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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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06 February 2008

6 Feb - *Click Here: Ron Paul Radio

Dam Breaks, ABC News Covers Willie Nelson 9/11 Story
Fmr VP Walter Mondale & Fmr. Senator Dayton Support New 9/11 Investigation
Clinton health plan may mean tapping pay
Revealed: British plan to build training camp for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan
Local coffee shop installs toiletcam
Cal to test using drivers' cell phones to monitor traffic
Hillary: "Not a lot of truth" to North American Union
Media Smeared Paul For Racism, Ignored McCain’s “Gook” Comments
Iraqi scientist gave CIA information that should have prevented war
Problems crop up early in Super Tuesday voting
Before and After: John McCain as a Stark Raving Neocon
Barack Obama’s 2009 Pakistan War
George Bush Delivers the Horse’s Head
The conspiracy theorists at the New York Times
CNN and the Passion of St. Hillary
Video: Alex Jones Interviews Willie Nelson on 9/11
In Willie’s Wake, Neocon Blogger Compares “Trutherism” to Holocaust Denial
We Are Change Colorado Confronts Bill Clinton
Drudge Report Cans Willie Nelson Story
Willie Nelson: Twin Towers Were Imploded On 9/11
Ron Paul in a Nutshell
Clinton, Obama Trade Victories - washingtonpost.com
McCain Dominates Big States - washingtonpost.com
The Associated Press: Latest Super Tuesday Results From AP
TheHill.com - Romney camp accuses McCain, Huckabee of shady West Virginia deal
Al-Qaeda video shows boys training to kill, kidnap
Roman Nikolaichik, critic of Vladimir Putin, is sent to mental hospital - Times Online
Israel-Gaza Fighting Escalates
The Associated Press: Romney Pledges to Stay in GOP Race
TheStar.com | Health | Smoking pot may fuel risk of early gum disease: Study
Britain's Taliban proposal draws ire - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Jail for the in-laws who turned a blind eye to arranged bride's murder | the Daily Mail
For the Record: Government Reminds Court of CAIR/MAS Ties to Terrorists :: For the Record :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
One carjacking leads to another - and then to arrest
Super Tuesday: The Most Interesting Number of All - Swampland - TIME
Obama claims delegate lead - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Clinton and McCain Win in California; Obama Stays Close as G.O.P. Rivals Lag - New York Times
Al Qaeda seen planning attack on U.S. - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
My Way News - Top Officer Calls U.S. Forces 'Stressed'
My Way News - Presidential Race Turns to Mid-Atlantic
Gasoline could drop 50 cts/gln by spring: AAA | U.S. | Reuters
Pelosi Skips Calif. Primary to Work the NASCAR Vote - The Sleuth
cbs2chicago.com - Obama: We Had Extraordinary Night
My Way News - Analysis: Clinton and Obama Start Anew
My Way News - Analysis: McCain Nearly Unstoppable
cCain Didn’t Close the Deal - HUMAN EVENTS
2007 Airline Delays 2nd Worst Ever: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Overseas Voting: Online for the 1st Time
Huckabee Points to Southern Strength
Obama Says GOP Will Have Dirt on Clinton
Obama Vows to Change Washington
Clinton Looks Past Obama and Faults Bush
Accidental Pill Overdose Killed Ledger
Ledger Died Of Accidental Overdose - February 6. 2008
Wildcat Banking in the Virtual Frontier - Matthew Beller - Mises Institute
Blue eyes result of ancient genetic 'mutation' - Telegraph
BBC NEWS | Health | Gout surge blamed on sweet drinks
BBC NEWS | Business | EBay to ban negative seller views
WebUrbanist » 7 Abandoned Wonders of the Former Soviet Union: Deserted Cities, Buildings, Bases and More
Inside al-Qaeda Meetup Groups by William H. Huff
Buyback Blowback at Ambac and MBIA by Eric Englund
What if House Prices Fall by 30% Worldwide? by Gary North
Of Fare Hikes and Fiat Currency by Thomas Schmidt
The Housing Recession and the Building Trades: Unemployment, Misery, and the Fed by Mark R. Crovelli
Military Spending / GDP = Nonsense for Budget Policy Making by Robert Higgs
Can McCain Hold It Together?
OFF TO THE RACES: Vote On The Wild Side (02/05/2008)
Comment is free: The best of the worst
Can Calif. deliver gold for Romney? - Lisa Lerer - Politico.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Possible Scenarios for Super Tuesday
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Baggage Hillary Bears
The Change vs. Experience Pitfall - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Favorable Press Fuels Obama Rise
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Super Tuesday Fallout: Where the Race Goes From Here
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Right and 'Wrongs' of McCain
Darkness and Light - New York Times
A loss for Kennedy - The Boston Globe
Romney's Big Push Nets Little - TIME
Huckabee Complicates GOP Contest - washingtonpost.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Road Ahead Tough For Clinton
Commentary » Blog Archive » Why They Hate McCain
The Democrats' Choice: Manager or Visionary | The American Prospect
The Candidates and Trade - WSJ.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Why It's Not The Economy
RealClearPolitics - 2008 Elections - Democratic Delegate Count
RealClearPolitics - 2008 Elections - Republican Delegate Count
Close But Not Close - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
What Now For the Anti-McCain Wing? - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
Surging McCain ready to take it over top :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Robert Novak
Hillary the lesser threat to McCain - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Candidates Look Ahead to Potomac Primaries - washingtonpost.com
McCain Scores in Northeast, California - WSJ.com
The Race After Tuesday - washingtonpost.com
Dems eye Coup de Gras, settle for Mardi Draw - Ben Smith and Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
Analysis: John McCain - New Face Of GOP, Vaughn Ververs Says Path To Nomination For Romney, Huckabee Is Challenging At Best - CBS News
Two Parties, Two Distinct Paths to the Nomination - New York Times
Economy's slide has voters on edge - USATODAY.com
RealClearMarkets - Articles - The Paul Volcker Myth
McCain's Super Tuesday Speech
Clinton's Super Tuesday Speech
Obama's Super Tuesday Speech
Huckabee's Super Tuesday Speech
Romney's Super Tuesday Speech
Obama Defends Anti-Mandate Position
Clinton Experiences Coughing Fit
Dobson Attacks McCain
Romney/McCain Fight Over Dole
Dole on His Letter to Limbaugh
Obama on "Nightly News"
Clinton on "The Late Show"
Clintons Cast Their Votes
Romney on "Morning Joe"
Limbaugh Rails Against McCain
Obama Talks About McCain
Clinton's Emotional Welcome Back
McCain: "Trust"
Romney: "Very Close" Web Ad
McCain's Jokes
Romney: "Falls Short" Radio Ad
Obama's Los Angeles Rally
Clinton's Sunday Media
Obama's Sunday Media
McCain's Sunday Media
High Levels Of Chemicals In Baby Shampoo
AP Covers Willie Nelson Story
Bush To Veto Spy Bill If Immunity Omitted
White House Defends Torture Use
New World Order College
Top Officer Calls U.S. Forces Stressed
Pharma Companies Investigated For Manslaughter
Gulf States May Have To Drop USD Pegs
DHS Ponders Real ID Rules For Cold Medicine
UAE Report States Five Cable Cuts
Glitches Early Front Runner In CA
OK College Joins Global Corporate College
Repairs To Internet Cables Begin In Gulf
CIA Chief: We Waterboarded
The Official 9/11 Story Is Falling Apart
Cable Cuts A Prelude To War?
U.S. Intel: Al-Qaida To Spread Out Of Iraq
Jericho Trailer Shows False Flag Nuke Attack
Video: Peter Schiff On Fox Business News
Is Weather Modification Creating Excessive Snow?
Bill Would Require Drug Test For Candidates
British Scientists Create Three-Parent Embryo
How risky are uninsured bank deposits? - MarketWatch
Parents producing 'battery-farmed' children who never play outside, says minister | the Daily Mail
Banks lose billions
Remote-control DNA 'pistons' could power tiny robots
What's Really in the U.S. Military Budget?
Test To Track Traffic Using GPS Cell Phones
FBI wants palm prints, eye scans, tattoo mapping
New NATO intelligence chief was trained by KGB
Top-secret Livermore anti-germ lab opens
9/11 Commissioner: 'We had to go through Karl Rove'
China’s Inflation Hits American Price Tags
Iran Oil Bourse To Deal Blow To USD
Fed’s rate cuts may kill US dollar soon
IMF: Global Governance: New Players, New Rules
Report: Anderson Cooper's CIA Past
DNA Breakthrough Could Give Humans Lifespans Lasting Hundreds of Years
Behavior-Based Internet Advertising: Who Is Watching You?
Another Chinese Journalist Jailed
Federal Reserve Under Increased Scrutiny After Huge Interest Rate Cuts
Mike Huckabee Supported Real ID Act
Central ID Database Concept Flawed
Super Tuesday Speeches from McCain & Obama
Clinton's Super Tuesday Speech
Huckabee & Romney Super Tuesday Speeches
Panel on the Race for Delegates
Roof torn from shopping mall, warehouses blown apart
Judge blesses teaching students homosexuality is innate
No knockout, split decision
Dobson won't vote if McCain wins GOP
Governor wants to generate money for state budget crisis
New Life maintains he should not return to pulpit
Investigator charged after accessing database to reveal plea bargaining
Attempting to infiltrate Jewish state with suicide belts
Erroneous claim of responsibility provides crucial information
'Another bomber infiltrated, ready for attack'
Iran's missile launch a cause for 'concern'
Terrorist boasts: 'We will keep attacking ... it doesn't go against
Beatles' guru introduced transcendental meditation to West
Decision pushes state 'gay' marriage plans forward
'We remain hopeful but remain skeptical at the same time'
Rush: 'Not even Nixon pulled this kind of stunt'
Spy agency expects Tehran continue to provide rockets to regional armed groups
'One should not expect them to play outside the box'
Tossed into arms of fireman after suspected arson engulfs family
Downward trend accelerates despite increase in membership of Catholic Church
Concerns physician who is one of nation's few late-term providers
'There are certain things you can't prepare for. I guarantee you, this is 1'
Teen nabbed in church after allegedly robbing Macy's at gunpoint
'This stupidity never happened previously'
Network apologizes for use of 'black man's willy'
'It's a natural occurrence and we all do it 16 times a day'
Entrepreneur draws millions to website featuring prayer walls, video clips, social networking
City attorney recommends no action after police snatched photos at mall
Critic claims agreements involving billions used to shift market
Exclusive: Joel Hesch shares story of Parisians gouging taxpayers for hundreds of millions
As losses from soured loans mount, regulators crack down on risky lenders
American spy chief worried about terror, dollar depreciation
More than 26 percent of flights arriving late
'There are no governments or armies protecting these'
'At the moment it really looks like bad luck rather than anything else'
Dave Ramsey offers wisdom on debt, in-laws, mortgage escrow accounts
24/7 Wall St.: The Large US Companies That May Disappear In 2008
Factors include polluted air, lengthy traffic delays, dodging accidents
Exclusive: Judge Roy Moore explains how Supremes are poised to snatch last of Americans' 3 primary rights
Exclusive: Joseph Farah tells of mega-pastor's latest 'we are the world' scheme
Nat Hentoff blasts U.N. for uselessness in helping stop genocide in Darfur
Walter E. Williams reaches end of his rope over 'silly talk' all around him
Exclusive: Jill Stanek revels in failure of critic-hailed pro-abortion movie
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky notes shortage of movies that are either funny or charming
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak joins PETA in seeking vegetarian meals for alleged cannibal
Sara Robinson, user of docs on both sides of border, addresses 'right-wing hysterics'
Bruce Chapman introduces DNC Pharmaceuticals drug to help us forget Clintons' sins
David Limbaugh: McCain has abiding loyalty not to conservative principles, but to himself
Phyllis Chesler chronicles jihadist actions by your neighborhood cabbies
Brawny New Bunker Buster: 'Divine Thunderbolt' | Danger Room from Wired.com
Gates declines to estimate war costs
U.S. sees Russia, China and OPEC financial threat | Politics | Reuters
BP slashes jobs as profit falls 20pc - Telegraph
Black Tuesday
Philip Giraldi: Sibel Edmonds Must be Heard - Politics on The Huffington Post
9/11 Exposure Linked to Behavior Trouble in Kids - Yahoo! News
Half of U.S. States Facing Budget Gaps, Report Finds
Greenback Has Lost 30% in Past 7 Years, Becomes "Bernanke Peso"
Georgia Loses Federal Case in a Dispute About Water - New York Times
U.S. recession could be worse than recent downturns | U.S. | Reuters
Pakistan Is Threatened, Intelligence Chief Says - washingtonpost.com
hutto's party insists on UN inquiry
Harmful Pesticides Found In Everyday Food Products
Credit crunch changes everyday life in U.S. - International Herald Tribune
Gulf States to Drop Dollar Peg on Fed Cuts, Bear Says
US anti-missile ship to dock in Haifa | Jerusalem Post
WHO Team Visits Karachi
ISM Services Index Fell More Than Forecast in January
A 2nd Case on Detainees Complicates Deliberations - New York Times
Military Balance report sees "willpower gap" in NATO over conflicts
Tainted pills hit U.S. mainland - Yahoo! News
White House defends waterboarding - The White House- msnbc.com
'Message' candidate doesn't plan to drop out
JURIST - Paper Chase: Bush to veto surveillance bill without telecom immunity: Mukasey letter
Press TV - Iran Oil Bourse to deal blow to dollar
Gates: Petraeus not sole adviser on Iraq - Yahoo! News
Manufacturer in $2 Million Accord With U.S. on Deficient Kevlar in Military Helmets - New York Times
Societe Generale Rises on Speculation Bank Is Target
Extra firepower sent to Afghanistan as UK digs in | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
WTO accepts Ukraine as new member
WB cuts China growth forecast to below 10%
Nature's Answer To Great Health Is Simple -- Consume As Much Chlorophyll As Possible
More Than Just Banks Now Feeling Subprime Pain
War by Accident? by Karen Kwiatkowski
9/11 Exposure Linked to Behavior Trouble in Kids - Yahoo! News
Tuesday: 3 GIs, 90 Iraqis Killed; 7 Iraqis Wounded; Mass Grave Found - Antiwar.com
Children caught in middle during wars
Internal pressure grows on Iraq's Sadr to end truce
Dozens of U.S. banks will fail by 2010: analyst
Inhaling Pig Brains May Be Cause of New Illness
Picking up, putting aside the poor - Roger Simon - Politico.com