"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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29 December 2008

- memory hole -

Democracy Now! Arundhati Roy 9 Is Not 11 (And November Isn't September)
Democracy Now! As Madoff Scandal Wipes Out Charities and Foundations, SEC Admits it Missed Repeated Warnings on Historic $50B Financial Fraud
Democracy Now! Days After Calling Israeli Blockade of Gaza A Crime Against Humanity, UN Human Rights Investigator Richard Falk Detained, Expelled from Israel
Democracy Now! Farmers and Food Advocates Urge Obama to Create a National Sustainable Food and Agricultural Policy
Democracy Now! Federal Report Finds $100B Failure in US Reconstruction of Iraq
Democracy Now! Filmmaker Ron Howard on His New Film Frost-Nixon
Democracy Now! Obama Picks Pro-Ethanol, Agribusiness Ex-Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack to Head Agricultural Dept.
Democracy Now! Obama's Choice for Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, Seen as Compromise Between Divided Strands
Democracy Now! President-Elect Barack Obama Names Environmental Team as Climate Change Conference Wraps Up in Poland
Democracy Now! Shunning Environmental Groups, Obama Taps Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar for Interior Dept.
Democracy Now! “The Fed Who Blew the Whistle

'American Taliban' Lindh Asks Bush for Freedom - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker
'I'm not qualified to land plane,' pilot tells passengers
'Momma's' debuts; CBS has best Tuesday in years--The Live Feed
A History Timeline of Population Control
ABC News House Arrest for Madoff in $7 Million Apartment
Al-Qaeda terror trial British Muslim was director of terrorism - Telegraph
An Aerial Tour of the Homes of Bernie Madoff and the Bailed-Out Bankers wowOwow
BBC NEWS Asia-Pacific Korean adultery actress sentenced
Bernard Madoff - The New York Post
Bolivia Expel all US ambassadors
Britain's Brown UK withdrawing from Iraq - International Herald Tribune
Bush considering orderly auto bankruptcy
Bush says he didn't compromise soul to be popular
Bush says sacrificed free-market principles to save economy

Can Bush Cash In Once He's Out - Forbes.com
Caroline Kennedy This isn't her father's Camelot - Los Angeles Times
Chrysler says to shut down all production for month Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
CNSNews.com - Schwarzenegger Increased State Spending 32%, Now California is Broke
Colonoscopies Miss Many Cancers, Study Finds - NYTimes.com
Court British Government Must Delete Data of Innocent People from DNA Database
Daniel Petric killed mother, shot father because they took Halo 3 video game, prosecutors say - Metro - cleveland.com
Delayed raid likely cost Chauncey Bailey his life - Inside Bay Area
Detroit, the Big Three and the Middle Class
Donors list raises fears over Hillary Clinton role as Secretary of State - Times Online
Education Pick Seen as a Compromise Nominee

Emanuel sought Senate seat for Jarrett sources CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich

EU resists push to limit free speech at UN meeting
Eugenics A plan has been unfolding for centuries to direct human breeding
Fake ministry e-mails push Christians toward porn
Filibuster Al Qaeda Founder Robert Gates
Fitzgerald renews interest in Rezko-Obama deal
Former ISI Chief Mumbai And 9-11 Both “Inside Jobs”
FOXNews.com - Iraqi Parliament Speaker to Resign Over Shoe-Toss Argument - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - Student Says School Persecuted Him for Being Conservative - Local News News Articles National News US News
FT.com - China - Chinese flag up anti-pirate fleet
Gay leaders furious with Obama - Ben Smith and Nia-Malika Henderson - Politico.com
Greece-Style Riots Coming To U.S.
Herb Titus no constitutional foundation for new rules on domestic military engagement
Holder omitted Blagojevich link from questionnaire CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich

Hollywood figures snared in Bernard Madoff's alleged fraud - Los Angeles Times
IBDeditorials.com Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism
Illinois court rejects attempt to remove governor
India's 9-11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks
Iraq arrests dozens over 'coup plot'
Iraqi who threw shoes at Bush asks for pardon
John McCain Returns as the Democrats’ Favorite Republican « FOX Forum « FOXNews.com
Larry Silverstein Sues Airlines for more billions from 9-11
Lexus liberals
Madoff case fuels attacks on SEC U.S. Reuters
Majority of Public Opposes Auto Rescue - washingtonpost.com
Microsoft wants to get under your skin
Military to be on high alert for inauguration -- chicagotribune.com
Mixed martial arts fighter Justin Levens, wife Sarah McLean-Levens found shot to death in their home
Moon could hold water for lunar base, say scientists - Telegraph
More California Towns Face Bankruptcy - WSJ.com
More challenges fail in Supreme Court

More local fallout from Madoff collapse
MPAA to Obama censor the Internet, kick people off the Internet, break other countries' Internet
My Way News - Attorney Ill. governor won't fill Senate vacancy
New Jersey couple joins heartbreak list of Madoff clients who lost millions
New SEC chief gave Bernard Madoff's son a job - Times Online
Newsmax.com - U.S. Anti-Kidnap Specialist Kidnapped in Mexico
NKorea accuses South of trying to kill Kim Jong Il - Yahoo! News
Obama defends choice of evangelical pastor
Obama says government 'asleep at the switch' - Yahoo! News
Ohio official in 'Joe the Plumber' flap resigns - Yahoo! News
Olmert wants to meet with Syria's leader
President Bush thinking of border agent pardons
Protests in China over cats on the menu
RAND Corporation 'Reorganizing U.S. Domestic Intelligence'
Report Google Seeking To Cut Net Censorship Deals
ReviewJournal.com - News - Snowstorm hits Las Vegas
Rice U.S. Will Act Against Alleged Mumbai Perpetrators if Pakistan Will Not
Rubble yields silver Temple 'tax' half-shekel Israel Jerusalem Post
S. Korean politicians brawl over U.S. deal - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com
Saudis, Blackwater among Clinton foundation donors
Saudis, Indians among Clinton foundation donors
Secret Service faces questions after Bush shoe incident - Los Angeles Times

Senate Hopeful Kennedy Takes A Beating From Upstate Media - wcbstv.com
Settlement opens up amnesty for tens of thousands of immigrants - Los Angeles Times
Sharpton takes Caroline Kennedy to lunch in Harlem
Singer linked to Clemens apparently attempts suicide Entertainment Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Study Young people watch less TV
Tax holiday What tax holiday
That Was No Small War in Georgia -- It Was the Beginning of the End of the American Empire ForeignPolicy AlterNet
The Bernie Madoff Morality Tale - Forbes.com
The Loft
The Magic Name 'Kennedy' is Not Enough
Three near-invisible drawings discovered on back of Da Vinci masterpiece - Times Online
Torture trail seen starting with Bush
Transcripts ... Analysts on Obama's Environment and Energy Team
Transcripts ... December 16 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts ... Former Fed Officials Discuss Latest Rate Cut
Transcripts ... Interview with Ford Motor's Bill Ford
Transcripts ... Interview with Vice President Cheney
Transcripts ... Obama Announces Environment and Energy Team
Transcripts ... Obama Press Conference on Education Secretary
Transcripts ... Panel on Caroline Kennedy and the Senate
Transcripts ... Panel on Obama's Staff and Blagojevich
Transcripts ... President Bush Speaks to Troops in Afghanistan
Transcripts ... President Bush's Press Conference w-President Karzai
U.S. partner slams 'idiot,' 'cruel,' 'unbeliever' Bush
Unrest continues near vacated Malmö mosque - The Local
US news agency staff stage 'byline strike'
Video Carl J Shapiro, the man who lost $500 million with Bernard Madoff - Times Online
Washington Times - MSNBC host Brzezinski mugged in D.C.
wcbstv.com - Nassau Cops PTA Mom, Boy Found Half Naked In Car
Who's to Blame for Economy
Woman accused of trying to sell 'gothic kittens'
World Exclusive E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
World Tribune — Doomsday U.S. report warns of 'strategic shock' leading to massive unrest
Wyoming lawmakers oppose Constitutional Convention

2000-year-old Antikythera computer comes back to life Science guardian.co.uk
Access Earthquake warning for Sumatra Nature News
Air Force Flunks Another Nuke Inspection Danger Room from Wired.com
Almost-blind moggie Ernest has his life transformed by wearing CONTACT LENS Mail Online
Ananova - Ghost photographed in haunted hotel
BBC NEWS Europe Russian hopes to cash in on ;-)
BBC NEWS Science & Environment Drillers break into magma chamber
Britain's Oldest Brain Found LiveScience
Burglar Ghost held me captive for 3 days - Criminal weirdness- msnbc.com
Cryptomundo » Cryptozoologist of 2008 Dr. Andrea Marshall
Denver UFO Examiner Is 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' fiction, or fact
Did magnetic blip trigger mass extinction - Discovery.com- msnbc.com
Did Noah's Flood start in the Carmel Israel Jerusalem Post
Does this Google Map snap show a UFO over Sydney The Daily Telegraph
How the Illuminati influenced Beethoven. - By Jan Swafford - Slate Magazine
In Utah, the Parowan Prophet predicts disaster will prevent Obama from taking office - Los Angeles Times
Mystery Pyramid Built by Newfound Ancient Culture
New Scientist Subscriptions - New Order
Report urges timetable for human mission to Mars - space - 16 December 2008 - New Scientist
Scientists baffled by mysterious acorn shortage - CNN.com
Scientists extract images directly from brain Pink Tentacle
Skeptologists Attack Ufologists TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History
Sorry Liz, but THIS is the real face of Cleopatra Mail Online
Spider as big as a plate among scores of new species found in Greater Mekong - Telegraph
Sun Induces Strange 'Breathing' of Earth's Atmosphere Wired Science from Wired.com
The living dead -Times Online
'A true leader and a man of unbending principle'
'Export margins are going through the roof ... Profits are holding up surprisingly well'
'Flame' promoted as 'scent of seduction with a hint of flame-broiled meat'
'How can we have a church set up a collection facility in front of a federal building'
'I don't think we'll know the scope of this for a year'
'I predicted 5 years ago' he 'would be selling every position in the state of Illinois'
'Iran would not hesitate to load it on a ship, arm it with a detonator operated by GPS'
'Our 1st need is intelligence, (to know) who is behind it'
'Please pray that no one will be fooled by these attacks'
'Rest assured I'll still be fighting the good fight – and I won't back down'
'Taking America Back' blueprint for moral, social, political renewal
'There is no sign that a consensus on a new approach has begun to emerge'
'They were out of their minds, they do not know the love of Jesus'
'Think about the states that are surrounding Indiana and do some research'
'This is an unpleasant duty but a duty we have. We can't spend money we don't have'
'We are teetering on the brink of a massive downward spiral'
'We reserve the right not to print anything ... we deem to be inappropriate'
'You literally have to take out the howitzers and go at it because you can't fail'
'Zek' Freedom Brings Back Memories of Stalin's Russia
1 plus 1 equals 20 extra votes for Franken
3 primates turn on man after he beat 1 of them with stick
40 policemen accused of trying to bring Saddam's party back to power
60 support former lobbyist after 'gay' union remark, ask for like-minded replacement
720-foot container vessel, parked since October, likely to stay put until April
A Kennedy Senate dynasty
Advice laser-beamed to working mother, parents starved for a date night
AG had argued governor's legal, political troubles keeping him from performing duties
American Omen by Justin Raimondo
Ancient coins uncovered amid debris from Jerusalem's Temple Mount
Ann Coulter rolls eyes at Republicans who assume Minnesota recount is above board
Another Chicago case tied to Obama
Ayers doth protest too much
Bailout Not Wanted But Needed
Barack Obama-san
Benchmark expected to dropby at least 1-2 point to 0.5%
Betrayed wife uses DNA lab to prove husband had been with another woman
Big Names Rumored to Be in Race to Replace Salazar
Blago's anti-life pay-to-play
Burst of electricity rapidly ages young acidic drink, creating something more mellow
Chairman of SEC orders full review of failure to detect alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme
Christians across U.S. stand up for truth of Scripture in time of attack
Computer-maker has been anchor vendor since event opened in '85 as independent trade show
Could face 2 years imprisonment for insulting a foreign leader
Developer.. Meant as 'training aid' to stop 'future footwear attacks on world leaders''
Development reflects growing criticism Wall Street, regulators have grown too close
Ends non-profit's decade of resistance to identifying sources of its money
Evidence that the Fed Caused the Housing Boom by Bob Murphy
Exclusive .... Andrew Shea King cites information sources for WWII leader
Exclusive .... Ellis Washington says Bush should have begun taking Iraqi black gold in 2003
Exclusive .... Erik Rush decries ongoing war on Christmas by hard-core secularists
Exclusive .... Jane Chastain cites Sen. Tom Coburn's latest list of pork projects you paid for
Exclusive .... Joseph Farah predicts ultimate result of recent feel-good legislation
Exclusive .... Phil Elmore slams guv for heightening impact of chemicals on New Yorkers
Exclusive .... Roger Simmermaker cites significance of auto industry
Exclusive .... Craige McMillan asks, doesn'tObama owe the nation proof of eligibility
Exclusive .... Jack Cashill shares history of man who fawned over tyrant-killer Josef Stalin
Exclusive .... Phil Elmore slams guv for heightening impact of chemicals on New Yorkers
Families tearfully put hope in clemency during last days
Final Count in Virginia House Race Expected Today
Fitzgerald renews interest in Rezko-Obama deal
Fluid dynamics phenomenon that slows ships at sea may be causing swimmers' deaths
Fossil-hunters battle Sahara storms to find dinosaur prize - Times Online
Further emphasizes extreme risk aversion in global financial markets
Georgia resident refused to remove hijab at court's security checkpoint
Good news for those opposing Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
GOP sides with foreigners – again
Government Spending Makes Recessions Worse by Dom Armentano
Growing grassroots resistance says 'No!' to Obama's socialist agenda
Hamas plays hardball with Israeli ceasefire
Has no GOP opponent but telling supporters he's 'No. 1 target' for Republicans
Health department cops allege licensing issues over food co-op
Here's to the wine that clears your arteries - News, Food & Drink - The Independent
Hundreds of Roman artifacts found in German forest dating from 3rd century A.D.
Images capture disasters caused by flood, fire, tornadoes, earthquakes in '09
In 2009 Senate could end uplooking like House of Lords
In talks without pressing Damascus to cut ties with Iran, terrorists
Includes system of heat-absorbing pipes built under sand, giant wind blowers
Investigator casts doubt on Obama's birth residence
Israel boots U.N. human rights investigator
Israelis could hit Syria, Iran without leaving their own airspace
Judge..'Potential consequences of that course of conduct might have been catastrophic'
Judie Brown highlights UCLA student's nabbing of Planned Parenthood on video
Just say no no to a Con Con
Kennedy Must Prove Herself
Kennedy turns back cases based on eligibility questions
Larry Elder ridicules media's comparison of angry reporter to Joe the Plumber
Lawmakers use sledgehammers, electric saws in bid to block treaty
Leading force in conservative movement
Leben is fastest-growing publication of its kind
Liberals under the microscope
Lindh's parents say justice will be served by 'allowing him to come home to his family'
Madoff's Billions
Major Discovery Archaeologists Find Roman-Era Battlefield in Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Many of troubled firm's clients unable to retrieve account details online or by telephone
Megachurch pastor tapped to bring invocation at presidential inauguration
Mike Lester illustrates fair and balanced media coverage of Bush detractor
Money wisdom about giving, profit-sharing plans, corporate abuse of employee
More Challenged Ballots Added in Senate Recount
Nation seeks answers to questions about president-elect's eligibility
Neighbor believes family didn't live at address in newspaper announcement
Obama Works to Overhaul TARP
Obama, Blago and 'The Chicago Way'
Only her upper eyelids, forehead, lower lip, chin remain her own
opponent 'You will resemble a bully on a playground'
Our Second National Holiday by Vin Suprynowicz
Palestinian Authority hails shoe-throwing journalist as 'the lion of Iraq'
Pastor's role in inaugurationangers homosexual activists
Pied Piper proposal Those who collect bottle for cash could earn money
Popular website defames 92 senators with claims of sex acts, other mayhem
Prices have fallen over $100 since July as global crisis cuts into fuel demand
Prostitution vs. war crimes The real moral offense - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Publishes extensive study on 'Psychological Causes of Political Madness'
Questioning legality of obligations accumulated under dictatorial regimes of '70s, '80s
Recounts fatal bus plunge that killed 25
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher calls on president to pardon imprisoned border agents
Roberto Rodriguez urges new leader to remove border barriers, stop new construction
Security hole has exposed millions of users to having their computers taken over by hackers
Son of Soviet spies.. Make Obama like us
Study Guide to Human Action by Bob Murphy
Suspicious wife wants to sniff where hubby's been
Terrorists declare 2008 'The year of the shoe'
The Answers Are Out There by Bill Sardi
The atheists' delusion
The Blundering Shoes of Rebuilding by Tom Chartier
The Lew Rockwell Show - 85. David Nolan What Happened to the Libertarian Party
The Lew Rockwell Show - 86. The Medical-Industrial Complex
The sublime joy of Scrabble - This Britain, UK - The Independent
The Top Layer of the Cake by Gary North
The United States A Country Without Mercy by Paul Craig Roberts
The Wind in the Willows at 100 Salon
Times Archive Blog Charles Ponzi and his scheme
Tolerating Spiders, Using Your Credit Cards, and Other Depression Survival Tactics by Karen De Coster
Transcripts ... Interview with Gov. Mark Sanford
Transcripts ... Interview with New York Rep. Peter King
Transcripts ... Obama Announces Agriculture, Interior Nominees
Transcripts ... Obama Announces Financial Regulators
Transcripts ... President Bush on the Freedom Agenda
Transcripts ... Roundtable on Bush and the Economy
Transcripts ... Stuart Rothenberg on Senate Vacancies
U.S. partner slams 'idiot,' 'cruel,' 'unbeliever' Bush
Voyage to Mars by George Giles
Wanted ..Comedians who will ridicule Obama
War for oil I wish it had been
Warns it will not be able to finance their vehicle inventories if cash pulled
What the Students Heard Walter Block Say by Thomas DiLorenzo
What threats could make U.S. economy look less like America and more like Zimbabwe
Where We Are by Michael Gaddy
White House nominee 'It would be the end of the United States, and that's no hyperbole'
White House will 'do something' to address troubled auto industry
Why are we naming schools for Paul Robeson
Why the Fed is an albatross
Will Europe Take the Cleared Guantánamo Prisoners by Andy Worthington
Will Obama be a torture president, too
Woman.. 'I would like to live in Iraq, especially if I were attached to this hero'

Clinton Fndn - Millions From Saudis, Bill Gates
CWD In WI Deer - Kill Zones Do Not Work
IsraHell Destroys Another Entire Bedouin Village
Obama Announces Financial Regulators
POLITICAL VIDEO - Axelrod on Emanuel
POLITICAL VIDEO - Bush on the Shoe Throwing 'It Was Amusing'
POLITICAL VIDEO - Cheney Discusses Interrogation of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
POLITICAL VIDEO - Cheney; Obama's Security Team 'Pretty Good'
POLITICAL VIDEO - CQ Answers Minnesota Recount Questions
POLITICAL VIDEO - Dean on Kennedy, Senate Appointments
POLITICAL VIDEO - Discussion of Blagojevich Impeachment
POLITICAL VIDEO - Interview with President Bush
POLITICAL VIDEO - Kennedy Goes on Tour
POLITICAL VIDEO - Limbaugh, Cheney Discuss Guantanamo
POLITICAL VIDEO - More of Bush's ABC News Interview
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama Announces Agriculture, Interior Heads
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama Announces Environment and Energy Team
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama Announces Financial Regulators
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama Defends Warren Pick
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama on Education, Economy and Blagojevich
POLITICAL VIDEO - Obama Says Staff Did Nothing Wrong w-Blagojevich
POLITICAL VIDEO - Perino Talks About Black Eye
POLITICAL VIDEO - Rice on Best, Worst Moments
POLITICAL VIDEO - Rice Says Iran Scaling Back Iraq Interference
POLITICAL VIDEO - White House.. No 'Disorderly' Auto Collapse
Roadside Murders - Israel Immune From All Laws
'A Preconceived Plan To Destroy...The United States'
'Bailout' Talk For Madoff's Victims!
'Chabad Punished By God' - Jews Against Zionism
'Iran Covenant' - Fact and Fiction
'Non-Lethal' Tasers Have Killed 400 Since 2001
'Out' Rage Obama Marches Off to Warren
'Tax Holiday' Bill Picks Up Steam
1,000s Iraqis Hail Shoe Thrower As National Hero
17th Amendment a Good Idea
2,000 Yr Old Greek Computer Comes Alive
2008; A Trying Year for China
2009 ;Year of the Afghan Mission
27,000 Woolworths Staff Gone In Janaury
30 Chrysler Plants To Close For A Month
35 Iraqi Officials Arrested In Alleged Coup Plot
5 Ways To Start the World Economic Recovery
54 police officers injured in riot drill - J'lem Post
A better way to counter judicial activism
A Day of Reckoning for Credit Card Companies
A guide to the RNC chairman race
A New Hope for South Africa
A Push for New Infrastructure
A Revolution(ary) Comes To San Jose
A Shoe Seals Bush's Iraq Misadventure
A Strong Voice on CO 2 as Science Adviser
A Whiff of Inflationary Grapeshot
Abduction, Torture, Raping Of Aafia Siddiqui
ADL'S Jewish War On Christmas
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mumbai
Al Sharpton comes out against card check
Al Sharpton Opposes Card Check
Albania announces its pulling its 218 troops out of Iraq - Jerusalem Post
All Hamas Demands Is Israeli Respect
All True Conservatives Should Mourn the Passing of Paul Weyrich
America & the Death of Responsibility
America.. The Threat Within -Dr. Mark Hendrickson
Amnesty Demands Taser Use Limits
Analysts - Fed Out Of Bullets After Rate Cut
Aniston or Letterman - Who Wore It Better
Anti-Pak Stories Grow In Media - Example
Appeals court rejects DC missing pants case
Apple's desktop sales down, but notebooks up
Arabs See Funny Side Of Shoe Insult
Arabs.. If the Shoe Fits
Are You Zombie Or American
As Ice Melts, Antarctic Bedrock On The Move
As Obama Takes Reins, Keep an Eye on Russia
As Rates Race to Zero, Printing Presses Gear Up - Economy Europe News Story - CNBC.com
Asia's First Three-Way Summit
Assessing The Bush Legacy
At 30, China's export economy starting to show its age
Attack Iran Now
Auto Industry Ties Economy Together
Bailouts and bankruptcies
Banks Need a Bigger & Better Capital Cushion
Barak to Haaretz .. Gaza truce was not a mistake - Haaretz
Battling Russophobia
Ben Bernanke's Radical Inflation Plan
Ben Bernanke's Shock-and-Awe Easing
Bernard Madoff, Trust Buster
Bernard-Henri Lévy vs. the European Left
Best Auto Plan .. Bankruptcy w-o Bankruptcy
Big Names Rumored to Be in Race to Replace Salazar
Big Oil, Gas Projects Hurt By Energy Fall
Bigger Gov't = More Prosperous Country
Blago says he will not fill senate seat
Blago To Talk Soon - But Will He Sing
Blagojevich Bypass of Appointment Spurs Election Call
Blagojevich Wants to Defend With Election Funds
Blair 'Definitely' the Next DNI, Say Congressional Officials
BoE - UK Banks Will Need More Money
Boundary Between Earth & Space Now Very Low
Bovine TB Found In Captive Deer Herd
Britain's Lessons from Iraq
Britain's No Sharia Campaign
Britons Caught in Pakistan Web
Brown Announces UK Troops Out Of Iraq By July
Brown To Defy Barky's Afghan Surge
Bush Admits Al Qaeda Wasn't In Iraq Before Invasion .. So What
Bush and the New Soft Shoe
Bush Considers 'Orderly' Automaker Bankruptcy
Bush Has Yet to Decide on Auto Bailout as Companies Idle Plants
Bush Out - Latin Summit Favors China, Russia Ties
Bush Plans Five President Lunch with Obama
Bush says won't second guess Obama's decisions
Bush's About-Face Aids Obama
Bush's Final Gift - Bailout Tops $8 Trillion
Bush's Mideast Legacy .. Shoes
Bush's Trip Not an Historic Success
Bush, Obama Opt for Corporatism Over Capitalism
Bush-Era Abortion Rules Face Possible Reversal
CA GOP - Slash $10B From Schools Budget
Cable to temporarily pause digital switch
Calif Dems plan end run around state constitution to hike taxes
Calif. Dems try to trim deficit without GOP votes
California Dems Push Billions in Higher 'Fees' to Skirt Law - Fox
Campaign Rhetoric, Presidential Reality
Can Ray Ozzie Save the House Bill Gates Built
Caroline in Harlem
Caroline Kennedy as America's Princess Leia
Caroline; Quickly Becoming a Mess
Castro proposes prisoner swap for US talks
Cattle Mutilation Remains A Total Mystery
Central Europe and the Bear
Change... Obama Inner Circle FULL Of Bilderbergers
Cheney Takes Credit for Torture
Chicago politics at the retail level
China After 30 Years of Reform
China and the End of G-8
China dips its toe in Gulf of Aden
China Releases List Of Illegal (Toxic) Food Additives
China's Pakistan Test
China's Warp Speed Industrial Revolution
China, Now Everyone Stampeding To Collect Dollars
China In Major Crackdown On Dissidents
Chinese Banks' Great Leap Backward
Chinese cargo ship rescued from pirates - Fox
Civilian casualties In Afghanistan - The West's Epic Fail
CNN Report .. Jesse Jackson Jr. Reported Blago Bribe Attempt
Coffee Grounds New Source Of Biodiesel Fuel
Coke's Stevia ('Truvia') - What's Really In It
Coleman withdraws some challenges to Minn. ballots
Columbine Records Ordered Sealed Again
Coming Showdown - Zionism Vs Western Civilization
Conn. Dems express `disappointment' to Lieberman
Conservative Leader Paul Weyrich Dies; First to Lead Heritage -The Foundry
Coolest Year Since 2000
Court Weighs Absentee Ballots
Coverup - Obama Planned To Terminate Fitzgerald!
Cowell says 'Idol' will deliver first-class males
Darth Cheney Strikes Back
Dead Crows Found In West Bengal
Decline Is Overrated
Deflation Pounds Americans
Deleveraging Can Save Jobs
Democracy Lesson Learned in Iraq
Democrats and the Culture of Corruption
Democrats Embrace Dynasty Politics
Desperate Fed Rate Cuts Won't Save Economy
Desperate Final Hours Of Madoff's Giant Fraud
Detroit Doesn't Need a Car Czar To Run It
Detroit, the Big Three and the Middle Class
Deutsche Bank Shocks Markets
Dick Cheney's Fantasy World - Scott Ritter
Diet Sweeteners Forced On New Yorkers
DiMasi accountant indicted on lobbying, campaign finance violations
Diplomacy in an Age of Faith ;How Failing to Understand the Role of Religion Hinders America's Purposes in the World
Disputed US House Raid in Afghanistan Elevates Tension
Do Dems Really Want to Save Detroit
Does Fraud Spell End of Hedge Funds
Dollar No Longer Haven After Fed Moves Rate Near Zero
Dollar Staggers As US Unleashes Cash Flood
Dollar's Drop Erases Months Of Solid Gains
Don't Lump Ford in with GM, Chrysler
Doomed - 33% Boulder CO Deer Have MAD DEER Disease
Driver in tour bus accident arrested - Jerusalem Post
Ebola In Philippine Swine Increases Testing
Education Pick Seen as a Compromise Nominee
Electors Makes It Legal - Obama To Be 44th
Emanuel Fast-Tracked Immigrants To Get Votes
Emanuel On 21 Tapes Of Senate Seat Debacle
Emanuel's Strategy for Progressives
Embrace Your Commonalities With Warren
End of the Hedge Fund
Enough with the Illinois Bashing Already
Estrogens In Moisturizers May Feed Breast Cancer
Euro Banks Show $8B In Alleged Fraud Exposure
Even Sarko Is Talking Like a Lefty
Ex-chiefs of staff meet with Rahm
Ex-Dallas Mayor Kirk Said to Be Obama’s Trade Pick
Exclusive.. Cheney defends war on terror's morality - Washington Times
Explosives Found In Paris Dept Store
Fatal H5N1 Case In Egypt
FBI Informant - Blago Was A Bookie With Mob Ties
FDA Urges The Pregnant To Eat More Mercury
Fears Behind Federal Reserve Cheers
Fears Behind The Cheers For The Fed
Fed Reserve Into Uncharted Territory
Fed Throws Out The Rulebook
Federal Reserve Slashes Rates Down To Zero
Fighting Enemies of All Humanity
Final Count in Virginia House Race Expected Today
Finally Some Relief From Credit Card Companies
Finding Good News In Falling Prices
Focus on Trade, Not Climate Change
Foreigners gave millions to Clinton Foundation - USA Today
Forget Inflation, We Need Cheap Money
Former general.. Israel can't defeat Iran
Four Keys to China's Peaceful Rise
Frank Gaffney on the Iraq War.. Yes, Americans did have to die, but he's delighted we did what we did!
Freeze Frames Of China UFO Leaving
Fulford - The Fall Of Babylon
Ga. judge jails Muslim woman over head scarf
Gay and lesbian band members from Ohio to play in Obama parade - Cleveland Plain Dealer
Gay Leaders Furious w- Obama
Gay leaders furious with Obama
Generation X'd Out
Genocide Dick - 'I Think We've Done Pretty Well'
Give Obama a Break on Blago
Global Woes Fuel Russian Unrest
Good News Congress gives itself a raise
Google Wants Own Fast Track On The Net
GOP Wants To Destroy What the UAW Built
Govt. confirms Iraq troop pullout, rebuffs Afghan link
Growth - America's Greatest Problem -Pt 1
Growth - America's Greatest Problem - Pt 2
Guatemala First Declared Free Of Chagas
H5N1 - India Seals Border With Bangladesh
Hamas officially declares end to six-month-old Gaza truce - Jerusalem Post
Harry's Just Wild About Caroline
Has Paterson Lost His Moral Compass
Hate crimes .. It's time to finally pass a federal law
Have Dynasties Taken Over Congress
Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
Helen Thomas - It's A Depression
Helicopter Ben's Zero Interest Rate Policy
Hilda Solis is Great
Historic Fed Rate Cut Sparks Home Refinance Boom - Fox
Holdren to Head White House Science
How Bush Failed Somalia
How Paul Weyrich Founded the Christian Right
How twisted is this.. Naming your child after Hitler
How West Asia Views the Mumbai Attacks
Huge Differences in Colorado Senate Candidates
Huge Hole Found In Earth's Magnetic Field
Huge Hole In Earth's Protective Magnetic Field
Human Rights - Nails In The Coffin Of Israel
Human rights commission prosecutes only Christians
Hunters Donate 6,500 (CWD) Deer To The Hungry
Hypnosis Reveals Woman's 2 ET Abductions
I'm Not Seeing Trouble for Rahm
Ice caused gondola accident, resort says
Idaho lawmaker (and ex-newspaperman) wants to ban anonymous blogging
If It Looks Too Good to Be True....
IMF Chief Stark Warning Of Civil Violence
Infrastructure Boondoggles to Nowhere
Insiders still own Illinois' Senate seat
Integrity Has All But Vanished In America
Iraq ;The Shia Religious State
Iraq arrests give rise to plot rumours
Iraqi Arrests Extend Beyond Key Ministry
Iraqi Doctor Guilty In UK Bomb Plot Case
Iraqi Journalist 'Sorry' - Shoes Said Destroyed
Iraqi PM .. Shoe Thrower Apologizes
Iraqi Shoe Thrower Has Broken Arms, Ribs
Is Bush Gambling Afghanistan's Future
Is Bush The Worst Ever US President
Is Bush's shoe-throwing heckler being tortured
Is There A Bigger Story Behind Spitzer's Downfall
Israel And Iran Shadow Intel War
Israel Deports American Jewish Academic
Israel issues new warning on Iranian nuclear arms - Ynet
Israel kicks out outrageously biased UN official - Has the Jewish State finally learned its lesson - Dion Nissenbaum
Israel Says 'Iran Could Nuke The US' (Right!)
Israel to aid developing countries - Ynet
Israeli Brothers Charges In $35M Diamond Fraud
Israeli Military Attacks Gaza Civilians At Night
Israelis Block Medical Care - 271 Gazans Now Dead
Israelis, Gazans brace for cease-fire's end
IsraHell Destroys Another Entire Bedouin Village
Japan Leads The Way With No-Waste Lifestyle
Jesse Jackson, Jr., Informant or Tattler
Joost Shuts Down Its Desktop App
Juan Williams Calls the Iraqi Protesters Ingrates
Judge Rejects Bid To Force Quicker VA Pmts
Karl Rove has the nerve to criticize Obama over how they're handling Fitzgerald's investigation.
Karzai Wants Foreign Troops to Show Respect
Kennedy Stops in Syracuse During New York Tour
Key Electoral College Dates and Events for the 2008 Presidential Election Dec. 15, Dec. 24, Jan. 8
Keynes Revival Makes Cato a Lonely Place
Kidd - Has The US Supreme Court No Shame
Kidd - UAW President ..Rob The People's Bank
Kim Jong-Il alive and in control.. US Pacific commander
Kiss The Dollar Rally Goodbye
Las Vegas Gets 6-10 Of Snow - Global Warming
Last Ice Aged Ended 'As If A Button Was Pushed'
Layoffs Now Main Factor in Foreclosures
Learning from Japan; Infrastructure Spending Won't Boost the Economy
Lessons From the Great Inflation
Let Madoff Manage Social Security
Links to Labor Pose Risks for Dems
List Of Madoff Victims Grows & Grows
Livni - Israel Won't Tolerate Hamas State In Gaza
Look Out for the Syria Train
Losing A Warrior for Human Liberty
Lou Dobbs lets right-wing front group smear SEIU so he can link Obama to Blagojevich
Low-Interest Mortgages Are the Answer
Mad Cow - Waiting For Second Shoe To Drop
Maddoff's Contributions
Madoff and Blagojevich .. Lessons from Creeps
Madoff and the Failure of Regulation
Madoff Fraud To Cost UK Banks Billions
Madoff Gives Sad Twist to Holiday Depression
Madoff monitored by feds; Obama reacts to scandal
Madoff Moved The Money To Israel
Madoff Under House Arrest - No Jail For Elite
Madoff Victims Threaten To Sue Banks
Madoff Warnings 'Ignored For 10 Yrs' By SEC
Madoff's Fraud Zero Compared To US Treasury
Madoff, Ponzi Schemes and Double Standards
Magnetic Field Hole Could Cripple Communications - Fox
Majel Roddenberry, 'First Lady of Star Trek,' dies
Male Penguins
Marijuana Prohibition And Public Safety
Mary Shapiro to take over SEC
Media Giddy Over Attack On U.S. President
Message of Reconciliation in Iraq
Michelle Obama Named On Page 64 Of FBI Affidavit
Middle East ;Change They Can Believe In
Mixed Martial Arts Fighter, Wife Found Dead in Bed
Moguls and Arab States Are Big Donors to Clinton Charity
More Challenged Ballots Added in Senate Recount
More Obama Challenges Fail In SCOTUS
More Obot Threats Against Sinclair
Mossad Pension Fund Loses $900M In Madoff Scam
Mr. Shoe takes a bride
MSG - Dosed Again!
Multiculturalism - Destroying American Culture
Mumbai ­ Murky Piece Of A Tangled Web
Murder-suicide suspected in death of UFC fighter Justin Levens, wife
Mystery Brain Cancer Cluster In Illinois
NASA To Sell Off Spaces Shuttles In 2010
NASA will give away old Shuttles for free
NATO Must Find Political Voice
New CFIUS Regulations Support U.S. National and Economic Security Concerns
New Economic Policy - Just Print More
New Element - Heaviest Yet Known To Science
New Fed Policy Expands DNA Collection
New rule to crack down on credit card rates - USA Today
New School Students Protest for President's Ouster
New SEC Chief Gave Madoff's Son A Job
New Wave Of Mad Cow Disease Feared
New York's Miracle Tax Diet
No Law Could Have Prevented Madoff
No Soul Compromising Necessary
No, Bill O'Reilly, they're laughing at you
Norm Coleman's fancy home renovations looking a lot like Ted Stevens'
North Korea ;Six-Party Standstill
Novel H5N1 Spreading Through China
Number of landline-free households up 10% in US
NYT worst quotes of the year
Obama Administration; Too Many Cooks
Obama and Rick Warren.. Good!
Obama and the New Cuba
Obama announces SEC, Fed, other nominations - USA Today
Obama Builds No Drama Cabinet
Obama chooses Adm. Blair as intel chief -source
Obama Citizenship Issue Has Merit - AOL Poll
Obama Disappoints at Agriculture
Obama faces a crush of demands from interest groups - Ken Dilanian
Obama Gets an 'A' for Education Pick
Obama hearts Rick Warren
Obama honoring Fitzgerald's request is not good enough for the media
Obama is Time Person of Year; who are runners-up - Reuters
Obama Must Learn Not to Kowtow
Obama Names Fox To Guard SEC Hen House
Obama Names Law Professor to Federal Reserve Board
Obama picks ex-Treasury official Gensler for CFTC
Obama Picks Phony Gore To Lead Energy Team
Obama picks Vilsack for Agriculture, Salazar for Interior - USA Today
Obama rounds out cabinet with labor secretary pick
Obama So Far Avoiding Tough Questions
Obama Teams Prepares Stimulus Plan
Obama to Deep Six Marriage, Promote Cohabitation
Obama tries to explain Rick Warren
Obama Will Be Very Cautious
Obama Works to Overhaul TARP
Obama's Abortion Conundrum
Obama's Charm Offensive
Obama's Daley Standard Time
Obama's Education Secretary has mixed record of achievement
Obama's Foreign Policy 'Change' Mostly Cosmetic
Obama's Foreign Policy `Change' Is Eyewash
Obama's Green Team
Obama's Rev. Warren Inaugural Pick Sparks Gay Fury - Fox
Obama, Bush planning to meet again — with a twist - CNN
Obama’s Pick for Education Secretary Pushed For Gay High School - David Brody, CBN
Official.. Russia to 'test the mettle' of Obama - MSNBC
Oil Drops To Four Year Low
Oil Executives - Oil Out, Renewables In
Oil Falls Below $40 - First Time Since 2004
Olmert .. Peace treaty between Israel and Syria is feasible - Jerusalem Post
Olmert headed for Turkey to advance Syria talks - Ynet
On The White House The Direct Approach
One In Ten Scots Taking Antidepressants
One Person Made A Difference
OPEC Agreed On Output Reduction
Our Bailout Culture and the Beauty of Bankruptcy
Our Moon - Window To The Space Age
Our Pakistan Problem - Could its holy warriors be the most dangerous - Reuel Marc Gerecht
Outbreaks Of Flu, Serious Vomiting Sweep Britain
Oz Doc Makes Resveratrol-Loaded Healthy Wine
Pak Drivers Supplying NATO In Afghan On Strike
Pak Terrorists Plan 20 Attacks On UK - Brown
Pakistan Will Defend Itself At All Costs - PM
Pastor Rick in the Political Spotlight
Paul Weyrich Passes Away
Paul Weyrich,, R.I.P.
Peace with Arabs Worth Israel's Effort
Pentagon chief seeks plan for Guantanamo closure
Perriello Keeps Victory After Va. Recount
Person of the Year 2008 ..Barack Obama
Pirates Seize 4 More Ships In Gulf Of Aden
Placenta Study Discovers Cancer Gene
Playing Power Politics with Iran
Plum Island Lab Moving To Kansas - Goes BSL-4
Poet Calls Writing Inaugural Poem A 'Challenge'
Policing Afghanistan
Political Corruption Is Institutional
Postponing Reality
President Raúl Castro begins official visit to Brazil
Pro-Life Rick Warren to Give Invocation at Obama Inauguration - CBN
Pro-Lifers Rip Warren on Obama Invocation
Protest at the New School Seeks Kerrey’s Ouster
Public's Bailout Backlash is Only Beginning
Rachel Maddow Asks Carl Levin If There Will Be Prosecutions For Torture
Rahm Emanuel Still Makes Pelosi Nervous
Rally demands Afghan supplies end
Real PF Flyers & A Real Lame Duck
Record 2,000 Robot Surgeries At One Hospital
Record OPEC Oil Cut Fails To Lift Prices
Reid preps $850 billion stimulus
Renewable sources to reduce oil demand - Rise in demand seen as near nil, say analysts - Washington Times
Repeal Sarbanes-Oxley--Lock, Stock And Barrel
Report.. 35 Iraqi Officials Arrested Over Coup Plot - Fox
Revealed - 40% Of All Pensions Funds Go To Fees
Review ;Russell Roberts's 'The Price of Everything'
Richard Branson Says The 'Economy Is Fued'
Richard Cohen attacks Obama's Blackberry
Rick Warren wasn't always a lightning rod for controversy
Roadside Murders - Israel Immune From All Laws
Robert Gibbs Between Obama & the Press
Roberts - Ready To Face Facts About Israel
Romantic Films Create Unrealistic Expectations
Russia provides 10 MiG fighter jets to Lebanon for free - Times Online
Russia To Help OPEC Cut Oil Supplies
Russia's Gas War with Ukraine
Russia's Problems ;China and the Caucasus
Russia; Fight Pirates Instead of US
Russia Gives 10 MiG fighter Jets To Lebanon
SAG Awards nominations come as strike vote looms
Sarkozy Attacks Czech Refusal To Fly EU Flag
Saving the World's Orphans
Scientists Think 'Small' For Nano Dangers
SCOTUS Refuses To Enforce Constitution Re Obama
SEC Failed To Inspect Bernard Madoff Fund
SEC Official Married Into Madoff Family
Sen Coleman Said Received Illegal $75,000
Send Shoes To Bush The Genocidal Maniac
Sharpton takes Caroline Kennedy to lunch in Harlem
Shoe Thrower Tortured, Beaten In Custody
Shoe Throwing Reporter's Brother Says He Has Been Severely Injured!
Shoppers flee as police, youths clash in Athens
Should U.S. Become More Like Europe
Sign of the times Stolen Christmas trees - Dec. 18, 2008
Sketches behind da Vinci painting may be Leonardo's
Snowstorm Chaos Across Europe Ski Resorts
Somalia's Failing State
Source.. Obama tags LaHood for transportation - MSNBC
Sovereign Wealth Funds.. New Voluntary Principles a Step in the Right Direction
Speculation Journalism
State Unemployment Money Is Drying Up
Stocks Drops - Fear Fed Is Out Of Tricks
Strange Happenings in China's Media
Sudan; From the Diplomatic Frontline in Search of Peace
Suspected Bird Flu Ptient Dies - Indonesia
Swindle of the Century
Swiss Watch Found In 400 Yr Old China Tomb
Talks to Reach Political Resolution to Georgia Crisis Make Modest ...
Tamiflu Resisatnce From South Africa To US
Ted Turner's lies about Cuba
Thai PM rules out cabinet deals
The Bernie Madoff Morality Tale
The Blago Distraction - A delayed report, even for good reason, isn't great news for Team Obama - Howard Fineman
The Blago Distraction
The Costs Of Blaming Al Qaida
The Death Of A Nation
The Drum Beating in Kashmir
The Fed Is Utterly Petrified
The Fed's Historic Move
The Fed's New Acronyms; ZIRP and QE
The Financial Crisis, and the Death of Responsibility
The Fingerprints of 'Rahmbo'
The Great Unraveling
The Left's New Respect For Newt
The Magic Name 'Kennedy' is Not Enough
The Matter of Caroline's Qualifications
The Moral of Madoff's Tale
The New Credt Card Scam - Evening The Score
The New Standard of Living Staying Alive
The Oil-Price Roller Coaster Global Challenges for the Obama Administration
The Problem with Energy Independence
The Robust US Economic Black Hole
The Shoe Heard Around The World
The Shoes We Longed For
The Talmud, Wall Street, & Bernie The Goniff
The Terms If We Must Save the Big Three
The Torture Report
There Are Too Many Car Companies Anyway
Thousands Iraqis Rally For Shoe Thrower
TIME - Planet Colder In 2008 - What Warming
To Catch a Thief
Tobacco Cos Can Be Sued Over 'Low Tar' Cigs
Todd named top WH correspondent
Top Trends Of 2009
Transcripts ... Illinois' LG Quinn and AG Madigan
Transcripts ... Senators Brown, Levin and Corker (PDF)
Transcripts ... Senators Stabenow and Corker
Transcripts ... Interview with President Bush
Transcripts ... Interview with Senator John McCain
Transcripts ... President Bush Speaks to Troops in Iraq
Transcripts ... UAW's Gettelfinger; Senators Casey & Ensign
TV Guide Net Buyer Hungry For More
Two China Stories You Missed This Year
U.S. & China Becoming 2 Countries, 1 System
Ugandan rebel chief eludes regional forces ;army
UK Bank Rescue Plan Is Just Not Enough
UK Villagers Shoot Down Ad Balloon
UK Car Production Slumps By A Third
UK Flu Cases Up 50% In One Week
UK Offers Refuge To Pinstriped Pirates
UK Rates To Follow US To ZERO
UN court convicts architect of Rwandan atrocities
UNRWA suspends Gaza food distribution - J'lem Post
US Butchery = Taliban Recruiting Campaign
US Govt No Longer Values Citizenship
US Home Ownership Society, RIP
US Home Values Lost Trillions In 2008
US Must Stop Pampering Pakistan
US Not Leaving Iraq Anytime Soon
US Women To India For Surgical Sex Rejuvenation
USDA To Test Meat, Poultry For Melamine, WHY
video - A Timely Christmas Carol
video - UFO Crashes On Desert Floor
video - UFO Over London
video - UFO Over Nanjing China
video - UFOs Over Santiago, Chile
Vindication for Vilsack
Wal-Mart stores already advertising iPhone 3G availability
Wall Street Insiders and Fools' Gold
Wanted ;A Republican Howard Dean
Wanted Muslim Terrorist Advising Scotland Yard
Warning - New Credit Card Scam
Wash. gov offers no-tax budget for $6B shortfall
Washington Press Corps .. Good News, Bad News
We Need a Global Alliance of Values
We're Not Leaving Iraq Anytime Soon
Western Economies On Oil Price Rollercoaster
Weyrich hailed as conservative pioneer
What Afghans Want
What Can Be Learned from the Banking Crisis
What is American business afraid of
What kind of first lady will Michelle Obama be - Maria Puente
What the UAW Built
What they say isn't what you hear - Barry Rubin
What to Do With the Torturers
What you may not learn from watching Fox's reality show with Sheriff Joe Arpaio
What's the Real Cost of These Wars
Whatever Happened to the Law and Order Issue
When My Recession Becomes Your Depression
White House Considers 'Orderly' Bankruptcy for Automakers - Fox
Who Dares Resist Caroline Kennedy
Who Isn't a Madoff Victim The List Is Telling
Who's to Blame for Economy
Why Do We Need Warren At All
Why Eliot Sptizer's Comeback Won't Work
Why Is Steve Jobs Skipping MacWorld
Why Warren Matters to Gays
Why Wasn't Blagojevich Called Out
Why We Should Bail Out Automakers
Wife of ‘Star Trek’ creator dies at 76
Will Consumers Buy Cars from Bankrupt Auto Companies
With Chrysler sinking, Treasury seeking to throw a lifeline
With news this bad, what's next for America - Mark Egan
With So Much Meddling, Are Free Markets Still Free
Worst Senate Subcommittee of the Year
WY Lawmakers Oppose Constitutional Convention
Yahoo's Data Retention Move Puts Pressure on Google, Microsoft
Yonaguni Underwater Ruins Amaze And Perplex
You Can Buy Jen Aniston's Tie!
Zardari Attempts the Impossible
zimbabwe Aids-Free World Says International Crisis Group Wrong on ...
Zimbabwe cholera epidemic toll rises above 1000
Ziomedia Covers For Obama, Rhambo In Blago Mess
ZioMedia Monopolists Sue Over Parody
Zionist Israel May Get US F-22 Raptors
‘Helicopter Ben’ Confronts the Challenge of a Lifetime


'Rod Blagojevich' is easy; how do you say his lawyer's name
And What Does the World's Most Famous Illinois Citizen Think
Another Governor Exposed It's the naked truth -- first for Sarah ...
Blagojevich Denies Any Criminal Wrongdoing
Blagojevich even more offensive than we knew
Blagojevich fundraiser Rezko's sentencing delayed
Blagojevich may get free defense
Blagojevich Planned to Issue Order Benefiting Labor Union
Blagojevich Questions Continue to Overshadow Transition
Blagojevich's wife, brother retain counsel
Blagojevich’s arrest cost Illinois $20 million
Despite chaos, sudden resignation, tollway to press on
Former Blagojevich adviser Christopher Kelly to plead guilty
gop.. Blagojevich statement 'unacceptable'
Gov. Rod Blagojevich pardons 22 people
Ill. Gov. Blagojevich pledges to fight, won't quit
Jackson Jr.'s Revelation Renews Scrutiny Over Blagojevich Probe
Obama ; Frustrating Not To Release Blagojevich Report
Obama promises details of aides' contacts with Blagojevich next week
Obama still mum on Blagojevich scandal
Obama to Announce Energy Team as Questions Linger Over Blagojevich
Patti Blagojevich apologizes to neighbors for media 'barrage'
report ..Feds want to freeze gov's campaign fund
report.. Emanuel Spoke Directly With Blagojevich About Senate Seat
Republicans Hold a News Teleconference on Gov. Blagojevich
Republicans Revolt on RNC's Obama-Blago Strategy
Rod Blagojevich pal Christopher Kelly to plead guilty in tax fraud case -- chicagotribune.com
Rudy Giuliani Breaks Down Blagojevich Case
Sequel to Sarah Palin 'nude painting' A Rod Blagojevich 'nude painting' -- chicagotribune.com
source.. Blagojevich nixed job for Jackson's wife
The truth ..Gov. Blagojevich can't handle the truth
They don’t make ’em like Lincoln any more
Tollway Chairman John Mitola denies pressure from Rod Blagojevich on road contracts -- chicagotribune.com
Was There Enough Evidence to Arrest Gov. Blagojevich
With scandal, Ill. goes from glory to ridicule
Can the US Keep Its Afghan Colony
Cheap Party
Join the Fight! - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. - Mises Institute
Made-Off With Billions
Madoff and the Abject Failure of the SEC
NASA Didn't Lose the Space Spider
Newspapers Are Going the Way of the Slide Rule
Some People Are Happy To Torture
The Empire's Depression
The Euthanizing State
The Fed-Bankster Rip-Off
The Scientific Guide to Gift-Wrapping
Nazi Economics
ACORN on New Credit Card Rules
Al Franken closes the gap on Coleman
Alberto Gonzales FIRST Interview Since Leaving Dept of Justice
Blago proclaims his innocence
Bush bails out automakers, and the wingnuts do their thing
Cafferty File .. Sainthood Isn't Good Enough!
Democracy Lesson Learned in Iraq
Finally Some Relief From Credit Card Companies
Gitmo .. Two Years Is Too Long
In Katrina's wake, white neighborhood 'militia' murdered blacks
In Southern Idaho, 'Bell's Bigots' loudly proclaim their hateful wingnuttery
It's A Bloggy Holiday! Can you spare a dime
Joe may be OK with his fellow senators, but not with his constituents
Leader of Women's Group Murdered in Iraq
Lizard People invade MN Senate Recount
Mark Felt aka Deep Throat Dies
Music Industry to Abandon Mass Lawsuits
Norm Coleman's fancy home renovations looking a lot like Ted Stevens'
NY1 reporter .. Senator Caroline Kennedy is 'a done deal'
Obama tries to explain Rick Warren
Rachel Maddow Asks Carl Levin If There Will Be Prosecutions For Torture
Republicans get really nervous as Al Franken pulls into the lead
Rick Warren should withdraw
Ted Haggard peddles HBO documentary about his fall
The TRUE COST of a Shrimp Dinner!
Washington Press .. Corps Good News, Bad News
What you may not learn from watching Fox's reality show with Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Amazing War Of The Worlds Type UFO In Oz
Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism
Bush - A Legacy Of Perpetual War
Change Obama Inner Circle FULL Of Bilderbergers
Christopher Bollyn On Madoff
Coverup - Obama Planned To Terminate Fitzgerald!
Emanuel Talked Directly To Blago
Generation X'd Out
GM and Chrysler Will Get $13.4 Billion in U.S. Loans
GM Selling Off Its Heritage - A National Treasure
Has The US Supreme Court No Shame
In Eisenhower's Death Camps
Iraqi Journalist 'Sorry' - Shoes Said Destroyed
Obama's Cabinet
Obama's Foreign Policy `Change' Is Eyewash
Obama's New Appointments - No Cheer Here
Obama's Stealth Socialism
Roberts - Ready To Face Facts About Israel
The Most Racist Site On The Internet
The Talmud, Wall Street, & Bernie The Goniff
The `Good War' Myth Of World War Two
Zbig's MSNBC Daughter Mugged Outside DC Hotel
Audio - Mark Levin Show - Dec 19, 2008
Audio - Mark Levin Show - Dec 15, 2008
Audio - Mark Levin Show - Dec 16, 2008
Audio - Mark Levin Show - Dec 17, 2008
Audio - Mark Levin Show - Dec 18, 2008

'Zimbabwe is mine', declares Mugabe - Breaking News - World - Breaking News
- Incredible Irony of Corruption in Denver Jobs to Illegals Equals More Homeless (Connecting the Dots blog) Denver Post Neighbors
A Devastating Impact as the Market Unleverages and a Winter of Discontent - The International Forecaster
Bailout payout tops $8 trillion - Yahoo! News
Both Ends Against The Middle
Bye bye dollar, bye bye Treasuries...
Cheney Throws Down Gauntlet, Defies Prosecution for War Crimes
Clinton's foundation got millions from Saudis, Gates - CNN.com
Closing Of Plum Island Leaves Huge Clean-Up
CWD In WI Deer - Kill Zones Do Not Work
Dave Lindorff Prosecuting Bush and Cheney for Torture
Devvy Kidd -- Impostor president Obama victory will be short lived
Dismal economy sinks oil below US$37 - Business News - SINA English
Emanuel talked directly to gov source CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich
Exeter — the East Coast Roswell
FACTBOX Obama's Cabinet takes shape Reuters
Freeze Frames Of China UFO Leaving
Gazprom threatens to cut off gas to Ukraine - Times Online
GEAB N°30 is available! Global systemic crisis – New tipping-point in March 2009 'When the world becomes aware that this crisis is worse than the 1930s crisis'
George Bush shoe protester has been beaten, Iraqi judge says World news guardian.co.uk
H5N1 Confirmed in Dead Crows in Guwahati Assam
How Jewish is Hollywood - Los Angeles Times
Ice storm knocks out power to 220,000 in US Midwest Reuters
Indian parliament passes tough new terrorism laws - World - smh.com.au
Maan News Agency
madoff - The Boston Globe
Madoff Moved The Money To Israel
Meet Mary Schapiro Wake Up From Your Slumber
Mineweb - GOLD NEWS - Swiss gold bullion in huge demand as trust in banks dives
Musharraf Nailed Top Pakistani Terrorist and Kidnapper As MI-6 Agent LaRouche Political Action Committee
Newswise Science News Smart Surveillance System May Tag Suspicious or Lost People
Nobel prize row over pharmaceuticals firm link - Telegraph
Number of Gaza siege victims reaches 271 www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
Plum Island Lab Moving To Kansas - Goes BSL-4
Police Charge Katsav with rape - Israel News, Ynetnews
Police demolish entire Bedouin village inside Israel www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
Rev. Wurmbrand's Warning To Humanity
Sami Ramadani The shoes we longed for Comment is free The Guardian
Scientists Find Increased Methane Levels In Arctic Ocean
Scotsman.com News - International
Seat for sale scandal causes wider worries over American corruption - Times Online
SEC Report Employees Browsed Porn, Ran Private Businesses - ProPublica
Seth Freedman For two years on Cif, I've detailed the miscarriages of justice I've witnessed. But many are still convinced Israel can do no wrong Comment is free guardian.co.uk
Shocking study finds most will torture if ordered U.S. Reuters
Targeted assassination in Jenin www.uruknet.info informazione dall'Iraq occupato news from occupied Iraq - it
The Cenegenics Food Pyramid
The Fallen Natures of Men Took Control Of The Economy And Destroyed It - The International Forecaster
The Madoff scandal gets weirder and weirder - BloggingStocks
UPDATE 1-Watergate 'Deep Throat' Mark Felt dies at 95 Reuters
video - UFO Crashes On Desert Floor
Who is Bernard Madoff, the man behind the $50 billion fraud - bollyn
Zimbabwe’s misery prolonged by two unlikely partners
The Neo-Alchemy of the Federal Reserve Information Clearing House - ICH

'American Taliban' Lindh Asks Bush for Freedom - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker
'The Man Who Invented Christmas' by Les Standiford
2 buses skid down slick hill, barely avoid plunge to I-5
200 Lawyers Offer To Defend Shoe Attacker
2000-Year Old Antikythera Computer Comes To Life
2009 Will Be The Year Of The Crash
35 Iraq Officials Held In Key Ministry Raids
A Most Desperate Move by the Fed
A Scheme With No Off Button
Activists sail to Gaza for fifth time
ADL Whines About Anti-Semitism After Madoff Scandal
Admiral picked for spy chief
After Steve Jobs, who runs Apple
Al-Qaeda terror trial British Muslim was director of terrorism - Telegraph
Arabs Sail to Gaza, Defying Israel Blockade
Ariz. police say they are prepared as War College warns military must prep for unrest; IMF warns of economic riots
As Oil Sinks, Producers Reprioritize Investments
Audit highlights excessive FBI overtime in Iraq - CNN.com
Auto industry ties economy together - Democratic Governors - Politico.com
Baby born with 'foot in brain'
Bankers ..FDIC rules will ban new banks
BBC NEWS Asia-Pacific China's internet 'spin doctors'
Belatedly, China spreads word about HIV prevention
Belgian king in talks over govt. crisis
Bernard Madoff - The New York Post
Biden gives first post-election interview - Carol E. Lee - Politico.com
Biden Keep economy from 'absolutely tanking' - Carol E. Lee - Politico.com
Bill Clinton's Complicated World
Blackwater Might Lose License To Operate In Iraq
Boundary Between Earth's Upper Atmosphere And Space Has Moved To Extraordinarily Low Altitudes, NASA Instruments Document
Bristol Palin's future in-law arrested - Andy Barr - Politico.com
Brown .. Invalidate Prop. 8
Brown asks state high court to overturn Prop. 8
Bumbling Good Samaritan can be sued
Bush .. auto plan only way to stave off collapse
Bush Administration Created Executive Pay Loophole
Bush announces $17.4 billion auto bailout - David Rogers and Mike Allen - Politico.com
Bush Cronies Behind (reason for) Bush's $17 Billion Automotive Give-away, According to Michael Savage
Bush cronies tied to auto bailout
Bush Hard keeping minds on Iraq - Andy Barr - Politico.com
Bush Portraits Unveiled at Smithsonian
Bush Shoe Incident Video Uncut
Bush.. Sacrifice Free Market To Save Economy
Cabinet Middle-of-the-roaders' dream - Carrie Budoff Brown and Nia-Malika Henderson - Politico.com
California ..U.S. Marines to Staff Vehicle Checkpoint Along with Law Enforcement Agencies
California declares fiscal emergency
Canada follows US with auto aid package
Career Army Officer Sues Rumsfeld, Cheney, Saying No Evacuation Order Given on 9-11
Caroline Kennedy seeks support for Senate bid from labor leaders
Caroline Kennedy This isn't her father's Camelot - Los Angeles Times
Cerberus offers stake to unions
Change We Can Believe In.. Obama Chooses Monsanto Creature, Tom Vilsack, for Secretary of Agriculture
China holds seminar on development of theory on socialism with Chinese characteristics
China says lending to US will not go on forever
Chinese learn to live with reform
Clinton Foundation’s Success Was Buoyed by Donors’ Boom Years
CNN Meteorologist Manmade Global Warming Theory 'Arrogant'
CNSNews.com - $1 Billion More a Year for Gender Equality, Clean Energy and NASA, Says House Chairman
CNSNews.com - Schwarzenegger Increased State Spending 32%, Now California is Broke
Cognitive computing ..Building a machine that can learn from experience
Controversy Over New 'Conscience' Rule
Copperfield assistant breaks arm during Vegas show
Corporate Bonds Haven’t Been This Cheap Since 1932
Could We Uncover Watergate Today
Cox 'Gravely concerned' about Madoff - Eamon Javers - Politico.com
Credit-Card Users Feel Pain as U.S. Banks Reap Gain
Crowley Ever the bridesmaid - Alex Isenstadt - Politico.com
DARPA Aims To Make Killer Robots
Defending Caylee's mom a challenge, experts say
Diabetes Drugs Must Now Clear Cardiovascular Hurdle, Says FDA
Discrimination against white males will soon be encouraged in Australia
DNA Testing Identifies Child's Remains as Caylee Anthony
Doctor .. Face transplant patient 'very happy' with procedure
Dollar Touches 12-Week Low Against Euro as Fed Cuts to Zero
Dollar's Drop Erases Months Of Gains
Don't link Islam to terror, Islamic chief urges - Yahoo! News
Donors list raises fears over Hillary Clinton role as Secretary of State - Times Online
Drug arrest targets future Palin in-law
Educators Seek Shift in U.S. Schooling to Stress Global Values, See Nationalism as Obsolete
Electoral College weighs in for Obama - Andy Barr - Politico.com
EPA needs to consider effects of chemical barrage
Ethics .. An Illinois story
Evidence Of Hospitable Water On Mars
Ex-Dallas mayor Kirk will bring political skill, moderation to US trade representative post
Experiment Shows Humans Still Unable To Say No To Authority
FAA Gives Greenlight For Commercial Spaceport
Favre Beats Lizard People In Minnesota Senate Vote
FDA Stuns Scientists, Declares Mercury in Fish to be Safe for Infants, Children, Expectant Mothers!
Fed cuts target for key rate to record low
Foundation to shut down, says Madoff managed money
Foxit Enters eBook Reader Race
From Global Crisis to Global Government
Further reforms called for after transplant case
Garbage in, garbage out, decision may cost a million
Gay leaders furious with Obama - Ben Smith and Nia-Malika Henderson - Politico.com
George's Bottom Line
Goldman Sachs cuts taxes to one percent by moving profits offshore
Goldman, UBS, Deutsche, Morgan Stanley Lowered by S&P
Google snatches search share from rivals
GOP slams Bush over bailout - Martin Kady II - Politico.com
Governor Says Higher Taxes on Wealthy Likely
Greek Youths Continue Riot Spree
How Jewish is Hollywood - Los Angeles Times
Human Rights Central to Message of Hanukkah
IBDeditorials.com Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism
Ill. Dems say Gov. Blago cold and remote - Daniel Libit - Politico.com
Illinois Gov. Blagojevich makes clear his intent to stay in office, fight corruption charges
Illinois' culture of reform inspired by Simon - Terry Michael - Politico.com
IMF chief issues stark warning on economic crisis
Inaugural poet
India to consider all options if Pak fails to keep its promises Pranab-India-The Times of India
Internet, Phone Outages in Middle East After Cables Cut
Iran Forms Spy Network In GCC States
Iraq .. no charges for officers held over conspiracy
Iraq shoe-thrower's family demonstrates for his release
Iraqi journalist who threw shoes asks for pardon
Jackson provides info to authorities - Nia-Malika Henderson - Politico.com
Japanese Billboards Are Watching Back
Jobs go begging at Northrop Grumman - Los Angeles Times
Jordanians rally to demand shoe tosser's release
Judge blocks 8th-grade algebra testing in Calif.
Judicial Watch Barking at the moon - Daniel Libit - Politico.com
Kennedy comes out for gay marriage - Glenn Thrush and Ben Smith - Politico.com
Kennedy's campaign takes a page from Clinton
Kirk to bring evenhandedness to US trade post
Kissinger Calls For New International System Out Of World Crises
LA, Caribbean countries call for new regional financial architecture
Labor Dept. choice praised in many quarters
Labor ties drive Solis pick - Patrick O'Connor and Amie Parnes - Politico.com
Laura Bush George Freeded 50 Million People
Letter to the editor on Pentagon story - Colonel Greg Martin - Politico.com
Lexus liberals
Madoff bought influence in Washington - Eamon Javers and Lisa Lerer - Politico.com
Madoff’s Investors Had About 36 Billion With Firm ; Table
Magnetic Field Hole Could Cripple Communications
Many dinosaurs were stay-at-home dads
Marital Distress May Affect Breast Cancer Recovery
Mass Internet Outage Reported In Egypt
Mika Brzezinski mugged, feels 'great' - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Mixed martial arts fighter Justin Levens, wife Sarah McLean-Levens found shot to death in their home
More California Towns Face Bankruptcy - WSJ.com
Mortgage aid could come with more Treasury cash
MTV Plans 16 New Reality Shows
N. Korea claims Kim Jong Il slay plot
NASA finds Mars slightly less inhospitable
NASA Global Warming Causing More Tropical Storms
NASA Selling Space Shuttles
Nepotism NY style as clans vie for seat - Glenn Thrush and Harry Siegel - Politico.com
New Obama science team seen as taking more aggressive response to global warming that did Bush
Newsmax.com - America's Last Wake-Up Call
Next Obama must put his centrist Cabinet to work
Obama .. Labor pick is blazing new trails - CNN.com
Obama Government Asleep At The Switch
Obama introduces more economic appointees
Obama names 4 top members of science team
Obama Picks Dream Green Team
Obama Picks Military Man, Blair, as Top Spymaster
Obama says mindful of deficit in crafting stimulus
Obama Science again to be 'at the top' - Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
Obama Taps Venture Capitalist to Head Small Business Administration
Obama team, Capitol Hill aides rush to flesh out stimulus bill before Christmas
Obama to name Dennis Blair as intelligence director
Obama's all-star Cabinet - Nia-Malika Henderson - Politico.com
Obama's choice of Rick Warren to lead prayer dismays Hollywood liberals - Los Angeles Times
Obama’s Choice of Pastor Creates Furor
Obey U.S. falling into 'massive hole' - David Rogers - Politico.com
Oil Slumps To $34
OJ victim denies ever having Hall of Fame ring
Pak-China sign defence cooperation agreement
Palm CEO Confirms 'Nova' OS Is in the Wild
Paris Hilton's home burglarized
Peter Madoff resigns - Lisa Lerer - Politico.com
Pictured Desperate Chinese sailors fight off Somali pirates with beer bottles and Molotov cocktails Mail Online
Plans Being Drawn To Close Guantanamo Prison
Police prepare for civil unrest as IMF warns of economic riots
President-elect Obama's Cabinet is an experienced, pragmatic, diverse team
Psychic jailed, charged with bilking woman, 85
Researcher Revives 'Shocking' Human Experiment
Retailers suffer worst trading conditions for 25 years
Rice .. Only an Idiot would trust N. Korea
Robotic Weather Planes
Rubble yields silver Temple 'tax' half-shekel
Russia May Need Help From World Bank
Russia wants OSCE to split Georgia, Ossetia teams
S. Korean politicians brawl over U.S. deal - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com
Salvation Army kettle yields rare gift
Samung Plans Android Phone for US in 2009
Schwarzenegger orders state hiring freeze, worker cuts
Scientists find hole in Earth's magnetic field
Scientists Moon Could Hold Water For Lunar Base
Season's First Big Winter Storm Barrels Across Great Lakes Region
Secrecy surrounds those receiving benefits of Federal Reserve’s trillions
Senate Hopeful Kennedy Takes A Beating From Upstate Media - wcbstv.com
Senate seat only part of case vs. Ill. governor
Shhh ... Caroline Kennedy's listening tour around NY is quieter version of Clinton strategy
Simulated training urged for new wars
Singer linked to Clemens apparently attempts suicide Entertainment Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Sling Streams to BlackBerry
Southwest Border Fence 500 Miles Long Now
Sri Lanka navy destroys rebel arms ship military
State program will use DNA test for colon cancer
State Senator-Elect Accused of Slashing Companion’s Face
Talks break down, Warner Music pulls videos from YouTube
Teachers to get 'role model' code
Terror-hit Mumbai hotels to reopen
Thai PM rules out cabinet deals
The Bill Nobody Noticed; National DNA Databank
The Crypt Waxman grants Dingell lead role on health care - Politico.com
The Fed Is Utterly Petrified
TheHill.com - With economy in shambles, Congress gets a raise
There's no silver bullet to solve energy crisis - J. Craig Venter - Politico.com
Time's Jay Carney will be Biden aide - Mike Allen - Politico.com
To understand Salazar, follow the money - Chris Frates - Politico.com
Top execs would roll up sleeves to fight cyber war, according to think tank study
Top Lawyer Urges Voiding California Proposition 8
Toshiba SSD 512GB Could Replace Hard Drives
Troops Mobilized For Obama Inauguration
U.N. divided over gay rights declaration International Reuters
U.S. homes to lose more than $2 trillion in value this year
U.S. Stocks Fall on Concern Fed Is Running Out of Ammunition
U.S. Will Starting Arming Militias in Afghanistan
UN agency says crisis needs global currency rules
UN Crisis Needs Global Currency Rules
UN OKs Attack On Somali Pirates
Unrest continues near vacated Malmö mosque - The Local
US increases Afghan troop pledge
US military positive on China's naval escort plan
US Navy's robot stealth carrier plane unveiled
US Tech Firms Team to Juice Up Electric Car Batteries
video - Ron Paul & Peter Schiff on our economic collapse
Warner Music Group,
We're in the fast lane to Bailoutistan tax, make, new, kennedy, land - Opinion - OCRegister.com
What happens when voters don't decide - John Fortier - Politico.com
WHO Says Better Monitoring of Cholera Needed in Zimbabwe
With economy in shambles, Congress gets a raise
Woman Sued for Rescue Effort in Car Crash
Yahoo Limits Retention of Search Data
Your Homeland Security Dollars Not At Work
YouTube overtakes Yahoo, Microsoft in US search
Zimbabwe's ZANU-PF meet amid internal splits
Assessing The Bush Legacy
Is Chicago Machine Thwarting Young's Murder Probe
Mr. Bush - Free Ramos And Compean
Political Corruption Is Institutional
Those Scandalous Alternative Christmas Carols
TIME's First Bi-Gay Person Of Year


'Phenomenal' response to 'Bible morons'
'Zimbabwe is mine' says Robert Mugabe - Telegraph
17 judges, one ruling - and 857,000 records must be now wiped clear Politics The Guardian
3 Russian warships visit Cold War ally Cuba - Yahoo! News
6 degrees of purity
7 students suspended for refusing anti-Christian class
9-year-old called drug dealer over cough drops
A History Timeline of Population Control
ABC News Gov't Toughens Bail Conditions For Bernard Madoff (2)
ABC News Gov't Toughens Bail Conditions For Bernard Madoff
ABC News One in 10 Jobs Tied to Autos Not so Fast
ABC News Why Isn't the Bailout Working
AFP Opponents file suit to annul gay marriages in California
Al Franken opens first lead in Minn. Senate race
American Thinker Is Obama vulnerable to blackmail
Americans less likely to roam study - Yahoo! News
Anti-Semitism floods Internet after Madoff scandal campaigners
As clock ticks, will sales click -- chicagotribune.com
Atlanta Botanical Garden accident kills 1, injures 18 ajc.com
Automakers get $17.4 billion White House lifeline - Autos- msnbc.com
Automakers grab loans, look to Obama White House
BBC NEWS Middle East Sexy secrets of the Syrian souk
Belarus will not react yet to U.S. missile shield plan - Lukashenko
Biden says economy is No. 1 issue
Bill Clinton lifts veil from foundation's donor list - International Herald Tribune
Black, white Santas draw some criticism
Bloomberg Misquotes Ron Paul Seconds After He Speaks
Bloomberg.com U.S.
Breitbart.tv » Dad Punishes Son for School Vandalism by Forcing Public Confession
Breitbart.tv » Miami Beach Man Suspects Attackers Beat Him Because He’s Jewish
Breitbart.tv » Plunge Precipice Seattle Bus Passengers Describe Terrifying Slide Down Ice Covered Hill
Breitbart.tv » The B-Cast Breastfeeding Moms Plan ‘Nurse In’ Protest Against Facebook Over Picture Censorship
Breitbart.tv » Unions Pushing for $850B in Stimulus Before Obama Takes Office
Bumbling Good Samaritan can be sued
Burger King launches beef-scented body spray Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Buses hang over I-5 after losing control Local News KING5.com News for Seattle, Washington
Bush mulling farewell speech with lessons to share
Bush reflects on White House days - International Herald Tribune
Cable breaks cut Internet in Mideast, South Asia Industries Technology, Media & Telecommunications Reuters
Calif gay rights leader to boycott inauguration
Campbell's Soup promotes 2-mommy families
Christmas is coming!
City worker accused of rigging auctions of impounded vehicles - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
CNN Meteorologist Manmade Global Warming Theory ‘Arrogant’
Cocaine suspect describes himself to Texas police
Conservatives win court case in Va. church dispute National news Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Cops Man stopped driver, fondled her -- Newsday.com
Corsi detention orchestrated by Obama's political friend
Cougars preying in the classroom
Did Early Global Warming Divert A New Glacial Age
Don't destabilize Russia, Putin warns foes International Reuters
Don't destabilize Russia, Putin warns foes - Yahoo! News
Economic crisis stalls NAFTA superhighway
Emanuel talked directly to gov source CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich
Eugenics Quotes Social Control in their own words
Ex-astronaut Nowak again asks for evidence to be tossed National Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Family sues Disney over bassinet death -- chicagotribune.com
Family's 2 Pit Bulls Kill Rubidoux Man NBC Los Angeles
Fanning 'rape' flop to be sold online
Fears of torture real, appeals court concludes
Feisty new Christian history magazine – free!
Filibuster Al Qaeda Founder Robert Gates
Former ISI Chief Mumbai And 9-11 Both “Inside Jobs”
Former US admiral says to Israel Don't fear Iran Israel Jerusalem Post
Franken edges ahead in Minnesota Senate recount Chronicle Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
George's Bottom Line
Germany releases one of the last Red Army Faction members - International Herald Tribune
Get off your butt, Mr. Mom!
Get ready for a 'Greater Israel' dominating Mideast
Gladiators set to return to Colosseum for first time in 2,000 years Mail Online
Goebbels, Paterson, Obama and the eternal lie
Gov. Rod Blagojevich Says He's Innocent, Won't Step Down - cbs2chicago.com
Hot gold puts Mich. postal worker in hot water
Houston firm to pay $21 million in immigration case Chronicle Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Houston judge's daughter sues driver she hit while drunk Chronicle Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
How liberals have distorted Christian charity
If Caroline’s Last Name Was Palin « FOX Forum « FOXNews.com
Illegal fatally beats woman who gives him home
In Cabinet, Obama goes for experience, pragmatism
Inaugural security leave chairs, strollers home
India may still strike at Pakistan US report- LATEST NEWS-The Economic Times
India's 9-11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks
Indian builder survives after being skewered by 6ft iron pole that fell 10 storeys Mail Online
InternetNews Realtime IT News - No Passing Grade For U.S. in Cyberwar Test
InternetNews Realtime IT News - One Laptop Per Child a Solar Movement
InternetNews Realtime IT News - Rim, Palm a Tale in Smartphone Contrasts
Intuit faces court over spam attack
Iraqi judge Reporter beaten after tossing shoes at Bush World Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Jerry Brown Gay-marriage ban should be invalidated L.A. Now Los Angeles Times
Join exploding demand for citizenship documentation
Judge toughens Madoff's home detention rules
Kennedy campaign takes page from Clinton
Kenneth Starr to defend gay marriage ban before state Supreme Court L.A. Now Los Angeles Times
Kissinger Calls For New International System Out Of World Crises
KIVITV.COM Boise. News, Breaking News, Weather and Sports-Borah Teacher Charged With Having Sex With Student
Laura Bush George freed 50 mln people
Lawyer arrested for giving client a piece of candy
Man dies after being Tasered at S.J. hospital by police officer
Man finds cash in same store twice and returns it
McClatchy Washington Bureau 12-19-2008 Holiday sex Christmas season is peak for mating
Microsoft wants to get under your skin
Mother of Palin daughter's boyfriend arrested
MPAA to Obama censor the Internet, kick people off the Internet, break other countries' Internet
My Way News - Afghanistan could see 30,000 new US troops
My Way News - Caylee's remains offer few clues about her death
My Way News - China blocks access to New York Times Web site
My Way News - Detroit mayor Deficit nears $300M, cuts ordered
My Way News - Mo. begins prosecuting under cyberbullying law
My Way News - Skeletal remains don't reveal how Fla. girl died
Nation & World Brain-surgery shock Doctor sees a foot Seattle Times Newspaper
Nation & World Protest by suitcase workers sent packing in China Seattle Times Newspaper
Nazi Economics
Next taxpayer bailout Abortion industry
No, Christ isn't allowed in Christmas
Nuns sue NYC tenants over 'vomit-like' food smells
O'Reilly won the battle – but lost the debate
Officers Pierced 'gothic kittens' marketed on Web
Olmert wants to meet with Syria's leader
Online Jihadists Plan for 'Invading Facebook' Danger Room from Wired.com
Our federal republic Dangling by a thread
Pathologists puzzled by heart found at car wash
Pictured Desperate Chinese sailors fight off Somali pirates with beer bottles and Molotov cocktails Mail Online
Pictures Chinese man dangles girlfriend from window with knife to her throat - Times Online
Plan targets Shariah ban on leaving Islam
Police prepare for civil unrest as IMF warns of economic riots
President Bush thinking of border agent pardons
Psychic jailed, charged with bilking woman, 85
Quoting WND
Report Gonzales And Rice Appear To Have Lied To Congress About Vetting Bush’s Pre-War Uranium Claims
Residents of Ohio village shower workers with cash
Reuters AlertNet - Turkish court acquits transsexual singer
Rice says only an idiot would trust North Korea Reuters
Ripples of Madoff scandal spread everywhere
Ron Paul Fear Based Bailouts Constitute Economic Terrorism
Stolen cake sparks bank data alert in Germany
Stop the bailout Here's the answer!
Support plummets for plan to criminalize Christianity
Supreme Court to talk about Obama 3rd time
TBO.com - News From AP
That Was No Small War in Georgia -- It Was the Beginning of the End of the American Empire ForeignPolicy AlterNet
The Associated Press Obama fills econ team, says business will revive
The big list Female teachers with students
The Problem for Gays with Rick Warren — and Obama - TIME
This Christmas, let's remember who we are
Tight security as Mumbai hotels prepare to reopen
Tragedy at Christmas show as actress plunges 25ft to her death Mail Online
Tree man's roots begin to grow back - Telegraph
U.N. divided over gay rights declaration International Reuters
U.S. lawmakers scold AIG over Shariah finance
US deports 46 percent more Mexicans and Central Americans
wcco.com - Ex-Teacher's Aide Now Pleads Guilty To Sex Charge
Video - China, Taiwan Begin Direct Links
video - US Economy - The Philopher's Stone
'It's a historic opportunity for those people that can play in the marketplace'
'No recovery soon' in bank credit
'Too Good To Be True' Never Truer
'You don't want to read too much into the tape today'
1 plus 1 equals 20 extra votes for Franken
A better bailout alternative
A better way to counter judicial activism
A Choice to Redefine the Schools Debate
A Clear Vision to Save Africa
A Corruption Carol
A Culture of Suicide in Palestine
A Dangerous Imbalance For the GOP
A Middle East Arms Race
A Wrench in Silicon Valley's Wealth Machine
A Year of Failure and Chaos in the World of Finance
ADL Pretends Jews Don't Run Hollywood
Afghan blast kills Danish troops
After the Carnage; Bargains and Opportunities in '09
An Anniversary, But Not a Happy One
An arrest in Alaska
analysis- Obama's Cabinet lacks reformers
Another Chicago case tied to Obama
Auto Bailout tab.. $17.4 billion in loans
Back to the Future with The Complex
Baha'is The New Jews
Banks Must Dump Bad Assets, Citigroup Edition
Barky's Invocation Choice Angers Hollywood Left
Beijing Won't Bail Out World's Economy
Believing What We Believe
Bernanke lends hundreds of billions on word of firms that OK'd toxic securities
Beware of Investment Protectionism
Bill Clinton's Complicated World
Bill's Pals, Hill's Problems
Blago will get Emanuel tapes
blagojevich 'I have done nothing wrong'
Bloodless Sunday
BofA's Extortion post-TARP
British Troops Leave Iraq a Better Place
Bush - A Legacy Of Perpetual War
Bush Announces Automaker Aid Plan
Bush Defends Bailout Decision
Bush Gives Emergency Loans to Automakers
Bush Has Made Us Vulnerable
Camelot is Not a State
Canada To Give GM, Chrysler $4 Billion
Caroline's Calculations
Caylee Anthony remains offer few clues
CBO Sees Hurdles in Financing Obama's Health Plan
Chavez closer to referendum plan
Chicago politics at the retail level
Child-porn cartoon conviction upheld
China to deploy ships off Somalia
China's Emerging Democratic Society
China's Human-Rights Activists Need Support
Chinese Banks' Great Leap Backward
Christmas Comes Early For Detroit
Christmas Lessons From Charles Dickens
Civilians Caught in Congo Crossfire
Climate Crisis = Logic Crisis
Clinton Foundation Donor Info; Playing Hard To Get
Come One, Come All ..'Global Orgasm for Peace Day' Reminder
Complaint Filed Over Stevens Trial
Congress Is As Unresponsive to Consumers as Detroit
Consequences of a World Gone Madoff
Credit Bush's Wisdom Extending Loans for Big 3
Cronyism in an Era of Change
Crude rises on strengthening dollar, auto bailout
Cuomo Feels Stymied by Kennedy Brand
DC ; The 51st State
Defense No Longer Starts at Home
Dems Are the New Ethics Story
Did Bernie Madoff Bilk Mother Jones
Does Rick Warren Matter
Domestic Militarization In San Bernardino County
Doomsday scientists
Echoes of Nixon in Blago's Defiance
Ecogeek Deathmatch; Ed Begley Jr. v. Bill Nye, Science Guy
Education Foundation Shuts, Blames Madoff
Eliot Spitzer's Second Act
exclusive-Phil Elmore slams guv for heightening impact of chemicals on New Yorkers
Expectations of Hope and Change
Fitzgerald renews interest in Rezko-Obama deal
Five Reasons the Federal Reserve Is Obsolete
General Motors' Toothless Restructuring Test
Germ Warfare
Germany Is Already Collapsing
Getting what they deserve
Global Economy The Age of Obligation
GM & Chrysler Are Still in Deep
Goebbels, Paterson, Obama & The Eternal Lie
GOP sides with foreigners – again
GOP to Michigan; Drop Dead
Hezb'allah and the coming elections in Lebanon
Hitchens' Vulgarities
How New Is Obama's New Politics
How Profit Motive, Not Aid, Can Save the World
How to Fix Canada's Political Mess
How To Save the Industrial Heartland
Howard Dean.. The Prophet
If Caroline's Last Name Was Palin
If You Can't Trust Bernie Madoff, Who Can You Trust
Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's statement Friday
Illinois politics ..'Pay to play'
In Crisis, Labour Finds Unity
Insurance Against an Even Bigger Wreck
International Regulation Revisited
Interview with President Bush Part 2
Interview with President George W. Bush Part One
Investigator casts doubt on Obama's birth residence
Investors Complicit in Madoff's Ponzi Scheme
Is Iran Policy Still Up for Grabs
Is Obama Vulnerable To Blackmail (Is Water Wet)
Is Obama vulnerable to blackmail
Is Steven Chu BFF With BP
Israel boots U.N. human rights investigator
Kennedy and Elitism
Kennedy vs. Palin
Labor's Fresh Face
LaHood and Solis; Second Round Picks
Learnings Lessons from Across the Pond
Leaving Iraq
Lessons From the Great Inflation
Lessons of the Past for New Middle East
Lungs 'repaired for transplant'
Madoff Reflects Investment Industry Itself
Madoff Reminds Us That We Need a Strong SEC
Madoff's Betrayal
Making Sense of the Taliban
Merry Christmas Detroit. From Broke Uncle Sam
Mexico's Cartel War ;Year Three
Minister in Mumbai police furore
Mom, 2 kids dead in potential murder-suicide
Montana florists, blacksmiths counting their losses along with financiers
Moral Surrender to Pyongyang
Moshe Feiglin & Israel's Failing Politics
Mullah Omar's Designs on India
Nepotism NY Style; Famous Clans Vie for Seat
Nigerian gunmen kidnap Russians
Nobel Prize Foundation Caught Up in Corruption Probe
Now It's Just the 'News' Business
O Say Can You Buy
O'Reilly won the battle – but lost the debate
Obama and the Rick Warren Flap
Obama announces final Cabinet picks
Obama Has a Blank Economic Check
Obama Has Mishandled the Blagojevich Matter
Obama May Press Japan
Obama Names Picks for Top Scientists
Obama Picks Show Split on Trade Issues
Obama Tabs Militarist Blair As Intel Director
Obama Team Takes Two Shapes
Obama's choices for science advisors - global warming advocates
Obama's First Policy Retreat
Obama's Pastor Problem
Obama's Poet
Obama's Progress; From Wright to Warren
Obama's War
Oil Drilling Process Begin Off VA Coast
Olmert wants to meet with Syria's leader
On My Expulsion from Israel
On With Impeachment
OPEC Losing Its Muscle
Paranoia at Big Coal HQ
Parties of Corruption II
Past Tense Pretense
Patrick Fitzgerald Strikes Again
Philip Morris' Legal Smoke Screen
political video - Axelrod on Emanuel
political video - Blagojevich Vows To Fight
political video - Bush Announces Aid for Automakers
political video - Cheney Discusses Interrogation of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
political video - Cheney.. Obama's Security Team 'Pretty Good'
political video - Dean on Kennedy, Senate Appointments
political video - Discussion of Blagojevich Impeachment
political video - Interview with President Bush
political video - Kennedy Goes on Tour
political video - Limbaugh, Cheney Discuss Guantanamo
political video - More of Bush's ABC News Interview
political video - Obama Announces Agriculture, Interior Heads
political video - Obama Announces Environment and Energy Team
political video - Obama Announces Financial Regulators
political video - Obama Announces Science Team
political video - Obama Defends Warren Invite
political video - Obama on Education, Economy and Blagojevich
political video - Obama On the Auto Aid Package, Economic Team
political video - Obama Says Staff Did Nothing Wrong w-Blagojevich
political video - Paulson on the Economy
political video - Perino Talks About Black Eye
political video - Rice on Best, Worst Moments
political video - White House; No 'Disorderly' Auto Collapse
Positive ID.. Caylee Anthony Dead
Quantitative Easing Is Momentous
Radiators Live at Parrish Room on 2006-04-21
Recession Forecast Blown Up by Subprime Meltdown
Relocate Gitmo – to Hyde Park!
Remembering Conor Cruise O'Brien
Russia; Shhhh, Or It's Treason
Russian dancer Lepeshinskaya dies
Saudis, Indians among Clinton foundation donors
Schwarzenegger Orders Unpaid Leave for State Workers
Science Picks Signal Global Warming Policy Changes
Sequel to Sarah Palin 'nude painting' A Rod Blagojevich 'nude painting' -- chicagotribune.com
source - Obama Chooses Blair for DNI
Stimulus Is for Suckers
Surveillance Cams To Decide Who is 'Suspicious'
Sweeping Health Care Reform an Elusive Goal
Swiss glaciers 'in full retreat'
Terrorists declare 2008 'The year of the shoe'
Thatcher Wouldn't Have Gone Wobbly on Detroit
The Curious Retention of Robert Gates
The Employee Free Choice Act Is Unconstitutional
The Fed's Risky Foray Into Anti-Deflation Economics
The GOP's Fannie-Freddie Fixation
The Infertile Crescent
The Most Important Number on Earth
The next complaint
The oil opportunity
The Resurgent House Of Kennedy
The Seven Deadly Deficits
The skunk at Obama's lawn party
The Three Stooges Go To Washington - Part 5
The Time of the Book
The Top Ten Ethics Scandals of 2008
The Tragedy of Greek Apathy
The Truth About Green Jobs
The Year the Financial System Stopped Working
This Year Hot Buy -- 2% Treasuries
Time for Some Morality Trades
Tough Calls for Tough Times
Tough Road Ahead for Detroit
Transcripts ---
Transcripts --- AEI's Q&A With President Bush
Transcripts --- Blagojevich Vows to Fight Corruption Charges
Transcripts --- Bush Advisers on the Last Eight Years
Transcripts --- Debate of Obama's Warren Invocation Invite
Transcripts --- Former Fed Officials Discuss Latest Rate Cut
Transcripts --- Illinois' LG Quinn and AG Madigan
Transcripts --- Interview with Gov. Mark Sanford
Transcripts --- Interview with New York Rep. Peter King
Transcripts --- Interview with President Bush
Transcripts --- Interview with Senator John McCain
Transcripts --- Interview with Vice President Cheney
Transcripts --- Michigan Gov. Granholm on the Auto Aid Package
Transcripts --- Newt Gingrich on Blagojevich, Auto Bailout
Transcripts --- Obama Announces Agriculture, Interior Nominees
Transcripts --- Obama Announces Labor, Transportation Nominees
Transcripts --- Obama Announces Science & Tech Team
Transcripts --- Panel on Caroline Kennedy and the Senate
Transcripts --- Panel on Obama and Trade
Transcripts --- Panel on Obama's Staff and Blagojevich
Transcripts --- Panel on the Auto Bailout
Transcripts --- President Bush Announces Aid for Auto Manufacturers
Transcripts --- President Bush on the Freedom Agenda
Transcripts --- Roundtable on Bush and the Economy
Transcripts --- Rudy Giuliani on Blagojevich, Kennedy
Transcripts --- Shields & Brooks on Autos, Blagojevich, Kennedy
Transcripts --- Stuart Rothenberg on Senate Vacancies
Turkey's Constitutional Obstacle
Two (Anti) Mustard Seeds for Stocks
U.S. partner slams 'idiot,' 'cruel,' 'unbeliever' Bush
UAW's Sacrifices Look to Some Like Surrender
UFO Over Melbourne - Seen Taking Up Water
Unions.. Obama's 'Gays in the Military' Moment
video - South Korea Parliament Brawl
Wall Street Readies For Next Big Heist
Warren Pick Insults Struggle for Justice
We Should Take a Play Out of India's Book
Weyrich, A Lion of the Right
What is American business afraid of
What Obama Has to Look Forward To
What the President-Elect Should Be Reading
What's in a middle name
What's Next for the Federal Reserve
Where are the Republican supply-siders
Who Will Be the Next Paul Weyrich
Why 2009 Could Eat Barack Obama Alive
Why are we naming schools for Paul Robeson
Why Hasn't Joe Biden Resigned His Seat
Will the Obama Administration Defend Rove
Wind Energy will be an early test of Obama's White House Staff
Would You Pay $10,000 for Sarah Palin's Emails
Wrong Time for Kennedy
Yet Another Korean Conundrum
Been Having Internet Problems All Morning . . .
Can He Please Just Go, Already
Hey Conspiracy Theorists, Here's How I Build-a-Burger
Hey, You Know Who Owns Some Skyscrapers in New York . . .
Nobel Not So Noble Unduly Prestigious Prize Committee Members Took Bribes From Chi-Coms
Obama's Pan-Terrorist, Anti-Israel Republican About Rep. LaHood, Scary New Transportation Secretary
OUTRAGE--New Justice Dept Double Standard.. Jews Shouldn't Get Bail
Priorities, Schmiorities The Wrong Outrage on Pastor Rick Warren, Syria's Best Bud
SEEEEXY! Meet the Shoe-Thrower's Hot Sis
Slovenly Vanity Fair Anti-Semite Attacks Schlussel, Uses Madoff to Attack Jews
VIDEO of the Day Hostile Work Environment
What Happens in Vegas When Times Are Tough, Promote Your Mob Ties; Mayor Who Covered Up Terror Threat Banks on Mob Ties


Illuminati News How the CIA and Military Control the Music Industry
Pardon Libby
We Don't Predict ... We Project!

'Wonder Years' star works wonder for troops
A Badge of Dishonor by Paul Hein
A Capitol Christmas 2009 by S.J. Masty
A Conservative Vision Statement
A lot of bottle - Times Online
A Scheme With No Off Button
ABC News US Warns Russia Against Selling Missiles to Iran

Afghan parents selling their sons to survive - Telegraph
And the winner of the 'Quote of the Year' is...
Baha'is; The New Jews
Banking Demystified by Doug French
BBC NEWS Health People 'still willing to torture'
Belgian government's resignation puts BNP-Fortis deal in doubt - International Herald Tribune
Biden is worried about 'exceedingly high expections' for Obama

Blind man navigates obstacle course using 'blindsight' - Telegraph
Bloomberg Misquotes Ron Paul Seconds After He Speaks

Bush shoe-thrower 'tortured into writing letter of apology' World news guardian.co.uk
Campbell's Soup promotes 2-mommy families

Catholic leaders say Hokey Cokey is 'faith hate' - Scotsman.com News

Central banks revolution gathers pace - FT in English - Financial Times - Onet.pl - 23.12.2008

Champagne sales collapse - Telegraph
CNN Meteorologist Manmade Global Warming Theory ‘Arrogant’
Confidence and Madoff by Michael S. Rozeff
Constitution Party focuses on supporting Ramos and Compean
Cooling Is Warming by Vin Suprynowicz

Corsi detention orchestrated by Obama's political friend
Daylight change crisis update
Devvy Kidd -- The Gods of DC mean to rule you with brute force, Part 1

Duncan Campbell City financiers are the real bank robbers Comment is free The Guardian

Economy stirring illegal immigration tempest

Eight Mexican soldiers decapitated by drug lords - Telegraph

Even jury hiring is frozen - Los Angeles Times
FBI Whistleblower Files 8 Page Complaint Re Ted Stevens Case
Free Ramos and Compean FedEx President Bush! (2)
Free Ramos and Compean FedEx President Bush!

French manager, possible Madoff victim, dead in NY Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book - Telegraph
God and the auto bailout
Growing signs of workers’ unrest in China

H1N1 US Sequences Maintain Dominance Polymorphisms
Hospitalized Neighbor Increases Semarang H5N1 Cluster
How Somali Pirates Will Save Us From a Depression by Tim Swanson
If music be the food of love ... then it also lowers cholesterol - Times Online
Intel chiefs raise defenses

Intuit faces court over spam attack

Investigator casts doubt on Obama's birth residence
Iran BBC reporters in Tehran are spies - Israel News, Ynetnews

Iraqi Shoe Thrower, Visited in Jail, Describes Torture - NYTimes.com

Israel seeks support for ground offensive - Scotsman.com News

Japan concerned over US relations with China - Telegraph
Join the Fight! - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. - Mises Institute
J’Accuse by Walter Block
Katrina's Hidden Race War
Keep Blowing...The Bailout Bubble Will Burst
Kenyan government imposes gag order on Obama family
Kissinger Calls For New International System Out Of World Crises

Labour MPs revolt over Brown's plan to charge 27% interest on emergency loans to poor Mail Online
Let's spring Ramos and Compean
Lost in space Now spider goes missing on orbital station 200 miles above Earth Mail Online

Mad Science Carbon Nanotubes Will Rewire Your Brain, Make You Smarter
Madoff & The Return Of Shylock Real Jew News
Madoff and the Failure of the SEC by Briggs Armstrong
Madoff Explained by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Memos on the Margin-010619 Carbon Dioxide, the Staff of Life
Missile shield considered for Arab states
More challenges fail in Supreme Court

My Way News - Arabs lavish jewels on Secretary of State Rice

Nasa future in doubt as space agency marks Moon mission anniversary - Telegraph
Natural Health News Problems with New Sweetener
Nazi Economics
New York Times conned by Prank Emailer
Not a Lincoln, not even a Ford
Obama - Let's leave advanced weapons to the enemy
Obama Inaugural crowd estimates a little off

Obama on Marijuana Legalization - Will Obama Legalize Marijuana - Esquire
Obama's Labor pick has communist ties
Obama's War - HUMAN EVENTS
Obama's War by Patrick J. Buchanan

Oligarchs go cap in hand to the Kremlin as their vast empires begin to crumble - Times Online
Past Tense Pretense
Patrick Cockburn The reality behind Deep Throat - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent
Press goes wild over Obama's pecs
Question 46,' Revisited by William Norman Grigg

RBS case highlights repossession threat even when mortgage repayments have been paid
Recreated the exhibition that broke William Blake - News, Art - The Independent
Report Gonzales And Rice Appear To Have Lied To Congress About Vetting Bush’s Pre-War Uranium Claims
Ron Paul Fear Based Bailouts Constitute Economic Terrorism

Scientists create world's thinnest material - Telegraph

Secret nuclear sell-off storm - UK Politics, UK - The Independent
Secret of the Lusitania Arms find challenges Allied claims it was solely a passenger ship Mail Online

Source No Palestinian deal before Bush leaves

Support plummets for plan to criminalize Christianity

Syria demands entire Golan Heights to start talks
Taking Obama at his Word on Gun Rights
Taxpayers in Revolt by Doug French

Terry Krepel Joseph Farah's Lie About WorldNetDaily, Obama Birth Certificate
The Bubble of Empire by Justin Raimondo
The Case for Ebeneezer by Butler Shaffer
The Digital Slay-Ride What's killing newspapers is the same thing that killed the slide rule. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
The Evil of Good Deeds and Good Thoughts
The Federal Reserve Bank is the Reason for America's Downfall The Market Oracle

The Federal Reserve Bank is the Reason for America's Downfall The Market Oracle Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
The Good News for the New Year Is as Follows by John Pilger
The Great Stocks and Commodities Deleveraging Crash of 2009 The Market Oracle

The Great Stocks and Commodities Deleveraging Crash of 2009 The Market Oracle Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
The Greatest Gift for All by Paul Craig Roberts
The Lew Rockwell Show - 88. Bailout Crimes
The Light of Hope in Darkness
The Perfect Soldier by Andrew Sica
The Privilege of Unbounded Wealth
The scientific guide to gift wrapping - physics-math - 19 December 2008 - New Scientist
The Vampires of Our Youth

TheHill.com - Washington lobbying booms as economy tanks

TheStar.com World Russia approves longer presidency
Top Trends 2009

U.S. Economy Sinking in an Ocean of Newly Created Money The Market Oracle Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
U.S. oil use to hit record lows

Ukraine crisis heightens fears over European gas supplies Business guardian.co.uk

US property developers call for government aid Business guardian.co.uk

Vladimir Putin warns era of cheap gas is coming to an end - Telegraph

Warning Gitmo still holds 'throat-slitting' inmates
What Is the National Debt by Bill Sardi
What May Come of Ponzi Schemes by Karen Kwiatkowski
What the Heck Happened
Who Decides Who Lives and Who Dies by Michael S. Rozeff

Who says Barack Obama 'member of Nudist Party'

Why are women teachers so hot for students
Why the U.S. Trade Deficit is Worsening and Dollar Implications The Market Oracle

Why the U.S. Trade Deficit is Worsening and Dollar Implications The Market Oracle Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
Wind Energy will be an early test of Obama's White House Staff
World's Biggest Ponzi Scheme Currently Unfolding William McGill
’Twas the Flight Before Christmas… by Becky Akers
Aliza Davidovit cites '08 eventsthat failed to prompt Americans to outrage
Dave Welch looks at Warren flap, clergy who prayed with Blagojevich
Janet Porter shares how neighbors responded to traditional holiday greeting
Joseph Farah urges megapastor not to champion leader who embraces evil
Joseph Farah warns of government-control freaks pushing 'Censorship Doctrine'
Les Kinsolving looks at possibility first family will attend gay-friendly cathedral
Mychal Massie exposes 'lie from the pit of hell' about December holiday
Phil Elmore slams guv for heightening impact of chemicals on New Yorkers
$1.6 Billion Went To Bailed Out Bank Execs!
'A happy coincidence the bailout happened after we came up with this idea'
'A reality of where people's bank accounts and investment portfolios are'
'Change' Obama To Send 30,000 More GIs To War
'Eventually we had to say enough was enough'
'Greek Syndrome' Catching On With Others
'He has bruises on his feet and nose, and he was also tortured with electric shocks'
'He pushed hard to expand homeownership, especially among minorities'
'He told me that he has no regret because of what he did'
'I just felt that, why don't we open for the men in harm's way'
'I left all my problems at home and came out here to be part of something special'
'I think that I am always a person that looks for the next big goal'
'I'm more conservative this year. I'm not buying a lot of elaborate things'
'It didn't click until I got to the hospital and I felt the head'
'It's like starting a journey together'
'It's pretty well known that they're going through a tough time'
'My plastic scissors and camera got through fine, as did my funny glasses'
'One Of My Sources (Connell) Died Last Night...'
'Probably the largest price decline since the Great Depression'
'Pupils may have a variety of ... arguably equal value, faith-based beliefs'
'Quality ... gets their attention and makes them know we're not all redneck bootleggers'
'Sex Chip' In Development
'Since I really have a thing for cars, I'm going to let myself buy a new one'
'Sometimes she can hold it until she gets to the 'potty' and sometimes she can't!'
'The fact is, earlier it was speculation'
'They started taking people away without any sort of comment'
'This is an unprecedented crisis requiring urgent action'
'This just shows how thorough the crime scene investigation was'
'Total' World Financial Meltdown - Bank Of Spain
'Trash cans were present ... in case someone got sick'
'What a pair of idiots. They caused an international police operation'
'When you have wood framing, it will cause a fire'
'You don't joke around with young girls like that'
20-year-old ,'I was terrified and kept shouting for help'
2009 Predictions - Prepare For The Worst
4 people he considered highly qualified to take over his Senate seat
A Christmas Karen
A Not So Merry Christmas And What To Do
ADL Screams Anti-Semitism! Over Madoff Posts On Net
After years of turmoil, peace in region bringing visitors back
Also tried to pull people over in Taco Bell drive-thru lane
Among ruins of building dating back to about 7th century
An open letter to Rick Warren
As part of probe into alleged sale of Barack's Senate seat
Austrian President In Israel And Palestine
Automakers Grab Loans
Automotive-financing firms such as GMAC seeking federal help
Bad economy slows population growth in South, West
Bailiffs Can Use Force On Debtors
Bank Of China Rage At Deutsche Debt Move
Barky Wants $700B To Save Economy
Barky's Invocation Choice Angers Hollywood Left
Beast Israelis Bulldoze Bedouin Homes
Berit Kjos ;Vampire craze is both addictive and spiritually dangerous
Big tent, big mistake
Black Pastor Warns Congregation
Both charged with 1 count of domestic violence
Brazil's Eco Warriors Risk Assassination
Britain's Job Bloodbath
Bush shoe-thrower 'tortured into writing letter of apology' World news
Bush Detroit Bailout Looks Like Path To BK
Carter laments.. Terrorists lack 'defense' against Israel
Carter.. Hamas putting eggs in Obama basket
Case of Jonathan Pollard raises troubling questions
Catholic Church embraces iTunes prayer book
Cheney Defends Criminal US Torture Methods
Children starved to coerce mom to renounce Christ
China Blocks Access To NYT Website
China Cuts Rates For 5th Time In 90 Days
Christmas Shut-Down In Silicon Valley
Christmas tradition in Spain gives many winners share of jackpot
CIA Tried To Stop Bush Yellowcake Lie 4 Times
Column on Communism
David Limbaugh ..Prez-elect hopes to convince us he cares about the largest voting bloc
Dennis Prager lays out practical advice for wives who want a happy hubby
Despite Optimism, Iraq Close To Edge
Detainees threaten soldier-support visitors worried about Obama plan to close prison
Dick Eastman On Obama And Foreign Policy
Digital TV - Mind Control By The Sound Of Silence
Egypt's top archaeologist says they're 'beginning of a big, large cemetery'
Eschewing free speech
Euro, Mideast, Asia Phone-Net Service Lost
Europe’s Choice for Christmas Pink Trees or None at All
Ex UK Army Chief Rip US Iraq Failures
Expresses 'abject revulsion' for megapastor's invocation at inauguration
Faces new competition from smaller rivals Revlon, Alberto-Culver
Facts Continue To Mock 'Global Warming'
FBI Diverts Terror Agents To Madoff Case
Fed To Give Hedge Funds $200B
Florida Woman Claims She Was Fired for Refusing to Say 'Happy Holidays'
Following lead of airlines by hiking cost to stretch out legs
Foreign-born Muslims were charged with conspiring to kill soldiers
French Ship Enroute To Repair Cut Cables
Fund Mgr w-Madoff Ties Found Dead In NY
Gangs Are Younger And More Violent
Gen Patton Assassinated By OSS And NKVD
Gen Patton Assassinated To Silence Him
Giant Waves Hit Pacific Atolls
GOP IT Ace Connell Dies - Threatened By Rove
Greed Shows Wealth Of Elite Put Above All
Greek Riots And The Rothschild Bankers
Greg Laurie explains how fear and joy play into this week's celebration
Grinch-like thief makes off with 80-pound vintage sculpture
Had been ordered by judge not to associate with members of street posse
Happy Christmas, Christmas!
Helicopter, boat rescue some, temperatures below freezing
Homeowners not paying bill even after loans get adjusted
IMF Chief Warns 2009 May Be 'Even Darker'
In Memory Of Donald Young - Obama's Choirmaster
Includes forgiveness for gun, drug, mail fraud convictions
India Massive Internet Outage As Cables Cut
Intel Briefing For Military And Police Forces
Investigator casts doubt on Obama's birth residence
Irish Banks Saved By ¤7B Bailout
Is Obama Vulnerable To Blackmail (Is Water Wet)
Is this an angel captured on camera
Israeli David Has Become Goliath
Jacking Jesus
Japanese Exports Fall Record 27%
Japan Asked US For 1965 Nuke Hit On China
Jews - Madoff Broke 'Taboo Among Criminals'
Kate Clinton rips prez-elect over Rick Warren, calls for 'some real gay balls' in 2009
Katie Couric moving up in ratings
Kawther - Tears At One In The Morning
Kirwan - The Future Is Not Secret
Kuwait Investment House Fails - Gulf Image Hit
Latest Madoff Tally To Date - $36 Billion
Lawsuit alleges police jumped, beat frightened 12-year-old daughter
Let's spring Ramos and Compean
Liquidator Seizes Madoff's UK Fund
List Of Jewish Charities Ravaged
Madoff 'Fraud' Used to Cover Loses
Madoff - A Guide To The Perplexed Antisemite
Madoff Projected Charm, Confidence, Integrity
Madoff Victims Have To Return 6 Yrs Profits
Madoff Victims May Have to Return Profits, Principal
Madoff's Ethnic Cleansing of America
Madoff, The Matrix And Albert Pike
Man attempted withdrawing some money establishment had hold on
Many US Teens Violent, Unethical
Mexican drug smugglers spray bullets, but U.S. officers dare not return fire
More I Think About George, The More I like His Dog
Moscow says published report 'does not correspond to reality'
Mugabe Wave Of Terror - Mass Abductions
Mugabe's killing machine
Mumbai Police Story Fails - Karkare Death By 9mm
New US Missile Kill 8 More In Pakistan
No Palestinian deal before Bush leaves
Northcom Chief Vows To Calm Congress Worries
Obama - Yes. I Inhaled
Obama administration wants diplomacy as 'critical tool in America's arsenal'
Obama Releases Official Birth Certificate
Obama's Labor pick has communist ties
Obama's War
Obama-Hitler Comparisons
OECD warns global jobless to rise by 25 million - Telegraph
Official says Golden State less than 70 days from running out of cash
Oligarchs Seek $78B - Putin Will Benefit
On the death of Deep Throat
Palestinians Forced To Seek Food In Trash
Pat Buchanan questions motives, actions of late Watergate leaker Mark Felt
Plans 'on continuing to maintain the prestige of the program'
Pontiff maintains he 'is totally, and only, the vicar'
Precious metal 'much stronger than it was just a couple weeks ago'
Precondition collapses Israeli leader's plan for direct dialogue
Pritchard.. Riots have begun, civil protest in cities across Russia, China, beyond
Pro-Israel Zealot Obama Vs Richard Falk
Protesters Of Russian Car Tax Beaten
Quoting WND
Radical leaders hail Solis as 'outstanding,' 'terrific'
Rahmbo Demanded Jarrett Get Senate Seat
Recounts last week's 'peacemaking' trip to Middle East
Reduce Power Of The Fed Says Econ Prof
Report on Gross Domestic Product falling in line with expectations
Rising unemployment leaves both citizens, aliens battling for jobs
Rove Threat To Connell In Earlier Story
Russian Warships Return To Havana
Saudi Court Refuses Divorce For 8 Yr Old Girl
Says saving humanity from it just as important as rescuing rainforest
Schwarz - Keep Saying 'MERRY CHRISTMAS'
Seeks guarantees, financing or purchase of highly rated asset-backed securities
Seen Enough
Senate recount shows no sign of being settled soon
Senate Sale Scandal Threatens Rahmbo
Shoe Thrower Brutally Beaten After Arrest
Sinclair Puts The 'No Book' Crowd Out To Lunch
Six In 10 UK Soldiers Alcoholics
Spending advice offered on buying for children, getting deals on jewelry
Stampede For 'Bush Shoe' Creates 100 New Jobs
Stands firm on ads in homosexual mag despite criticism from 'conservatives'
Storms cause headaches for those trying to get home by road, rail and air
Supreme Court To Talk About Obama 3rd Time
Swindler Madoff Strikes Blows For Social Justice!
Syria demands entire Golan Heights to start talks
Tells court to throw out voter-adopted marriage definition
Ten Notable 2008 Cryptozoology Deaths
Terrorist group has high expectations for incoming Democrat administration
The Bulletin Philadelphia's Family Newspaper Archives Commentary Editorials Counterfeiting Versus Monetary Policy
The Darkness And The Power
The Huffington Post Slammed for Content Theft Epicenter
The King of Christmas 2008
The Real Lessons Of History For Our Current Crises
The Stars & Stripes Have Changed Their Spots
The Three Stooges Go To Washington - Part 5
The Truth About Calories And Cholesterol
There Is No 'Al Qaeda' - Ex UK Foreign Secretary
Time columnist Obama is a 'bigot'
Top Banker Found Hanged In Hotel Room
Toxic Indonesians Mud Volcano Disaster
Toyota In First EVER Annual Loss
Trying to stop use of cash for private jets, lavish conferences, lobbying Congress
U.S. Economy Home Prices Fall Near Depression Pace
U.S.-backed talks stalled amid Palestinian demands for final-status agreement
UFO Over Melbourne - Seen Taking Up Water
UFOs-ETs Throughout Human History
UK Debt At 'Disturbing' Level - IMF
US Gasoline Seen Hitting $1 Gal In 2009
Vehicle so full of junk, woman's face pressed up against windshield
video - Amazing Cocaine Semi-Submarines
video - Bush Tries To Slide Ukraine, Georgia Into NATO
video - Creating A Nation Of Zombies
video - Pastor Mannings Wise Words To Blago
video - Shah Of Iran Exposes Jewish Lobby
video - US Economy - The Philopher's Stone
video - Young Israelis Refuse to Serve
Wall Street Readies For Next Big Heist
Warmonger Barky - 30,000 More To Afghan
Wave Of Major UK Retail Bankruptcies Soon
Well-respected fund manager appears to have committed suicide
When a woman isn't in the mood, Part 1
Where'd the bailout money go Shhhh, it's a secret
Who's Left To Trust In America
Why are we naming schools for Paul Robeson
Winner says secret to super-long spin is to remain calm, not show emotion
Witness To GOP Vote Fraud Dies In Plane Crash
World Protectionist Dominoes Crumbling
Worldwide Bankruptcy Wave About To Hit
YouTube Partners With Mossad (Reprising Story)
Zimbabwe Intros 10 Billion Dollar Bill


'In Gaza, all dreams and hope have gone' World news The Observer
'The Ugly American' 50 Years On by Ed Lebeau
'Wonder Years' star works wonder for troops
A Badge of Dishonor by Paul Hein
A Capitol Christmas 2009 by S.J. Masty
A Christmas Carol by G.K. Chesterton
A New Liberty Now by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
ABC News Pakistan Redeploying Troops to Indian Border
ADL Calls Madoff Critics ‘Anti Semites’ Real Jew News
Al-Qaida makes Lebanon flashpoint
America Needs To Go To Rehab by Eric Margolis
Are You an Austrian Mises Institute
Attacking America while screaming 'I'm a victim'
Bail-outs Can we have some too Business The Guardian
Banking Demystified by Doug French
Barack Obama advisers cleared over Illinois Senate seat scandal - Telegraph
Barack Obama the most admired man in the world, American poll says World news guardian.co.uk
BBC NEWS Middle East British tourist unearths treasure
BBC NEWS Middle East Pair of tombs discovered in Egypt
BBC NEWS South Asia US warning on South Asia tension
Ben Smith's Blog Kennedy Would have run earlier if her name weren't Kennedy, 'dismayed' by own voting record - Politico.com
Blagojevich and the Golden Cornflakes by Michael Gaddy
Blagojevich Scandal Governor's Lawyer Wants Obama Staff Subpoenaed
Bleak economic picture emerges from new data Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Bloody Mary Gets a Makeover - Well Blog - NYTimes.com
Boxing Day Shopping Sales Bonanza Upto 90% Discounts The Market Oracle Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
Brian Whitaker Benjamin Netanyahu has been warning again of the danger posed by Iran Comment is free guardian.co.uk
Brit Zionist Led Aristocracy Mass Internet Censorship
Britain's slide towards recession accelerates Business The Guardian
Bush shoe-thrower 'tortured into writing letter of apology' World news guardian.co.uk
Bush springs drug dealers, lets 2 border agents rot
California will run out of money in February - Americas, World - The Independent
Calm Is Over; Violence Breaks Out Again In Gaza By Sameh A. Habeeb
Campaign demanded Change.gov Web domain
Campbell's Soup promotes 2-mommy families
Candy Canes Fight Germs, Settle Stomachs Discovery News
Carter laments Terrorists lack 'defense' against Israel
Cell Phone Technology Killing Songbirds, Too
CEPR - Housing Starts Fall Through the Floor
Chocolate, wine and tea can boost brain power - Telegraph
Christmas lights and art installations around the world Art and design guardian.co.uk
Christmas sales down – but not at WND!
Christmas Star Mystery Continues
Christmas travel quiz Travel guardian.co.uk
Civilian Uprising against Barrick Gold in Tanzania Mine security shoots young man, villagers respond by destroying $7 million in equipment The Dominion
Confidence and Madoff by Michael S. Rozeff
Confirmed H5N1 Spread Accelerates In Bangladesh
Constitution Party focuses on supporting Ramos and Compean
Consumer Kids and Their Plastic Lives by Karen De Coster
Cooling Is Warming by Vin Suprynowicz
Corsi detention orchestrated by Obama's political friend
CQ Politics Northcom Chief Vows to Address Worries About New Homeland Unit
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - Pakistan troops move to Indian borders
DEBKAfile - US Russia's S-300 missile sale to Iran marks Israel's decision point
Devvy Kidd -- The mother, the son and God's promise
Dining With Scrooge by Gary North
Dow falls for 5th straight session on grim data - Yahoo! News

Dreaming of a white Christmas Put it down to Dickens’s nostalgia for his lost childhood - Times Online
Early Suspicions About Bernard Madoff
Economy stirring illegal immigration tempest
Eight Mexican soldiers decapitated by drug lords - Telegraph
Emanuel sought Senate seat for Jarrett sources CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Gov. Blagojevich
Expert on Bible, Sabbath dies at 70
Eye-opener of the year 'Born Liberal' only $4.95 today!
Fallen soldier's words deliver an enduring message Local News The Rocky Mountain News
Families turning to insurance fraud to beat credit crunch - Telegraph
Fanning 'rape' flop to be sold online
FBI diverts anti-terror agents to Bernard Madoff $50 billion swindle - Times Online
Few Industries Immune From Widespread Layoffs - washingtonpost.com
Financial Markets and Economic Potpourri December 26, 2008 The Market Oracle Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
Fiscal Insanity Virus Strikes Canada, Sweden, Italy, IMF The Market Oracle Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
Flu outbreak is worst for eight years Society The Guardian
Food co-op hit by SWAT raid fights back
FOXNews.com - Chinese Warships Set Sail for Pirate Fight - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - Iraq Declares Christmas an Official Holiday for First Year - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
French manager, possible Madoff victim, dead in NY Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Fry's Electronics exec accused of embezzling
FT.com - Asia-Pacific - Japan PM announces record budget
FT.com - Europe - 5,000 march in Kiev against job cuts
FT.com - Global Economy - Exporters meet to create ‘gas Opec’
FT.com - Video & Audio - Interactive graphics - The fallen giants of finance
Garrison Keillor Christmas without translation Salon
General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book - Telegraph
Georgia President Saakashvili 'punched' prime minister in the face - Telegraph
Gordon Brown redistributes wealth from taxpayers to City bankers in bonuses Gerald Warner
H1N1 US Sequences Maintain Dominance Polymorphisms
H5N1 In Six More Areas In Assam India
Here Come the Progressives! by Justin Raimondo
Herod’s Henchmen by Laurence M. Vance
High street giants recall fake Colgate - Home News, UK - The Independent
Homeland Security Predicts 5 Yr Terror Threat
How Somali Pirates Will Save Us From a Depression by Tim Swanson
If music be the food of love ... then it also lowers cholesterol - Times Online

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's Lawyers Want Obama Aides To Testify - kdka.com
In defense of pie Salon Life
In Madoff Scandal, Jews Feel an Acute Betrayal - NYTimes.com
India Nuke Command In Secret Meeting
India sets Dec 26 deadline for Pakistan,12-27-2008 44159 AM
Inquiry into US plastic surgeon who 'used fat from clients to run car' - Telegraph
Insolvent Financial System Signals Much Higher Gold Price The Market Oracle Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
Intuit faces court over spam attack
Iraqi government sponsors Christmas celebration
Iraqi Shoe Thrower, Visited in Jail, Describes Torture - NYTimes.com
Is Capitalism Ruining Christmas by Jeffrey A. Tucker
Israel 'poised for large-scale assault on Gaza' unless rocket attacks stop - The Scotsman
Israeli FM vows to end Hamas control of Gaza World News Deutsche Welle 25.12.2008
Israeli-Palestinian 'peace deals' meaningless
IsraHell's Subhuman Assault On Gaza
Japan auto production marks worst drop since 1967 Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Japan concerned over US relations with China - Telegraph
Jeb Bush poised for Florida Senate run - Amie Parnes - Politico.com
Jewry’s Victory Over America Real Jew News
Jews return to Joseph's tomb
Johann Hari Tasers are an outrage we must resist - Letters, Opinion - The Independent
Jonathan Freedland Seasonal forgiveness has a limit. Bush and his cronies must face a reckoning Comment is free The Guardian
J’Accuse by Walter Block
Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » A British Minister Caged by Israel In Hebron
Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » The Daily Life of Kawther Salam
Kennedy declines to make financial disclosure - International Herald Tribune
Kenyan government imposes gag order on Obama family
Kiplinger.com - They Called It Right (Plus Predictions for 2009)
Labour planning secret tax on 'nice houses' - Telegraph

Larry Sinclair-Barack Obama ONE YEAR AGO TODAY
Letters Israeli settlements are not illegal World news The Guardian
Letters Settlements shown to be illegal by Israel World news The Guardian
Lexus liberals
Likely H5N1 In Southern Tripura India
Local News Seattle refuses to use salt; roads snow packed by design Seattle Times Newspaper
Lord Mandelson slopes off with Nat Rothschild - Telegraph
Loren Steffy GMAC's chairman, bilked by Madoff, wants to run a bank
Madoff Explained by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Media's 'cold deceit' descends upon Bethlehem
Memos on the Margin-010619 Carbon Dioxide, the Staff of Life
Missile shield considered for Arab states
Monahan's Law by Brian Monahan
Muslim grinches steal Christmas
My Way News - Germans save Egyptian ship from Somali pirates
My Way News - Hobbyists are trying genetic engineering at home
My Way News - Pope decries selfishness in economic crisis
My Way News - Some Jews fear Madoff case stokes anti-Semitism
My Way News - Troops in Iraq find Christmas in memories
Nasa future in doubt as space agency marks Moon mission anniversary - Telegraph
New Anti-Terror Legislation Journalists Worry 'Big Brother Law' Will Kill Press Freedom - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
New year surge in divorce rate predicted Society The Guardian
Newsmax.com - ACORN, Soros Linked to Franken Vote Grab
Now, feds probe Gov. Richardson of Obama Cabinet for 'pay-to-play' Top of the Ticket Los Angeles Times
NY man admits he helped air Hizbullah TV International Jerusalem Post
NYT Clinton moves to widen role of State Dept. - The New York Times- msnbc.com
O divided little town of Bethlehem - The Scotsman
Obama on Marijuana Legalization - Will Obama Legalize Marijuana - Esquire
Obama testifies for federal prosecutors - International Herald Tribune
Obama's Labor pick has communist ties
Obama, Two Aides Questioned in Probe - WSJ.com
Oil Near $35 on Dour Economic News - AOL Money & Finance
Pak in war frenzy; intensifies troop movement
Pak will deal sternly with Indian surgical strikes Qureshi
Pakistan does not want war with India Gilani
Patrick Cockburn The reality behind Deep Throat - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent
Pope says humanity needs 'saving' from homosexuality - Telegraph
Protectionist dominoes are beginning to tumble across the world - Telegraph
Question 46,' Revisited by William Norman Grigg
Radical Islamists linked to al-Qaeda set to take control of Somalia - Telegraph

Rahm Emanuel 'gave governor choices for Obama seat' - Times Online
Rating the Rating Agencies and Securitization by Michael S. Rozeff
Real-life Mowgli kept alive by cats - Telegraph
Recession will 'set British economy back five years' - Telegraph
Recreated the exhibition that broke William Blake - News, Art - The Independent
Red wine slashes lung cancer risk in smokers Booster Shots Los Angeles Times
Report Israel set to launch ‘limited operation’ in Gaza csmonitor.com
Rezko attorney 'owns' Obama mansion
Russia to raise nuclear missile output fourfold World news The Guardian
Russia to supply missiles to Syria International Jerusalem Post
Russia-EU-NATO - Cold War Shivers
Santa-suit killer planned escape to Canada - Crime & courts- msnbc.com
Scientists create world's thinnest material - Telegraph
Secret nuclear sell-off storm - UK Politics, UK - The Independent
Secret of the Lusitania Arms find challenges Allied claims it was solely a passenger ship Mail Online
Security or Liberty A Logical Fallacy by Jim Fedako
Seductive U.S. singer Eartha Kitt dies at 81 Reuters
Seth Freedman Stirring up trouble in Umm al-Fahm Comment is free guardian.co.uk
Show Us The Money
Skimping on sleep linked to hardened arteries - health - 24 December 2008 - New Scientist
Soldiers Against War by John V. Denson
Symbols of an Alien Sky Part 2
Syria demands entire Golan Heights to start talks
Taxpayers in Revolt by Doug French
Tel Aviv recruits gay athletes for 2009 World Outgames - Israel Culture, Ynetnews
Telegraph Error 404 Sorry, the page you have requested is not available
Terry Krepel Joseph Farah's Lie About WorldNetDaily, Obama Birth Certificate
The Case for Ebeneezer by Butler Shaffer
The Economic Lessons of Bethlehem by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The Good News for the New Year Is as Follows by John Pilger
The Greatest Gift for All by Paul Craig Roberts
The Lew Rockwell Show - 88. Bailout Crimes
The Lew Rockwell Show - 89. Ron Paul There Is Hope
The long march to Bethlehem
The party's over if deflation grips the economy
The Perfect Soldier by Andrew Sica
The Reckoning - Chinese Savings Helped Inflate American Bubble - Series - NYTimes.com
The Thirteenth Tribe
The Truce of God by William Norman Grigg
The TRUTH Is Our Defense
The Worst Is Over by Bill Bonner
The Year In Review
TheHill.com - Economy tanks, lobbying booms
TheStar.com World Russia approves longer presidency
Thirty Ebola Cases in Democratic Republic of Congo
Three near-invisible drawings discovered on back of Da Vinci masterpiece - Times Online
Tobacco firm used scientist to subvert critics in Asia - The Scotsman
Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009 Project Censored
Torture ambivalence masquerading as moral and intellectual superiority - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Turn left now ‘sat nav’ finds store bargains - Times Online
U.S. oil use to hit record lows
University attack on student made into documentary
University goes to court over $24m lost in Bernard Madoff scandal - Times Online
US economy shrinks at fastest rate since 9-11 - Times Online
Viagra helps CIA win friends in Afghanistan - Washington Post- msnbc.com
Wages, It all gets down to wages.
Warning Gitmo still holds 'throat-slitting' inmates
Washington Times - BLANKLEY Teaching religion
Wave of the future The dancing spider-like cruiser that can take 12 people on a 5,000-mile journey Mail Online
What Is the National Debt by Bill Sardi
When 'Waiting for Godot' played San Quentin
When Trust Runs Out by Gary North
Why are women teachers so hot for students
Why the whole world is in a Twitter - Telegraph
’Twas the Flight Before Christmas… by Becky Akers

'Sopranos' actor shocks fans with suicide
'Wonder Years' star works wonder for troops
ABC News Wal-Mart Settles Labor Suits of up to $640 Million
Ada preacher charged with molesting young boys NewsOK.com
Believers praise 'heavenly helpers' - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Blagojevich Lawyer Seeks to Subpoena Obama Aides - WSJ.com
Blog 'miracle' saves Christmas for hard-luck family - CNN.com
Borah teacher faces additional battery counts Local News Idaho Statesman
Bush springs drug dealers, lets 2 border agents rot
Business & Technology Hobbyists are trying genetic engineering at home Seattle Times Newspaper
Campaign demanded Change.gov Web domain
Couple Thankful For Mystery Check Left In Mailbox - Cincinnati News Story - WLWT Cincinnati
Cousin Marriage OK by Science Wired Science from Wired.com
Did boy Jesus actually talk to the wise men
Economists, survivors say Depression can’t compare NewsOK.com
Even a tiny bit of flab raises heart failure risk Science Reuters
Feisty new Christian history magazine – free!
Food co-op hit by SWAT raid fights back
Free Ramos and Compean FedEx President Bush!
Funniest news stories of 2008
Global warming dissenters dash scientific 'consensus'
Imagine there's a heaven
Intel report Hizbullah may strike in US - Israel News, Ynetnews
Iraqi Christians urged to return to homeland
Iraqi government sponsors Christmas celebration
Is Santa liberal or conservative
Is this an angel captured on camera
Jeb Bush poised for Florida Senate run - Amie Parnes - Politico.com
Jews return to Joseph's tomb
Kansas City-area church members dress like Jesus Jackson County Floridan
Local News Sand on roads worse than salt, scientists say Seattle Times Newspaper
Man in Santa suit kills at least eight at holiday party - Los Angeles Times
MARYLAND Court of Appeals rules against big church sign delmarvanow.com The Daily Times
Media's 'cold deceit' descends upon Bethlehem
Michelle Obama's old law firm defends ACORN
Muslim grinches steal Christmas
NASA instrument on Chandrayaan finds minerals on moon- LATEST NEWS-The Economic Times
Obama testifies for federal prosecutors - International Herald Tribune
Olmert issues last-minute warning to Hamas U.S. Reuters
Pak in war frenzy; intensifies troop movement
Pakistan moves troops toward Indian border - Pakistan - msnbc.com
Pantagraph.com News Festivus pole goes up in the Illinois Capitol, and the gripes begin
Pantagraph.com News Hard times hit church Christmas pageants
Religious tunes banned by school
Report Ahmadinejad squandered $140 billion - Israel Money, Ynetnews
Rezko attorney 'owns' Obama mansion
Secret child had divided Christmas Eve massacre gunman, wife - Los Angeles Times
Sex among jurors could mean new trial - UPI.com
Slow Starvation of Brain Triggers Alzheimer's LiveScience
Textbook Missionaries 'destroy' national values
The Associated Press Eartha Kitt, sultry singer and dancer, dies at 81
The big list Female teachers with students
Tustin High School athletic trainer arrested on sex charges - Los Angeles Times
U.S. travel getting back to normal after weather-induced havoc - Los Angeles Times
University attack on student made into documentary
Veteran psychiatrist calls liberals mentally ill
Viagra helps CIA win friends in Afghanistan - Washington Post- msnbc.com
Wachovia settlement checks real, Better Business Bureau says - CNN.com
Warning Gitmo still holds 'throat-slitting' inmates
With Kennedy's Hands Tied, Others Do the Talking for (and Against) Her The New York Observer
Woman buried in snow for 3 days found alive - CNN.com
World News Australia - Ukrainian apartment blast kills 22
$1.6 Billion Went to Bank Execs
2008 ... The Year in Review
A Conservative Vision Statement
A lump of coal in our stockings ... States to levy a bevy of new taxes
A Reagan Christmas
A Refugee Family's First U.S. Christmas
A Scheme With No Off Button
Absolute corruption – that's Congress
ACORN on New Credit Card Rules
Afghanistan ... The opposite of everything we consider to be democracy
Al Franken closes the gap on Coleman
Alberto Gonzales FIRST Interview Since Leaving Dept of Justice
Allegedly Threatened by Rove, Now Dead in Small Plane Crash
An Interview With Gareth Porter
Another Nasty Side To The Foreclosure Debacle
AP to the Banks ... Show Us the Money. The Banks' Reply Bugger Off
Barney Frank vs Eric Cantor on the Auto Bailout
Begging Libby's Pardon
Bernard Madoff ..The rule or exception
Beware of Obama's middle-class task force
Biden ... Gird your loins for 'Stimulus Package'
Blago proclaims his innocence
Blago's Auction
Bush bails out automakers, and the wingnuts do their thing
Bush's ownership society scam exposed by the NY Times
Cafferty File ... Sainthood Isn't Good Enough!
Can Obama soften the Castros' iron fist
Carly Fiorina ... There Is No Substitute for Ethics
Carter ..Hamas putting eggs in Obama basket
Carter laments.. Terrorists lack 'defense' against Israel
Cheney admitted to FBI he altered Plame talking points in a manner certain to expose her
Cheney curls his lip at the public one last time
Cheney on the President's war powers 'fully consistent with the Constitution and with the laws of the land'
Children Left Alone ... Another Bush Legacy
Conservative Panel on The After Party Discuss Bush's Legacy
Cunningham again smears Obama as a Muslim while feigning 'respect'
Democracy Lesson Learned in Iraq
Dennis Prager to all women ... If you're not in the mood, too bad
DHS 5-year terrorism forecast
Dick Cheney ... Yeah, I told Pat Leahy to bleep himself
Documenting the global warming fraud
Duncan Hunter Calls New York Times Editorial on Detainee Abuse Left Wing Rubbish
Easy Pickings Arrive at the International Table
Economic Crisis Hits State Court Systems
Everybody's crooked ..A self-fulfilling prophecy
Extracting Christ from Christmas
FBI forced to shift attention away from terrorism, towards financial fraud
Feeling Safer Yet
Finally Some Relief From Credit Card Companies
Gay Activist Wins Hardball Debate with Preacher
George Bush, protectionist
Gitmo ... Two Years Is Too Long
God and the auto bailout
Goebbels, Paterson, Obama and the eternal lie
Greta Von Susteren Asks Huckabee About Rick Warren's Role At Obama Inauguration
Hard Times Hit Recycling Market
Harry's Just Wild About Caroline
He wouldn't be coming this year
Hey! Unto Us A Child Is Born!
In Arizona, sheriff turns county meetings into an exercise in fascism
In Case You Can't Reach Tech Support
In Katrina's wake, white neighborhood 'militia' murdered blacks
In Southern Idaho, 'Bell's Bigots' loudly proclaim their hateful wingnuttery
Is this Obama's next anti-biblical church
Israel set to launch 'limited operations' in Gaza
Israeli-Palestinian 'peace deals' meaningless
It's A Bloggy Holiday! Can you spare a dime
Jerry Brown ... Void Prop 8
Jews return to Joseph's tomb
Joe may be OK with his fellow senators, but not with his constituents
Karl Rove has the nerve to criticize Obama over how they're handling Fitzgerald's investigation.
Krugman on Life Without Bubbles
Late Edition ... Bush Punted Auto Industry Problems to Obama, Is Going to be Herbert Hoover
Leader of Women's Group Murdered in Iraq
Lizard People invade MN Senate Recount
Lou Dobbs Criticizes Appointment of Pro-Union Labor Secretary
Mark Felt aka Deep Throat Dies
Mary Shapiro to take over SEC
McCain, Lieberman & Graham Throw Their Weight Behind Odierno
Meet the Press ... Condi Rice Revisionist History Tour - Regrets I have a few...
Merry CHRISTmas
Modern 'David' defeats New York 'Goliath'
Music Industry to Abandon Mass Lawsuits
Muslim grinches steal Christmas
My triumph over Kwanzaa
Nearly 30 Percent of San Diego Mortgages Underwater
Norm Coleman's fancy home renovations looking a lot like Ted Stevens'
NY1 reporter ... Senator Caroline Kennedy is 'a done deal'
NYT scrounging for cash
Obama tries to explain Rick Warren
Obama's globalist wish list
Obama's Labor pick has communist ties
On the death of Deep Throat
Pakistan moves troops toward Indian border
Pakistan Redeploying to Indian Border
Palestinians miss the intended Jews, murder their own
Pardon, Me Toussie!
Past Tense Pretense
Pastors and politics
Please don't divorce...
President-elect Obama's Weekly Address Dec. 24, 2008
Problems with 'green' energy you may not have heard about
Rachel Maddow Asks Carl Levin If There Will Be Prosecutions For Torture
Rachel Maddow Show ... Will Republicans Try to Block Infrastructure Projects
Rahm's 21 Conversations That Never Happened
Regulator Let Bank Backdate Its Books
Remembering Electric Football
Republicans get really nervous as Al Franken pulls into the lead
Rezko attorney 'owns' Obama mansion
Rick Warren should withdraw
Russian Missile Sales to Iran May Raise Prospect of Israeli Strike
Santa forced to evacuate North Pole
Sarah Palin ... McCain's biggest mistake was shielding me from the press
Shoe Throwing Reporter's Brother Says He Has Been Severely Injured!
Smerconish loves him some Torture
Snowzilla Returns ... A Christmas Miracle
Some other 'bridge-building' invitees to Obama's inauguration
source.. No Palestinian deal before Bush leaves
Stampede for 'Bush Shoe' Creates 100 New Jobs
Suppose the shoe thrower targeted Saddam
Syria demands entire Golan Heights to start talks
Taking Obama at his Word on Gun Rights
Teacher's conduct investigated once before -- baltimoresun.com
Technology and humanity
Ted Haggard peddles HBO documentary about his fall
The Chris Matthews Show ... Could Obama Be Worse Than Bush In Press Exclusion
The Death of Deep Throat and the Crisis of Journalism
The Evil of Good Deeds and Good Thoughts
The gay community is intolerant, too
The Greatest Book Ever Written
The Intelligence Mascot speaks out
The Light of Hope in Darkness
The Man behind Christmas
The Media and the Cheney-Plame Story ... Refusing to give proper credit where it's due
The Media Morons' War on Christmas
The new and improved Ebenezer Scrooge
The NYT Never Misses a Chance
The Obama 'resistance' ... Wingnuttery never sleeps
The Polish Tradition of Wigilia
The psychopathology of Bush hatred
The Rachel Maddow Bank Holding Company Wants Federal Help
The Right To Food
The Sarah Palin calendar
The Season of Giving
The specter of global cooling
The TRUE COST of a Shrimp Dinner!
The Truth about Christmas
The Vampires of Our Youth
Those Crazy Conspiracy Theorists
Toyota Expects First Operating Loss in 70 Years
Unemployment Numbers Hit New 26-Year High
Unto us a Son is given
warning ... What Liberal Change Looks Like After One Year
Washington Press Corps ... Good News, Bad News
What the Heck Happened
What you may not learn from watching Fox's reality show with Sheriff Joe Arpaio
What's so special about Christmas
When a woman isn't in the mood, Part 1
When is a withdrawal not a withdrawal
When kids have the 'gimmes' at Christmas
Why Obama invited the Reverend Warren to the Inaugural
Wind Energy will be an early test of Obama's White House Staff
Aaron Klein corrects distortions about Jesus' birthplace
Erik Rush proves politicians are becoming more corrupt with every generation
Ernest Istook reveals 5,000 elves being relocated due to global warming
Hal Lindsey explains why Christian population in city has plummeted
Jack Cashill shares memories of 'single worst game ever created'
Joseph Farah thanks heavenly Saviorfor coming down from paradise into fallen world
Melanie Morgan hails U.S. troops after viewing 'beasts' held at Gitmo
Phil Elmore conveys importance of stopping to interact with others
Reb Bradley highlights St. Nick's 'naughty or nice' principle
Samuel Blumenfeld notes God' gifts don't come 'from Al Gore's Gaia'
'If people look only to their own interests, our world will certainly fall apart'
'More high-profile names who have been victimized ... will start to become known now'
'They get it. They understand that we're serving many more people this year'
22nd Sinclair Interview
Ahmadinejad - 'Christ Would Have Been On Our Side'
Ann Coulter ..Holiday is 'nutty blend of schmaltzy '60s rhetoric, black racism, Marxism'
Associate may have cost school $24 million in bad investments
Bill Press labels Howard Dean 'John the Baptist to Obama's Messiah'
Bob Just reveals how to be joyful in midst of life's stress, suffering
Brit Zionist Led Aristocracy Mass Internet Censorship
California Crisis May Crunch $3.8 Billion of Jobs in Slowdown
Challenging Obama’s eligibility – What now
Fitz Interviewed Obama, Rahmbo And Jarrett
Full Text Ahmadinejad's Christmas Message
GM Climbs 13% as GMAC Bank Bid Eases Concern on Loans
Israel Enraged Over Ahmadinejad's Message
Jane Chastain shares evidence that Bible is God's holy word
Japan’s Recession Deepens as Factory Output Plummets
Jonathan Falwell reveals why Savior sacrificed for sin of every man, woman
Jonathan Freedland President and his cronies must face reckoning
L.A.'s Jewish community.. 'It's the exact opposite of what the Talmud says'
Larry Elder ..'Even smart guys' money can go south'
Leaked NASA Photo - Piece Of Wood On Mars
Lusitania Lie Exposed - Tons Of Munitions Onboard
L’Oreal Heiress Bettencourt Invested With Madoff
Madoff Victims May Have to Return Profits, Principal
Matt Spivey.. Words of our greatest president would be shockingly out of place today
Medvedev Warns Ukraine, Georgia
Obama Wants Bush War Team To Stay
Pat Buchanan lauds president for 'patriotic' move of bailing out Big 3
Scandal fits profile of 'affinity fraud,'proves particularly wrenching for Jews
Scripture discusses birth of Jesus, but trees, holly, mistletoe absent from story
UK Frees 1000s Foreign Prisoners Early
UK Govt Slams C4 Over Ahmadinejad Message
Upbeat take bucks drumbeat of generally dismal news from retailers
video - Ron Paul On Martial Law
video - Ahmadinejad's Christmas Message UK TV
video - Burien - US Hides $60 Trillion Off Books
video - Creating A Nation Of Zombies
video - Inside A Palestinian Refugee Camp
video - Pastor James Manning - Powerful Truths
video -Santa Helpers Cover Big Bro Cams In Tempe
Visits to U.S. Retailers Fell 24% on Weekend Before Christmas


4,300 Year Old Tombs Unveiled Near Cairo
A Closer Look At Pentagon's Project Minerva
Army Ready If Economic Down Turn Gets Out Of Hand
Bloomberg.com Worldwide
Book Claims Patton Was Assassinated
Brown Gives Wealth From People To Banksters
Bush Signs New Unified Command Plan
Bush's $1 Trillion War Of Terror
Chertoff Cyber Terror Threat Increasing
China Targeting Pirates In Somali Waters
Christ Would Fight Global Tyranny
cryptogon.com » Archives » Banker Suicide HSBC Head of Insurance, Who Also Happened to be a Danish Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Hangs Himself in London Five Star Hotel Room
cryptogon.com » Archives » Banker Suicide Manager of Secondary Marketing Stabs Herself to Death
Dangerous Ice Shuts Down Roads, Expressways, Entire Village Of Lemont - cbs2chicago.com
Defending The Homeland Against Santa Claus
DHS Expands Biometric US-VISIT Program
Elements of an Inside Job in Mumbai Attacks - BlackListed News
EU Space Official Supports UFO Disclosure
Families Turn To Insurance Fraud To Avoid Crunch
Feds Consider Searches Of Terrorism Blogs
First Designer Baby to Be Born in UK - BlackListed News
Five Convicted In Plot To Bomb U.S. Army Base
Fla. woman claims 'Merry Christmas' got her fired - Yahoo! News

FT.com - Europe - Russia braced for unrest

FT.com - Global Economy - New threats to online security
Homeland Security Propaganda Show To Air On ABC
Increased Shoplifting Reported

Iran to send aid ship to Gaza
Kennedy says 9-11, Obama led her to public service - Yahoo! News
Kevin Rudd may take former Guantanamo Bay inmates National News News.com.au
KXNT - Las Vegas - Mayor Proposes Stimulus Projects
Labour Party Plans Secret Tax On Nice Houses
Lack of donations to city, state Dems may hurt Caroline Kennedy's bid for Senate
Media Blasted For Sensational Mumbai Coverage
My Way News - Israel moves closer to Gaza invasion

My Way News - Obamas hope for low profile on Christmas in Hawaii
My Way News - Police Santa gunman planned to flee to Canada
My Way News - Retail gasoline prices drift to 58-month low
Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » Oscar Ballots Mailed Are Best Picture And Other Major Categories Already Decided
Ninth body found at site of Santa-suit killings
Obama Replaces Bush As Most Admired Man

Palestinian rocket kills 2 Gaza girls medics - Yahoo! News
Phila. man shot because family talked during movie Philadelphia Inquirer 12-26-2008
Police Use Excessive Force, ER Docs Say
Pope Criticizes Homosexual Behavior
Pope Decries Selfishness In Economic Crisis
Report Mexican says cops threatened him with lion - Yahoo! News
Retail Sales Plummet - WSJ.com
Retailers Want In on Stimulus Plan - WSJ.com
Scientists Christmas Lights Harm Planet
Sen. Reid Hits the Ground Running in Uphill Re-Election Bid - WSJ.com
SF Fliers May Pay There Way In Carbon Usage
Stars of Hollywood, high-tech open wallets for Obama party
Statewide emergency declared by Governor Gregoire - KHQ-TV- msnbc.com
Stores cut prices to entice post-holiday shoppers Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Storm blankets West with snow, ice glazes Midwest - Yahoo! News
Suit Claims City Witholding Red Light Camera Study
U.S. Needs Nuke Attack To Bring In Global Dictatorship
U.S. votes against right to food in UN General Assembly - BlackListed News

White House Press Corps Faces Unique Challenges in Hawaii
'Viagra lure' for Afghan warlords
A Most Desperate Move by the Fed
Amateurs are trying genetic engineering at home
Americans Prefer News From Web Than Newspapers
And Now ... The Bionic Sex Chip
AP Study Finds $1.6B Went to Bailed-Out Bank Execs
Bank of Spain Chief ... World Faces “Total” Financial Meltdown
Blagojevich Impeachment Panel Split on Subpoena for Obama Aides
Britain edges to recession, IMF warns of Great Depression
Bush ... Sacrifice Free Market To Save Economy
Bush and the Shoe ... Full Uncut Video
Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane Crash ... Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation
Bush Signs New Unified Command Plan
Canadian kids get “Masoni-chipped” while visiting with Santa
Carbon Nanotubes Will Rewire Your Brain, Make You Smarter
Career Army Officer Sues Rumsfeld, Cheney, Saying No Evacuation Order Given on 9-11
Change We Can Believe In ... Obama Chooses Monsanto Creature, Tom Vilsack, for Secretary of Agriculture
Check out all these unexpected deaths of people involved with elections
Cheney ... If president does it during wartime, it's legal
China says lending to US will not go on forever
Clinton III Continuity We Can Believe In
CNBC VIDEO ... 1-3 of Banks Will Disappear Next Year
Cognitive computing ... Building a machine that can learn from experience
darpa ... Unleash the Stem Cells of War!
Dennis Blair ... Corporatist Candidate for Director of National Intelligence
Department Of US Homeland Security Expands Collection Of Biometrics For Visitors
Depression Hits Detroit ... Average home price $18,513 - Unemployment rate 21%
EPA veils hazardous substances
FDA Stuns Scientists, Declares Mercury in Fish to be Safe for Infants, Children, Expectant Mothers!
Feds consider searches of terrorism blogs
From Global Crisis to Global Government
Gender-Benders ... Massive crackdown on the use of scores of toxic pesticides
Georgia’s attack was no surprise – Rice
GMAC Becomes Bank
Ground Zero on Wall Street ... Fed Funds and T-Bills Hit 0% Interest
Group Demands Google Stop Keeping Data Against Users’ Will
Hedge funds gain access to $200bn Fed aid
India plans to hit Pakistan targets in 24 hours
Infra-Red Pain Beams For Police, Military
Iran Forms Spy Network In GCC States
Iran urges Economic Cooperation Org. to drop dollar
Israel Launches Global PR Campaign Ahead of Gaza Invasion
Kissinger Calls For New International System Out Of World Crises
LA, Caribbean countries call for new regional financial architecture
Magnetic Field Hole Could Cripple Communications
Mike Connell was warned not to fly before plane crash
Nixon-Kissinger Celebrated ‘72 Bombing of N. Vietnam, New Transcripts Show
Norad Helps Track Santa In 3D With Google Earth
Pakistan Troops Move To Indian Borders
Paulson admits “There is not any playbook”
President of Brazil unveils plan to upgrade military in effort to be global power
Probe into cosmetic surgeon who 'powered his 4x4 with his patients' excess flab'
Protectionist dominoes are beginning to tumble across the world
Queensland Babies Given Anti-Depressants, Figures Show
report ... Saudis seek nuclear weapons
report ... U.S. Faces Biological Attack Within 5 Years
Robots ready to run the world
Rockers to Press Obama on Music Torture
Russia orders 70 strategic nuclear missiles by 2011 ... report
Russia starts missile delivery to Iran ... Iranian MP
Russian Military Gets New Nuclear Missiles
Scientists find hole in Earth's magnetic field
Scientists Hack Cellphone to Analyze Blood, Detect Disease, Help Developing Nations
Scotland Yard Anti-terrorism Adviser Wanted by Interpol for Terrorist Offences
Secrecy surrounds those receiving benefits of Federal Reserve’s trillions
Secret nuclear sell-off storm
Sex slavery ... Living the American nightmare
Simulated training urged for new wars
Some 11,000 US troops to work during inauguration
Teachers to get 'role model' code
Teams from Obama and Bush Regimes Will Run Joint Terrorism Drill in January
The Federal Reserve Abolition Act
The Pentagon is muscling in everywhere. It's time to stop the mission creep.
UN agency says crisis needs global currency rules
Unconventional Warfare in the 21st Century ... U.S. Surrogates, Terrorists and Narcotraffickers
US Navy's robot stealth carrier plane unveiled
USA needs nuclear explosion to turn the world into dictatorship
video ... U.S. To Setup Bases In Central Asia
video ... Will the North American Union Happen Under Obama
video ... FDNY Lieutenant Admitted Plan To ‘Take Down’ WTC 7
video ... Louis Farrakhan On Central Banks
video ... Raw Eye-Witness Footage of Burning Wreckage at Connell Crash
With 75bp Cut, Fed Becomes the Most Aggressive Central Bank
‘Surgical strikes’ mean war, senators warn India
‘The Hit Charade ... Lou Pearlman, Boy Bands, and the Biggest Ponzi Scheme in U.S. History’


'God bless all of you . . . on the good Earth' - The Boston Globe
A Trap in Obama’s Spending Plan - NYTimes.com
ABC News
Appointments Comment The New Yorker
Biden to head new middle-class task force - Carol E. Lee - Politico.com
Britain has lost the stomach for a fight Michael Portillo - Times Online
China After 30 Years Of Reform, IV - Forbes.com
Dec. 21 Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice - Meet the Press, online at MSNBC- msnbc.com
Downturn Will Test Obama’s Vision for an Energy-Efficient Auto Industry - NYTimes.com
Economists missed the brewing crisis. Now many are asking How can we do better - The Boston Globe
Editorial - How to Pay for a 21st-Century Military - NYTimes.com
Fare well, free trade The Economist
Gas is cheap - Editorials - News & Observer
Guess Who Doesn't Like the Press
Home for holidays HonoluluAdvertiser.com The Honolulu Advertiser
Kennedy Offers Hints of a Platform, and a Few Surprises - NYTimes.com
Meacham The History of Power Newsweek The Global Elite Newsweek.com
National Journal Magazine - More Losses For Senate Republicans
National Journal Magazine - Too Much Law Guarantees Unfairness
Nobody Knows the Trouble He'll See
Op-Ed Columnist - Bleeding Heart Tightwads - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - Who Wants to Kick a Millionaire - NYTimes.com
Power Line - The Senator from People Magazine
Put differences aside, let us pray together ajc.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Bush Stretches Executive Powers Again
RealClearPolitics - Articles - How to Walk Away from North Korea
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Interview with Dick Cheney on Fox News Sunday
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Growing Case for Inflation
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Three-Legged Stool of Immigration Reform
RealClearSports Sports News, Opinions & Analysis
RealClearWorld - Articles - Turkey's Domino Theory
Taking Command - washingtonpost.com
The Clinton Conflict - washingtonpost.com
The rise of Newt-world - Daniel Libit - Politico.com
TheHill.com - Ethics rules complicate life for Santa
Toby Dodge Despite the optimism, Iraq is close to the edge Comment is free The Observer
Worldview U.S. ambassador says Iraq may have a chance Philadelphia Inquirer 12-21-2008

'A' for Bush on funding clinics CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Commentary
'All police HQs in Gaza destroyed' Israel Jerusalem Post
'All police HQs in Gaza destroyed' Jerusalem Post
'Completely Irresponsible' Critics Accuse Pope of Stirring Anti-Gay Sentiment - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
'God bless all of you . . . on the good Earth' - The Boston Globe
'Iran Red Crescent vessel heads to Gaza' Jerusalem Post
'No talks with Iran before elections' Jerusalem Post
'Sopranos' actor shocks fans with suicide
'Tis the season to arrest Christians
'Wonder Years' star works wonder for troops

... as a terror threat grows -- chicagotribune.com
330,000 applicants vie for administration jobs - USATODAY.com
A Christmas Tale -- 1919 - WSJ.com
A Closer Look At Pentagon's Project Minerva

A New New Deal
A President-Elect's Progress
A Trap in Obama’s Spending Plan - NYTimes.com
ABC News Madoff Case Sparks Anti-Semitism Fears
ABC News Pakistan Redeploying Troops to Indian Border
Amazon says 2008 holiday season was 'best ever' ajc.com
American shopping season 'worst in four decades' - Business News, Business - The Independent
Americans abandon newspapers for the internet - Telegraph

An epic year Historians debate 2008's legacy - USATODAY.com

An Ethanol Bailout - WSJ.com
An Undersea Kama Sutra The Disturbing Sex Lives of Deep Sea Squid - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
ANALYSIS - A hard look at Hamas' capabilities - Haaretz - Israel News
Analysis Cairo fears domestic Islamist fallout if Israel hits Gaza hard Jerusalem Post
Appointments Comment The New Yorker

As an atheist, I truly believe Africa needs God Matthew Parris - Times Online
ASIA - UNITED STATES U.S. debt approaches insolvency; Chinese currency reserves at risk - Asia News
Auto Bailout UAW Chief Draws a Line - BusinessWeek
Auto Destruct
Average home price $18,513 - Unemployment rate 21% Tribble Ad Agency The Advertising Agency of Record
Bailiffs get power to use force on debtors - Times Online
Barack Obama and the Case of the Missing Vice President-Elect The New York Observer
Barack Obama questioned by FBI agents over Blagojevich Illinois senate seat scandal - Telegraph
Barack Obama's cabinet is full of talented people, even in the lowlier posts A well-stocked cabinet The Economist
BBC NEWS Americas US singer Eartha Kitt dies at 81
BBC NEWS Middle East Massive Israeli air raids on Gaza
Ben Smith's Blog Kennedy Would have run earlier if her name weren't Kennedy, 'dismayed' by own voting record - Politico.com
Beyond Rubinomics
Biden to head new middle-class task force - Carol E. Lee - Politico.com
Biodegradable plastic made from plants, not oil, is emerging - USATODAY.com
Blago Prosecution Undermined By Conspiring Media
Blagojevich Says He's 'On Wrong Planet' if Impeached - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker

Blunt Talk by Health-Care Leader - WSJ.com
Breitbart.tv » Lowe’s Accused Of Firing Tennessee Woman Over Christmas Pin

Bring more ID when crossing the borders Travel projo.com The Providence Journal
Britain has lost the stomach for a fight Michael Portillo - Times Online
Bush springs drug dealers, lets 2 border agents rot
Bush's $1 Trillion War Of Terror
Campaign demanded Change.gov Web domain
Caroline B. Glick Iran and Hamas do Christmas
Caroline B. Glick Repeating failure in Gaza
Caroline Kennedy's Campaign
Carter laments Terrorists lack 'defense' against Israel
China After 30 Years Of Reform, IV - Forbes.com
Chinese dairies to compensate melamine victims Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Chip Saltsman, RNC chairmanship hopeful, defends 'Barack the Magic Negro' CD

Citizens should use multiple sources to get their news lancastereaglegazette.com Lancaster Eagle Gazette

Clinton's wish list for State - The Boston Globe
Come All Ye Faithful Taxpayers Christmas is for Church Members, Say German Politicians - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Commentary What the Iraq mission cost Bush - CNN.com
Commentary » Blog Archive » In Defense of Warren
Conservative Snobs Wrong on Palin - WSJ.com
Conservative Successes
Cover story 'Where do we go from here' by Robert Skidelsky Prospect Magazine January 2009 issue 154
CPR News - Scientists Add Kidney Damage To The List of Mobile Phone Ills
CQ Politics Insider or ‘Outsider’ in Race to Succeed Emanuel
Crunch time for capitalism I don't think so Daniel Finkelstein - Times Online
Dangerous equation - Haaretz - Israel News
David S. Broder - The GOP Goes South, While Waging Ideological Warfare - washingtonpost.com
DEBKAfile - US Russia's S-300 missile sale to Iran marks Israel's decision point
Dec. 21 Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice - Meet the Press, online at MSNBC- msnbc.com
Defending The Homeland Against Santa Claus
Democrats Try to Lower Expectations - WSJ.com
Despite price cuts, holiday retail sales plunge at least 2% - USATODAY.com
Did boy Jesus actually talk to the wise men
Dismantling the Imperial Presidency
Disney pulls out of next 'Narnia' - Los Angeles Times
Dissident Voice The Madoff Victims Schadenfreude, Not Anti-Semitism
Don't Know Much About Economics
Don't let the naysayers block stimulus plan - The Boston Globe
Don’t take health tips from celebs if you know what’s good for you - Times Online
Doubts increase over Barack Obama's ambitious spending promises - Times Online
Downturn Ends Building Boom in New York - NYTimes.com
Downturn Will Test Obama’s Vision for an Energy-Efficient Auto Industry - NYTimes.com
Drama at Berlin Zoo Intruder Jumps Into Knut's Enclosure - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Early Suspicions About Bernard Madoff
Economic crisis has small car sales making a U-turn - USATODAY.com
Economists missed the brewing crisis. Now many are asking How can we do better - The Boston Globe
Economy 'on knife-edge' as Japan faces deflation fear - Times Online
Editorial - How to Pay for a 21st-Century Military - NYTimes.com
Editorial - Shifting Troop Targets - NYTimes.com
Editorial - The Gas Tax - NYTimes.com

Editorial Stimulus package shouldn't be a Christmas tree - Opinion - OCRegister.com

Editorial The State of the Poor Philadelphia Inquirer 12-25-2008
Editorials -- The End of the Gaza Cease-Fire - washingtonpost.com
Egypt bolsters border amid fears of Israeli attack on Gaza - Telegraph
Eisenhower's roads to prosperity - Los Angeles Times (2)
Eisenhower's roads to prosperity - Los Angeles Times
Electric-Car Battery Makers Seek Federal Funds - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com

Eligibility remains focus of Supremes' conferences

En Route to Military Rule by William Norman Grigg
EU Calls for Ceasefire as Casualty Numbers Rise in Gaza Europe Deutsche Welle 27.12.2008
Even Blago Is Presumed Innocent - The Daily Beast
Fair-Weather Friends of the Market by Robert Higgs
Families Turn To Insurance Fraud To Avoid Crunch
Fare well, free trade The Economist
FBI diverts anti-terror agents to Bernard Madoff $50 billion swindle - Times Online
FBI whistleblower alleges Stevens trial misconduct Sen. Ted Stevens adn.com
Fed makes GMAC a bank holding company - USATODAY.com
Feisty new Christian history magazine – free!
FIRST THINGS A Journal of Religion, Culture, and Public Life
Fla. woman claims 'Merry Christmas' got her fired
Foreign security teams to lose immunity from prosecution in Iraq UK news The Guardian
FOXNews.com - Autoworkers Union Keeps $6 Million Golf Course for Members at $33 Million Lakeside Retreat - Local News News Articles National News US News
FOXNews.com - Baghdad Car Bomb Kills at Least 22 - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - Checkpoint Explodes in Kandahar Province, Killing 5 - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - Israel Vows to Expand Gaza Airstrikes as Death Toll Passes 200 - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
FOXNews.com - No Matter What Happens, Someone Will Blame Global Warming - Science News Science & Technology Technology News
FOXNews.com - Power restored to Parts of Island of Oahu, Hundreds of Thousands Still Left in the Dark - Local News News Articles National News US News
From Pax Americana to slacker Americans - Los Angeles Times
Fry's Electronics exec accused of embezzling
FT.com - Columnists - Christopher Caldwell - No smoke without ire
FT.com - Columnists - Clive Crook - Obama has to lead the way on trade
FT.com - Columnists - Gideon Rachman - What we will remember from 2008
FT.com - Columnists - Michael Skapinker - Unfounded panics and unexpected disasters

FT.com - Europe - Russia braced for unrest
FT.com - Global Economy - New threats to online security
FT.com - Middle East - Arab-Israel conflict - Israel launches fierce air strikes on Gaza
Fulford - The Fall Of Babylon
Funniest news stories of 2008
Gary Younge Greed has pushed political credibility and financial trust into freefall Comment is free The Guardian
Gas is cheap - Editorials - News & Observer
Gas prices drift to a 58-month low; oil may continue price drop - USATODAY.com
Gaza group We'll abduct female soldier - Israel News, Ynetnews
Gender eyed in Ritter's Senate choices - The Denver Post
George F. Will 2008--Rod, Eliot, Yuck Newsweek Voices - George F. Will Newsweek.com
George W Bush winning the war on terror - Telegraph
George W. Bush the uniter - THE WEEK
Germany resists calls to spend its way out of trouble - International Herald Tribune
Glassdoor.com Lists Naughtiest and Nicest C.E.O.’s of 2008 - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
globeandmail.com Kennedy won't disclose details of finances unless she's chosen
globeandmail.com We must talk Iran out of the bomb
GM becomes a bank to gain access to more funds - Times Online
God Is a Problem, Sources Say - WSJ.com
Good-Bye, Gentry - Forbes.com
Guess Who Doesn't Like the Press

Hamas source IDF strike unexpected - Israel News, Ynetnews
Hamas urges military wing to fire long-range rockets - Israel News, Ynetnews
Home for holidays HonoluluAdvertiser.com The Honolulu Advertiser
Housing market crash has led to 32,000 estate agents losing their job - Telegraph
Housing slide worsens; Spain joins recession club U.S. Reuters
How Sahar Daftary's death fall exposed polygamy in Britain - Times Online

IBDeditorials.com Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Obama's Surge
IBDeditorials.com Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Revision Run Amok
IDF Massacres In Gaza
Imagine there's a heaven
In Madoff Scandal, Jews Feel an Acute Betrayal - NYTimes.com
Intel report Hizbullah may strike in US - Israel News, Ynetnews

Intraparty tensions could cleave Dems - Manu Raju - Politico.com
Iraq The Necessary Withdrawal
Iraqi Christians urged to return to homeland
Iraqi government sponsors Christmas celebration
Is this an angel captured on camera
Israel gives Hamas 48 hours, opens Gaza borders (2nd Roundup)
Israel kills 205 in air assault on Gaza Strip Reuters

Israel kills 208 in air assault on Gaza Strip Reuters
Israel vows to keep up Gaza attacks - CNN.com
Israeli Air Force Attacks Gaza

Israeli attack kills scores across Gaza - International Herald Tribune
Israeli far right gains ground as Gaza rockets fuel tension World news The Guardian
It’s not easy becoming green -- In These Times

Jeb Bush poised for Florida Senate run - Amie Parnes - Politico.com
Jews return to Joseph's tomb
Jon S. Corzine - A Bold Stimulus Package -- $1 Trillion Bold -- Is Needed - washingtonpost.com

Jonathan Freedland Seasonal forgiveness has a limit. Bush and his cronies must face a reckoning Comment is free The Guardian
Karl Rove Says George W. Bush Is a Book Lover - WSJ.com
Kass Too Early to Expect a Turnaround Investing Financial Articles & Investing News TheStreet.com
Kennedy declines to make financial disclosure - International Herald Tribune
Kennedy needs to talk Buffalo News Editorials The Buffalo News
Kennedy Offers Hints of a Platform, and a Few Surprises - NYTimes.com
Kennedy says 9-11, Obama led her to public service - Yahoo! News
Kevin Rudd may take former Guantanamo Bay inmates National News News.com.au
Labor, business gird for battle over unions bill - Los Angeles Times
Lack of donations to city, state Dems may hurt Caroline Kennedy's bid for Senate
Lawrence Summers - Mr. Obama's Stimulus Plan Must Aim for Long-Term Results - washingtonpost.com
Learning From the New Deal's Mistakes The American Prospect

Lessons From '92 Give GOP Hope - WSJ.com
Let voters pick senators - Opinion - USATODAY.com
Little Blue Pills Among the Ways CIA Wins Friends in Afghanistan - washingtonpost.com
Local News Seattle refuses to use salt; roads snow packed by design Seattle Times Newspaper
Major Power Outage in Honolulu as Obama Visits - TIME
Man taken in shock shark attack
Marines closer to choosing next-generation rifle Stars and Stripes
Meacham The History of Power Newsweek The Global Elite Newsweek.com
Media's 'cold deceit' descends upon Bethlehem
Mexico suspends purchases from 30 meat plants - Yahoo! Finance
Miami News, Fort Lauderdale News, Florida News & Weather Channel 7 Fox Miami WSVN-TV - Woman lied about missing baby, arrested
Michael Wolff Murdoch Couldn't Find Drudge Report - Jossip
Mild earthquake shakes Lancaster County -- themorningcall.com
Mistletoe Meds Fight Cancer, Studies Show Discovery News
MP3 player lights rescuers' way to missing skiers

Muslim grinches steal Christmas
My Way News - Barak Gaza operation will expand as needed

My Way News - Cabinet choices touch off scramble in states

My Way News - Problems seen in e-voting overseas
My Way News - Retail gasoline prices drift to 58-month low
My Way News - Santa gunman lost job, wife before gory attack
Nancy Levant -- Bankrupted States = Con-Con and Newstates Constitution
National Journal Magazine - Burdens That All Should Share
National Journal Magazine - More Losses For Senate Republicans
National Journal Magazine - Too Much Law Guarantees Unfairness
Newsmax.com - ACORN, Soros Linked to Franken Vote Grab
Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » Oscar Ballots Mailed Are Best Picture And Other Major Categories Already Decided

Nobody Knows the Trouble He'll See
Now, feds probe Gov. Richardson of Obama Cabinet for 'pay-to-play' Top of the Ticket Los Angeles Times
nrc.nl - International - Features - Handheld device detects drugs in moments
NY man admits he helped air Hizbullah TV International Jerusalem Post
NY Times Magazine honors Israeli dog mess DNA bank initiative - Haaretz - Israel News
NYT Clinton moves to widen role of State Dept. - The New York Times- msnbc.com
Obama and peeved progressives - The Boston Globe
Obama team probe of Obama team finds no Obama team impropriety Top of the Ticket Los Angeles Times
Obama testifies for federal prosecutors - International Herald Tribune
Obama v. Putin in ultimate shirtless cage match The Clog Blog Archive Philadelphia City Paper Philadelphia Arts, Restaurants, Music, Movies, Jobs, Classifieds, Blogs
Obama's Blagojevich report - Opinion - USATODAY.com
On Politics - For Now, Obama Proves to Be Elusive Target for G.O.P. - NYTimes.com
On the shelf Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House
Op-Ed Columnist - A Race to the Bottom - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - Bleeding Heart Tightwads - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - Stop Being Stupid - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - Time to Reboot America - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - Who Wants to Kick a Millionaire - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Contributor - Hard Times, a Helping Hand - NYTimes.com
Pakistan moves troops to India border - CNN.com
Pakistan moves troops toward Indian border - Pakistan - msnbc.com
Palestinian 'Santas' do battle with Israeli security forces over West Bank fence - Haaretz - Israel News
Palestinian rocket misfires, kills 2 girls in Gaza - Yahoo! News

Peres Israel will not invade Gaza Jerusalem Post
Personalised pop songs for seriously ill children - Telegraph
Peter Schiff Says There's No Pain-Free Cure for Recession - WSJ.com

Phila. man shot because family talked during movie Philadelphia Inquirer 12-26-2008
Police Burns from fire altered 'killer Santa' plan - CNN.com
Political Perceptions The Detroit Rescue Terms, Obama, and the Future of Unions
Pope says humanity needs 'saving' from homosexuality - Telegraph
Power gradually comes back on - Breaking - Starbulletin.com
Power Line - The Senator from People Magazine
Prepare for more rockets - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews
Press TV - Russia deploys 2nd S-400 missile system
Print Story Palestinian rocket kills 2 Gaza girls medics - Yahoo! News
Put differences aside, let us pray together ajc.com
Quantum of Solis - WSJ.com

Radical Islamists linked to al-Qaeda set to take control of Somalia - Telegraph
Real Clear Politics - News - Elections 2008 - Opinion - Commentary - TIME
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Save Jobs. Buy Something

RealClearMarkets Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

RealClearPolitics - Articles - 2008 -- Our 'That Was Then, This is Now' Year
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Time for Renewal
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Another Great Depression
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Arrogant Conceit
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Assad's Hopes for Obama
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Bush Stretches Executive Powers Again
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Desperately Seeking Caroline
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Duncan an A+ Education Pick
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Free the Saddleback One
RealClearPolitics - Articles - How to Walk Away from North Korea
RealClearPolitics - Articles - In the Hands of the Central Bankers
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Interview with Dick Cheney on Fox News Sunday
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Laissez-Faire Capitalism Should Be as Dead as Soviet Communism

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Laissez-Faire Punditry

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Living Their Faith in Afghanistan
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Myths & Facts About the Real Bush Record
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama May Be an Aloof President

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama Should Say 'No' to 'War Crimes' Probes of Bush Team
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama Won The Old-Fashioned Way

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Remembering What Counts
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Economy Needs a Painful Period of Adjustment
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Growing Case for Inflation
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Price of Their Security
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RealClearWorld - Most Important Elections - Most Important Elections
RealClearWorld World News, Analysis & Commentary
Religion Played Prominent and Unprecedented Role in '08 Politics - washingtonpost.com
Religious tunes banned by school
Report Iran preps humanitarian aid ship to Gaza Strip - Haaretz - Israel News
Report Mexican says cops threatened him with lion - Yahoo! News
reportonbusiness.com Crude prices rebound, most believe it's temporary
reportonbusiness.com Swiss well-positioned to weather recession
Republican's Gift Held Racial Parody of Obama - washingtonpost.com

Republicans are blinded by love - Los Angeles Times
Retail Sales Plummet - WSJ.com
Retailers look at a dire 2009 - Telegraph
Retailers Want In on Stimulus Plan - WSJ.com
Reuters AlertNet - SNAP ANALYSIS-Israel-Hamas conflict could escalate

Rezko attorney 'owns' Obama mansion
Rick Warren, Obama and the Left - WSJ.com
Rocket kills 2 children after Gaza border reopens - CNN.com
Ronald J. Pestritto Theodore Roosevelt Was No Conservative - WSJ.com
Russia to supply missiles to Syria International Jerusalem Post
Russians protest at Estonia SS calendar - Telegraph
SAN JOSE - Fry's embezzling suspect well known to Vegas D.A.'s office - Bad checks put him reportedly in top 5 for money owed
Santa-suit killer lost job, wife - Crime & courts- msnbc.com
Saving Us From Snowzilla by Bryan Hyde

Secret child had divided Christmas Eve massacre gunman, wife - Los Angeles Times
Sen. Reid Hits the Ground Running in Uphill Re-Election Bid - WSJ.com
Seven die, two hurt in intense S.W. Philly blaze Philly 12-27-2008
SF man unveils sculpture of tiger that mauled teen - Los Angeles Times
SPIEGEL Interview With Rabbi Yona Metzger 'My Dream Is to Create a United Religious Nations' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
SPLICETODAY.COM Writing Give Rupert Murdoch a Round of Applause
Stars of Hollywood, high-tech open wallets for Obama party
Statements in child sex sting stricken
Stocks higher, but chances for big year-end rally fading - USATODAY.com
Suffering Ohio begs for federal lifeline - Washington Post- msnbc.com
Suit Claims City Witholding Red Light Camera Study

SWAT raid on food co-op called 'entrapment'
Taking Command - washingtonpost.com
Technology and humanity
Tennessee Ash Flood Larger Than Initial Estimate - NYTimes.com
Textbook Missionaries 'destroy' national values
Thank Goodness I Live in a Free Country by Don Cooper
That first foreign challenge - The Boston Globe
The Arab Sole - Forbes.com
The Associated Press Minn. court blocks Coleman on double recount votes
The Capitalist Fiction of Garet Garrett by Bruce Ramsey
The Clinton Conflict - washingtonpost.com
The Dangers Of An India-Pakistan War

The Economic News Isn't All Bleak - WSJ.com
The Financial Stage of Economic Development by Thomas Schmidt

The Implications of Christmas - Ross Douthat
The NEWSWEEK 50 Barack Obama Newsweek The Global Elite Newsweek.com
The Newsweek 50 Bill and Hillary Clinton Newsweek The Global Elite Newsweek.com
The President Comforts a Marine Mom - WSJ.com
The Problem With the GOP Is... Me - The Daily Beast
The Reckoning - Chinese Savings Helped Inflate American Bubble - Series - NYTimes.com
The rise of Newt-world - Daniel Libit - Politico.com
The Swinging Pendulums of the Economy by Bill Sardi
The Year In Review
TheHill.com - Ackerman compares Caroline Kennedy to Palin

TheHill.com - Clinton’s exit could leave fundraising hole for Dems
TheHill.com - Crowded race for Solis’ seat looms
TheHill.com - Economy tanks, lobbying booms
TheHill.com - Ethics rules complicate life for Santa
TheHill.com - Ideology steers RNC chairman race
TheHill.com - RNC candidate distributes controversial Obama song
Times Square New Year's Eve ball goes on display - USATODAY.com
timesofmalta.com - Imagine - Lennon in TV ad
Toby Dodge Despite the optimism, Iraq is close to the edge Comment is free The Observer
Tom Cruise Proposes Homosexual Census in U.S.
Top 10 most annoying Americanisms Toby Harnden
University attack on student made into documentary
Uproar in Australia over plan to block Web sites (AP) by AP Yahoo! Tech
US Texas Town Makes Shooting Dogs Legal Animal Rights Groups Furious In Ferris, South Of Dallas World News Sky News
Vatican calls for end to Middle East violence Jerusalem Post
Vendors look to cash in during inauguration - wtop.com
Vendée French call for revolution massacre to be termed 'genocide' - Telegraph
Veteran psychiatrist calls liberals mentally ill
Viagra helps CIA win friends in Afghanistan - Washington Post- msnbc.com
Video - CNBC.com
Virgin Mary gives birth to Jesus - Telegraph
Wall Street The man American Jews hate more than Ahmadinejad Jerusalem Post
Warning Gitmo still holds 'throat-slitting' inmates
Warning On Elk Meat Sold At Boulder Market
Warren could be Obama's Booker T. Washington - Opinion - USATODAY.com
Washington Times - BLANKLEY Teaching religion
Washington Times - DAVIS Obama, Warren and civil society
Washington Times - DONAHUE Schilling in Baghdad
Washington Times - GOP hopefuls focus on reform

Washington Times - GOP power struggle starts
Washington Times - Politics and corruption the Chicago way

Washington Times - PRUDEN Only 26 days left for Bush-bashing
Washington Times - STEYN Bailoutistan bound
Wave of the future The dancing spider-like cruiser that can take 12 people on a 5,000-mile journey Mail Online
Welcome To Forbes.com
What Is Left
What's beneath the TARP - The Boston Globe
When 'Waiting for Godot' played San Quentin
When kids have the 'gimmes' at Christmas
Where Have All the Neocons Gone by Jacob Heilbrunn
White House Press Corps Faces Unique Challenges in Hawaii
Why College Is A Waste of Money - The Daily Beast
Woman may have fallen from cruise liner -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
World leaders call for halt to violence Jerusalem Post
World leaders call for halt to violence Middle East Jerusalem Post
Worldview Change is in the air with new Iraq accord Philadelphia Inquirer 12-24-2008
Worldview U.S. ambassador says Iraq may have a chance Philadelphia Inquirer 12-21-2008
Yemen to build ghetto for Jews - Israel News, Ynetnews
Yes, the shoe is mightier than the grenade David Aaronovitch - Times Online
YouTube - A message from John Lennon (OLPC)

Japan auto production marks worst drop since 1967
A nation burstingbrwith spoiled brats
A Year of Tragedy and Triumph for Beijing
Against the Grain
Ahmadinejad's Unwelcome Christmas Address
Another Setback for GOP Minority Outreach
Are We Becoming a Nation of Wussies
Asia Will Rise as Dollar Sinks
At This Point, the Housing Bailout Is a Flop
Average Joe Will Stir Up Class Envy
Benedict and Warren
Bhutto's Divisive Pakistan Legacy
Bush Is Winning the War on Terror
Capitalism Isn't Gasping for Breath
Change Has Come, America
Cheney is Correct (Almost)
China and India Are Diverging
Chinese Pockets Filled As Americans' Emptied
Chinese Sphere.. Direct Connect Across the Strait
Clinton's State Department
Crunch Time for Capitalism I Don't Think So
Debt Spree
Do Liberals Hate Charity
Economists, survivors say Depression can’t compare
Eisenhower's Roads to Prosperity
Europe's Obama Challenge
Even Keynes Wouldn't Like This Bailout
Forget Blago For Now, Let's Move On
France.. Socialists Bent on Self-Destruction
Gazan invents alternative to cooking gas
Get Ready For a Lost Decade
Getting Away with Murder in Lebanon
Glum Economic Season
Highs and Lows of Sino-US Relations
How Bush Can Transcend Shoe Thrower
How to Make Political Movies
In Defense of Warren
In the Company of Murderers
India's 'Other' Terrorism
Is the End of Oil in Sight
Is There 'Progress' in the Middle East
Israel Should Take Hamas' Offer
It's Time to Pull the Plug On Ethanol
Just More Proof of Our Infrastructure Needs
Latin America.. Summits and Crisis
Madoff Is Deja Vu All Over Again In Albania
Media Save of the Year
Middle East Action Items for Obama
More Questions For Obama on Blago
Mumbai after the Attacks
Nicolas Sarkozy's Stage
Obama Should Engage Putin
Obama's Actions Speak to Moderation
Obama's Blago News Drop
Obama's Blago Report Drops in Two Hours!
Obama's Cabinet to the Right of Hill Democrats
Obama's Economic Roads Lead to Romer
Obama's Global Agenda
Obama's Job-Creation Plan Flunks Basic Math
Obama's Low Profile
Obama's Stimulus Is Down Payment
Old Danger Threatens New Europe
Palin Plays the Blame Game, Fails
Please Don't Forget Burma
Presidential Fitness
Presidents, Pardons and Power
Prosecutors Talking to Obama
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Time for Renewal
RealClearWorld - Articles - RCW Person of the Year
RealClearWorld - Articles - Who'll Cause Obama's First 3 a.m. Call
Reconsidering Warren
Republicans, Cancel Your Newspaper Subscription
RNC Candidates Respond to Questionnaire
Ron Gettelfinger Takes On America
Russia.. How the US Might Save Itself
Senate Slipping Away from Caroline
Shouldn't We Have Expected More from Obama's Cabinet
Signals from the New C-in-C
Signs of Christmas in Saudi Arabia
Sri Lanka's Ignored War
Teddy & The Right
The Blago Report
The Case for Caroline Kennedy
The Crisis of '08 Reading List
The Dollar and the Credit Triangle
The Double Hype of Ahmadinejad
The Fed's Balance Sheet Is Balooning Fast
The Magnificence of Nicolas Sarkozy
The Party's Over for the Kremlin
The Stupid Investments of the Year
The Unhelpful Pope
The World's Wishlist for Obama
The Worst Holiday Gets Worse
Time to Reboot America
Too Much Government Caused Crisis
Transcripts .... Interview with Vice President-Elect Joe Biden
Transcripts .... UN Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad
Transcripts .... N.Y. Reps. Ackerman, King, and Reynolds (PDF)
Transcripts .... Panel on Resolutions for Obama
Transcripts .... Reps. Frank and Cantor
Transcripts .... AEI's Q&A With President Bush
Transcripts .... Analysts on Vice Presidential Roles
Transcripts .... Blagojevich Vows to Fight Corruption Charges
Transcripts .... Brit Hume Signs Off From 'Special Report'
Transcripts .... Bush Advisers on the Last Eight Years
Transcripts .... Debate of Obama's Warren Invocation Invite
Transcripts .... December 16 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts .... December 22 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts .... December 23 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts .... Former Fed Officials Discuss Latest Rate Cut
Transcripts .... Geraldine Ferraro on Caroline Kenendy
Transcripts .... Interview with Ford Motor's Bill Ford
Transcripts .... Interview with Gov. Mark Sanford
Transcripts .... Interview with New York Rep. Peter King
Transcripts .... Interview with Pakistan's U.S. Ambassador
Transcripts .... Interview with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Transcripts .... Interview with Vice President Cheney
Transcripts .... Interview with Vice President Dick Cheney
Transcripts .... Interview with Vice President-Elect Joe Biden
Transcripts .... Michigan Gov. Granholm on the Auto Aid Package
Transcripts .... Newt Gingrich on Blagojevich, Auto Bailout
Transcripts .... Obama Announces Agriculture, Interior Nominees
Transcripts .... Obama Announces Environment and Energy Team
Transcripts .... Obama Announces Financial Regulators
Transcripts .... Obama Announces Labor, Transportation Nominees
Transcripts .... Obama Announces Science & Tech Team
Transcripts .... Obama Press Conference on Education Secretary
Transcripts .... Obama Report on Staff Contacts with Gov. Blagojevich
Transcripts .... Panel on Caroline Kennedy and the Senate
Transcripts .... Panel on Obama and Trade
Transcripts .... Panel on the Auto Bailout
Transcripts .... Panel on the NYT Housing Story
Transcripts .... President Bush Announces Aid for Auto Manufacturers
Transcripts .... President Bush on the Freedom Agenda
Transcripts .... Roundtable on Bush and the Economy
Transcripts .... Rudy Giuliani on Blagojevich, Kennedy
Transcripts .... Shields & Brooks on Autos, Blagojevich, Kennedy
Transcripts .... Shields and Gerson Review the Year in Politics
Transcripts .... Stuart Rothenberg on Senate Vacancies
Transcripts .... U.S. Comptroller on Bailout Oversight
transcripts .... Interview with President Bush
transcripts .... Illinois' LG Quinn and AG Madigan
transcripts .... Panel on Obama's Staff and Blagojevich
transcripts .... Senators Brown, Levin and Corker (PDF)
transcripts .... Analysts on Obama's Environment and Energy Team
transcripts .... Interview with Senator John McCain
transcripts .... President Bush Speaks to Troops in Afghanistan
transcripts .... President Bush Speaks to Troops in Iraq
transcripts .... President Bush's Press Conference w-President Karzai
transcripts .... Senators Stabenow and Corker
transcripts .... UAW's Gettelfinger; Senators Casey & Ensign
Turkey, Russia Build New Bridges
U.S. Draws India into the Afghan War
Viagra Anti-Terrorist Weapon
video - Israel Airstrikes
video - They're All Related
video - UFO Compliation
video -From Hamas
video -Government Response
video -Season's Greetings from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
War of Words Heats Up on Subcontinent
Warren Accuses Critics of 'Christphobia'
What Can Be Done About Mugabe
What Did Bill Richardson Know
What Is Peace
Where We Are, and Where We're Going
Why Do Americans Give the Most to Charity
Why Economists Missed the Disaster
Why Free Markets Must Be Defended
Why Guineans Welcomed the Coup
Will Financial Crisis Bring Upheaval to China
Would Al Gore Have Invaded Iraq
Zimbabwe's Perfect Humanitarian Storm

IDF .. Weekend strike in Gaza 'only the beginning'
'Meritalism' not 'Capitalism'
'The Politics of Fat'
150000 Pakistanis mark 1 year since Bhutto killed
2009 to arrive not a second too soon
27 dead after Ukrainian apartment blast
4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... 1 ... Happy New Year!
500 million gallons of toxic sludge spill in tennessee
850-pound emerald at center of dispute
A Parting Shot at Women’s Rights
Afghan police die in suicide bomb
Alarmism sells newspapers ..then and now
Alert the Media .. Obama Has Made a Break for It
Amateurs are trying genetic engineering at home
America The Illiterate
Apple's Christmas 'swipe-gesture' patent application
Are Android, Chrome-flavored Netbooks On Tap For Google in 2009
Area volunteers get ready for a big bird census
As a Candidate, Kennedy Is Eloquent but Elusive
As Bush rides off into the Texas sunset, will history be less harsh
Baghdad bombs reportedly kill 28 people
Bangladesh holds new vote with old names on ballot
Bethlehem douses Christmas lights over Gaza strikes
Blago atty. wants aides subpoenaed
Blagojevich Impeachment Committee Split on Subpoena for Top Obama ...
Bret to succeed Brit on Fox
CAP report.. Where's the (coal) money
Car Bomb Kills 22 in Baghdad
Car mat sparked Long Island Chanukah car wreck
Caroline Kennedy 'Unconventional'
China dairies to compensate victims
China says schools must be made more quake-proof
Chinese Navy ready to Be a Player
Clemency Requests Pile Up as Bush Prepares to Leave Office
Coal Ash Spill is Much Larger Than First Described
Coca-Cola Rejects FDA Regulations
Coral recovering from 2004 tsunami
Corruption crisis creates confusion in Illinois
Couples practice puckering up in Times Square
Cox.. 'Gravely concerned' about Madoff
Daddy O brings parenting into politics
DHS 5-year terrorism forecast
Did Hamsher snub Kirchick on NPR
Documentary protends Tennessee diasaster
Documenting The Bush Presidency
Eartha Kitt 'Can't Let the Bastards Get Us Down'
Easy Pickings Arrive at the International Table
Fakes of iPhone Nano for sale in Thailand
Former UFC Fighter Killed
Franken camp wins key court ruling
Gay leaders furious with Obama
Gaza Blowup Highlights Bush's Broken Peace Promise
George W. Bush Will You Please Go Now!
Google, Microsoft, Apple sued over preview icons
GOP chair 'appalled' by 'Magic Negro' CD
GOP mum on 'Magic Negro' parody
group .. Stronger warnings needed in Tenn. ash spill
Group Demands Google Stop Keeping Data Against Users’ Will
Hamas says at least 150 killed in IAF strikes in Gaza
Hard Times Hit Recycling Market
Harold Pinter, playwright dies
Hospitals ill from more bad debt, credit troubles
House Fire Destroys Sebring Home
Illinois' culture of reform inspired by Simon
In Christmas message, pope warns against selfishness
India denies troop build-up on border
Internet Sites Could Be Given Movie Like Ratings
Iranian President's Christmas Message Sparks Outcry
Iranians join Bush shoe protest
Iraqi Qaeda escapee killed in firefight; two accomplices on the run
Is 'Barack the Magic Negro' racist (Updated)
Is Sleeping Good for the Heart
Israel Hits Gaza (Updated)
Israel sees stormy weather
Israel strikes demolish Hamas compounds, kill 192
Japan lagging in international piracy fight
Japan teens skipping breakfast have sex younger
Jeb Bush poised for Florida Senate run
Jindal in 2012
Karl Rove .. Bush's Books
Kennedy 'dismayed' by voting record
Kennedy won't run if not appointed
Kennedy, 51, introduces her views
Kwanzaa festivities light city
Labor, business gird for battle over unions bill
Leap Second Clock Adjustment Scheduled
Letter to the editor on Pentagon story
Liberians mourn 7 killed in Philadelphia fire
Light rail passengers line up for history
Lindsay may have half-sibling
Living Up to Our Divine Potential at Christmas
Long, winding road hits a dead end at last for VHS
Medicare open enrollment ends soon
Metro Phoenix launches light rail line Saturday
Miami police say missing baby story was a hoax
Missouri firm recalls possibly tainted sausages
Mumbai terrorist attacks awaken Bollywood
Nepotism NY style as clans vie for seat
Nice work, NORAD
Obama gives press pool the slip
Obama looks West for energy plan
Obama pays tribute to late grandmother
Obama visits troops at Christmas
Obama with troops on Christmas
Obamas visit Hawaii sea park
Olmert Appeals to Gazans.. Stop Hamas
Oscar Nomination Ballots Are Mailed Out
Pakistan plays down tensions
Pakistan Redeploying to Indian Border
Pakistan Troops Move To Indian Borders
Palestinians miss the intended Jews, murder their own
Pardon, Me ..Toussie!
Peter Madoff resigns
Photo surfaces of President Bush with father of housing scammer Isaac Toussie
political video - Axelrod on Emanuel
political video - Biden ..No Inappropriate Contact w-Blagojevich
political video - Biden on This Week
political video - Blagojevich Vows To Fight
political video - Bush Announces Aid for Automakers
political video - Cheney ;Obama's Security Team 'Pretty Good'
political video - Cheney Discusses Interrogation of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
political video - Cheney on Fox News Sunday
political video - Dean on Kennedy, Senate Appointments
political video - Discussion of Blagojevich Impeachment
political video - Economic Council Director on Jobs and Economic Outlook in '09
political video - Giuliani on Obama Report
political video - Hume Signs Off Of 'Special Report'
political video - Interview with President Bush
political video - Interview with Secretary Rice
political video - Interview with Sen. Bob Corker
political video - Joe the Plumber on McCain, New Book
political video - Kennedy Goes on Tour
political video - Lobbying For a Piece of the Stimulus
political video - More of Bush's ABC News Interview
political video - New York Reps. Discuss Caroline Kennedy
political video - Obama Announces Agriculture, Interior Heads
political video - Obama Announces Financial Regulators
political video - Obama Announces Science Team
political video - Obama Defends Warren Invite
political video - Obama On the Auto Aid Package, Economic Team
political video - Obama Reflects on Troops, Economy
political video - Obama Report Released
political video - Obama Says Staff Did Nothing Wrong w-Blagojevich
political video - Paulson on the Economy
political video - Perino Talks About Black Eye
political video - Rice on Best, Worst Moments
political video - Rice on Meet the Press
political video - Schwarzenegger on '60 Minutes'
political video - The Biden-Cheney War of Words
political video - Van Hollen Thanks DCCC Supporters
political video - Vice President-Elect Biden on Larry King Live
political video - White House... No 'Disorderly' Auto Collapse
Pope’s Greeting Focuses on Pursuit of Peace
Power back on in Oahu
President-elect Obama's Weekly Address Dec. 24, 2008
Rachel Maddow Show .. Will Republicans Try to Block Infrastructure Projects
Red Cross Seeing Holiday Blood Shortages
Red Cross’ disaster response relies on donations
Remembering Eartha Kitt
Report .. Russia selling missiles to Syria, Egypt
report.. U.S. Faces Biological Attack Within 5 Years
Republican's Gift Held Racial Parody of Obama
Rick Warren, Obama and the Left
Rick Warren’s biggest critics other evangelicals
RNC Candidate's Obama 'Negro' Song Stirs Storm
Santa’s sleigh ride tracked by military center
Scientists May Isolate Stem Cells From Rats, Other Mammals
Secure Your Vista PC in 10 Easy Steps
Snowzilla Returns .. A Christmas Miracle
Spending Doubled as Obama Led Billion-Dollar Campaign
Sri Lanka steps up air attacks after heavy ground battles military
States Making Deeper Cuts in Medicaid
Suspected 'Santa' Shooter Planned Escape to Canada
The Bush legacy from main street to Africa
The Conservative Elevator Story
The Death of Deep Throat and the Crisis of Journalism
The man they love to hate
The Media Morons' War on Christmas
The Obama 'resistance' .. Wingnuttery never sleeps
The psychopathology of Bush hatred
The Return of the Military Coup
The Sarah Palin calendar
The Unitarian Church and Obama's Religious Upbringing
To understand Salazar, follow the money
Top 10 people we'll miss in 2009
Top 10 political scoops of 2008
Tutu accuses S Africa over Mugabe
UK criticises Ahmadinejad broadcast
US blames Hamas for cease-fire break
USA needs nuclear explosion to turn the world into dictatorship
Voters may get chance to settle issue of Democrats' revenue gambit
Wal-Mart iPhone Sales ..Where's the Discount
warning .. What Liberal Change Looks Like After One Year
What exactly is the Kennedy legacy
Winning Hearts and Minds in Afghanistan
World leaders call for halt to violence
World Leaders React to Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza
Yemen to build ghetto for Jews
Zimbabwe Refusing to Release Jailed Activist