"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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05 March 2008

5 March -

wcbstv.com - Senator Hillary Clinton Hints At Sharing Presidential Ticket With Senator Barack Obama
Clinton sees ticket with Obama - Mike Allen - Politico.com
ON DEADLINE: Democrats Fret Long Battle - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Clinton Wins. Now What?
Tempers Flare as Contests Heat Up
Political Radar: Clinton Wins, Obama's Still Ahead; What's Next?
y Way News - Bush to Endorse John McCain
Gulf investors may not save Citigroup, Dubai executive says - MarketWatch
Citi Falls on Worries About Cash Levels: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
California cows start passing gas to the grid | Environment | Reuters
Toyota considers entering aircraft industry: official
Las Vegas Now | Sixth Medical Center Closed, DA Looks At Criminal Charges
8 More Test Positive For Hepatitis - Local News Story - KVVU Las Vegas
Clinton hints at shared ticket - Yahoo! News
o Production Boost From OPEC: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Introducing the world's smallest gun that fires deadly 300mph bullets - but is just TWO inches long | the Daily Mail
My Way News - Appeals Court Weighs Teen's Web Speech
Vultures Ripping Apart Roofs, Chewing Cars - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Obama says it is 'premature to talk about a joint ticket' - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
MyFox Houston | Obama's Grandmother Decries Tricks
Plane flies five passengers from US to London - Telegraph
City may ban little baggies :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State
Chavez sends 10 battalions to Colombian border after killing of Farc commander | World news | The Guardian
Seized laptop shows Chavez-rebel ties - Yahoo! News
Hollywood braces for threat of actors strike | Entertainment | Reuters
LINTON: Energizing Victories, But Difficult Delegate Math - washingtonpost.com
Clueless in Obama Nation -- 03/04/2008
Barack Obama's credibility called into question - Telegraph
Colombia Is Flashpoint in Chávez’s Feud With U.S. - New York Times
CFP: Hugo Chavez Bagman for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
Pelosi's Bill Could Benefit Husband's Stock Holding -- 03/05/2008
Clinton takes Ohio, Texas primaries; Obama cites delegates - CNN.com
My Way News - McCain Clinches GOP Nomination
Agent says he killed in self-defense | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Agents fight flow of U.S. arms to Mexico - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Terror trial begins in Ohio - Yahoo! News
FOXNews.com - Study: Eating Broccoli Could Prevent Bladder Cancer - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News
Cotillard's 9/11 Comments Echo Widely-Respected Experts, Public Opinion
Rove: Iraq Redeployment Would Cause Oil Prices To Skyrocket To $200 A Barrel
FBI: Farms Among Targets of Agroterrorists
A Darwin's Look into The Next Million Years
9/11 Truth: What's Being Covered Up?
Official Conspiracy Theory Called "dogma of political correctness"
EU looks to limit use of radio ID tags - International Herald Tribune
Walter Cronkite: Americans Will Have to Give Up Sovereignty for World Government
The Fed Releases Crisis Peparedness Video
The Death of Vince Foster: What Really Happened?
Doctors Encourage Children to Inform on Parents
In 2 Battlegrounds, Voters Say, Not Yet - New York Times
Going negative proved positive in Clinton's comeback - Los Angeles Times
Kitchen Sinked
She Lives!
Another Media Delusion Punctured
McCain comes back to seize GOP nomination - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
Campaign 2008: A Game of Survivor | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Duel of Historical Guilts - New York Times
Memo to Medvedev: democracy counts | Mikhail Gorbachev - Times Online
The Gaza Bombshell: Politics & Power: vanityfair.com
John McCain's Victory Speech
Hillary Clinton's Ohio Primary Victory Speech
Mike Huckabee's Concession Speech
Barack Obama's March 4 Speech
Panel Previews the Night's Results
March 4 White House Press Briefing
Rove, Luntz & Morris on "Hannity & Colmes"
Roundtable Reviews Obama/Canada Flap
Huckabee Talks to Lou Dobbs
Secretary Paulson on Bloomberg TV
Durbin, Feinstein, Rove & The Roundtable on "FNS"
Kerry, Dean on "Late Edition"
Strategist Roundtable on "Meet the Press"
Big caucus turnouts jam Dallas-area polling places | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Politics: Top Stories
Clarity and chaos
Democratic Draw - WSJ.com
Allies of Terrorism - washingtonpost.com
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Comment - Al-Qaeda is losing the war of minds
Texas win gives Clinton three out of four - Bill Nichols - Politico.com
How Clinton Won TX and OH
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama's First 100 Days
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Gloria Steinem's Last Stand
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Border Insecurity
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Housing Fix
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Resurrect King Dollar
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
Ding Dong
Dem 527 Attacks McCain
Clinton Discusses Dream Ticket
Clinton Supporters Aiming for Revotes in Florida, Michigan
Clinton's Ohio & Texas Victory Speech
Obama's Texas Speech
McCain's Victory Speech
Huckabee Concedes the GOP Nomination
Howard Dean Discusses the Future of the Race
The Latest from the Trail
A Darkened Obama Image?
Battling for Illinois' 14th District
Clinton on "The Daily Show"
Talking to Ohio Voters
Clearing Up Obama's Canadian Problem
Obama's Connections to Rezko
ALP: "Count On"
Hill Analysts Discuss Media
Clinton Attacks Obama on NAFTA
Obama in San Antonio
Canadian Parliament Discusses Democratic Primary
Troops Very Interested in Campaign Back Home
Clinton Says She Doesn't Believe Obama "Muslim" Rumors
Obama: "Leader"
Clinton: "True" and "Partner"
Satire: Mocking Those Who Want to Scare Us
Richardson on "D-Day" for Democrats
Campaign Managers Square Off on "This Week"
Limbaugh Encourages Republicans to Vote for Clinton
Jewish JBS Member Knew of Communist Cruelty Firsthand
A Penny for Your Thoughts? How About 200?
The Beginning of the End for the Space Shuttle
It’s Time for Congress to Take Another Look at the POW/MIA Issue!
John McCain on the Economy
Red Sox Scout Accused Of Lewd Behavior
Free Speech Rights An Issue After Blog Post
Crimes By Homeland Security Stir Alert
New FBI Privacy Violations Confirmed
Puppy Tossing Incident Continues To Enrage
Paul & Kucinich Win Primary Races
City May Ban Little Plastic Baggies
Puppy Toss Video Makes Marine Target Of Hate
Iran Calls For UN Sanctions Against U.S.
Report On Vote Stealing In Texas
Huckabee Drops Out Of Race
Neo-Con Terrorists Spin Puppy Killer Video
CNN: A New Depression Might Be Coming
Wiretap Compromise In Works
Terror Warning Issued On Sports Arenas
Reports Of Voting Irregularities In Ohio
Raped And Silenced In The Barracks
Housing in 'deepest, most rapid' decline since Great Depression
Greenspan: Medicare Big Economic Threat
Strategy To Protect Wealth Funds
Fed Chief: Mortage Crisis To Continue
Feds Warn States Of Real ID Deadline
New Secure Social Security Cards Proposed
Bio tech promises disease vaccines via food
Genetically-Engineered Babies With HIV-Resistant Genes
Fascist Morning Joe: Tase, Take 9/11 Truthers to Concentration Camps
Carlyle Group, JPMorgan, and IMF plot strategy to protect wealth funds
Large Number of Beijing Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested Before Olympics
Weather Channel founder: Sue Al Gore!
China Speeds Pace Of Military Buildup
Russia cuts Ukraine gas supplies
Brain Computer Interface for $300?
Report: Chinese will cheat at Olympics
Family advocate: 'Just when we thought indoctrination couldn't get any worse'
Ruling, if unchanged, could be used against tens of thousands
Presidential candidate calls for more diplomacy, less bluster
America 'guided by fear,' getting worse all the time,' she says in campaign speech
Narco-rebels say Venezuela aiding them, more help coming from Democrat president
Arizona senator wins nomination, Huckabee bows out of contention
'But of course we have to decide who is on the top'
Partially negates impact of Hillary's primary victories
Clinton refuses to die in hunt for Democratic nomination
Click for latest tally as battle continues toward convention
'C'mon, guys, I just answered, like, eight questions'
Democrat maintains famous speech by Christ 'more central than obscure passage in Romans'
'As part of a saturation-desaturation process typical in commercial production'
Seek to have police arrest president, Cheney if they visit Brattleboro or Marlboro
California Supremes hear arguments over stunt by San Francisco mayor
Air, land, sea forces deployed in dispute with Colombia
Hundreds of experts assert 'alarmists' in climate debate 'have had their say'
'President has long said human beings are contributing to climate change'
Claims it's 'telling us what to think' on global warming, wants to sue Gore for fraud
Initiative would declare life begins at conception, threaten Roe v. Wade
Move America Forward founder connected to talk radio audience for 14 years
Claimed she was foster child among gang-bangers, ran drugs for Bloods
'The Bible says people see sounds, and that is a classic phenomenon'
Blogs buzz about disturbing images, some question if it's real
Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, S. Carolina cite cost, invasion of privacy
Doctors, lawmakers argue over what to do about MRSA
'Being admitted ... is more dangerous than working in most dangerous occupations'
'This is a major conduit for getting cheap imported goods into the heartland'
More employees switch gigs every few years, a trend some call detrimental
Justices could consider broadcast-decency rules
CBS affiliate in Alabama did not air civil rights footage from 1960s
Restricting hours in front of tube also reduces amount youngsters eat
Britain's MI5 believed Fuhrer's intuitive decisions influenced by his horoscope
Buddhist clerics use social networking sites to woo women
'I really think motherhood does something to your brain'
'Mother suddenly stated she forgot and left the 2 youngest children in the tub'
Police now probe bone fragments, which could be human remains
'The shoe usually floats soles up, so that might prevent seabirds from pecking at it'
Gave 5 women overdoses of insulin as they recovered from hip surgery
'I got pulled over for not having a lightbulb over my back license plate'
60% of Americans say religion very important
Reportedly comes close to sensitivity of human hand
This 1 nutrient is up to 82% effective as softener
Pulls drowning boy from water, 2 decades after rescuing dad
But no one in ladies' room at time blaze broke out
'Burly Queenslander put on a hit that left the intruder airborne and the crowd gasping'
'It is a significant move. This could be the start of others leaving'
'This situation calls for a vigorous response'
Canopy line will include bedding, furniture, bath accessories, dinnerware
World's No. 1 retailer stocks falafel, olives, Islamic greeting cards for ethnic shoppers
Demand tends to decrease in 2nd quarter
Possible within 6 months due to dollar weakness, global political tensions
Says it's 'mistake to have your biggest customers' economies slowing down'
Economic uncertainty forces many to consider bargains above all else
Unless more cash pumped into lender, says Dubai executive
Dave Ramsey advises 2 women on investments, business partnership
Says it's top priority to return Swedish brand 'to sustainable profitability'
In bid to appeal to environmentally aware urban customers
Australian firm invents new kind of bike it says rides like surfboard
Emergency rate cuts in January have not halted downward spiral
Nearly 1/3 of commercial flights in U.S. arrived late or were canceled
Users can plug Nano into cardio equipment to track workouts, set goals
Digital Chocolate put its hit Tower Bloxx on several websites
Kraft hikes amounts on well-known coffees including Yuban
'Men are also becoming powerful consumers in the cosmetics market'
'We don't want to bombard our guests when they’re out enjoying their dinners'
Nat Hentoff drubs president for plans to honor Beijing by attending games
Exclusive: Judge Roy Moore shows how U.S. globalism is reminiscent of ancient Israel
Exclusive: Joseph Farah challenges Obama over remark about 'rounding up' families
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak asserts Barack more supportive of critters than blacks
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky smacks conservatives who refuse to support party's nominee
Exclusive: Jill Stanek 'honors' practitioner with rap sheet as long as a butcher's knife
Walter E. Williams asks, how much control of life are you willing to give government?
Exclusive: Gerard Valentino urges law-abiding citizens to put fear into career criminals
Exclusive: Joel Hesch cites report claiming firms release only positive data
William D. Hartung does math on price of Iraq war to U.S. taxpayers
Pat Buchanan rips GOP candidate, points to record of Republican protectionism
Selwyn Duke: We're all better off if the uninformed just stay home
Ron Paul as Prophet by Mark Sunwall
Civilized China vs. Barbaric America by Doug French
The War Prayer by Mark Twain
Waterboarders for God
The vacuum repair guy: an endangered species | csmonitor.com
Flying Off the Shelves - Books - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
Short people could live longer - Telegraph
Hillary Should Have Apologized for Waco in Waco
Going to Jail for Being a Democrat: How Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman Got Roved
Lebanon: The Unknown Crisis- by Justin Raimondo
The Crisis Point of the Inflationary Boom - Sean Corrigan - Mises Institute
InsideCatholic.com - Politicians Promise; Enterprise Delivers
Michael Meacher: This war on terrorism is bogus | Politics | The Guardian
Did Bill Clinton’s Call-to-Arms Rally Supporters?
Clinton, Obama try to frame the race ahead
The search is on for three missing children
State Supreme Court grills lawyers in same-sex marriage case
Disney Adjusting Animal Kingdom Ride
Plane makes emergency landing in Florida
Despite building collapse, Metro-North commute OK
Building collapse in East Harlem stirs havoc on Metro-North
2 arrested in LA freeway shooting that wounded 6-year-old
Manmade Coming Today in Grand Canyon
Manmade flood to be unleashed in Grand Canyon
New York City eyes deeper budget cuts in shortfall
Former Beauty Queen Accused of Torturing Boyfriend Can Move Out of ...
San Jose rescinds controversial name
Ron Paul lives! So does Elizabeth Kucinich's husband!
Revolution Revived! Ron Paul Survives Challenge
Feds: No Clear Leads on Wash. Home Fires
Vermont Towns Vote to Indict Bush and Cheney
Vt. Towns Approve Bush 'Indictment'
Questar unit faces lawsuit alleging violations of Clean Air Act
Government Starts Cutting Sentences Of Crack Inmates
Drug Sentencing Guidelines Take Effect
Reason for Wendy's shooting no closer
Wife of Wendy's shooting victim to speak publicly about the tragedy
The Associated Press: Train Derails in Calif.; Homes Evacuated
FOXNews.com - Crews Clean Up After Calif. Derailment - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
tudy recommends against creating national firearms database
Ex-Inmate Claims Guards Raped, Impregnated Her at Illinois Prison
Forget Annapolis: Nine Steps to Peace
Abbas calls for calm before talks
Israel and the Palestinians 'agree to restart talks'
Ecuador leader demands regional support over Colombia raid
Press sceptical on Iran sanctions
Nuke talks only with IAEA, Iran says
Chinese Hijacker Shot and Killed After Taking Australians Hostage
China hijacker takes Australians hostage
N. Ireland's Paisley to Relinquish Leadership Roles
Pakistani Court Dismisses Zardari Graft Cases
Pakistani police interrogate six over Lahore blast
EU calls on Serbia to commit to Europe
Serbia coalition split threatening new showdown, analysts say
George Bush's gift to Ahmadinejad
Poster ban to change campaigning in Iran vote
Iraqi Officials: Turkey Drops Bombs on Northern Iraq
Turk planes strike N.Iraq, no casualties reported
Germany strike hits scores of flights
Three Lib Dem MPs ready to quit over treaty
Chinese military spending rises sharply
Pakistan's winning parties ponder confidence vote for Musharraf
Later pub hours fail to alleviate Britain's drinking problem
Australia Cancels Kaman Helicopter Order
Sudan Finds Body Believed to Be of Missing French Soldier
Deal in Kenya to be implemented
Afghan foreign minister: Danish cartoon of prophet "intolerable"
McCain clinches GOP nod
What will Bush endorsement do for McCain?
Unsettled Democratic Race Leaves McCain Free to Campaign Unchallenged
INSTANT VIEW: McCain wins nomination as Clinton revives campaign | Reuters
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama take their campaign attacks to the airwaves in morning-after television chat shows | World news | guardian.co.uk
Bush, McCain Ride Roller Coaster to Rose Garden
John McCain: the ultimate survivor
In quotes: US primaries
Economy is driving issue for Democrats, polls show
Clinton's Obama digs don't deliver big margins
Clinton, Obama Wrangle for Super Delegate Support
Op-Ed Columnist Duel of Historical Guilts
Clinton feminists frustrated at shift toward Obama | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Ohio's Kucinich wins tough re-election bid
Texas chaos, err, caucus wasn't pretty
How Winning A Coin Toss Made Me An Obama Delegate
Clinton stays alive as McCain seals the deal
Ohio, Texas to Clinton, McCain Sweeps - Council on Foreign Relations
Obama-Clinton race prompts record primary turnout
GE Tries To Bring Hillary Back To Life
Obama's First 100 Days
Clinton: Ticket With Obama May Be "Where This Is Headed"
Optical scan voting works in Ohio
Ballot shortages plague Ohio primary amid unusually heavy voter ...
Analysis: GOP focuses on November, Dems on each other
Obama poised to forge new coalition of Blacks and Hispanics
Hispanics Keep Clinton Alive in Texas
'Individual mandate' in health-care proposals might as well be ...
Chelsea Clinton campaigns in Phila. today