"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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26 November 2008


A fiery Czech is poised to be the face of Europe - International Herald Tribune
A Foreign Policy of Freedom by Ron Paul
ABC News Exclusive NY Rail Plot Details Based on 'Reliable' FBI Source
ABC News Obama on Auto Execs' Private Jets 'A Little Tone Deaf'
After 7 Years, Judge Orders Release of Guantánamo Kidnap Victims by Andy Worthington
Almost half of Egyptian wives beaten study
An Open Letter to Gary Becker re Depressions by Bob Murphy
Another Tax Issue Surfaces for Rangel - NYTimes.com
Argentina unveils 21 billion USD in infrastructure megaplan
Asia Times Online Asian news and current affairs
Automakers' Jobs Bank Program Pays Laid-Off Workers to Do Nothing - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker
Bankruptcy update, Britain plus California Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Barak Hizbullah 3 times stronger than at end of war - Israel News, Ynetnews
BBC NEWS South Asia Mumbai rocked by deadly shootings (2)
BBC NEWS South Asia Mumbai rocked by deadly shootings
Ben Smith's Blog Dreaming of sirens - Politico.com
Board denies Franken's request on rejected absentee ballots
Breitbart.tv » Reporter Confronts Obama Over ‘Change’ After Selecting Clinton Appointees
Britney Spears feels old and boring Reuters
CAIR's attempt to extract fees from Michael Savage rejected
Christianity and War by Laurence M. Vance
City Caught Trapping Drivers With Short Yellows
Claremont parents clash over kindergarten Thanksgiving costumes - Los Angeles Times
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - President Bush readies more pardons « - Blogs from CNN.com
CNN Video Report On UFOs
CNSNews.com - ‘America is Back’ as a Leader on Climate Change, Sen. Kerry Says
Cuba's Raul Castro open to meet Obama report Politics Reuters
Despite Bells and Whistles, 'Office of President-Elect' Holds No Authority - FOXNews.com Transition Tracker
Discovery Channel Eyes PA UFO Sighting
Disgusting 9-11 Al-CIAda Propaganda
Eve Of Destruction
Feds Warn Of Terror Plots Against NYC Subways
Feds warn of terror plotting against NYC subways - Yahoo! News
Financial Follies No More Free Booze - Media US News Story - CNBC.com
Florida ban on gay adoptions ruled unconstitutional - Breaking News - Dade - MiamiHerald.com
Foreigners targeted in co-ordinated Bombay attacks - Times Online
Former first lady resting after ulcer surgery
Free-Market Medicine and the ‘74-Week Rolling Average’ by Vin Suprynowicz
Gates Review Military's Role In Homeland Defense
Great myth of the 'New Deal' Depression-era plan prolonged US economic slump and makes a poor model for Britain Mail Online
Hamilton's Curse and the Death of the Dollar Standard by William Norman Grigg
Hero Royal Marine saves lives of 130 British soldiers by rugby tackling suicide bomber Mail Online
Ho, ho, nope! FGCU to limit holiday decor news-press.com The News-Press
Holy Land Foundation defendants guilty on all counts News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News Latest News
Homeland Enslavement Rolls Out Vicinity RFID
Human skull used in British Hamlet production
India’s anti-pirate aggression - The National Newspaper
Iran says it now runs more than 5,000 centrifuges
Isaiah L. Kenen and the Israel Office of Information Foreign Agent to Founder of AIPAC
Israel Matzav UN General Assembly chief calls for Israel's destruction
Israeli world first Surgeons weld wounds shut with surgical laser Health Jerusalem Post
I’m a Bad Libertarian by Tom Chartier
J. H. Huebert and Walter Block In Defense of Corporations, Tax Breaks, and Wal-Mart
Jury convicts mom of lesser charges in online hoax
kstp.com - FEDS Twin Cities man behind Somalia bombing
Left Out Of The Bailout The Poor
Legal experts puzzled over California justice's seeming reversal on Prop. 8 - Los Angeles Times
Letter exposes Iran's assistance to al-Qaeda - World News - World - General - The Canberra Times
Look! There’s Another Wolf! No, I Just Saw Him, Behind That Tree! by Vin Suprynowicz
Michael Jackson - the man who blew a billion. The mind-boggling spending of the world's wackiest pop star Mail Online
Microsoft Ranked Fifth Worst Spam Service ISP
More drug tunnels being found on border
MTV to host inaugural ball in Washington for Obama Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
My Way News - CBS en route to winning November `sweeps'
My Way News - Venezuela's Chavez welcomes Russian warships
MyFox New York Shame, Shame, Shame Lehman Brothers Collapse
New machines scan IDs at border crossings - USATODAY.com
Newsmax.com – Bernanke I Was Wrong About Subprime Crisis
Newsmax.com – Bush Pardons 14, Commutes 2 Prison Sentences
Obama Urged To Create New Green Deal
Obama's Foreign Policy The Case for Pessimism by Justin Raimondo
Obama's Staged Economic Press Conference
Online Shopping to Plateau As Slump Hits Cyberspace - WSJ.com
Ottawa university boots cystic fibrosis from charity drive
Papua plans electronic tags for AIDS patients - CNN.com
Pirates of Somalia by Eric Margolis
Political Economy of Juan de Mariana
Property and the First Thanksgiving by Gary Galles
Rate of new U.S. cancer cases drops for first time Health Reuters
Report Little-known group claims India attacks
Rubin protégés change their tune as they join Obama's team - International Herald Tribune
Russia building 'Berlin Wall' in Georgia FM
Social Services Setup CCTV Cam In Home
Solar Panels On Graves To Fight Climate Change
South Korea seeks to jail actress for adultery Lifestyle Reuters
Space Experts Offer Anti-Asteroid Plan
Study says HIV could be eliminated in a decade - Yahoo! News
Superman and Freedom by Chris Brown
Synthetic Viruses May Explains SARS
Technorati cuts six jobs, pay
Terror attacks in Mumbai; 80 dead, over 900 injured-India-The Times of India
Thanksgiving a time for reflection for Bush, Obama
Thanksgiving and Marginal Utility by Gary North
The Apotheosis of Soros - WSJ.com
The Associated Press Astronauts busy collecting recycled urine samples
The Associated Press Judge tosses appeal condemned killer didn't want
The Fed and Its Lies by Anthony Gregory
The Lew Rockwell Show - 73. The Medical Mess
The Lew Rockwell Show - 74. The Greatest Disaster in the History of the West
The Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt
This Book Is So Me by Walter Block
Timothy Geithner Obama's Teflon Treasury Secretary - Capital Commerce (usnews.com)
Toxic Anger 3 Auto Bailouts and What To Do About Them by Sandra Hamilton
U.S. Taps Online Youth Groups To Fight Terrorism
UC to review rehired but pensioned retirees
UK mom I flushed newborn in toilet by accident www.azstarnet.com ®
Unwarranted Violence by William Norman Grigg
Vanity Fair Oscar Party Will Be Held at Sunset Tower VF Daily vanityfair.com
Vatican unveils ambitious solar energy plans Environment Reuters
Victim Disarmament At Sea by Félix Moreno de la Cova Solís
War Insurance World Peace Through Capitalism by J. L. Bryan
Washington Times - Obama beats record for press conferences
wcbstv.com - Feds Warn Of Terror Plot Against NYC Subways
wcbstv.com - NYC On Ticket Blitz; 200 Traffic Agents Added
Web spies monitor activists online for police, attorney-general - report NEWS.com.au
While shepherds watched their flocks by night... some occupying soldiers bulldozed all around' How anti-Israeli campaigners rewrote the carol book Mail Online
Workers riot at Chinese toy factory
Worm-counters Volunteers wanted to carry out first earthworm 'census' Mail Online
WXVT-TV Delta News - More Local News and Weather WXVT.com Farrakhan Obama is 'America's blessing'
JGB Live at The Bluegrass Brewing Company on 2005-07-25
'A Day of Thanksgiving'
'Attacks on human dignity like this cannot be tolerated'
'Fresh' Ideas for the Middle East
'I don't think I have anything to say on that,' says spokesman
'I have asked but no one in the family has any idea how the mishap occurred'
'I want to apologize to the court, my family, and to all the kids who looked up to me'
'I was pretty lucky with this. I was in a little groove'
'I wish I had done something more, but I just panicked. I miss him every day'
'It was a very horrifying sight to see this happen to your baby'
'Jolting' the Economy
'Obama' is the Change Agent
'She chose to use a computer to hurt a little girl and for 4 weeks she enjoyed it'
'Signature is the same signature of the person in the graveyard'
'Thanksgiving Liability and Indemnification Agreement' will get you off hook
'The State Of Israel Was The Creation Of Satan'
'We are not sure if we can perform surgery to put [it] back, but we'll try our best'
'Why did they say he was such a nice guy, such a good guy'
'Why do they think we are in Pakistan – to drink tea'
'You can feel the energy pulsing around you, moving inside you'
'You're not going to get those nice, herbal, spicy notes that are really fresh'
11-year-old leukemia patient inspires food drives across America
25 Best US Cities To Find A Job
72% Israelis Say Their Govt Is Corrupt
A Car Wreck Made in Washington
A Pro-Growth Economic Team
A Wake-Up Call to Conservatives
Absurd To The Insane - Muslim Immigration
After Citigroup, is Bank of America next
AIG receives $40 billion from government program
AIPAC Founder's Newly Declassified Foreign Agent File Reveals Shift to Stealth Lobbying
ALIPAC Reply To Prediction Of US Fragmentation
All Fall Down
Aluminium and nylon 32-footer destined for town's holiday display
Americans Rally Against The Corrupt Fed
America’s Future Inside the New World Order
Apparently America Doesn't Understand Detroit
Army report shows chemicals at burn pit site
At least 80 people killed in Mumbai as Westerners held hostage
Atty - Electors Must Investigate Obama Citizenship
audio - Dr. Stephen J. Sniegoski, PhD On Zionism & Neocon Control
Australia ;Private Intelligence Company Monitors Activists Online for Police
Author of 'Born Liberal, Raised Right' reveals inspired secret to rescuing America
Banks Still Refusing To Lend
Barky Mentor Warns Over Hillary Pick
Ben Bernanke and the Financial Crisis
Ben Shapiro ;UAW leadership seeks to deepen own power at expense of taxpayers
Beware Daschle-Obama Health Care
Big Three Baloney
Boom turns to gloom as crisis hits Dubai
Borrowing from Lincoln's Genius
Breast Cancer Rates Soar After Mammograms
Bring On The Victims! Condemn The Fighters!
Britain Bribes Afghans To Fight Taleban
Buccaneers as Today's Terrorists
Bug-sized spies ;US develops tiny flying robots
Bush and Obama Work to Calm Volatile Market
Bush Getting Warmed Up - Pardons 14
Bush Wants to Ease GMO Regulations Biotech plants could escape thorough regulations
Bush's Last Days The Lamest Duck
But convicted Border Patrol agents not among recipients of clemency
Can robots make ethical decisions in battle
Capitalist Terrorism
Car Dealers Begin Buy 1 Get 2nd Car For $1
Castro - Al Qaeda Born Of US Empire's Entrails
Cdn Report - Real Hate Speech Provisions
Change; Timothy Geithner, (Fed, IMF, Kissinger Associates, CFR, BIS) Nominated for U.S. Treasury Secretary
Chavez Stumbles
China Can't Help with Recession
China sentences eight Africans to death for drugs
China’s president urges work toward new financial order
Church sponsors reminder to give thanks for soldiers in harm's way
Comparisons between Nazi leader, Obama draws strong reaction
Constitutional lawyer says electors have duty to investigate citizenship
Cops Hurt By Taser Training Sue Company
Corporate Japan's War Stories
Corporate sponsors flock to Illinois gala - John Bresnahan - Politico.com
Correcting the Big Lies About America
Cosmic Rays From Mysterious, Nearby Object
Counting My Blessings
Court Backs Warrantless Searches
Courting Syria
Crying Wolf on the Fairness Doctrine
Death Plays into Terrorists' Hands
Democracy Loses if Prop. 8 is Overruled
Democrat wanted them included in recount to determine crucial Senate seat
Dems vs. Dems in New Congress
Deputy Mossad Chief's Daughter Refuses IDF - Jailed
Despite theme of 'change,' president-elect keeps Bush defense secretary
Did Britain Just Sell Tibet
Dissenting Scientist Banished From Oz TV
Dissident = Conspiracy Theorist = Crazy Person
Does Christina Romer Misread Depression's Causes
Don't Call It a Culture War
Dreaming of Global War on Piracy
Drug cartels increasingly desperate to circumvent hundreds of miles of new barriers
Duped by Wishful Thinking of Obama
Economy Needs a Rescue Operation
Emergency Preparedness or Martial Law
Eminent psychiatrist makes case that leftist thinking is a mental disorder
Encouraging Signs from Obama
Engdahl - The Truth Behind Nationalization Of Citi
EPA 'Safe' Water Arsenic Tied To Heart Disease
Euro Socialists Should Look to Obama
Eve of Destruction; How the Financial Crisis Was Built Into the System
EVERY Obama Order To Be Met With Lawsuit
Exclusive .. Ellis Washington engages in Socratic dialectic with fellow university professor
Exclusive .. Janet Porter seeks readers' help in forcing congressional hearings on issue
Exclusive .. Jill Stanek exposes agenda of pro-Obama activists seeking same ol' prescriptions
Exclusive .. Judge Roy Moore highlights 'violent public tantrums' of Prop 8 opponents
Exclusive .. Michael Evans asks, why else would 2 lame-duck leaders have powwow
Exclusive .. Psychiatrist Lyle Rossiter on why so many Americans worship Barack Obama
Exclusive ..Burt Prelutsky asserts party spent 6 years being 'inept, lazy and corrupt'
Exclusive ..Joseph Farah searches in vainfor Hawaiian hospital with record of birth
Exclusive.. Joseph Farah searches in vain for Hawaiian hospital with record of birth
Exclusive.. Judge Roy Moore highlights 'violent public tantrums' of Prop 8 opponents
Exclusive.. Janet Porter seeks readers' help in forcing congressional hearings on issue
Exclusive.. Psychiatrist Lyle Rossiter on why so many Americans worship Barack Obama
Expects 'painful sacrifice of parts Israel and history of the Jewish people'
Faces up to 20 years prison, fine of $250,000 after lighting up on plane
Fantasizing About Justice For Citi's Failures
FDA Considers Genetically Engineered Animals 'Drug'
FDA Scientists Revolt Against Corrupt Food and Drug Administration Officials
FDA Sets Up In China To Ensure Food Safety
FDIC adds 54 more banks to its 'problem list'
FDIC's List Of 'Problem' Banks At 171
Fed Pledges Of YOUR Money Already Top $7.4T
Fed Throws More Money At Financial System
Financial Crisis Thanksgiving In America
FLASHBACK - 'This powerful person who is the mastermind behind the civilian national security force'
flashback The Republic of Singapore's newest air force base here in the US
Flawed Deal Gives Iraq Jurisdiction Over US Troops
For Lobbyists, No Downturn, Just a Turnover
For Obama, Syria Solution First
Foreign minister says Moscow trying to divide her country
Former director for terror-linked lobby targeted
Former first lady tested after experiencing pain
Founding director of U.S. Muslim lobby group could face 20 years in prison
Fundamental Right to Healthcare
Gates Agrees to Stay On Under Obama
Gay Marriage's Time is Coming
Germans arrested on suspicion of throwing explosives at an EU office in Kosovo were intelligence officers
Germany Facing Worst Slump Since 1949
Gets life sentence after taking pleasure in subjecting his girls to 25-year ordeal
Globe Cover Story On Sinclair's New Book
GM ; Death of the American Dream
GM Goes Begging In Europe
Gold Set to Explode Higher On Inflation
Goldman First To Sell US-Backed Debt
Govt. Pays For Deadly, Unapproved Drugs
Great Expectations for Obama's Bold Leadership
Happy Thanks (for what) Giving
Heading The Bush Pardons Off At The Pass
Helicopter Near-Miss With 'Sinister' UFO
Hillary + Obama = High Drama
Hillary and the Emoluments Clause
Hillary Cries War For Obama
HIV+ To Get Chip Implants In Indonesia
Hmm...Glaciers Fail To Melt, Polar Bears Thrive
How Europe Can Respond to Obama
How Not to Negotiate with Syria
How to Beat Chavez
IBM, DARPA, building “cat brain”
Icelanders Besiege Their Parliament
ID System To Be Required For GE Meat
Increased Spending Will Make Things Worse
Infrastructure Alone Won't Boost China
Internal memo says FBI received 'plausible but unsubstantiated' report
Internally Displaced Afghans & Imminent Death
Invention ;Microscopic bio-robot slaves
Investigation of Rangel Should Move Forward
Investors Dump Dollars, Fiat Paper For Gold
Iran Arrests 3 Israeli Spies
Iran Cracks Israel-Linked Spy Ring
Iran says Israel-linked spy network arrested
Iran Accuses Miliband Of Zionist Plot
Is a 'British Obama' Possible
Is America's New Declinism For Real
Is This What Is Killing The Bees
Is World's Faith Misplaced
Israeli Criminal Cell Harassing Journalist In Europe
Israeli Youths Jailed In Neo-Nazi Attacks
Is Britain Going bankrupt
Journalist examines claims that Obama not eligible for presidency
Judge allows homosexuals to become legal parents of boys, 4, 8
Keeping Robert Gates is an Excellent Decision
Kremlin's Guide to Dismissing Disobedience
Last Thing We Need is Clinton at State
Lawyer lining up plaintiff groups until citizenship dispute addressed
London Stocks In Biggest One Day Rise
London Police Reject Govt Taser Plan
Longtime Biden Aide Picked as Replacement
Lost and Found Ballots Plague Senate Recount
Lurching Toward Gomorrah
Makow - Overrated Romantic Love, Young Women, Sex
Many have neither academic major nor certification in subjects they instruct
MARK LEVIN SHOW - AUDIO - Nov 21, 2008
MARK LEVIN SHOW - AUDIO - Nov 24, 2008
MARK LEVIN SHOW - AUDIO - Nov 25, 2008
Mass Testing Plan To Tackle Aids
Massive New US 'Bailout' Programs Announced
McCain Ads That Didn't Run
Melamine Found In US-MADE Baby Formula
Mexico's Costly Drug War
Microsoft to aid in war on terror, builds software for DHS
Mike Keefe has unemployed Americans going south to find work
Misdemeanor charges instead of felonies
More Barky 'Change' - Gates To STAY As SecDef
Mr. Obama's Economic Advisers
Muslim fathers, courts fear youth may switch religions, eat banned foods, 'go to church'
Nader - The Third Clinton Administration
Nat Hentoff; U.N.'s incompetence has allowed massive loss of life to continue
NATO To Reject Georgia, Ukraine
Netanyahu's Empty Rhetoric
New Fed $800B Gambit 'Spitting In The Wind'
New Rat-To-Human Flea-Born Bacterial Plague
Not Clinton's 3rd Term
Now Isn't the Time for Despondency
NYC Orders Churches Not To Shelter Homeless
Obama - How To Deal With Other People's Enemies
Obama Chides Automakers
Obama Has Already Wrecked the Economy
Obama Offers Recovery Proposals
Obama Picks Key Architect Of The Economic Collapse As Top Economic Adviser
Obama Sees Crisis as an Opportunity to Be Bold
Obama Term Can't Start Soon Enough
Obama Vows to Look for Budget Savings
Obama Will Govern Above Politics
Obama's Ahead of the Game, For Now
Obama's All-Stars
Obama's Foreign Policy Buying in at the Bottom
Obama's Odious Entourage
Obama's Picks
Obama's Troika May Push for Deeper Role in the Economy
Obama's Zionist At Treasury
Obama’s challenge Stimulus and cut budget - Economy in Turmoil- msnbc.com
Obese Have Right To Two Airline Seats
Oceans Passing Critical CO2 Threshold
Office claims ambassador was speaking about president-elect's father in radio interview
Only 6% IDF Abuse Investigations Yield Indictments
Pakistan dissolving military spy agency's political wing
Paulson Was Behind Bailout Martial Law Threat
Phyllis Schlafly ;GOP needs to focus on educating grass roots, both voters and candidates
Pirates Feel Indian Naval Muscle
Poll - Corruption Dominates Israel
Pragmatism in Energy Policy
President-elect names Volcker to head economic advisers team
Prime The Pump with Education Spending
Protesters Shut Down Bankok Airport - 4 Hurt
Pyongyang Puts Politics Above Dollars
Racism Genie Out Of Bottle In Israel
Rahm's Plan For Mandatory Service
Reasons to Be Thankful in Tough Economic Times
Reconstructing The Nation On Sand
Related; ACC to host multinational personnel recovery exercise
Report Urged Govt To Repeal 'Hate' Provision
report US Asked Israel Not to Start Any Major Wars Until Obama Takes Office
Rogers Says Dollar to Be `Devalued,' Buys Commodities
Russia Dragging Its Feet on Kyoto
Russia says U.S. mercenaries, others fought for Georgia
Russia, China Move In on Latin America
Russian Forces Fire Shots Near Convoy of Vehicles Carrying the Georgian and Polish Presidents
Russian investment firm ONEXIM to acquire Forbes
Russian Professor Says U.S. Will Break Up After Economic Crisis
Russian warships arrive in Venezuela
Russia In Venezuela Naval Wargames
SA Journalist Blasts White Arrogant European
Save Us, FDR!
Scientists discover 21st century black plague that spreads from rats to humans
Scoop ;McCain and Obama Camps Coordinated on Building Staff Rosters for Next Government
Something Is Happening Of Historic Proportions
Spreading Bailouts Damaging In Long Run
Suspect Joran van der Sloot makes claim, then says he lied to Fox News
Sweeping Away Tradition from the Public Square
Talk giant continues successful relationship with top syndicator
Teary-eyed communists cheer Obama victory
Thanksgiving Resonates in Year of Crisis
The Amazing Warnings Of Benjamin Freedman
The Associated Press Suddenly on everyone's lips, `bailout' is top word
The Battle for Minnesota Is Just Getting Started
The Cabal's New Strategies
The Debate over Gates
The Disease Of 'Hate' Crimes Legislation
The Irony of International Loans
The Libertarian Moment
The military’s top strategic officer warned Friday Attacks may occur during transition
The Pirates of Puntland
The President-Elect's New Economic Philosophy
The Return of Larry Summers
The Reverse Wealth Effect
The Silent But Complicit Player - Part II
The Silent But Complicit Player - Part I
The Slow Death Of Gaza
The Ten Worst Corporations Of 2008
The Wal-Mart Effect Updated
Thomas Sowell sees Obama making same Depression-lengthening mistakes as FDR
Thought Police Push To Universal Hate Laws
Thousands sign online demand, reveal frustration over secrecy
Tibetans Stick to 'Middle Way'
Top Russian Analyst Predicts Breakup Of US
Transcripts , Obama Announces Economic Recovery Advisory Board
Transcripts ,Al Sharpton on Eric Holder for Attorney General
Transcripts ,Discussion of Treasury and the Fed's Latest Moves
Transcripts ,Interview with Bill Daley
Transcripts ,Interview with Howard Dean
Transcripts ,November 24 White House Press Briefing
Transcripts ,Obama Announces Economic Policy Team
Transcripts ,Panel on Obama's Spending Plans
Transcripts ,Paulson Announces New Credit, Mortgage Programs
Transcripts ,President-Elect Obama Introduces Budget Team
Transcripts ,Rep. Eric Cantor on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts ,Roundtable on Obama's Economic Team
Transforms tree for needy preschoolers into 'giving garden'
Turkey and US Under Obama
U.S. Army to Equip National Guard Unit With Future Combat System Aerial
U.S. Taps Online Youth Groups to Fight Crime, Terrorism
UBS Bonus Plan Inflicts Pain on Bank Culture
UFOs, ETs, Ghosts More Believed Than God
UK Middle Class Tax Hikes Fund Bailouts
UK Mtge Lending To Fall Below Zero
UK National Debt To Exceed $2T
UK To Suffer 'Severe' Recession
UN's Hands Tied in Congo
UNM Editorial Blasts Obama 'Change' Fraud
US Economy Fall Worse Than Expected
US Home Prices Continue To Dive
US Intel Kept Files On Blair Private Life
US rolls out 'Vicinity RFID' to check IDs in moving vehicles
US Taxpayers Back $306B In Toxic Citi Debt
US to Inject $20 Billion into Citigroup, Back Assets
video - 'Al Qaeda Hijacker' Coached By CIA
video - CNN - Roswell Witnesses Remain Firm
video - JFK On Zionist Threat Prior To His Death
video - JP Morgan Founded The CFR
VIDEO - Obama Defends Picks
VIDEO - Obama Makes Pitch for Chicago Olympics
VIDEO - Obama Proposes More Economic Stimulus
video - Outrageous Animal Abuse At Turkey Farm
video - Overwhelming Evidence Of Ancient Giants
VIDEO - Update on the Attorney General
video - USAF Pilot Ordered To Shootdown UFO
VIDEO -Axelrod on Fox News Sunday
VIDEO -Bush Gives Thanks, Pardons Turkey
VIDEO -Bush on the Financial Crisis
VIDEO -Bush Speaks to Troops in Kentucky
VIDEO -Colmes Announces Departure from Hannity & Colmes
VIDEO -Daley and Baker on the Obama Transition. Plus Sen. Lieberman
VIDEO -Dean Plays Hardball
VIDEO -Gov. Sanford on the GOP's Future
VIDEO -House Leaders on Fox News Sunday
VIDEO -McCain on His Recent Activities
VIDEO -Melody Barnes on America's Challenges
VIDEO -NRSC Says Martin Hurt Georgia Families
VIDEO -Obama Announces Economic Policy Team
VIDEO -Obama Answers Budget Questions
VIDEO -Rice on Thanksgiving
VIDEO -Sharpton Supports Holder Nomination
VIDEO -Speaker Pelosi on Face the Nation
Video; Icelanders Attack Police Station as Bankster Plan Unfolds
Volcker will head new Obama Economic Recovery Advisory Board
Walter E. Williams notes growth in industry, negative consequences of trade barriers
We Need a Big Green Jobs Machine
What the Next 4 Years Will Bring
What to Expect From the Obama Economic Team
Who's In Charge Now - Bush Or Obama
Why Can't Microsoft Make Money Online
Why Do Bob Rubin & Co. Still Have Jobs
Why Don't We Hang Pirates Anymore
Why Fairly Valued Stock Markets Are an Opportunity
Will decide whether TV drug ads should urge patients to make call
Will the Gov't Let Free Markets Return
Woman initially thought smoke was from furnace malfunction
Woman says she had no idea her lover was enrolled in high school
World Bank Cuts China Growth Forecast
World's Economies Take Radical Steps
You ain’t seen nothing yet
ZioMedia Supports Curbing Hate Provisions
Zionist-Controlled Germany Still Hunts Toben!
Zionist Germany To Pursue Arrest Of Toben

Homeland Security Oversight Reform Requires Leadership
Hubble Captures Images of Rare Mammoth Stars Wired Science from Wired.com
Patternicity Finding Meaningful Patterns in Meaningless Noise Scientific American
Pentagon Should Battle Pirates and Terrorists with Laser Technology
Solar-powered probe to view unseen parts of Jupiter - space - 25 November 2008 - New Scientist
First Trek film footage unveiled
Google Earth revives ancient Rome
America’s forgotten freedoms
Scientists Find New Penguin, Extinct for 500 Years
The Alternate History Theme Park Where Dinosaurs Fought in the Civil War
Windpipe transplant breakthrough
'Buddha Boy' reappears after year in jungle
'Elixir of youth' drug could fight HIV and ageing
'Obama' is the Change Agent;UPDATED
'Odourprinting' could be used to identify people - Telegraph
2012 Republican hopefuls are literally laughable
4 finalists named for UW-Green Bay chancellor post
4,300-year-old pyramid discovered in Egypt
A Conversation With South African Poet and Anti-Apartheid Activist Breyten Breytenbach....
A Key to Sharp Old Minds Found
A rundown of the day in the Fort Dix plot trial
ABC News Foreign Accent Syndrome Gives Sufferers an International Sound
Access Carbon dioxide discovered on distant planet
Access Time to test time
Afghan President Says He's Powerless to Stop US Airstrikes
Agents of Change or Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons...
Alan Colmes leaving Hannity & Colmes
Aliens of the deep The weird and wobbly animals tracked in 'sea census'
As Obama Considers Napolitano For Homeland Security Chief....
At Least 78 Killed in Coordinated Terror Attack
At least four journalists kidnapped in Puntland
Bangkok protests snarl air passengers' plans
Berg v. Obama v. Reality
Brazil, Russia want summit with India, China
Brent Scowcroft and Obama's Middle East Policy
Britain asks how system did not stop rapist father
Buyer's Remorse on the Left
Can Aubry quell Socialist cacophony
Chris Wallace Repeats 'Americans For Job Security' Talking Points Verbatim on Fox News Sunday
Chuck Todd on Morning Joe You Guys Own The Economy at 12 Eastern Time Today
Columbia University Scratches ROTC program
Cornel West on the Election of Barack Obama...
Corporate shills want to blame unions for auto industry's demise
Daily Show; Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits
David Axelrod shoots down the Karl Rove comparisons
Defense Secretary Gates to Keep Job Under Obama
Democracy Now! An Hour with Bolivian President Evo Morales Neoliberalism Is No Solution for Humankind
Democracy Now! Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzales Indicted in Private Prison Case in Texas
Democracy Now! Michelle Obama's Biographer on Nation's First African American First Lady
Democracy Now! Naomi Klein on the Bailout Profiteers and the Multi-Trillion-Dollar Crime Scene
Democracy Now! Naomi Klein, Robert Kuttner and Michael Hudson Dissect Obama's New Economic Team & Stimulus Plan
Democracy Now! Noam Chomsky ;What Next The Elections, the Economy, and the World
Democracy Now! Stephen Pimpare on A People's History of Poverty in America
Democracy Now! US Activist Detained in Israeli Jail Condemns Blockade of Gaza
Democracy Now! Vatican Threatens to Excommunicate Catholic Priest for Supporting Ordination of Women into Priesthood
Democracy Now! White House Denies Attempt to Link Auto Industry Bailout to Colombia Pact
Did an asteroid kill Mars' magnetic field
Did Asteroid Cause Ancient N.Y. Tsunami
Did NBC Risk Employee Lives in a Green Agenda Stunt
Doing a Maliki; Karzai Demands Timetable In Afghanistan
Even after getting called out, Dick Morris just keeps shilling on Fox
Evolutionary entrepreneur drug proposed - Telegraph
Ex-CIA Officials Tied to Rendition Program ....
Ex-first lady Barbara Bush recovering after surgery
Exclusive (Part 1) Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn on the Weather Underground
Exclusive (Part 2) Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn on the Weather Underground...
Florida Gay Adoption Ban Is Ruled Unconstitutional
Fort Dix Suspect Contacted Police About Concerns
FOXNews.com - Scientists Could Find Cure For 'Wolf Boy'
Gates will stay put at DoD - For now
Gates, Clinton Posts Show Obama Is ‘Secure’ Leader
Germany Snubs Stimulus Plan
Government warns of catastrophic U.S. quake
GPS; Tom Friedman Wants The Inauguration Bumped Up To Thanksgiving
Greenland votes to cut ties with Denmark
Haleigh Poutre's stepfather convicted of child abuse
Help is on the way; Obama expands his economic team
I saw it coming, says minister of sixth sense Lord Drayson - Times Online
India condemns Gaza blockade
India’s Tibet ambiguity
Invention; Microscopic bio-robot slaves
Invisibility Cloak Feasible Now
Iraq; Can ancient Babylon be rescued - Science- msnbc.com
Is George Bush off the wagon Or was he ever really on it
Isn't it funny how many big-money men sound liberal these days
Joe The Paskudnyak
Late Show - Top Ten Sarah Palin Excuses
Latest; Black triangle UFOs 'not piloted by alien beings' - Louth Leader
Liberal Blogs victorious in defeating a John Brennan nomination
Lieberman Contributed to GOP Senate, House Candidates
lieberman Obama 'about perfect' in Cabinet picks
Man Accused of Killing Couple Held Without Bond
Mein Kampus
Minnesota State Board Rejects Franken Request
Mo. Mom Convicted in MySpace Bullying Case
More friends in high places for Chicago's Olympic bid
Mormons Under Fire in California
MSNBC columnist calls for 're-regulating' airlines
Multiple attacks kill and wound scores in Mumbai
Mumbai attacks coordinated nature of shootings points to shadowy Islamist group
Mystery Deepens Over Unseen Antarctic Alps
NASA tests 'interplanetary internet'
Neuroimaging Of Brain Shows Who Spoke To A Person And What Was Said
New York Honors Che Guevara with a Statue
NEWS REEL - In search of aliens
NY subway terror threat emerges on busy travel day
Obama and family hand out food at a Chicago church
Obama caps inaugural contributions
Obama citizenship and the Constitution
Obama on the 'urgency' of combating 'global warming'
Obama promises to weed out wasteful spending
Obama Suggests No Bonuses for Executives
Obama to ask Robert Gates to stay and No to Brennan
Obama was Trumbull in past life
Obama's National Security And Foreign Policy Team
Obama's Rich Revelation
On brink of vote, Iraqi parliament makes new demands
On Iran, it's Bad Cop, Bad Cop
Paranoia on the rise, experts say - Las Vegas Sun
Paul Krugman; 'Caricature Economics`
Pentagon bans computer flash drives
Peter Schiff Was Right
Pirate 'mothership' was really Thai fishing boat
Poor Ann Coulter Where will all that venom go now
Preliminary report about the first Brazilian crop circles
President-Elect Obama Unveils His Economic Team
Pro-Israel figures on Obama team
Prophesy of economic collapse 'coming true' -
Rahm and Freddie Mac
Republican operatives give the ol' Georgia smear routine one last shot
Return of the Librul Media; Halperin wanks on about 'disgusting' pro-Obama bias
Russia-Venezuela Naval Manuevers in the Carribean
Somalian forces in pursuit of pirates
South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu on the Election of Barack Obama....
SPACE.com -- Major Breakthrough; First Photos of Planets Around Other Stars
Sri Lankan Reportedly on Verge of Taking Rebel Headquarters in North
Suffolk police commissioner explains 5th Precinct moves
Taking PC to deadly limits
Tech Puts JFK Conspiracy Theories to Rest
Thai Army chief calls on leader to quit
Thailand's Political Crisis Becomes a Global One
The $70-an-hour autoworker Myth
The 30 greatest conspiracy theories part 1 - Telegraph
The 30 greatest conspiracy theories part 2 - Telegraph
The Alien Seeker News - Monterey Bay Underground UFO Base
The Chris Matthews Show How Is Obama Different From Bush
The cost of the bailout - in perspective
The man who should be Treasury Secretary
The Sweating of Business
Time Again for Letters of Marque
Tip, DNA lead to arrest in student's slaying
Tomb of King Herod's wife unearthed, Israeli archaeologist says - Los Angeles Times
Torture and the rule of law; Did Bush just call Democrats' bluff
U. S. Border Patrol Agent Reports Camouflaged Underground Bases ....
UFO involved in a dramatic incident - Birmingham Mail
UFO Magazine - The Green Room - Other Earths, Other Aliens, or Our Own
UFO sightings 140 years of UFO picture Part III - Telegraph
UFO sightings 140 years of UFO pictures - Telegraph
UFO sightings 140 years of UFO pictures - Telegraph
Unhappy employees in the newspaper industry
Verdict in MySpace Suicide Case
When Warming Ideologues Attack
Which Came First Eggs Before Chickens, Scientists Now Say
Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate
Workers Unite! (Behind Obama)
World Health Organization Funds Zimbabwe's Battle Against Cholera
Yes We Can! Students Rename School for Obama
Zimbabwe's Tsvangirai Shifts Focus From Talks To Humanitarian Crisis
Zionism - The Occult Guild Of Antichrist