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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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24 February 2008

SUN/24 - (CLICK HERE:Media-outpost)

Rigged Gitmo Trials Prove 9/11 Official Story Wrong
McCain: 'I'm the Only Candidate Special Interests Don't Give Money to'
Former Congressman Warns Of Martial Law Camps In America
Authorities suspect European ring selling counterfeit Bulgarian passports for $10K
Democrat-led House blamed for failing to renew president's authorization
Hidden camera finds hundreds passing through checkpoint without being examined
Websites capture wave of transcendent fervor
'We're suspicious that someone who is talking really well is putting something over on us'
Nice home: 'It wasn't a mansion, but it was just fine. It was a decent neighborhood'
'Shame on you': Launches scathing attack on Democrat rival over campaign tactics
'We have to shift the power from the few to the many'
Says Obama's victories 'irrelevant' – 'We’re going to win this nomination'
'Don't quite get it': Says Obama has received most donations from industry
Strongly criticizes newspaper's insinuation White House hopeful had tryst
Presidential spokesman says newspaper hits GOP with 'bombshells' regularly
'We all know that the highest priority is someone who can take your place'
Broadcaster recalls urging FCC contact
Republican has 4 dogs, cat, parakeet, fish – once owned ferret, iguana
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Suicide note: 'I see now I would have been a good mum'
Annual eve-of-Oscars parody honors very worst of Hollywood
Exclusive: Entertainment legend describes debauchery he witnessed watching DVDs
'He would especially enjoy practicing his Arabic on me'
Yee says female guards tortured 'genitals' of detainees
Archbishop of Canterbury backing proposal to create 'parallel' body for U.S. conservatives
Wrote newspaper column saying Mormon leadership wrong to oppose same-sex marriage
'They refused to compromise. I won't compromise my religion to play'
League changes rules to allow Super Bowl events
Islamist group slams alleged torture of preacher who died in custody
'Marwan Barghuti must be set free in order to obtain results in the peace process'
'It went really fast that's the thing. It's just really shocking how fast it went'
Charges filed in 4 deaths in Minnesota as investigation continues into ID, status
Unclear when or exactly where border-checkpoint document was issued
'They won't work here. The politicians in Washington ought to know that'
Illegal alien stole youngster's identity, received pay, obtained unemployment benefits
Event calls on evangelicals to seek return to respect for God's authority
Evidence of firefight attack on Marines presented to judge
Uncle Sam's arsenal suddenly 80 tons lighter, absent $2.2 billion of irreplaceable firepower
Upholds dismissal of legal actions by veterans, families, Vietnamese nationals
Government plans to suggest new rules that would let visitors bring loaded weapons
Hollywood idol Chavez is master of blacklist
Study: 3 in 4 U.S. mosques preach anti-West extremism
'I've had enough, stop mucking around and start breathing. Come back to me'
Egyptian party-goer-turned-preacher sweeping Middle East with moderate Islamic message
'They should have ... solved it instead of hiding behind labeling regulations'
'He entered the courtroom ..., introduced himself to the judge then he left'
'Let's tell people the truth about the economic hardships they are facing'
Law forbids using devices to issue tickets so 'civil infractions' issued instead
45-year-old woman charged with 2 felony counts of transmitting materials to minors
8-year-old boy found pair of intact 9-inch imprints while walking with his father
Genentech's Avastin gets go-ahead – move lauded by some but criticized by others
'Some of the medicines have been used by traditional healers for thousands of years'
Research unveils link between hallucinogen and psychotic delusions
485,000 houses collapsed, $21 billion in economic damage since mid-January
Florida Marlins hopes to recruit 7 to 10 tubby men to dance, cheer, jiggle
Sentenced to 30 days in jail, fined $250,000 for wounding of Chicago police officer
Pair face lengthy jail terms after being found guilty of torturing, enslaving adopted girl
Police investigating whether 17-year-old 'Beyonce' was working as prostitute
'They had knives, scerwdrivers, sticks and teargas and they were really going for each other'
Woman says she wants to press charges because she's 'tired of being abused'
Young boy discovered after police raided meth house – still faces 8 to 10 surgeries
Computer engineer gets 3 years for setting up false profile of king's brother
Honolulu officials say big cat was loose for 5 minutes in area with only 4-foot fence
'Meatloaf' lost 1/2 body weight on journey from Florida to Arizona
Genetics specialist uses DNA analysis to link ancestry to farmers in Sierra Leone
Museum director claims to have discovered cartoons drawn by fuhrer during war
'Babies were born on the trail, people died on the trail. It was their way of life'
Not easy getting people excited about celebrating 200th birthday of other Civil War president
Massive Fraud Discovered At EU Parliament
Airlines To Only Use Electronic Tickets
Canada/U.S. Agree On Using Each Other's Troops
A Planetary Symbiotic Civilization
Spies Want To Find Terrorists In World Of Warcraft
Government wants personal details of every traveller | UK news | The Guardian
BBC NEWS | UK | Mandatory DNA database rejected
The new invasion of Iraq
UK 'suppressed' mention of Israeli nuclear arsenal in Iraq arms dossier
Homeland Security Chief Okays Virtual Fence
Boeing Awarded USAF Contract For Advanced Laser Development
Clinton scolds Obama, aims to rescue White House bid
Ahmadinejad: US Should Apologize to Iran
Microsoft Says It Won't Uproot Yahoo
New York Times ombudsman slams article on McCain
Castro Rejects Idea of Political Change
Saudis Arrested for Flirting With Women
Cuba to name new leader to succeed Fidel Castro | Reuters
Rice says has no plan to run for vice president | Politics | Reuters
Iran fails to answer weapons questions: IAEA | Reuters
My Way News - Superdelegates Are Flocking to Obama
My Way News - Nader Announces New Run for President
Cinton Adopts Harsher Tactics In Fight for Ohio, Texas - WSJ.com
Somber Clinton Soldiers On as the Horizon Darkens - New York Times
Deadline Hollywood Daily » Best To Expect The Worst Oscars Ever…
McCain Disputed On 1999 Meeting
McCain’s Age May Figure in Choice of a Running Mate - New York Times
Michelle Obama thesis was on racial divide - Jeffrey Ressner - Politico.com
Putin’s Iron Grip on Russia Suffocates His Opponents - New York Times
Mink eyelashes, cleavage buffing, underarm Botox - how the stars are preparing for the Oscars | the Daily Mail
FT.com / Asia-Pacific / China - Million-dollar bonuses arrive in China
Report: Despite celebrities' endorsement, 'ethical' brand leaves farmers worse off
Some argue government should do more to stop negative feedback loop in housing market
Since 2003 34,156 people have lost homes to repossession in Cleveland area
1 bright spot in San Francisco's declining residential real estate market
'There has been always a periodic cut in the 2nd quarter of the year'
Upbeat message outlines vision of how software giant expects to merge companies' cultures
Contravening copyright laws by posted movie on site prior to authorization from owner
Dropped breast cancer patient in middle of chemo treatment
Manager says he was canned for reporting employer's son for meth use
'Insulting' treatment alleged after newlyweds accused of using counterfeit note
'New Bedouins': 'Nomads' take up room, buy few drinks
Charges for unordered, unwanted services popping up on cell-phone bills
Increased sales of flat-screens, demise of analog broadcast system, fueling change
Planning to export Bordeaux to China because it's 1 of nation's favorite wines
WorldNetDaily Commentary
Exclusive: Joseph Farah links creation of mega-states to muzzling of media
Exclusive: Pat Boone describes movie debauchery he witnessed as Oscars voter
Exclusive: Greg Laurie compares famine-struck Israelites to today's modern society
Exclusive: Henry Lamb drubs USDA for focusing on ID program instead of meat plants
Exclusive: Ernest Istook explains how billions in subsidies drives up cost of food
Pat Buchanan scolds newspaper for breaking its own anonymous-source rules
Exclusive: Floyd and Mary Beth Brown cite church's beliefs, Barack's views on Kenya
Jonathan Falwell: 'Personal attacks not based on fact have no place in our country'
Exclusive: Ellis Washington blasts Cornel West for 20-year tirade against justice
Exclusive: Marc Knutson tells of 'new hope glistening with each new sunrise
E.J. Dionne notes Obama, Clinton borrowing rhetoric from late Minnesota senator
Exclusive: Joel Barbee draws Clinton as spectator to the big fight
Phyllis Schlafly hammers Senate bill that plays into hands of U.N.
Mary Starrett chides conservatives who continue to be 'battered' by GOP
Roundtable Reviews Democratic Race
Frank Luntz's Numbers on the Democratic Race
Shields & Brooks on McCain Media Flap
Trading Places
Why the right reluctantly defended McCain - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - Politico.com
The Audacity of Hopelessness - New York Times
Opinion: Obama turns Hillary into Bill Richardson | bill, clintons, party, clinton, democratic - OCRegister.com
Obama's Red-State Prospects Unclear - washingtonpost.com
Big primary turnout could brighten future for Democrats
Fineman: Hand-Tied by the Times | Newsweek Voices - Howard Fineman | Newsweek.com
Shaping Obama’s view of the world - Times Online
Hear No Evil
Afghanistan - Korengal Valley - United State Military - Counterinsurgency - New York Times
Anthony H. Cordesman - Two Winnable Wars - washingtonpost.com
Fear and loathing in the Western world | The Australian
The Obama Enigma - washingtonpost.com
Obama's financial juggernaut - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
It Must Be Ohio - New York Times
HRC: 'Shame on you, Barack Obama' - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
Debate Close Wasn’t a Farewell, Clinton Says - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The End of the Republican Split
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Searching for McCain's VP
Mike Huckabee on "SNL"
Clinton: "Proud"
McCain Raising Money off of NYT Story
Clinton on "Today"
Clinton: "Deliver" and "Level"
Obama's Answer on the Economy
The Debate's Charges of Plagiarism
Hillary's Words Echo Bill's
Clinton Honored to be With Obama
Clinton, Obama Clash on Health Care
Clinton, Obama on Judgment & Experience
Debate Answers on Immigration
Group Thinks Obama will Win Nomination
Obama: "Como Padre"
Bush Boogies in Liberia
Huckabee in Plano
Young People Speak for Hillary
McCain Responds to NYT Story
The New York Times & John McCain
Jon Stewart on Giuliani & Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton Predicts Victory If...
Michelle Obama Clarifies Her "Proud" Remark
Clinton: "Cisneros"
ALP: "Blueprint"
Obama Campaign Rep Can't Name Accomplishments
Neocons Cry Foul Over Insignificant McCain-Iseman Story
Dahr Jamail: Beyond the Green Zone
Canada, U.S. agree to use each other’s troops in civil emergencies
More Lies From The Bush Fascists
The Three Trillion Dollar War
U.S. Seeks Support For Sanctioning Iran
When the Terrorists Were ‘Our Guys’
Delusional hope: The Obama rapture
Another Day, Another Neocon Wiretap
Terror Orders Continue in UK
Ellsberg: Speak out while you can
Second Amendment Still Kicking in Arizona
CNN producer fired for blog
Why John McCain Owes The New York Times a Thank You Card
Serb official blames U.S. for violence
NATO’s Reign of Terror in Kosovo
More Lies From The Bush Fascists
The Year of the Insurgents- by Justin Raimondo
Possible Druid Grave Enchants Archaeologists
Msterious Pyramid Complex Discovered in Peru
BBC NEWS | Health | Six-minute nap 'may boost memory'
Wooden supercar is faster than a Porsche - Telegraph
The State of Conspiracy by Andrew Ward
InfraGard: An Unhealthy Government Alliance by Gary D. Barnett
Guns? Will People Be Allowed To Go There And Shoot Guns? by Vin Suprynowicz
My Best Shot at Science Advocacy by Kathryn Muratore
Neocons vs. the Real Constitution by Kevin R. C. Gutzman
Bernanke's Surprise by Gary North
Fewer Casualties in Iraq Shouldn’t Be Attributed Only To the “Surge”
The Old Greenback, It Ain’t What It Used to Be
» PNP chief orders probe on ’spy cam’ in Senate
» Diana inquest probes world of espionage
» White House says phone wiretaps back on “for now”
Threat to our privacy must be fought
VIDEO: Globalisation and the Media
VIDEO: Insanely Corrupt - “Mercury is good for you!”
McCain’s Other War Frauds
The DNA database that will turn us into a Police State
» It’s official: Blair’s government set out to deceive us
» High-tech US border surveillance
» Laying The Groundwork For One-World Religion?
CIA Waterboarding Probe Revealed By Feds
» Who Should be on The DNA Register?
» Police face DNA ba
» AUDIO: Tony Gosling - Behind Secret Societie
» Leaked Documents Spring Up Across W
Ben Witherington: The Zeitgeist of the 'Zeitgeist Movie'
The Complete Rense-Sinclair Interview
Obama - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
CFR Domination Of US & The World
The Financial Tsunami - Pt 1
The Financial Tsunami - Pt 2
The Financial Tsunami - Pt 3
The Financial Tsunami - Pt 4
The Financial Tsunami - Pt 5
Larry McDonald On World Government Conspiracy
Denying Everything - A Holocaust Of Bacon And Lies
Brzezinski Seizing Control Over US Policy In Slow Motion
Makow - Winston Churchill, Illuminati
Makow - The Cabalist Plan to Enslave Humanity
Story Of Sinclair Allegations Spread On Net
It's Time to Dump The Federal Reserve
Why Did Jewish Communists Threaten Huey Long?
Unraveling Of The Official 911 Story Continues
The Great CAFR Shell Game
Even More Proof Cancer Is Caused By Bacteria
Protocols For Economic Collapse In America
Old Religious Hegemony, NWO
Tomb Of The Unknown Casualty In The 'War On Terror'
Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods
Obama's Copied Speeches & Brzezinski's Spare Obama
Mike Whitney: The Bonfire of Capital
Devvy Kidd -- Using race to cover Obama's ignorance on constitutional gov't.
What Was Clinton Saying? Caucus Readers Interpret - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Bl
Obama's Lobbyist Money
savethemales.ca - The Riddle of Anti Semitis
Obama's sovereignty giveaway plan
» Determining the Menace among Us NoNais- Washington State: If you eat… you need to stop NAIS
U.S. farms getting bigger, but number falling
VietNamNet - Gold price keeps soaring
Strip-club mogul remains an enigma | ajc.co
Al Jazeera English - News - Cuba Set To Get New Lead
Iraqi PM flies to London for heart check-up - Yahoo! News UK
Ron Paul Says He Won't Try To Run As An Independent
In Texas, Clinton has history and Obama has buzz
'Shame on you, Barack Obama. It is time you ran a campaign consistent with your messages in public" - Democratic Undergroun
The History of Hillary's Campaign in Emoticons - Democratic Underground
Osama Bin Laden's brother plans Africa-Arabia bridge - Telegraph
The race online: Obama, rivals bring Internet campaigning to new level - San Jose Mercury New
Patriotism questions for Obama - Barack Obama News- msnbc.com
After subprime debacle, U.S. wrestles with question of bank bailouts - International Herald Tribune