"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

04 February 2008


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n Health Debate, Clinton Remains Vague on Penalties - New York Times
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 02/03/2008 | Clinton's '35 years of change' omits most of her career
Chelsea calling - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
Candidates Make Final Super Tuesday Push
GOP Senators Reassess Views About McCain
Suicide bombers strike in Israeli nuclear town - Times Online
My Way News - Iran Launches Rocket, Opens Space Center
US anti-missile ship to dock in Haifa | Jerusalem Post
Sniffling mouse could unlock cold cure: British scientists
Great Firewall of China Faces Online Rebels - New York Times
Dutch unveil robot to fill car gas tank | Technology | Reuters
It’s Splitsville for Rupert and Hillary - New York Times
Google Dips Below $500 for 1st Time
Giants-Pats Was Most-Watched Super Bowl
The Buffalo News: Home: It’s the economy, Clinton says
My Way News - Candidates Keep Up Pace Before Tuesday
McCain: Super Tuesday may end the GOP race
Why Super Tuesday won't hand the nomination to Hillary :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Robert Novak
Google Assails Microsoft Over Yahoo Deal: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Conspiracy theories emerge after internet cables cut - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
My Way News - Bush Unveils $3.1 Trillion Spending Plan
Bush Says Budget Proposal Is Sound
JF Kennedy niece Maria Shriver backs Obama
Oprah says women should feel free to vote for Obama over Clinton - Examiner.com
Hillary Clinton may unite Republicans | Politics | Reuters
Obama Is Racing Against the Clock
Goodfellas at Giants Stadium
Israeli soldiers suspended for mooning Palestinians
Fewer Want Bill Clinton Back in the White House - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
U.S. Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens
Conspiracy Theories Emerge After Internet Cables Cut
Ron Paul Tax Adviser
Morgan Stanley Strategist: Buy Remote Land, Stored Food & Guns
Federal Reserve Stealing Iraqi Oil Revenues
Artificial letters added to life's alphabet
Mexican farmers protest NAFTA
Ron Paul Supporter's Sign & Vehicle Vandalized
Hillary Gets Question On Bush/Clinton Dynasty
Three Internet Cables Slashed in a Week: Has Iran lost all Internet Connectivity?
HillaryCare at Gunpoint
New World Order: Unimaginable Intentional Human Suffering
Another McCain Lie: American Casualties Are Coming Down in Iraq
Ohio Sheriff’s Deputy Sued Over Strip Search of Woman
What Happened to Freedom? A Story You Need to Hear
“Anti-Terror” Patrols Under New York City
Wesley Snipes Cleared of Serious Tax Charges
Pentagon: Internet needs to be dealt with as if an enemy “weapons system”
Super Bowl of Tyranny
Cheney’s Dark Side of American Justice
Paul Comes in Third in Maine Caucus
Ron Paul is Popular with Young Voters
Ministry Gives New York Police State a Huge Infusion of Cash
Anderson Cooper’s CIA Past
Internet Outage: Planning for War?
Professor Demonstrates How to Hack the Vote
Statement of Ron Paul on H.R. 5104, the Protect America Act
Ron Paul: Secretive elite controls America
Mike Huckabee Supported Real ID Act
Mississippi Fat Burning
Central ID Database Concept Flawed
Welcome to Communist California
Top Scientist Says IPCC Should Clear Up Climate Change Confusion
Let's Get Congress to Fix Illegal Immigration Now!
How the Media Pick the Candidates
Global Linguistic Citizenship for All
"The Myth of a Maverick": Matt Welch on GOP Frontrunner John McCain
Former Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney Seeks Presidency as Green Party Nominee
Ralph Nader Launches Presidential Exploratory Committee to Mull '08 Run
Democratic Presidential Nomination Could Hinge on Divided Latino Vote
Paul: I Reach Out To Young Voters
Al-Qaeda Commander Move Freely In Pakistan
Iraq Vets Denied Help For PTSD
Iran Rocket Launch Unfortunate Says U.S.
25% Of Brits: Sherlock Real Churchill Myth
Dutch Unveil Robot That Fills Gas Tank
Pentagon Panel: U.S. Must Sell Good News
Video: Ron Paul @ MTV Forum
China's Inflation Hits American Price Tags
Ships Did Not Cause Internet Cable Damage
Clinton Health Plan Might Mean Garnishing Pay
CBS: Little E-Voting Accountability
Paul Very Likely To Win Washington State
Immigrants told in new 'behaviour packs' not to spit, touch people without their permission or steal carp | the Daily Mail
Ban gas-guzzling cars, says ex-Shell boss - Telegraph
My Way News - Envoy: US Troops to Be in Iraq Into '09
New NATO intelligence chief was trained by KGB - International Herald Tribune
McCain & Clinton on "Fox News Sunday"
McCain on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - For once, it is all about electability
Dyspepsia on the Right - New York Times
McCain and the Supreme Court - WSJ.com
The Obama Juggernaut
Raising Obama: Politics & Power: vanityfair.com
The Fight for the Latino Vote | The American Prospect
A Campaign of Her Own - washingtonpost.com
Sen. McAmnesty is here to thumb nose at Mitt - BostonHerald.com
The 'I Hate Romney' Club - TIME
Will Huckabee's campaign encourage evangelicals to vote for a Democrat?
Fred Schwarz on Democrats & Iraq on National Review Online
No Country for Young Men
How democracy produced a monster - International Herald Tribune
Will: The Biofuel Follies | Newsweek Voices - George F. Will | Newsweek.com
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Editorial comment - Nato’s Afghan test
Olympic leverage: With China in the spotlight, this is the year to press Beijing to free its muzzled media | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Mr. Clinton and the Tycoon - washingtonpost.com
Obama Closes In on Clinton As McCain Lengthens Lead - WSJ.com
McCain Looks Confident; Tighter Democratic Race - New York Times
California epicenter of Dems' epic balloting
The Keys to the Dems' Delegate Race - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Democratic Stalemate
Obama's Los Angeles Rally
Clinton's Sunday Media
Obama's Sunday Media
McCain's Sunday Media
Obama's Super Ad
Obama's Saturday Rallies
Romney's Sunday Media
Music Video Promotes Obama
Obama: "Year"
Clinton: "Arkansas"
Michelle Obama on AC360
Clinton: "Bobby" and "Dignity"
Santorum Explains Why He's For Romney
McCain: "True Conservative"
Where Edwards' Voters Could Go
What the Focus Groups Thought
Obama's Debate Highlights
Clinton's Debate Highlights
Bill Clinton Confronts "Inside Job" Heckler
The Luntz GOP Focus Group
ABC News Looks into Clinton's Wal-Mart Ties
Talking to the GOP Candidates
Schwarzenegger Endorses McCain
Huckabee: Romney Reaches Political Puberty at Age 60
The Madness of John McCain
The Neocons: An Illustrated Progression - washingtonpost.com
Stilettos take women’s sex life to higher level - Times Online
Keeping Your Brain Fit - US News and World Report
Peruvian surfing cat is making waves - Telegraph
Margaret Thatcher told navy to raid Swedish coast :: SANDERS RESEARCH ASSOCIATES LTD.
10 Reasons To Love the Free Market by Karen De Coster
Mad Money by Doug French
The Return of the Old Latin Mass by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
The Obstacles to a Free Society by Dmitry Chernikov
TimeTo Walk Away by Arnold Hendrix
Louis L’Amour’s Writing: Authentic? Accurate? Plausible? by William R. Tonso
Revealed: British plan to build training camp for Taliban fighters
Top-secret Livermore anti-germ lab opens
9/11 Commissioner: 'We had to go through Karl Rove'
VIDEO: Ron Paul in the MTV/Myspace forum
Iran Oil Bourse To Deal Blow To USD
Fed’s rate cuts may kill US dollar soon
Russia sends bombers, fighters to Atlantic, Arctic
IMF: Global Governance: New Players, New Rules
DNA Breakthrough Could Give Humans Lifespans Lasting Hundreds of Years
Behavior-Based Internet Advertising: Who Is Watching You?
Middle East Internet Blackouts Spur Geopolitical Suspicions
America's teetering banking system
A China base in Iran?
Iraq not using oil cash to rebuild
Whitehall draws up new rules on language of terror | Special Reports | Guardian Unlimited Politics
Revealed: Chávez role in cocaine trail to Europe | World | The Observer
FOXNews.com - Report: Muslim Teen's Family Invited Men to Rape Her - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Reinventing '24' - WSJ.com
Clinton May Garnish Wages to Achieve Universal Health Care -- 02/04/2008
BERKELEY / Facing off over Marine Corps / 3 war opponents chain selves to door of recruiting station, and right-wing blogosphere goes ballistic
Reuters: CAIR Says They 'Feel Left Out' of 2008 Election | NewsBusters.org
Multiple wives will mean multiple benefits - Telegraph
FOXNews.com - Aruban Prosecutor Considers Hidden Camera Footage of Holloway Suspect Admissible in Court - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Man on the street finds clueless Minnesotans who have no idea about primary day
Decision pushes state same-sex marriage plans forward
Results already show hydrocarbons generated in ocean floor
Terrorist sources tell WND 2nd suicide bombing inside Israel 'imminent'
Terrorist boasts: 'We will keep attacking ... it doesn't go against negotiations'
Army suspends troops caught on tape 'dropping trou,' exposing backsides
Knesset members among those eulogizing leader of deadly attacks
Sizable increases in military spending to fight terrorism
Kicked loose deadly tumor after docs advised abortion
Suspect now claims he was lying in videotaped 'confession'
Some GOP voters threaten to stay home in November
Violent exile mafia controls smuggling, uses roundabout route
'You are going to see this decision quoted by cities across the country'
FBI: Top defense advisers linked to radical Muslim Brotherhood
Mom wants to halt food, water for daughter, but dad disagrees
'She's committed no crime and doesn't deserve to have this imposed on her'
Anti-abortion campaign against Planned Parenthood contractor names new 'collaborators'
Parents challenge material targeting children as young as 4th grade
'Any transgender, on plain reading of statute, could obtain entry to female locker room'
Plans under consideration to install 'Star War's defense
'La Raza' targets guests who call illegals 'invaders,' blame them for problems
Review 'will include evaluating all of company's strategic alternatives'
WorldNetDaily: Iran launches its 1st space rocket
WorldNetDaily: Hillary suggests snatching wages
WorldNetDaily: Keyes: Romney responsible for same-sex marriage fiasco
Obama expands lead on Clinton in California | Reuters
My Way News - Romney Wins Maine Caucuses
Flawed Cindy McCain has a grudge list - Times Online
Some non-Christians feel left out of election | Politics | Reuters
Woman miffed over sordid style allegedly breaks into wrong salon
'When I calmed down, the police were here, and I was in cuffs'
Taipei wants membership in global body with own name
Former PM consults old Downing Street allies on campaign for new EU role
After separate food made by same company sickened 10 people in Japan
Relies on advanced foreign technologies, components, particularly from overseas
At least 21 killed, 200 seriously injured, authorities say
76-year-old grandmother told to cough up co-pay before taken to hospital
Local officials not told of disaster until 20 hours later
Images in night have more intensity, event has emotionally affected all Americans
'What you did was wrong and you need to give me the money back'
Judges to receive lawyers' arguments by e-mail
16-year-old killed when he got pinned, sibling charged with vehicular homicide
'I was just trying to put the ball on the green'
Famous idea fades under more scientific scrutiny
'I've never been like this before. I've always been employed, I've always worked'
Agency addresses bill with obscene name, but account opened with sordid moniker
Police haul away giant photographs deemed inappropriate at mall
Farting horse, catfight over beer and – of course – GoDaddy.com
Source says settlement might be reached early next week
New cigarette delivers same potency while taking less time to puff
'I wanted to get across the idea of a big burger with everything on it'
Wisconsin man plans to retire vehicle once it reaches mark
Bank says it did not knowingly participate in any money-laundering
'There's been between a 10-to-60-fold price increase in the past few years'
2nd such incident in less than week disrupting telecommunications
Dr. Jack Wheeler blasts Republican Party for saddling itself with 'nutcase wack job'
Exclusive: Chuck Norris asks how Mitt would survive on financially level playing field
Exclusive: Joseph Farah reveals why political movement is dead, never had a chance
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson laments voters' lack of choice in race for presidency
Exclusive: Doug Powers counters Hillary's evil laugh with question about her character
Exclusive: Michael Ackley scoffs at terminator's 'commitment to smaller government'
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith introduces comprehensive plan to save U.S. from recession
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner chides candidates for ignoring unsustainable American debt
Michael T. Klare: Bush forced to grovel before select few who can supply needed fix
Lee Cary: Obama, Clinton refuse to admit illegal influx hits poor, minorities hardest
Toss-up between Clinton and Obama, Romney leads among ...
Police Hunt for Ill. Store Gunman
Woman survived Ill. attack, police say
Search resumes for SF men missing in Sierra
Monson Named New Mormon Church President
Bay crab harvest 2nd-lowest level in 30 years
Feds Nab Suspected Ivy Leage ID Fraudster
Police: Identity thief who conned way into Ivy League arrested
Ex-Cop Goes on Trial in Murder Case
Man, Missing Son Found in Texas
Person of Interest Arrested, Toddler Safe in Kansas Abduction
Hiker found on storm-hit Riverside County mountain
Jonesboro Shooter Arrested Again
Husband Charged With Murder in Death of Dispatcher Wife
Md. Scout Held Without Bail in Killings
Chicago: The World's Kind of Town?
Ala. Black Belt region looks to rich history for economic boost
Dutch student admits confession, says he lied
US job losses raise recession worries
White House considers listing polar bears
Thousands flee fighting in Chad
Chad Says It Crushed Rebellion
Suicide bomber kills woman in southern Israel town
Suicide Bomber Strikes in Dimona Near Israel's Nuclear Reactor
US Congratulates Serbia's Tadic on Re-Election Victory
Tadic's win: just a short breather as problems remain
Choice for Kenya Mediator Withdraws
Call for Kenyan truth commission
Bus Bombing Mars Sri Lanka Anniversary
Violence mars Sri Lanka freedom observance
Holloway's mom: Mourning, healing can begin
Holloway Prosecutor to Seek New Arrest Warrant
Prosecutor Believes Footage Admissible
US: 9 Iraq Civilians Accidentally Killed
Turkish Planes Hit 70 Suspected PKK Positions in Iraq (Update1)
Suicide Bomb Kills 6 in Pakistan
Suicide Bomber Kills Four in Pakistan
Al-Qaida leader moved freely in Pakistan
Straw to make statement on 'bugging
Search for Rwanda quake survivors
US military says kills 15 in Iraqi Qaeda raids
US admits killing nine civilians in Iraq
Dancing Hitler for Carnival Shocks Over-The-Top Rio (Update1)
Protests and naked skin: Rio Carnival is hot despite rain
Brazil: Carnival group protests float ban
Colombians take to streets in huge anti-FARC march
US and allies at odds over Afghanistan
Taliban attacks on allied troops soar
Bereaved parents leave Knesset after commotion during Olmert speech
I bear the ultimate responsibility, Olmert tells Knesset
Zimbabwe Opposition Faction Says It Will Participate In Elections