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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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03 January 2009

3 Jan 09

Alternative health capital turns its 'negative energy' on pioneering wi-fi system - Telegraph
Environment minister Sammy Wilson I still think man-made climate change is a con - Environment, News - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk
Let students buy brain-boosting drugs such as Ritalin 'over the counter' says academic Mail Online
New Statesman - Wishful thinking for 2009
Obama brings Chicago takeover at the White House World news The Guardian
The Baigong Pipes- Nature or OOPart China Expat - China Expat City Guide
US servicemen unconvinced by Barack Obama - Telegraph
Globe Highlights Obama Birth Coverup

Hitler's Jewish Soldiers
Israel kills third Hamas leader since start of Gaza offensive - Haaretz - Israel News
Japan's jobless in city park tent village move to government building -- Newsday.com
Bracing for the age wave - The Boston Globe
Colbert I. King - Is Michelle Rhee Really Producing - washingtonpost.com
Coleman may lose office until election is decided - Manu Raju - Politico.com
CQ Politics House Rules Package Could Curb Minority’s Power, End Term Limits for Chairmen
Credit Default Swamp - WSJ.com
Gazprom vs. Kiev Europe Worried as Gas Stops Flowing to Ukraine - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Harry Reid v. the Constitution - WSJ.com
Op-Ed Contributor - G.M.’s Secret Success - NYTimes.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - No Permanent Majorities in America
RealClearPolitics - Best of the Blogs
RealClearWorld World News, Analysis & Commentary
RISK Mismanagement - What Led to the Financial Meltdown - NYTimes.com
Ritter taps Bennet as senator - The Denver Post
Robert Rosenkranz Let's Write the Rating Agencies Out of Our Law - WSJ.com
Ten Business Predictions for 2009 - BusinessWeek
Transcripts Law Professors on Obama and the Federal Courts
Transcripts Panel on the Year in Politics
Transcripts Rep. Bobby Rush on the Early Show
TranscriptsInterview with Roland Burris
Was Nicolas Sarkozy's Model Right for an E.U. President - washingtonpost.com
Why 2009 Will be Worse than 2008 We are not out of the woods yet - Reason Magazine
Why We Keep Falling for Financial Scams - WSJ.com
'Try Jesus for 60 days'
2008's lists are endless
6 out of 10 servicemen wary of Obama in charge
ABC News Ill. House Changes Schedule to Vote on Impeachment
Ali Abunimah Inheriting Bush's blinkers over Gaza Comment is free guardian.co.uk
An honourable warrior The Australian
Ann Coulter Liberals are hoodwinking you

AOL Growing majority worried over eligibility
AP attacks Gov. Palin EVEN in birth announcement of grandson
Austria Takes Over Bank Crushed By Madoff, Bank Medici's $3B Loss Blamed On Swindler; SEC Checking Claims That Complaints About Madoff Were Ignored - CBS News
BBC NEWS Europe Vatican divorces from Italian law
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Diamond clues to beasts' demise
Beijing suffers the curse of the Olympic city - Telegraph
Blocking Blago Senate has Plan B for 90-day delay - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Bush advisers Cheney didn't pull the strings - Washington Post- msnbc.com
Bush Hamas attacks are acts of terror Middle East Jerusalem Post
Character counts – how's yours
Climate Scammers Prepare to Sacrifice Some Impoverished Asthmatics by Vin Suprynowicz
Climate scientists it's time for 'Plan B' - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Aides Democrats have plan if Burris shows up « - Blogs from CNN.com
DailyTech - Sea Ice Ends Year at Same Level as 1979
Daniel Barenboim Israel's security depends on wiser action Comment is free The Guardian
Death from above how Predator is taking its toll on al-Qaeda - Times Online
Dem leaders out of step with voters on Israel's attack on Gaza CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Other Views
Do we live on the same planet www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
Does Law Require Legislation by Murray N. Rothbard
Earthquake drill finds weaknesses in steel high-rises - Los Angeles Times
Eligibility case finds 'standing'
EU's new figurehead believes climate change is a myth - Times Online
Eyewitness Teacher and translator Fida Qishta on the air strikes in southern Gaza World news The Guardian
FDR and the New Deal Did it prolong the Great Depression Salon
Feds Sell Off Failed IndyMac For $13.9B, Remnants Of Bank Seized By Regulators Last Summer Are Sold To Investor Group - CBS News
FOXNews.com - Airstrike in Gaza Reportedly Kills Senior Hamas Leader - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - Son of Hamas Leader Gives Glimpse Into Terror Organization - Local News News Articles National News US News
From Punk to acupunture - Times Online
FT.com - Asia-Pacific - Beijing moves to stifle reform calls
FT.com - US - Paulson says crisis sown by imbalance
FT.com - US - Politics & Foreign policy - Pressure mounts over replacement for Clinton
Gaza diary Ewa Jasiewicz spends a harrowing week documenting life under attack from israel; World news The Guardian
Hamas, Al-Qaeda Threaten Jewish Targets Abroad - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News
How same-sex unions threaten your rights
How to tell if you're a spoiled brat
Iranians urge kids to fight 'evil' Israel
Israel Fight like your forefathers
Israeli tanks expected in Gaza Strip as foreigners are allowed to flee - Times Online
Job hunters help each other
Jonathan Freedland Israel has tactics for war, but none for peace Comment is free The Guardian
Karl Lagerfeld defends fur industry saying 'beasts' would kill us if we didn't kill them - Telegraph
KOB.com - Hunger-striking cult leader may eat again
Lesbians in fight with Christian church
Library plans to collect sermons for inauguration - Yahoo! News
Madoff money chase offers long road and little reward - Yahoo! News
Mark Steyn Gaza has its version of rocket scientists - Opinion - OCRegister.com
Masha Lipman - For Russia, A Dark Horizon - washingtonpost.com
MK Candidate Dr. Ben Ari Follow King David's Advice on Gaza - Defense-Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News
More oddities in the U.S. debate over Israel-Gaza - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
My Way News - Autopsy planned in death of John Travolta's son
My Way News - Israel blasts Hamas targets, diplomacy gains steam
New Evidence of a Soviet Spy in the U.S. Nuclear Program - US News and World Report
New Year 2009 Leading thinkers offer predictions of 'next big thing' - Telegraph
New York Columns - Obama's Black Widow - page 1 - Village Voice
Obama And That Other Ponzi Scheme - December 31, 2008
Obama radio critic finds talk show time slashed
Obama, Pelosi to Discuss Scope of Economic Package - washingtonpost.com
Oil prices rebound as dollar slumps - Oil & energy- msnbc.com
One Giant Rez by William Norman Grigg
Palin Says New Parents Levi and Bristol 'Working Their Butts Off' - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker
Planetary storm over status of Pluto - Science, News - The Independent
Popular photo frames carry risk of infection
Primary school drops word school from name as 'too negative' - Telegraph
Protests against Gaza attack sweep across the world - Times Online
RealClearWorld - Articles - Castro's One 'Hell' of an Achievement
Reflections on the Israeli holocaust in Gaza www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
Republican leader Boehner wary of Obama's stimulus plan - MarketWatch
Republicans press Holder for documents - Alex Isenstadt - Politico.com
Rick Warren is no Billy Graham
RISK Mismanagement - What Led to the Financial Meltdown - NYTimes.com
Roseanne Barr blasts Israel as 'Nazi state'
School backs off religious flyer ban
Seven new wonders of the world - environment - 02 January 2009 - New Scientist
Ski manager shot after professing Christianity
Sources Reid pressured governor on Senate replacement CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich
States want $1 trillion to 'keep afloat' - Andy Barr - Politico.com
The AIG Story A Brief Introduction by Michael S. Rozeff
The American Spectator Between a Rock and a Sinatra
The Bible under onslaught of attacks
The Future of LRC by Burt Blumert
The Huffington Post Israeli-Occupied Territory Why is the Huffington Post carrying water for the IDF Follow the money … www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied
TheHill.com - Cornyn promises filibuster on Franken
Thousands of Dutch brave cold for New Year's dip in the sea
Top 10 lefty quotes
Traditional family defenders now in 'gay' agenda bull's-eye
Wall Street begins 2009 with a rally - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com
Washington Times - Obama faces Mexican drug war
Washington Times - THOMASSON Euphoria for how long
wcbstv.com - Senator Kennedy Sources Close To Gov. Believe So
When Will This Recession Finally End at SmartMoney.com
White working classes feel 'betrayed' by immigrant policy, admits minister Mail Online
Why freedom won't die in the 21st century
Yes, Greenspan Did It by Stefan M.I. Karlsson
01-02-2009 AP Article On Oregon Thinking Of Taxing Drivers By Mileage
01-02-2009 Gonzales Claims He Is Victim Of War On Terror
01-02-2009 Obama And The New World Order
01-02-2009 Parents of China Milk Scandal Victims Detained
01-02-2009 Suspected U.S. Drone Fires Missiles In Pakistan
01-02-2009 UK Thefts of Food, Metal, And Petrol Increasing
01-03-2009 Eyewitness To Gaza Garnage
01-03-2009 Manufacturing Declines To Lowest Level Since 1948
01-03-2009 Mars Rovers - Five Years On The Red Planet
01-03-2009 Real ID Resisted In Virginia
10 things you need to know about the digital TV switch
AirTran Apologizes For Detaining Muslim Passengers
analysis; Bush's personality shapes his legacy
Attacks Occur as Iraq Takes Control of Key Sites
Australia rejects Gitmo detainee request
Bangladesh's Sheikh Hasina to take power by Jan 6 ;officials
Bank Requires Fingerprint to Cash Check
Blair calls on Obama to “find an agenda” to unify the world
Burris attorney presses Senate Democratic leaders
Castro’s False Claims of Success
Celebrate King holiday by volunteering
China releases parents of melamine children ;lawyer
Christmas tree disposal options are numerous
Cloning Group Claims ‘We’re Ready to Prove
Comedian’s Kinsman Pleads Not Guilty to Embezzlement
Coming to the Battlefield ;Stone-Cold Robot Killers
Denver schools chief's appointment to Senate expected
Devvy Kidd -- Ignoring the solutions won't fix the problems
Dr Dre's son died from overdose
Egypt and Jordan crack down on anti-Israel rallies
Election friction flares in Iraq's violent north
EU delegation pushing for Gaza cease-fire
Feast of Lights
First-Ever Masonic Inaugural Ball to be Held for Obama
Funeral Set for Former Rhode Island Senator
Illinois House hurries back to impeachment talks
Inauguration Feels Special to Many in Washington
Indian PM Demands Mumbai Terrorist Suspects
Iraq suicide bomber was kin of target
Islamist fighters take over police stations in Mogadishu
Israel allows some foreigners to leave Gaza
Israel’s Goal ;Ending Hamas Rule, Rocket Fire, or Both
Israel’s Worst Fears
John Atta Mills Wins Ghana’s Presidential Election
King siblings’ battle could linger
LBJ's 'Treason' Tapes
Locklear gets probation and fine
Males of All Species are Becoming More Female
Mental Intrusion at the Hands of Science and Law – Are Our Minds Still Our Own
Military Poll Finds Troops Wary About Obama
Minn. recount nearly done; next up, the lawsuits
Moscow, Kyiv in Blame Game Over Europe's Energy Shortfall
Nation Digest Nonprofit to accept mystery footwear
New year sees at least five Somalia pirate attacks; IMB
Northcom Combat Team Conducts “Humanitarian Support” Exercise in Maryland
Novelist Donald E. Westlake, 75; Wove Farcical Mysteries
Obama Moves To Counter China With NASA-Pentagon Link
Obama Says U.S. Must Act Swiftly to Address Economic Crisis
Obama's arrival causes new traffic restrictions
Pakistan reopens supply route used by US, NATO troops
Police balk at ticketing marijuana offenders
Police call new pot law unenforceable
Rant on CNN lands Kathy Griffin in hot water
RISK Mismanagement - What Led to the Financial Meltdown - NYTimes.com
SAfrica's apartheid activist Helen Suzman to be buried Sunday
Sam Huntington, 1927–2008
Sarah Palin Over the Moon About Grandson
Search Called Off For Missing Carnival Employee
Sen. Reid called Blagojevich about Senate seat
Sound Waves ;For Brain Waves; Researchers use ultrasonic pulses to control the brain
Special Report; The USA’s Transformational Communications Satellite System
Sri Lanka presses on with fight against rebels
Tarantino Sets His Sights on Nazis and Spell-Checkers
Thai officials struggle to identify fire victims
The Technocracy and the Genetic Engineering of Humanity
The US Army Document That Proves the US is the World's Number One Sponsor of World Terrorism
Thousands march over Gaza strikes
Thousands of Shoes Appear on Miami Freeway
transcript; Weekly Democratic Radio Address
Travolta's Son -- Fatal Blow to Head
Turnpike Toll Increase
TV & Videogames Causing Speech Problems For Toddlers
TVA spill could endanger sturgeon
U.S. Stocks Advance, S&P 500 Jumps to 2-Month High; GM Rallies
uk Thefts of Food, Metal, and Petrol Increasing
UK ‘Spy-in-sky’ gets go-ahead despite Government promise to scrap road-pricing plan
Viacom says MTV on air despite ads
video - Processed People - They Call It 'Food'
video - The Robert Rubin Ponzi Scheme and the media silence
video - VT Secession Convention News Conf
video - Historic Interview with Aaron Russo, Fighting Cancer and the New World Order
video - MRSA - The New Aids
What if Paterson Defies Conventional Wisdom
What is Wrong With the UN Population Fund
Would They Be Planning to Use Troops Against Americans If They WEREN’T Stealing Our Money
A brewing storm - International Herald Tribune
ARCHIVES, JULY 31, 2008 - Son of top Hamas leader converts to Christianity
conspiracy - YouTube - piecraft's Channel
flashback ; 09 Sep 2008 - Barack Obama wanted to join the US military - Telegraph
political video - Obama Calls for Large, Bold Stimulus
video - Magic Mushrooms' - Lasting Positive Effects
video - Marijuana Largest Cash Crop In CA
video - Men CAN Fly!

'A Year of Record Misery'
1938 to 2008 ;The World's Longest Anti-War Song
America's newest pundit .. Bill Ayers
Aussie senator denounces global warming scheme
Bernie Madoff Gets Schooled
Bolton Is Not The Only One Who Still Wants To Bomb Iran
California mulls paying bills with IOU's
CO2 now and then (a poem)
Coming Soon; The Death of Federalism
Confronting Hamas' Genocidal Jew-Hatred
David Gregory, PR Hack and Establishment Cheerleader
Fox Allows Magic Negro Text Message to Be Broadcast on New Years Eve
Frozen Towns Experiment With Salt Replacements
Girls Need a Dad and Boys Need a Mom
Global Warming and the New Year .. Finally, the Hope for Progress
Harry Reid pressured Blago to not appoint blacks to Senate
Hope After 'Hope' A Thought Experiment
Is Religion Necessary
Kathy Griffin on CNN .. Knock the out of your Mouth
NASA's James Hansen to the Rescue!
Obama dodging questions
Obama's no gentle faun
Poll ;77% of Americans think the press has made the financial mess worse
Protesting Against Israel or Hating Jews
Republicans Are Not Quite Right In The Head
Russian instability a 50% probability
Sargent To WaPo, Erickson Whines
Scientists .. Time for Plan B on Climate Change
Surging Over the Cracks In Afghanistan
The Blago Saga Chapter 2
The Cost of Provocation
Yet Another End of the World As We Know It in Iraq's Green Zone