"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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25 February 2008

Conspiracy and News - 25 Feb.

'Doomsday seed vault' comes to life in Arctic
Russia's NATO envoy says U.S. wants to divide and rule
Food Riots already happening
EU Pulls Out of Northern Kosovo Due to Serb Resistance
As China's inflation soars, world fears knock-on effects
Middle Class May Be Subject To Food Rations, Warns UN
VIDEO: Bill Kristol: ‘I Recommend The Politics Of Fear’
Oil giants are poised to move into Basra
Warning of catastrophe from mass of 'space junk'
Caboodle.hu - Hungary to start the world's first wild seed bank
Thought Crime Commission In Obama's Hands
Obama - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
CFR Domination Of US & The World
Barak & Michelle Obama - Dirty Deeds Aplenty
Barack Obama CFR Info
Devvy Kidd -- Vote fraud and the GOP convention delegates
Jim Mielke - Core77's Greener Gadgets Design Competition 2008
Greenspan tells Gulf to drop dollar
Deep recession feared in U.S.
After the War, a New Battle to Become Citizens - New York Times
9/11 victims identified from new DNA finds | World news | The Guardian
Indians trace jump of bird flu virus to humans- Hindustan Times
McCain faces Democrats' complaint - Yahoo! News
GOP fears charges of racism, sexism - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
After subprime debacle, U.S. wrestles with question of bank bailouts - International Herald Tribune
CORRECT: The ultimate sell signal - MarketWatch
Governors: Include coal in energy debate - Yahoo! News
Uranium and the Nuclear Renaissance
StreetInsider.com - John and Elizabeth Edwards To Join Anti Iraq War Groups to Launch Multimillion Dollar Iraq/Recession Campaign
Iraq's Deeply Tragic Future
Home-school Germans flee to UK | News crumb | EducationGuardian.co.uk
Women's lives worse than ever - Asia, World - Independent.co.uk
BBC NEWS | Americas | Nader's bid will change US race
Subprime fallout: Who's stuck with $400 billion in losses? | csmonitor.com
Resource Investor - Uranium - China Uncovers Country's Biggest Uranium Deposit
Alarm over new oil-from-coal plans | Environment | guardian.co.uk
Solar Power to Rule in 20 Years, Futurists Say | LiveScience
Tapping The Source: The Power Of The Oceans
Reuters AlertNet - U.S. expects 140,000 troops in Iraq after surge
MyFox Dallas | Vice President Cheney Makes Mystery Visit to Dallas
Beyond Wikipedia: 19 References You Can't Do Without - Articles
The Oil factor in Kosovo independence :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato :: news from occupied Iraq :: - it
Rising Inflation Creates Unease in Middle East - New York Times
Ralph Nader enters presidential race - CNN.com
Robert D. Novak - Who Will Tell Hillary? - washingtonpost.com
The Raw Story | Clinton, Obama bank major donations from Abramoff's former law firm
Somber Clinton Soldiers On as the Horizon Darkens - New York Times
False Flag Prospects, 2008 -- Top Three US Target Cities
Even More Proof Cancer Is Caused By Bacteria
Obama Supports North American Union Agenda « noworldsystem.com
Makow - The Cabalist Plan to Enslave Humanity
savethemales.ca - The Riddle of Anti Semitism
McCain Says He Could Lose Over War Issue
Denying Everything - A Holocaust Of Bacon And Lies
Steiger - Farm Boy Who Built An Empire...By Listening
Celente - Panic Of 08 - Politician Won't Prevent It
Washington Versus Cuba After Castro
Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods
Brzezinski Seizing Control Over US Policy In Slow Motion
Obama's Copied Speeches & Brzezinski's Spare Obama
Business & Technology | Wheat Hits Record on US Inventory Report | Seattle Times Newspaper
Food shortages loom as wheat crop shrinks and prices rise - Times Online
Makow - Winston Churchill, Illuminati
Steiger - Who Really Killed Abraham Lincoln?
US Self-Employment Plummeting - Massive Downturn
Thank You, Mr. Nader!
Nader running for president
Larry McDonald on the New World Order
911truth.org ::::: BAE: Secret papers reveal threats from Saudi prince
911truth.org ::::: The Reflecting Pool: Investigative drama challenges official version of 9/11
911truth.org ::::: Planned Guantanamo Trials Deny 9/11 Defendants Basic Rights
Boulder Company Stops Certifying Green Programs
Midwestern governors pick Granholm as vice chairwoman - NewsFlash - mlive.com
Move Over, Oil, There’s Money in Texas Wind - New York Times
globeandmail.com: Flight of the world's first biofuel jumbo jet
Husted introduces renewable energy legislation - Dayton Business Journal:
Clean Energy Intro: Top 10 Alternative Solar Uses : CleanTechnica
Nevada Solar One Dedicated to Power Las Vegas Homes
FT.com / World - Wheat prices in biggest one-day rise
FT.com / In depth - Clinton camp under fire for photo
FT.com / World - IMF ‘must reform to remain relevant’
Mexico, Brazil track relief rally on Wall Street - MarketWatch
Weak dollar, lower prices attract overseas buyers to U.S. homes - MarketWatch
Bernanke's recession is here: 11 reasons it will last till 2011 - MarketWatch
Increase your leadership stature by emulating Lincoln - MarketWatch
US Interventions
The Arab-Israeli Conflict
NATO's Reign of Terror in Kosovo
Washington v. Cuba After Castro
Western Involvement in the Rwandan genocide
Supreme Court Shields Medical Device Manufacturers from Consumer Lawsuits
Male Fertility Harmed By Mix of Endocrine Disrupters
Can't-Miss Ways to Declutter Your Mind
Domestic Spying Continues Without Authorization
Welcome To The New Ice Age
Cops Plant Drugs, Beat Suspect (video) « Dandelion Salad
Obama campaign calls photo a 'smear' | Capitol Hill Blue
Hushed worry about Obama's safety - The New York Times- msnbc.com
Obama nails Clinton over NAFTA support | Capitol Hill Blue
Democrats want probe of McCain's finances | Capitol Hill Blue
Clinton accuses Obama of inexperience abroad | Politics | Reuters
If Afghanistan fails, Pakistan could follow: Biden | Politics | Reuters
U.S. Treasury asking emirates to help pressure Iran | Politics | Reuters
Gold Fields to Close Shafts, Reduce Output in South Africa
STOP MCCAIN IN OHIO! | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
Dr Paul's Speech in Austin | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
In Ohio, Promises Of Change Ring Hollow, Washington Post: Candidates Face A Scarred Economic Landscape In A State With Thousands Of Jobs Lost - CBS News
NY plans to encourage renewable energy : News : WSTM NBC3
Myth/Facts about Retroactive Immunity and Attorneys | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Threat Level - Wired Blogs
FDA Says It Approved The Wrong Drug Plant - washingtonpost.com
» Preservation of Agricultural Assets NoNais- Washington State: If you eat… you need to stop NAIS
Wheat prices could defy a recession - International Herald Tribune
Measures taken to protect farmers
YouTube - Instant Problem Solver
» VIDEO: The Invisible Government
» Questions Remain About Rove’s CIA Leak Email
» US intelligence to spy on virtual worlds
» Are Biometrics the Future of Credit Cards?
» IBM scientists look to DNA to build future chips
» Inside the world of war profiteers
Hybrid Licenses Catch On In Washington State
Study Casts Doubt On Anti-Depressants
Lone Gunman Producer Questions 9/11
Bush: The Enemy Is Calling Into America
Futurist Predicts Solar Power To Rule In 20 Years
Inflation: Americas Greatest Export
Ice Cream Crisis As Bees Buzz Off
Police in retreat after public backlash over their demands for a DNA database | the Daily Mail
The Raw Story | Dont be quick to count out a Clinton