"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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21 April 2008


Internet Has 3 Years Before Facing Assimilation
Biologists Race To Create Synthetic Life
Borrowers Buried By Fees
Spy Drones To Catch Speeders
Disney To Make Eco-Propaganda Films
Gore Used CG Video To Hype Climate Crisis
MEP Assaults Activists - Media Reports Opposite
Al Gore To Make An Inconvenient Truth Sequel
Lee Iacocca Speaks Out On America
AT&T: Internet To Hit Full Capacity By 2010
Global Warming Event Shutdown By Blizzard
Earth Hum More Mysterious Than Ever
UN Chief: World Must Increase Food Production
Oil Prices Shoot To $117.60
Pentagon Chief Wants More Drones
ADB: Biofuels Make Food More Expensive
Bank Of England Facilitates Debt Swap
More Convicted Felons Joining Military
Pentagon Chief Says Air Force Could Do More
Food Crisis Makes GMO Less Taboo
Perfect Storm Food Crisis Grips Globe
U.S. Jets Drop Bombs On Sadr City
British Dealers Supply Arms To Iran
Gitmo Records Of Torture Victims Lost
Cops Disguise Cameras As Fire Hydrants
Protests Of ABC Democrat Debate
Drivers Paying Record Prices At Pump
Pope Blesses UN Flag
IMF May Have No Gold
Holographic Storage To Ship Next Month
VA Has Failed To Prevent Suicides
Feds Prepare To Scour P2P Networks
Green Funerals For Eco-Exits
Behind Military Analysts
Solar Cycle Heats Up Threatens Satellites
Oil & Rice Race To Record Levels
New Iraq Al-Qaeda Leader Calls For New Offensive
Al Sadr Threatens New Uprising In Iraq
Omar Bin Laden: Did Copy My Dad?
Top Bush Aides Pushed For Gitmo Torture
Chinese Troops Are In Zimbabwe
Reuters Article On U.S. Dollar Problems
Iran's President: Oil Prices To Low
WTO Wants Bankers To Focus In On Food Crisis
Oil Hits $117 Gas Closes In On $3.50
Al-Qaeda Warns Of Iranian Threat
Brown Calls For Global Covenant
Airport Scanner A Virtual Strip Search
Details On DNA Collection Program
U.S. Emissions To Rise Above UN Benchmark
Government Demands Universal Wiretapping
Iraqis Turning To Militias For Food
Three States Conduct Martial Law Sweeps
LAPD Anti-Terror Methods May Become Model
Did Activist Riad Hamad Kill Himself?
NATO Admits Accidently Supplying Taliban
Scientist On Trail Of Mysterious Planet X
UK Food Inflation 6 Times Official Rate
British PM Calls For Global Interdependence
Pope Backs Collective Intervention At UN
AFP Article On Indiana Jones & Crystal Skulls
Robertson & Sharpton Spread Climate Fear
Pope Warns Against Undermining UN
Experts: Depression Parallels In U.S. Crisis
202 Traffic Violations Issued In Anti-Terror Sweep
EU Anti-Terror Laws To Go After Web Sites
White House Defends NAFTA
Soros: Euro Can't Replace USD
Citigroup Hit With $5.1 Billion Loss
Senators Override Veto Of Fluoride Bill
Space Capabilities Critical For NORAD
A Global Shortage Of Rice
DHS Transition Goes Deeper Than Normal
Global Warming, the War on Terrorism, and the Extraterrestrial link to "Planet X"
Schwarzenegger: Embrace environmental revolution - NewsTimes.com
My Way News - Scientists say Midwest quakes poorly understood
State busybodies want to pry into your bedroom secrets | the Daily Mail
Just TWO speeding tickets and you could be banned from driving | the Daily Mail
Japan's hunger becomes a dire warning for other nations | theage.com.au
Army doubled felony waivers for recruits in year of Iraq surge
The next gay bomb?
Unleashing the Bugs of War
Could Soldiers Be Prosecuted for Thought Crime?
The Three Amigos In 'The Trojan Taco'
VIDEO: The World According to Monsanto
Recycle cops 'freaking out' residents
Western Oil Majors' Control Of Global Oil & Gas Has Collapsed
New anti-terrorism rules 'allow US to spy on British motorists'
Bush, Harper & Calderon Defend NAFTA
British dealers supply arms to Iran
Food Crisis Defusing Some GM Crop Resistance
Free Organ Transplants For Illegals
Monitoring System To Detect Painkiller Abuse?
Pope blesses U.N. flag, calls for “binding international rules”
Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand
“Operation Sudden Impact”
Wired Article On Shock Bracelet Device
NATO Forces Supplied Food, Water and Arms to Taliban Forces
Bank of America Net Income Falls 77% on Writedowns
On Resisting Evil by Murray N. Rothbard
Polygamy: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow? by Charles Adams
The Subprime Crisis and Government Failure by Michael S. Rozeff
Duke: Why the DNA Mattered by William L. Anderson
The Revolution: A Manifesto by Scott Horton
The Trash Man by Charley Reese
War Consumers’ Alert by Bill Huff
12 Reasons to Get Out of Iraq by Tom Engelhardt
Official secrets reveal Bond in the making | UK news | The Observer
Break out the blue suede shoes...the 1950s are back in style - Features, Fashion - The Independent
Obama: He Has What It Takes
HRC: Who Can Stand the Heat?
Watching Obama try to convince Pennsylvanians. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
Whiten Your Teeth the Natural Way
Can Barack Obama pull off a win in Pennsylvania? : April 2008 : Toby Harnden : Foreign : Telegraph Blogs
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Why Pennsylvania Matters
Bitter Patter: Comment: The New Yorker
The Media's Man - WSJ.com
Help! I'm a snob like Obama! - By Mickey Kaus - Slate Magazine
The Wealth Trajectory: Rewards for the Few
Daniel Weintraub: Democratic Party line and Pelosi are bad for free trade - sacbee.com
‘We Will Not be Blackmailed’
The Keystone Primary Stakes - WSJ.com
Obama Goes for the Kill in Pennsylvania, Negatively | The New York Observer
In Pennsylvania, white male vote is key | csmonitor.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - What's the Matter With Obama?
Obama's Touch of Class - WSJ.com
The Elephant in the Room: Why conservatives should support McCain | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/21/2008
RealClearPolitics - Articles - For McCain, This Could Be as Good As It's Going to Get
The haunting of the Democrats | Salon
Can Barack Obama survive his remarks? - Telegraph
Michael Tomasky: Obama cannot let the right cast him in that 60s show | Comment is free | The Guardian
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The -Ism Schism
Free People Are Happy People by Arthur C. Brooks, City Journal Spring 2008
Running Out of Planet to Exploit - New York Times
Jackson Diehl - Hunger Pains for Mubarak - washingtonpost.com
The End of the End of History
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Living Legacy of Maggie Thatcher: How the Politics of Conviction Saved Britain
Pennsylvania is set for high-energy primary -- themorningcall.com
Election Year Folly - washingtonpost.com
The long, hard slog to Oregon- OregonLive.com
The Associated Press: Obama says McCain would be better than Bush
Clinton takes campaign into heart of foe's strength
Clinton Needs Record Margins, Turnout to Catch
Obama: "He Has What It Takes"
Candidates + WWE = Awkward
Rendell Praised Farrakhan
Clinton: "Kitchen"
Slate Parody of Springsteen's Endorsement
Arnold Says McCain Can Win California
McCain Stops in Selma
Wrap Up of Carter's Trip
McCain on "This Week"
Clinton: "Answer," "Talk," "For People," and "Spoke Out"
DNC: "Better Off"
Obama: "Exactly"
McCain Questions Obama's Relationship with Ayers
Clinton, Obama Strategists Battle on "Meet the Press"
Obama: "Afford" and "Reason"
Obama in Philadelphia
McCain Supporters Say Obama "Twists" McCain's Words
Clinton Comments on Debate; "He Spent All Day Yesterday Complaining"
Dean Wants Superdelegates to Decide Now
Gallup Polling Updates on Obama, Taxes, and the Economy
Senators Durbin & Schumer on "Fox News Sunday"
Campagin Strategists Garin & Axelrod Face Off
Gov. Rendell & Sen. Casey on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Pope Benedict XVI at Ground Zero
McCain on "Political Capital w/Al Hunt"
Pope Benedict XVI's Address to the General Assembly
Shields & Brooks on Pa. Primary in the Homestretch
Roundtable Discusses Debate Whining
My Way News - Clinton, Obama trade negative attacks days before Pa. vote
Obama is flush with money to spend; Clinton in debt
Obama: 'I'm not predicting a win'
It's looking grim - but Clinton won't exit
Does a Little Obama 'Elitism' Go a Long Way in Politics? | WOWOWOW
Chelsea stops traffic on gay bar crawl - First Read - msnbc.com
Party Chiefs Plan Push To Avoid Long Fight - WSJ.com
MichaelMoore.com : My Vote's for Obama (if I could vote) ...by Michael Moore
My Way News - 'Vast right-wing conspiracy' leader's paper backs Clinton
Georgian leader tells Putin to halt aggression | International | Reuters
Former White House Press Secretary Tony Snow joins CNN
wltx.com | Sheriffs Back Three Jails for Illegal Immigrants
50 percent of LA workforce are immigrants - UPI.com
Surgeons give hope to blind with successful 'bionic eye' operations - Times Online
More convicted felons allowed to enlist in Army, Marines
Sending in the Marines (to Recruit Women) - New York Times
Burglaries Have Surged 21 Percent - washingtonpost.com
Stephen Hawking: Alien but primitive life likely
Pakistan is set to free top militant leader - Irna
Disney launching unit to make environmental films: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
No heaven on Earth Day
Gov. Daniels: People need to get over Reagan, already - Examiner.com
Magnitude-4.0 aftershock reported from Midwest earthquake
My Way News - DNA samples taken from polygamists' kids
Men From Polygamy Sect Speak, Early Show Co-Anchor Maggie Rodriguez Lands Exclusive Interview With 3 From Texas Compound - CBS News
Man shoots self in alleged road-rage confrontation in Ariz. - Yahoo! News
FOXNews.com - 'Idol' Singer a Ringer? David Cook's Album Already Out - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment
Police Issue Zero Tickets as 10k University Students Celebrate Pot Smoke-Out
CU’s 4/20 pot smoke-out draws crowd of 10,000 : CU News : Boulder Daily Camera
Russia looks at all options to invest its oil billions abroad - Times Online
Gore says laws must change
Gasoline, diesel prices hit new records, says EIA: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Justice Dept. to monitor Pa. primary - UPI.com
Obama adviser gets laughs from 'gay' Jesus
Jimmy Carter claims terrorist group accepts Jewish state, ready for peace
Ex-president gave legitimacy to old Hamas truce trick to annihilate Jewish state
Largest terror op in 3 years was to 'execute mass killings and abductions'
Dick Morris points out senator has offered to protect Saudis, Mideast allies with nukes
'Right-wing conspiracy' leader now pushes Clinton for prez
Report says controlled excitment building within inner circle
'We need to look towards the future rather than staying in the past'
GOP campaign trolls for dough after terrorists endorse Democrat
Network puts McCain's name in front of Hamas' support for Obama
'The goal right now is to get the economy going again'
Lesbian woman exclaims: 'I grabbed her a--!'
Major retailers limiting purchases of flour, rice, cooking oil
Documentary scores estimated $3.2 million in opening weekend
Traffic continues to climb after 11 years in business
'He will contribute a unique breadth of political and journalistic expertise'
North Carolina Democratic Party drops plans for April 27 matchup
'This isn't conjecture, it's happening now'
Security tight, crowd thrilled at Yankee Stadium mega-Mass
'It's just so much on the radar now for all of us'
Pope pleads with God to bring 'peace to our violent world'
'Use wisely the blessings of freedom, in order to build a future of hope'
Breaks rules that bar those who remarry outside Church from doing so
Use palm fronds to pummel police who tried to break up brawl
Rep. Myrick calls on Rice to clip wings over Hamas-meeting flap
'Legislation would assure taxes don't support negotiations with terrorists'
Police issue no tickets during annual marijuana celebration
Memorial for Christians scheduled in Istanbul's cathedral
Bookstore owner re-arrested after being cleared of original counts
'I got the distinct impression they wanted me to move'
'What good is the privacy law if government warehouses data?'
Navigenics investment proof it wants early stake in direct-to-consumer genetic screening
Looks to 'adequately protect the fundamental rights of the mothers and children'
'We do not teach our children to have sexual conduct before they are of age'
DNC boss wants repudiation of congressman's 'insulting remarks' about pope
In House speech suggests pontiff trying to bolster church membership
'Once again, I am challenging President Bush to do what is right'
2nd assailant believed to be on way to Mexico
'She was yelling, 'My baby. My baby.' That's why she wouldn't give up the car'
Court filing seeks elimination of penalties for Christian art
Student said she repeatedly impregnated self to induce miscarriages for 'art'
'Oil is a strategic commodity that needs to discover its real value'
'It's going to take us a long time to get off of oil as much as possible'
Experts predict more skyrocketing if crude prices don't retreat soon
'I have no plans on changing the name GOD gave me'
In wake of recent scandals over quality of exported toothpaste, pet food, fish
'We must make no mistake, the problem is big'
'It's stupid buying like that which leads to shortages'
premier military educational goup says outcome 'in doubt'
Warning of open conflict unless Iraqi, U.S. forces halt their attacks
Current rule forces eldest daughter of monarch to make way for younger brother
Protesting his treatment during complex legal fight that's delayed death sentence
Officer believed to be removing or repositioning 9 MM handgun
Mentions of 'de old plantation,' 'de banjo strumming' in black dialect
'He used his status as an officer of the law as justification for breaking the law'
'If I have to go to the bathroom, I can't go'
Doctors hope to actually insert tiny camera into eye within next 5 years
Townhall.com reveals how the left is ending your 2nd Amendment rights
Attempts to drum home healthy eating message making some acutely aware of weight
Branch running ads in magazines like Shape, Self and Fitness
Lawmakers, some soldiers question Colt's lucrative M4 contract
'I don't want to lose everything I have and go to jail over it'
19-year-old drug addict takes part in 3 armed robberies for experience
'On a day like today you don't necessarily think of global warming'
'I didn't know what to expect, some kind of moonscape perhaps, but it was incredible'
Child under water for at least 15 minutes in 42-degree water
18-year-old show winner suffering from 'acute vocal cord hemorrhage'
'White families' being 'cheated out of their right to social housing'
'Our average speed was around 40 mph'
Teens arrested for microwaving human excrement in convenience store
Identical orange orbs appear to be on fire, skeptics blame sky lanterns
Miniscule rendition of Da Vinci classic less than quarter size of postage stamp
Studio adding testosterone to its films, video games
Experts predict more skyrocketing if crude prices don't retreat soon
Cab drver: 'It's killing us. Every day you see the price go up 5, 6, 10 cents more'
'Americans perceive that the government is not facing reality'
Costs continue to soar, but consumers shift their focus to product benefits
OPEC sees no need to raise production to counter high prices
Man working to convert all that grows into fuel surprised by 'inattention'
Dissapointing Bank of America reports leaves investors seemingly cautious
'They are paddling upstream with regards to credit losses and credit quality'
Rupert: 'Is Google really going to get control of the advertising world?'
U.S. housing woes my have finally touched wealthy
'Liquidity black hole': Concern raised regulations will cause capital squeeze
Falling greenback has helped multinationals buck slowing American economy
'Market is coming to grips with the fact interest rate declines are coming to an end'
'You're going to have a fair amount of companies doing layoffs'
Rivals such as Goldman, RBS wasting no time signing up big players in mortgage markets
Investor sentiment, technical indicators, Treasury yields are best clues
'You've got to seek them out because there are thousands of high-cost funds'
Believe high probability – 88% – country will suffer recession in next 12 months
Firms doing big business overseas doing well, those dependent on U.S. consumers hurting
To include Paramount, Paramount Vantage, MGM, United Artists, Lionsgate
Chief executive pushes for industry to work closely with Hollywood stars
Craig Smith says price pullback represents 'buy-the-dip opportunity'
More than 20 million sign online petitions saying they won't buy from stores lined to France
Country's economic growth makes cars affordable to more people
Collective to privatize after its prosperity found resting on mountain of hidden debt
Exclusive: Vox Day discusses statistical inaccuracies and the limits of Chinese growth
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
Moving closer to picking supplier for next-generation battery packs
'Labor costs are increasing dramatically in China'
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith slams Fed's role in dangerous economic bailout
Families embrace generic brands, making own baby food, detergent
Some worried recession fears could take bite out of donations, ticket sales
Economists: It's de-industrializing America, leading nation toward 2nd-rate power status
Ad guru Jim Whelan on believing in yourself and taking risks
'We all get it, and none of us want to talk about it'
Government says rate is low, so why do food and energy cost so much?
'We see more and more trust from our customers'
Last original placard standing anywhere dismantled, facing uncertain fate
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
Advice on school costs, dentistry practice, emergency funds
'If retiring with some dignity is weird, then I want to be the weirdest guy around!'
'Going into debt just to get a tax deduction is a really bad idea'
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson rips 'news' monthly for tarnishing war photo, peddling climate fiction
Exclusive: Chuck Norris argues for inclusion of intelligent design in science curricula
Exclusive: Joseph Farah condemns U.S.-backed creation of independent, terrorist state
Exclusive: Michael Ackley satirizes former president's fraternization with terrorists
Exclusive: Vox Day condemns abduction of children by Texas Child Protective Services
Exclusive: Joseph Farah questions rationale behind seizure of children on phone tip
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith suggests if same-sex couples honor vows, Darwin will prevail
Servando Gonzalez: WorldNetDaily editor speaks with forked tongue
Exclusive: Doug Powers assails out-of-touch politicians, scoffs at liberal 'tolerance'
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner embraces unfair questions to prep Democrats for vicious race
Matthew Rothschild: Republicans want to spin senator into composite of Karl Marx
Holocaust was fallout of evolution theory, says production
David Berlinski: 'Origin of the Species' convinced scientists that humans were accidents
Book by metallurgists blames rivets for Titanic tragedy
Henry's veto is overthrown
Search intensifies for Houston mom's carjacking killer | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Friends honor Houston mother killed in carjacking | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World | The New York Sun
Texas educators split over teaching English basics | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
The Associated Press: Colo. lawmaker removed from podium over Mexicans remark
Middle school birth control gets only 1 taker - Kids and parenting- msnbc.com
The Associated Press: Colt's grip on military rifle market called bad deal
FOXNews.com - Pop Tarts: Exclusive: Not So Earth-Friendly? Activists Attack Al Gore - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment
Boy flees Islamic school that forces African children to beg - CNN.com
FOXNews.com - Hamas Leader Vows Not to Recognize Israel After Carter Trumpets Terror Group's Willingness to Be Good 'Neighbor' - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
McCain pressed on 'Islamic' terror label - - Breaking News, Political News & National Security News - The Washington Times
FLDS case raises questions of religious and parental rights, and child protection - Salt Lake Tribune
ACLU joins debate about FLDS kids' custody - Salt Lake Tribune
Pa.'s demographics look like Clinton, but aren't whole story
Obama is flush, Clinton in debt
Clinton on Iran Attack: 'Obliterate Them'
Obama and Clinton, Wrestling In the Raw
Candidates a little silly in smackdown
North Carolina debate is no-go
The Associated Press: North Carolina Dems abandon plans to host debate
McCain says winning over black voters will be tough
Michael Moore endorses Obama
Obama Responds to Clinton Spot with Own Ad
Barack And Me
Clinton Team Exudes Confidence About Pa. Outcome
Barack Obama's new map
Bill Clinton Defends Hillary's Campaign
Bill Clinton: Under GOP Primary System, Hillary Would Be Winning
George's Bottom Line
How Much Did You Loathe ABC's Debate Coverage?
Among upbeat Democrats, only storm cloud is heated presidential ...
Temper? What Temper?
McCain's 'straight talk' is often fiery
Obama moving on to Indiana
Democrats Abroad brings back half delegates
First thoughts: Hillary's race to lose
Poll: Clinton still leads in Pennsylvania - UPI.com
Fundraising: Better, but not stellar
Obama: Clinton using "slash-and-burn politics," "kitchen sink" of ...
Clinton, Obama Hit Each Other Hard In New PA Ads
Pennsylvania primary: Kennedy, Chelsea stump for campaigns
Obama, Clinton make last push for Pennsylvania
Undecideds flock to Clinton
Obama vows to boost Puerto Rico's economy
Final Push for Democrats in Pennsylvania
Gates Criticizes Air Force for Limited Involvement in Iraq
Pentagon chief seeks more drones in Iraq for intel
DNA samples taken from polygamists' kids
Michelle Moore Receives Maximum Sentence
Immigration Tops Agenda at North American Summit
Bush defends free-trade agreement with Mexico and Canada
DA: Bomb plot student's parents sought counseling for him
HS Senior Arrested When Parents Call Police About Explosives ...
Teen could have made bomb in minutes, police say - CNN.com
Justices reject more death row appeals
Finally, Sweet Home Alabama for McCain
Lawmaker stuns Colo. House by calling farmworkers 'illiterate ...
Colo. lawmaker removed from podium over Mexicans remark
Woman, 75, guilty of second "black widows" murder
'Black widow' guilty of murdering 2nd homeless man for money
Former Fox News host Tony Snow joins CNN team
CNN falls over Snow
Anchorage mayor to challenge Stevens
DOT board reprimands transportation chief
Vt. commission stops short of recommending gay marriage
Amber Alert issued for children of dead woman
Pullman Mayor Glenn Johnson hospitalized
Indictment: Strip club trip among bribes to sell faulty grenades
Hearing for warden's wife accused of helping inmate
Widowed Detroit cop arrested after 2nd man admits 7 killings
Cop who hired man to kill wife was having affair, police say
Guards kill 2 during inmate brawl at Colorado prison
Analysis: What does Hamas really want?
The Associated Press: Carter says Hamas willing to be Israel's neighbor
VOA News - US Sees No Change From Hamas After Carter Talks
US, Iraq seek stronger Arab backing for Baghdad
Rice Fails to Win Firm Arab Pledges on Iraq
Zimbabwe opposition turns to UN
France's Sarkozy vies to cool China anger over torch protest
UN council to discuss Georgia-Russia dispute
Shiite cleric's followers ready to fight
Paraguay: new broom Fernando Lugo faces a huge challenge
Voters end Paraguayan party's rule of 62 years
Somalia clashes 'the worst since 1991'
Somalis flee after Mogadishu battle
US seeks to block Zimbabwe-bound Chinese arms
India: concern about how Maoist gains will shape ties with Nepal
Pope's US visit ends on a positive note
Pope Benedict's Prada preferences?
Nato alert as Somali pirates seize tuna boat
NEW: Man on vessel tells Spanish radio pirates want money for ...
Ghana hosts United Nations conference
Africa: Peace is a Major Concern for UN
Pakistan talks with top militant
Pakistanis free Islamist who fought US
British Foreign Secretary Backs Pakistan's Reentry Into Commonwealth
Britain backs Pakistan's efforts for re-entry into Commonwealth
Hamas rejects Israeli recognition
Israel awaits Hamas cease-fire proposal via Egypt, as Carter wraps ...
Indonesian courts formally label group as terrorist
Terror leaders in Indonesia get prison terms
Fifteen found dead off coast of Bahamas
Continental shelf expansion excites oil and gas industry
Sri Lanka claims attacks on rebel boats