"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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06 March 2008


Dems Can't Win Without Superdelegates
Pentagon Bans Google Teams From Bases
My Way News - Obama Raises $55 Million in February
Hillary’s New Math Problem | Newsweek Voices - Jonathan Alter | Newsweek.com
Hillary: “I Have Felt the Presence of the Holy Spirit” - The Brody File: David Brody Blog - CBN News
My Way News - Homeowner Equity Is Lowest Since 1945
My Way News - Clinton Aide Compares Obama to Starr
My Way News - Dean Urges Do-Over Voting in Fla., Mich.
Transcript of Interview With Senator Clinton - New York Times
My Way News - Tons of Food Aid Rotting in Haiti Ports
Law enforcement requests for postal info granted - USATODAY.com
Dollar Slides to Record Lows Again: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
MyFox New York | Times Square Blast: Cameras, Cameras Everywhere
Breitbart.tv » New Video Shows ‘Suspicious’ Bicyclist and Explosion in Times Square
My Way News - NYC Struck Again by Mystery Bomber
Who leaked the details of a CIA-Mossad plot against Iran? - Haaretz - Israel News
Government threatens to deport nun
Dental patients urged to ask about foreign lab use -- Newsday.com
Palestinian gunman kills 8 in Jerusalem Jewish school | Reuters
amas hails 'heroic' Jerusalem attack
Gunman kills 8 in attack on school in Jerusalem - International Herald Tribune
Mercaz Harav hit by capital's worst terror attack since April '06 | Jerusalem Post
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Eight killed at Jerusalem school
Inside US poll battle as fight turns dirty for Democrats - The Scotsman
Eight killed when terrorist opens fire in library at Jerusalem yeshiva - Haaretz - Israel News
FBI pedophile symbols - Wikileaks
Clock's ticking on sex: 3 minutes
How Murdoch left his mother up tax creek - National - smh.com.au
Celebrity chef serves up fake resume - World - smh.com.au
World Tribune — Israeli military: Palestinian Authority would fall to Hamas days afer West Bank pullout
Congress holds up $150m. in aid to PA | Jerusalem Post
Bipolar medication helps addicts quit cannabis - Science - Specials - smh.com.au
Judge: Murtha can't be forced to testify in Haditha case
CFP: Talk-Show Hosts Fall Like Flies in SF, Except Dr. Michael Savage
Obama still owes answers on house deal :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mark Brown
Obama Raises $55 Million in February, Outshines Clinton - America’s Election HQ
An assault on the heart of Zionism | Jerusalem Post
7 Die in Shooting at Jerusalem Seminary
Drug Tied to China Had Contaminant, F.D.A. Says: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
PC overkill for school's internet newsletter - Telegraph
'Filthy Trick': Iran Targets 95-Year-Old Mother of Journalist - March 6, 2008 - The New York Sun
Slap terror tag on Iran bank - pols
Las Vegas clinic may have sickened thousands - Yahoo! News Photos
3 accused of plotting to bomb embassies in Manila | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Cost of keeping illegals out takes toll - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
FOXNews.com - Video Captures Woman Abusing Girl in Car Wash Using High Pressure Hose - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Michelle Obama: America is ‘Just Downright Mean’ | NewsBusters.org
VIDEO: Lou Dobbs on the Alex Jones Show
Lou Dobbs: U.S. Heading For Stagflation Crisis
Fox News Hysterically Hypes New York "Blast"
Dog Murder Double Standards
Bali Bomber Claims CIA/Mossad Involvement
Marines Want Feedback in Puppy YouTube Video
Martial Law, Inc. - KBR: Killing, Brutalizing and Raping: A Halliburton Subsidiary
March Madness: Homeland Security Issues Warning on Sports Arenas
Turkish warplanes strike 'PKK sites'
Immigration officials detaining, deporting American citizens
FBI: Farms Among Targets of Agroterrorists
War of nutrition in federal courtroom - Crime & courts- msnbc.com
Karl Rove Is Questioned About His Involvement With the 9/11 Commission by Philly 9/11 Truth
Bush: Americans ‘Ought To Say Thank You’ To Telecoms For ‘Performing A Patriotic Service’
Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication in BBC Doc
Walter Cronkite: Americans Will Have to Give Up Sovereignty for World Government
Clinton, Obama Advisers Argue About Irregularities In Texas' Caucuses
Devvy Kidd -- Change not possible with same players
Latest Clinton tactic: Fake news reports
reportonbusiness.com: U.S. dollar exodus sparks record oil run
Fed's rate cuts may do long-term dollar damage | Reuters
Crimes by Homeland Security agents stir alert - 03/05/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Monsanto Plays Bully Over Consumer Labeling
General Warns Of Al-Qaeda Threat To U.S.
Cyborg Insects That Could Spy
Records Continue To Fall In Global Economy
Colombia Pipeline Bombed By FARC
Oceans To Fall Not Rise Over Millions Of Years
NATO: Cyber Warfare Poses Great Threat
Bush: America Still Not Safe From Terrorism
Thousands Of Letters Monitored Without Warrants
War Has Begun Says Venezuela
Pentagon Bans Google Earth Teams
Teen Says TSA Screener Put His Life In Danger
California: Homeschooling Is A Criminal Act
Video: Mexican Army Crossing U.S. Border
Aussie Brewery Produces Green Beer
ECB Holds Rates & Hikes Inflation Forecasts
Blast At NYC Military Recruiting Station
Why The Dollar Is So Cheap
Iran Wants World Ban On Nukes
Dean Urges Do-Over Contests In MI and FLA
Mortgage Foreclosures Rise
National Dragnet Is A Click Away
Trial To Look At World of AIPAC
Video: American Troops Going Insane
Pat Buchanan References Moloch In Op-Ed
Second Battle Of NAFTA
Social Security Surveillance Act Enters House
Mind-Reading Scanner Sees Brain Images
Official Defends Problem Plagued Border Fence
Petraeus: Al-Qaeda Is Trying To Come Back In
DHS Radiation Detectors A Failure
Crimes By Homeland Security Stir Alert
Seed: Out of the Blue
AFP: Dollar hits new low after ECB rate call
Parents' fury after police blast schoolgirls as young as 13 with CS gas to break up school fight | the Daily Mail
FOXNews.com - Chicago Suburb Might Secede From County to Avoid High Sales Tax - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Citigroup's Job Cuts Could Total Over 30,000 - Financials * US * News * Story - CNBC.com
Anti-Terrorism Efforts Hailed - washingtonpost.com
The £5 gallon is in sight as petrol prices rise at their fastest rate since records began | the Daily Mail
Canada Rejects CIA Evidence | Newsweek Voices - Terror Watch | Newsweek.com
OPEC blames 'mismanaged' U.S. economy for soaring oil prices - International Herald Tribune
Cyber-Rebels in Cuba Defy State’s Limits - New York Times
Hillary to fulfill Lynn Forester de Rothschild's Vison For America
Small Bomb Rocks NYC Times Square in Early Morning Hours
Russian bomber again intercepted near U.S. Navy ship
China announces largest military budget ever
Russian Mafia in bed with Wall Street, CEO says
VIDEO: In Fox interview, Clinton 'thanks' Karl Rove
Bio tech promises disease vaccines via food
Genetically-Engineered Babies With HIV-Resistant Genes
Carlyle Group, JPMorgan, and IMF plot strategy to protect wealth funds
Policing the World Not the Job of Our Nation’s Military
Venezuelan Troops Amass at Colombian Border
Making Government Indoctrination Compulsory
Jewish JBS Member Knew of Communist Cruelty Firsthand
President Bush Endorses John McCain
Clinton, Obama on "American Morning"
Panel Looks at McCain's Prospects
Mary Matalin on Tuesday's Results
Democratic Party Leaders on the Race Ahead
McCain Overcomes Day of Bloopers
Clinton Ahead in Gallup Poll
Obama Foreign Policy Advisor Says Neither Dem Ready for 3 A.M. Phone Call
Looking at The Chicago Way
Dean Says Supedelegates Should Be Independent
Bush Endorses McCain
Rove Gives Clinton an Omen
Dem Group Attacks McCain
Clinton Discusses Dream Ticket
Clinton Supporters Aiming for Revotes in Florida, Michigan
They must go for Hillary Clinton | Anatole Kaletsky - Times Online
A New Hope : Rolling Stone
Karlyn Bowman - Democrats' Intraparty Gender Gap - washingtonpost.com
McCain's Ups And Downs
Alive! - WSJ.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Why She Isn't Dead
Five options for Florida and Michigan - Roger Simon - Politico.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama's Pessimistic Message
RealClearPolitics - Articles - McCain's Consistent Folly on Iraq
RealClearPolitics - Articles - William F. Buckley (1925-2008)
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Dems Can't Make Up Their Minds
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Close Down the Caucuses
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Sorry to Say, Race Is Still a Factor in Democratic Contest
The Race Goes On - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Tough Math on the Democratic Side
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Fight Makes Democrats Stronger
RealClearPolitics - Articles - In Cuba, Ignorance In Amber
Is More Debate the Answer? - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
Bill Slips to 3 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
TheHill.com - Senate floor is unlikely stop on McCain’s campaign trail
Bush and McCain Stress Their Unity, and So Do the Democrats - washingtonpost.com
Colombia Gives Free Trade A Chance
Editorials & Opinion | Next stop, Puerto Rico | Seattle Times Newspaper
John McCain rubs his hands - Telegraph
linton's red-phone resurgence - The Boston Globe
Profiles: The Other Obama: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
A Target-Rich Profile of Michelle Obama
Blood-letting could damage the Democrats
Hillary: I've felt 'presence' of Holy Spirit
Weeks added to required 'enrichment' program: 'We all need to learn and understand each other'
'Undisputed presence in Canada of known terrorists, extremists'
'We hope common sense prevails, people wait for Supreme Court'
'Breathtaking' decision on homeschooling now moving to California Supreme Court
School's online newsletter replaces heads of students to protect identities
Thousands of Palestinians dancing in street, distributing sweets
Israeli-Arab ID found at scene of deadly massacre
Sources say secret, high-level dialogue with Damascus began months ago
International community blasted Jewish state for 'aggression' against civilians
Meanwhile Prime Minister Olmert agrees to continue negotiations
Area cordoned off after explosion at military recruiting station
Did not contain any specific threats against lawmakers or targeted recruiting station
Explosion follows shortly after man carrying backpack approached recruiting office
Many victims teens, young adults, blasts target commercial district
Christian Coalition supports expanded carry provision
'In my district when you turn 18, you already have 16 years of experience with a gun'
Business council members to confront and refute critics of trilateral agenda
Defense officials in Washington say it's the 2nd incident in less than month
America 'guided by fear,' getting worse all the time,' she says in campaign speech
Presidential candidate calls for more diplomacy, less bluster
Narco-rebels say Venezuela aiding them, more help coming from Democrat president
Charges rival leveled attacks instead of addressing issues
Clinton won both contests, but elections violated party rules
'There's no doubt about that. That's plain for everybody to see'
'But of course we have to decide who is on the top'
Says Hillary must back up her experience argument with details
Partially negates impact of Hillary's primary victories
State House also would force taxpayers to fund program
Judge: Congressman won't testify about Haditha accusations
President Bush accuses Chavez of 'provocative maneuvers'
Departure 6 months earlier to create 'gap of vulnerability'
Previously deported man sentenced to 33 months in federal prison
Family advocate: 'Just when we thought indoctrination couldn't get any worse'
Studies could provide support for advocates of single-sex classrooms
Pentagon reports several 'intrusions' believed to be from army
Mirrors dozen 'hate crimes' reported in area 2 years ago
Director Mueller says bureau obtained personal data
Claims it's 'telling us what to think' on global warming, wants to sue Gore for fraud
Image hidden in album for more than century
13 women, 2 men shot while fleeing to China in desperate hunt for food
'I find it baffling, frankly, that ... anyone would think it was safe to reuse a syringe'
Worry over credit markets, more poor housing numbers
Fed: Household net worth down 3.6% in 4th quarter
Supply, Latin American border tensions pushing up price
Benedict argues reformer didn't intend to split Christianity, merely cleanse it
'This gets to the heart of what the Internet is all about and whose responsibility it is'
'Because he was going to smash my head in with a rock'
'They're here freeloading, and that's exactly the reason they should not be allowed'
Enthusiastic blurb called it: A 'startlingly tender memoir'
'He was a Muslim. He was born a Muslim. He was a Muslim for 6 years of his life'
Creatures are federally protected under Migratory Bird Treaty Act
'The history of where it came from and how it got here, we may never know'
Restricting hours in front of tube also reduces amount youngsters eat
Vice principal placed on leave after complaints to district
'I can't imagine people not thinking this is a great idea'
'Flying virtually empty planes is an obscene waste of fuel'
Used by the thousands to sell small quantities of drugs at $10 or $20
American National Socialist Workers Party takes responsibility
Daughter: 'I'm fully convinced my dad called my mom and said, 'Let's go''
Those with net worth of $1 million to $10 million reshape U.S. culture
Buffet takes lead – fortune swells to estimated $62 billion, up $10 billion from 2007
By their own bootstraps: Modern-day Horatio Algers have lived capitalist fairy tale
More owners falling behind on payments – 'Clearly it's the worst it's been'
Borrowers in 14 high-cost counties get loan guarantees up to $729,750
Oil futures push toward $106 a barrel – dollar hits record lows against euro
Pulls back after surge to over $995 an ounce in previous session – traders lock in gains
Not yet clear whether cause of 4 deaths, hundreds of reactions
Exclusive: Joel Hesch cites report claiming firms release only positive data
Perks: Sports tickets, tropical vacations, $160,000 party from brokers seeking business
U.S. aircraft maker feels misled after being passed over to build refueling tankers
CurrentTV' public offering sweet for company's high-profile founder, maybe not for investors
It's not just mortgages Americans are struggling with these days
'We are forecasting an all-time high in the number of complaints against the industry'
Dave Ramsey advises 2 women on investments, business partnership
Early testers given their first glimpse of next-generation Internet Explorer
'Nobody looking seriously at whether the claims ... about the tests are accurate'
Circuit City accepting players up to 90 days from purchase for store credit
Influx of foreigners, record snowfalls soften economic downturn
Larry Elder offers candidate's latest lines on hope, change, inspiration, guacamole
Ann Coulter advises surging Democrat: 'You've got to divorce Bill'
Ben Shapiro sees Republican gaining sympathy over 'demigod' or 'ice queen'
Exclusive: Jane Chastain skewers Hillary for sidling up to old-guard feminists
Kathy Miller notes WorldNetDaily is only outlet to report on civil fraud trial
Exclusive: Joseph Farah dissects Tony Campolo's Big Government 'utopian diatribe'
Exclusive: Ernest Istook slams reporters for treating climate-change skeptics like freaks
Exclusive: Jack Cashill laughs at media not covering 'Expelled' because it's 'biased'
Exclusive: Ellis Washington weighs state of black American under both systems
Liliana Segura asserts 'tough on crime' rhetoric prevents true reform
Zimbabwe MP David Coltart calls for electoral ouster of thug president
Exclusive: Judge Roy Moore shows how U.S. globalism is reminiscent of ancient Israel
Tony Blankley wonders if delays, excuses are part of bipartisan open-border conspiracy
ImPeden Reality by Johnny Kramer
Ron Paul as Prophet by Mark Sunwall
Cancel the Presidential Election! by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The Need for Novelty by Doug French
Court Deems Homeschooling a Criminal Offense by Steven Greenhut
Nationalism and Socialism by Faustino Ballvé
Impeachment: The Ultimate Stimulus Package by Bill Huff
The China Syndrome by Michael Klare
Medvedev, Hillary, and 'Media Bias'- by Justin Raimondo
Make the World Safe for Hope
UNC Student President Shot and Killed
UNC Student Body President Slain
Canadian Border Incident, Photos Part Of Times Square Investigation
UPDATE 8-Small explosion hits New York's Times Square
Times Square recruiters accustomed to protests, but bomb a first
The Associated Press: NYC Struck Again by Mystery Bomber
VOA News - Small Explosion Rattles New York's Times Square
Clinton May Push To Allow Florida Democrats To Vote Again
Senate Votes to Strengthen Product Safety Commission
The Associated Press: Senate OKs Tougher Overseas Toy Checks
Bush thanks WWI veteran for 'love for America'
Last Doughboy Gets Presidential 'Thank You'
California court: Home school parents must have teaching credential
Army: Psychiatrists Needed on Warfronts
Trial Begins for Ill. Fundraiser
DSCC Finance Director Testifies In Rezko Trial
Bush: America still not safe from terrorist attack
Bush: 'US Must Not Let Down Its Guard'
Rice urges Colombia and Venezuela to use diplomacy
Couple Missing on SC Resort Island
Soldier Charged With Murder, Kidnapping
Today's photo: Helen Keller sits with doll during 1888 vacation
McCain Campaigns With Crist, Takes Shot at Obama
Hans Reiser gets teary talking about his kids
San Jose man arrested in killing of 17-year-old student in ...
Water War as Civil War
Placer County GOP supports McClintock for congressional seat
Gunman Kills 8 Israeli Students at Jerusalem Seminary (Update3)
Baghdad Attacks Kill More Than 50 as US Withdraws Combat Team
Colombia: Raid in Ecuador Was Justified
Arms suspect faces charges in US
Egypt Walls Up Gaza Border
Kenya's President Urges Lawmakers to Enact Power-Sharing Deal
'NGO report fails to face reality of deteriorating Gaza situation'
Britain Set to Introduce Controversial Compulsory ID Cards
Sir James Crosby recommends no charge for identity cards
Diana Butler Refuses to Testify Again
Paul Burrell refuses to return over claims about lying to inquest
Baroness Butler-Sloss: Fayed's fortune keeping Diana conspiracy alive
Bhagwati group ceases operations
Tamil MP is killed in Sri Lanka
NATO Nations at Odds Over Steps Toward Expansion
NATO Talks Focus on Afghanistan, Alliance Expansion Plans
Obama-NAFTA leak probe expands
Bhutto's party meets to nominate next prime minister of Pakistan
Pakistan Party Discusses Prime Minister
Malaysia PM coalition may lose 2/3 majority: Anwar
Voters speak in Malaysia
WRAPUP 1-Japan sticks with Muto to head central bank -media
UN envoy in third attempt to put Burma junta on road to democracy
Sarkozy and French right set for blast from voters
UN Chief Urges Programs to Empower Women
MPs consider fallout from EU vote
Google News - Elections
McCain now has challenge of staying in public eye
Hillary questions Obama's security creds
Pennsylvania: A Should-Win For Clinton
Clinton, Obama Question Each Other's National Security Credentials
Could Clinton, Obama Become a Team?
Obama Admits Mistakes
The Clinton strategy
Texas Democrats allocate their convention delegates in two ways:
House and Senate Republicans unite behind tax plan
McCain Noncommittal on Veep Choice
Time for Debate on Health Care
NEW :Difficult to replace Hastert's clout
Clinton aiming to stay alive, analysts say
Clinton's Wins Halt Superdelegate Calls to End Race (Update2)
Ohio Superdelegates Play Hardball
Clinton, Obama court superdelegates for edge in tight race
Texas Voters Upset by Long, Confusing Caucus System
Hillary: No Do-Over in Florida