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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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19 April 2008

"A Shot Heard Around The World"

Obama hits out at Clinton for negative campaign
Clinton, Obama Begin Final Push Through Pennsylvania (Update1)
Judge kept chaotic Texas polygamist abuse case on track
Polygamous-sect children ordered to stay in Texas custody
North Korea, trade top Bush talks with South Korean leader
Bush Wants Colombian Free Trade Agreement
Bush asks Congress to reconsider Colombia trade deal
Op-Ed Columnist The Fat Bush Theory
A Supreme Revelation
Demand for Corn-Derived Fuel is Driving Up Food Prices, but New ...
Obama and the Chicago Insider
Detroit mayor says God is punishing him for disobedience
Toddler critical after stroller is blown into Lake Michigan
Child critical after freak wind accident
Mayor, wife get jail in theft of $20K from little league
Southern California town's ex-mayor pleads guilty to Little League ...
Giuliani breaks rules by having Communion at papal mass
Rudy Giuliani among those attending Mass with Pope
Man who spent 26 years in prison freed on bond
Innocent Man Free After 26 Years in Prison
In Brown's signature speech, a JFK touch
News roundup: The stories leading other papers, websites
New Orleans Mexican consulate to ease burden here
Soon after some good news, New Orleans sees 3 fresh killings
Partial recount of votes in Zimbabwe election under way (3rd Roundup)
In Mass at St. Patrick's, Pope Addresses Sex Abuse Scandal
Palestinian Suicide Bombers Attack Crossing Into Gaza
Palestinians killed in Israeli raid
Vigorous Defense of Human Rights Is Urged by Pope in UN Address
In photos: 'USA Pope Benedict XVI UN Visit' - US
Pope calls for multilateral UN agenda
Hamas: Carter holds 2nd meeting with chief in Syria
Egypt advances Mideast peace talks
Al-Sadr threatens 'open war'
Chinese ship reportedly snubbed
Arms shipment to Zimbabwe criticized
Putin denies divorce allegations
Paper is shut down after report on Vladimir Putin’s love life
Chief Tibet separatist clamors for suicide attacks to seek "Tibet ...
Tibetan exiles in India continue protest march
Pakistani, Abducted, Cites Taliban on Video
Kidnapped Pakistani Ambassador Appears in New Video
Nepal Maoists claim poll victory
'Nepal Maoists in talks with US to remove terrorist tag'
One in two Dutch oppose Afghanistan mission -poll
Roadside Bomb in Afghanistan Kills Son of Dutch Defense Chief
Q&A: Elections in Paraguay
Final rally for Paraguay hopefuls
Odinga's chance to shape Kenya
Israel at 60: A vibrant nation still in search of itself
Suicide Car Bomber Attacks Gaza Border Crossing
'Suspect' materials lead to detonation
Russia: Talks with Georgia to normalize
Poland Pledges to Back Georgia in Conflict Settlement
1st typhoon of year hits China
China typhoon weakens, 18 fishermen missing
Early typhoon hits southern China
UPDATE 1-Berlusconi returns to world stage with Putin visit
Vladimir Putin denies reports of marriage to gymnast Alina Kabaeva
Indonesia arrests E Timor rebels
Why Waco Still Matters by Anthony Gregory
Prices and Profits Are Telling Us Something by Félix Moreno de la Cova Solís
On My Elitist High Horse by Bill Watkins
Consumers and Taxpayers: Beware Australia’s 'Best and the Brightest' by Chris Leithner
Ten things to do when your flight is canceled | csmonitor.com
Evernote: Software to help you remember everything, forever - Machinist - Salon.com
Ollie Johnston - Telegraph
PHOTO IN THE NEWS: Bust of "Hidden" Roman Emperor Found
The war on ‘passive drinking’ : April 2008 : Bruno Waterfield : Foreign : Telegraph Blogs
Friedman and the Fed: Is Liquidity the Answer? - William L. Anderson - Mises Institute
How the War Party Captured the Right- by Justin Raimondo
Pro Libertate: Collectivist Child Abuse (Fourth Update, 4/18)
Dick Morris: Hillary has her own terrorist problem
Rep. Myrick calls on Rice to clip wings over Hamas-meeting flap
Draft includes ceasefire, negotiations to release kidnapped Israeli, end of Gaza embargo
Man working at Jewish restaurant planned to put toxic substance in food
'What good is the privacy law if government warehouses data?'
DNC boss wants repudiation of congressman's 'insulting remarks' about pope
In House speech suggests pontiff trying to bolster church membership
'Once again, I am challenging President Bush to do what is right'
'It is appalling that there is still no comprehensive, interagency strategy'
Bumper stickers address faith, life and politics
Bookstore owner re-arrested after being cleared of original counts
'I got the distinct impression they wanted me to move'
'Americans United violated IRS rules on non-profits'
Gives 'final warning' to government to halt crackdown against his followers
Says if U.S. leaves, it 'will lose everything,' if troops stay, 'they will bleed to death'
'I am deeply thankful for your love and your prayer'
Says pontiff would be in jail if headed chain of day-care centers where sex abuse occurred
'… motivated by the hope drawn from the saving work of Jesus Christ'
Exclusive: Pat Boone rejoices in intimidated silence of atheists upon pope's arrival
Scholar disputes claim bed in temple used to consummate marriages with young girls
'They came in here too defending the children, but they ended up killing them'
'Here today to remember those who were killed, those who survived and those changed forever'
'Coverage of terrorist acts affects victims, survivors and the general public'
Court filing seeks elimination of penalties for Christian art
Student said she repeatedly impregnated self to induce miscarriages for 'art'
Village school to scrap its historic symbol – frightens students
Townhall.com reveals how the left is ending your 2nd Amendment rights
'There's nothing broken – why fix a success?'
'It's going to take us a long time to get off of oil as much as possible'
'He'll no doubt deny it later, but that mischievous smile seems to confirm plenty'
Convention challenge to hinge on party chairman's appointees to credentials committee
'Like anyone else who has activities in his past that might be embarrassing to them'
Unlike his returns, Senate financial disclosures total $27 million to $45 million
Candidate appearances on show boost funds for Democrats – but not Republicans
10 Chinese soldiers armed with pistols checked in to Holiday Inn
'As far as we are concerned the containers will not be offloaded'
Ex-partner argues in court faith 'is harmful to children'
'Legislation would assure taxes don't support negotiations with terrorists'
Believed to 2nd in command of Gulf cartel's vicious armed wing, the Zetas
Sends himself into trance as docs chisel walnut-sized chunk of bone from wrist
'This could have ended up on eBay or gotten to al-Qaida'
Rogue $1- million entry popped up in spending bill after vote, before sent to president
Report finds officers steered $50 million deal to reward people close to them
'We're a big city and we're going to have world-class events. ... that comes at a cost'
'There's got to be better things for us to be spending our time debating'
1.2-mile-wide crater – water temperature rose to 99,000 degrees in 1954 test
Scientology defector: 'They believe they are the only hope for this section of the galaxy'
'Courts are not to second-guess ... when it comes to calculations of this sort'
'It's not anti-Semitism, it's just greed, ... and we cannot remain silent on the issue'
Former husband told court marriage was consummated, but denied claims he beat her
'My baby. My baby': Stabbed when she refused to give up her keys
Told police she never loved man but 'made an arrangement to marry him for $3,000'
Arrested after allegedly making 2 boys pass out
Loss prevention official saw woman 'conceal store items,' leave without paying
'We don't have any indication of what could have possibly happened'
Claim drug can reduce flow of sebum by 90%
Longtime keyboard player for Bruce Springsteen had battled melanoma for 3 years
But boomers could live stereotype if they don't let go of achievement-driven mind-set
Responded to find suspect 'foaming at the mouth and talking to herself'
'Behaviorally, it makes no sense for a big wild cat'
'[He was] very unsure of himself and a little bit suspicious of people'
Born with deformed, missing front legs, pooch gets around quite well
Firms doing big business overseas doing well, those dependent on U.S. consumers hurting
Company saw strong international paid click sales, effects of higher prices
Wall Street rallies on improved earnings from Google, Caterpillar, others
'Expect some of these elements of policy to kick in the 2nd half and start to see some improvement'
Key factors: Who'll be eligible, how much risk should taxpayers assume?
New technologies, higher prices leading to big new natural gas discoveries in U.S.
Man working to convert all that grows into fuel surprised by 'inattention'
Records more than $15 billion in writedowns – says it will eliminate more positions
Increase came even though state's nonfarm payroll employment increased by 1,000 jobs
Raines, others settle with government over accounting scandal
Exclusive: Vox Day discusses statistical inaccuracies and the limits of Chinese growth
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
Some struggling to survive after crackdown drives away 1/3 of population
Canada to declare chemical bisphenol-a, or BPA, toxic
'We follow industry advertising practices and we intend to respond fully'
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith slams Fed's role in dangerous economic bailout
'It's probably the most dynamic and volatile time I've seen in 25 years'
'The immediate concern is regime survival'
Economists: It's de-industrializing America, leading nation toward 2nd-rate power status
'He'll be wearing a lot of silks. They're lightweight and very nice looking'
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
Received 65 complaints about shoes getting stuck in escalators, mostly by small children
Ad guru Jim Whelan on believing in yourself and taking risks
Move made to evoke chain's beginnings, restore some goodwill for brand
'I know the revenue estimators say it costs money. But I believe it generates cash'
Investors cautioned against 'layer upon layer of fees'
Government says rate is low, so why do food and energy cost so much?
Advice on school costs, dentistry practice, emergency funds
'If retiring with some dignity is weird, then I want to be the weirdest guy around!'
'Going into debt just to get a tax deduction is a really bad idea'
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah questions rationale behind state seizure of children on phone tip
Star Parker confronts Catholic university's initial rebuff of anti-abortion speaking tour
Exclusive: Terry C. Graham scoffs at absurd stigmatization of CO2 as ecological toxin
Exclusive: J.P. and Amanda Duffy expose dating service's encouragement of casual sex
Jonathan Falwell: We have become a society increasingly comprised of me-first citizens
Exclusive: Ellis Washington sets aside mythology, looks at the real man
Exclusive: Henry Lamb reveals wish list for utopian, one-world global governance
Exclusive: Greg Laurie urges Christians to turn off TV, spend time seeking the Lord
Paul Krugman wonders if Obama is right about his 'bitter' remarks
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey accuses Democrats of dramatizing 'recession' for political gain
Mark Morford eyes 30 years of wacky behind-the-scenes corporate behavior, all on videotape
Obama in Philadelphia
McCain Supporters Say Obama "Twists" McCain's Words
Clinton Comments on Debate; "He Spent All Day Yesterday Complaining"
Dean Wants Superdelegates to Decide Now
Gallup Polling Updates on Obama, Taxes, and the Economy
Obama's Rally in Greenville
Rove, O'Reilly Discuss Debate
Candidates Stop By Colbert
Things Younger Than McCain
Huckabee Talks to the Club For Growth
Obama Attacks Debate; "We Set a New Record"
SEIU: "Change"
Cheney & Romney at Radio and Television Correspondents' Dinner
McCain on Taxes and the Economy
Candidates' Opening Statements
Democrats Discuss How They Will Beat McCain
Clinton Asked About Bosnia
Obama Asked about Flag Pin
Rendell Disappointed in ABC
Clinton, Obama Debate Taxes
McCain on "Political Capital w/Al Hunt"
Pope Benedict XVI's Address to the General Assembly
Shields & Brooks on Pa. Primary in the Homestretch
Roundtable Discusses Debate Whining
Interview with John McCain
Panel Comments on the ABC Debate
Dean Says Superdelegates Should Answer Now
President Bush & PM Brown Press Conference
Reporters Assess the State of the Race
Newt Gingrich Discusses Latest Controversies
Obama Fights On Two Fronts - washingtonpost.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Rules Change for Obama
Opinion: Mark Steyn: Guns and God? Hell, yes - OCRegister.com
Popular Will
Road Map to Defeat - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Why Not Blame Obama?
Poll: Obama Pulling Away | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Krugman's Latest Attack on Obama Not Supported by Evidence
Commentary: The Weekend Interview - WSJ.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - How to Pick a VP
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Whither Hagel Endorsement
Lame, But Still Game
National Journal Magazine - What We Learned From the Surge
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Benedict and Bush
Islam Dominated By Radicals
Colombia's Case - washingtonpost.com
'Gotcha' politics: Meanwhile, the war goes on and the economy tanks
Edtiorials: Benedict's mission of healing
Time Bomb
Obama pushes across Pa. | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/19/2008
Clinton works to sway black women
Obama Racks Up More Endorsements - WSJ.com
McCain Camp Planning to Widen the Battlefield - New York Times
Ex-NFL Player Tasered For Pointing At Cop
Mike Wallace Interview with Aldous Huxley - 5/18/58
Alex Jones Show/Andreas Von Bülow:Bipartisan 9/11 Cover Up
Henry Kissinger Advocates Limited War as 'a Tool of Foreign Policy' in 1958
Margaret Sanger Discusses Birth Control & Over-Population in 1957 Interview
Bush blasts Congress on trade pact
New Environics poll reveals Canadians reject SPP priorities
Decline Of The American Empire And The Rise Of The Newer World Order
‘Terrorist’ link puts Barack Obama under fire
Clinton Portrays Herself as a Pro-Gun Churchgoer
McCain Supports North American Integration, League of Democracies
McCain: 'Even more convincing argument' needed for Iran war
Obama, Clinton pledge to defend Israel against Iran
Exclusive! RON PAUL @ DC Freedom Rally / Tax Day Protest
Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel
What's in your water?
Yale Professor Explores History Of Eugenics
Plastic bottle chemical may be harmful: agency - Yahoo! News
Sky Sports executive stabbed himself to death after taking controversial stop-smoking drug | the Daily Mail
ReCreate 68 Starting to Look Like a Threat to Peaceful Activist Groups
Neo-Con Calls For Shredding Constitution, Imposing World Government
The Birds Are Not Being Wiped Out
Congressman introduces bill to decriminalize personal marijuana use
U.S. 'turned blind eye' to torture of Afghan prisoners
Experts see Depression parallels in U.S. crisis
NYT’s Lichtblau: Bush Torture Program And CIA Tape Destruction ‘Could Lead To Criminal Action’
Law enforcement agencies join together for 'anti-terrorism initiative'
My Way News - On 3rd anniversary as pope, Benedict encourages young people
Obama, Clinton crank up pace before Pennsylvania votes
My Way News - Benedict becomes first pope to visit American synagogue
wcbstv.com - Pope Benedict XVI Embraced At NYC Synagogue
Pope Makes First Visit to a U.S. Synagogue - City Room - Metro - New York Times Blog
CNN reporter faces drug charge after arrest in Central Park - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Scientists say Midwest quakes poorly understood
False abuse claim investigated in Texas polygamist raid
Sect children will stay in state custody, judge rules - CNN.com
BBC NEWS | Americas | DNA tests on Texas sect children
Top CBS brass delivers pep talk to support Couric
Authorities lose patience with collapsing dollar - Telegraph
Record $500,000 paid for 27 bottles of red wine | Reuters
Palm Beach mansion fetches $81.5 million
FT.com / In depth - McCain faces accusations of hypocrisy
Carter holds second meeting with Hamas chief
My Way News - The oldest Americans are also the happiest, research finds
Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily » Jet And Jackie Nudge Out Judd On Friday; Ben Stein Shows He’s No Michael Moore
Daily Box Office for Friday, April 18, 2008
Police: Indiana girls beat 12-year-old, posted video online
My Way News - Obama greeted by largest crowd of his campaign
Obama's secret weapon: the media - John F. Harris and Jim VandeHei - Politico.com
For Clintons, a Time to Find Truest Friends - New York Times
Reuters AlertNet - Smoke cloud engulfs Argentine capital for 5th day
Snowfall breaks record - Juneau Empire
China becomes world’s second exporter ahead of US
My Way News - CDC: Flu season worst in 3 years; vaccine didn't work well
My Way News - Oklahoma sheriff charged with using inmates as sex slaves
Frank files medicinal marijuana bills - Fall River, MA - The Herald News
Teen sues after principal sets up drug sting | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Palm Beach Post - News from The Associated Press
The oldest Americans are also the happiest, research finds - Yahoo! News
Tulsa World: Henry's veto is overthrown
Praying passenger removed from plane at NY airport - Yahoo! News
Pope urges church leaders in U.S. to support immigrants | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Bill Maher anti-pontiff rant fuels outrage
Pope at NY synagogue: 'It is with joy that I come here.' - Breaking News From New Jersey - NJ.com
FOXNews.com - Snickers the Puppy Rescued After Drifting at Sea, Scavenging on Pacific Atoll - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Hybrid cars: Great on gas, but too quiet? | Ocala.com | Star-Banner | Ocala, FL
S.F. on verge of $4-per-gallon gas
Legislator crusades to ban rude 'truck-nutz' from bumpers -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
Lauderdale owner of dog shot by FHP trooper condemns action -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
Post-Sept. 11 'comedies' coming soon - Jeffrey Ressner - Politico.com
Admitted drug smuggler pleads guilty | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Former '60s Radical Is Now Considered Mainstream in Chicago - washingtonpost.com
Obama Compares Pro-Life Republican With Domestic Terrorist -- 04/17/2008
Carter Unperturbed by Israeli Objections to His Meeting With Hamas Leader -- 04/16/2008
Carter, Set To Meet Hamas, Is Pressured - April 18, 2008 - The New York Sun
ABC News: Polygamy Trail Leads to Colorado
The Politics of Armageddon
Feds Prepare to Scour P2P Networks
Paul Joseph Watson Threatened Over AIDS Article
Global warming? Scotland sees its best snow in a decade
An Open Letter To An RCMP Terrorist Mole
Stress hooding noise nudity dogs
Child Kidnapping Services
FBI Abuse of “National Security Letters” — New Revelations
Gordon Brown’s Globalist Vision Invokes JFK
McCain, Iraq War and the Threat of ‘Al Qaeda’
Young voters shun third-party candidates
DHS transition planning goes ‘deeper than normal’
US and Britain make united stand on Iran
NATO Forces Supplied Food, Water and Arms to Taliban Forces in Southern Afghanistan
Feds Expand DNA Program
The Myth of al-Qaeda Now Recognized by Corporate Media
Talking Points on the US-Columbia FTA
Can DNA Samples Prevent Violent Crime?
Pelosi Maneuver to Stall Bush on Columbia FTA Proves Congressional Legislative Authority Still Exists
Communism Not Dead in China, Elsewhere
Today in History: Doolittle raid survivors led to safety by John Birch
JBS Action Alert: Oppose H.R. 5405 and a Social Security/National ID card