"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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05 February 2008

Feb 5 - Super Tuesday -

ltx.com | Bill Would Require Drug Tests for Candidates
My Way News - Romney Campaigns Throughout the Night
Romney compares McCain to Dole - Jonathan Martin's Blog - Politico.com
Iran will have nuclear weapon in three years: Mossad
My Way News - Israel on High Alert After Bombing
Diplomats say Blair unlikely to get EU presidency | Top News | Reuters
U.S. sees Russia, China, OPEC financial threat - Yahoo! Singapore News
Limbaugh on McCain: It's Better to Be Right All the Time
Obama wins first US Democratic Party voting abroad on 'Super Tuesday'
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Clinton chairman: Obama would be good running mate « - Blogs from CNN.com
FT.com / In depth - Democratic rivals play down hopes
GOP Senators Reassess Views About McCain - washingtonpost.com
States Prepare for Tests of Changes to Voting System - New York Times
Ruptures call safety of Internet cables into question - International Herald Tribune
Beach plans to drop charges against Abercrombie store | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com
Toddler Survives Drop From Apartment Blaze, Deadly Inferno Forces Father To Let 2-Year-Old Boy Fall 40 Feet To Safety - CBS News
BBC NEWS | Europe | Catholic nuns and monks decline
Obama, Romney lead in California on Super Tuesday | Reuters
WRAPUP 5-Super Tuesday showdown begins in 24 US states | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters
wcbstv.com - Technical Difficulties Delay The Vote In Hoboken
Congresswoman Nita Lowey recovering after collapse at Clinton rally
From Prince Andrew, critical words for U.S. on Iraq - International Herald Tribune
France: Scientists Grow Human Skin And May Help Reduce Animal Testing |Sky News|World News
BBC NEWS | Health | Three-parent embryo formed in lab
New Way to Kill Viruses: Shake Them to Death | LiveScience
Tallahassee Democrat - www.tallahassee.com - Tallahassee, FL.
My Way News - It's Super Tuesday Coast to Coast
Wikipedia - Prophet Muhammad - Internet - New York Times
Judge Reinstates Rules on Sonar, Criticizing Bush’s Waiver for Navy - New York Times
Now they want to ban mums and dads | the Daily Mail
N. Korea would sell nukes to terrorists - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
'Adultery' sisters to be stoned to death in Iran - Telegraph
Police protecting U.S. icons 'failed,' report says - CNN.com
Congress looks askance at Bush's budget - Yahoo! News
BBC NEWS | Americas | Colombians in huge Farc protest
Iran claims launch into 'space' of rocket capable of taking satellites | Iran | Guardian Unlimited
Church advocates carbon fast for Lent | Environment | guardian.co.uk
CUNY's Black Male Initiative Is Probed - February 5, 2008 - The New York Sun
'Don't mention Islamic extremists': Government phrasebook tries to avoid upsetting Muslims | the Daily Mail
Willie Nelson: Twin Towers Were Imploded On 9/11
Willie Nelson Fears Election Could Be Cancelled
Willie Nelson Fears "an Event" that Could Keep Bush in Office for Another 10 Years
Willie Nelson: Towers Demolished on 9/11
Local News Covers Willie Nelson's 9/11 Remarks
Breitbart.tv » Willie Nelson: Twin Towers Were Imploded Like Condemned Vegas Casino Buildings
Willie Nelson/Alex Jones mp3
Q4: Ron Paul Receives More Military Donations Than All Other Republicans Combined
McCain Claims Iraq ‘Casualties Are Coming Down,’ But Casualties Actually Increased In January
Conspiracy theories emerge after internet cables cut
U.S. Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens
Artificial letters added to life's alphabet
DARPA’s iXo Artificial Intelligence Control Grid
Thousands Of Childrens DNA Held On Police Database
Paul: Secretive Elite Control America
Israel News : Terrorism Denial: The Bloody Handshake Between the Far Right and the Far Left
Barack Obama’s 2009 Pakistan War
George Bush Delivers the Horse’s Head
We Are Change Colorado Confronts Bill Clinton
Video: Alex Jones Interviews Willie Nelson on 9/11
Drudge Report Cans Willie Nelson Story
Can Obama Save Us?- by Justin Raimondo
The Recycling Myth - Per Bylund - Mises Institute
BBC NEWS | Technology | Chips pass two billion milestone
Pure Energy: A Critical Look At Energy Drinks
The most influential albums ever - Times Online
Why Not Abolish the Fed? by Jacob G. Hornberger
Meet John McCain, the New Bob Dole by Jack Kenny
Die and Win by William S. Lind
What's the Going Price for a Joint? by Paul Armentano
Open Letter to the Supporters of Barack Obama On Behalf of Ron Paul by James Dunavant
War by Accident? by Karen Kwiatkowski
Some Observations on Four Terms in Congress by Ron Paul
VIDEO: Weather Modification: Is Cloud Seeding Causing all this Snow?
Test To Track Traffic Using GPS Cell Phones
UK Citizens Tourch The Police State
Iran's Internet Not Fully Down
FBI wants palm prints, eye scans, tattoo mapping
Biometric Data Collected at Heathrow
New NATO intelligence chief was trained by KGB
Revealed: British plan to build training camp for Taliban fighters
Top-secret Livermore anti-germ lab opens
9/11 Commissioner: 'We had to go through Karl Rove'
Dole, Morris, Luntz on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel Looks at the Democratic Horserace
Barack Obama in "The Situation Room"
McCain & Clinton on "Fox News Sunday"
McCain on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
It wasn't supposed to go like this - Opinion - USATODAY.com
8 Questions Super Tuesday Could Answer
ssues Recede in '08 Contest
Dems plot strategy for protracted battle - Ben Smith - Politico.com
The Denver Post - Conservatives vs. McCain
The 3.6 Percent Republicans
Obama: The New Princess Diana?
Conspiracy of What?
The TNR Q&A: Joe Trippi
No retreat from the War on Terror | David Aaronovitch - Times Online
The Cooper Concerns - New York Times
Marinating in 'Decline'
The Israeli Lesson - WSJ.com
Budget Mess - washingtonpost.com
Desperately Sick
Tentatively, nuclear power creeps back | Seattle Times Newspaper
Super Tuesday vote stretches from coast to coast
Voting Begins in a Grab for Delegates, and an Edge - New York Times
Dole scolds Limbaugh - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Letting the Government Listen In | Newsweek National News | Newsweek.com
On McCain's Voting Coalition
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Republicans for Hillary
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Emotion Behind Obama's Appeal
Dobson Attacks McCain
Romney/McCain Fight Over Dole
Dole on His Letter to Limbaugh
Obama on "Nightly News"
Clinton on "The Late Show"
Clintons Cast Their Votes
Romney on "Morning Joe"
Limbaugh Rails Against McCain
Obama Talks About McCain
Clinton's Emotional Welcome Back
McCain: "Trust"
Romney: "Very Close" Web Ad
McCain's Jokes
Romney: "Falls Short" Radio Ad
Obama's Los Angeles Rally
Clinton's Sunday Media
Obama's Sunday Media
McCain's Sunday Media
Obama's Super Ad
Obama's Saturday Rallies
Romney's Sunday Media
Clinton: "Arkansas"
Michelle Obama on AC360
Federal Reserve Under Increased Scrutiny After Huge Interest Rate Cuts
Mike Huckabee Supported Real ID Act
Central ID Database Concept Flawed
Floating Rubbish Dump Bigger Than U.S.
Paul Supporters Expect Alaska Win
Video: Peter Schiff On Fox Business News
Image Of Peruvian Darthvader Police
Paul Rally In Minneapolis Draws Over 4K
British Scientists Create Three-Parent Embryo
9/11 Inquiry Head Tried To Shield Bush
Security Inadequate At U.S. Monuments
Brown Refuses To Reveal Murdoch Contacts
UK: Fluoride To Be Added To All Water
Al-Qaeda Commander Move Freely In Pakistan
CBS: Little E-Voting Accountability
AlterNet: Blogs: PEEK: Arlen Specter to Stand Strong Against Illegal Spying -- In the NFL
Immigrants told in new 'behaviour packs' not to spit, touch people without their permission or steal carp | the Daily Mail
WorldNetDaily: WND's $165 million case heading to trial
'It's not like we are enemies. But I don't want to breathe his poison'
McCain adds to commanding double-digit advantages in New York, New Jersey
Romney: 'We're going to hand the liberals in our party a little surprise'
Ex-Senate GOP leader: '2 terms for the Clintons are enough'
'He tries to talk the [conservative] talk, but he has never walked the walk'
'Well, I said I would not tear up. Already we're not exactly on that path'
Senator can't shake fit of coughing during live TV interview
Jackie Mason and Raoul Felder wonder why Obama wants stained mantle of JFK
Decision pushes state 'gay' marriage plans forward
Reporters erupt in laughter at capital punishment
'PIN' affecting those who handle brains of pigs
Hospitals try to cut the risk of patients developing Clostridium difficile, among others
Calls negative statements 'unsupported, out of place, error in judgment'
Talks underway to buy advanced Russian air-defense system
Terrorist sources tell WND 2nd suicide bombing inside Israel 'imminent'
Terrorist boasts: 'We will keep attacking ... it doesn't go against negotiations'
Could lead to 1st genetically altered babies born in Britain
Judge threatens man with arrest if he didn't take care of 17-year-old citations
'An obvious need for laws that force the beauty industry to clean up its act'
WorldNetDaily: Economist: Expect Fed to lower Dow to 8,000
'It's a natural occurrence and we all do it 16 times a day'
'I knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me'
Tossed into arms of fireman after suspected arson engulfs family
'There are 4 people left running for president, 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans'
'I suppose if you say it enough, maybe you can get people to believe it'
'We're tired of the Hillary thing. We'd had enough of Bill and Hillary'
Pours maximum $2,300 into her campaign, but zilch for Obama
'You're not voting for the Clintons. You're voting for my mother'
'This can play out over the next 2 to 3 months'
Senator tagged by some conservatives as 'the amnesty guy'
Benedict to excise references to 'blindness.' 'darkness' of Jews
Bureau expected to announce $1 billion, 10-year contract to help create database
Report faults inadequate protection at U.S. monuments
'It's not going to be feasible or even desirable to censor these messages'
Tenure may circumvent attempts to discipline him by demanding resignation
Popular Catholic chaplain fired after found living with another man
Meanwhile, 2 out of 3 believe mythical King Arthur was real
'Should provide a major boost to research efforts to develop new treatments'
'People want all their information at their fingertips'
'I'm sorry, you can't do it by treating adults like children'
'It's high time we put that technology to good use'
Body wrapped in bed sheet with cross, sword on top of it
'These things can degenerate into something a lot more harmful'
McCartney: 'Send my love to the aliens. All the best, Paul'
'One thing led to another and first thing I know, it's been 52 years'
David Limbaugh: McCain has abiding loyalty not to conservative principles, but to himself
Exclusive: Mychal Massie drubs candidate for policies leading to violent crime in U.S.
Exclusive: Joseph Farah warns of clueless candidates who aren't talking about key issue
Pat Buchanan shakes head at today's candidates' lack of vision for America's future
Richard A. Viguerie seeks Republican leader to jump in and save the day at convention
Exclusive: Janet Folger challenges readers to fast and pray for today's primary results
Dennis Prager warns both Dems, GOP not to think about November in February
Exclusive: Marylou Barry notes even Associated Press understands historic Zionism
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving looks at continuing bad news for ink-on-paper media
Dave Ramsey offers wisdom on debt, in-laws, mortgage escrow accounts
Gary Younge hopes Americans reject ongoing electoral meritocracy
Mike Lester shows McCain, Obama voters telling each other whoppers
Jack Wheeler blasts Republican Party for saddling itself with 'nutcase wack job'
Stefan Theil highlights 'capitalism is evil' dogma taught in France, Germany
Critic claims agreements involving billions used to shift stock market
'Nearly 1 in 3 will inconvenience themselves ... to save a penny a gallon'
'Drivers needn't get dirty hands or smell of petrol again'
'Mine output disruptions continue to fuel the rally'
Demand for money also weakens over last 3 months
24/7 Wall St.: The Large US Companies That May Disappear In 2008
After a lackluster 4th-quarter earnings, $42 billion MS buyout offer for Yahoo
Offer represents tempting 62% premium on closing share price
Saying it would stifle Internet innovation
Murdoch touts 'unrelenting focus on exploring new opportunities'
'It leads to more deficits, more debt, more tax cuts, more cutbacks in critical services'
Says $7 billion could be raised in leasing fees from energy companies
Work world to which they return may be even less friendly than one they left behind
Game comes in 2nd only to 'M*A*S*H' finale in 1983
Factors include polluted air, lengthy traffic delays, dodging accidents
Amid worries possible U.S. recession could cut American imports
Clinton and Obama, McCain and Romney Tied in California Poll
Limbaugh Weighs In
Ron Paul Eliminated in West Virginia GOP Convention; Voting Continues

Click above for Ron Paul radio

Romney Seeks WV Momentum
Super Tuesday: Expect 'historic' voter turnout in California
Record absentee ballots may delay Super Tuesday results
The Republicans Choose A Conservative
Huckabee to Romney: If He thinks this is Tough, He ain’t seen Nothing
Grateful Dead and Deadheads reunite for Obama
Romney Campaigns Throughout the Night
What Kind of “Experience”?
Clinton takes on Obama and McCain
Clintons cast vote on Super Tuesday
Hillary votes in Chappaqua
Kennedy Vs. Kennedy: A Camelot Divided
Immigration Misfire
Issues Start Rush to Vote by Hispanics
Obama Candidacy Has African-Americans Talking About a Black President
Democratic Women Torn Between Clinton and Obama
Voters Head To The Polls For Super Tuesday
Analysis: Clinton and Obama Start Anew
On Super Tuesday, Presidential Candidates Aim for a Huge Prize
Analysis: McCain Looks to Seal the Deal
Very Superstitious
US Super Tuesday votes under way
As Voters Hit the Polls, Candidates Make Last-Minute Appeals
Bush seeks $515B to spend on military
Berkeley changing its mind on Marines?
Rescuers Free Boy Stuck in Washer
David Mosely selected as new ferries director
Report: Wife Killer Flirted in Jail With Mom Who Murdered Kids
Cutts Trial Blog: Jury Asks Question
Men charged with fire at home of ’Mary’ from ’Little Lamb’ poem
Wis. Suit Quotes Gunman: 'I Am the Cops'
Families of Wis. shooting sue for damages
Efforts Underway To Recall Mayor Funkhouser
Virginia Announce Payday Lending Bargain
Relatives Say Victims of Illinois Shooting Were First Bound
Sonar waiver for Navy is ruled invalid by judge
Thousands of refugees flee Chad
Israel hones air strikes, but civilians not immune
Zimbabwe Opposition, Still Divided, Seen Weaker Facing March Elections
Serbian PM denounces EU agreement
Serbian PM opposes European Union agreement
'Hard' Kenya crisis talks resume
Kenyan death toll reaches 1000
Italy set for early election, Berlusconi ahead
Democrats in Indonesia Cast First Votes in Tuesday Primary
Americans Vote Abroad on Super Tuesday
Sri Lanka jets bomb rebels, no end to war in sight
European watchdog rejects Russian election offer
China Releases Hong Kong Journalist After 3 Years in Jail
China frees Hong Kong 'spy' reporter
Row over killing of Iraqi family
US military says innocent woman killed in Iraq raid
Japan: China dumpling poisoning may be deliberate
Dumplings poisoned 'on purpose'
Turkish Lawmakers Set to Vote on Headscarf Ban
Turkey's Gul signals no referendum on headscarf ban
Dazzling parade says goodbye to Carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Rio's Decadent Days in Full Swing
Prince: US ignored UK over Iraq
Chavez says Colombia hostage mission to start soon
First Chinese for World Bank job
Philippines Parliament speaker ousted
Davis calls for tighter controls