"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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26 January 2008

Saturday -26th January '08


WorldNetDaily: LA teacher battles opponent tougher than gangs
Pollster Rasmussen says McCain trials result from senator opposing tax cuts
Skeptics of candidate's immigration stance highlight appointment
Pay back? Arizona senator helped push toxic White House immigration reform plan
Blasts Giuliani as 'narrow, obsessively secretive, vindictive man'
Review shows additional $100,000 in Rezko-linked donations not returned by campaign
I don't know Rezko, Hillary says after image surfaces
Hillary: 'He said several times yesterday that maybe he got a little bit carried away'
Focus on the Family voter guide includes 'interpretation' of Romney's speech on religion
Buck Howdy hopeful nomination may lead to win
'Hate speech and religious bigotry should have no place in the workplace'
Says he looked at images of minors with other adults while researching book on hypocrisy
Broadcaster contends report always intended as internal review, never for publication
'You're just reallocating money from time-sensitive to price-sensitive'
Billionaire investor wants to see power shift from U.S. to China, developing world
Group charges feds trying to 'conceal the mismanagement of the U.S. dollar'
'National electricity emergency': Industry shut down, unsafe for workers underground
'We have knifings. We have killings, and they're taking me to court'
GATA's Bill Murphy: Why prices will rocket when gov't manipulation ends – Free CD
Warn construction company of 'years' of coming protests
'Basically they've privatized 35 feet of public sidewalks. ... It prevents free speech'
WND launches new Christian video collection for inspiration, entertainment
Venture capitalist gets university fundraiser started with donation
Flyer read 'Why Jesus is better than Santa Claus'
Child development experts say parents, schools, poverty to blame
'Scared to death' 5-year-old taken to hospital for psychiatric evaluation
American family had sought cancellation of deportation order
Officer holders have 'moral obligation' to draw on Judeo-Christian standards
Officials: Political stunt not in good taste, but 'blasphemous' snack posted on WND
Parents inoculated in effort to halt spread of illness
'Urgent' language reflected 'exercise in advocacy' as much as 'economic analysis'
Anti-aviation green activists blamed for increased misperception jets worse than cars
Claims data shows temperature peak already passed, cooling ahead
'I'm going to kick the habit. I'm trying ..., but oil has been very good for me'
Leftist government moves to take control over Andean country's natural resources
Digitial images on device lost in NYC cab become clues on pics' journey to Australia
Digitial images on device lost in NYC cab become clues on pics' journey to Australia
Agent dragged by truck until firing, wounding fleeing Mexican driver
U.S. diplomats push for declaration deploring Palestinian rockets fired into Israel
Massachusetts Healthcare Plan Costs Skyrocket -- 01/25/2008
Fire service bans white men from open days - to boost number of ethnic minority recruits | the Daily Mail
Italy opens Benito Mussolini museum - Telegraph
Jordanians rally in support of Hamas in Gaza - Israel News, Ynetnews
CIA: Hackers shut down power to entire cities - Telegraph
CFP: Soros Backs Corporate Democrats
Pot-withdrawal symptoms mirror nicotine’s, study finds - Examiner.com
Bush wants twice the funding for AIDS
Cat Leads Police To Child Porn Stash In Austin, Texas |Sky News|Strange News
The Associated Press: Probe Launched Over Detroit Mayor Texts
Egyptian police unable to stop Gazan influx - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Kidnapping scams, common in Mexico, find way to Houston | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
CFP: Baby Dolphin Murders Blamed on US Military… Culprit OTHER Dolphins!
WorldNetDaily: McCain aide touts 'Mexico first' policy
Gandhi's Grandson Quits Peace Center
Woman Cited Hours Before Highway Deaths
Spanish AG: 3 cell members may be on mission to attack outside of Spain
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Bill Clinton: John McCain and Hillary are ‘very close’ « - Blogs from CNN.com
My Way News - GOP Rivals Depict Clinton As Unworthy
Boehner: Republicans need to make sacrifices - The Crypt's Blog - Politico.com
Breitbart.tv » Hackers Post YouTube Video Declaring War on Scientology
Cell Porn Scandal Hits Pa. High School -- OrlandoSentinel.com
ABC News: Obama Achilles Heel on Clinton's Foot, Too?
Bill Clinton again wagging finger, raising eyebrows | Politics | Reuters
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Kerry blasts Bill Clinton for ‘abusing truth’ « - Blogs from CNN.com
Iraq ready for final battle with al Qaeda: PM | Reuters
Rasmussen Reports™: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a mid-term election.
My Way News - Calif. Farmers Want to Sell Water
CBS News Video - Top Stories and Video News Clips at CBSNews.com
PCA: 200 Animals Rescued From Home
US state wants to tax TVs, video games to fight fat, fund education
13 Suffer Smoke Inhalation In Fire - Local News Story - KVVU Las Vegas
Bill Clinton Takes on the Polarizing Issue - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Giuliani on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel Looks at the Democrats and Rezko
Shields and Brooks Discuss S.C. Primary
RealClearPolitics: Transcripts & Speeches
Panel on the Disdain Toward Romney
VF Daily: Bruce Feirstein: Bill Clinton, Nasty Man: On The Web: vanityfair.com
Enemies to the Right of Him
Romney's Cash Advantage Sinks In - TIME
POLITICAL CONNECTIONS: Nasty, Brutish, And Long (01/25/2008)
The Rainbow Coalition Evaporates by Steven Malanga, City Journal Winter 2008
Skin Deep
Hair of the Dog - TIME
The fragile superpower | The Australian
Opinion: First, they came for Piglet | islamic, anti, pigs, activity, islam - OCRegister.com
More debt, little stimulus : Editorials : The Rocky Mountain News
he Coast (Of Florida) Is Still Clear
Another Iran Resolution - washingtonpost.com
Prodi Agonistes -Times Online
The State | 01/26/2008 | Signs pointing to record turnout
To Truly Win in Carolina, Obama Needs Large Margin - WSJ.com
Big Endorsement May Jolt Tight Race
Democratic Hopefuls Seek to Widen Appeal Beyond Core Groups - New York Times
Clinton’s Attacks May Pay Off | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Rudy Winning Race - For Mayor of Miami
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Edwards Hate-Talk
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Running Third, Edwards Still Dazzles
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Attorney General Edwards?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - An Honest Stimulus: Tax Cuts Instead of Rebates
RealClearPolitics - Articles - South Carolina Sets Stage For General Election
Edwards: "Grown Up" Radio Ad
Romney on "AM Tampa Bay"
Huckabee: "Common Sense"
Obama Rallies Beaufort, SC Crowd
Romney: "Democrats' Favorite Republican" Web Ad
McCain: "Health Care Alert"
Edwards Rallies in His Hometown
Huckabee's Morning Media
GOP Candidates Discuss Iraq
Dick Morris' Latest Analysis
Romney: "Economia"
Clinton Confronted With Rezko Photo on "Today"
Edwards: "Grown Up"
PowerPAC: "Embrace Hope, Vote Change"
Michelle Obama's Clinton Comments
How Romney Will Run Against the Clintons
Huckabee at the Debate
Giuliani's Debate Highlights
Barack Obama's "Late Show" Top Ten
Giuliani's Debate Highlights
Romney's Debate Highlights
Romney: "Waltz" Web Ad
McCain: "Mittsurfing" Web Ad
Giuliani: "Gary Bernsten"
RealClearPolitics - Video Log - A Look at the State of the Nation
Talks armed crook in to taking only $15 of $25 in his wallet
Authorities say they have store videos of woman making purchases
'Self defense': Fired 20 rounds into car with 5 people that backed into his driveway
Teen accused of plot planned to crash jet into pop star's venue
Had hangman's ropes on truck's back bumper while driving past black civil rights marchers
60-year-old actor took part in union rally, protest at Niagara hotel
Wishes of 12-year-old should be considered in dispute between his divorced parents
Examines last days of fascism in town where Il Duce made headquarters
Actor's letter claimed agency deceives to 'terrorize, enslave, rape or pillage' taxpayers
Oxygen mask ignites – burns over 1/5 of premature infant's body
'If I am going to die, my baby is going to live,' woman told husband
Upcoming ruling to set legal precedent for freedom to change religious affiliation
Cleric says 86-year-old heart-attack victim would have wanted it that way
'Toeing the party line for the church is not my job – telling the truth is my job'
Teen takes on immune system of her organ donor
At 334,000 miles, space rock's flyby to pass at 1.4 times distance between planet, Moon
'Systematic infanticide': Shocking film shows 'gangs' repeatedly ramming baby porpoises
Where Continents Go to Die: A New Look into the Center of the Earth - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Earth is losing its covering at rate much faster than it can be replaced
Did Ron Paul Win The Louisiana Caucus?
Alert over jab for girls as two die following cervical cancer vaccination
Ron Paul Shunned In Blatantly Unfair MSNBC Debate
US quietly demands Iraq give defense contractors, US military immunity from prosecution
Paul Wolfowitz To Head Panel Advising US Government On Arms Control
Egypt moves to seal Gaza border
London Free Press - Business - Ford offers buyouts in U.S.
President Bush Says Usama Bin Laden May Not Be Captured During His Time in Office
Paul: 'Momentum is going to continue'
Body Fragments Found at Ground Zero Site Kept Secret
Scientists create synthetic genome
Wal-Mart Is Dead Serious About RFID - CIO.com - Business Technology Leadership
Ron Paul wins Florida Republican Debate, McCain stumbles on Economy
Rep. Ron Paul a surprising contender
With Thompson out, Tom McClintock leans to Ron Paul
MSNBC blames Romney whisper on microphone malfunction
Corporate Media Ignores Ron Paul's Second Place In Louisiana
The NY Post's 'Obscene' Gesture to 9/11 Truth
NY POST: PURE OBSCENITY - Lunatics Take Over Ground Zero
9/11 Contradictions: When Did Cheney Enter the Underground Bunker?
More Eugenics Propaganda From Hollywood | Ron Paul War Room
YouTube - Proof of voter fraud in the USA - from the horse's mouth
YouTube - Unignited Thermite found in Ground Zero
Ron Paul @ GOP Debate In Florida on 1/24/08 MSNBC
Lou Dobbs: Ron Paul is only inspiring candidate; HowardBeale/March4Freedom Mix | Ron Paul War Room
YouTube - Henry Kissinger Interview With Becky Quick 1-23-2008
History Channel: Anthrax Attacks Inside Job
China Creates Artificial Snowfall
Video: NH Sham Chain Of Custody
Gazans Breach Egyptian Border Again
Brown Calls For Worldwide Reforms
UK: No Student Loan Without National ID
Wolfowitz To Head Panel On Arms Control
$200 A Gram Tax On Cocaine
Children Held In Orphanage After Mom Fell Ill
Olbermann Reports On Ron Paul
Video: Ron Paul Rally After FLA Debate
Lord Save Us From Useful Green Idiots
Rudy Wants Real ID For Internet Access
Romney Whisper Blamed On Tech Problem?
Power Cuts Hits Platinum Production
Feds Accused Of Gold-Price Manipulation
Video: Purchasing Power Of The DOW
Interrogator: Invasion Surprised Saddam
Video: Romney Fed Answer During Debate
Video: Ron Paul @ GOP FLA Debate
Kissinger: Protectionism Slowing Globalism
Ron Paul Unveils Real Economic Plan
U.S. Scientists Close To Creating Artificial Life
DHS Collecting Fingerprints At Logan
Newspaper Web Sites Draw Record Viewers
Military Says Planes In Area Of UFO Report
Deal Reached On Tax Rebates
Cheney Wants Surveillance Law Expanded
Central Bankers Confront A New Inflation Calculus
US slides into dangerous 1930s 'liquidity trap'
US hires 'fake' Soviet weapons experts
Going bankrupt: The US's greatest threat
Report: Army's Future Combat System plagued by software problems
Bases compete for Cyber Command
Bush speeds up licenses for military exports to US allies
FEMA: Emergency response plans restore local authority
Advance Nanotech Adds Homeland Security Expert to Its Board of Directors
Rummy Resurfaces, Calls for U.S. Propaganda Agency
FISA 2.0 Called 'Atrocious' Privacy Violation
March for Life in D.C. Gets little Media Coverage
Economic Stimulus Package Ignores the Laws of Economics
Ron Paul Receives Mediocre Mainstream Media Coverage Despite Stellar Credentials
Abortions Reported as Decreasing
Mideast Arms
Ron Paul Defending Life
Coalition Generals Split
UN Wants Final Word
Outside Baghdad
The Political and Economic Agenda for a Real Gold Standard by Ron Paul
Contractor Abuses Rarely Punished, Groups Say - by Ali Gharib
How to Sink America by Tom Engelhardt and Chalmers Johnson
Ron Paul blames Federal Reserve for weakening economy
Paul calls for eliminating federal income taxes to avoid recession
The Wayback Machine and Ron Paul by David R. Henderson
Why Bush Wants to Legalize the Nuke Trade with Turkey - by Joshua Frank
The True Miracle of Israel
Gaza: Where does it end?
Free Money for Everybody!* by Bill Sardi
Arms & The Manpower
Real ID and Reality
Soros Backs Corporate Democrats
The March for Life Against Genocide
Nuclear Security: U.S. Finding Jobs for Former Soviet Weapons Scientists
A Need For More Reality in the Presidential Nomination Process
It’s Not the Economy, Smarty - It’s National Security!
Hillary Clinton and Saudi Funny Money: Conflict of Interest?
Democracy Now! | Broadcast Exclusive: Abu Ghraib Whistleblower Samuel Provance Speaks Out on Torture and Cover-Up at U.S. Military Jail
Democracy Now! | 935 Lies (and Counting): Study Documents Bush Admin’s False Statements Preceding Iraq War
Democracy Now! | Economics Journalist Robert Kuttner on the "Most Serious Financial Crisis Since the Great Depression": "This is the Result of Rightwing Ideology and the Political Power of Wall Street"
Democracy Now! | "An Opportunity to Look at Ourselves and Reorder Our Priorities" - Legendary Activist Grace Lee Boggs on the Ailing Economy, the Legacy of Dr. King and the 2008 Race
Craig Crawford: "The evidence-free bias against the Clintons in the media borders on mental illness"
NBC's Corke repeated myth that Giuliani kept "out of all these early contests"
USA Today labeled conservative evangelical Huckabee supporters as "value voters"
PolitiFact.com falsely claimed McCain opposed 2001 Bush tax cuts because they should be "balanced by spending cuts"
CNN quoted CEI policy director on "green-collar jobs" without noting group's reported ties to energy industry
Beck called "Comrade Clinton" a "liberal fascist," Edwards "a communist"
MSNBC's Hall aired McCain ad attacking Romney for "chang[ing] positions" on tax cuts without noting McCain's flip-flops on taxes, negative campaigning
Despite earlier calling it a "myth," CNN aired Huckabee's claim that FairTax allows workers to "get their whole paychecks"
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. falsely asserted Clinton's "experience ... includes lying under oath, and obstructing justice"
CNN's Blitzer and Todd falsely present August 2007 Michelle Obama comment as current attack on Clintons
Dobbs falsely suggested CNN Democratic debate didn't include "one question about illegal immigration"
UPI baselessly asserted that Obama paid "substantially lower than market value" for Rezko property
Morning Joe hosts launched misleading attacks on Obama over state Senate votes
Beck falsely claimed Dem candidates have not supported striking writers
Morning Joe panel panned Gibson's "awful joke of an apology" after his "anti-gay tirade" about Ledger's death
Limbaugh: Clinton, "the most cheated-on woman in the world," now "surrounded" by her "white female new castrati male base"
USA Today repeatedly called McCain a "maverick" on immigration, taxes despite his shifts
Wash. Times article falsely claimed Giuliani "skipped the first six nomination contests"
Continuing to use "cocaine," Matthews again falsely claimed Penn "raised " the issue on Hardball
AP falsely claimed "government's eavesdropping powers" set to "expire in eight days"
Candidates still not asked about wiretaps, FISA, or telecom immunity in debates
Media falsely characterized Bill Clinton, Obama as having "lashed out," "fired back angrily" at reporters
Chicago Tribune religion writer ignores Obama's comments urging "respect and dignity" for Muslims
Imus regular on claim that Clinton was "first black president": "I thought it was because he'd had an affinity for fat white women"
Matthews decried CNN debate's focus on "black/white issues," ignored MSNBC debate's focus on race
Wash. Times article misquoted Clinton comment it claimed "seemed to diminish the accomplishments" of King
On CNN, Jeffrey said "it looked like, if someone had splashed water on Hillary, she would have melted like the Wicked Witch of the West"
On Hannity & Colmes , Rev. Peterson compared Obama's church to KKK
AP debate "Analysis" ignored Obama's response to allegations he refused to support sexual abuse bill
LA Times purported to reveal Obama/Rezko ties that Obama already acknowledged
MSNBC's Carlson mocked Clinton for her comments about gender discrimination
Beck on guest who favored tax cuts for lower-income Americans: "Nice of you to join us, Stalin"
Politico 's Allen cited Women's Wear Daily article that cropped Vogue editor's statement on canceled Clinton photo shoot
All-male Morning Joe panel laughed as Barnicle compared Clinton to "everyone's first wife standing outside a probate court"
Media outlets uncritically reported McCain's dubious defense of vote against Bush tax cuts
LA Times purported to reveal Obama/Rezko ties that Obama already acknowledged
Beck on guest who favored tax cuts for lower-income Americans: "Nice of you to join us, Stalin"
NY Times ' Healy claimed Clinton's use of "pueda" didn't make sense -- but she got only the tense wrong
CNN's Chernoff falsely claimed Social Security will "be out of money in 2041"
Matthews falsely suggested that health care wasn't discussed at Dem debate
O'Reilly ignored Obama's disavowal of award granted to Farrakhan by daughter of Obama's pastor
CBS' Cordes reported on Giuliani's and Romney's "Spanish-language" ads without noting their campaign rhetoric
Drudge headline baselessly implicated Clinton in closure of Niagara Falls children's psychiatric unit
Imus and Carlson invoke Chavez to smear Dem presidential candidates
Limbaugh: Clinton "the only one sitting there who could not cross her legs"
MSNBC cropped Vogue editor quote about Clinton's canceled photo shoot, omitting editor's criticism of the media
CNN's Blitzer, Cafferty, and King rewrite history to claim that Giuliani skipped Iowa and New Hampshire
Rep. Tubbs Jones to Carlson: "Get a life"
On Morning Joe , Matthews falsely suggested McCain has "stood his ground" on immigration
Noonan asserted "Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton" is a "sickness" that "is giving so many people pause"
Morris: Clinton has "cool, angry, 'I'll, you know, slit your throat in the middle of the night' temper"
Newsweek 's Alter, like NY Times , omitted Rose's on-air explanation for abrupt ending of Clinton interview
Russert did not mention statement from Salmon Press co-owner regarding Clinton's comments on Reagan
Brokaw falsely claimed Giuliani's Florida ads "don't mention terrorism"
MSNBC's Shuster: "Cable-news organization that rhymes with 'clocks' " distorted Bill Clinton's exchange with reporter
Brokaw falsely claimed Giuliani's Florida ads "don't mention terrorism"
Leftist government moves to take control over Andean country's natural resources
Mine stoppages in South Africa lead to buying on supply concerns
Rogue trader's actions went undetected by Societe Generale's multilayered security systems
Bank says no evidence employee responsible for $7 billion fraud enriched himself
'Look across the board to see if others aren't vulnerable to the same disease'
After 2 days of stunning gains, investors turn cautious, cash in some of their winnings
Markets like them, but lowering could keep dollar weak, threaten economic growth
200 investigators conducted all-day raid of company's headquarters in October
'Employer may ... take illegal drug use into consideration in making employment decisions'
'This is masonry, handcrafted plaster. You can't build this again'
Domain-name 'tasting' keeping Web identities from legitimate individuals, businesses
Internet subscribers experience irretrievable loss – $50 credit promised
7 years' worth of architectural drawings, blueprints, worth $2.5 million erased
'1/2 of them may be there with the primary purpose of watching the ads'
Exclusive: Pat Boone spotlights physicists who discredit notion humans are responsible
Alexander Cockburn describes whipping he's received for questioning warming doctrine
Exclusive: Ellis Washington writes letter to 'Rev. Preacher' about Clintons' stronghold
Exclusive: Joseph Farah urges readers to block out pro-Romney pundit chorus
Exclusive: Bruce Wilson claims evangelicals help McCain, Rudy by supporting Mike
Star Parker thumps Fred for his 'tepid social conservatism,' statist Social Security fix
Jonathan Falwell: 'Christians have become the pariahs of the mainstream'
Exclusive: Henry Lamb says 'Public Private Partnerships' have erased economic liberty
Exclusive: Robert Knight zings Wall Street Journal for story on congregational discipline
Exclusive: Greg Laurie exhorts readers to come clean about sin – and be blessed
Exclusive: Floyd and Mary Beth Brown see latest PC documentary hitting kids' schools
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey points out absurdity of scientists trying to 'create' life
Marsha West argues against mixing of yoga with biblical living
» Delay for govt’s ID card system
» Lib Dems call to abandon ID cards
» US willing to send troops to Pakistan
» Bush Justice Nominee Authorized C.I.A. Torture
» Firefighter: Giuliani ‘ran like a coward on 9/11′
» U.S. to use Spy Evidence against Citizens?
» Immunization Programs Under Scrutiny
» Is the 2008 Election Rigged?
» Amid record losses, Wall Street awarded itself $39 bil
» Cheney demands ‘permanent’ wiretaps
» British Government Censoring The Web
» Current financial crisis was topic of Bilderberg 2006
» Guantanamo as a symbol
» VIDEO: 1 In 5 Iraq Vets Have Brain Injuries
» Brown Prepares to Sell UK Out to Globalist EU
» Nasa probe reveals image of mystery figure on Mars
» One in ten RFID projects tag humans
» The Emails that Dick Cheney Deleted
» The List: The World’s Top Spy Agencies
The Long Fuse to the Iraq War
JURIST - Hotline: Padilla trial highlights Bush Administration's manipulation of justice
Dissident Voice : Why Bush Wants to Legalize the Nuke Trade with Turkey
James Freedman: Ron Paul: Roe v. Wade a 'Big Mistake' - Off The Bus on The Huffington Post
Women More Thick-headed than Men | LiveScience
Farmer hides castle from building inspectors - Yahoo! News
In the Garden with the Guru
The Allusionist
At the Edge of the Abyss by Gary North
Calling Calpurnia on the Calorie Cops by Becky Akers
Review of Gene Epstein, Econospinning by Morgan Reynolds
Dishonest Scales by Larry L. Beane II
A Ron Paul Advertising Strategy by Mark Thornton and Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
New Jersey: Crossroads of the Revolution by Max Raskin
Restoring Creativity In A Clicking World
SC Primary Colors - Black And White?
The Key Players Of 911 Who Is Jerome Hauer?
Latest Ben Fulford Conversation With Jeff Rense
The man who made childhood fun and a little crazy too - Fort Worth Business Press
Microchip Implants, Mind Control, and Cybernetics
Talking Billboards - Get Ready For 'Mystery Whisperers'
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/25/2008 | Could tight election races in both parties lead to brokered conventions?
IRAQ: 'US the Biggest Producer of Terror'
Inside America's $37 billion prison economy - December 1, 2006
Carole "C.J." Williams -- How the Environmental Extremists Manipulate the Masses
Kenya's Rift Valley explodes in 'Stone Age' violence
Feds crack down on tax protesters - MSN Money
Breakout From Ghetto Gaza
Lipitor Spokesman Dr. Jarvik Investigated by Congress
Voices - On FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds
How Long Can They Keep Bailing Out The Economy?
Showdown with Iran: Government Accountability Office (GAO) deals Blow to Bush's anti-Iran Sanctions Policy
"Republic or empire: A National Intelligence Estimate on the United States" by Chalmers A. Johnson (Harper's Magazine)
The Autopsy On The Not-So-Sudden Death Of America
Stagflation is Here
Meat, Diet Soda Linked To Heart Disease
Curt Maynard's Blog: Why do people question the holocaust?
YouTube - ALL of RON PAUL's replies @ MSNBC/FL debate Jan. 24, '08
RIA Novosti - Science & Technologies - Russian scientist says Earth could soon face new Ice Age
John McCain - The Manchurian Candidate?
Neocons Want It All - From Ethiopia To India
Desperate Need Of A Second American Revolution
Growth - America's Greatest Problem
WorldNetDaily: Feds accused of gold-price manipulation
AFP: China orders 'urgent' action to avert power crisis
Md. Scientists Build Bacterial Chromosome - washingtonpost.com
Yannone: What makes Ron Paul so unusual?
The National-Bribe Is DOA
Winnipeg Free Press
Interview With Professor Robert Faurisson
Public Outcry Keeps Artificial Hormone Milk Labels in PA
Ayn Rand's First TV Interview - Part 1
Ayn Rand's First TV Interview - Part 2
Ayn Rand's First TV Interview - Part 3
9-11 Truth And The Holocaust By Wendy Campbell
Knowledge Is Unlimited - Velikovsky & His Visions
RIA Novosti - Russia - Russian Navy uses supersonic cruise missile to hit test target
RIA Novosti - World - Over half of Ukrainians against joining NATO - survey
Antarctic ice loss speeds up, nearly matches Greenland loss
World Trade Center 1: There Was No Inferno
Hidden History Of How World War II Came To Be
Makow - How They Control The World
Pets Enjoy Healing Power of Music | LiveScience
Jan 23, 2008 The Domino Depression or Crash of 2008 Bob Moriarty 321gold s
Alan Stang -- Not Just a Campaign, It's a Movement
Pay No Attention to The Soldier Saying the Government is Lying about 9-11
Friendly Fire - Raising Questions About 911 Gets Army Sergeant Demoted | Tallahassee Network for Justice & Peace
Divine Strake By Another Name:Nuclear Weapons Effects Tests at White Sands
Useful Information About Electro Magnetic Fields
Charges Obama Gay Sex And Coke
Psst-- Ron Paul Doesn't Exist
The Federal Reserve: Jews of the Board - Forums powered by Reason and Principle
Taylor Marsh: Obama's Faustian Bargain with Antoin 'Tony' Rezko - Politics on The Huffington Post
Taos Hum
Weapons Trove Suspect Is Linked to Hate Crimes - New York Times
RIA Novosti - Russia - Russia concerned over NATO military buildup around its borders
LaRouche Warns Of Imminent Hyperinflationary Blowout
Ron Paul Activism Quashed at California Prison
Mars Blue Sky, Lightning and Self-Removing Dust
Dobbs Drops Ron Paul From LIst Of Candidates
Why the Fed can't save us - Jan. 22, 2008
CIA Says Hackers Have Cut Power Grid
Life on Mars? Amazing photos from Nasa probe reveal image of mystery figure on Red Planet
Tomgram: Jay Rosen, Mindlessness in the Media, Campaign 2008
Photos of crowd at Lincoln inauguration recently discovered - CNN.com
Big Bang Cosmology: Going Down a Black Hole?
The Key Players of 9-11 - Who is Jerome Hauer?
Bringing Death And Destruction To Muslims
The militarisation of space | Disharmony in the spheres | Economist.com
Look who's bailing out Wall Street - Scramble for cash (1) - CNNMoney.com
Bacteria race ahead of drugs / Falling behind: Deadly infections increasingly able to beat antibiotics
ABC News: Why Does Johnny Come Marching Homeless?
Curtains, Drugs And 'Free' Medical Care
Gaza - Genocide And Media Lies
Orange to remove mobile mast from 'tower of doom', where cancer rate has soared| News | This is London
B'nai Brith Striving to Suppress Free Speech in Canada
The Inconvenient Truth:The Sun Varies in Intensity
Technology Review: Controlling Cell Behavior with Magnets
Message From Ron Paul
Knowledge of Health: How did we end up with such god-awful food?
Diary | The Spectator
Robert McChesney's 'Communication Revolution'
Bobby Fischer Murdered?
FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft - Times Online
Israel launches new satellite to spy on Iran | Israel and the Middle East | Guardian Unlimited
When governments print money, buy gold - Telegraph
he lowdown on topsoil: It's disappearing
Doreen Hannes -- Control the Food - Control the Population
How broccoli can reduce risk of a heart attack - Telegraph
US: Cancer Is A Fungus
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Southern California avalanches kill three
Obama: Press 'Manically Focused on Race'
McCain: Romney Favored Iraq Withdrawal
Baptists to push unity, fresh face in Atlanta
Army Rangers, medic arrested on drug
Soldiers Arrested for Conspiring to Rob Drug Trafficker
Fla.'s Weldon joins list of Republicans leaving House
Instructors seek recognition in Moussaoui case
NJ weighs new way to pay for roads
Sheriff: Washington Mom Shot Three of Her Children
Venezuelan pleads guilty in Argentine cash case
EPA chief sits and takes his punishment
Police: Human Remains Not Related to Stacy Peterson Case
Chicago Police Say Frozen Remains Not Those Of Peterson, Stebic
'Do Not Deliver' list would bar papers
The Associated Press: Former White House Budget Director Dies
AFP: Pilot dies as helicopter crashes on LA freeway
The Associated Press: 1 Killed in LA Helicopter Freeway Crash
Border Town United by Gaza Border Breach
Red Cross Sending Medical Supplies to Treat Wounded in Kenya
Italy's president looks for way out of govt crisis
Iran Reports 7th Shipment of Russian Nuclear Fuel
Russia ships more atomic fuel to Iran - UPI.com
Was Al-Qaeda Behind Beirut Bombing? - TIME
Pakistan’s Nukes
Pakistan Calls Nuke Program Security 'Foolproof'
Sri Lanka planes bomb rebel positions in north
Blasts Hit Baghdad, Including Green Zone
Iraqi PM Vows Offensive Against Al-Qaida
Reporter's Notebook: Dispatch from World Economic Forum in Davos
Musharraf to West: 'We have our own brains'
Pakistani forces target 'man behind Bhutto killing' | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
French President Visits India's Taj Mahal
Brown looks to new young team to boost welfare reform
Brown puts his faith in youth
US Aid Worker Kidnapped in Afghanistan
Pakistan Tests Nuclear Capable, Medium Range Missile
Rice Visits Colombia to Promote Trade Deal
US lawmakers impressed with Colombia, unsure on pact
Mugabe Announces Election Date as Political Rivals Disappear
Fayed bodyguard felt pressured over crash recall
Fukuda Pledges $40 Billion to Combat Climate Change (Update1)
Killer of Indonesian Human Rights Activist Gets Jail (Update1)
Obama: Press 'Manically Focused on Race'
People Around The World Are Keenly Interested In U.S. Presidential Campaign
Federal crack sentences to decrease / nwi.com