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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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08 January 2009

8 Jan 09 ; Happy Birthday Elvis ! (click here)

Transcripts -- 'We Need Action and We Need Action Now'
Transcripts -- American Recovery and Reinvestment
Transcripts -- Analysts Discuss the National Debt
Transcripts -- Analysts on Obama's Intelligence Team Picks
Transcripts -- Boehner's Remarks at the Opening of the 111th Congress
Transcripts -- Burris Discusses Meeting with Senate Leaders
Transcripts -- January 6 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts -- January 7 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts -- Norm Coleman Press Conference
Transcripts -- Obama Announces Performance Officer, Takes Questions
Transcripts -- Obama on the Economy and Budget
Transcripts -- President Bush Announces New National Monuments
Transcripts -- President Bush Hosts Obama, Past Presidents for Lunch
Transcripts -- President Bush Speaks at Military Appreciation Parade
Transcripts -- Roundtable on Burris and Reid
Transcripts -- Roundtable on the Panetta Nomination
Transcripts -- Sen. John Ensign on the Senate's Wild First Day
Transcripts -- Sen. Reid's Press Conference on Roland Burris
Transcripts -- Sen. Sessions on the Burris Appointment
old article - 20 Oct 05 ; The Enforcer - Rolling Stone
01-08-2009 Air Force Releases Counter Blog Marching Orders
01-08-2009 Pro-Israeli TV Ad Tied To Hagee & Abramoff
01-08-2009 Wired Article On Vets Suing The CIA Illegal Experiments
Canada's NAFTA Mess
Democratic Senators Yield to Burris - Rough Sketch
Don't get used to cheap oil, analysts say
Fifty Years of Hot Air
German billionaire commits suicide after VW losses U.S. Reuters
Gordon Brown's decision to sell half of the UK's gold reserves 'cost UK £5billion' - Telegraph
Hot Air - When Andy Met Blago
Inclusive Science
Israel Rolls the Dice in Gaza
Mainstream Media’s Moral Meltdown
Man Allowed in Women’s Athletic Event . . . and Wins It
Pills found in cake at Cheshire group home The Republican-American
Politics and Corruption, Together Again
Recession creates a load of problems for truckers - Los Angeles Times
Retailers' December seen as among the worst in 40 years - Los Angeles Times
Ron Paul's Reaction to Record-breaking Trillion Dollar Deficits
The FED is Marching On
The Fed's U-turn on Policy Comes with Consequences
The Trouble With Leon Panetta
TruthNews.us - More Evidence of Pentagon War Against the Internet
TruthNews.us - Obama Selects CFR Member Sanjay Gupta to be Surgeon General
TruthNews.us - Web Author Warns Internet Is Dying
TruthNews.us - “Obama in for a New World Order,” John King on Colbert Report
Will gold advance for eighth year in a row
Site Page ; TruthNews - Ron Paul Page
'Proportionality' in Context
01-07-2009 Feds; Inauguration Of Obama Attractive Target For Terrorists
01-07-2009 Time To Tell The Truth About Israel Without Fear Of The Mind Police
A damned close-run thing—and a fine example to the rest of Africa
A Pouring Out of Evil
Afghans say US-led raid kills 17 civilians
Alan Colmes New Co-Host on the Colbert-Colmes Report
Ann Coulter plays the victim to get back on the TODAY show. Her book claims 'liberal victimhood'
Another Harvard Law prof. heads to Obama administration
As expected, the digital TV changeover date is slipping
Bangladesh's New Parliament Summoned January 25
BART police shooter quits job, skips interview
Beware the Battling Belgians
Bill O ; Panetta at CIA means another terrorist attack on USA soon
Blair House Witch Hunt Project
Brief Pause in Gaza Attacks for Relief Supplies
Bush treated less fairly than Obama, survey says
Call Volume Crashes NY's Unemployment Hotline
Coulter does her schtick ; Now she wants Code Pink women beaten up
Council Mandates Reporting of Race in Police Shootings
Countdown ; Blair House Was Not Booked
Countdown ; Worst Person Jan. 7, 2009
CQ Politics SpyTalk - Vietnam Vets Sue CIA for Secret Drug Experiments on GIs
Craig Won't Appeal Ruling in Sex Sting Case
Dead Scientists - 2007 and prior
Dead Scientists DO Tell Tales
Deepwater to start building RI wind farm in 2010
DOJ to Prosecute New York Times over NSA Story
Draft Report Recommends Blagojevich Impeachment Vote
Europeans struggle to keep warm
Ex-Senator Craig accepts sex sting guilty plea
Failed ex-president predictably sides with Hamas
Flooding forces evacuations, closes highways, mountain passes
Foundation of New World Order Is Uncertainty
Gaza ;Another Jihadist Ploy to Fuel Worldwide Anti-Semitism
Governor Says New York Is in a Perilous Situation
Human shields ;Where's the outrage
I hope Paul Krugman is wrong too
I Want The House, The Kids And The Kidney!
Inauguration 2009; 'So Help Me God' At Risk
Iran opens second front against Israel
Israel Condemns Vatican’s ‘Concentration Camp’ Remarks
Jobs report should be no shock
Joe the Plumber becomes ...Joe the War Correspondent
Let Them Eat Rockets
Matthews won't run for senate; Bond to retire
Melamine Byproduct Found In U.S. Nestle Good Start Supreme Infant Formula
Millennium Ark Terror Cells in the US
Missouri Sen. Kit Bond won't seek re-election
MOBVIS; Creating the Culture of Surveillance
More Americans Getting Multiple Chronic Illnesses
More Evidence of Pentagon War Against the Internet
New Hampshire Gov. Lynch inaugurated to 3rd term
New US-led naval force to battle Somali pirates
NYC Faces $7 Billion Deficit by 2011, Agency Says
NYPD Eyes Disrupting Cell Phones in Event of Terrorist Attack
Oakland Turns Violent Over Shooting
Obama and the Bubble
Obama announces the end of 'an era of profound irresponsibility'
Obama calls for new economic course
Obama gutting security
Obama plans to overhaul counterterrorism apparatus
Obama Selects CFR Member Sanjay Gupta to be Surgeon General
Obama taps Harvard's Sunstein
On Inauguration Day, don't drive into DC
On the White House Obama Hears Parting Advice as Power Shifts
Pakistani Chief's Firing Reveals Strains Over Mumbai
Panel leaning toward impeaching Blagojevich
PETA jumps the sea tiger
Police Seize 40,000 Doses Of Drug Used By South American Shamans
Presidents Bush enjoy grilled cheese and cheeseburger at lunch
Project MKULTRA - Wikipedia,
Prominent Sri Lankan Journalist Shot Dead In Colombo
Rachel Maddow Show ; Geoff Elliot on the Obama Blair House Snub
Red Cross criticises Israel of blocking access to Gaza injured
Relax, Burris says he 'don't have no money'
Report ;Major changes coming in counterterrorism
Rioters rampage in downtown Oakland
Rockets Fired From Lebanon Into Israel
Rwanda's army chief in DR Congo
San Francisco Bay Guardian News - Where have the homeless gone
Sarkozy Says Israel Accepts Gaza Truce Plan
Senate Begins Rush to Confirm Obama Cabinet Before Inauguration
Senate leaders edge toward letting Burris have his seat
Senate set to OK Daschle as US health secretary
Senators call for coal ash regulation
Shameless conservatives resurrect the Schiavo debacle to attack Obama's DOJ nominee
Sri Lankan journalist shot dead
Sri Lankan military captures rebel base in north
Steve Quayle News Alerts - World War Three Has Begun
Suicide Fails the Test of Taking Responsibility; Michael Lewis
Take Two Aspirin and Call Your Congressman in the Morning
Ten killed in three attacks on Iraqi soldiers
The CIA-ISI axis;India should have no illusions of US support
The dumbest senator of all
The Giant Creatures and the Aliens
The Iran - Hamas Connection
The New World Order Begins
Tom Geoghegan For Congress
Tortured Logic
Transcript; Obama seeks unified fight against economic woes
Turkey's army boss meets PM, president amid tension
TVA chief smacked in hearing
UN suspends Gaza aid operations
US envoy in India to douse tension
US Navy launches force to crack down on piracy
US Senate supports Israel's Gaza incursion
Vatican-Israel ties tense over cardinal's camp comment
video - Israeli Maniacs Irradiated Sephardic Children
Was Pinstripe Patronage Richardson's Downfall
We have the technology to rebuild ourselves
Zimbabwe court orders probe into torture claims
01-07-2009 Video - Peter Schiff Predicts Imminent Doom
A Detailed Look at the Current Recession
An Unnecessary War
Blagojevich Outwits Democratic Leaders
Cheney Still Doesn't Take It Personally
Distractions Won't Undermine Obama
Don't Overlook Sheila Bair
Experts Baffled By Increase In Sick Pelicans
Obama Serves Reid Taste of Chicago Way
Obama Shouldn't Cave to the Right on Tax Cuts
political video - Conrad & Gregg Discuss Economic Stimulus Package
political video - Democrats Outline Their Agenda
political video - Feingold, McCain Introduce Earmark Reform Bill
political video - Obama Announces Chief Performance Officer
political video - Obama Says Burris Is a Senate Matter
political video - Obama, Bush Lunch with Past Presidents
political video - Palin Takes on the Media
political video - Reid; Entire Senate Will Have to Act on Burris
political video - Rep. Rush on Burris and Race
political video - Sens. McConnell and Alexander on the Stimulus Package
political video - Towns Introduces Presidential Records Act
political video - Youngest Congressman, First Member Born in the 1980's
Republican Fear of Debt Is Myopic, Years Late
The Empty Case For More Regulation
The Jews Face a Double Standard
video - Former IDF Captain Obama will act as a “slave” to Israel, AIPAC
video - Israel's 'Colonies'
video - Ron Paul - US Spends $1T Keeping Its Empire
Why Bush Doesn't Get More Credit
Why Obama Will 'Own' the Recession