"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
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Lennon Marx

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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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08 November 2008


'Administration has apparently turned state government into a giant political party machine'
'Center-Right' America Lurches Further Left
'Compassionate' Conservatism Was a Mistake
'Developed countries shoulder the duty and responsibility to tackle climate change'
'Devil-Like Talent' Austrian Journalist Slammed For Racist Obama Rant - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
'Don't tell him no more,lock him up,' police say
'First I laughed. Before I could finish laughing, I wept. Then I shook. I mean, I trembled'
'Had never asked Barack for help.She just doesn't want to hurt him'
'I just would tell him that he should be careful ... and he shouldn't be naive'
'I never asked for anything more than a Diet Dr. Pepper once in a while'
'I'm confident that a new president can have an enormous impact. That's why I ran'
'If I had a nickel for every bag,' sez Mayor Bloomberg
'If we weren't on television, I'd use a stronger word of describing what he did'
'It's clear you need to have interest rates that are lower than inflation going forward'
'Likely to underestimate the amount of net exposure'
'Likely to underestimate the amount of net exposure... Hopefully, regulators are getting more information'
'Most shelter dogs are mutts like me' Obama defies political correctness at first press conference Mail Online
'Mutts like me' - Obama shows ease discussing race
'Nobody is eager to put money to work given the uncertainty in the market'
'Otherwise, the fire lit by Bush will spread across the world and destroy it into dust'
'Republicans in Congress are a more conservative bunch than they were yesterday'
'SCAMMER' IS A $100M GAL - New York Post
'Sometimes came across as a bunch of grumpy old men'
'Soul Men' False Notes
'Tanned Obama' questions anger Berlusconi
'The less political the agenda, the more political success one enjoys'
'The public has spoken – we must treat him with respect'
'The war in Vietnam was an illegal invasion and occupation'
'There is a psychological ethos now that people don't want to jump out and be big spenders'
'There was clearly no mandate to shift the country to the left on social issues'
'These young people will be available to address their communities' most pressing needs'
'They just don't want any bloodshed. They want this whole thing to go down quietly'
'We hope that any tax increases do not work against getting our economy going again'
'We must effectively communicate great things to the American people'
'When revenue is down ... the budgets of governments are squeezed'
'You take the corner of the blade just like it's a pencil'
1 1-2 inches of acrylic, goggles, swimsuit all that separates thrill-seekers from Choppa
2 more banks go belly-up
3 seniors found dead in Evanston
4 Nov - transcripts - McCain's Concession Speech
4 Nov - transcripts - Obama's Victory Speech
4th-straight drop – longest streak of quarterly declines in at least 13 years
75 Years Later, a Nation Hopes for Another FDR
89% of voters approve making language official
A Better Fiscal Stimulus
A Genial Explorer of Literary Worlds
A Long Recession May Help Sports
A Mandate for Progressivism
A Role for John McCain
Advisers, scholars to promote controversial Shariah funding
Africa Has High Hopes for Obama
African leaders slam Congo peacekeepers
Agency kept lending to failing IndyMac – 'Not our role' to cause problems
Agents warn her 'palling with terrorists' comments spiked danger
AIG reportedly in talks over new bailout
Air France charging extra for prized seats next to emergency exits or at front of rows
Alien mother hires previously deported human smuggler to bring boy to U.S.
America Should Be Proud
America's Hope Against Fear
Another sign airlines may not have free rein to raise fees without raising ire of customers
Apple adding wireless podcast downloads to iPhone
Apple Sneaks Into Seconds Place With iPhone
Ariz. boy, 8, accused of killing 2, including dad
Assures 'The View' panel, audience her opinion not because she's part of network
AT&T to Buy Wireless Firm Centennial for $944 Million
Atlanta man found guilty of murder in courtroom rampage
Attempt to recover from slip about talking to 'living' ex-presidents
Austrian TV pundit says black people 'are not civilized enough to rule'
Autism gene linked to childhood language disorder
Barack Obama, CEO in Chief
BBC NEWS Americas US Elections 2008 Palin denounces her critics
Ben Smith's Blog Obama apologizes to Nancy Reagan for 'careless' joke - Politico.com
Bhutan crowns new king
Blind pilot's sight 'recovering'
Blue Dogs Want a Seat at the Table
Brain Scans Show Bullies Enjoy Others' Pain
Bretton Woods II Must Address Global Concerns
Britain revokes visa of ex-Thai PM Thaksin
British journalist covering Barack Obama caught on camera in drunk, plagiarism rant - Times Online
Brooklyn Marine sergeant & wife tortured, slain in Calif.; 4 of his men are arrested
Bush pledges to work for smooth transition
Bush's Failing Final Grade
Bush, Obama focus on economy in radio addresses
But critics say, 'Let's call drug dealers undocumented pharmacists'
Byrd Steps Down As Appropriations Chairman
Calif. win emboldens coalition of religious groups
Can Red Wine in Pill Form Help You Lose Weight
cbs2chicago.com - Economy Looms At Obama's Post-Election Day Debut
Change I Can Believe In
chicagoist Evanston Woman Found Living With 3 Dead Siblings
China's Envoy Takes Taiwan in Stride
Civil Liberties Examiner Obama's chief of staff choice favors compulsory universal service
Clashes mar Chinese Taiwan visit
Clinton's spiritual adviser led her through imaginary conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt
CNN's Election Coverage Meets Star Wars
Colorado voters reject affirmative action ban
Companies may purchase, guarantee amounts up to $625,500 in high-cost areas next year
Concrete building buries classrooms whole, hundreds trapped
Congo-Kinshasa;The UN Mindset is Part of the Problem
conservatives Obama's Secret Army
Court blocks new Apple exec from going to work
Craigslist Agrees to Curb Sex Ads
Critics; Insurance deal leaves policyholders vulnerable to 10s of thousands in costs
David Sirota wants Obama to propose 'far-reaching – even radical – initiatives'
Day One Obama faces Cold War threat, a warning from Israel... and an armed guard to go to the gym Mail Online
Dead or Alive, Same Ol' North Korea
Dead terrorist responsible for roadside bombs, recruiting women, kids for suicide attacks
Death toll climbs to 75 in Haitian school collapse U.S. Reuters (2)
Death toll climbs to 75 in Haitian school collapse U.S. Reuters
Deborah Howell - An Obama Tilt in Campaign Coverage - washingtonpost.com
Defense attorney says police overreached by questioning youngster without lawyer
Deloitte alleges insider trading
Despite apparent self defense, man charged with possession of firearm by felon
Despite Arrest, the Show Goes On
Despite Global Turmoil, Gulf States Look Set To Survive
Dick Armey asks, 'What will be the fate of free market capitalism in America'
Dina Wein Reis, Suzanne Carrico, Sarah Golden, Chaya Cooper, Sheryl Raport, And Steve Manenti Indicted In Consumer Product Manufacturers Fraud – www.BackgroundNow.com Blog
Early Show anchor says he grew up in home 'where racial epithets were used commonly'
Election 2008 what really happened Red State, Blue State, Rich State, Poor State
Election offers chance for more racial dialogue
Emanuel Pick Shows Change is State of Mind
Emanuel Will Be a Huge Asset for Obama
Emanuel's support of Israel, Iraq war could generate White House tension
Episcopal diocese splits from national church
EU voices strong concern over Russian missiles - International Herald Tribune
EU Wants Financial Reforms Soon
Ex-Intel Engineer Accused Of Stealing $1 Billion In Trade Secrets
Ex-official charged with stealing from group
Exclusive... Henry Lamb sees lovers of freedomrising to the call from every corner of America
Exclusive... Ellis Washington warns of disaster if citizenship issue isn't adequately resolved
Exclusive... Gary Bauer cites industries that added so many zeroes to Barack's war chest
Exclusive... Greg Laurie offers wisdom for times when tragedy strikes
Exclusive... Ilana Mercer talks to Tom DiLorenzo about new book exposing Founding Father
Exclusive... Joel Barbee has Obama going supernatural to deal with dead economy
Exclusive... Joseph Farah uses video of browbeating teacher to urge rejection of gov't school
Exclusive... Melinda Delahoyde spotlights heart-changing efforts reducing abortion in U.S.
Exclusive... Pat Boone portrays father and son reticent to get on the Obama bus
Exclusive... Patrice Lewis shares list of 'to-dos' to weather an Obama presidency
Exit poll survey confirms partisan shift
FACTBOX-U.S. stocks in presidential election weeks Markets US Reuters
Fannie Mae spends $6000 on golf outing
FayObserver.com - Current Article Page
FBI finds most terrorism threat reports baseless U.S. Reuters
Federal judgeship openings await Obama
Females hold 13 of 24 New Hampshire Senate seats
Fighting Cancer Through Your Genes
First Press Conference
First Principles
Florida, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands sending aliens home
FOX News' Van Susteren Scores First Post-Election Interview With Sarah Palin - FOXNews.com Elections
Full-Length Films Bound for YouTube
Gays, Blacks, Marriage
Gene Simmons rushes to cash in on rock videogames
General Motors could run out of cash early in 2009
General Motors Says It May Run Out of Operating Cash This Year
Getting Medvedev's Message
Ghanaian Women Have Low Sexual Drive
Gingrich 2012
GM Needs a Bailout, But It Is No AIG
GOP maintains grip on South, but at what cost
Gore says Obama's election overwhelming
Gore sees transformative power of Web in politics
Group to protest gay marriage ban in front of Mormon headquarters
Hawaii County latest to make pot low priority
He's Not President of the World
Hero of 1993 church attack appearing in Texas
Hiring Emanuel shows Obama's hand
Honda Reveals Its Own Robotic Leg
How Far Will Deleveraging Go
How I bought a foreclosed house
How Obama Should Handle the Press
How Windows 7 will, and won't, work better with SSDs
Huh.. Steven Spielberg and Will Smith want to remake 'Oldboy'
Hyundai denies interest in Chrysler's assets
If you're going to fake an artifact, keep it simple ... and don't mention Jesus
In Wake of Defeat, GOP Leaders Rethink Message
India's believers may face bloodbath after another Hindu activist is shot
Iran Criticizes Obama for Comment on Nuclear Program
Iran's Latin America Push
Iranian group recruits young 'martyrs' to fight 'global arrogance'
Iranian leader expresses high hopes for Democrat's presidency
Islam and Obama
Israeli army, Gaza militants exchange fire
Jenna Ashley Robinson sees new prez putting slower, weaker soldiers on front lines
Jobless rate climbs to 6.5%
John Leonard, Author And Culture Critic, Dies At 69
Jonathan Falwell ; 'We must begin to cultivate true conservative leaders'
Katt Williams Arrested On Gun Charges -- Then Plays Carnegie Hall
Kenya; Lessons Local Politicians Can Learn From Obama Victory
L.A. art community remembers Michael Crichton as collector, LACMA board member Culture Monster - Los Angeles Times
Las Vegas Sands `Committed' to $4 Billion Singapore Casino
Limelight put $1,000 debt into spotlight
Linux, netbooks threaten Microsoft's fat profits
Local Veteran speaks Candidly About Obama Win
Magazine publishing outpaced U.S. economic growth by 30% – now in freefall
Market's turns no surprise, 'I think it's absolutely part of the bottoming process'
Martin and Page Together Again for the First Time
McCain to join talk show in first post-defeat interview
Medvedev Speech Sparks Rumor of Putin’s Return
Melissa Etheridge 'I won’t pay California taxes'
Microsoft aims Windows 7 for holiday 2009
Microsoft not interested in new bid for Yahoo, report
Middle East factions could cause ripple effect in policy
Migraine Might Lower Breast Cancer Risk
Minn. Senate Race Far From Over
Minorities, Falling Economy Cited in Obama Win in Loudoun
Moderates to blame for GOP losses, conservative leader says - CNN.com
My Way News - Ariz. boy, 8, accused of killing 2, including dad
My Way News - Obama apologizes to Nancy Reagan for seance remark
My Way News - Palin denounces anonymous critics as 'cowardly'
Mystery man doesn't need Oprah to dry-clean his coat
New Obama chief, others on board, missed 'red flags' of alleged fraud scheme
New solicitor general on Obama to-do list
New threat, Deep global rate cuts show policymakers fear drop in price levels
New Zealand opposition wins election
News Analysis Russia Aims to Be High on Obama’s Agenda
News co-op is flush, growing, but newspapers' woes could force big changes
No apology for Obama suntan remark Berlusconi - Yahoo! News
No hidden white bias seen in presidential race - Yahoo! News
Now It's Our Turn to Hope
NY official ,Dem leader backs Smith in NY Senate
Obama 'We have to act swiftly' on economy - CNN.com
Obama and Iran
Obama calls for swift action on economy
Obama calls for urgent action on economic crisis
Obama curbs the euphoria and builds his base
Obama dogged by pet challenge
Obama election a roadmap for Democratic majority
Obama Election Ushering In First Internet Presidency
Obama Is Seen Inheriting Worst US Recession Since Reagan Era
Obama Joke by Premier Has Italy in an Uproar
Obama jokes about 'Nancy Reagan seances'
Obama Needs a Strong Foreign Policy
Obama Needs to Show Auto Industry Tough Love
Obama offers Poland no commitment on missile plan
Obama Pledges Quick Action on Economic Stimulus
obama Radical Moderate
Obama says helping auto industry is high priority
Obama says will confront economic woes head-on Politics Reuters
Obama Sees 'Economic Challenge of Our Lifetime'
Obama to appoint talk radio's executioner
Obama To Re-Appoint Pro-Fairness Doctrine Commissioner To The FCC - Say Anything
Obama wants economic stimulus package passed quickly Reuters
Obama Will Never Be a Forgotten President
Obama with election over, US must work together
Obama's aunt turns to relatives in Cleveland
Obama's economic circle has a Clinton presence
Obama's First Test
Obama's former pastor says media exploited him National news Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Obama's Risky Emanuel Pick
Obama's Savvy Choice
Obama's search for a CTO
Obama's Short Coattails
Obama's Web site
Obama-themed malware on the rise
Official leading peace talks claims Israel trying to 'invent' historical Jerusalem link
OH company may still be distributing contaminated blood thinner
On vacation to help Obama, man resigns, confesses plagiarism
Oprah Meets Silicon Valley 'Mystery Man' Live on Show
Oprah quitting show in 2011 Business partner says yes, but ... -- chicagotribune.com
Oprah's Extended Network
Osama bin Laden video alert The Sun NewsThe Real American Idol
OSCE 'failed' in Georgia warnings
Other first ladies – Mary Todd Lincoln, Hillary Clinton – tried to make contact with dead
Oxford compiles list of top ten irritating phrases - Telegraph
Pakistan Officials ; Taliban Kills 2 Afghans Over Spying Accusations
Palin ; The GOP's Best Hope in 2012
Palin Calls Critics Among McCain Aides ‘Jerks’
Palin denounces anonymous critics as 'cowardly'
Palin Returns to a Different Alaska
Parole hearing set for suspect in Hudson deaths
Party leaders in U.S. House discuss confiscating 401(k)s, IRAs
Pelosi Backs Tax Cuts in Stimulus Plan
Pig organs ‘available to patients in a decade’ - Times Online
Pilot Loses Vision While Flying But Lands Safely Guided By RAF Plane
Pondering the Future With a New Senate
Pope slams human organ trade, warns on transplants - Yahoo! News
Porsche Speeds Ahead
Post-election requests pile up – Barbara Walters, Larry King among those seeking to chat
President Obama; A Phenomenon Demystified!
President-elect's headquarters declare, 'To God be the glory' for victory
Preview;Awaiting Obama, Mideast peace put on hold
Prop. 8 protesters target Mormon temple in Westwood - Los Angeles Times
Protesters riot at temple, vow further action against Latter-day Saints
Putin's return ,Russian parliament may allow it
Rahm Emanuel Expect a Pragmatic White House
Rahm Emanuel Tackles the White House
RealClearMarkets - Post Election Stock Markets
Reinventing the GOP
Report cites Frank's proposal to cut military 25%
Republic of China Is a Nation
Republicans' Latest Soul Search
Rich nations should ditch 'unsustainable' lifestyles China's Wen
Romney Camp Spreading Palin Stories
Romney's Economic Advice for Obama
S.F. voters surprisingly conservative on issues
Says too early to judge effectiveness of capital injection plan – other options on table
School Collapse in Haiti Kills at Least 75
Sent for autopsy 'I didn't sign any papers for what happened'
Shaping Obama's Economic Agenda
Slow Learning Republicans
Small companies account for more than 40% of nation's payroll
Small Oregon city elects transgender mayor
Soon, see full-length Hollywood films for free on YouTube
Split Over Russia Grows in Europe
Sprint Drops as Client Losses Accelerate; Gets New Debt Terms
Star Parker Party needs to focus on principles, not process
Students Offer Advice to Barack Obama
Studies show rise in birth defects, infertility among men
Stunned Republicans try to regroup after election
Taken off street, given desk job, after threatening phone calls
Taxpayer-Funded Bailout of Automakers Rewards Failure
Tech Draft Begins With Obama Win
Ted Turner Feeling Alone On The Range, Jane Fonda Says If He Needs Company, She'd Be There In A Blue Minute - CBS News
Testified at trial she killed girl because she wanted to give infant to God
The Case Against Lieberman's Chair
The disappearing male
The Election Is Over. Now Comes the Hard Part
The moment surfer takes on 41-foot monster wave... and lives to tell the tale Mail Online
The Nancy Reagan Jab
The Obama Agenda
The Obama Era Begins
The Problems w- Deleveraging
The Republican Challenge Going Forward
Thousands Come to Orlando to Search for Missing Toddler Caylee Anthony
Thousands expected to help in search for Caylee Anthony
Thousands protest LDS stance on same-sex marriage
Thursday, November 06 - Transcripts - Incoming Senators Merkley, Risch and Udall
Thursday, November 06 - Transcripts - Interview with Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.
Thursday, November 06 - Transcripts - President Bush on the Presidential Transition
Thursday, November 06 - Transcripts - Roundtable on the Election's Message
Thursday, November 06 - Transcripts - Sen. Evan Bayh on Hannity & Colmes
Timeline ; Key events in Barack Obama's life
Told Americans to follow the example of Europe
Top officer; 'Physically impossible' to withdraw all troops, equipment in 16 months
Transcript ... President Bush's Radio Address
Transcripts & Speeches - President-Elect Obama's Press Conference
Triumph of Temperament, Not Policy
Turkey and Obama's Elections Victory
Two Misjudgments in Congo
UK Needs to Be Offered Positive Change
UN Chief and African Leaders Seek Congo Peace
United stepping back from $50 fee for second bag
UPDATE Harpo Says 'Oprah Show' Leaving Syndication In 2011 Not Final - 11-7-2008 13600 PM - Broadcasting & Cable
Ups and downs of a digital-age campaign - The Boston Globe
Urgent Memo to DC ; Detroit Needs Help
US Official; Taliban Tactics Deliberately Endanger Afghan Civilians
videos - Bush Administration Talks Transition
videos - Emanuel on Being Obama's Chief of Staff
videos - Gallup Breaks Down the Election
videos - Lieberman Speaks to Reid, Reporters
videos - Matthews Says He Wants to Make This New Presidency Work
videos - McCain's Concession Speech
videos - Minnesota Recount Process Could Take Weeks
videos - Obama's Victory Speech
videos - Pelosi on the Democrats' Election Victories
videos - President Bush on Obama's Victory
videos - President-Elect Obama's Press Conference
videos - Secretaries of State on Obama's Win
Voluntary Mars Pet Food Recall
Waiting For Obama
Washington Times - Inside the Ring
Watching Obama from the Middle East
wcbstv.com - Sources MTA To Toll All East River Bridges
Web giant wants buried treasure from man who sought online wealth with junk e-mail
Wednesday ,Nov 5 - transcripts -Gen. Tommy Franks on Obama's Challenges
Wednesday ,Nov 5 - transcripts -Interview with Colin Powell
Wednesday, November 05 - Transcripts - President Bush on Obama's Victory
Wednesday, November 05 -- transcripts - Shields & Brooks on What's Ahead for Obama
Wednesday, November 05 - transcripts - Panel on the Future of Bipartisanship
What Can Go Right Reasons To Be Cheerful
What Franklin Roosevelt Can Teach Obama
What Recession Means for Foreign Policy
What the Recession Means for Foreign Policy
What will President Obama's first 100 days mean for us
Who Got To Ask Questions At The Obama Presser - mediabistro.com FishbowlDC
Who should be the first dog ,Here are candidates
Why I'll Miss President Bush
With 22 votes each, men flip to determine their fate
Zeno's Paradox and the Facebook Problem
Guilty as Charged by George A. Selgin
Is the Sun Changing
Monsoon link to fall of dynasties
$33 Trillion In CDS Still Outstanding!
'Impeach Obama' Groups Already Pop Up
'Rahmbo' Takes DC - 'A Fiercely Principled Jew'
A Man's Biggest Fear by Jeffrey A. Tucker
AAA FEATURED SITE - Pandora Radio - Listen to Free Internet Radio
AAA FEATURED SITE ; Jango - Free Music - Internet Radio - BOB DYLAN PAGE
Across Economy, News Just Gets Worse
Afghanistan Braces For Obama WAR Surge
Al Martin - Planetary Deflation
America's Third Republic
Antigua To Name Mountain After Obama - Publishers Show Little Interest In Bush Memoirs
Banks Ease Credit For Selves, Not You
Barack Obama ;The Kingfish Reborn
Barky & The Strategy Of Manufactured Crisis
Barky Aunti In Cleveland - Will Fight Deporation
Barky's Alinsky legacy
Barky's Payback To AIPAC Rahm Emanuel
Bigfoot Body Redux - $250K Bid Was Hoax
Board Game Had Full Illuminati Agenda In 1995
Bollyn - The Zionist Israeli Who'll Make Obama Dance
Bollyn - Zionist Israeli Who'll Make Obama Dance
Brody - Players
CBS' 'independent' Rather panel would have looked more like the Wingnut Inquisition
Change! - Barky Tabs Volker, Buffett, Rubin, & Schmidt
Change.Gov that you can believe in
Chavez Offers Russians Big Gold Projects
Chertoff DHS Demands Integrated Defense
Chinese Hack Into White House Network
Chris Matthews leg tingle goes to his head
Creationism Should Be Taught As Science - Teachers
Credo in Unam Nationem, Sub Deo-Redux
Cursed Be the Christian Coalition by Laurence M. Vance
Dear Governor Palin by Gary North
Dems Talk About Taking YOUR 401ks & IRAs !!
Dire State Of Economy Shown In BoE Shock Mov
Emanuel - 'Bad Cop' Enforcer Who Loves F Word
Emanuel - Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal
Emanuel - Son Of A Zionist Terrorist
Emanuel - Son Of Israeli Emigrants
Emanuel To Bring 'Tough' Approach To WH
Emanuel was director of Freddie Mac in 2002
Emanuel Will Further American Imperialism
Emanuel's War Plan
Fanatics On Obama - 'He's Been Sent By God'
Father, Forgive Me, I Won't Fight For Your Israel
Fears Obama May Not Make It To White House
Financial Meltdown Worse To Come
First, Best 'Change' Is Bush Eviction
Focus On The Family Compares Obama To Nazis
Forget JFK - Obama Could Be Next Carter
Forget the Honeymoon by Justin Raimondo
GOP Defeat and the 'New Tone'
Guilty as Charged by George A. Selgin
Gun Sales Up On Fear Obama Is Gun-Grabber
H1N1 Now In US
Hardball; Decision '08 Biggest Losers
Harvard Shrinks Hide Millions From Drug Co's
Honda unveils robotic legs - The Daily Telegraph
How Mossad Controls Political Parties
How To Get Your Hand Bitten
How To Survive Coming US Dollar Collapse
Internet Generation Unsuitable As Jurors
Iran - Obama's Win Proves Bush's Failure
Is the Sun Changing
It's the stupid, economy!
It's The Taliban's Fault US Slaughter Civilians
JP Morgan Market Manipulation Handiwork
Kidd - Comrade Barky Not The Next US President
Killer Whales Are Discriminating Diners - Discovery News
LaRouche - Obama Assassination UK's Next Move
Larry Summers For Treasury Secretary
Latest Kim Pic Suggests Photoshop
Latest Mkt Pitch - Energy From Mushrooms
Lawrence O'Donnell to Pat Buchanan ;The GOP Embraces Ignorance
Lendman - The Wages Of Sin
Lost NASA Ozone Hole Movie
Main St Sucked Into GMAC Junk Bonds
Make sure your underwear fits, university guide advises staff - Times Online
Maybe Lieberman can get the morning coffee or something
Mega Polluter China Points Finger At West
Nader On Obama's Subservience To AIPAC
Nano Cosmetic Creams Safety Warning
No Red America, No Blue America, Just One America
Not Everyone Is Celebrating...
Obama Grandma Knew Frank Davis - Death Predicted
Obama Paternal Grandma Says At His Birth In Kenya
Obama Security Threats Press Secret Service
Obama Staff - Mass Brainwashing, Mind Control
Obama Supporters ; Now That It's Over...
Obama Tabs Zionist War Hawk As Chief Of Staff
Obama Wants To Force People To Go Green
Obama Would Bankrupt The Entire Coal Industry!
Obama's 'Change' Serves Fianancial-Corp ELITE
Obama's 'Crime Policy' Assures Coming Crime Wave
Obama's 'Hate Bill' Steals God-Given Freedom
Obama's 'Zero To Five' Big Brother Plan
Obama's 'Zionist' Chief Of Staff
Obama's Agenda Is Radically Gay
Obama's Contempt For Our Constitution
Obama's First Appointment - An Ominous Portent
Obama's foot in mouth disease
Obama, McCain Campaigns Computers Hacked
Opportunities of an Obama Presidency
Our Language is the Loser
Outrageous - Bottled Water 38 Pollutants, 10 Brands
Oxford compiles list of top ten irritating phrases - Telegraph
Palin To Run For Ted Stevens' Senate Seat
Palin touts Alaska as a race-relations paradise
Pawn Shops For Beverly Hills Down & Out
Poker With Nuclear Missiles
President-elect Obama holds first press conference;Economy
President-Elect Obama's First CIA Briefing
Prince Charles Of Arabia
Pro Obama US Media Fails The American Public
Putin Could Return As Russian Prez Next Year
Rachel Maddow Visits The Colbert Report
Rahm Emanuel A Security Risk (Is Water Wet)
Rahm Emanuel's Slave Labor Corps - YOUR KIDS
Ralph Nader wonders if Obama will be an Uncle Tom.
Rand WWIII Recommendation Likely Disinfo
Reassuring investors about Obama Administration economic policies
Record Afghan Opium Harvest
Red Chinese Secret Police In The US Part 3
Remembering Ukraine's Unknown Holocaust
Reward Offered In Obama Friend Young's Murder
Robert Byrd to step down from Appropriations Chair
Robert Edmondson 'Testified Against The Jews'
Russia's 'Wake Up Call' To America
Russian Bases In Abkhazia, S Ossetia In 2009
SF First Graders Field Trip To Gay Wedding
Shimon Peres To Be Knighted By The Queen...
Sinclair Comments On Obama Grandma's Death
Solar Particle Activity Has Virtually Flat-Lined
Taiwan, China Expand Joint Search For Oil
Teacher's comments about McCain, war stir anger
That's the Chicago way...
The (overseas) friends of Barack Obama
The Big Question »That’s one way to celebrate a reelection win
The Great Repudiation; Why voters have had enough of conservative rule
The Islamist Role in the 2008 Canadian Elections
The System Builder by Roy A. Childs, Jr.
Top Obama Advisor Has Long Ties To Neocons
Treason From Within
TX Edu Official - Obama A Terror Sympathizer
UK Bank Chiefs Called Over Rate Cut Failure
UK UFO Photographed Emitting Beams Of Red Light
US A Constitutional Republic, Not Democracy
video - 2012 Debunked - Part 1
video - 2012 Debunked - Part 2
video - Amazing Nano Technology's Near Future
video - Did You Know - Amazing Facts
video - IDF Beasts Tormenting Bound Palestinian
video - If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing
video - Inside Job
video - Nader - Obama An Uncle Sam Or Uncle Tom
video - New Vid Shows WTC7 Windows Blowing Out
video - Obama To Create New 'Civ Military Force'
video - Obama Unquestionably Flips Off McCain
video - Proof Obama Born In Kenyan Village
video - Rabbi Blasts Zionist Occupation Of Palestine
video - Tiny Homes Becoming Popular
War Monger Rahm Emanuel Is Mossad - Read
What happened to free expression
When The Zionists Came For...
Where's my bailout
Who Is Barack Obama
Who Owns Obama
Why Obama Will Be Worse Than Bush by William Norman Grigg
Wiesenthal Museum To Go On Old Muslim Cemetery
Will Obama Use Hate Laws To Stop Islam Critics
Will Obama's Race Trump His Politics
Will The Supreme Court Install Another President
Wingnut revisionism ;Oh, that ole time slavery was so much better than welfare
World Leaders Spell Out Demands To Obama
Worst Person Michelle Bachmann ; wants credit for Obama's election
YouTube - Ashville N.C. School teacher browbeats student over being a McCain supporter
Yushchenko Congratulates 'His High Excellency' Barky
Zionist Emanuel Manipulations - Clinton To Obama
Zionist Jews And The 9-11 Cover-Up

part 2

'Speeding' drivers should pay up even if they go to court and win, say ministers Mail Online
ACLU wants probe into police-staged DNC protest - The Denver Post
Alex Jones assesses Obama on Russia Today 11-5
Army Recruiter Suicides To Be Investigated
BBC NEWS World Middle East Row over Jerusalem Muslim cemetery
Bets placed on Obama's Secretary of State
DARPA building search engine for video surveillance footage
Eugenics A plan has been unfolding for centuries to direct human breeding
Eugenics Quotes Social Control in their own words
Exclusive No2id steal home secretary's fingerprint - politics.co.uk
Father sold drugs in nightclubs to find daughter&squo;s rapists The Courier-Mail
FBI Finds Most Terror Threat Reports Baseless
Internet Archive September 11 Television Archive
Iraqi Forces Kill Senior Al-Qaeda Leader
Is the U.S. Headed for Hyperinflation - Articles
Judge Web-Savvy Young Make Bad Jurors
Man Arrested For Wearing McCain T-Shirt
Mountain To Be Renamed After Obama
No2ID steal home secretary's fingerprint - World News Forum - Open Publishing
Obama - What's In Store
Obama's Economic Advisory Board
Ralph Nader An Open Letter to Barack Obama
RAND Corporation 'Reorganizing U.S. Domestic Intelligence'

Studies Show Birth Defects & Infertility Among Men
The 65 mpg Ford the U.S. Can't Have - BusinessWeek
The First Barons Of Banking
UK ID Cards To Be Compulsory For Air Workers
Unknown Structures Tugging at Universe, Study Says
World Exclusive E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
Barack Obama and America's 1997
Debt Trap
Forget JFK, Obama could be the next Jimmy Carter
Taliban to Obama Take troops home
U.S. Oblivious to China’s Nanotechnology
1000's Georgians Protest Vs Saakashvili
3 'superbanks' now dominate industry
A heartfelt toast to Obama - Wesley Pruden
A suggested Ron Paul alliance with President-Elect Barack Obama
Afghanistan a Top Challenge Facing Obama as President - Fox
After victory, a reality check for Obama - Diana Furchtgott-Roth
American Chronicle - Like it or Not, Ron Paul Republicans have to stay the GOP Course
American History X
An Afternoon With Eustace Mullins
Anti-Incumbency Movement Is Dead
Baron David de Rothschild sees a New World Order in global banking governance
Blamin’ Palin What Are They Thinking - Andrea Tantaros
Boat breaking blockade approaches Gaza - Jerusalem Post
Britain revokes ousted Thai leader's visa
Britain’s Digital Surveillance Hiding from Her Majesty’s “Black Boxes”
Buffett's Berkshire Profits Down 77%
Bush ; Terrorists May Attack During Transition
Byrd resigns from committee post - Washington Times
Cancer Genome Sequenced
Chuck Baldwin ;Conservatives Lost More than Election
Computer Model Can Predict Human Behavior And Learning
Cops Staged Confrontation At DNC Convention
Court Rebukes CIA on Freedom of Information, Recognizes Journalists, Not CIA, Determine What Is News
Crews search for survivors in Haiti school collapse- 200 remain trapped under rubble - CNN
Cursed Be the Christian Coalition by Laurence M. Vance
David Rovics ,..Some Thoughts On Obama
Dems Target Private Retirement Accounts
Dissident “threat” at all time high, despite MI5 “huge effort.”
Emanuel Got $250K From Freddie Mac - Sweetness & Light
EU calls for 'new deal for new world' with Obama
EU consults on transition to Web 3.0
EU leaders demand reforms to end Wall Street irresponsibility and excess in 100 days
Eustace Mullins presents The World Order
Eustace Mullins Tells It Like It Is - Video list
FDIC Seizes More Failed Big Banks
Forget ID cards, those in charge can’t keep anything secret
GCN Exclusive-Alex Jones Show interviews Ron Paul
Georgia's claims on war with Russia questioned
Global Warming, Inc.
GM Running On Empty - Broke In 2009
H1N1 Emerges Early In The US
he Mass Poisoning Of Humanity - Abject Human Stupidity
Hurricane Paloma Strengthens to 'Extremely Dangerous' Storm - Fox
IDF concludes far-reaching exercise in North - Ynet
IDF Troops detonate 2 explosive devices along border fence; Palestinians claim 4 injured, a claim IDF denies - Ynet
If Republicans Were Smarter, They'd Be Republicans
Illuminists Own Barky - America Is An Obamanation
Important Information About Electro Magnetic Fields
In with the new - Debra J. Saunders
Iran irked by Obama's tough language - Jerusalem Post
Iran slams Obama's tough language on nuke policy - Jerusalem Post
Iraq deputy PM; Country still needs U.S. - USA Today
Is Paulson’s Plan Mysterious or Non-Existent
Islamists Post Internet Video Urging Obama to Abandon War on Terror - Fox
Israeli Dual Citizens - Loyal To Whom
Jehovah's Witnesses and John 2028
Kids And Capitalism
Killer caught on bus CCTV with neighbour's head in a bag - Telegraph
Kremlin; Medvedev, Obama Plan to Meet Soon - Fox
Largest African Free Trade area to become reality
Livni's Obama strategy - Caroline B. Glick
Many Illegals Belong to Spy, Terror Organizations or Drug Cartels
Mass Media and Mass Politics
Mediterranean Union Sets Example For EU
Mind Control Patents
Muscular bronze stallion with weird human genitalia advertises provincial hotel
National Platform of the Libertarian Party
Netanyahu offers new peace vision - Ynet
NewScientist; Packs of robots will hunt down uncooperative humans
obama 'Iran must stop aiding terror groups' - J'lem Post
Obama - What's In Store
Obama ; Nuclear Iran unacceptable - Fox
Obama advisers discuss preparations for war on Iran
Obama Apologizes to Nancy Reagan for 'Seance' Comment - Fox
Obama calls for swift action on crisis
Obama Pick for Chief of Staff Criticized as Partisan Voice -Wall Street Journal
Obama pushes stimulus plan - Washington Times
Obama stands at diplomatic crossroads - Washington Post
Obama's coming Hitler Youth program
Online Radio - Republic Broadcasting Network
Palin Postelection Interview Requests Pile Up - Fox
Post Offices could take your fingerprints
Red Chinese Secret Police In The US Part 3
Remote-Controlled Weapon Stations Delivered to German Forces on Time
Rice tours Jenin, meets with Fayad - Jerusalem Post
Rice visits Jenin in show of support for PA security efforts - Jerusalem Post
Ron Paul Liberty Torch To Be Handed To Gary Johnson - Liberty Maven
Ron Paul Will Now Take Your Questions
Scenarios; Possible features of New World financial Order
site - BurnWaterForGasoline.com - Reviews of Most Popular Water Car Hydrogen Fuel Guides
site - Diogenes LLC Investigative Resources
site - Gethuman - Home Page
site - interactive - THEY RULE
site - iTools
site - Ixquick Metasearch
site - NameBase Proximity Search Entry Page
site - naturalnews.com - Independent news on natural health, nutrition and more
site - New Earth Health Solutions
site - Red Pill Videos
site - Research Resources
site - Snowshoe Documentary Films for Social and Economic Justice
site - Thesaurus.com
site - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Surveillance Overload
The beauty creams with nanoparticles that could poison your body
The Beginning Of Hope - Pravda.Ru
The DNA database and you
The End is at Hand (to Leftist Conspiracy Theories)
The Liberty Papers » Could Ron Paul Have Won
The Men Behind The Man ;The Obama Campaign’s Intelligence Advisors
The Pentagon Is the President’s Private Army
The Size Of Our World
The True Story Of Nikola Tesla & His Murder
Thousands attack police in southern China
Time For Ron Paul To Reach Out To Sarah Palin And Reform The GOP - Liberty Maven
timeline ; How National ID cards have become a reality
Tough Times Strain Colleges Rich and Poor - NY Times
Trade Is Booming between Asia and Middle East
Transition; Latest on Obama's team - Washington Times
u.s. Senior Al Qaeda in Iraq Leader Killed - Fox
Undercover cops were among the unruly at DNC
US Army to Push X-Files Tech Development, Invade World of Warcraft
US, Allies, Torture Kids in Iraqi Prisons
video - Did You Know - Amazing Facts
video - Eustace Mullins Murder By Injection
video - New Vid Shows WTC7 Windows Blowing Out
video - Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard
Who Owns Obama
World markets tumble on renewed economic fears
Worse Than Bush
YouTube - All The Kings Men
YouTube - Bashing Bible bashers
YouTube - DNC; Dan Rather
YouTube - Do You Know What Freedom Really Means
YouTube - Don't Vote 2 - The Sequel
YouTube - FBC Ron Paul Interview With Neil Cavuto 11-06-08
YouTube - George Carlin Page
YouTube - Ron Paul CNN American Morning 11-04-2008
YouTube - WARNING DON'T VOTE (Jennifer Aniston, Leonardo Dicaprio, Halle Berry, Sarah Silverman, ...)
‘A Fake Banking History of the United States’