"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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17 January 2008


Leahy for Obama - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
Obama splits Black Caucus - Josephine Hearn - Politico.com
Transformation, like Reagan - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
Clinton Plays Flight Attendant
TheHill.com - Rove previews strategies against Clinton, Obama
Obama, Clinton tied in 2008 Democratic race | Politics | Reuters
Entrepreneurship Takes Off in Ireland - New York Times
$3 billion Cosmopolitan casino project faces foreclosure in Vegas
Merrill Posts Record Loss on $16.7 Billion Writedown
Wealthy may be next in line in U.S. home crisis | Reuters
Judge sues over court mishap - The Boston Globe
9NEWS - Article - Emergency jury duty leaves people stunned, calling their bosses
The Denver Post - Court plucks people off street to serve on juries
Scientists produce embryo clones of 2 men, using skin cells in step toward stem cell goal - International Herald Tribune
Kucinich asks federal authorities to investigate Cimperman stunt - cleveland.com
» Chelsea lacks class at exclusive event UWIRE: Powered by The Content Generation
FT.com / Companies / Media & internet - Rolling Stones move new album from EMI
Revealed: New NASA images show Mercury as you have never seen it before | the Daily Mail
Sarkozy sparks French debate over God and faith - Yahoo! Singapore News
Gold prices set for 1,000 dollars in 2008: industry group
4 paparazzi arrested for chasing Britney - Yahoo! News
YouTube - Bill Clinton gives heated response on voter disenfranchiseme
House Budget Committee hears from Fed Chair Bernanke about economic fears
Number of abortions lowest in decades in US, survey finds - The Boston Globe
Talk radio award revoked - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Anti-war groups retreat - Ryan Grim - Politico.com
First Temple seal found in Jerusalem | Jerusalem Post
Israel worried as Russia sends nuclear fuel to Iran - Yahoo! News UK
Teenage girl suffering from allergies 'was killed by brushing her teeth' | the Daily Mail
Time Warner Links Web Prices With Usage: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Number of Internet users in China hits 210 million: govt
Ross Perot Slams McCain | Newsweek Voices - Jonathan Alter | Newsweek.com
Huckabee vows to send all illegal aliens home - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Obama's spiritual mentor -- baltimoresun.com
WorldNetDaily: Textbook: Islamic 'jihad' means doing good works
World Tribune — U.S. intel alerted to threat of 'Forest Fire Jihad'
FOXNews.com - Armed Militants Overrun Pakistani Military Base; Up to 25 Troops Missing - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
German accused of nuclear smuggling bid - Yahoo! News
Seven million patients can't find a dentist on the NHS for two years | the Daily Mail
CFP: Media Matters for America Treasurer among Who’s Who on George Soros Democracy Alliance
Mike Nifong Files for Bankruptcy :: WRAL.com
Report: Chinese ships confronted Kitty Hawk - Navy News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Navy Times
Bush exempts Navy to continue exercises off SoCal coast
The brothers are charged in 2 unrelated incidents / Allegations include battery on officer, public intoxication
Police get warrant for car and cell phones in tiger attack
Sex in restroom stalls is private, ACLU says - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com
Sean Penn Slams Paper That Mocked Celebs Sucking Up To Chavez | NewsBusters.org
newsobserver.com | Ex-lawmaker charged in terror conspiracy
Diebold Machine Rejects Ron Paul Votes In Michigan
Scientific Study Finds Fluoride Horror Stories Factual
Tools of Eugenics: Fluoride | Ron Paul War Room
'Second Thoughts about Fluoride,' Reports Scientific American
Organism Lives 10 Times as Long After Genetic Tinkering
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the New World Order
Concentration Camp Locations
The Men Who Sold The World
Our News is Controlled Propaganda
First Responder Confronts Kucinich on 9/11 Aid
Japanese MP Questions 9/11 - Videos with English Subtitles
Ron Paul: 9/11 Commission 'Hid Ineptness' Just as Most Government Investigations Usually Do
Police 'covered up Diana's secret assassination fears for six years'
Glenn Beck Poll: ‘Who Would You Like To See Waterboarded?’
Fox News Reverses Course After Initially Calling For U.S. Navy To Blow Iran Boats ‘Out Of The Water’
Ron Paul Beats Fred and Rudy in Michigan
Rudy gives shout-out to Ron Paulites
The Ghosts Of The GOP's Past
Ron Paul Makes the CNN Pie Chart
Reasons Why Ron Paul Opposes a National ID Card
Our Rulers Are Compiling Digital Evidence Against Us
Paypal Freezes New Hampshire Recount Funds
Digg Caught Red-Handed Censoring Ron Paul Stories
Snoop Chief: Mohamed Atta Took Us by Surprise
Stallone: We Are Told Lies to Pacify Us
More Propaganda Catapulted: Al Qaeda’s Top Cyber Terrorist Arrested in London
Doctor Alleges Plan To Microchip Babies
Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove Depicted Classified Plans
Smurfs Take on White Al-Qaeda
Hal Turner: FBI Agent Provocateur?
Orlov: Russia Was Better Prepared for Collapse than the U.S.
Wholesale Prices Up in 2007 by 6.3%
Diebold Voting Machine Failures Found Across State During New Hampshire Primary
Hillary and the “Diebold Effect”
MTV Canada Does Loose Change Final Cut
Facebook: The New Look of Surveillance
9/11’s second round of slaughter
How the Pentagon Planted a False Hormuz Story
2008 election charade: White House bought by big money
Pandemic Martial Law
Pentagon’s PSYOPs: Information Warfare Using Aggressive Psychological Operations
Unraveling the Myth of Al Qaida
From Endgame to Life After People
New York Post: Republican “Candidates” Washed Up
Military Industrial Complex Biometric Surveillance Control Grid Revealing Itself
Ron Paul ‘Homophobic’ Newsletter Claim Is Actually True
Neocon Gun Grabbers: Second Amendment Allows Restrictions
WorldNetDaily: The elephant in the room
Accused of plotting against Jewish state prior to Israel's air raid of suspected site
Major escalation against Israel as U.S.-brokered negotiations continue
'Trial run' launched for law allowing coed locker rooms
But transit system backs down when free speech issues raised
GOPer apologizes for comments about nation's largest megachurch
Originally charged 'racial profiling' in case of 2 students arrested in S.C.
Network debates battle between radio host, activist group
Accuses group of seeking 'harm to those who speak against violent agenda'
'The hardest part of deployment is being separated from family'
Rules, regs to be integrated without congressional review
UK approves research teams to carry out controversial work
GOP candidate signs pledge to enforce immigration laws
Asked about timing of lawsuit against casino caucus sites
Said name of White House will have to be changed if he's elected
McCain shoots past Huckabee, Giuliani fading
'Welcome aboard the maiden flight of Hil Force One'
'We want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship'
Trying to tap into 'core demographic' of Hillary's campaign
Suicide attack targets Shiites at beginning of festival
Also includes Muslims fighting 'to protect themselves from harm'
NASA releases detailed images from orbiting spacecraft
Even if you've never wanted to. Click here for the full story
In testimony on Hill, Fed chief says plan should be put in place quickly
But success overshadowed by news it was again delaying launch of 787
Small Quake Reported at Mount St. Helens
Exclusive: Joseph Farah wants Clinton sent to Big House, not White House
Ann Coulter: Mitt Romney is 'manifestly the best candidate'
Exclusive: Jane Chastain pounds McCain for abandoning 'straight talk' on immigration
Exclusive: Sandy Froman stresses firearms issue looms large in GOP primary
Exclusive: Tristan Emmanuel indicts pastors for failing to equip Christians for battle
Exclusive: Ernest Istook details how lawmakers have made it too expensive to live in U.S.
Larry Elder helps reader understand values held by 2 major parties
Exclusive: Jack Cashill highlights 'feckless counter-terror performance' of Obama aide
Exclusive: Matt Barber demands new AG actually enforce nation's obscenity laws
Exclusive: Craige McMillan advises foreign legislators apoplectic about Arizona law
Rebecca Hagelin shares which countries have more economic liberty than U.S.
Walter E. Williams predicts what California will do beyond controlling thermostats
Joseph Infranco whacks official for blocking effort to overturn domestic partnership law
'We're just being cautious. It's not that we're anticipating any activity'
Ring allegedly sent more than $130,000 to al-Qaida, Taliban supporter
'Some military forces don't know how to do counter-insurgency operations'
Restrained 7-year-old with tape for hour, taped shirt to boy
'It wasn't a problem last year, and it's a problem this year?'
'Clinton [has] got a problem with giving straight answers in this campaign'
Republican congressman becomes subject of rock song
Mexican was deported from U.S. in 2003, told he could not return for 5 years
Authorities say young victims offered to customers for $50
Morgellons patients describe erupting sores, fibers sprouting from skin
'Where I came from, you don't put anything in someone's a------!'
They're 'universally disliked by children,' British researchers discover
'He got angry because his order was incorrect'
Civil liberties group goes to bat for Sen. Larry Craig
Amazing volume conclusively documents America's Christian foundation
'I have to have several layers of clothes on and a belt tied round my chest'
Said to be most accurate in identifying 'fight,' 'stranger' contexts
After suing each other more than 200 times
Inspired by comic books, ordinary citizens put on masks to fight crime
Investors eye Fed chief Bernanke's testimony before Congress
Damage mostly in mortgage crisis' hotbeds: Wall Street banks, construction workers
Retailers, builders, manufacturers should brace for even more rough times
Higher costs for gas, food last year push prices skyward
'Beige Book' economic report reveals 'pronounced weakness' in housing
In election year, 'stimulus' proposals popular
After death of another worker at its Texas City refinery
Man who ate 2 bags a day thought to be only consumer to develop illness
Accepted electronic bank deposits from company he never worked for
'Mattel values its intellectual property and actively protects its brands'
Expert calls interpretation of federal code 'cult belief'
'We've been hearing complaints of shoddy construction practices'
But still more viewers than those who watched 4 other networks combined
'I don't know what these people were thinking, but they are going to pay for it'
Because of band's concerns about record giant's new management
Findings come amid record number of data breaches in 2007
Dave Ramsey tackles reader questions on parenting, saving for Junior's college
Gold Set For $1000 In 2008
Canada Puts U.S. On Torture Watch List
The Denver Post - Ailing GIs deployed to war zones
Propaganda: Al-CIAda's Top Cyber Terrorist
House OKs Terror Suits Against Most Nations
1.2 Million Abortions Performed In U.S. Last Year
First Anima-Human Embryo Trial To Go Live
Do U.S. Pandemic Plans Threaten Rights?
Banks Losses Exceed Assets
Merrill Lynch Under SEC Investigation
The Future of Coitus: Life-Long Loving with a Sexbot - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Court Case Could Alter Nev. Outcome
Coming Soon An X-ray Vision Gun
UK.gov says no plans for FBI DNA database hookup | The Register
Romney on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel on GOP in S.C., Dems in Nevada
Romney in "The Situation Room"
Fred Thompson in "The Situation Room"
Clinton on Bloomberg Television
The Democratic Debate in Las Vegas
Hillary Pulls Race Card and Obama May Fold: Margaret Carlson
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Misstep in a Liberal Minefield
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Old Warrior, Go Home
Romney sells authenticity — and Michigan buys it - Opinion - USATODAY.com
Can the Economy Save Mitt Romney? - TIME
It's Fred's Turn
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Use and Abuse of Reagan
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Class, Not Race, Divides the Democrats
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Democratic Field Without an Executive
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Vetting Obama
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Can Giuliani Get Into the Republican Game in Florida?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Notes on the GOP Race
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Moving On Up: The Democrats Go Upscale In 2008 (01/17/2008)
The Education of Ben Bernanke - New York Times
RealClearMarkets - Articles - What Can We Infer from $900 Gold?
School Choice Isn’t Enough by Sol Stern, City Journal Winter 2008
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Kafka's Canada
Real Clear Politics - News - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - Opinion - Commentary - TIME
Fight in Afghanistan - washingtonpost.com
2008 Senate preview - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
TheHill.com - Not so quiet on trade
The State | 01/17/2008 | Candidates flood state as time grows short
In South Carolina, the Campaign Mud Arrived Before Santa - New York Times
GOP funk slows turnout, money - Jim VandeHei and John F. Harris - Politico.com
TheHill.com - Rove outlines plan to beat top ’08 Dems
Confused Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur
Clinton: "Voices" for the Feb. 5 States
Giuliani: "Quotes"
Obama on Immigration
Thompson: "Consistent Conservative"
"Today" Looks at Obama's Record of Change
Sen. Coburn's Endorsement of McCain
Romney: "Chairs"
Clinton Upset by Reporter's Question
Clinton's Flight Attendant Spoof
Morris Discusses Michigan Primary Vote
Thompson in "The Situation Room"
What Obama Likes About Reagan
Clinton Talks About the Economy
Giuliani: "Jumpstart"
Huckabee on "Morning Joe"
Edwards on KRNV
Romney on "Morning Joe"
McCain: "Tied Up"
Two Obama Nevada Ads
Huckabee on "Hannity & Colmes"
Thompson on "Hannity & Colmes"
Nevada SEIU Members for Obama
Dick Morris on Race and the Democrats
Clinton Debate Highlights
McCain outlines economic stimulus plan
McCain sends out 'truth squad' to counter whisper campaign
Gates ruffles NATO feathers over Afghan war readiness
Gates: Afghan shortfalls remain, no more US troops
Navy chopper crashes in Texas, killing 3 crew
Islamic charity indicted for ties to terrorist
Friend of Marine on the run: 'He's like MacGyver'
Court upholds New York's judicial nominee system
Seniors support gov.’s free fare offer
Not all seniors may ride free
Man begged for help before tiger mauling
Judge hears zoo arguments
CIA Official May Have Destroyed Tapes on His Own, Lawmaker Says
US releases $450 mln for poor to pay heating bills
Brooklyn prosecutor says 7-year-old girl died battered and alone -- Newsday.com
The Associated Press: White House Copied Over E-Mail Tapes
Bush: Navy sonar trumps whales
Bill Clinton touts wife's plan to address mortgage meltdown
Billtouts Hillary over BBQ by the Bay
Four-alarm fire delays VTA service for up to 30 minutes in ...
'Draft Lou Dobbs' effort launched by 'Legal Immigration PAC'
Californians set to vote on massive expansion of Indian casinos
UFO Sightings Stream In from Texas Townsfolk
'The Pope' loses free ride, but people of Illinois pay
State Treasurer To Run Springfield Hotel For Now
Georgetown DMV raid nets 5 arrests By David C. Lipscomb
Clinton Says Deteriorating Economy Creating `Anxiety' (Update1)
Obama's Varied Record
Oh-eight (D): Hillary's various personas
Clinton supporter apologizes for Obama comments
Obama Seeks Pivotal Female Support
Lantos Endorses Former Rival To Succeed Him In Congress
Yee decides not to seek Lantos' House seat
Bill Advocates Paper Ballots and Audits
The Associated Press: NH Grand Jury to Hear Polling Complaint
Nevada gets its 15 minutes of presidential campaign fame
Democrat, GOP races heating up
Thompson goes on the attack
Residents swarm town halls to register to vote
Clinton battles 'uncommitted
Romney, Clinton clinch Michigan primary
Obama unveils $120b economic stimulus plan
McCain gains endorsement from Coburn [55 mins ago]
U.S. blames Kenyan politicians for latest violence | International | Reuters
Crash passenger: We just dropped
British Council Offices in Russia Remain Closed
In full: Miliband Russia statement
Olmert vows to pursue "war" against Gaza militants
Israeli military hits Gaza again
Fresh strikes fuel Gaza conflict
High-Tech Supports High-Seas Drama
Australia steps into whaling standoff
Explosion Rocks Shi'ite Mosque in Northern Pakistan
Militants abandon Pakistan fort
Islamic Militants Overrun Pakistani Fort
Most Sri Lankan bus ambush victims were shot-military
Students stage new anti-Catholic protest in Rome
Pope cancels trip to Rome university amid ire over remarks
UK to take terror fight online - Home Secretary
Ways sought to stop militant grooming on Web
South African President Travels to Zimbabwe for Political Talks
US abortion rate falls, study finds
Report: Overall abortion rates continue to drop
Bad Reviews for Bush in the Mideast
Ipswich murders suspect 'washed clothes and car in middle of the
Thousands of Shiite Muslim Pilgrims Throng Iraqi City for Ashura ...
South Korea's Lee says to continue engaging North
Italy justice minister says he has resigned UPDATE
UPDATE 1-Gas deal in doubt as Putin starts Bulgaria trip
Goodness, gracious, great balls of protest in Rome
Officials unamused by Rome stunt