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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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09 January 2009


A Golden Way Out of the Monetary Fiasco by Thorsten Polleit
Ancient Greeks 'loved a good night in' say researchers - Telegraph
Both Parties Cheerlead Still More Loudly for Israel's War by Glenn Greenwald
Inevitable Defeat by Ron Shirtz
Op-Ed Columnist - The Confidence Surplus - NYTimes.com
Quoting WND
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Drunk-Driving on the US's Road to Recovery
Roosevelt Myth, with Raico Introduction
Stevia Leaf Rescues the Soda Pop Industry by Bill Sardi
The case for fixing the economy by doing nothing - Jan. 8, 2009
The Dangers of Disputing Warming Orthodoxy by David Gordon
The Trouble With Capitalism by Don Cooper
Audio - MarkLevinShow - Jan 8, 2009 -
Audio - MarkLevinShow -Jan 2, 2009
Audio - MarkLevinShow -Jan 5, 2009
Audio - MarkLevinShow -Jan 6, 2009
Audio - MarkLevinShow -Jan 7, 2009
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama Putting Together the Right Stimulus

7 Jan - Transcripts - Analysts Discuss the National Debt
7 Jan - Transcripts - Burris Discusses Meeting with Senate Leaders
7 Jan - Transcripts - January 7 White House Press Briefing
7 Jan - Transcripts - Obama Announces Performance Officer, Takes Questions
7 Jan - Transcripts - President Bush Hosts Obama, Past Presidents for Lunch
7 Jan - Transcripts - Roundtable on Burris and Reid
7 Jan - Transcripts - Sen. Reid's Press Conference on Roland Burris
7 Jan - Transcripts - Sen. Sessions on the Burris Appointment
A Revealing Morning With Sarah Palin
Bankruptcy Rules Thwart the Recovery
Before Madoff, Affinity Fraud Was Common
Can Labor Revive the American Dream
Can Social Security Get a New Deal
Gaza Will Impact the Entire Arab World
Hamas Has Already Won the PR War
Obama Breaks Silence on Gaza
Obama Doesn't Realize How Bad Things Are
Positive Change in U.S. Policy
Rahm Emanuel Already Knifing Enemies
The Federal Department of Recovery
To Recover, U.S. Needs Euro Stimulus Too
Transcripts - American Recovery & Reinvestment
Transcripts - Bush Celebrates the No Child Left Behind Act
Transcripts - Confirmation Hearing for HHS-Designate Tom Daschle
Transcripts - Illinois Committee Report on Gov. Blagojevich (PDF)
Transcripts - Interview with Chairman Barney Frank
Transcripts - Interview with Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Transcripts - Interview with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
Transcripts - Obama Announces Kaine as Next DNC Chairman
Transcripts - Panel on Obama's Stimulus Package
Why Israel Is United
01-09-2009 - Christopher 'Kit' Bond's decision leaves politicians scrambling to fill his Senate seat - STLtoday.com
AIPAC praises Senate support of Israel International Jerusalem Post
Bank of England cuts interest rates to all-time low Business guardian.co.uk
Barack Obama launches $60bn a year health care plan - Times Online
Barack Obama we must spend our way out of recession - Times Online
BBC NEWS Americas Divorce man 'wants kidney back'
Big government is back as Barack Obama pledges that the US will give a lead to the world - Times Online
British link with drone aiding the Israeli war effort World news The Guardian
Cheney No need for Bush apology - Scotsman.com News
Devvy Kidd -- Protecting American jobs is a bad thing!
Digitizing Medical Records Could Be Daunting Task - Money News Story - WLWT Cincinnati
Editorial - Cuddly Welcome for Mr. Daschle - NYTimes.com
FOXNews.com - Obama Let's Postpone Digital TV Switch - Science News Science & Technology Technology News
FOXNews.com - Powerful Solar Storm Could Shut Down U.S. for Months - Science News Science & Technology Technology News
Gaza bloodshed continues despite UN calls for ceasefire World news guardian.co.uk
Gaza Children Found With Mothers’ Corpses - NYTimes.com
Gaza's Tragic Link To The West's Terrorism Mindset
George W. Bush Quotes from the US president - Telegraph
Giant street bin takes over from doorstep collections - Times Online
Good case for impeachment CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Commentary
GOP tug-of-war emerging over Obama plan - Patrick O'Connor and Alex Isenstadt - Politico.com
Government To The People ­ Drop Dead!
IDF Orders 100 Into Home Then Shell It Killing 70
In full retreat on Senate appointment - Editorials - MiamiHerald.com
India grinding to a halt in wake of oil strikes - Times Online
Iran denounces BBC's new Persian channel - Telegraph
Is Feb. 10 financial doomsday for thousands
Israel bombed Gaza 'safe' house full off evacuees, says UN - Telegraph
Israel continues to bomb Gaza despite UN's ceasefire call - Telegraph
Israel rejects UN truce resolution, continues Gaza operation - Haaretz - Israel News
Israeli army stands accused by Red Cross of blocking aid for wounded - Scotsman.com News
Jayati Ghosh The outcry is muted, but the food crisis is getting worse Comment is free The Guardian
Jewry’s Scheme For World Domination Real Jew News
John McFall Britain needs a state bank Comment is free The Guardian
Madoff ‘asked UK arm for £100m’ before arrest - Times Online
Maps of Recent Earthquake Activity in California-Nevada
McClatchy Washington Bureau 01-07-2009 Venezuela reinstates free home heating oil for poor in U.S.
Merrill Lynch says rich turning to gold bars for safety - Telegraph
MIDEAST Egypt Pulls Down the Shutters on Aid
Nato warning for Russia over 'political' gas crisis - Times Online
No Surprises in Electoral Tally - NYTimes.com
Obama pledges financial reforms - Telegraph
Oil exploration firm Oilexco goes into administration Business guardian.co.uk
Simon Tisdall If a ceasefire in Gaza leading to a settlement is not soon concluded, Israel's next confrontation might be with Iran Comment is free guardian.co.uk
Strongest drugs ‘double risk of death’ for dementia sufferers - Times Online
The Associated Press Congress officially declares Obama next president
The Long—and Largely Untold—History Of Jewish Opposition to Zionism
The West Bank We're all Hamas now - supporters of Fatah unite behind enemy - Middle East, World - The Independent
TheHill.com - Hutchison could cause Texas-sized trouble with gubernatorial run
Top Trends 2009
U.S. Job-Market Fall in 2008 May Be Biggest Since ‘45
UN drivers killed during three-hour Gaza 'ceasefire' - Telegraph
UN halts Gaza aid shipments after Israeli attacks on its staff - Yahoo! Canada News
UPDATE 2-Illinois House votes to impeach Gov. Blagojevich Markets Markets News Reuters
UPDATE 2-Two U.S. soldiers killed in Afghan suicide attack Reuters
US abstains as UN security council backs Israel-Gaza ceasefire resolution World news The Guardian
War in Gaza Israel accused of shelling house full of children - Times Online
When Will Mr. Obama Make Those ?Tough Choices' - washingtonpost.com
Wind turbine mystery may be linked to Guardian UK news The Guardian
YouTube video fuels US riots over killing of Oscar Grant - Times Online
Lame Cherry Barack Obama's term has already ended
Gallup; Stimulus Ideas Appeal to Americans
political video - Andy Rooney's Inauguration Facts
political video - Burris Testifies, Committee Calls for Blajojevich's Impeachment
political video - Bush Legacy Gains on Terrorism, Loses on Economy
political video - Congress Ends 2008 with 20% Approval
political video - Congress Formally Counts the Electoral Votes
political video - Daschle Confirmation Hearings Begin
political video - Democrats Outline Their Agenda
political video - Feingold, McCain Introduce Earmark Reform Bill
political video - Inauguration Deals Not Finding Many Takers
political video - Kennedy's Inauguration Speech
political video - New Limo to Debut on Inauguration Day
political video - Obama Announces Chief Performance Officer
political video - Obama Stresses Urgency in Fixing Economy
political video - Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Speech
political video - Obama, Bush Lunch with Past Presidents
political video - Palin Takes on the Media
political video - Rep. Himes on the Economic Stimulus Package
political video - Rep. Rush on Burris and Race
political video - Security Readies for Obama's Inauguration
political video - Sens. McConnell and Alexander on the Stimulus Package
political video - Towns Introduces Presidential Records Act
video - 9-11 The Missing Link
What If Reality Were Fiction