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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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07 January 2008

7 Jan.

News Hounds: FOX News & Other Media Outlets Ignore Benazir Bhutto's Claim That Osama bin Laden Is Dead
Obama Takes the Lead in N.H. | The Trail | washingtonpost.com
As Primary Day Looms, Republican Rivals Go After One Another - New York Times
Romney Decides Second Beats Last - New York Times
Romney wins Wyoming Republican caucus | Reuters
They Didn’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow - New York Times
Clinton promotes her actions over Obama's words | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
Clinton battles to keep New Hampshire from Obama - Yahoo! News
In This Race, Independents Are the Prize - New York Times
Election Center 2008: Delegate Scorecard - Elections & Politics news from CNN.com
Election Center 2008: Delegate Scorecard - Elections & Politics news from CNN.com
McGovern: Impeach Bush, Cheney Now, Former Democratic Candidate Says Crimes Of Current Administration Worse Than Nixon's - CBS News
US military not welcome in Pakistan: army, foreign ministry - Yahoo! News
A Year in Iraq - New York Times
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | US al-Qaeda man in threat to Bush
Tape Probe: CIA Workers Get Lawyers | Newsweek Periscope | Newsweek.com
Think Progress » Robertson: ‘I’m Not Sure I Heard From The Lord,’ ‘If I Did, I Hope I Heard Wrong’
TPMmuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Lott Opens New Lobbying Shop
Will Justice Go After Cheney?
CIA in 2003 Planned Destruction of Tapes
Bill pulls a Rudy - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
Obama gets beefed-up protection - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Washington Sketch: Fired up and Ready to Bore - washingtonpost.com
FT.com / In depth - Speculation over Bloomberg candidacy grows
McCain, Romney Come to Blows in New Hampshire -- 01/07/2008
Sen. Clinton's massive mistake - and the final chance to fix it
Investors Said to Seek a Takeover of CNet - New York Times
Sharp to sell 108-inch LCD TV this year | Technology | Reuters
Fire Chief Under Fire Over E-Mailed Photos Of Topless Crash Victim - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Did mozzies, not a meteor, do for the dinosaurs? | the Daily Mail
Scientists discover new key to flu transmission | Health | Reuters
My Way News - Sniping, Emotional Clinton Mark NH Race
Huckabee Steps Back Into the Pulpit at Evangelical Church in N.H.
Romney dials down expectations hard - Jonathan Martin and Jim VandeHei - Politico.com
Pentagon Says Ships Harassed by Iran
Iranians threatened U.S. ships in Hormuz: Pentagon | Reuters
The Blotter: U.S.: Iranians 'Were a Heartbeat From Being Blown Up'
Iran speedboats 'threatened suicide attack on US' in Strait of Hormuz - Times Online
China Communists sacked for having too many children: state media
Thailand shuts down political Web site - Yahoo! News
Naomi Campbell interviews 'rebel angel' Hugo Chavez
Army Major Blogged About His Death
YouTube - Bill Clinton Can't Make Hillary Taller
If Your Hard Drive Could Testify ... - New York Times
Nearly one in three in Arab world illiterate: report
Poland signals a shift on U.S. missile shield - International Herald Tribune
ABC News: American Al Qaeda: 'Traps' Set for Bush
US crime down in first half of 2007: FBI
Deadline Hollywood Daily » UPDATE: NBC And Hollywood Foreign Press Cancel Big Televised Golden Globes Ceremony; Scrapped For Stripped Down “News” Telecasts
ABC News
My Way News - Emotional Clinton Says, This Is Personal
Political Radar: Clinton Gets Emotional on Campaign Trail
Israel to present Bush with 'Iran file'
Dirty deeds - As housing crisis deepens, cities fight lenders over abandoned homes - AP
Wall St extends losses on economy, Iran - Reuters
Bishops to protest Anglican liberal tilt - Washington Times
IAEA: We hope to visit Syrian site of IAF strike - Haaretz
2 U.S. Fighter Planes Crash in Persian Gulf; No Injuries Reported - Fox
U.S. Warns Iran Against 'Provocative Actions' Following Incident in Strait of Hormuz - Fox
8 Killed, 20 Injured in Utah Bus Crash - Fox
Kenyan opposition leader cancels protests amid fears of new bloodletting - J'lem Post
US Treasury Secretary Paulson: No easy answer to mortgage woes - AP
Pakistan says it won't let foreign troups on its soil - Reuters
'Radioactive attack possible,' says IAEA head - Ynet
U.S. academic Finkelstein meets top Hezbollah official in Lebanon - Haaretz - Israel News
As Bush heads to Mideast, questions on Iran - Washington Post- msnbc.com
Israel to act on outposts | Jerusalem Post
Terrorists kill 8 tribal elders in northwestern Pakistan | Jerusalem Post
WorldNetDaily: Roadside-bomb threat to Bush Mideast visit?
FOXNews.com - Report: Bin Laden Bodyguard Arrested in Pakistan - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
GOP Candidates Back Bush Terror Strategy in New Hampshire Debate - Fox
FM Livni: Israel to fight terrorism despite peace talks - Haaretz
Olmert might be forced to resign, says Kadima official - Ynet
Agriculture Ministry culls 4,000 chickens amid bird flu outbreak - Ynet
They Can't Handle the Truth - The Democrats and the surge - Fred Barnes
Believe it or not, Bush can still secure a legacy - Barry Rubin
Economy needs steadying - Donald Lambro
Kenya Critical to U.S. Military - Rowan Scarborough
Democrat Blocks Passport Requirement at Canada, Mexico Borders -- 12/21/2007
The Daily Telegram | Deer molester back behind bars
Local News | Sex offenders at state center getting porn | Seattle Times Newspaper
Big Pharma Spends More On Advertising Than Research And Development, Study Finds
Agents Raid Texas Democrat's Offices | World Latest | Guardian Unlimited
Multiculturalism is breeding intolerance - Telegraph
Yepsen: Parties, candidates must make sure caucuses are clean | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Ahmadinejad loses favor with Khamenei, Iran's top leader - International Herald Tribune
Nearly one in three in Arab world illiterate: report - Yahoo!7 News
For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets - Times Online
'A jihadi dirty bomb will be of Pak origin'-India-The Times of India
Three bomb attacks kill 14 in Baghdad: Iraqi officials - Yahoo! News
'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Is Doomed, Homosexual Activists Say -- 12/26/2007
Sharpton Leads Protest in Shooting Case
If Your Hard Drive Could Testify ... - New York Times
U.S. Military Reports Skirmish With Iran - The Lede - Breaking News - New York Times Blog
A New Low for Privacy in the U.S.
Huckabee, Obama win in Iowa thanks to media
What About the Constitution?
Peru President Explains What "Free Trade" Deals Are Really All About
NASA Scientist Predicts CO2 Bottom Line for the Planet
Domestic Issues Outshine Iraq in Campaign
Thanks A Lot Ron Paul – You’ve Made My Home a Political Campaign Headquarters by Burt Blumert
The Jefferson of Our Time by Thomas DiLorenzo
Booms, Busts, and Construction Cranes by Doug French
Ron Paul and Charlie Wilson’s War by Max Raskin
Food Fight by Vivian Britton
Politics: A Question of Organization by Michael S. Rozeff
The Huckster File – An Open Letter to Those Considering Reverend Mike for President by John Keller
This Repulsive Campaign by Andrew S. Fischer
The Anti-Capitalist Mentality by Bernard Chapin
Foreign Affairs by Charley Reese
Why I Believe Bush Must Go
Chuck Baldwin -- We Desperately Need The "Confessing Church"
Ron Paul YouTube Channel
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Shaken Clinton Camp Prepares For Trench Warfare After New Hampshire
Commentary » Blog Archive » End of an Era
ABC News: Looks Like the Mac Really Is Back
Amnesty bill could derail McCain’s train - BostonHerald.com
The Deportation Albatross
What does Barack Obama's race have to do with anything? - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
Wealth of Nations: Comment: The New Yorker
Obama Emerges - January 7, 2008 - The New York Sun
HillaryCare v. Obama
Voters a step ahead of Bloomberg | csmonitor.com
Seacoastonline.com: Sen. Hillary Clinton wells up at final Portsmouth appearance
Seacoastonline.com: Friends and foe descend on Giuliani
Union Leader - NH Presidential Primary
Fox News GOP Forum
Romney & Huckabee on "Fox News Sunday"
Four Candidates on "Late Edition"
McCain on "Meet The Press"
The N.H. Democratic Debate
The N.H. Republican Debate
Clinton Gets Emotional
Obama On "Good Morning America"
Romney Supporters Take Out McCain Signs
Romney: "Tomorrow"
Huckabee's Morning Media
Edwards' Morning Media
Thompson on "Late Edition"
Edwards' Townhall in Manchester
McCain Discusses Governors in the White House
Giuliani's Debate Highlights
Luntz Focus Group Likes Romney
Candidates on "Fox News Sunday"
McCain on "Face The Nation"
Romney on "This Week"
Edwards on "This Week"
McCain On "Meet The Press"
Edwards: "Underdog"
Thompson On "Today"
Huckabee On "This Week"
Romney Talks About Rivals' Attacks
Clinton Accuses, Obama Denies
Clinton's Heated Response
WMUR's Debate Coverage
Luntz & Undecideds in New Hampshire
Candidates Share The Stage
Lethal injection goes before Supreme Court
New Hampshire in the hands of the Independents
US-Iran naval confrontation in Gulf raises tensions
Summit Fuels Bloomberg 2008 Talk
2 US Fighter Planes Crash in Persian Gulf; No Injuries Reported
Eight Killed in Utah Bus Crash
Briton freed after 21 years on US death row
Big Cities See Violent Crime Dip
Bush touts No Child Left Behind at Chicago elementary school
Fla. Boy, 12, Accused Of Killing Toddler
New Hampshire Primary: A Fact Sheet
Early Voting Continues In 2 Nh Towns
6 Missing Snowmobilers Alive In Colorado
UPDATE 1-US justices won't hear border mining pollution case
Computer glitch shuts down DMV
JFK Passenger Planes To Get Anti-Missile Systems
Authorities find a body, a human ear in a pot in Tyler
Cops: Texas man calls 911, says he's eating girlfriend
Kenya: A Glimmer of Hope
Kibaki invites his main rival for talks in Kenya
Georgian leader wants better ties with Russia
Georgia president shrugs off electoral fraud claims
Sarkozy's popularity wilts as his love life blooms
Sarkozy Set to Wed as Approval Falls
Charles Taylor Trial Starts
Israeli, Palestinian Negotiators Meet Before Bush Visit
Officials Enforce Hands-Off Policy With Resident Polar Bears
South Korean Warehouse Fire Kills 40, Official Says
Zardari: the skeletons are coming to haunt him
Obama's rise stuns observers of US race relations
Is Bin Laden Behind New Iraq Killings?
Militants attack Pakistani peace workers; 8 dead
HarperCollins rushes to publish Bhutto's last book
Senior US Envoy Visits Asia Seeking to Defuse North Korean Nuclear ...
Pig-farm killer conviction appeal
Pig farmer's mass murder conviction appealed
Sri Lanka clashes toll 'over 70'
Can the Arab League solve Lebanon's political crisis?
Lebanese politicians welcome Arab formula to end crisis
India, Malaysia to step up defence ties
UK experts seek Bhutto headscarf
Fox News and Frank Luntz Caught Red Handed in Focus Group Fraud
Trans-Texas Corridor Plans to Pave Over Branch Davidians
Snubbed by Fox, Ron Paul Holds His Own Televised New Hampshire Forum
Double Agent Gadahn Threatens Bush In Neo-Con Stunt
O'Reilly verbally, physically attacks Obama staffer at New Hampshire event
Another amazing coincidence related to the WTC
Paul Has "No Intention" of Making Third-Party Bid
Ron Paul launches eight-state ad blitz
ALL of RON PAUL’s replies @ ABC/N.H. debate on 1-05-08
Ron Paul A Man Among Boys at ABC Debate
SWAT Goons Dispatched On Homeschoolers in Colorado
Double Agent Gadahn Threatens Bush In Neo-Con Stunt
Video: Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955
Dismal Conditions in China’s Labor Gulag
Strait of Hormuz: Keeping the Neocon Iran Attack on the Front Burner
Don’t Let the Sibel Edmonds Story Sucker You
McCain Lies About Grabbing Pork
Fox News Used Planted Actor In Focus Groups
Ailing 9/11 Workers Confront Giuliani In New Hampshire
WMD of Not, McCain Would Have Invaded Iraq
Transhumanist Dream: Human Brains Melded with Computers
Faux News Attack Dog O’Reilly Restrained by Secret Service
Trends to a New World Order: Part 1
Who Will Control Your Thermostat?
McCain: Americans Don’t Care if U.S. stays in Iraq for 10,000 Years
Hillary: Nuking Terrorist “Safe Havens” a Possibility
Neocons Consider “Covert” Attack of Pakistan
Iraqis Resort to Selling Children
Why Obama Can’t Save Us
Should You Be On a Government Watch List?