"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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01 March 2008

Saturday 1 March '08

Ron Paul - Bernanke Deliberately Destroying Dollar
Paul's Brilliant Opening Statement To Bernanke
Ron Paul Interview on FOX Business Channel 02/28/2008
Independent Polls Confirm Ron Paul Is Drubbing Peden
The U.S. Dollar Is Being Destroyed
You think you are free?
Abu Ghraib and the Lucifer Effect
Corporate Lobbyists Drive McCain’s Campaign
U.S. Sends Warships to Eastern Mediterranean
Bank Failures? No big deal, says CNN
Former SAS Ben Griffin Speaks During Antiwar Rally
Corporate Fascism’s Greatest Ally
Welcome to Prison Nation
Blame Clinton For NAFTA
Welcome to Kosovo! The World’s Newest Narco State
Lawyer plans appeal of convictions for disorderly conduct at 'gay' fest
Court: Family's religious beliefs 'no evidence' of 1st Amendment violation
Results of Gallup poll no shock to shrink who authored book on liberal madness
Knockoffs 'look terrible. It's like someone wearing a dishcloth'
'People who say bad guys will stop because of 1 more law are full of it'
Dow ends February with triple-digit loss
Florida crash also leaves 2 suffering from burns
Says evidence strong linking mercury-based preservative to illness
Critics: Ruling major concession after years of government denials
Portrays Hillary as protecting children
Network claims aide assured official that anti-NAFTA talk not serious
Texas televangelist John Hagee previously accused of intolerance
For his role in 1980s scorched-earth campaign against Kurds
Disputed election forced 300,000 from homes
Pleads guilty to 5th-degree assault
Abortion provider says 'yes' when 'donor' wants to reduce minorities
Las Vegas Now | Police Investigate Las Vegas Ricin Scare
'It wasn't something I was comfortable with'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah sees senator's 'dark soul' in his regret about helping Schiavo
Pakistan attack happens has officer killed by IED being buried
Status of peace talks threatened by violence
Warning follows rocket barrage on Ashkelon
Prince Harry's presence in Afghanistan called 'aggression against Muslims'
The ultimate gift! 'Holy ground' beautifully encased
But student says all 29 students denied statement
Accepts responsibility for guest columns in newspaper
Family calls slogan offensive, euphemism for other F-word
Judge sides with churches who oppose homosexual advocacy
'I stole this money. I'm sorry,' says note from woman
Firm worked on settlement of Enron case
'I got determination like no other person, I got these kids'
Previous accused of criminal vehicular homicide for 4 students' deaths
Collection offered for sale also features whip from 'Indiana Jones'
'It was Alice in Wonderland does The Twilight Zone,' father says
Norway likes business from army on maneuvers, but decries 'bad behavior'
'Figures reflect the full scale of the human cost of C. difficile infection'
Nepalese Electricity Authority chief: 'He should pay'
AIG, Dell underscore difficult economic situation
Dancing police plan to replace angry honks with arabesques
New statute suspends licenses of businesses that hire them
Endorses 'efforts to ensure legal protection for God's gift'
'We need better roads so we don't have to take our teeth out for car trip'
Spokesman declines to identify what rodents are for
But vows not to by 'shy' about pushing China on human rights
Organizer says fast-moving skiers would be in danger
Report says Darwin had it wrong
Black Sea yields evidence of missing German submarines
Gunmen kidnap archbishop, kill three aides
Display organizers wanted to 'oppose religious extremism'
Both fell into same pool, both helped by same rescuer
Refuse collection at standstill as all dumps declared full
'He was a physical man, that he danced, that he stamped his feet when he played'
Former Khmer Rouge chief, now a Christian, facing trial
Teacher, 27, accused of sending pornographic material to student, 15
Most comprehensive account on Internet of women predators on campus
Investigators looking into claims of torture, murder
Prosecutors now say daughter died of cocaine, not strangulation
Husband left blind, deaf by wife's 'premeditated planning of a most callous kind'
Man, two youths convicted of kicking disabled man to death
Police confirm a 12 hurt in fighting between 2 families
Fell from highest per capita income in world to destitution
'We're quoting people prices on Saturday, saying we can't guarantee same Monday'
Production suspended by utility worries, jobs put at risk
Contract for 80 valued at $40 billion
USS New York made from steel from fallen World Trade Center
'This is our doing, not some nefarious plot by foreign governments'
'We are investors and we are free to go wherever we want. If you squeeze us, we will go elsewhere'
Could overtake industry leader Toyota in 10 years
Lithium-ion technology being adapted for hybrid
Automated system's failure blamed on software related to Feb. 29 date
Plans could tear down 700 houses, school, church
To make sure people don't miss out if they're eligible to receive tax-rebate check
Camera discontinued in 2007 already
Cites First Amendment, recognizes the 'genie is out of the bottle'
Dave Ramsey responds to questions on debt, bankruptcy filing
Boom arm takes down $2 million structure's roof
Diversion could threaten livelihoods of millions
Scottish EPA invites staff to re-apply for posts, under new contracts
Lawsuit says 'motivational exercise' went too far
'I don't think people realize how difficult it is to be dead when you're not'
'We are removing conflict with Muslim faith'
Engineer working on malfunctioning switch when circuit shorted
Exclusive: Joseph Farah puts lie to notion 47 million Americans are helpless medically
Exclusive: Pat Boone overhears 3rd president explain 'separation of church and state'
Exclusive: Henry Lamb explains why Obama's swooners respond to his rhetoric
Ken Connor rips feds for 'pre-emption' that circumvents state, local control
Exclusive: Ellis Washington uses Frederick Douglass' 1852 speech to condemn abortion
Jonathan Falwell lauds Alveda King's stark words about 'holocaust' of unborn
Exclusive: Gordon Klingenschmitt cheers council that dumped 20-year-old prayer policy
Star Parker wants candidates to talk about fixing education as means to fiscal growth
Exclusive: Laurie Roth compares rise of Hitler to growth of Shariah law
Exclusive: Greg Laurie calls believers to stop making excuses for their sin
WorldNetDaily Commentary
Mark Morford: Deep in the GOP dungeons, they're planning their racist assault
Pat Buchanan wonders where America's can-do attitude is for securing border
Austin Bay flays 'political glitterati' for ignoring attempt to kill Danish cartoonist
Official Conspiracy Theory Called "dogma of political correctness"
9/11 Truth: What's Being Covered Up?
Walter Cronkite: Americans Will Have to Give Up Sovereignty for World Government
Soon U.S. Citizens Must Ask for Government Permission to Fly or Travel
Top Professor: Autonomous Killer Robots In The Field
Bill Clinton: The Decline Of An Elitist Puppet
Alleged Hijacker Booked On Post-9/11 Flights Astounding FBI documents contradict 9/11
The Raw Story | Report: 1 in every 100 Americans behind bars
Obama aide: Clinton will ‘fail' Tuesday - Mike Allen and Ben Smith - Politico.com
New Clinton Ad Prompts Reply From Obama - New York Times
My Way News - Texas Party Warns Against Legal Action
My Way News - Can Clinton Overcome Obamania?
My Way News - Mukasey Refuses Probe of Bush Aides
Media Expert Decries Campaign Coverage
Police: Man Gets Shot to Avoid Work
Fund Nominates 4 for N.Y. Times Board
White House Aide Resigns Over Plagiarism
ReviewJournal.com - News - Guns, anarchy text found in room with ricin
Marion Cotillard's 9/11 conspiracy theory - Telegraph
Air Force Buys French Tanker
wcbstv.com - Students Punished After Buying Lunch With Pennies
Obama Says Clinton Ad Plays On Fears , Obama Says Clinton Ad Scares Voters, Asks Wrong Question About National Security - CBS News
Breitbart.tv » Bill Clinton Rule in ‘04: Vote for Candidate of ‘Hope’ Not ‘Fear’
Iran Drops USD Entirely In Oil Sales
Gore: Climate Crisis Getting Short Shrift In Race
FBI Calls Infragard Story False
Japan Looks To Robot Future
Abu Ghraib Turned Soldiers Evil By Design
Gates: Turkey Violated Iraq's Sovereignty
Most Americans Using Credit To Stay Afloat
Anti-Crime Team Has Tough Reputation
Stocks Fall Sharply On Economic Worries
ATF Seizes Hundreds Of Guns From Business
Highway Tolls To Fight Global Warming
Limbaugh Urges GOP To Vote For Hillary
Vets Break Silence On War Crimes
Police Reject Candidate For Being Too Smart
Fed Announces March Auctions
Oil Hits Inflation Adjusted High
U.S. Economy: Spending Eroded By Inflation
Ron Paul On End Of USD Hegemony
More Americans Turn To Web For News
Treasury Secretary Wants To Dump Pennies
Bill's NAFTA Legacy Haunts Hillary
USDA Shuts Down Congressional Audit
Welcome To The North American Army
Soaring food prices imperil U.S. aid - Washington Post- msnbc.com
McCain at Rice says he can pull conservatives to his side | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Who'da thunk? Guns best crime deterrent after all
Democratic Fund-Raiser Pleads Poverty - February 29, 2008 - The New York Sun
CTV.ca | Obama campaign mum on NAFTA contact with Canada
Facing Default, Some Walk Out on New Homes - New York Times
Bush May Take Foreign Money for Presidential Library - New York Times
Museum exhibit in Brooklyn on police shootings draws fire from police union
Egyptian al Qaeda leader reported killed in South Waziristan airstrike - The Long War Journal
Obama Spends Heavily to Seek Knockout Blow - New York Times
Will: McCain and the Oath | Newsweek Voices - George F. Will | Newsweek.com
The Emerging Minority
William F. Buckley Jr.,1925-2008
He Knew He Was Right | Newsweek Politics | Newsweek.com
Tough Call
What Obama owes to Reagan
Day of Reckoning for Clinton | Newsweek Voices - Eleanor Clift | Newsweek.com
Fair Weather Free Trader
After the tears and the triumphs, Hillary's last stand | World news | The Guardian
A Nominee? Or a Debacle? - New York Times
The '60s Fetish
I failed. But Obama can do it | Ron Kirk - Times Online
Opinions: 'Healing postponed' by Trevor Phillips | Prospect Magazine March 2008 issue 144
John McLaughlin - McLaughlin Group - Television - Politics - Esquire
Cuba's Generation Gap - WSJ.com
Prince Harry fought for us all - even Jon Snow - Telegraph
A trip to Baghdad
At Best, a Pander - washingtonpost.com
The Fed tightrope
God's Country - WSJ.com
Obama Campaign Enlists Lobbyists - WSJ.com
Release of Democratic caucus results is at issue | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Texas Politics | The Dallas Morning News
Clinton needs to win Ohio, and big
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The End of Republican 'Fusionism'?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Buckley's Life: A Success
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Bailing Out Barack
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Throw Out the Maps in 2008
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama: A Thin Record For a Bridge Builder
Shields and Brooks Look to Ohio & Texas
Huckabee on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel on Clinton/Obama Security Ads
Obama Releases Four Texas Ads
Dueling Celebrities
In Ads, and Events, Clinton & Obama Battle on Security
Obama: "Ringing"
Obama: "Gulf"
Clinton: "Children"
Canadian TV Follows Up on Obama Story
Obama on "Ellen", Clinton on "Late Show"
McCain's Ohio Robocalls
Economics Editor Looks at Obama's Policy Proposal
Inside Obama HQ
Clinton on "Mad Money"
Shrum Piles on Penn Criticism
McCain's "Dispirited" and "Liberal" Comments
Who Is Frank Chodorov? by Murray N. Rothbard
Who Is John T. Flynn? by Justin Raimondo
War at Any Cost? by Ron Paul
Prepare Thyself by William Buppert
The Lies of the Drug War by Paul Armentano
The three trillion dollar war | Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes - Times Online
The First Ache
The Nukes of October: Richard Nixon's Secret Plan to Bring Peace to Vietnam
Pullman porters tell tales of a train ride through history | csmonitor.com
St David's Day: Top 10 Welsh links - Telegraph
Down with the Newseum and its 6,214 journalism artifacts! - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
Scott Horton Interviews Lew Rockwell
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 1
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 2
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 3
Zionist Israelis Butcher Scores Of Palestinians
CBS Reporter 'Zapped' By Pentagon Ray Gun
ABC News Reports On Wheat Shortage
Interview Proves Bush Planned Iraq War Before 911
Thought Crime Commission In Obama's Hands
Barack Obama CFR Info
Barak & Michelle Obama - Dirty Deeds Aplenty
FOXNews.com - Navy Ship With Steel From World Trade Center Ruins Christened USS New York - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Ralph Nader loves John McCain
Obama has small lead in Texas, close in Ohio | Reuters
Follow-Up - Ron Paul DC Freedom March Vs The GOP Convention
U.S. banking sector headed for meltdown, official says
Israelis Promise Second 'Holocaust' To Palestinians
The Raw Story | Mukasey refuses probe of Bush aides
DailyTech - Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling
Chemo A FRAUD - More Evidence It's WORTHLESS
Will Texas be Hillary Clinton's last stand? | Politics | Reuters
RIA Novosti - Russia - Russia heads UN Security Council
Al Jazeera English - News - China 'To Open Records' On Us Pows
Bernanke predicts bank failures
The Myths Of Christian Fundamentalism
Are Your Savings and Investments Safe From Bank Failures? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Forecasting & Analysis Free Website
Bamboozling the American electorate again
The Blotter: ACLU: 900,000 Names on U.S. Terror Watch Lists
The Cult Of The Obamagogue
Billions of dollars of sales slam muni bonds | Reuters
SPACE.com -- NASA Baffled by Unexplained Force Acting on Space Probes
Iraq war 'caused slowdown in the US' | The Australian
Big Brother Psychosis Runs Rampant
Entering The Mysterious Dimensions Of Shadow World
The September 11th Sourcebooks
The Question of Forbidden Questions
The Shriners Summary - Two Years On
The Silent Coup - How a nation ruled by law, becomes a nation ruled by men
Gas Rish Qatar Buses, Taxis Going Electric
Wages. Remember them? « World Business Academy Blog
Seize the day: The magic and mystery of leap years - This Britain, UK - Independent.co.uk
2051 - A Comprehensive History Of 911
Jesus Christ, Slave Of Allah?
Vegan Organic Network - How to grow fantastic vegan food indoors
toledoblade.com -- Obama blasts McCain at OSU rally
Greg Evensen -- An SOS to America, Get to a Lifeboat
Barack Obama - The Devil's Spawn
Clinton attacks Obama's national security record
Texas-Sized Showdown for Clinton, Obama
Navy Christens Ship With Ground Zero Steel
US christens '9/11 steel' warship
Anarchist manual, firearms found in motel room with ricin
Bush Urges Iraqi Leaders to Give Ahmadinejad Clear Message
Bush pushes for more NATO troops in Afghanistan
Cabdriver says infant's father was sad, nervous
Navy Sonar Ban in Southern Calif. Upheld
Feds Say Water Negotiations Have Failed
Gonzalez on Nader campaign: 'Get beyond 2000'
Nader announces Matt Gonzalez as his running mate
Bush Plans Further Reduction in Forces
King Calls for US Help in Middle East
Jordan King urges more US focus on Mideast peace
Bush urges Congress to OK spying law
Presidential Run Done, Kucinich Is Fighting to Keep Seat in House
'Dump Dennis?'
Complaint: Anger Class Student Hit Woman
Local schools toss out beef amid recall
Questions to Ask Before Taking a Reverse Mortgage
Obama Makes Only Stop in RI, Slams Rival
Obama: A Thin Record For a Bridge Builder
Campaign Notebook: Obama, Clinton Vie for Working Class Votes
Wolfson Schools the Press Corps
Live from New York, it's Hillary Clinton?
Last tango in Texas for Hispanic vote
Obama, Clinton wooing Hispanic voters with Spanish ads
Obama picks up one more Ala. delegate
Obama gains support among white men
Clinton snipes at Obama on national security
Will conservatives back McCain?
Huckabee’s Alamo? GOP Candidate Sends Mixed Signals About Post ...
Christian Right not yielding Texas to McCain
Obama Backs Law That Aids McCain
McCain's citizenship called into question
Obama on religion; stops at Mexico border
Obama's Visit to the Border
In Tuesday's Contests, A Party Divided
Clinton, Obama trade jabs over national security
Skirmishes between McCain, Democrats heat up
Clinton keeps swinging
Bush Assails Democratic Candidates' Foreign Policy Views
FACTBOX-Texas and its presidential primary
Clinton's California ace takes fight to Texas
Henican: New Yorkers blanked in presidential race
Obama Walks a Difficult Path as He Courts Jewish Voters
Obama power broker new face of black politics
Despite Obama's native-son aura, area's Africans split
Gazans cower under fire, anger at Israel mounts
Israeli strikes kill 54 in Gaza as militants send off barrage of ...
Death in Jungle Firefight Called Major Setback for FARC Guerrillas
Senior Colombian Rebel Commander Killed
Presidential election under way in Russia's Far East
Russia Votes for Putin's Successor
Despite Spotlight, Putin's Heir Still Shadowy
Prince Harry pays tribute to injured UK soldiers
Prince Harry rejects 'hero' label
Protesters and Police Clash as Armenia Unrest Grows
Armenian police clear protesters
Turkish Military Denies US Pressure on Iraq Withdrawal
Kenya: Historic Deal Brings Them Together Again
Addressing Constitutional Reform Critical Says Kenyan Lawyer
Kenya's new PM vows to rebuild the country
Four 'torture chambers' unearthed in Jersey
New abuse claims at Jersey home
Iran's Ahmadinejad to make landmark trip to Iraq
Ahmadinejad in historic Iraq visit
Bush warns ahead of historic visit by Iran's leader to Iraq
Iran Slams UN Sanctions Meeting
Barack Obama vs Hillary Clinton on policy
NAFTA Seen Differently in Ohio, Texas
Interpol alert on escaped suspect
Security Forces Comb Forests, Seas for Singapore's Escaped Terror ...
More students say sorry for demeaning video
Race row students are unrepentant
Pakistani Winning Party Meets with Islamists to Build Anti ...
Xue could be deported to NZ within a week: police
Iraqis react to 'Chemical Ali' decision
Zimbabwe's Makoni launches election campaign challenge to Mugabe
Raul Takes Small Steps on Human Rights
Hezbollah Scolds US for Sending Ships Toward Lebanon
Hezbollah denounces deployment of US warships