to US poor
FT.com - UK - Global outlook worsens for output and jobs
Fugitive filmmaker Polanski loses bid to move case
Genetic tests for all - the new approach to preventive medicine - Times Online
Get to Work, Big Man
Government to underwrite 80% of small business loans Politics The Guardian
Governor Blagojevich vows to resist impeachment World news The Guardian
Houston church and Hooters waitresses serve hurricane-ravaged community
How green are gadgets at CES
How This Happened by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Human beings are born with numbers on the brain Easy as 1, 2, 3 The Economist
In defence of Israel -Times Online
India's Satyam Chairman to Appear in Court
Intel unveils new generation of netbooks at CES
Internet pundit's arrest creates stir in SKorea
Irrelevant world governing body treated as such by Israel
Islamisists Caught Out
Israel PR Reaches Gaza Arabs Through Facebook, YouTube
Israeli troops close in on Gaza City - Telegraph
John Fund Pelosi Turns Back the Clock on House Reform - WSJ.com
Kissinger, Obama and the communist Chinese
Liberate The Palestinians From Hamas
Lifting Veil of Privacy, Friends Discuss Kennedy
Mass. Teacher Accused of Having Sex With Teen
Mo. Teen Gets Probation in Murder-for-Hire Plot
More Evidence of Pentagon War Against the Internet
Motorist With 16 Guns, Ammo Arrested at LA Airport
Naomi Klein Enough. It's time for a boycott of Israel Comment is free The Guardian
New Year's Day attack takes out two al-Qaeda bigwigs
NYC's Rockefeller Tree to Become Lumber for Homes
NYPD Eyes Disrupting Cell Phones in Event of Terrorist Attack
Obama says plan could add or save 4 million jobs
Obama should ease security on science, panel says
Obese Americans now outweigh the merely overweight
Optimism dims under strain of reality
PBS host ';We're all working for Obama'
Pictured The moment a $3million ransom was parachuted to Somali pirates Mail Online
political video Alan Colmes Signs Off of Hannity & Colmes
political video Andy Rooney's Inauguration Facts
political video Burris Testifies, Committee Calls for Blajojevich's Impeachment
political video Bush Legacy Gains on Terrorism, Loses on Economy
political video Congress Ends 2008 with 20% Approval
political video Congress Formally Counts the Electoral Votes
political video Daschle Confirmation Hearings Begin
political video David Shuster vs John Ziegler (Rounds 1 & 2)
political video Frank & Cummings on TARP
political video Gallup; Stimulus Ideas Appeal to Americans
political video House GOP Whip Wants to Hear From You
political video Inauguration Deals Not Finding Many Takers
political video Incoming Press Secretary Answers Online Questions
political video Kennedy's Inauguration Speech
political video New Limo to Debut on Inauguration Day
political video Obama Introduces Intelligence Team, Takes Questions
political video Obama Stresses Urgency in Fixing Economy
political video Palin Takes on the Media
political video Rep. Himes on the Economic Stimulus Package
political video Rep. Rush on Burris and Race
political video Security Readies for Obama's Inauguration
Press TV - Ahmadinejad Israel could attack others
Press TV - Hamas hits Israeli military base
Press TV - Israel denies shooting UN relief trucks
Press TV - Israel says top Hamas commander killed
Press TV - Obama plans to create millions of job
Press TV - Paul holds US liable for Gazans death
Press TV - Rabbi Israeli stupidity breaks my heart
Press TV - US Iraq will not force out MKO elements
Press TV - US plans massive arms delivery to Israel
Pressured by I.R.S., UBS Is Closing Secret Accounts
Priming the Economic Pump
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Election Review Moving Beyond Permanent Majorities
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Leon Panetta Speaking Truth to Power
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama's Economic Strategy
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Rubber Stamp for Hillary
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Federal Department of Economic Recovery
Red Cross accuses Israel of 'unacceptable' conduct in Gaza - Times Online
Respect for Life Begins at Home
Resurgent Racism in Russia
Richard John Neuhaus, 1936-2009
Role of the Soviet Union in today's Middle East troubles ignored
Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Peanut Butter
Savage show to providebrnew pre-feed in O'Reilly's slot
Scary job numbers add fuel to Obama's bailout mania
Schwarzenegger's Failure If the California governor is the face of moderate Republicanism, the party is even more doomed than the 2008 elections suggest. - Reason Magazine
Seattle Post-Intelligencer on the block
Surprise rise in US jobless raises spectre of Great Depression - Times Online
Tests Show Algae Toxin in Some Sick Pelicans
The Case for Bigger Government - TIME
The Latest Reported Bankruptcy Mainstream Economics by Robert Higgs
The Man in the Middle - The Atlantic (January-February 2009)
The Sunset of Federal Government Guarantees by Michael S. Rozeff
The Upside of Our Coming Economic Depression by Thomas Eddlem
The Weekend Interview With Haley Barbour - WSJ.com
There Is a God After All by Becky Akers
Thrift stores exempted from 'financial doomsday'
Time To Tell The Truth About Israel …Without Fear Of The Mind Police
Truthdig - Reports - Why Do So Few Speak Up for Gaza
Two more Ponzi schemes uncovered - Times Online
U.S. advisers back 1st drug from DNA-altered animals
UFOs spotted 'by hundreds' at wind turbine site - Telegraph
UN human rights chief accuses Israel of war crimes World news The Guardian
We have the technology to rebuild ourselves
Who donated millions to Leon Panetta's foundation
Why Congress Must Stop the Fed's Massive Pumping by Frank Shostak
Why Soros wants Norm Coleman out of the Senate
Winnie-the-Pooh in comeback after 83 years
World's biggest oil company in climate change volte-face Business guardian.co.uk
Worried Americans cut spending as jobs disappear
YouTube - Fox Business; Gerald Celente Predicts Revolution 11-10-08
Al Jazeera English - Europe - Mass protests held against Gaza war
Baltimore mayor indicted on corruption charges - USATODAY.com
Bush Prepares Request for Rest Of Bailout Funds - washingtonpost.com
Feds sue New Black Panthers for voter intimidation
FOXNews.com - High-Profile Doctor in Gaza Called an 'Apologist for Hamas' - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
illinoisreview Chicago Young Republicans chime in on Impeachment
Muslim apology over prayers outside Milan Cathedral - Telegraph
My Way News - Israel tells Gazans to brace for war escalation
Officials 5,000 Portable Toilets for Inaugural - Inauguration Watch - News and notes on the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States
Report Hizbullah wary of another war with Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews
Rice Civilian casualties hard to avoid Confronting Hamas Jerusalem Post
Ross, Shapiro slated for Obama administration JTA - Jewish & Israel News
The Baptist Standard The Newsmagazine of Texas Baptists - Gaza Baptist Church damaged in air strike
Urban Review STL » Blog Archive » Patterson Votes No on Impeachment of Gov. Blagojevich
Vanity Thy Name Is Blagojevich
VOA News - Cubans Continue to Struggle to Get Around Island 50 Years After Castro Came to Power
VOA News - Palestinian President Pushes Egyptian Peace Plan
VOA News - Sarkozy 'Too Soon to Talk of Good News in Gaza'
VOA News - Suicide Bomber Attacks Foreign Troops, Kills Civilians in Afghanistan
Allegations levied against Blagojevich CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich
Illinois House votes to impeach Gov. Blagojevich CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich
Milton Patterson is the 1 vs. 114 CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich
No seat for Burris despite court ruling CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich
Up next Senate will be judge, jury CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » At What Point Will She Shoulder Some Blame
Blago's list of enemies
Classic Blagojevich quotations
Fox's Greta Van Susteren On the Record on Chicago politics with Lynn Sweet, - Lynn Sweet
Hilda Solis deflects Republican questions over union issues - Los Angeles Times
In defence of Israel -Times Online
ITranscripts llinois Secretary of State Jesse White on Roland Burris
Lisa Madigan denies asking for Senate seat -- chicagotribune.com
Lynn Sweet and Clarence Page discuss Blagojevich on CBS Early Show - Lynn Sweet
Middle East Online - Obama and the nuclearization of the Middle East
msnbc.com video - Blagojevich's wife scrutinized
msnbc.com video - Blagojevich a ‘perception problem’ for Obama
The Reagan cult and the GOP - Crunchy Con
Transcripts Alan Colmes Signs Off of Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts American Recovery & Reinvestment
Transcripts Blagojevich's Press Conference on His Impeachment
Transcripts Burris Discusses Meeting with Senate Leaders
Transcripts Bush Celebrates the No Child Left Behind Act
Transcripts Confirmation Hearing for HHS-Designate Tom Daschle
Transcripts Illinois Committee Report on Gov. Blagojevich (PDF)
Transcripts Interview with Chairman Barney Frank
Transcripts Interview with Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Transcripts Interview with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
Transcripts Interview with Treasury Secretary Paulson
Transcripts Interview with Vice President Cheney
Transcripts Obama Announces Intelligence Team, Takes Questions
Transcripts Obama Announces Kaine as Next DNC Chairman
Transcripts Panel on Blagojevich's Impeachment
Transcripts Panel on Obama's Stimulus Package
Transcripts President Bush Hosts Obama, Past Presidents for Lunch
Transcripts Roundtable on Burris and Reid
Transcripts Shields & Brooks on the Stimulus Plan
Views on Blago, Jesse Jr, Black Senate Seat
'Fidel's Last Days A Novel' by Roland Merullo
Afghans sign up to fight Israeli troops in Gaza
Al-Qaida chief killed in Pakistan, US claims
Anger over killing of Sri Lankan editor
Arlen Specter Scorches Eric Holder
Australia's Howard not moving for Obamas; spokesman
BART Protesters Tell Their Own Story
Bond denies that decision against seeking re-election was abrupt
Bringing Back a Dead Rapper, and the Tears
Burris, legal team considering lawsuit as next step
Bush visits aircraft carrier named after father
Carrier namesake called 'huge honor'
Coal-ash waste poses risk across the nation
Death toll rises to 15 after Costa Rica quake, dozens still missing
District attorney charges three in Oakland protests
Dixon digs in on 31-page indictment; 'She's done a good job'
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay
Family’s Mainstay to Join Obamas in White House
Florida legislators near deal on closing $2B budget hole
Forced days off for state workers in budget plan
Ghana's new leader takes office
Ghana’s Atta-Mills to Become President Wednesday
Hathaway named in Globes blunder
Hudson Blames Birthday Party for People's Choice Late Arrival
Ice fall kills two Australian tourists in New Zealand
In Bush presidencies, similarities abound
Inaugural lunch to recall Lincoln's favorite foods
Israeli Defense Force - “For Us Being Cautious Means Being Aggressive”
Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9-11
Israelis admit militants not in UN school
Jordan's king calls for more int'l efforts to end Gaza crisis
Labor Nominee Sees Jobs 'Crisis'
Legislators vote to impeach Blagojevich
Many events recall King's words
Mayor charged with taking gifts for poor
More people collecting unemployment benefits
No visas for Ecuadorians visiting Cuba
Nunes accuses Obama of 'hiding' on Gaza
Obama Says Stimulus Will Redound to Private Sector
Obama tickets 'sell in a minute'
Obama Under Pressure On Interrogation Policy
Obama's inaugural luncheon fit for President Lincoln
Obama's Peace Offensive
Obama’s Black Widow
Pakistan extends house arrest of alleged militant
Pakistan irked by double standard on Gaza
Palin ; Is Kennedy getting 'kid glove' treatment
Pastor in gay scandal I'm back from 'wilderness'
Patrick Swayze hospitalized for pneumonia
Polanski loses bid to shift his 1977 sex case out of LA
Polanski's Minor Setback Gets Major
Police discover weapons, hand grenades in Turkey coup probe ; report
Police; Gunmen in SUV fire shots outside Chicago high school
Powell endorses Obama service initiative
Powell urges volunteering, says no role in Obama administration
Protests intensify as Israel continues Gaza
Rod Goes Even More Blagonkers -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine
Russia, EU Sign Accord on Gas, Paving Way for Supply to Resume
Schwarzenegger Orders Furloughs Amid Budget Crisis
Somali pirates drown with ransom
Sopranos star Brancato is jailed
Sri Lankan Forces Takeover LTTE Rebel Airstrip
Sri Lankan troops gain rebels' airstrip
Supreme Court to consider changes in civil-rights laws
Syrian newspapers critical of UN Gaza resolution
Ted Haggard's Turn To Talk
Torino Go ahead, make my payday
Turkey arrests 4 more army officers in plot probe
UN official says no militants inside Gaza school
US Condemns Attacks on Media in Sri Lanka
US Supreme Court agrees to hear voting rights case
Waste Spills at Another TVA Power Plant
What to Watch for at Attorney General Nominee's Hearing
With Senate Hearing, Preparing for Change at Top of Labor Dept.