"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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21 February 2008

Thursday 21st Feb

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Senators in Emergency Landing
President Bush dances | Video | Reuters.com
My Way News - Google to Store Patients' Health Records
Michael Moore: Bring Castro To Oscars
Beach Patrol Swabs Mouths In Hunt For Serial Killer - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
'American Idol' Girls Told They Should Just Wanna Have Fun
China Media, Public Angered by Spielberg
NYC Prof Accused of Plagiarism Keeps Job
My Way News - Obama Defends Wife on Matter of Pride
The Daily Bruin - Struggling with noncitizen status
Brain-Reading Headset to Sell for $299
Obama draws large crowds in Texas | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Latest News
McCain raising money off NYT story - Jonathan Martin's Blog - Politico.com
Downie: 'Wash Post' McCain Story Helped By 'NYT' Story
Keller, 'NYT' Executive Editor, Says McCain Story Published When 'Ready'
McCain's Ties To Lobbyist Worried Aides
Huckabee's wife takes a breather at a Vegas fight, rests at Hooters
Jackson to Dems: Play nice - Roger Simon - Politico.com
wcbstv.com - Manhattan Immune To Nationwide Housing Crisis
China, India speed climate change: Australian report
Hacker breaks link between iTunes and the iPod - Times Online
BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Warning given over techno addicts
Possible Cell Phone Ban In S.A. | WOAI.COM: San Antonio News
The Enquirer - Man gets 8 years for 19 DUIs
BBC NEWS | Europe | US embassy in Belgrade attacked
Breitbart.tv » Moon Over Kosovo: Rioters Bare Buns for CNN
Navy Scores Direct Hit on Spy Satellite
Breitbart.tv » Direct Hit! Raw Video Shows Navy Missile Destroying Doomed Satellite
Gates Says Will Share Data With China
My Way News - Group Claims Iran Speeding Up Nuke Plans
My Way News - Satellite Debris Deemed Unhazardous
6.0 earthquake strikes Nevada-Utah state line
Reed plans sale of Variety, other trade publications
Sex fiend suspect had film aspirations and wanted to be 'next Borat'
VIDEO: Miami police plans urban test of Honeywell's micro-UAV
NYT runs with McCain story; McCain camp hits back hard - Jonathan Martin's Blog - Politico.com
John McCain forced to deny romantic link with lobbyist - Times Online
Kansas.com | 02/21/2008 | Police arrest man suspected of having sex with a dog
Total lunar eclipse turns Moon red | Science | Reuters
'On Strike' Mom Accused Of Neglect - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Columnist Sues City Over Press Passes - February 21, 2008 - The New York Sun
Iran Rhetoric Seen as Signal Of Possible Attack on Israel - February 21, 2008 - The New York Sun
The Associated Press: Obama Wins Democrats Abroad Primary
McCain Lashes Out Against New York Times Over Story on Relationship With Lobbyist - You Decide 08!
IOL: Inflation soars in Zimbabwe
Murtha Named Top Porker in 2007 -- 02/21/2008
Ahmadinejad: Zionist regime - a dirty microbe - Israel News, Ynetnews
U.S. to bring its own food to Beijing Olympics | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
TIA Passenger Had Box Cutter In Hollowed-Out Book
'IDF to battle Hamas, Hizbullah' | Jerusalem Post
Mumia Abu-Jamal Loses Bid for Hearing
Setback in China purchase of U.S. defense contractor
Does Balkanization beckon anew?
150,000 Serbs protest Kosovo's declaration of independence, break into embassy
America's Most Sinful Cities - Forbes.com
FOXNews.com - Iranian Man Sentenced to 4 Months in Jail, 30 Lashes for Walking Dog - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
OA News - Senior Palestinian Calls for Kosovo-Like Independence
Asians, not whites, hurt most by race-conscious admissions
U.S. missile strikes spy satellite falling from orbit - International Herald Tribune
Nationalists opposed to Kosovo's independence declaration
Another temperature-monitor station riddled with problems, says meteorologist
Montana claims 2nd Amendment questions already resolved
'Their little minds should not be the battleground for culture wars'
Man being investigated for allegedly writing, selling erotic verse online
Renowned university gives break if family has less than 6-figure income
Members of 2006 team file against university over 'personal horrifying nightmare'
Temblor causes widespread damage, people possibly trapped in rubble
Jewish state expresses willingness to retreat from strategic Golan
League winners skip tournament, say 'Experiencing Christ' better than to 'Take state'
Scientific studies, testimony from witnesses revealed
Closing speed 22,000 mph – debris to fall for next 40 days
County law gives special rights to those with 'gender identity' issues
Judge setting date, testimony to include ex-prez, senator
Doesn't think Hillary can be nominee unless she wins Lone Star State
Frank Marshall Davis 'discussed American imperialism, colonialism, exploitation'
'He is essentially an honorable person. But he can be imprudent'
Likely GOP nominee 'disappointed' by suggestions he showed favoritism
'He champions 'change and hope', which we Muslims need as much as the Americans do'
'We've dated guys like that, and when the going got tough, they bailed on us'
'This is a budget buster that siphons your hard-earned dollars to the U.N.'
'To encourage audiences to look beyond the campaign speeches and political rhetoric'
Key threat to public health where population growth, wildlife diversity clash
'I noticed that her fingers went into the soda, and I was just pretty disgusted'
'It's fair to say there is not a strong culture of maintenance'
Ex-KGB agent in hiding fears his own elimination
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Huawei stands to gain 21.5 % stake in 3Com if Bain takeover approved by government
Limbaugh: 'Drive-by Media' turning on favorite McCain
California exodus turns to stampede
California budget analyst: State may have to raise taxes
China: Vatican prepared to sever ties with Taiwan
'Fidel Castro's resignation is another sign that change is underway in Cuba'
Describes decision as example of 'harassment' of non-governmental groups
Opposition group's claims counter U.S. intelligence report
Report: Temporary deployment proposed after Israeli forces troops eventually withdraw
Office manager allegedly began spending lavishly, issuing phony refund checks since '89
Researcher IDs link when unborn child exposed to metal in womb
53-year-old Virginia man sold shells, artillary shells
Cop who left woman bruised, bloodied has 2 other complaints since 2004
Surveillance footage captures woman being thrown face-first into cabinets
Officers could face animal cruelty charges after shocking animal for more than 4 minutes
'Incapacitator' immobilizes people with light-emitting LEDs
'They hate us all. And I say it's time we started hating them back'
Declines driven by improved treatment, screening
Pilots downed on training mission pulled from water
Man given 5 months in federal prison for wearing honors he didn't earn
Love-struck workers may be inevitable, but lawsuits from jilted lovers are not
The Iseman Cometh
The Long Run-Up
About That Times Story On McCain's Relationship
A Primer for Viewing the Democratic Presidential Debate - New York Times
Turning hope into action - The Boston Globe
Obama: End the ‘War on Terror’ | Newsweek Voices - Michael Hirsh | Newsweek.com
A Rationale for Discrimination
When backing Barack feels like joining a cult - BostonHerald.com
Todd: Can Barack Obama be stopped? - Decision '08- msnbc.com
bama's New Vulnerability - WSJ.com
Media Start Falling Out of Love With Obama: Margaret Carlson
Tale's tall on innuendo, short on proof
Islam at the Ballot Box - WSJ.com
Timothy Garton Ash: This dependent independence is the least worst solution for Kosovo | Comment is free | The Guardian
Decoding Candidates on Trade
America: Still the Hegemon | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com
Time for Cuba to come in from cold | The Australian
Pakistan on a better path - The Boston Globe
William Jefferson McCain - February 21, 2008 - The New York Sun
Hillary's school for scandal -- chicagotribune.com
For McCain, Self-Confidence on Ethics Poses Its Own Risk - New York Times
McCain camp vows to 'go to war' with NYT - Jonathan Martin and Michael Calderone - Politico.com
Clinton's Hispanic bedrock develops cracks in Texas -- chicagotribune.com
Clinton Aides Split on How to Take On Obama - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - NAFTA Gets a Bum Rap
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Adios In-Fidel
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Playing the 'Fair' Card
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Ivy League Populism
The Persian Gulf Primary - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Clinton & Obama's Disingenous Outrage
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary Has a Case of Speech Envy
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Pinch Sulzberger's Legacy
Kucinich to Investigate 9/11 Insider Trading
The Return of Arnold's Nazi Belt Buckle
9/11 Health Hearings to Move Forward If Kucinich Can Keep His Seat
Rule by Fear or Rule by Law?
Meet Obama’s Foreign Policy Brain: Zbigniew Brzezinski
Ron Paul would firm up U.S. finances
Ron Paul Establishes Freedom March Exploratory Committee
Ron Paul Slams The World Bank
Ron Paul On Lou Dobbs About NAU Super Highway Feb.19.2008
Vicente Fox Supports Interdependent North America and Emerging World Government
Study Highlights Deep Seated Psychological Impact Of 9/11
Kucinich Promises Hearing on 9/11 Health; Responders 'Money Bomb' Raises Thousands
Alex Jones' Second Interview with Willie Nelson
The Highwaymen - Highwayman
House Rejects Spy Bill Extension, Setting Stage for Adoption of Telco Amnesty and Wider Spy Powers | Threat Level from Wired.com
Indonesia’s Health Minister Accuses U.S. Of Bird Flu Bio-Weapon Conspiracy
Israel: War is likely in near future
At Gitmo, even acquittal may not set you free
Total Drag: Bush Judge Appointee Resigns After DUI Arrest While Cross Dressing
CBC News Covers WeAreChange Protest of Karl Rove in Vancouver
Creating A One World Consciousness
Music Industry Newswire: Willie Nelson Calls for Impeachment of Bush on The Alex Jones Show
Bottled Water Latest Target Of Eco-Mentalists
Willie Nelson Interview Bound to Go Viral on YouTube
Government Surveillance is not a Mistake
WeAreChangeLA confronts Presidential candidate Mike Gravel
Clinton Strategist: Hillary Will Mount a Commander-In-Chief Offensive
Societe Generale: Rogue Trader Jerome Kerviel Acted Alone in $7 Billion Fraud Scheme
Screw the Voters. Let Superdelegates Decide!
‘Kosovo’s freedom is worth clash with Russia’
Supremes Rule in Favor of Neocons Trashing Fourth
The invasion of America
Cops Taser Handcuffed Man to “Shut Him Up”
Report: Retirees Can Expect Lower Standard of Living
NIU Shooter On a “Cocktail” of Dangerous Pharam Drugs
Fed Issues Gloomy Economic Forecast
Oil at $101 a Barrel as Fed Lowers Economic Forecast Expectations
Corporate Media: Obama Supporters ‘Cult-like’
Child Abuse by the Government
The Fix Is In: Superdelegate loyalists will choose Clinton for nomination
Judge holds reporter in contempt in anthrax case
Doctors, Teachers to Act as Nanny State Informers in UK
Paying Insurgents Not to Fight
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: “Unilateral” CIA Attack Inside Pakistan
America’s economy risks the mother of all meltdowns
Societe Generale: Rogue Trader Jerome Kerviel Acted Alone in $7 Billion Fraud Scheme
Ron Paul Wants To End Anti-Cuban Sanctions
Iraq and the Kosovo Connection- by Justin Raimondo
India's ageing Taj Mahal gets a mud pack face-lift - Yahoo! News
Rare Egyptian "Warrior" Tomb Found
Are women and men on different tracks when it comes to their favourite music? - Times Online
amin deficiency may cause modern ills - Health News, Health & Wellbeing - Independent.co.uk
Piezoelectric Nanowires Turn Fabric Into Power Source | Wired Science from Wired.com
The Musical Mystery - The New York Review of Books
Are 'Legacy' Preferences in College Admissions Unlibertarian? by Dick Clark
More Lies From the Fascists by Paul Craig Roberts
Free-Lunch Libertarians by Gary North
Do Elections Guarantee Freedom? by James Bovard
McCain Speaks to Press about NYT Story
Clinton's Speech at Hunter College in New York
Bob Bennett on the McCain News
Panel on Castro's Resignation
Bush Boogies in Liberia
Huckabee in Plano
Young People Speak for Hillary
McCain Responds to NYT Story
The New York Times & John McCain
Jon Stewart on Giuliani & Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton Predicts Victory If...
Michelle Obama Clarifies Her "Proud" Remark
Clinton: "Cisneros"
ALP: "Blueprint"
Obama Campaign Rep Can't Name Accomplishments
Clinton Office Opening in Rhode Island
McCain Interview in Ohio
Clinton Lays Out "The Choice"
Fournier Sees Trouble for Clinton
Huckabee on Wisconsin Loss
Obama's Wisconsin Primary Night Victory Speech
Beckel Breaks Down the Results
McCain's Wisconsin Victory Speech
Clinton Aims at Obama's Health Care Package
Clinton Upstaged By Obama
Cindy McCain Always Proud of Her Country
Obama on "Today"
Dick Morris on Clinton Confrontation
Clinton: "Night Shift"
Huawei to realize 21.5 % stake in 3Com if Bain takeover approved by government
Market rallies amid speculation OPEC ministers will cut supply
Lingering fears about slowing economic growth, possible U.S. recession
'Like finding a bat and getting scared and then you realize, 'It's just a mouse with wings''
Housing slump, tight credit, higher oil prices keeping lid on prosperity
Central bank sees slower growth, higher inflation for rest of the year
'The rebound ... couldn't have come at a worse time for the Federal Reserve'
'Numbers no longer shock people ... but the question is how long can this continue?'
18% net jump for Anglo-American: 'We have the scale to do what's necessary'
Metal firms' suppliers racing to tap rising commodity prices
Surpasses U.S.: 20% growth in sales in year-on-year growth in last quarter of 2007
Bill Gates: No negotiation for higher acquisition price, ready for proxy fight
Says surge in production entirely fueled by need for products within country
Failure to embrace modern technology, underfunded health care, tax system blamed
Cost advantage fading, engineers trained in basic research harder to find
Sector on alert despite some indicators that should mean good news
Dave Ramsey offers wisdom on putting funds aside, responsibly buying a first home
Ability to wrote new policies threatened over failure to respond adequately to subpoena
Philadelphia Federal Reserve manufacturing report falls sharply
Ann Coulter shows how McCain-Feingold has limited political pool to only 'little men'
Brilliantly chronicles The Gipper's triumph over Communist totalitarianism
Exclusive: Jane Chastain asserts John can win if he focuses on illegal-immigration crisis
Exclusive: Joseph Farah predicts 'wannabe tyrants' will institute Fairness Doctrine in '09
Exclusive: Tristan Emmanuel rebuts readers who scolded him for use of 'hell'
Exclusive: Jack Cashill tells of president abruptly canceling mission to nab Mughniyah
Exclusive: Robert Spencer tells of fearful Christian sons in custody of Muslim dad
Exclusive: Marc Knutson shares firsthand 'good news' stories from Mesopotamia
Tom Engelhardt laments media allowing Bush to portray rosy picture of Iraq
Exclusive: Ellis Washington covers new song implicating Kilpatrick in death of dancer
Larry Elder takes a swing at MSNBC for double standard on political apologies
Rebecca Hagelin hails 'upstart' think tank that influenced Reagan and beyond
Exclusive: James George Jatras notes Christian Serbs are now 'bracing for the worst'
'What has Castro served? Repression, torture and murder'
Belarus Says U.S. Tested Space Weapon
U.S. To Turn Up Heat On Tax Protesters
Army Blocks Web Access To Document Library
Cross Dressing Bush Judge Resigns
ROTC Student With Fake Rifle Prompts Lockdown
Ron Paul Criticizes The World Bank
Rule By Fear Or Rule By Law?
DNA Samples Taken During Sex Stings
Protesters Break Into U.S. Embassy In Serbia
School removes CCTV cameras from children's toilets after furious protest from parents | the Daily Mail
CCTV evidence can lead to parking fine - Telegraph
German State-Owned Banks on Verge of Collapse
Japan to consider carbon cap-and-trade system: officials
Rogue Satellite's Rotten, $10 Billion Legacy | Danger Room from Wired.com
Indonesia accuses US of bird flu plot - World - smh.com.au
Army Establishing Permanent Kuwait Command
Elite Funding Both Sides Of Immigration Issue
Corruption in the U.N. is not a News For Google News
Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in your head
Henry Kissinger: The Making Of A War Criminal
VIDEO: Are chemicals altering the planet?
Doctors and teachers will be 'informers' under new 'Minority Report' plans
Get ready for the world of life-enriching robot implants
Lightning Gun Company: New Name, Old Game
Consequences of GM Crop Contamination ‘Are Set to Worsen’
Barak Obama Fronts Wall Street’s Infrastructure
Tension Rising Between Russia and U.S.
Chavez Backs Down From Threats To Cease Oil Shipments to U.S.
U.S. Court Orders Whistleblower Website Shut Down
Bush Budget Sets Up Battle over Tax Cuts, Spending Priorities, and Deficits
Clinton, Obama Deadlocked in Texas, Poll Shows
Obama,Clinton top McCain on environment votes-report
US senators forced to make emergency landing in Afghanistan
No Injuries As Senators' Chopper Makes Emergency Landing In ...
US shot raises tensions, worries over satellites
Ill. Governor Offers Old Budget Ideas
ROTC student carrying fake rifle prompts university lockdown
Van Driver in Minn. Bus Crash Arrested
Air Force Pilot Dies After Fighters Crash Over Gulf (Update1)
Missing college students found
Court upholds law on product liability
Seattle Authorities Considering Foul Play and Intentional Flight ...
Police Believe Missing Dad Took Off or Became Victim
Rezko lawyers want to bar list of state workers he sponsored
Scruggs Loses Bid to Toss Bribery Counts
Dennis Miller on Michelle Obama's Controversial Comments
Columnist Slams Bill O'Reilly's 'Lynching' Comment
US freezes assets of Syrian businessman
US Department of Treasury slaps sanctions on President Assad cousin
Big cat exhibit at San Francisco Zoo reopens to public
Ga. Lawmakers Push for Border Change
Rioters burn US embassy, Serb president urges calm
Analysis: Coalition building, Pakistan style
CIA confirms using British territory for refueling of rendition ...
Anti-Castro warriors now too old to fight
In photos: 'Serbs protest against Kosovo's independence'
Kenyan rivals debate new PM post as Annan gives guarded hope
Diana inquest will go on despite accusations of farce, says coroner
Stop Diana "circus", lawmakers plead to coroner
Focus shifts to car at Diana inquest
Strangler conviction triggers DNA debate
US missile shoots down satellite - but why?
Armenians protest PM election win
Liberia: American Volunteer Helps Liberians Realize a Better Life
Harper Seeks to End Canada's Afghanistan Role in 2011 (Update2)
East Timor's Wounded President Regains Consciousness
South Korean Investigators Clear President-Elect of Fraud Charges
LRA walk out on Ugandan peace talks
Uganda peace talks stall on power-sharing debate
Turkey shells Kurd rebels in Iraq: officials
Kurds say Turkey strikes rebel positions in Iraq
Russia, Georgia presidents pledge to improve ties
Russia warns Georgia against joining NATO
10 Dead, 9 Missing in Brazil Shipwreck
US rejects claim that it's trying to stall cluster bomb pact at talks
McCain Denies Aides’ Statements About Lobbyist
Clinton Up in Ohio, Dead Heat in Texas
Obama wins US Democrats Abroad global primary, his 11th straight ...
Change to Win Endorses Obama
FEC Poses Fresh Problem for McCain
McCain draws scrutiny over $1m loan to campaign
Obama Began February With $10 Million Cash Advantage (Update2)
Cindy McCain joins coterie of political wives who stood by their men
Before Debate, Obama Courts the Coach
Democrats to face off in must-win state for Clinton
Debate prep: What to expect when a state is 'must-win'
Latinos in spotlight as Obama sets sights on Texas
Clinton focuses pitch to Hispanics
Desperation time for the Clintons
"Let's Get Real"....What is she thinking?
Anonymous Web Poster Had Goods on McCain, Times
Tonight's Debate.
Clinton lead slips in Pennsylvania, poll finds
Education Department Overseeing Meat Recall
Matthews’ Obama Accomplishments Gotcha
McCain stops by to support Oberweis
Political Odds and Ends - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
McCain and the Lobbyist--Missing the Story of the Miss