"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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06 January 2008

Sunday 6th Jan.

click above:Ron Paul video /July 2007
VIDEO: Hillary Heated Response At Debate...
Hillary's Debate Moment
My Way News - Clinton: Obama Has Changed Positions
YouTube - News: Undecided Voters in New Hampshire
Rasmussen Reports™: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a mid-term election.
Lynn Sweet: Sweet: Fox's Bill O'Reilly in confrontation with Obama staffer at rally. UPDATE
Breitbart.tv » O’Reilly on Reported Scuffle with Obama Staffer: ‘No Scuffle at All’
Republican candidates in fierce foreign policy battle
N.H. GOP backs out of Fox GOP forum - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
ABC News: Obama and Edwards Tag-Team Clinton, Call Her 'Force for Status Quo'
Can Obama Go the Distance? | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Hillary Clinton leans on 'relic' Bill - Yahoo! News
Yepsen: Parties, candidates must make sure caucuses are clean | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Are Libertarians 'Anarchists'? by Murray N. Rothbard
A Hunger for America? Really? by Charles H. Featherstone
‘Chatsworth Farnsworth’ Strikes Again by Jack Kenny
In Defense of Ron Paul, Part Three: The Case for a Left/Right Alliance Against the Empire by Keith Preston
Stan Goff: Ron Paul's Revolution
Ron Paul Debates the War
Nonintervention: The Original Foreign Policy by Ron Paul
Ron Paul - In the Name of Patriotism (Who are the Patriots?)
StandUpCongress interviews Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
Mexican farmers protest NAFTA, Say It Will Increase Illegal Immigration
A Last Hurdle for Obama?
The Problem with Populists
Clinton Machine Shaken by Setback - TIME
The Natural and His Wife
The Feud Behind the Feud at the GOP Debate
Fineman: The Huckabee Problem | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Rivals pile on Romney - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
At Debate, Two Rivals Go After Defiant Clinton - New York Times
A good starter — but where’s the meat? | Michael Barone - Times Online
The GOP's Time for Choosing
Why I Believe Bush Must Go - washingtonpost.com
Stirred, Not Shaken - New York Times
The GOP's High School Debate: The cool kid vs. the valedictorian - Swampland - TIME
Hayes: Republican Debate
What's wrong with Iowa caucus? You could write a book - 01/06/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Lethal Injection - washingtonpost.com
WorldNetDaily: Regulators' assault plan puts church in crosshairs
WorldNetDaily - A Free Press for a Free People
State penalized for holding early primary – Romney vows to fight for full seating
GOP gadfly's 'anti-immigrant' ad irks supporters
State party pulls co-sponsorship of GOP forum over exclusion
'President Clinton? Never gonna happen. She turns into Ed Muskie in a pantsuit'
Romney, McCain spar in heated N.H. debate
Transcript: ABC News/Facebook Republican debate in New Hampshire
Transcript: ABC News/Facebook Democrat debate in New Hampshire
Narrowed Democrat field faces off in 1st debate since Iowa's stunning results
Campaign believes media softer on Obama, fail to expose his potential weaknesses
Libertarian Republican's supporters make their stand in Live Free or Die State
Bill cuts off funds, but Bush insists program can continue
'One does not put the fox in charge of the hen house'
Tells '60 Minutes': 'For standing up outside the car, I think it was she to blame alone'
Failed democracy experiment brings terrorists closer to nukes
District seeking to preserve its 3-decade ban on handgun possession
Sexual assault heading for 3rd trial when case dropped
90 churches, 600 homes torched during violence
Both countries report massive finds of frozen methane gas off their coasts
Over next 12 years, 320 million people will move to cities, give up agriculture
With N.H. bump, Arizona senator odds-on favorite for GOP nomination
Campaign uses Christian conservatives in fresh, more-direct ways
Strong information network: Homeschooling moms, e-mail traffic, Christian bloggers
'I find that ridiculous,' he says of charge he doesn't follow Reagan principles
Presidential campaign keeping Norris front and center
Hospitalized talk-show host reacts to Iowa caucus – says Jesus wouldn't campaign this way
Whistleblower claims senior U.S. officials have helped spy ring access key technology
Extremists have created areas across Britain too dangerous for those of other faiths to enter
Sues council over ceremonies which offend her religious beliefs
Armed bandits using flashing lights to appear like police
'President is always looking at options ... always talking to people and looking at data'
Classroom off-limits to other teachings, group's book asserts
26-year-old woman charged with sexual abuse for images sent to 14-year-old boy
Most comprehensive account on Internet of women predators on campus
In unusual act of unity, Jay Leno of NBC, Jimmy Kimmel of ABC to be on each other's shows
Also claims his daughter by Katie Holmes was 'conceived like Rosemary's Baby'
Some claim video games help kids hone real musical chops, interest in instrument
French city to be reconstructed, right down to its cafes, cinemas, schools
Attacks eHarmony founder's evangelical Christian beliefs, refusal to make same-sex matches
Intrigue Uncovered
Mike Huckabee
Ron Paul on Larry King 1-3-08 (UNAIRED VIDEO) | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
Paralyzed Woman Unlawfully Put In Jail
White House OKs Mexican Truck Program
WTC-7 NIST Report Coming In August 08
Speed Cameras For Skiers In Switzerland
Big Brother at the tip: Cameras read number plates to check if families are flouting waste rules | the Daily Mail
Robertson: God Told Him Winner Of 08 Election
informationliberation - Alan Watts - Time and the More It Changes
Thinking for Yourself is Now a Crime
VIDEO: Faux News’ John Gibson Confronted by Ron Paul Supporters
Revolutionary new pollution-free car able to run on air
Giuliani Advisor Calls For Palestinian Collapse
Air Force: Bug-Like Robo-Bombs for Indoor Ops
Americans Sold Out to Foreign Firms at Record Rate
Scientists create machine that knows what you are thinking
Microsoft readies Hal 9000
UK living standards outstrip US - Times Online
FOXNews.com - Federal Court Upholds Texas Moment of Silence Law, Allowing Students to Pray or Meditate - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Donor cancels Islamic chair for Temple | Philadelphia Inquirer | 01/05/2008
What will we do if big two go bust? -- baltimoresun.com
Thousands protest in Georgia after Saakashvili's supporters claim victory - International Herald Tribune
U.S. considering new covert push within Pakistan
Kenyan opposition rejects offer from Kibaki
In 2008, a sports event may draw a record billion live viewers
New Hampshire campaign focuses on independents
China planning Taiwan Strait route for commercial aviation
A sprint in N.H. for presidential hopefuls
Bradley to endorse Obama
Missing hiker believed to be dead
Lip service to S. Africa’s 'kissing law'
Bomb kills 11 at Iraqi Army Day event
Monitors hail Georgian election
Kenya food effort gets under way
Soldiers killed in Iraqi bombing
Greece hit by strong earthquake
Tamil intelligence chief killed
Suharto condition 'has improved'
Weak dollar undercuts missionaries, relief workers
Levee break in Nevada floods hundreds of homes
Candidates jump on 'change' bandwagon
Court to consider execution by lethal injection
American al Qaeda militant urges attacks on Bush
Bomb blasts mar Iraq Army Day holiday
Clinton Digs In; Romney Takes Foes' Digs
Pakistan: You Can"t Hunt Al Qaeda Here
Kenyan president offers unity government
The £1,290 car delights Indians but horrifies greens
In Pakistan, life as normal
France finds its own Anne Frank
Stone: my part in hostage baby saga
Report: U.S. mulls covert Pakistan push
Newsweek: Al-Qaida's newest triggerman
Iran expels German diplomat
Tragic Last Resort For U.K.'s Asian Wives
Olmert Admits Construction Undercuts Peace
Neapolitans Being Buried Under Garbage
Sri Lanka says kills Tiger intelligence head
Arab plan for Lebanon wins broad support
US rivals clash in key TV debates
Americans seek safety during Kenya crisis
Iran sees continuing frostiness with U.S.
Kenyan opposition leader rejects unity government offer
Ex-Bush Lawyer Sued Over Torture Memos
Court To Rule On Executing Child Rapists
Linguists: 'Subprime' is word of the year
Ex-official sued over terrorism memos
No remorse from man at center of execution case
Sharpton leads rally over shooting conviction
U.S. labor market worsens, sinking Wall Street
In Chinese factories, lost fingers and low pay
Spin and denial survive the global credit crunch
Economy and geopolitics decide where oil goes next
Beijing buys into leading Australian banks
Waste management: An old "green" investment is newly hot
Striking writers in talks with UA film studio: report
Forget Tupperware; it's Taser Party time
Bush says financial markets ‘strong, solid’
Unemployment rate jumps to 5%; payrolls up only 18,000
S.C. court upholds nasty note ruling (AP)
Study: Monkeys 'pay' for sex by grooming
Netflix partners with LG to bring movies straight to TV
Al-Qaida Introduces Cell-Phone Videos
Scientists Use Sunlight to Make Fuel From CO2
Canceling this Web site should be a crime
Cyber thieves target social sites
Aging AIDS patients beset by complex health problems
Migration, interrupted: Nature's rhythms at risk
Meth-laced ecstasy entering U.S. from Canada: agency
America's most lustful cities
Does milk really do a body good?
Women can walk through the change of life
New test to ID viruses approved by FDA
Study: Free drug samples go to wealthy, insured
Eating Healthy, Hardy And Heartily
Time is of the exercise essence
Lose Weight, Feel Better -- YOUR Way
Sleep Drug May Curb Insomnia For Months
Tainted Pet Food Maker Pays Settlement
Regulation plans for homeopathy
Aneurysm screening approved
'If oil stays at $100 a barrel, ... I don't see how this is going to stop'
'Trying to get people to look at as a financial benefit rather than an environmental benefit'
Analysts at American Economic Association now see recession as a given
Any short-term push to stave off recession could face political, budgetary challenges
American Dialect Society chooses term over 'Facebook,' 'green,' 'Googleganger'
Cracking the whip: Late payers penalized due to mounting account delinquencies
Dave Ramsey answers query about paying off debt by selling house
Companies entice baby boomers with new instrument that promises to stretch money
Desperate builders sweetening offers in many of biggest markets in U.S.
From 1-bedroom apartments to McMansions, tour real estate around globe
Slowdown in hiring raises concern U.S. economic weakness will spread globally
Short-term fixes, long-term damage: Prices slashed after weak holiday-sales season
Judge rules against retailer in North Carolina
Under order signed by Bush, vice president will see $5,400 salary increase
Continued cost increases in raw materials, transportation blamed for jump
Claims semiconductor giant undermined group's effort to sell $188 computers for schoolkids
Murdoch startup far behind entrenched rival CNBC according to early ratings estimates
Male bosses warned of man-eating women preying on them
Jerusalem Readies For Bush's Arrival - USA Today
Olmert says Israel will exacerbate response to rockets - Ynet
Lebanon on Alert After Israel Reports Bird Flu - Ynet
Hamas: Bush is not welcome in Mideast, aims to shore up occupation - Haaretz
Bush: 'US won't leave Israel to combat Iranian threat alone' - Jerusalem Post
Arab paper: Israel seeking US approval to retake Rafah crossing - J'lem Post
Bush to Propose Middle East Security Plan to Combat Iran - Jerusalem Post
Nazareth Protestors Demand An End to Gaza Siege - Ynet
Iran Says U.S. Failing in Middle East - Reuters
Kenyans pray for peace as 250,000 refugees await aid - Reuters
Bush puts Mideast focus on terrorism, Iran - USA Today
Lightening strikes two planes landing in Ireland after flight from US - Jerusalem Post
Afghan clerics warn Karzai against missionaries - Reuters
Three Strong Quakes Strike Off Canada's West Coast - Reuters
GOP Candidates Back Bush Terror Strategy in New Hampshire Debate - Fox
Clinton accuses Obama of changing position on variety of issues - Jerusalem Post
Futures markets see McCain, Obama wins - With N.H. bump, Arizona senator odds-on favorite for GOP nomination - WND
US Senator John McCain a favorite of Iowa Jews - Jerusalem Post
The End of Inevitability - Obama in the driver's seat - Fred Barnes
Huckabee hits at heart of GOP - Ralph Z. Hallow
The Qualifications of Hillary W. Clinton - A dynasty in decline - Dean Barnett
The Herd of Independent Minds - Washington Times
Some Evangelical Leaders Pledge Common Cause with Islam - Steve Adams, CitizenLink
The Story of 2007: America Distances God - Jan Markell
Harmless As Doves - Christian Pacifism
Star Parker: Mike seeks to draw lines whereas Barack hopes to blur them
Bill Press: A black candidate's victory should make all Americans proud
Ben Shapiro: Mike has down-home charm but lacks gravitas of even Obama
Exclusive: Joseph Farah stresses Mitt's desire for state to impose humanist values
Pat Buchanan drubs party for embracing neoconservatism, free trade policies
Exclusive: Henry Lamb exposes Arizona office seeking 'harmonization' with Mexican state
Exclusive: Pat Boone looks at legacy of great grandpap Daniel Boone
Exclusive: Ellis Washington asserts famed decision has harmed blacks for decades
Jonathan Falwell targets those who seek to remake Savior in their own image
Exclusive: Greg Laurie notes irony that those who seek it never find it
Phyllis Schlafly rips global body for decision meddling in U.S. law
Robert Spencer blasts leftist media for ignoring alleged father-on-daughter Muslim killing
The Numbers Don’t Lie - As I Said Long Ago, Populism Is on the Rise - CommonDreams.org
Should You Be On a Government Watch List?
We Are All Prisoners Now
Bush Ignores Law on Mexican Trucks
Faux News’ John Gibson Confronted by Ron Paul Supporters
Impending Destruction of the US Economy
Chinese Thought Police Clamp Down on Web Video
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Impending Destruction of the US Economy
The Year in First Amendment Rights: Internet Censorship
Hillary’s Iraq Plan: Ask for a Plan
Forget Oil, the New Global Crisis is Food
God Told Pat Roberstson Who Will Win the Election
Seeds of Destruction, The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
PPP: Laser Beam Technology Killed Bhutto
The Ministry of Homeland Security and Stalin’s NKVD
GIS, GPS, and Geoslavery
Twilight of the Psychopaths
Killing Iraqis is Fine by the Manchurian Candidate
Radar Magazine Hit Piece Obscures 9/11 Crimes to Revel in Conspiracy ‘Cult-ure’
Former Ministry of Homeland Security Functionary Becomes VP of Raytheon
Nader Shills for One-Worlder Edwards
U.S. and Britain: “Endemic Surveillance Societies”
Clinton's Heated Response
WMUR's Debate Coverage
Luntz & Undecideds in New Hampshire
Candidates Share The Stage
Obama's Debate Highlights
Clinton's Debate Highlights
Edwards' Debate Highlights
Giuliani's Debate Highlights
Romney's Debate Highlights
Obama's 100 Club Highlights
Morris' Iowa And N.H. Analysis
O'Reilly's Day In New Hampshire
Edwards On "Countdown"
Romney: "Growth And Prosperity"
Obama: "Independence" and "Would"
War Stories With McCain
Obama On The Ground In N.H.
Romney: "Twists" Web Ad
Obama's Victory Speech
Edwards: "Your Time Is Now"
Huckabee's Victory Speech
McCain: "Leadership" Web Ad
Edwards' Post-Iowa Speech
Giuliani's 50 State Strategy
Testy Rollins/Wallace Exchange
Media declare McCain "tied for third" in Iowa, but by standard applied to Dems, he came in fourth
In article headlined, "McCain: Negative campaigns fail," Union Leader ignored McCain's negative ads
NY Sun's Wapshott: Giuliani "barely attempted to go" to Iowa
More violent imagery from Matthews: If Clinton beats Obama, "what does she do with the body?"
Russert called Huckabee's foreign policy message "anti-George W. Bush" despite Huckabee's claim to the contrary
LA Times' Malcolm misrepresented sourcing for Novak column on Clinton campaign
MSNBC's Hall aired negative McCain ad, ignored his day-old assertion that "negative campaigns don't work"
Another Giuliani interview, another failure to disclose Hannity's reported appearance at Giuliani fundraiser
Morris claimed Huckabee's "refusal to indulge in negative advertising ... show[ed] his strength under fire" -- after deriding his actions on anti-Romney ad as "stupid"
NPR's Jaffe falsely claimed "Iowa never played a role in [Giuliani's] strategy"
O'Reilly falsely claimed "Obama has dodged every tough interview"
CNN's Bennett: "Barack Hussein Obama ... has taught the black community you don't have to act like Jesse Jackson ... like Al Sharpton"
Print media uncritically quoted McCain claim that "negative campaigns don't work," ignored his own negative ads
Fox News video bio on Edwards noted criticism of haircuts, legal career -- but Huckabee bio featured no criticism
Sun-Times columnist omitted key facts in listing "criticisms" of Obama
NBC's Nightly News repeatedly noted Huckabee's upcoming appearance on Tonight Show without reporting he crossed picket line