"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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08 April 2008

Tuesday 8 th

Obama calls for talks with Iran over Iraq
wcbstv.com - 'Millionaire's Tax' Could Fund NYC Mass Transit
Opinion: Los Angeles considers global warming tax | global, warming, tax : Desert Dispatch
Oil prices approach record heights
Gas Prices Slip, but Could Hit $4: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Rice Jumps to Record on Philippine Imports, Curbs on Exports
Compound Horrors - April 8, 2008
My Way News - Documents: Sect Married Girls at Puberty
Girls Record Brutal Attack On Teen To Allegedly Post On YouTube - News Story - WFTV Orlando
Two Students Beat Up Girl At Southington High -- Prosecution, Hartford County -- Courant.com
Traders bet Obama will win US Democratic nomination - Yahoo! News UK
Clinton demands withdrawal from Iraq - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Colombia Trade Deal Splits Clintons
Vatican: Pope Will Address Abuse Crisis
Fed Auctions Another $50 Billion: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
WaMu gets $7 bln infusion, cuts jobs, sees loss: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Citigroup, Wells Fargo May Loan Less After Downgrades
Rice Again Denies VP Aspirations
Obama: $1 Million in a Minute
Pelosi: Reduce Number of Superdelegates
Clinton Campaign Regroups After Shakeup at Top - New York Times
Mark Penn still in Clinton loop: source
Africanized Bees Attack Mexican Police
WHAT, SIMON BORED? - New York Post
My Way News - Iran Tests Advanced Centrifuge
My Way News - General Won't Promise More Iraq Pullouts
Petraeus Recommends Troop Pause
My Way News - Petraeus Faces Next President
Rockefeller Apologizes for McCain Remark
2 die in Pakistan nuclear plant accident - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Security High for Torch's US Arrival
Paris Protests Disrupt Torch Relay
Lord Coe blasts 'horrible Chinese thugs' who barged their way through London as IOC considers scrapping the relay | the Daily Mail
Reuters AlertNet - Olympics-Chinese flame guards spark controversy
The World From Berlin: Olympic Flame Now 'Symbolizes Repressive Regime' - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Robots seen doing work of 3.5 million in Japan | Oddly Enough | Reuters
Russian mayor 'urges closure of own town'
Swiss reject terror sponsor charge by US Jewish group
My Way News - Penn Out As Clinton Senior Strategist
Blood test that gives 'a six-year early warning' of Alzheimer's | the Daily Mail
Yahoo Still Wants Microsoft to Raise Bid: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
In Superdelegate Count, Tough Math for Clinton - New York Times
Town Considers Forcing 100-Gallon-Per-Person Water Limit - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Heston Left Cinematic, Political Mark
Guns and Moses - Jeffrey Ressner - Politico.com
Israel would destroy Iran if attacked: minister
Protesters Scale Golden Gate Bridge
Pavarotti Lip-Synched Last Performance
The Local - German mother jailed for killing 8 babies
World War I as Fulfillment: Power and the Intellectuals by Murray N. Rothbard
The Age of Autism: 'A pretty big secret' - UPI.com
Boom, Bust, Dust by Doug French
The Gibberish of Injustice by Joseph Potter
OH LP by Brian Wilson
The Emerging Surveillance State by Ron Paul
Act repeal could make Franz Herzog von Bayern new King of England and Scotland - Telegraph
The Ultimate Tax Cut by Jacob G. Hornberger
Pro Libertate: The Bush Regime's Revolution in Legal Affairs
Stephen King on videogames | Videogames | The Pop of King | News + Notes | Entertainment Weekly | 1
Aztec Math Used Hearts and Arrows: Scientific American
The Great Society: A Libertarian Critique by Murray N. Rothbard
Ninety-Five Years to Go by Laurence M. Vance
Petraeus Testimony Will Signal Iran Attack by Paul Craig Roberts
But Soft! by Charles Goyette
There Are No Flights To Jupiter: Market Failure? by Manuel Lora
Man’s Worst Enemy – Man by Tim Case
Use Reason by Charley Reese
‘Republicrats,’ Barr the Door! by Jack Kenny
The General and the Trap by Tom Engelhardt and Ira Chernus
BBC NEWS | Europe | Swedes find Viking-era Arab coins
Pauper chic TLS
The Associated Press fails to reveal Mukasey's favorite color - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
No Really, You Should Go
The case for Hillary Clinton's electability | Salon
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama's Gun Dance
Removing the Clinton Strategist - TIME
The Shape of the Race to Come - New York Times
Why Democrats Are Now Seeing the Ugly Truth About Bill Clinton -- New York Magazine
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Three Revolutions
Annals of Law: Camp Justice: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Iraq and Its Costs - WSJ.com
Iraq's Shiite power vacuum | csmonitor.com
Morgan Tsvangirai: Zimbabwe's razor edge | Comment is free | The Guardian
The Colombia Trade Stakes - WSJ.com
Grains Gone Wild - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Cleansing Power of Recessions
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Comment - A foolish overreaction to climate change
Today, the national civil rights pulpit is largely occupied by second-rate shakedown artists. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
The Waning of Penn | The New York Observer
Smoot-Chavez - WSJ.com
Barr Fight
Obama's believers - Opinion - USATODAY.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Before Obama Was a Favorite Son
The Campaign & the Environment | Newsweek Leadership and the Environment | Newsweek.com
Kay Bailey Hutchison: Why tax cuts mustn't expire | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Opinion: Viewpoints
The Penn Central | The New York Sun
Washington's spending habit
Tehran's murderous role - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
Price shock in global food | csmonitor.com
Top Clinton Aide Leaving His Post Under Pressure - New York Times
Obama May Not Have Fully Contained Damage From Ex-Pastor - WSJ.com
The Next Campaign Stop: Iraq Hearings - washingtonpost.com
Democrats look to fatten lead in House, Senate
Anti-McCain groups lag in fundraising - Ben Smith - Politico.com
McCain, in Populist Turn, Slams Executives' Pay - WSJ.com
Support is building for McCain, who visits KC today
Missoulian: HILLARY CLINTON IN MISSOULA: “I believe America is worth fighting for.”
TheHill.com - Dean urges party unity
Clinton Q&A
McCain Opening Statement
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Gen. Petraeus' Testimony to the Senate Armed Services Comm.
Petraeus’s Iraq Testimony | Newsweek Voices - Michael Hirsh | Newsweek.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Beyond 'Benchmarks'
Petraeus, Tell Us Something We Don't Already Know | The American Prospect
The Klein and the Fury
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Run, Condi, Run!
OFF TO THE RACES: Playing To Win (04/08/2008)
McCain's Money - The Current
Poison Penn
McCain Speaks at VFW HQ in Kansas City
Dan Senor Discusses Rice for Vice President
Reps. McCrery & Levin Debate Colombia Trade Deal
White House Press Briefing on the Colombia Trade Deal
McCain on "Fox News Sunday"
Senators Dodd & Durbin on "Late Edition"
Howard Dean on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Senator Casey & Governor Rendell Debate
President Bush & President Putin Press Conference
Obama's happy, drama-free appeal - Roger Simon - Politico.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Errors Haunting Clinton
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Onward the Revolution!
World Affairs Journal - Neocon Nation: Neoconservatism, c. 1776
OPENING ARGUMENT: Obama's Wife And Their Spiritual Adviser (04/07/2008)
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama Must Give Another Race Speech
Mark Penn's Missed Microtrends
Candidates May Draw New Map
A Network of Truces - New York Times
Buying time in Iraq - The Boston Globe
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Dangerous Dozen Open House Seats
21-gun salute for Charlton Heston | Mick Hume - Times Online
A deficit of leadership | Comment is free
FT.com / Columnists / Gideon Rachman - The political threats to globalisation
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Mark Penn's Transgression
The Sin of Speaking Truth - washingtonpost.com
The Petraeus Effect - WSJ.com
China's blind spot over Olympics and Tibet - Telegraph
Congress To Hear Of Gains In Iraq - washingtonpost.com
Clinton to Bush: Snub Olympics open - USATODAY.com
Ventura Cites 2nd Amendment During Revolution Talk
Sen. Arlen Spector Confronted on Magic Bullet Theory
Alex Jones Adds A 4th Hour To The Infowar
Houston Truth questions TX Gov Rick Perry on NAU, Bilderberg
The U.S. establishment media in a nutshell
Joan Veon -- The Final Trump of The British Over America
Charlton Heston on Global Climate Change
Charlton Heston - 1989 NRA Annual Meeting
War Crime Charges for Bush Officials?
CNN Helps Autism Debacle Blow Up in Government’s Face
Food riots fear after rice price its a high Environment
The Assassination of Robert Kennedy
Alex Jones Interview of the Late Charlton Heston
DHS ignores civil liberties in domestic spy satellite plan, lawmakers say
Pentagon may close controversial post 9-11 intelligence unit
GOP strategist: Condi Rice 'actively campaigning' to be VP
Obama Adviser Calls for Troops To Stay in Iraq Through 2010
Don't Blame Me...I Voted For Ron Paul
McCain blunders on Iraq, again: Confuses Iraqi cleric with Prime Minister on ceasefire deal
CNN's Acosta smeared 16-year old McCain questioner as a "heckler"
Trojan Horse: CBC North American Union
Houston Truth questions TX Gov Rick Perry on NAU, Bilderberg
The Associated Press: Bush Sending Congress Colombia Pact
Mexico reconquers California? Absolut drinks to that!
World Bank accused of climate change hijack | Environment | Reuters
Child database will ‘pry into family life’ - Times Online
Blackwater Bulks Up Air Power Using Little-Known Company | Danger Room from Wired.com
$3 trillion may be too low | Comment is free
Euro Trades Near One-Week High Against Dollar on Rate Advantage
Expert: "We're brainwashing our children" about global warming - The Weather Guys - USATODAY.com
Why man COULD live for ever, by Desmond Morris | the Daily Mail
40,000 kids put on DNA crimes list - Sunday Mirror
The Raw Story | US renewed Blackwater contract without consulting Iraq: PM
“Electronic Jihad” or Lone Hackers?
Obama Adviser Calls for Troops To Stay in Iraq Through 2010
Feith: We invaded Iraq because we were afraid they’d attack us
Homeland Ministry Plans Raytheon “Ray Guns” at Airports
White House Query Led Lawyer to Write Memo Saying Bush Could Ignore Fourth Amendment
Pilotless drones to battle pot growers
Globovision: Source of Intelligence Information for the United States
Did the Elites Want MLK Dead–If So, Why?
Feds Probing Va. Tech Copycat Case
Blackwater contract in Iraq renewed for one year
The New Hunter Gatherers
Violent Repression At NATO Summit in Romania
Neocon Schemes vs. Iran
Kissinger: American, Israeli and Iranian strategic interests converge
‘Ruthlessness gene’ discovered
Sadr calls mass anti-US protest in Baghdad
White House Query Led Lawyer to Write Memo Saying Bush Could Ignore Fourth Amendment
Globovision: Source of Intelligence Information for the United States
“Electronic Jihad” or Lone Hackers?
Obama Adviser Calls for Troops To Stay in Iraq Through 2010
Globovision: Source of Intelligence Information for the United States
Absolut's new campaign: Celebrate homosexuality
Videos purported to show deaths of coalition soldiers
Harsh warning as region under general war alert
Secretive U.S.-backed discussion focuses on West Bank, Jerusalem
For Saudis' place as chief ally, trade partner, willing to discuss peace with Israel, Iran ties
'Imagine you had 15 seconds to find shelter from an incoming missile'
Board approves gifts for students at dance
Commander wants 45-day 'period of consolidation and evaluation'
Provision being made for open-ended military presence in country
No. 2 official says Benedict recognizes damage, pain
Ahmadinejad boasts of 6,000 at uranium enrichment plant in Natanz
New analysis uses computer models to calculate impact on atmosphere
Clinton was fired for allegedly colluding with Kennedys to protect JFK legacy
Dan Calabrese finds confirmation of Clinton's fraud as Watergate attorney
Woman uses word to describe children playing in tree like primates
Tax data shows $15 million from partnership with Arab sheik
Suggested he lacks care for people because he dropped bombs on Vietnam
Best fundraising month since his campaign began
'I have a lot of work to do and then I'll happily go back to Stanford'
Rising speculation that Rice to be McCain's running mate
Jackie Mason and Raoul Felder defend ex-guv in light of Bill Clinton's trespasses
Says administration downplaying human rights in its China policy
Security officials call off final section after huge pro-Tibet demonstrations
Worries over movement tainted by focus on China's handling of Tibet
'Olympics will take place and American qualifiers will participate'
Seeking evidence girls younger than 16 were forced into marriages
Gun-rights activists up in arms over local proposal
Tiffany Network in talks with Time Warner about deal to outsource newsgathering
1st award to art form once dismissed as barbaric, subversive
16-year-old suffers concussion, eye injuries, several bruises
Tracks send food, drinks whizzing down to customers' tables
Alarm about pandemic restarted with evidence of person-to-person transmission
'High and volatile food prices will be with us for years to come'
U.N. warns: 'This can trigger social unrest'
International Monetary Fund looks to improve its finances
Some central bankers concerned about economy, Alcoa earnings disappoint
Relief: 'There was water and debris everywhere'
DMV also honored for deeming 'GETOSAMA' license plate offensive
'It hit the victim in the leg, causing a large, red welt and several puncture marks'
'For their female family members to use in the other world'
'I started wondering how I could get them sitting face-to-face'
Images depict Christ fondled, apostles groping each other
Nearly 1/4 of all married folks admit to probing each other's e-mails, text messages
'I mean the cigarettes smell, yeah. But I'm not puffing into their faces'
Man who got victim's organ 12 years ago kills himself
'It did not deliver the great promise we thought it would'
'Tongue bacteria produce malodorous compounds and fatty acids'
'I'm sorry to report that the Brattleboro police blew it in both cases'
Officer now placed on restricted duty, not allowed to carry badge, gun
Fails to negotiate Dunkin' Donuts drive-through, crashes into fence
'She isn't looking to become a national symbol. She just wants to go to the University of Texas'
'We're very careful not to interbreed animals but here we are interbreeding people'
Main goal at jail: 'Least amount of work possible while collecting their paychecks'
Poor controls could allow theft of taxpayers' confidential information
'Stop building and adding more and more and taking away from us'
'We believe it's the wrong message to send to elementary students'
Teacher will serve just 30 days behind bars, only on weekends
Allegedly attacks volunteer barber, pelts woman in face with rock for no reason
Jurors shown video of women spilling beans on homeless-murder plot
'I am not going to let a 16-year-old girl walk out of here with alcohol'
'I regret my behavior that caused concern of the people that I was trying to contact'
Legendary singer in severe pain months before his cancer diagnosis
'I'd rather have my son than my money'
'We have found nothing wrong with how the equipment is operating'
'This is not the kind of marriage that women would want'
'Appropriately calibrating the stance of (interest-rate) policy was difficult'
To cash-strapped banks in battle against credit squeeze
International Monetary Fund looks to improve its finances
Reaction to IMF plans to possibly sell more than 400 tons of its vast supplies
Some central bankers concerned about economy, Alcoa earnings disappoint
'The question was whether things were starting to stabilize. Apparently they're not'
Largest U.S. savings-and-loan to close its 186 stand-alone home lending offices
Ex-chairman of FDIC: 'This is a nightmare for the country'
Suggest Senate measure might actually speed foreclosures, drive down values
Reflects much weaker demand for auto loans, other type of non-revolving credit
'All investment banks and commercial banks have interviewed people'
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith slams Fed's role in dangerous economic bailout
'Job No. 1 of the president is to use the bully pulpit to shine a light'
Signs codeshare agreement with leading U.S. carrier
'Declined once again to the lowest level that it's ever been'
27-nation bloc 1st region in world to scrap bans on use of mobile phones in sky
Regular unleaded gas prices slip slightly to national average of $3.33 per gallon
Ahmadinejad urges cartel to form joint bank
West Virginia casino offering 9,000 gallons of fuel for free in promotion
Spruce up home, and U.S. companies' balance sheets, this spring
'What gets them is the sheer financial audacity'
'It's a revolution in terms of doing things with your mobile'
'We are on record as being opposed to any kind of alcohol-related industry'
Craig Smith says price pullback represents 'buy-the-dip opportunity'
Pub cites U.S. economic woes linked to subprime loan crisis
'Going into debt just to get a tax deduction is a really bad idea'
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
'If retiring with some dignity is weird, then I want to be the weirdest guy around!'
Exclusive: Janet Folger explains why she's 'vehemently, emphatically' against secretary
Pat Buchanan ridicules McCain for propping up Bush's 'democracy crusade'
Dan Calabrese finds confirmation of Clinton's fraud as Watergate attorney
Exclusive: Mychal Massie spotlights woman's 'bigoted, extreme, Afro-centric' bias
David Limbaugh: MSM will resurrect Barack's magic in time for November
Robert Novak highlights fact senator has stayed mum on D.C. firearms ban
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving reports on tribute to influential teacher offered by 'McNasty'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah offers way to 'awaken people from their intellectual slumber'
Dennis Prager lists recent events highlighting utter depravity across globe
Raoul Felder and Jackie Mason defend ex-guv in light of Bill Clinton's trespasses
'If retiring with some dignity is weird, then I want to be the weirdest guy around!'
Ira Chernus laments GOP's ability to 'have the bigger guns' when it comes to patriotism
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Mike Lester has taxpayers taking phone call for clueless mortgage holders
Exclusive: Chuck Norris commends leading man for 'optimistic aging,' endless vitality
Late icon shares what he learned early on from Ronald Reagan
Clinton Questions Petraeus & Crocker
McCain's Q&A with General Petraeus
McCain's Opening Statement
DNC Points Out McCain's Slip
General Petraeus' Opening Statement
Senators Question Petraeus, Crocker
Obama on "Today"
Clinton: "Spectacular," "Get it Done," "Scranton"
Obama: "One Voice" and "Maya"
The Partisan Divide on Iraq
Clinton's Morning Media
RNC: "Politics vs. Petraeus"
Obama in Montana
McCain at VFW HQ in Kansas City
Axelrod on McCain
Schultz Keeps Calling McCain a "Warmonger"
RealClearPolitics - Video Log - Clinton Questions Petraeus & Crocker
RealClearPolitics - Video Log - Clinton Questions Petraeus & Crocker
New York Radio Station Bans Ad Explaining Sderot's Dangers - Jewish World - Israel News - Arutz Sheva
Israeli minister: We'll destroy Iran if they attack
Illegal Immigrant Births - At Your Expense, Taxpayers Foot Bill For Roughly 300,000 Children Born Into Citizenship When Their Parents Are Illegal - CBS News
4 Get Cancer From Teen's Donated Organs
Deputies May Ticket Theft Victims In Crackdown - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
FOXNews.com - Deadly Ape Heart Disease Puzzles Zoos - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
Muslim is spared a speeding ban so he can drive between his two wives | the Daily Mail
Girls Record Brutal Attack On Teen To Allegedly Post On YouTube - News Story - WFTV Orlando
Obama calls for talks with Iran over Iraq
Clintons cash in on Dubai
Petition blasts Islamic themes at Flight 93 site
Local Nuke War Would Cause World Havoc
White Sugar Land teen sues UT over admissions rule | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
ICE faces illegals backlog - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
'The Simpsons' Yanked From Venezuelan TV
Bob Dylan wins a Pulitzer prize - Yahoo! News
Jay defends endorsement of Sen. Obama
Drug errors hurt 1 in 15 hospitalized kids - Kids and parenting- msnbc.com
FOXNews.com - NYC Cabbie Who Runs Anti-American Islamic Web Site Mocks GI Deaths, Calls for Shia Law In U.S. - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Department of Homeland Security Overboard on Great Lakes Fishermen
Anti-Islamist Film "Fitna" Released Amidst Controversy and Condemnation
Who Was John Adams?
Congress Continues to Neglect its Fiscal Responsibilities
The "Pig Book" of Political Pork
Business Week Seeks to Downplay Bad Effects of NAFTA
400 Children Removed From Sect's Texas Ranch
Second arrest at polygamist ranch
Pro-Tibet activists scale Golden Gate Bridge
American Air cancels flights for MD-80 inspections
American Cancels More Flights
Petraeus Says Iraq Too `Fragile' for Removing Troops (Update3)
Colombia Trade Deal Splits Clintons
Clinton's Mark Penn Problem
Bush Emotional at Medal Ceremony for Fallen Navy SEAL
Navy SEAL paid ultimate price to save buddies
Condi for Veep? State Says No, No, No...
Condoleezza Rice Downplays Speculation on Vice Presidential Run
Rockefeller Apologizes for McCain Remark
Sen. Rockefeller apologizes to McCain for saying he doesn't care ...
Senate Moves Forward on Housing Aid Bill
White House Vs. Senate GOP Over Housing Bill
$8 Traffic Fee for Manhattan Gets Nowhere
NYC Mayor Loses Big on Traffic Fee Plan
Obama Delegate Resigns After Remark
Obama Delegate Quits After Campaign Finds Remarks to Neighbor Kids to be ‘Unacceptable’ - America’s Election HQ
State liquidates tobacco fund for jobs plan
Family's sole surviving son reinstated as Fresno County deputy
Student hurt after taking ant-illegal immigration sign to school
Texas Student Attacked Because Of Her History Project on Illegal ...
Call Girls Testify at Palfrey Trial
Council hearings aim to find truth
Lantos' district votes
MyFox Chicago | Mom Claims 6-Year-Old Girl Was Possessed
Wis. authorities search for 3 men who stole $24000 in beer
Basra strike against Shiite militias also about oil
Basra a message to militants -- Maliki
Al-Sadr Threatens to End Cease-Fire
Google News - World
Obama calls for withdrawal timetable in Iraq
Presidential Candidates Quiz Petraeus
General Petraeus takes fight over Iraq to the next US president
Quotes from Tuesday's hearings on progress in Iraq
Post-Election Zimbabwe Crisis Challenges Regional, Global Diplomacy
Zimbabwe Opposition Seeks Africa's Help
Kenya: Riots Resume
Kenya opposition supporters clash with police
Deadlock Deepens in Kenya Power-Sharing Deal
Iran Announces Installation of More Centrifuges at Uranium ...
Iran Tests Advanced Centrifuge
Iran rebuffing international community increasing nuclear work
Tibetan leaders struggle to speak for split populace
Beware an angry China
India takes on China over Africa’s riches
Al Fayed abandons Diana campaign
Brown warns Al Fayed over pursuing Diana murder theory
Al-Fayed to abandon legal fight over Diana "truth" (Roundup)
Low turnout in Egypt elections
Low Turnout in Egypt Poll Amid Opposition Boycott, Labor Unrest
Amid violent riots, Egyptian elections fizzle
FARC Rejects Sarkozy Medical Mission for Betancourt (Update1)
Rebels Reject Betancourt Mission
Nepalese enthusiastically prepare for polls
UN Appeals for Calm Ahead of Nepal Election
US, NKorea Talks Make 'Good Progress'
US, North Korea Hold Talks in Singapore
A Clinton Supports Colombian Trade Deal
The real issue on free trade
Don't vilify killer shark: Greens
Syrian official: We're prepared for war
INTERVIEW-Geagea sees more killings, deadlock in Lebanon
In photos: 'Germany Polar Bear Cub Flocke'
Hungry mob attacks Haiti palace
Hungry Haitians Riot Over Food Prices
Incident reported aboard flight
Plane diverted after knife attack
Shirakawa Says Bank of Japan Ready to Act Flexibly (Update2)
Today on the Presidential Campaign Trail
McCain Hauls in $15 Million In March
Traders bet Obama will win Democratic nomination
Obama gaining on Clinton in Pennsylvania
Clinton's Sag in the Polls Makes Big Pennsylvania Win Unlikely
Clinton Airs 5 New Ads in Pa.
Donald Cresitello for US Senate
Pelosi: Reduce Number of Superdelegates
Bill Clinton's talk not cheap
Clintons Donated About 10 Percent of Their $109 Million to Charity
Runoff elections Tuesday
Primary election runoff today
Thousands of young voters attend Dave Matthews concert in Bloomington
When the concert's over, will they face the music?
Clinton picks up AR super
McCain: A Real Conservative
BREAKING: President Clinton's visit to Clinton moved to Friday
2 Philly Counties Flip to Democratic
Rev. Jeremiah Wright's incindiary quotes illuminate chasm between ...
Obama’s Mr. Wright
Clinton backers’ patience pays off
Obama to visit Gary on Thursday
Washington Post National Political Reporter
Memo to McCain: Talk About Health Care
Obama tailors message to western voters