"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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25 February 2008

25 Feb

Richard Perle Claims We’ve ‘Already Won’ The Iraq War But It’s Also ‘Far From Over’
Locking Our Children Away From the Real World
Creating A One World Consciousness
Spoiler Nader Enters CFR Dominated Decider-Commander Race
Neocons Cry Foul Over Insignificant McCain-Iseman Story
Dahr Jamail: Beyond the Green Zone
NATO’s Reign of Terror in Kosovo
Canada, U.S. agree to use each other’s troops in civil emergencies
Area, Fated on Exile: a Russian Film on Kosovo
Clinton Gets Caught Again on NAFTA
The Three Trillion Dollar War
Serb official blames U.S. for violence
House Speaker: Lazy Missourians could learn from Mexicans
Blood Detecting Cameras in UK
Bank of America Secretly Asking Congress for a Banking Industry Bailout
Crisis of the World Financial System: The Financial Predators had a Ball
Another Day, Another Neocon Wiretap
IRS Tells 2nd Grader He Owes Back Taxes
American Adam
Alter: Hillary Should Get Out Now | Newsweek Voices - Jonathan Alter | Newsweek.com
It’s All About Him - New York Times
Obama assures Jewish leaders on Israel stance :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lynn Sweet
GOP fears charges of racism, sexism - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Hawk versus pragmatist
McCain’s Veep Problem
How Would Jesus Vote? - washingtonpost.com
Scare Tactics and Our Surveillance Bill
Chilling Effect - WSJ.com
Jackson Diehl - Holding Medvedev to His Words - washingtonpost.com
Fidel’s Farewell: Comment: The New Yorker
Mexico Under Siege - WSJ.com
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
Photobama! - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
Democrats promise a lot, but who will pay the bill? - Opinion - USATODAY.com
Obama and Vouchers - February 25, 2008 - The New York Sun
Confirmation Needed - washingtonpost.com
On the Brink -Times Online
Taking Blows From All Sides and Weighing When to Punch Back - New York Times
McCain Is Accused of Financing Breach - WSJ.com
Hillary Clinton: How I’ll win - BostonHerald.com
RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Morning Thoughts: The Clinton Conundrum
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama's Appeal Depends on Your Definition of Change
Governors on "Fox News Sunday"
Ralph Nader on "Meet the Press"
Huckabee; Admiral McConnell on "Late Edition"
A Spry Farrakhan Sings Obama's Praises
Muslims shocked to learn that crisps contain alcohol - Times Online
Barack Obama criticised over 'cult-like' rallies - Telegraph
Brussels: New court to try Israel for war crimes - Israel News, Ynetnews
Death of ex-cop's 3rd wife was homicide - Yahoo! News
Piggy banks are given the chop as bank tries to attract young Muslims - Times Online
Study: 3 in 4 U.S. mosques preach anti-West extremism
Does Balkanization beckon anew?
Kosovo: Islamism's New Beachhead?
The Associated Press: Serbia: US Must Renounce Kosovo
Serb Police Guard Embassies After Riots
'Independent' Kosovo: A threat, not a country
Clinton's response to the day's Drudge - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
Obama in a turban: Barack accuses Hillary of smear campaign after circulating photos of him dressed as 'a Muslim' | the Daily Mail
Lynn Sweet: Sweet: The story behind the Obama photo on Drudgereport.com
My Way News - Nader Announces New Bid for White House
Forget global warming: Welcome to the new Ice Age
BBC NEWS | UK | Airline in first biofuel flight
Suicidal pets get anti-depressants | NEWS.com.au
Regional agency head suspended after DUI arrest in Martin County : Roads : TCPalm
Existing Home Sales Hit 9-Year Low: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
TheHill.com - DNC to file FEC complaint against McCain
Putin’s Iron Grip on Russia Suffocates Opponents - New York Times
My Way News - Coen Brothers Movie Wins 4 Oscars
Hollywood reduced to supporting role at Oscars | Reuters
Clinton Turns From Anger to Sarcasm - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Breitbart.tv » ‘Let’s Get Unified!’ Sarcastic Clinton Mocks Obama’s Rhetoric
Who Will Tell Hillary?
ABC News: The Note: For Clinton, A Legacy at Stake
Breitbart.tv » ‘Hope of the Entire World’: Nation of Islam’s Farrakhan Sings Obama’s Praises
An early look at how Clinton deals with crisis -- Newsday.com
Foreign Policy Face-Off
Clinton Adviser Ickes Compares Obama to Jesse Jackson
Edwards Partners with Pro-Obama Groups in Anti-War Effort
Clinton Camp Continues Obama Flip Flop Talk On Third-Party Spending
HALPERIN’S TAKE: Things McCain Can Do to Try to Beat Obama That Clinton Cannot
In Painful Past, Hushed Worry About Obama - New York Times
Scientists find genetic keys to inherited hair loss
US sees possibility of change in Cuba: diplomat
Pentagon: Satellite Hit a Success
Reuters AlertNet - Chavez jokes with new Cuba leader, promises help
Obesity more dangerous than terrorism: experts
Environmentalists climb on Heathrow jet in airport protest: officials
Amazon nuts help fuel first biofuel flight | Reuters
Relative Complains After Death on Flight
Clinton Interview in Rhode Island
McCain, Obama Seen as Uniters
Clinton Aims Sarcasm at Obama
Nader Announces Presidential Run
Obama Fires Again on NAFTA
Clinton, Obama Trade Attacks
Clinton Discusses Superdelegates
Obama in Ohio
Mike Huckabee on "SNL"
Clinton: "Proud"
McCain Raising Money off of NYT Story
Clinton on "Today"
Clinton: "Deliver" and "Level"
Obama's Answer on the Economy
The Debate's Charges of Plagiarism
Hillary's Words Echo Bill's
Clinton Honored to be With Obama
Clinton, Obama Clash on Health Care
Clinton, Obama on Judgment & Experience
Debate Answers on Immigration
Group Thinks Obama will Win Nomination
Obama: "Como Padre"
Bush Boogies in Liberia
Huckabee in Plano
Young People Speak for Hillary
50 crime writers to read before you die - Telegraph
Pro Libertate: A Parasite's Priorities (Updated, February 23)
Did Adolf Hitler draw Disney characters? - Telegraph
How do archaeologists estimate the size of ancient populations? - By Juliet Lapidos - Slate Magazine
Inside the Bizarre World of Japanese Pickup Schools
They Laugh Today, But Desperate Looters Will ‘Get It’ Soon Enough by Vin Suprynowicz
Quo vadis, domine? by Terry Hulsey
The Plug-In Drug Redux by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
The Poverty and Poison of Paul Krugman by William L. Anderson
Accomplice to Murder by Laurence M. Vance
Non-Negotiable Political Demands by Gary North
Your Money and Your Brain by Doug French
N. American Army created without OK by Congress
Senator helped fund organization that rejects 'racist' Israel's existence
Deception indicated in tests on drug, sex charges
Responds to circulation of image showing Illinois senator in tribal garb
'People are being transformed from what they were'
Attacked credibility of girl in mounting aggressive defense for indigent client
Say he 'poses as a reformer but seems to think reforms apply to everyone but him'
Says free-trade agreement has cost 50,000 jobs in Ohio, site of upcoming primary
'The light will come down, celestial choirs will be singing'
Is Obama the messiah?
'She has essentially presented herself as co-president during the Clinton years'
'We have to shift the power from the few to the many'
Presidential spokesman says newspaper hits GOP with 'bombshells' regularly
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Canadian geologists say they can shed light on ice age event
Warn federal government could breach statehood contract
U.S., Canada military ink deal to fight domestic emergencies
Secret survey exposes widespread radicalism
Authorities suspect European ring selling counterfeit Bulgarian passports for $10K
Can churn out enriched uranium at more than double rate of current machines
Axed for 'buzzing' control tower during maiden flight of Boeing jumbo jet
Cuban National Assembly confirms nomination to take reins from brother
'The project fell on us from the sky'
Venezuela strongman uses database to turn ideological discrimination into science
'He would especially enjoy practicing his Arabic on me'
City of past attacks bracing for 'expected' retaliation'
Yee says female guards tortured 'genitals' of detainees
Oxford lab investigating claims its findings of forgery possibly wrong
Epidemic widespread in 49 states, killing at least 22 children
Charges filed in 4 deaths in Minnesota as investigation continues into ID, status
Americans see bags of dope, illegal aliens, dead bodies, 'you name it'
Evidence of firefight attack on Marines presented to judge
New research suggests drug can damage sperm
Radioactive material in lens can be dated, Danish study finds
'We are not sufficiently confident that they are safe here'
1st time public can study sampling of some Inquisition archives
10 teams of scientists, dreamers from around world join $30 million-plus contest
Photos 'in various stages of undress' given to male, female teens
'It's the biggest mistake I ever made in my whole life'
'If you are a straight, white, Christian male, all of society's problems are your fault'
Female official on 'mission to have sex with successful businessmen'
Canines at center of theological controversy because Islam considers them impure
57 youths arrested this week for trying to attract girls' attention
No parent or guardian, no service: 2 recent fights lead to decision to exclude
Man who helped create Microsoft leaves huge gift for homosexuals
'This is Miami. People have sloths and leopards and God knows what else'
'Meatloaf' lost 1/2 body weight on journey from Florida to Arizona
'It's not something that really you would think would ever come out of a toy'
'You spend a lot of time avoiding situations that will set you off'
For TSA, Honesty is NOT the Best Policy!
Fewer Casualties in Iraq Shouldn’t Be Attributed Only To the “Surge”
The Old Greenback, It Ain’t What It Used to Be
Top 48 analysts cite reasons for $1,000 per ounce prices
Asks patrons to pay whatever they consider fair amount for meal
after Toshiba cedes high-definition video-format battle to Sony's Blu-ray
New York-based game company known for 'Grand Theft Auto' franchise
Some argue government should do more to stop negative feedback loop in housing market
Since 2003 34,156 people have lost homes to repossession in Cleveland area
'There has been always a periodic cut in the 2nd quarter of the year'
Virgin Atlantic uses combination of coconut, babassu oil
Was instrumental in effort that saved Chrysler from bankruptcy
'It's how pleasant people interpret the taste to be'
Factory floors feel pressure from spiralling costs
'Insulting' treatment alleged after newlyweds accused of using counterfeit note
'New Bedouins': 'Nomads' take up room, buy few drinks
Charges for unordered, unwanted services popping up on cell-phone bills
Increased sales of flat-screens, demise of analog broadcast system, fueling change
Planning to export Bordeaux to China because it's 1 of nation's favorite wines
Exclusive: Larry Elgin reveals why media refuse to stomach American success in Iraq
Exclusive: Michael Ackley reverses gutter journalism role, turns scrutiny on newspaper
Exclusive: Joseph Farah condemns suppression of political speech in U.S. churches
Exclusive: Chuck Norris supports adventurer more qualified than Clinton, Obama
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson campaigns to keep spouses out of race for presidency
Exclusive: Vox Day marvels at media ignoring scandal, reaffirms support for Ron Paul
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner declares American voters should 'expect the unexpected'
Exclusive: Doug Powers reveals eco-con man uses Columbus' tactics for personal gain
'When it's time for me to go, I'll know, and I'll exit out with class and grace'
Liliana Segura: Not even campus bloodshed grabs candidates' attention
Andrew C. McCarthy: We continue to live with consequences of our own blindness
Exclusive: Pat Boone describes movie debauchery he witnessed as Oscars voter
Katie O' Malley: Code Stink, aging hippies stood by and sent children to front lines