"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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03 March 2008


My Way News - Obama Slams Clinton on Homestrech
My Way News - Ahmadinejad: US Should Leave Iraq
Emotional Ahmadinejad moved to tears at Shiite shrine
Iran student activist sentenced to jail: report
US lawmakers blast Boeing defense contract snub
2 Earthquakes Hit Off Oregon Coast
Chavez Warns of War With Colombia
Chavez sends tanks to Colombia border in dispute | World | Reuters
Buffett says Clinton, Obama could run a business | Reuters
Pentagon Faults China Military Secrecy
Las Vegas Now | Medical Center Closed by City After Hepatitis Scare
Las Vegas Now | Feds Search Utah Home in Ricin Case
Feds say water negotiations have failed - Yahoo! News
Okla. AG Seeks Halt to Poultry Waste: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Oil Jumps to New Record on Dollar's Fall: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Vatican, Muslims prepare historic meeting with Pope - Yahoo! News
Use of radio ID tags faces limits - International Herald Tribune
wcbstv.com - Queens Building Uses 'Mosquito' To Quiet Teens
Warren Buffett Watch - CNBC.com
MyFox Chicago | Prepare to Pay More in Sales Tax by November
OPEC rethinking production cut plans - International Herald Tribune
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 03/02/2008 | Oil exploration sought in Calif. national monument
Police: Tourist Robbed For Gas Money - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
South America on brink of war - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
U.S. could intervene as Chavez prepares for war on Colombia | the Daily Mail
BLOGS OF DEATH - New York Post
The Federal Reserve's rescue has failed - Telegraph
Five people shot at Wendy's near West Palm Beach
Clinton Suggests She'll Stay in the Race
Obama Looms as Giant-Killer in Ohio, Texas as Clinton Star Dims
The Enquirer - Delegate math tough for Clinton
Clinton aides now insist losses in Texas and Ohio tomorrow will not force her to quit race| News | This is London
Pressure raised on Clinton to bow out - International Herald Tribune
Breitbart.tv » Clinton Doesn’t Believe Obama is a Muslim ‘As Far as I Know’
Plouffe: It's still over - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
WEBCommentary(tm) - Michael Savage is Right Again: Liberalism Really is a Mental Disorder
Hugo Chavez moves his tanks to border as regional war looms - Times Online
Utah Home Is Searched in Ricin Case - New York Times
Palestinian President Suspends Peace Talks - washingtonpost.com
ABC News: Reformer: Trial Will Reveal 'Cesspool' of Obama's Allies
U.S. pursues Iraqis on charges of Saddam-era spying
Durbin, Feinstein, Rove & The Roundtable on "FNS"
Kerry, Dean on "Late Edition"
Strategist Roundtable on "Meet the Press"
Clinton Says She Doesn't Believe Obama "Muslim" Rumors
Obama: "Leader"
Clinton: "True" and "Partner"
Satire: Mocking Those Who Want to Scare Us
Richardson on "D-Day" for Democrats
Campaign Managers Square Off on "This Week"
Limbaugh Encourages Republicans to Vote for Clinton
Clinton on "Saturday Night Live"
Obama in Providence
Obama Releases Four Texas Ads
Dueling Celebrities
In Ads, and Events, Clinton & Obama Battle on Security
Obama: "Ringing"
Obama: "Gulf"
Clinton: "Children"
Deliverance or Diversion? - New York Times
Obama Will Need to Raise Game Against McCain: Albert R. Hun
Howard Kurtz - 'Soft' Press Sharpens Its Focus on Obama - washingtonpost.com
The double standard - The Boston Globe
Tuesday night might be Barack Obama's last chance to knock Hillary Clinton out
McCain campaign stumbles early - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
The Patton of Counterinsurgency
Baghdad's New Normal - US News and World Report
Worshippers of Death - WSJ.com
Why does Russia bother to hold elections? - By Anne Applebaum - Slate Magazine
Smoke on the Water: Comment: The New Yorker
Perilous Times
Russia | An ugly victory | Economist.com
Palestinian self-destruction
Texas v. Ohio - WSJ.com
Noise about NAFTA
Latino-Black Relations May Tilt Texas Results - WSJ.com
Strong Words in Ohio as Obama and Clinton Press On - New York Times
Candidates chase celebrity ink and airtime - Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
The Enquirer - Obama, Clinton make final push
FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Hillary Clinton gets it sincerely wrong
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama's Former Friend
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Can John McCain Win in Spite of the Republican Brand?
Oprah's new Easter
Earth Liberation Front leaves sign at site near Seattle: 'Built green? Nope BLACK!'
'They will do all they can to turn Kosovo into a jihadist camp in the heart of Europe'
Bill Richardson: 'I just think that D-Day is Tuesday'
Putting nearly twice as much money as Hillary into Texas, Ohio
Candidate defends his Christian religion against misinformation
Chuck Hagel, Richard Lugar among GOP names discussed
GOP governor: 'I think it's very important though that those delegates are seated'
'I am so grateful that she [Hillary] hasn’t been trained to kill anybody'
Venezuela, Ecuador order troops to their borders
Military reportedly going after al-Qaida suspect in border town
Sources: Tehran armed Palestinian terrorists, may escalate regional violence
Terrorists surrounded by women, children, take up positions in Gaza
American-made arms seized from Fatah-controlled security forces
Claims over $400 million in munitions, equipment taken from compounds
'It's a war for our existence whether we admit it or not'
Action star blasts television diva's rabid endorsement of 'spiritual' book
Google displays sense of humor in search term
Charity successfully sued woman, husband for defamation
Also says sex ed should teach kids 'how to,' not 'whether to'
Leader says that's 'optimum time' for children to learn lessons
Students, however, reject 'public display of affection' policy
Court: Family's religious beliefs 'no evidence' of 1st Amendment violation
1st official results show Medvedev winning presidency by wide margin
Venezuelan boss sends tanks, thousands of troops to countries' border
Lawyer plans appeal of convictions for disorderly conduct at 'gay' fest
Test offers evidence to skeptics who cite lack of debris after Pentagon crash
Only 38% of Dems claim excellent mental health
'People who say bad guys will stop because of 1 more law are full of it'
Critics: Ruling major concession after years of government denials
'We should not use those scarce resources, these taxpayer dollars, to help illegals get jobs'
Lawmaker touts bill targeting illegal workers
'The town of Jupiter is a symbol of what is wrong in this country'
'I called my sister in the building next door and another sister in this building'
'Can travel quietly in the darkness, able to sneak up on illegal immigrants'
Butter-like coating melts in respiratory tract
Break on jumbo loans might help some, but qualifying still challenge for many
Futures reach inflation-adjusted record high of $103.95
Baffled about why 2 homosexuals haven't smooched since September
Talker asked caller to station: 'Did your pipes freeze under the trailer?'
Earlier college paper editorial satirized Asians 'hate us all'
Plot failed because boat would-be killers were using was swamped in storm
'We see other towers of the same kind being hit by planes. Are they burned?'
Compromise could provide legal protections for telecom companies
Federal agencies could begin implementing own water-sharing plan
Blasts previous story: 'This report is incorrect, its content is not verified'
'Security Council must issue sanctions for long record in proliferation'
8th-graders protesting having only 30 minutes for midday meal each day
'In children with learning difficulties, it becomes a huge issue'
4 arrested on charges of capital murder
Police say he came home drunk, cut telephone lines, punched holes in wall
'It is about encouraging behaviors which will work in our favor'
Local authorities blame residents for putting wrong rubbish in wrong bin
Faces fury after describing personal experience
'That is something you don't see in Spokane'
Ministry promotes 'a much less intimidating environment'
Former Vatican ambassador's residence in Hanoi sought
'This is definitely a result of the lessons learned in Iraq'
5 spacecraft experience unexpected anomalies in their motions
Wounds of Caesar, Lincoln, Kennedy may not have been fatal if today
Emergency rate cuts in January have not halted downward spiral
After disappointing economic news reawakened worries about U.S. recession
Silver streaks to 27-year high
'We're quoting people prices on Saturday, saying we can't guarantee same Monday'
Software giant will attempt boardroom takeover after week of talks
Only vehicles made for 1998 model year – none older, none newer – can come in
Contract for 80 valued at $40 billion
'I cannot believe we would create French jobs in place of Kansas jobs'
USS New York made from steel from fallen World Trade Center
'The dollar's decline in itself is not the only reason'
Parent company of jet engine-maker Pratt & Whitney, Otis elevator
U.S. company to deploy, manage cell-phone network
'This is our doing, not some nefarious plot by foreign governments'
'We are investors and we are free to go wherever we want. If you squeeze us, we will go elsewhere'
'It's the family's probably most important asset'
Could overtake industry leader Toyota in 10 years
Lithium-ion technology being adapted for hybrid
'It seems as though things are going to be as is'
Dave Ramsey responds to questions on debt, bankruptcy filing
'If Portland is Munich on the Willamette, then Philly is Brussels on the Schuylkill'
Boom arm takes down $2 million structure's roof
'I don't think people realize how difficult it is to be dead when you're not'
Exclusive: Vox Day urges Americans to rescue kids from public institutions
Exclusive: Olivia St. John warns socialist education system threatens to rot country
Author shares harsh campus realities, urges parents to pull children
Exclusive: Chuck Norris blasts television diva's rabid endorsement of 'spiritual' book
Exclusive: Joseph Farah laments death of conservative icon, movement
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson decries politically correct ban on Obama's middle name
Ari Berman: Right-wing hate campaign against Barack Obama is intensifying
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith proves candidate brawl shows how ill party has become
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner declares Democratic primaries too close to call
Jennifer Rubin: Hillary may require 12-step program to get over White House addiction
Giuliani jokingly defends failed Florida strategy on 'Saturday Night Live'
Exclusive: Doug Powers outlines general philosophies of presidential candidates
Exclusive: Michael Ackley flunks state initiative to reward scholastic mediocrity
Exclusive: Joseph Farah puts lie to notion 47 million Americans are helpless medically
Sher Zieve: Geraldo Rivera continues to vilify people who don't condone invasion
Use Of RFID Tags Faces Limits
Platinum Rises To Record - Palladium Rallies
Raul Reyes Death: Border War Or Wall Street Hit?
FARC Chief Killed By Colombian Troops
RPR: Let's Finish What We Started
Top Democrat Says FISA Deal Near
'Ninja' loans explode on sub-prime frontline - Telegraph
Fox Cameraman Kicked Off Public Property
U.S. Launches Airstrike In Somalia
Court May Consider Broadcast Decency Rules
Despite Fences Immigrants Still Broach Border
United Tech Makes Offer To Buy Diebold
Asian Markets Tumble On Wall Street Drop
Life Form To Turn CO2 Into Fuel
U.S. To Train Pakistan Military Officers
Pentagon to test invisible gases in Crystal City - Examiner.com
Gold Gains to Record Above $980 on Dollar, Inflation Concerns
Prince Harry's tour a 'PR exercise' | The Australian
'Nine in 10 UK jobs go to foreigners' - Telegraph
OPEC expected to maintain current output despite $100 a barrel prices - International Herald Tribune
Diebold Receives a Takeover Offer
A Darwin’s Look into The Next Million Years: Part 1
Russia cuts Ukraine gas supplies
Brain Computer Interface for $300?
VIDEO: Rove: Iraq Redeployment Would Cause Oil Prices To Skyrocket To $200 A Barrel
Warren Buffett defends sovereign funds
Famed geneticist creating life form that turns CO2 to fuel
The Nightly News, Courtesy of General Dynamics
Russia and China rethink arms deals
Cyber Storm II stirring
Bank Failures? No big deal, says CNN
Welcome To The North American Army
Walter Cronkite: Americans Will Have to Give Up Sovereignty for World Government
Top Professor: Autonomous Killer Robots In The Field
The U.S. Dollar Is Being Destroyed
You think you are free?
Corporate Lobbyists Drive McCain’s Campaign
Corporate Fascism’s Greatest Ally
Dead Wrong
In Defense of Bill and Melinda Gates Work in Africa
Big Brother Is Listening, Too by Jack Kenny
Remember a Defender of Liberty by Gary Galles
The R Word by George Giles
The Next War Will Pay for Itself by Bill Huff
Spelling Rules Rule by Linda Schrock Taylor
Devils by Tim Case
Ron Paul as Prophet by Mark Sunwall
There's a Time and a Place for a Beanball by Robert Higgs
NASCAR and the Foreclosure Express by Doug French
Bush Pressures Congress on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Sabotaging Border Security From Within | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 1
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 2
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 3
Singing starlings and why thousands of babies who should have been boys are being born as girls | the Daily Mail
Obama To Dedicate Presidency To Gay Rights
Incompetence Vs Professionalism & 911
I Like Ron Paul And He Can Win
Communist Takeover Began Long Ago
Steiger - Who Really Killed Abraham Lincoln?
Entering The Mysterious Dimensions Of Shadow World
Big Brother Psychosis Runs Rampant
Chemo A FRAUD - More Evidence It's WORTHLESS
An Invention Called 'The Jewish People'
The Myths Of Christian Fundamentalism
The New World Nobility
The Question of Forbidden Questions
The Silent Coup - How a nation ruled by law, becomes a nation ruled by men
NASA plans to slam spacecraft into the moon - Space.com- msnbc.com
How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds
More Families Are Shunning Inoculations - New York Times
Joseph C. Wilson: Obama's Hollow "Judgment" and Empty Record - Politics on The Huffington Post
The World's Growing Food-Price Crisis - TIME
Pentagon Explores 'Human Fear' Chemicals; Scare-Sensors, 'Contagious' Stress in the Works? | Danger Room from Wired.com
Pajamas Media: Take My Wives, Please: Polygamy Heads West
Psychic Destruction Of Our Kids By Govt Decree
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - Commodity prices at historic heights
Ecoterror Link Eyed in Wash. Fires
Jury resumes deliberation in Tacoma ecoterror trial
Clinton, Obama appeal for last-minute votes before Ohio, Texas
Clinton vows to press on
Attack on Family Shocks Texas Community
2 Dead After Gunman Opens Fire in Florida Wendy's
2 Dead, 5 Injured in Wendy's Shooting
Feds Mum on Home Search in Ricin Case
Feds search Utah home, storage units linked to ricin case
Huckabee tries to hang on
Moms brawl at Chuck E. Cheese party
Chuck E. Cheese Birthday Marred by Brawling Moms
Jury selection begins for trial of ex-Obama fundraiser in Chicago
Americans Sleepier Than Ever
Lack of sleep catches up with today's workforce
School Bus Overturns in Ga.; 2 Critical
ACS unveils recruitment campaign
NYC's child welfare agency seeks recruits for difficult jobs
State Supreme Court takes up same-sex marriage
Sexual incompatibility troubles marriages
Husband on trial in wife's slaying takes stand in Oakland
Hans Reiser takes the stand
Protester arrested at Bill Clinton campaign stop in Corpus
Arrest Made After Bill Clinton Speech
The Indispensable Man
Buckley Lives
Sioux Indian Honored for Korea Heroism
EPA Unions Slam Managers
EPA's own study argues for California waiver
Rice to Hold Mideast Talks Amid Gaza Conflict
Dead rebel's laptop shows Chavez is funding FARC rebels, Colombian ...
Venezuela, Ecuador Threaten Colombia
Chechen leader vows 100 pct support for Medvedev
Medvedev wins Russian presidential vote, but is he in charge?
US directs airstrike at terrorist targets in southern Somalia
US Strikes Somali Town, Targets al-Qaida
US welcomes good relations between Iraq, Iran
Iran to provide power to Iraq
Iran leader's Iraq visit eclipses US and Arab ties
UN approves new sanctions on Iran
UN approves new Iran sanctions
Conrad Black defiant as he is jailed in Florida
Former media baron Conrad Black reports to Florida prison
Turk army chief says more Iraq operations possible
Turkey May Launch New Incursion in Iraq
More attacks on PKK if need be: Turkish army chief
Activists lob stink bombs at whaling ship
Japan whalers in 'butter attack'
UN says 10 killed in Nepal helicopter crash
UN helicopter crashes in E Nepal
'10 dead' in UN helicopter crash in Nepal
FACTBOX-Security developments in Iraq, March 3
2 Suicide Bombings Kill 24 in Baghdad
Bombings in Iraqi Capital Kill 23
Suicide bomber kills 39 in Pakistan
Diana jury told of surgeon affair
Heart surgeon says it was Diana who ended their affair
Diana dumped me for Dodi, says heart surgeon
OSCE envoy visits Armenia after riots kill eight
Russia hopes for "peaceful settlement" of violence in Armenia
East Timor President Forgives Rebel Attackers
13 Killed in Attack in Western Kenya
Changing Kenya Constitution Gets Priority in Recovery Efforts
Deal-broker Annan leaves Kenya
Police Tear Gas at Pakistani Lawyers
Pakistan police tear gas deposed judge's supporters
Pakistani police teargas lawyers
German airline says pilots averted major crash
German Jet Wing Scrapes Runway; All Safe
Jersey home search could last another month
Q&A: Jersey abuse scandal
Undecided voters cloud fortunes of Alberta leader
Clinton vows to press on
Democratic Race Intensifies as Big Day Looms
McCain Says He Can Best Handle Crisis
Former NY Gov. Carey endorses Obama over Clinton
McCain looks to clinch GOP nomination
Texas May Be Huckabee's Last Stand
McCain Faces General Election Stumbles Politico: Fundraising ...
John McCain, Economist in Chief
Nicholson Films Make Case for Clinton
Hillary Crossed the Line
All You Need is Hate
Clinton Says Obama Muslim Rumor Not True "As Far As I Know"
Sen. John McCain hosts press at Arizona ranch
Back in Arizona, McCain Tends the Grill
Russell Simmons endorses Obama for president
Huckabee campaigns with Chuck Norris at SMU
Huckabee: Debate not BBQ
Gov. Sonny Perdue endorses McCain
Hagee Endorsement of McCain Has Risks
Media Letting McCain Off Easy Over Endorsement Flap
Out of bounds: Obama gets the facts wrong
Obama: Witness for the Defense?
Developer who helped Barack Obama buy home on trial for federal ...
Clinton Grabs SNL Spotlight
Marc Andreessen On Barack Obama
Bill Clinton Goes Off Script In Texas