"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

04 March 2008

4 March (Click here:)

Analysis: Decisive Moment for Democrats?
Political Radar: Clinton: I Have Earned Every Wrinkle
Angry Barack Obama bombarded by media
Ask Tough Questions? Yes, They Can!
ABC News: Clinton Seeks Survival on Crucial Day
Ohio, Texas could decide Democratic race - Yahoo! News
Gulf investors may not save Citigroup, Dubai executive says - MarketWatch
Citi Falls on Worries About Cash Levels: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Obama almost as big with GOP as McCain - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Toyota unveils ultra-compact city car
Vt. Town Votes on Bush 'Indictment'
Source: 'Idol' stripper to stay - Yahoo! News
Israel says Hezbollah has 30,000 rockets - Yahoo! News
'We'll reoccupy Gaza if necessary' | Jerusalem Post
'Evil' nurse jailed for life for killing patients
In an Answerless Canadian Inquiry, 3 Bodyless Feet - New York Times
OPEC president says he favours cutting oil output - Yahoo! News
China to Increase Military Spending
ABC's Chris Cuomo: Prince Harry 'Expendable' | NewsBusters.org
California's top court must rule on gay marriage - Yahoo! News
Moses was high on drugs: Israeli researcher
Author admits acclaimed memoir is fantasy - International Herald Tribune
Italian man jailed for emailing nude photos of ex-lover | Technology | Internet | Reuters
Venezuela Troops Head to Colombia Border
Bush Backs Colombian President
Bernanke Calls for More Mortgage Relief: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Weather Channel Founder Blasts Network; Claims It Is 'Telling Us What to Think'
Hollywood braces for threat of actors strike | Entertainment | Reuters
Hollywood's `Dark Underbelly' May Be Exposed in Pellicano Trial
Sent home in shame, the British commandos who stripped naked for crass stunt in a foreign bar | the Daily Mail
Parliamentary commissioner: German soldiers too fat, smoke too much : Europe World
Transcript of Obama Press Availability on Plane
Casting Their Votes
Cindy McCain brings up "3 in the morning" call - Jonathan Martin's Blog - Politico.com
HALPERIN’S TAKE: The 10 People Hillary Clinton Will Listen To To Make Her Decision
HALPERIN’S TAKE: The 13 People Whose Potential Public Calls for Hillary Clinton to Get Out of the Race Would Have an Impact on the Media and Other Democrats
Ohio official rejects Obama poll-watcher letter - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
National Delegate Count Tally - America’s Election HQ
Estimated Democratic Delegate Scorecard
The Swamp: Obama says he will campaign 'as long as it takes'
Clinton Speaks to NBC’s Andrea Mitchell
Hillary: Bill Didn't Get Nomination...
Political Radar: Clinton: "Never Underestimate The Intelligence Of A Voter"
Tom Brokaw Says Obama Has 50 More Superdelegates in His Back Pocket
Elephant on Donkey Action
Jury selection begins in Rezko corruption case -- chicagotribune.com
Rezko case closer to having jury :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Tony Rezko
Rezko Gavel-to-gavel: Juror can't stay away from news -- chicagotribune.com
Profiles: The Other Obama: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Michelle Malkin Denies Soldier's Psychopathic Abuse of Puppy
Psychopathic Soldier Throws Puppy Off Cliff
Cotillard's 9/11 Comments Echo Widely-Respected Experts, Public Opinion
Rove: Iraq Redeployment Would Cause Oil Prices To Skyrocket To $200 A Barrel
FBI: Farms Among Targets of Agroterrorists
Ron Paul Educates Ben Bernanke
O’Reilly Calls Arianna Huffington a Nazi
A Darwin's Look into The Next Million Years
San Jose Police To Use Crowd Control Sound Wave Weapons
Walter Cronkite: Americans Will Have to Give Up Sovereignty for World Government
9/11 Truth: What's Being Covered Up?
Decorate Your House to Support Ron Paul, Get Foreclosed On!
Who will be the next President Clinton?
CNN to host Nader, Paul, McCain, Obama forum?
The New World Order Always Knew We Would Resist
Sarkozy and Mandelson 'strike a deal to get top EU job for Blair' | the Daily Mail
Ralph Nader, John McCain | Salon
BBC NEWS | World | Africa | US bombs Islamist town in Somalia
Israel warns of full-scale invasion as it quits Gaza leaving 114 dead | the Daily Mail
Al Jazeera English - News - Afghan Opium Growth 'Hits New High'
U.S. Plan Widens Role in Training Pakistani Forces in Qaeda Battle - New York Times
Official Conspiracy Theory Called "dogma of political correctness"
The Clinton Body-Count
MSNBC: Take 9/11 Truthers To Secret Prisons
Fed Chief: Mortage Crisis To Continue
Feds Warn States Of Real ID Deadline
Doctors Encourage Children To Inform On Parents
New Secure Social Security Cards Proposed
Crude May Rise To $120 In Six Months
David Motari Alleged Puppy Killer Tracked Down
TTC To Get 11,000 Cameras
Video Of Marine Throwing Puppy Causes Outrage
IMF Chief Says Euro Is Overvalued
Fur Flies Over Plan To Allow Guns In Parks
Cotillard Called A Bitch For 9/11 Comments
Joint Statement By Ministers Of SPP
Wheat 80% Higher Than A Year Ago
The Fed Releases Crisis Preparedness Video
Eco-Terror Suspected As Luxury Homes Burn
Diebold Rejects Buyout Offer
Old & Sick Will Be Allowed To Die In Disaster
9/11 Protester Arrested At Clinton Rally
Use Of RFID Tags Faces Limits
Raul Reyes Death: Border War Or Wall Street Hit?
RPR: Let's Finish What We Started
Court May Consider Broadcast Decency Rules
Buffett: U.S. Essentially In Recession
Despite Fences Immigrants Still Broach Border
Life Form To Turn CO2 Into Fuel
Ron Paul Would Uphold The Constitution
Feds say water negotiations have failed - USATODAY.com
OPEC expected to maintain current output despite $100 a barrel prices - International Herald Tribune
UN votes to add sanctions against Iran - International Herald Tribune
BBC NEWS | Technology | US seeks terrorists in web worlds
Newsmax.com - Limbaugh Makes Last-Minute Push for Hillary
Fascist Morning Joe: Tase, Take 9/11 Truthers to Concentration Camps
Anti-Teen Weapon Comes to New York
Russia, China scuttle resolution plans
Large Number of Beijing Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested Before Olympics
Doctors Interrogate Children as Informants on Parents' Behavior
China Speeds Pace Of Military Buildup
Russia cuts Ukraine gas supplies
Brain Computer Interface for $300?
VIDEO: Rove: Iraq Redeployment Would Cause Oil Prices To Skyrocket To $200 A Barrel
Warren Buffett defends sovereign funds
Famed geneticist creating life form that turns CO2 to fuel
The Nightly News, Courtesy of General Dynamics
Newspaper Fakes Story Of Actress’ “Apology” Over 9/11 Comments
Pentagon To Gas Crystal City Residents
The Death of Vince Foster: What Really Happened?
Ecoterror link eyed in Wash. fires - Yahoo! News
FT.com / World - Bankers plan pay code to head off backlash
Microsoft may be able to pull off Yahoo integration, analyst says - MarketWatch
'Harry's War': The ugly truth
EPA, American Chemistry Council Conspire to Remove Toxicologist Deborah Rice from Panel on Flame Retardant Safety
Businesses plot strategy to protect wealth funds
Global Warming - new information | Capitol Hill Blue
Clinton under pressure as Ohio and Texas vote | Politics | Reuters
Resource Investor - Molybdenum - Energy Sector Fires Up Demand for Moly
Studs Terkel: Why I'm Suing AT&T | Privacy Digest
Ron Paul Ranked #27 Out of 200 House GOPs | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
Wind power project proposed off New Jersey coast - MarketWatch
House Votes to Repeal Tax Breaks for Oil Companies
Wind farms could drive bird species to extinction: conservationists - Yahoo! News
GoErie.com: Grape growers right to study energy plant
Clinton Aims to Push Beyond Ohio and Texas - WSJ.com
Hillary’s Math Problem | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Five reasons Clinton could come back - Jim VandeHei and John F. Harris - Politico.com
Buckeye Blues
Home Economics: Financial Page: The New Yorker
The World Has Plenty of Oil - WSJ.com
Joe Lieberman - A Surge To Help Afghanistan - washingtonpost.com
Violence Leaves Young Iraqis Doubting Clerics - New York Times
Hillary, only you can save us - from yourself - BostonHerald.com
Clinton plays victim and victimizer - Roger Simon - Politico.com
A Defining Moment - New York Times
Gearing Up for Battle: Republicans Divided over How to Run against Obama - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Is Obama Lying About NAFTAGate?
Lone Star Liberals Are Back - New York Times
What the World Is Hearing
Iran's Nuclear Threat - WSJ.com
Leader: Super Tuesday, again | Comment is free | The Guardian
The Mandate Debate - washingtonpost.com
Sen. Obama, time to call us about Rezko: (312) 321-2417 :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary
For Democrats, a Pivotal Night, but in Which Direction? - New York Times
Clinton: 'I'm just getting warmed up' - Beth Frerking - Politico.com
Political Radar: Obama Scant on Details the Day of Rezko Trial
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
Morning Thoughts: Another Super Tuesday
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Trade Issue is Back, Big-Time
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama Lacks Reagan's Audacity
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Rescuing the Rust Belt
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The $3,000,000,000,000 War is a Domestic Issue
Clinton's "Moral Claim"
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Remarkable Democratic Endgame
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Dem Establishment Wishes It Was Over
The Beginning of the End for the Space Shuttle
It’s Time for Congress to Take Another Look at the POW/MIA Issue!
John McCain on the Economy
Cannibalism Thriving In West Africa
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 1
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 2
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 3
ABC News Reports On Wheat Shortage
Thought Crime Commission In Obama's Hands
Barack Obama CFR Info
Barak & Michelle Obama - Dirty Deeds Aplenty
Dollar slides on grim U.S. economic outlook | Markets | Hot Stocks | Reuters
Obama Denies Assuring Canada on NAFTA -- Newsday.com
Chuck Baldwin -- Who Looks Foolish, Alamo Heroes or Us?
Hard News: 'Not Our Country To Return To'
BC NEWS | Health | 'Testosterone link' to depression
Corn Is King - and Therefore a Growing Problem
Edward Snook -- Attorney Michael Minns Beats IRS, Again
American Chronicle | Media´s Deafening Silence and Ron Paul´s Candidacy
The Federal Reserve's rescue has failed - Telegraph
Medvedev’s Election Signals that Russia Will Stay the Course « The Ugly Truth
Chinese whispers turn hot and heavy - CNN.com
Politics - In a massive disaster, care will be scarce - sacbee.com
Singing starlings and why thousands of babies who should have been boys are being born as girls | the Daily Mail
Joseph C. Wilson: Obama's Hollow "Judgment" and Empty Record - Politics on The Huffington Post
Pajamas Media: Take My Wives, Please: Polygamy Heads West
SPACE.com -- NASA Baffled by Unexplained Force Acting on Space Probes
History in Perspective
War At Any Cost?
To Leave And Stay At The Same Time
Europe's Closest Friendship Falls Apart
Three Time Jump Events With Three Witnesses
Did Ambrose Bierce Vanish Into Another Dimension?
The Madness Of Israel Must Not Continue
The Panic Of '08 - The March Meltdown
Pelosi's Communist Treachery Knows No Bounds
The Rabbi Of Hate
See How The Fed Has Bled The Dollar Dry
Incompetence Vs Professionalism & 911
I Like Ron Paul And He Can Win
The Myths Of Christian Fundamentalism
The New World Nobility
Big Brother Psychosis Runs Rampant
Entering The Mysterious Dimensions Of Shadow World
2051 - A Comprehensive History Of 911
Jesus Christ, Slave Of Allah?
Barack Obama - The Devil's Spawn
Micro Nukes, Ron Paul, Constitution Party, More
An African-American Icon Speaks Truth to the Lincoln Cult by Thomas DiLorenzo
Ron Paul as Prophet by Mark Sunwall
William F. Buckley, Jr., R.I.P. by David Gordon
Questioning HIV/AIDS, Human-Caused Global Warming, and Other Orthodoxies in the Biomedical Sciences by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD
Uncle Sam – Master Mortgage Pusher by Michael S. Rozeff
Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy by Ron Paul
Back to the Past in Cuba by Eric Margolis
Central Banking, the Depreciation of Self-Worth, and Decivilization by Eric Englund
How Republicans Created Executive Branch Hegemony by Paul Craig Roberts
How To Vote Responsibly (A Guide for the Politically Confused) by Tom Chartier and Elizabeth Gyllensvard
No Global Warming Crisis by John R. Lott, Jr.
Land before time: 11 great prehistoric flicks - Movie opinions- msnbc.com
BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Tayside and Central | Experts 'rebuild' composer's face
Obama ties same-sex issues to Jesus' Sermon on Mount
Hundreds of experts assert 'alarmists' in climate debate 'have had their say'
'President has long said human beings are contributing to climate change'
Claims it's 'telling us what to think' on global warming, wants to sue Gore for fraud
Move America Forward founder connected to talk radio audience for 14 years
Claimed she was foster child among gang-bangers, ran drugs for Bloods
'The Bible says people see sounds, and that is a classic phenomenon'
Initiative would declare life begins at conception, threaten Roe v. Wade
Former first lady seeks victories to salvage presidential campaign
'C'mon, guys, I just answered, like, eight questions'
'As part of a saturation-desaturation process typical in commercial production'
Hillary claims Barack secretly at ease with trade accord he publicly condemns
Dem's system of awarding proportionally makes big gains unlikely
Clips from 'Chinatown,' 'The Shining' praise health-care plan, ability to lead U.S.
State assessing antidote to mad school shooters
Student files lawsuit after order not to wear statement of support for war, military uncle
Returned to request toy supposed to come with kids' meal
Charging president, VP with violating the Constitution
Response to killing of top rebel leader on Ecuadorean soil
Orthodox Union abstains in vote on suggested Middle East solution
Fatah fighters engage IDF troops, fire rockets into Jewish cities
American-made arms seized from Fatah-controlled security forces
'It's a war for our existence whether we admit it or not'
3-time MVP won Super Bowl in '97, set records for most wins, yards, TDs
'Nothing short of phenomenal to have someone who is essentially given up for dead'
Earth Liberation Front leaves sign at site near Seattle: 'Built green? Nope BLACK!'
Dominated political life for 4 turbulent decades
San Francisco board considers 'commemorative' tributes on sidewalks
'This case is about fraud, favoritism and concealment'
Action star blasts television diva's rabid endorsement of 'spiritual' book
Court: Family's religious beliefs 'no evidence' of 1st Amendment violation
Results of Gallup poll no shock to shrink who authored book on liberal madness
'He chopped off the boy’s head in front of the mother to get back at her'
Doctors, lawmakers argue over what to do about MRSA
'Being admitted ... is more dangerous than working in most dangerous occupations'
World's No. 1 retailer stocks falafel, olives, Islamic greeting cards for ethnic shoppers
Justices could consider broadcast-decency rules
CBS affiliate in Alabama did not air civil rights footage from 1960s
Restricting hours in front of tube also reduces amount youngsters eat
Britain's MI5 believed Fuhrer's intuitive decisions influenced by his horoscope
Israeli researcher: 'Bible says people see sounds, and that is a classic phenomenon'
Buddhist clerics use social networking sites to woo women
'I really think motherhood does something to your brain'
'Mother suddenly stated she forgot and left the 2 youngest children in the tub'
Husband: 'When I'm told I can't do this and I can't do that, I just blew my stack'
Disgusted Florida visitor: 'I mean that is pretty bad'
Police now probe bone fragments, which could be human remains
'The shoe usually floats soles up, so that might prevent seabirds from pecking at it'
Gave 5 women overdoses of insulin as they recovered from hip surgery
'I got pulled over for not having a lightbulb over my back license plate'
Developing high-technology forces for waging wars beyond Taiwan
Developing ability to limit or prevent use of satellites by potential adversaries
'The truth of the matter is, I don't know it perfectly'
Jail sentence to be no longer than 6 months
Police: 'I don't even know if they finished their pizza'
60% of Americans say religion very important
'Shortly after marriage, I realized that Shahin was very cheap'
Reportedly comes close to sensitivity of human hand
Pulls drowning boy from water, 2 decades after rescuing dad
But no one in ladies' room at time blaze broke out
'Burly Queenslander put on a hit that left the intruder airborne and the crowd gasping'
Man has friend pull trigger in plan to avoid drug test
'A need for deeper dialogue on doctrine, theology and the character of religions'
Officials say fun substance may damage finish on fire trucks
Online video has become increasing irritation at workplace
More employees switch gigs every few years, a trend some call detrimental to workers, firms
Wall Street gets boost from upbeat comments from Amazon, Cisco
'It is a significant move. This could be the start of others leaving'
'This situation calls for a vigorous response'
Canopy line will include bedding, furniture, bath accessories, dinnerware
Demand tends to decrease in 2nd quarter
Futures reach inflation-adjusted record high of $103.95
Possible within 6 months due to dollar weakness, global political tensions
Says it's 'mistake to have your biggest customers' economies slowing down'
'There will be environmental concerns that will have to be strongly looked at'
Economic uncertainty forces many to consider bargains above all else
Unless more cash pumped into lender, says Dubai executive
Dave Ramsey advises 2 women on investments, business partnership
Says it's top priority to return Swedish brand 'to sustainable profitability'
Part of No. 2 automaker's effort to cut costs, return to profitability
Purchases of luxury sedans, sport utility vehicles plummet
Likely buyer of car brands is Tata, owner of Corus, Tetley Tea
In bid to appeal to environmentally aware urban customers
Australian firm invents new kind of bike it says rides like surfboard
Emergency rate cuts in January have not halted downward spiral
Nearly 1/3 of commercial flights in U.S. arrived late or were canceled
Silver streaks to 27-year high
'We're quoting people prices on Saturday, saying we can't guarantee same Monday'
Users can plug Nano into cardio equipment to track workouts, set goals
Digital Chocolate put its hit Tower Bloxx on several websites
Only vehicles made for 1998 model year – none older, none newer – can come in
Kraft hikes amounts on well-known coffees including Yuban
'Men are also becoming powerful consumers in the cosmetics market'
'We don't want to bombard our guests when they’re out enjoying their dinners'
71% admit they don't check property's previous sale price before signing
Ben Stein explains how evolution's author helped justify oppression of Africa, Asia
Exclusive: Joseph Farah hails Ben Stein film probing evolutionary dogma
Pat Buchanan rips GOP candidate, points to record of Republican protectionism
Exclusive: Mychal Massie predicts racism charge for any critics of Obamas
David Limbaugh lists issues McCain can use to make Barack look weak, extreme
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving sets up scenario where ex-guv endorses Al Franken
Exclusive: Janet Folger rebuts Farah, hits activists who refuse to support Huckabee
Exclusive: Ashley Herzog shares latest data on perils of fatherlessness
Dennis Prager wonders why parents hand over thousands to failed institutions
Jennifer Loewenstein decries Israelis targeting 'anything that moves' in crackdown
Exclusive: Chuck Norris blasts television diva's rabid endorsement of 'spiritual' book
Twenty-year high in rice prices sparks fears
New recession worry: Bank failures
Diesel Jumps 10.6¢ to Record $3.658
U.S. vehicle sales plunged in February - Autos- msnbc.com
UN To Censor Dr. Len Horowitz Manmade AIDS Research?
Dangers in human-animal combinations for biomedical research
Alan Stang -- Why Vote for "Lesser of two Evils" When you Have Ron Paul?
'Super-collider' tunnel nears completion - Science, News - Independent.co.uk
Credit Crunch Worries Economists: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
The Bank Implode-O-Meter - Your play-by-play for the end game of modern banking.
Multiple 9/11s every day of the year
Montana Says Gun Rights Issue Settled Long Ago
Obama a Tool of Bilderberg?
Paul Refocuses Attention on House Seat for Now
Politics May Prompt Tax Relief
BBC NEWS | Europe | Profile: Dmitry Medvedev
The Daily Star - Politics - Ahmadinejad offers US 'friendly advice' from Iraq
Gaza fight goes on as Israel pulls back
Vehicle Sales Fell by 10% Last Month - New York Times
Get out the pencils: Paper ballots return - USATODAY.com
Clinton showing gains in today's vote
Clinton Faces Critical Tests in Texas, Ohio
Hormone study follow-up finds new risks
Convicted Ex-Official Found With Handcuff Key in Jail
Obama tries to rustle up votes
State Supreme Court takes up same sex marriage
Congress to Subpoena Beef-Recall Exec
Congress plans to subpoena owner of Calif slaughterhouse
Marines Investigate Puppy-Throwing Video
Former Alaska Gov's Aide to Plead Guilty
Vegas authorities investigate suspicious substance
Authorities Search Vegas Hotel Room
Hazmat team sent to Las Vegas hotel
City seeking further budget cuts
Rare triplets debut at hospital
Woman Gives Birth to Identical Triplets
Fires linked to ecoterrorists
Paying the Price
Train Derails in Calif.; Homes Evacuated
Derailed Train Spews Toxic Gas In Calif.
Wendy's Shooter Described As A "Regular Guy"
Florida Paramedic Slain at Fla. Wendy's
State senator enters GOP race for Doolittle congressional seat
Patrick brass huddles Wampanoags on casino bid
Santa Monica Bay cities facing fines for water pollution
Environmental Groups Sue LA Governments
Police find 6 dead inside Memphis home; 3 children survive attack
No suspects for Memphis slayings
Kenya: Palestinian Struggle Legitimate
Rice meets harder lines in push for Israeli-Palestinian peace
Israel returns to Gaza as Rice pushes peace talks to resume
Colombia: Latin America tries to defuse escalating crisis
Bush assails Chavez, backs Colombia in standoff
Paisley to drop leadership role in Northern Ireland government
UN sanctions may hurt but they won't stop Iran
Council president says resolutions preclude use of force on Iran issue
Iran may be biggest threat to Iraq - US general
Media lauds Ahmadinejad Iraq trip
4 Killed in Pakistan Suicide Bomb
Q&A: China's military budget
China Prepares to Open Annual Legislative Session
UN Staff Union urges release of probes into helicopter crashes
12 Bodies Recovered from UN Helicopter Crash in Nepal
Memo Gives Canada’s Account of Obama Campaign’s Meeting on Nafta
Making Sense of the NAFTA Spat
Kenya: Strong Institutions Will Save this Country
Kenyan Leaders Hold First Meeting After Power-Sharing Deal
Kenyan leaders agree to heal nation as talks adjourn
Mugabe Stumps in Eastern Province As Fissures Widen In His Party
Zimbabwe: Simba Politically Bankrupt
Mugabe bruised not beaten by defections
Black times ahead for fallen peer
Canadian media pokes at Conrad Black
Conrad Black defiant as he is jailed
US military chief meets Musharraf
Freed Indian set to meet family
Chaotic Somalia keeps US on terrorism watch
Residents of Somali Town Protest US Missile Strike
Canada budget passes, keeping minority govt alive
UPDATE 1-Alberta's Conservatives surge to big election win
Suicide car bomb kills Afghan policeman, wounds 4
Iraqi Military Helicopter Crashes, 8 Dead
Iraqi PM: Christians Essential to Iraq
Later pub hours fail to alleviate Britain's drinking problem
Obama: Press Bought Into Clinton Line on Bias
As the Scandal Turns: Clinton, Obama, Rezko and Whitewater
First whiff of scandal for Obama?
Few Voting Problems Emerge, Even in Ohio
Nicholson Clinton ad a hit online
How the Ohio and Texas Primaries Work
McCain awaits vote results, eyes general election
McCain, GOP Face High Fall Hurdles
Ohio voting system debuts amid pressure
McCain tops Clinton and Obama in poll
BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | On the road with Obama
If You Think Karl Rove is Evil, Make Phone Calls Today
Economic differences slim between Clinton, Obama
SF activists campaign for Obama in Texas
Explaining the Texas Two-Step
With caucuses likely to be big draw, participants have rules to learn
Obama: Races won't alter delegate lead
Townhall.com::Run, Hillary, Run!::By Ken Blackwell
Townhall.com::The Second Battle of NAFTA::By Patrick J. Buchanan
Clinton trash
The Clinton Strategy:
Obama, Clinton in Dead Heat as Ohio, Texas Elections Draw Near
Did The Clinton Campaign Doctor Its TV Ad To Make Obama "Blacker?"
Ballots Have Many Non-Presidential Races
Kucinich faces new political battle
Obama Says Press Bites on Clinton Spin
Clinton Uses 'Latino Time' in Texas
Campaigns change tactics to appeal to Latinos
Simmons Endorses Obama; Is Edwards Next?
McCain Looks To Wrap Things Up: Huckabee Hopes To Stay Alive
Huckabee's High-Wire Act
Obama: We'll work 'as long as it takes'
Battling for Illinois' 14th District
Clinton on "The Daily Show"
Talking to Ohio Voters
Clearing Up Obama's Canadian Problem
Obama's Connections to Rezko
ALP: "Count On"
Hill Analysts Discuss Media
Clinton Attacks Obama on NAFTA
Obama in San Antonio
Canadian Parliament Discusses Democratic Primary
Troops Very Interested in Campaign Back Home
Clinton Says She Doesn't Believe Obama "Muslim" Rumors
Obama: "Leader"
Clinton: "True" and "Partner"
Satire: Mocking Those Who Want to Scare Us
Richardson on "D-Day" for Democrats
Campaign Managers Square Off on "This Week"
Limbaugh Encourages Republicans to Vote for Clinton
Clinton on "Saturday Night Live"
Rove, Luntz & Morris on "Hannity & Colmes"
Roundtable Reviews Obama/Canada Flap
Huckabee Talks to Lou Dobbs
Secretary Paulson on Bloomberg TV
Durbin, Feinstein, Rove & The Roundtable on "FNS"
Kerry, Dean on "Late Edition"
Strategist Roundtable on "Meet the Press"
Bush Says Mideast Peace Still Possible
McCain Says He Can Best Handle a Crisis
Military: Iran Supporting Iraq Militias
Ohio: Crucial Now and in Fall Campaign
Analysis: McCain, GOP Face Fall Hurdles