"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

15 January 2008


Click above :Ron Paul Radio
Clinton, Obama seek truce on race row - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Clinton Receives Tepid Reception at MLK Event - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
wcbstv.com - Clinton Gets Respectful Applause At MLK Observance
Rasmussen Reports™: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a mid-term election.
Obama takes narrow lead over Clinton in Nevada | Reuters
Obama camp slams Clintons over drugs talk - Mike Allen - Politico.com
US Republicans stump for Michigan vote
Burrell blabs at Diana inquest | Hasnat Khan | Paul Burrell | The Sun |HomePage|News|Royals
Diana's mother 'called her a whore for sleeping with Muslim men' | the Daily Mail
Dozens in Texas town report seeing UFO - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Congress Returns Amid Murky Politics
One Dead In Accident At Trump SoHo Tower - News Story - WNBC | New York
wcbstv.com - 1 Dead After Crane Collapse At Trump SoHo Site
FT.com / MARKETS / Commodities - Price of gold breaks through $900 level
Dollar Falls to Within a Cent of Euro Record on Bets Fed to Cut
Citigroup Layoffs Could Reach 24,000 This Year - Financials * US * News * Story - CNBC.com
Citigroup's hopes for investment from Chinese bank hit a snag - International Herald Tribune
Oral history: The Monica Lewinsky scandal ten years on - Times Online
The Era of Reagan Is Not Over
My Way News - Huckabee Eschews Politics for Preaching
Backers urge Thompson to 'get rough' - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Google can bid in wireless auction: regulators | Reuters
President Sarkozy and supermodel lover Carla Bruni 'marry in secret ceremony' | the Daily Mail
Local News | Judge's strict no-hat rule upsets cancer patient | Seattle Times Newspaper
Drug-resistant staph found to be passed in gay sex | U.S. | Reuters
My Way News - Romney Makes Final Michigan Pitch
My Way News - Independents Help McCain in Michigan
Mark R. Levin on John McCain & 2008 on National Review Online
Amazon.com is challenging French competition law - International Herald Tribune
My Way News - Israeli PM: All Options Open on Iran
Virgin Atlantic sets February flight to test biofuel - International Herald Tribune
GM buys stake in ethanol made from waste - International Herald Tribune
Washington Wire - WSJ.com : Dancing Spychief Wants to Tap Into Cyberspace
ABC News - Bill Clinton Speaks, Girl Faints
FCC Asks Comcast About Internet Filter: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
wbztv.com - Winter Storm Hits Boston And New England Nor'Easter
Al-Qaeda's white army of terror - Scotsman.com News
Study Says Glaciers Formed During a Very Warm Period - New York Times
The Pork King Keeps His Crown - New York Times
World Tribune — Lev Navrozov: Some American voters waking up to China threat even if candidates have not
Chavez resumes quest for indefinite reelection - Yahoo! Singapore News
World Tribune — Defective parts could ground F-15s worldwide
US navy clash exposed rise of Iran's hardliners - Telegraph
Wis. Judge Reinstates Jury Verdict
Indiana Jones meets the Da Vinci Code
Organs to be taken without consent - Telegraph
FOXNews.com - Bush Pushes Peace in Kuwait, Says U.S. Should Have Bombed WWII Death Camp - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
FOXNews.com - HIV-Positive California Man Pleads Guilty to Sex Acts With Teens - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Arrest in Chandler Rapist case may fuel debate
DEBKAfile - DEBKAfile reports: Moskva missile carrier takes part in big Russian navy maneuver starting in Mediterranean Tuesday
Open Letter to Michael Kinsley On Behalf of Ron Paul by Walter Block
The War in Iraq – 1,760 Days and Counting by Robert Higgs
Let’s Go One-On-One by James Ostrowski
The Recession’s Regulatory Causes by Michael S. Rozeff
What’s in a Name? by Ira Katz
The grave Iranian threat to world peace
A New Shell Game - WSJ.com
University of Florida News - Brazilian berry destroys cancer cells in lab, UF study shows
Pro Libertate: The Nanny State Goes Nazi
SPACE.com -- Four Stars Found in Amazingly Tight Bunch
WorldNetDaily: Financial advisers' No. 1 worry: 'Democrat in White House'
Government argues gun restrictions 'permitted by the 2nd Amendment'
Guardsman guilt of illegally transferring 'machine gun' after firearm malfunctions
Backs lawsuit alleging crimes as it launches group to mobilize Reagan Republicans
Hillary on defense over comments about MLK legacy, rival's fitness for office
Obvious reference to comments made by Bill Clinton
'We are just trying to make my mom's campaign more accessible to people'
Confronted outside by anti-abortion protesters calling former mayor 'a baby killer'
Candidacy threatens to divide leaders of conservative Christian movement, their base
Insults fly over Reagan, GOP bonafides, even Metamucil, on road to Mich., S.C.
Al-Qaida terrorists posing as TV crews planned to explode bomb in broadcast van
Facility frequented by foreigners visiting Afghan capital
'More difficult to detect and the security services are right to ... focus on this issue'
U.S., U.K. quietly protest released Pak prisoners
Applies for visa to live with Brit wife, have child, become activist for peace
Delivers major arms sale in his 1st visit to desert kingdom
Catholic officer sues to prevent injection – top brass disputes theology, demands jab
'The town of Jupiter is a symbol of what is wrong in this country'
Sheriff says undocumented aliens help create environment where criminality can exist
OK for Maryland to refuse document if New Jersey suspends it for lying on application
'It's by far the most sophisticated counterfeiting operation in the world'
Major players reflect on relationship that nearly brought down a president
'Greens' hooked on flying abroad, driving – loyalty to cause limited to small gestures
'Sweeney Todd,' 'No Country' both take home 2 awards
Says Internet producing students who survive on diet of unreliable information
Former minister travels across country urging all to embrace theory of origins
Ancient Indonesian people just modern humans with growth disorder
Cites state's manufacturing contributions: 'If we lose that, we lose more than just jobs'
Hours earlier Clinton was sharply critical of rival in NBC interview
'Taking it way too far. I think Barack understands clearly what the senator was saying'
Teen attacker had $10,000 bet he would kill victim
Authorities believe they have recovered burned bodies of woman, unborn child
Nasrallah welcomes criticism from 'Pharaoh and the Great Satan'
President accuses Iran of threatening world security, appeals for democratic, free Mideast
'If you don't stay ahead of the transportation curve you never get caught up'
'This isn't something that we will see in man for at least a decade, I believe'
Israeli bill seeks to determine tort, criminal responsibility for libel online
Charges anti-Semitism remained prevalent in years immediately after Holocaust
Church sheds fire-and-brimstone image, endorses Harry Potter stories, 'The Golden Compass'
'Experience the animal's breath and the brush of whiskers as it takes the meat from your hand'
Experienced seaman breaks pelvis while sailing 600 miles northeast of Bermuda
Exhausted pair 1st to cross from Australia to New Zealand
Letters reveal government, U.S., Vatican feared Communist election victory
Iranian group demands International Criminal Court take action against those responsible
Archaeologists discover letters describing what Caesar's soldiers really wanted
Investors cheer company's better-than-expected earnings
Could lay off 20,000 workers in plan to slash costs, raise capital
Collapse of subprime-mortgage market dragged down shares of real-estate, financial companies
'There may be more ugliness to come ... that will affect Bank of America's stock'
Dave Ramsey: Even if all you?ve ever done is pay your rent on time, you have history
Average price nationally for a gallon of regular is $3.07
Midwestern farms prove switchgrass could be right crop to replace gasoline
Some countries on bandwagon have abysmal industrial safety records, corrupt ways
Shanghai considering London-style 'congestion fees' for private cars during peak hours
$30,000 vehicle would add zip to commuters' trips, makers say
Before experts put chance at 1-in-3, now most predict 50-50 likelihood
Investors cheer company's better-than-expected earnings
Collapse of subprime-mortgage market dragged down shares of real-estate, financial companies
Dave Ramsey: Even if all you?ve ever done is pay your rent on time, you have history
Midwestern farms prove switchgrass could be right crop to replace gasoline
Car companies must overcome reputation for cheap, shoddy goods
Executive for American operations says hybrid's brand is very strong
Boosterism bombs: 'It does not represent our youth in the best light'
'Shortfall of ready-to-eat talent. The supply is there, it just needs to be finished'
Author foresees rising demand for right-brain skills that can't be shipped offshore
Once 1000-strong, commercial trawler fleet has dwindled to 1, due to over-fishing, quotas
'We wanted to make our brand more visible and broaden our range of products'
Hundreds of millions cast aside each year worldwide have spawned booming recycling industry
Mining company settling class action suit after accused of monopolizing diamond market
Computers tossed, guards assaulted after airline suspends flights
Exclusive: Joseph Farah strongly warns against dissolution of sovereign nations
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson blasts state legislature for Big Brother control over voters
Exclusive: Joseph Farah demands less talk, more action on failed immigration policy
Book puts you on southern border as citizens battle human flood
Exclusive: Vox Day accuses left of attempting to steal the term 'conservative'
Exclusive: Chuck Norris reveals why Huckabee is the only truly conservative candidate
Exclusive: Doug Powers scrutinizes America's blind quest for an elected nanny
Exclusive: Craig R Smith holds nose, grudgingly votes for lesser of government evils
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner lists appealing leadership qualities of each candidate
Exclusive: Michael Ackley brainstorms punchy election slogans for '08 candidates
Clint Talbott: Realistic programs must tell kids to have sex as safely as possible
Protester: 'One of the loopholes of this gov't is that they allow freedom of expression'
New expose reveals how subversives have penetrated Washington
J.R. Dunn: Idea that Holocaust could have been altered before 1944 must be put aside
Race Spells Trouble for the Dems - TIME
Commentary » Blog Archive » Competitive Victimization
The case against Hillary Clinton. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
Lanny Davis: Clinton/McCain vs. Obama/Huckabee: Bipartisan Similarities? - Politics on The Huffington Post
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Fred in Hunt For Red November?
Mitt's Mythical "Mass. Miracle"
Another War Election - Campaign Stops - 2008 Elections - Opinion - New York Times Blog
Abu Dhabi: East Leans West by Judith Miller, City Journal Winter 2008
Does the Mainstream GOP Finally Need John McCain? -- New York Magazine
How Do You Solve a Problem Like McCain?
The Clinton-Obama contest gets rougher | Salon News
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Comment - Why America needs a little less laissez-faire
The Democrats’ Fairy Tale - New York Times
McCain vs. Huck: A S.C. civil war - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
Obama, Clinton `Thrilla' Gives Choice: Albert R. Hunt
Mayor McTease - WSJ.com
The Incremental Revolutionary | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Not Tax Straight Talk
The Democrats' Strategic Challenge | The American Prospect
Sebastian Mallaby - A Nobel Laureate's Primary - washingtonpost.com
Voter ID law an ugly effort to subvert ballot | ajc.com
A perfect storm door against a U.S. recession? | csmonitor.com
Primary disorder: A state as important as Michigan should count
Japan Sails Again - WSJ.com
Bob Johnson Criticizes Obama - TIME
Hillary Clinton attacks Barack Obama - Mike Allen and Ben Smith - Politico.com
Mitt pins hopes on home state to save him - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
Race and Gender Are Issues in Tense Day for Democrats - New York Times
Democrats create pessimism about trade prospects
Truther Films Most Watched on Google Video
Ron Paul Revolution Needs To Reunite
'Second Thoughts about Fluoride,' Reports Scientific American
Flashback 1912: New York Times Pans Novel by Future Founder of CFR
Gold passes $900 on dollar weakness
Lindsay Graham Denies Immigration Loopholes
McCain is an American Friend of Bilderberg
Organism Lives 10 Times as Long After Genetic Tinkering
Alex Jones Interviews Benjamin Fulford 1-11-08
Brzezinksi: Shrinking Time & Space Limit National Sovereignty
Concentration Camp Locations
Frank Luntz Issues a Warning to Ron Paul Supporters!
McCain leads Romney in Michigan
Ron Paul in for Long Haul With Martin Luther King Day Money Bomb Planned
UAW Members for Ron Paul: ''Save Your Jobs; Vote Ron Paul!''
Blair speech kindles speculation over EU presidency
Farmers fear a barnyard Big Brother
'Fingerprinting Bill' Forced on Texas Teachers
DHS Begins Collecting 10 Fingerprints From International Visitors
Our News is Controlled Propaganda
Unraveling the Myth of Al Qaida
No Email Safe from Mike McConnell and the Neocons
Cynthia McKinney Wants Real C.H.A.N.G.E.
Preparations for War with Iran?
Clinton Tries to Weasel Out of Responsiblity for the Invasion of Iraq
European press: It wasn’t a miracle — Hillary won via a rigged vote
Gordon Brown: Commoners Don’t Own Their Bodies, Government and Hospitals Do
Bill Maher Gets Vote Fraud Wrong
Homeschooling a Crime in Germany
This is What A Police State Looks Like
Thousands of UK Prisoners to be “Chipped Like Dogs”
“Filipino Monkey” Almost Starts World War Four
Inside the Martial Law Act of 2006
Seven Steps to a Homeland Security Campus
US Elections: Just Like the Movies
Bernanke Finds his Voice
Member of Japanese Diet Doubts Official 9/11 Fairy Tale
Did Hillary Really Win New Hampshire?
Olbermann On N.H. Recount
Hutchinson: Paul is a Racist, No Matter What He Says
No Escape from War and Unemployment
Election Integrity Questioned in New Hampshire
2008 presidential charade promises deepening of government criminality and expansion of war
Pentagon Climbdown Over “Gulf of Tonkin II” Video
Chris Matthews: Raw Exit Poll Data ‘Indicated Significant Victory’ for Obama in NH
Credit Card Processing Companies Refuse to Process Firearms Industry Transactions
Trends to a New World Order: Part 2
Kucinich Calls for Ballot Recount in New Hampshire
California Toll Agency Wants Power to Seize Cars
Ron Paul: 9/11 Commission ‘Hid Ineptness’ Just as Most Government Investigations Usually Do
Demand Corporate Media Cover Vote Fraud Story
Diebold Voting Machine Contractor Executive Has Criminal Background
Media Struggles To Whitewash Clinton Vote Fraud Suspicions
Study “Disproving” Mercury-Autism Link Published in Journal with Financial Ties to Vaccine Manufacturers
Fraud U.S.-Style: Fake Videos and Elections
Will Ron Paul Authorize an Audit of the New Hampshire Primary?
Arizona Politico Concerned About Biometrics in Schools
An Ominous Non-Event: The Gulf of Tonkin and the Strait of Hormuz
There is No Recession Because Hank Paulson Says So
New Hampshire Obviously Doesn’t Want Change, Do You?
AT&T and Other ISPs May Be Getting Ready to Filter
Globalists: Prepare for Big Flu Pandemic and Economic Hit
Thimerosal in vaccines doesn’t lead to autism?
Vote Fraud: History Repeats Itself
The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis
Hacking Democracy
Sutton Vote Fraud Mentioned During C-Span Call-In
CNN Mention of Possible Vote Fraud Finds Memory Hole
Giuliani: New York City Survived 9/11 Attacks Because Of Me
Candidates at the Auto Show
Clinton: "Voices"
Michigan Party Chairs on FNC
Romney Responds to Man Holding Paul Sign
Edwards on the Civil Rights Movement
Clinton on "Meet the Press"
Giuliani on "Fox News Sunday"
Romney on "Face the Nation"
Edwards on "Late Edition"
Huckabee's Sunday Media
Clinton on Obama's Iraq Record
Al Sharpton Responds to Clinton Comments
Thompson's Talk Radio Boost
Culinary Workers Endorse Obama
Romney in Northern Michigan
McCain's Michigan Momentum Web Video
Candidates at the Auto Show
Jeri Thompson Says Huckabee Isn't Conservative
Clinton at MLK Jr. Birthday Celebration
Romney's "Vote For Change" Web Ad
Thompson: "Always"
77% Say Economy Getting Worse
Obama Rally in Nevada
Huckabee on "Morning Joe"... Again
Giuliani Event in Florida
Thompson on "Late Edition"
Romney to the Detroit Economic Club
Giuliani on "Fox News Sunday"
Clinton on "Meet the Press"
Candidates on "Late Edition"
President Bush's Speech in Abu Dhabi
Rival Economic Policies, Personal Outlooks Key to Michigan Race
The Associated Press: Sheriff Retires to Fight Legal Battle
Plates focus of bridge collapse probe
Juntos Con Hillary: Clinton Kicks Off Hispanic Outreach « FOX Embeds « FOXNews.com
Hillary Clinton woos western Hispanics - UPI.com
San Jose Mercury News - Two planes collide at San Francisco airport, no one injured
Justices Weigh Drug Case
Yale becomes latest to reduce tuition
Northeast faces return of snow, freezing temperatures
The Associated Press: New England Gets New Blast of Snow
Rise in homicides by US Iraq war vets -NY Times
Article on Veterans Committing Murder Stirs Debate
Kucinich Allowed In Debate
Report: Little expected from U.S. Congress - UPI.com
Miss. judge cancels special election to replace Lott
High hopes for Jindal in troubled Louisiana
Indian-American sworn in as Louisiana governor
Colo. lawmaker kicks photographer during prayer
The Associated Press: Worker Killed at Trump Site in NYC
The Associated Press: Search for Marine Suspect Expands
Leland Yee backs out of Congressional race
Rudy 'not surprised' by drop in FL polls - First Read - msnbc.com
Taliban Attack on Luxury Kabul Hotel Shows Threat to Westerners
Saudi king to host Bush at desert playground
Clinton, Obama tone down rhetoric on race
Top US officer knocks Chavez's Colombia comments
Rebels abduct 6 tourists, Colombia's navy says
Kenyan Opposition Says Planned Demonstrations Will Ease Tensions
Kenya Tries To Get Back To Normal
Israeli, Palestinian Negotiators Hold Talks on Core Issues
Burrell: Diana wanted to marry heart surgeon
Russia's row with Britain escalates
UK defies Russian order to shut cultural offices
French President and Model Girlfriend Cause Consternation Abroad
French newspaper says Sarkozy might have wed Bruni
Indian PM Makes Goodwill Trip to China
India's Singh Starts China Trip Amid Trade Deal Plans (Update3)
Doctors battle to save Indonesia's Suharto
Suharto's condition remains grave
Nepali Sherpas "orphaned" after Hillary's death
Reuters India
Zapatero Calls Election as Economic Growth Slows (Update3)
Musharraf Orders Military to Prevent Terrorism During Election
The Associated Press: Motorbike Bomb Kills 9 in Pakistani City
Beijing's Joy at Taiwan's Democracy
ANALYSIS-Bomb casts al Qaeda shadow on heart of Pakistan
At Least 8 Soldiers Killed in Thailand Separatist Violence
Eight soldiers killed in Thai Muslim south ambush
Bush discussed oil prices with Gulf Arab leaders
Bush Brings Promise of Arms Sale on First Visit to Saudi Arabia
New Guatemala leader Colom vows to attack crime
Former Houston heart surgeon takes office as VP in Guatemala
Environmentalists Say Japanese Whalers Chased From Southern Ocean
Romney, McCain turn up heat ahead of Michigan vote
Rudy 'not surprised' by drop in FL polls - First Read - msnbc.com
Sexism, Racism: Which Is More Taboo?
Voters Head to the Polls
The Associated Press: Dem. Nominee Chosen for Ind. Election
GOP Candidates Seek Support at Auto Show
Poll: McCain rising, Clinton steady
Huckabee Eschews Politics for Preaching
GOP presidential candidates in final push for votes in Michigan
Voters confused by primary rules
After the Deluge - Barron's Online
Why America needs a little less laissez-faire
Responding to Recession - New York Times
Passing The Devalued Buck | Print Article | Newsweek.com
Can Accounting Principles Survive the Mortgage Crisis? - - CFO.com
Mortgage-Rate Reset Doesn't Need to Be a Crisis: John F. Wasik
talent management strategy - Making talent a strategic priority - Organization - Talent - The McKinsey Quarterly
Markets and the Dollar - WSJ.com
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Sins and Wages of Mercantilist Monetary Policy
Financial forces run amok - Los Angeles Times
Why CEO second acts may deserve an encore - MarketWatch
China + Citigroup + Alwaleed = Brave New World: William Pesek
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Not Tax Straight Talk
RealClearPolitics - Articles - GOP Candidates Go Supply-Side
FT.com / Columnists / Wolfgang Munchau - This is not merely a subprime crisis
Taxpayers to help foot BofA's $4.1 billion Countrywide bill - Jan. 11, 2008
Wall Street prepares for Citi hit - Telegraph
Is neoclassical economics right about pure inflation? | vox - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists
Interview with Treasury Secretary Paulson
FT.com / View from the Top
Bernanke's Next Move
Bloomberg News Video
Wall Street Journal Video - WSJ.com
Fox Hypes White Al-Qaeda Army
FCC Asks Comcast About Internet Filter
FBI Wants Instant Access To British Data
Judge Grants Kucinich Entry To NV Debate
Dollar dips as fears rise ahead of bank earnings | Markets | Hot Stocks | Reuters
Michigan Crowd Boos McCain
Gordon Brown: Government Owns Your Bodies
Rogue HAM Operator Blamed For Iran Incident
Largest Saudi Bank Urges Dollar Depeg
Twenty-five U.S. Military Officers Challenge Official Account of 9/11
Illegal immigrants will be rounded-up by roaming prison vans | the Daily Mail
Video Ads Planned On Grocery Carts
U.S. Drafting Plan To Access Any E-Mail
Weak Dollar Draws Record NYC Tourism
Bin Laden's Son Applies For UK Visa
Genetics Allow Organism To Live 10X Longer
Cure For Alzheimer's?
Kids Hitting Puberty At Three
Citigroup Layoffs Could Reach 24,000 This Year - Financials * US * News * Story - CNBC.com
NAACP President: Paul Not A Racist
audio/NAACP President: Paul Not A Racist
The Raw Story | Iran showdown has echoes of faked Tonkin attack
Video: Olbermann On NH Recount
Center for Consumer Freedom :: PETA Killed 97 Percent of 'Companion Animals' in 2006, According to VDACS
FCC OKs Clear Channel Buy Out
Prisoners To Be Microchipped Like Dogs
Real ID From No Fly To No Drive List
Ron Paul Real Change Candidate Not Obama
Red Flags Over NH Primary
Video: ABC Report On Real ID
CNN: Huckabee Only Anti-IRS Candidate
Executed Reichstag Arsonist Pardoned
Americans Slam News Media
Wesley Snipes Fights The IRS
308,000 Barrels Missing From Reserve
Hopes of custom-built organs as scientists create beating heart - Times Online
Blair Campaigns To Become EU President
Gold, Platinum Rise to Record as Dollar Falls; Crop Prices Gain
Cancer Drugs Found In Tap Water
Computer hackers 'may be behind Hillary Clinton's shock new Hampshire victory' | the Daily Mail
George Bush to push $20bn Saudi arms deal - Telegraph
Report: U.S. Money Recruiting Weapons Scientists in Russia, Ukraine
WorldView satellite delivers its first views of the world
"LifePrint" Unveiled
Import Prices Spur US Stagflation Fear
VIDEO: This is What A Police State Looks Like
Neocon Selectees: Deliver Iran to “Gates of Hell”
Hopes of custom-built organs as scientists create beating heart
U.S. Issues National ID Standards, Setting Stage for a Showdown
Repress U: Seven Steps to a Homeland Security Campus
The Deflation Time Bomb
Report: TSA Site Exposed Travelers To ID Theft
Taxpayers of America Will Help Bank of America Finance Buy Out of Countrywide
Banks Plead They Can’t Follow Rules
Stomping Freedom: Inside the Martial Law Act of 2006
Oil Crisis As Barrels Go Missing, According to Audit
Cloned Pigs & Cows Safe To Eat?
VIDEO: GAO Comptroller Warns Of Fiscal Armageddon
Iran Encounter Grimly Echoes ’02 War Game
Born After 1964 You Will Need Real ID
Drugging Troops to Numb Them to Horrors of War
Blair accused of taking blood money
Helicopter Ben About to Shift the Confetti Shredder Into Afterburner
Central Banks Dance in Denial on Stagflation
The Pentagon Wants an Afghanisurge
Goldman Bankster Sentenced For Insider Trading