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04 January 2008


My Way News - Obama Says His Victory Will Bring Change
Clinton Unbowed by Third-Place Finish
Obama victory leaves Clinton scrambling - Mike Allen and Ben Smith - Politico.com
Out With the Old, In With the New
Romney seeks rebound in New Hampshire - Yahoo! News
Disappointed Romney Supporters Note 'Reagan Lost Iowa' | The Trail | washingtonpost.com
Huckabee: 'A new day in American politics' - USATODAY.com
Huckabee, Obama have huge night in Iowa - CNN.com
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Supreme Court Justice Bill Clinton? « - Blogs from CNN.com
Google Jet Launches For Meteor Viewing Mission - News Story - KNTV | San Francisco
Jobless Rate Hits 5 Percent, 2-Year High: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
My Way News - Oklahoma City Mayor Puts City on a Diet
My Way News - Union, NBC Spar Over Leno Monologues
Deadline Hollywood Daily » PART II: SO WHAT’S THE REAL STORY? Leno Writes Own Monologue Again! WGA Denies NBC Claim That Jay Had Union OK And Verrone Would “Look The Other Way”
Local Women Trapped In Elevator For 2 Days - Family News Story - WMAQ | Chicago
FT.com / Companies / Autos - Toyota now number-two carmaker in US
GM U.S. December vehicle sales down 5.2 percent | Reuters
Suspense grows over XM-Sirius antitrust review | Technology | Reuters
Driver cited in Bedford train-car crash caused by GPS mishap
wcbstv.com - Breathalyzer Tests Now The Law At N.J. High School
Passenger jets get anti-missile devices - USATODAY.com
Video of Sleeping Guards Shakes Nuclear Industry - washingtonpost.com
The End of the Beginning
A Fierce Populism and the Soft Promise of "More Light"
The Iowa scorecard : Editorials : The Rocky Mountain News
Undecided: Hillary keeps shifting slogans - Ben Smith - Politico.com
Union Leader - NH Presidential Primary
Biden, Dodd to abandon presidential bids
Caucuses bring heavy turnout
Iowa Caucus: Iowa Caucus – History, Candidate Profiles, Campaign Events and Caucus News
Giuliani skips Iowa caucuses for Hialeah - 01/03/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Rating the GOP field - The Boston Globe
The 16-Year Itch
GOP, R.I.P.?
Mike Huckabee's New Deal
The Two Earthquakes - New York Times
After Iowa, Barack Obama is on a roll and Hillary Clinton is on the ropes
Clinton Loss Means Change of Tactics - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Hard Loss for Romney
GOP race in total disarray - John F. Harris and Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
Byron York on Iowa Caucus on National Review Online
How Barack Obama's message found its mark. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
HRC team retools strategy, predicts N.H. win - Ben Smith and Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen - Politico.com
The End of Inevitability
How Clinton And Romney Come Back
RealClearPolitics - Articles - 2008 Finds Democrats In State Of Denial
Second chance for a lasting impression - The Boston Globe
Dealing With the Dragon - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Trying Times For The Spread Of Democracy
RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog
Authenticity Wins - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
Morning Thoughts: To The Victor...
Iowa results hold lessons for the long road ahead - Opinion - USATODAY.com
A Revealing Start in Iowa - washingtonpost.com
Iowa's bold vote
Iowa | A call for change | Economist.com
Huckabee's Victory Speech
Obama's Victory Speech
Edwards' Post-Caucus Speech
Clinton's Post-Iowa Speech
Thompson With Tim Russert
Call For Change Shakes Up The Democratic Field
Obama Takes Iowa In A Big Turnout As Clinton Falters; Huckabee Victor
Huckabee Wins Iowa's Republican Caucuses
Dodd To Drop Presidential Bid (AP)
Obama victory leaves Clinton scrambling - Mike Allen and Ben Smith - Politico.com
Moving On to New Ground and Issues - New York Times
Plenty of reasons for saying a win here may be no big deal - Times Online
Judge Tells Navy to Reduce Sonar Impact
BBC NEWS | Americas | Judge dismisses China spy case
Mother of two hanged for murder as Iran executes 13 in crackdown on 'immoral behaviour' | the Daily Mail
Hebrew U: Israel's image hurt since pullout | Jerusalem Post
Technology Review: "You Don't Understand Our Audience"
Bookshop owner seized for printing 'illegal' Bibles - Scotsman.com News
Patients' Near Misses: Some Hospital's 'Do Not Resuscitate' Wristbands Look Like Lance Armstrong 'Livestrong' Bracelets
How doctors lie on death certificates to hide the true scale of the toll from hospital infections | the Daily Mail
Muslim leaders back Livingstone as mayor | Special Reports | Guardian Unlimited Politics
Slaying of popular teens stuns friends
U.S. Senate Turns Back On Border Fence
Clinton Camp Gracious in Defeat
Police hunt for man, 61, seen with missing hiker
'Miracle' recovery for window cleaner who fell 500 ft
Reaction to the death of former Wisconsin Gov.Lee Dreyfus:
Three in police drug ring sentenced
US Sending Envoy to Seek Kenyan Dialogue
Letter: Democrat told CIA not to destroy interrogation tapes
Ohio to offer paper ballots
United apologizes for record December delays, cancellations
GOP Rep. Peterson Will Retire at End of Term
US beauty queen accused of torturing ex-boyfriend
I believe you, Chuck.
Bush to Push Mideast Peace Agenda on Regional Tour
Pet Doberman kills Brooklyn infant
Treasury plans social security debit card: report
NASA delays shuttle flight until at least late January
Kenya: Drama of the Popular Struggle for Democracy
Pakistan volatile but unrest has calmed: EU observer
Death toll from Turkey bombing rises to 5, 110 hurt
Truce monitors banished, world frets over Sri Lanka
Hamas: Israeli Troops Kill 2 Gaza Militants
Georgian TV feud mirrors poll rivalry
Facebook tackles Bhutto hoaxers
North Korea still hopeful over nuclear deal
To stabilize Pakistan, US needs to rethink India policy
Libyan Foreign Minister Visits US State Department
South Africa’s Ex-Deputy President’s Trial in August
Bulgarian cargo ship sinks in Azov Sea
Two dead, 8 missing in Sea of Azov ship incident
Kenya post-election turmoil causes huge port backlog
Whale spying mission a case of big talk, little action
Prince's career ready to take off
Prince William to begin training as RAF pilot
Railways to sack private engineers
Race tight as Iowa voting begins - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Dodd and Biden drop out of White House race
Kucinich sues Texas Democrats over loyalty pledge he won't sign
Caucus voters favor new faces
Today on the presidential campaign trail
Does Iowa Represent The Rest Of The US?
The Flawed but Useful Iowa Caucuses
Rev. Jackson’s Wife Supports Clinton
Who We Are: An Open Letter to the Old Media by Rick Fisk
'Antiwar Soldier' by Donna Volatile
An Open Letter in Support of Ron Paul by an Antiwar Sailor by J. Hutto, Sr.
An Open Letter to Feminists on Behalf of Ron Paul by Justine Nicholas
Your Gun Was Made To Comfort – Not for Comfort by Greg Perry
KUDOs & BOOs for 2007 by Eric Margolis
Pro Libertate: "Turbo"-Charged Idiocy About Torture
Ron Paul 2008! by Scott Horton
WorldNetDaily: District allows boy in girls' restrooms
2nd spot in Republican caucus goes to Romney, Clinton, Edwards in virtual tie for Democrats
WorldNetDaily - A Free Press for a Free People
Democrats voted for candidate to bring change, Republicans sought shared values
Nearly 40% of GOP caucus-goers say candidate sharing their faith matters great deal
'I think you're going to see that same energy, that same ferment in New Hampshire'
'I'm 80 years old and I couldn't stand up for as long as it was going to take'
Turns around star endorsement to whack rival on pardons for criminals
'I mean, we were grotesquely outspent in Iowa 5-to-1'
Exclusive: WND chief blasts Fox for muzzling Republican candidate
'Former president would be intrigued by court service and many would cheer him on'
Amazing volume conclusively documents America's Christian foundation
Musharraf critics tie assassin's pistol to Pakistani army
'It's a joke ... Who is to be blamed for her coming out of her vehicle?'
Acknowledges reports crime scene quickly hosed down, possibly destroying evidence
'Excellent custodial control': 'We cannot accept any kind of threat to them at all'
'Incidents of violence have gone down, in that sense one can say the situation is better'
Seeks damages for alleged 'smear and fear' campaign
Intoxicated pop star in custody dispute with ex-husband Federline
List cites flower grower, Holiday Inn, Midas for Planned Parenthood support
'It's not like the pope coming out and making a statement. It's not binding'
Splitting 5th-graders by gender has seen better test scores, fewer discipline problems
'Strategies backfiring': More than 20 schoolgirls in UK becoming pregnant every day
New commercial features stereotyped gay man showering teens with condoms, contraceptives
Gardasil gaining reputation as most painful of childhood shots, experts say
'Suspect placed weapon down, lay on floor until police arrived'
'If other religious characters were portrayed in this way ... there would be riots'
After 550 years of decline, bloodied church is being reborn
90 churches, 600 homes torched during violence
Window washer who plunged nearly 500 feet now talking, may walk again, doctors say
Car, home equity loan arrears hit highest point since 2001
Cold snap: 'When they warm up in the sun, they come back to life'
Citrus growers report only minor damage from overnight cold snap
But claim human influence is 'little extra kick' responsible for big change
'We are not little children who need to be told what we cannot do'
Ambulance arrives hour, 40 minutes after original plea
Democrat pair received only 1.2% of votes in Iowa Democrat caucus
Before 1st vote cast, some political experts say current campaign already showing ugly side
Doesn't ensure person isn't using someone else's name, Social Security number
Developer says fences channel illegals onto his land – property used for roundups
Accepted guns from undercover agent posing as international weapons trafficker
Actor James Barbour won't face jail time in sex abuse of 15-year-old fan
Experts say cayenne pepper, smell of roadkill could stop repeaters
Man gets 10 years for activities during road trip to out-of-state tournament
Sentenced to 99 years in prison after his neighbor picked him from police lineup
Only Vitamin B12, pain killer lidocaine – calls claims he used banned substances 'ridiculous'
Model for human behavior? 'There is such a similarity. I am surprised by the parallels'
Claims discouraged from talking to bin Laden family – 'valuable business relationship'
Hackers face 3 years in prison for inserting mushroom cloud into broadcast image
Says young men started roaring at cats, acting 'boisterous' to get their attention
'Several near misses': Some look like Lance Armstrong 'Livestrong' bracelets
Officials investigating reports women under anesthesia checked without permission
Mortality underestimated: True scale of toll from hospital infections covered up
Internists vary on what they tell patients about prescribed medicines
Archaeologists learning how to spot ancient sites using Google Earth
Industry group blames mortgage crisis for heavy debt load
1 copy per second: Scriptures from new plant to be sold at state-sanctioned churches
Government reports larger-than-expected decline in crude inventories
Analyst says-$100-a-barrel could climb to as high as $150
Should indicate whether 2007's solid employment market can continue into 2008
Bears take all in early 2008 as insolvency crunch tightens vice on real economy
Commodities roar to new highs, stocks attempt rally
'Supply is declining despite a 7-year bull run'
1st time Detroit giant slipped below 2nd place since 1931
Recording industry continued to benefit from 220 million ringtones for mobile phones
'At this early stage, we cannot speculate on where this process will lead'
Unemployed to sterilize monkeys in India - Yahoo! News
Set-top box will pipe entertainment over high-speed Internet connection
'At this early stage, we cannot speculate on where this process will lead'
'Local visual landmark': 'This is such a profound sculptural element in our community'
Thousands of primates turning farms into wastelands, attacking people
Is it grouper? Or is it Asian catfish? Eateries caught in fish fraud
Fake page on Chinese domain harvests users' login details, passwords
David Limbaugh: Conservatives need to remind themselves of why they're in the fight
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer points out both women inherited careers founded by men
Phyllis Schlafly rips global body for decision meddling in U.S. law
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey sees U.S. abandonment of Israel with Iran 'back-room deal'
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan tells poignant story of fallen hero who keeps on giving
Exclusive: Reader labels Whistleblower edition 'a travesty of journalistic bigotry'
John Whitehead interviews Kathleen Willey about her new book, 'Target'
Ellen Goodman laments spate of new films where pregnant women choose life
Exclusive: Readers react to Huckabee story, black dream-killers
Robert Higgs describes 'bullies, muggers, sneak thieves and con men'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah targets Hispanic clerics who seek 'comprehensive' reform
Lee Duigon explains how erosion of family, church lead to stronger government control
Huckabee 'Friendly' With Richard Haass' CFR-Globalization Policies
Bill O'Reilly Admits He Is "Frightened" By Ron Paul
Ron Paul Air Corps Set To Soar Over American Cities
Alex Jones: Artists of the Year
PPP: Laser Beam Technology Killed Bhutto
Thousands Exposed to Poison by Government's Aerial Spraying
Nazi "Master Race" Hybrids Have a Reunion
Population, Religion and Sex Education
Vote machine flaws force scramble back to paper
Ron Paul on MacNeil/Lehrer in 88
Judicial Watch List of “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2007
RonPaulVoteCount Movement
Kean & Hamilton: Stonewalled by the C.I.A.
9/11 Commission Report: Second Edition
Killing Iraqis is Fine by the Manchurian Candidate
Israeli Defense Company Tallies the Iowa Caucus
Scientists create machine that knows what you are thinking
Microsoft readies Hal 9000
Breathalyzer Tests Now the Law at N.J. High School
God Told Pat Roberstson Who Will Win the Election
Radar Magazine Hit Piece Obscures 9/11 Crimes to Revel in Conspiracy ‘Cult-ure’
Cops Harass San Francisco Ron Paul Supporters
Faux News Sponsors: Call Them, Express Your Outrage
Seeds of Destruction, The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
Big Brother, Big Business
Former Ministry of Homeland Security Functionary Becomes VP of Raytheon
NASA Scientist Predicts CO2 Bottom Line for the Planet
Domestic Issues Outshine Iraq in Campaign
JBS President McManus Spreads Word in Freedom Movement
A Side Effect of Universal Healthcare in Japan
Global Cooling?
The Associated Press: Ron Paul Vows to Take Campaign to NH
The Raw Story | Obama, Huckabee nab Iowa victories
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/04/2008 | Analysis: Iowa votes for change
Mike Huckabee's New Deal: More God, More Government - WSJ.com
Thompson campaign says it will now focus mostly on South Carolina on Nashville City Paper
Iowa: Beginning Of The End For Ron Paul* - Silicon Alley Insider
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/04/2008 | Analysis: Iowa votes for change
The Raw Story | Paul to take campaign to New Hampshire
Move to Impeach Cheney Gains Support in Congress - Salem-News.Com
NationalExpositor.com - Did Giuliani Kill More Americans on 9/11 Than Osama?
The Last Days of the Clinton Dynasty
New vaccinations give scientists hope of conquering flu pandemic - Times Online
Paul Top Pick In MySpace Poll
Video: Ron Paul On Larry King (Unaired)
Video: Ron Paul On CNN 1/3/08
Video: Ron Paul On MacNeil/Lehrer In 1988
Ron Paul's 10% In Iowa Shocks Establishment Media
Taser-happy cop faces FBI probe
Scientists create machine that knows what you are thinking
Army bonus payments frozen by Bush
Borse Dubai to acquire stake in Nasdaq
US General Predicts Record Poppy Haul
Alert over the march of the 'grey goo' in nanotechnology Frankenfoods
Japan to Increase Emergency Stockpiles of Grains
U.S. Troops to Head to Pakistan
Former Ministry of Homeland Security Functionary Becomes VP of Raytheon
"Vicinity Read" Passport Card Technology Approved
CNN: 'F' for e-voting as 2008 election looms
US manufacturing fails to grow
New probe urged for Hillary crimes
Intel Geek Squad Targets Culture, Language
2008 - Imperialist Israeli Apartheid
Pesticide Effects on Sex Last Generations in Rats | Sex & Reproduction | DISCOVER Magazine
Honey makes medical comeback - More health news- msnbc.com
Obama's Victory Speech
Huckabee's Victory Speech
Edwards' Post-Iowa Speech
Giuliani's 50 State Strategy
Testy Rollins/Wallace Exchange
Joe Biden Drops Out
Thompson's Post-Caucus Speech
Dodd Withdraws From The Race
Clinton's Post-Iowa Speech
FNC With The Latest From Iowa
Obamas Round Up Last Minute Support
Huckabee On "The Tonight Show"
McCain: "Better Prepared" & "American Reformer"
A Preview of the Iowa Caucuses
Giuliani's Campaign Manager In Iowa
Obama's Morning Media
WMUR Report On Giuliani's Speech
Huckabee's Morning Media
Breaking Late For Clinton
What Is The Effect Of Iowa?
Thompson On "Fox and Friends"
Romney: "Remember"
Obama Rallies Crowd In Des Moines
Iowans Discuss Their Changing Vote
Luntz Focus Group Likes Edwards' Ad
Fox News video bio on Edwards noted criticism of haircuts, legal career -- but Huckabee bio featured no criticism
Sun-Times columnist omitted key facts in listing "criticisms" of Obama
NBC's Nightly News repeatedly noted Huckabee's upcoming appearance on Tonight Show without reporting he crossed picket line
Matthews: "Low 30 percent" result in Iowa for Clinton would mean "rejection.. by two-thirds" of Iowa Dems
Despite "excellent question" from a "kid," O'Reilly did not acknowledge falsehood in his book
Chris Matthews' double-standard: makes Obama references like those he criticized from Kerrey
Hannity and Colmes left unchallenged Huckabee's inconsistent statements on distribution of anti-Romney ad
Luntz and NBC's Gregory omitted context in dubbing Giuliani and McCain attacks among "the year's best quotes"
Daniel Pipes relied on disputed LA Times
On Hannity & Colmes, Luntz misrepresented Edwards comment about campaign finances
CNN re-aired special in which Campbell Brown called MoveOn.org "American insurgents"
New York Times announces hiring of Bill Kristol
Obama, Huckabee Score Victories in Iowa Caucus
After Iowa: A Roundtable Discussion on the Democratic Race With Danny Glover, Wayne Ford and Ellen Chesler
Peace Activists Take Action to Keep Focus on War During Presidential Campaign
One Week After Bhutto Killing, Pakistan Delays Parliamentary Elections
Vote for Change? Atrocity-Linked U.S. Officials Advising Democratic, GOP Presidential Frontrunners
Chair of Kenya’s National Human Rights Commission Condemns Kenya’s Handling of Disputed Election & Outbreak of Violence
Community Activists in Des Moines Speak Out on Thursday’s Iowa Caucus