"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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01 January 2008


BBC NEWS | Americas | The 'Nobody Knows' US election
My Way News - World Welcomes New Year With Fireworks
New Iowa Poll: Obama widens lead over Clinton | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
What if Iowa Settles Nothing for Democrats? - New York Times
Nader throws support to Edwards - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
TheHill.com - Huckabee pulls negative ad, vows to go positive
ON DEADLINE: Did Huckabee go too far? - Yahoo! News
WorldNetDaily: Sidewalk counselor's bones broken while on clinic duty
Vietnam veterans angered by spray-painting attributed to violent Hispanic street gang
Has been told only Islamics can use word for God
'Fewer than half of Chinese Christians own God's Word; demand overwhelming'
Driver: 'I don't think this is the place or the time to do so'
Murder counts in politically inspired prosecution dropped
N.H. GOP negotiating with network to include other candidates
'Most Americans know the forces of terrorism will not rest'
Race remains fluid, final poll before caucuses shows
Setting historic new threshold in fund collections for politics
'I want to show you that we were fully prepared'
Video of gunfire emerges amid allegations Musharraf covering up murder
'Secret service diverting U.S. aid for fighting militants to rig elections'
'She knew people were trying to assassinate her'
Army mistakenly labeled Hezbollah rocket bunkers as 'nature preserves'
Weeks after U.S. announced $555 million to bolster Abbas against terror group
Indications terror network sending cells to Jewish state using foreign passports
More than million revelers for 100th anniversary of Times Square ball drop
Reuters recaps bizarre stories from across globe
Newspaper honors judge who sued for $54 million over lost pants
Joe Kovacs provides his annual roundup of funniest news of the year
Phrase makes List of Words Banished from the Queen's English
'We have let some people go who we came to know were not properly documented'
California school district says it's enforcing residency rule, not citizenship
'Increase in undocumented aliens being both the victims and the suspects'
'Such behavior has no place in the U.S. Antarctic program'
Double-entendre on 'Shi'ite' puts director in hot water
Sunni Islam's highest seat of learning says it will maintain 'social stability'
New technology blasted as being inherently insecure
Agency withheld data over concerns it would upset travelers, hurt airlines
Sara Jane Moore attempted assassination of president in 1975
'We have discovered that the universe is not eternal and unchanging'
Robin Williams to kick-start David Letterman as strike continues
Brits believe planet warming up, yet still not ready to change lifestyle
Suspect wears wig to conceal ID: 'Obviously that didn't work'
'I thought if I'm not going to be able to drink them, nobody is'
'Everyone was looking at the clock, and they just kind of said 'Wow, this is a 1st''
'The funny part of it is he hardly ever orders clams'
Can reverse clinical, biochemical changes associated with metabolic syndrome
1.7 million Americans each year develop infections while hospitalized
David Limbaugh calls on Thompson to step up and show voters he wants it
Exclusive: Mychal Massie envisions debauchery, corruption if either Dem takes crown
Exclusive: Janet Folger predicts Christian values will win out – beginning in Iowa
Exclusive: Joseph Farah reviews New Year's resolutions from 2007
Pat Buchanan asks: Has American shed blood in region really made us safer?
Exclusive: Jack Cashill traces woman to another killed official – Ron Brown
Exclusive: Joyanna Adams cites contrasting luck of power women Clinton, Bhutto
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving highlights Nobel winner's reluctance to face 400 scientists
Dave Ramsey answers query about paying off debt by selling house
PETA's Bruce Friedrich urges Americans to lower average cholesterol count of 199
Exclusive: Chuck Norris nails biggest risk to Americans with 2 million deaths per year
Austin Bay sees terrorists executing similar election year assault on 40th anniversary
Millville philanthropist has no television or home phone, but millions to give away
Aimed at getting India's masses off their motorbikes
Reflects inability of growing number of homeowners to keep current on payments
Reflects inability of growing number of homeowners to keep current on payments
'There's little reason to pop open any champagne corks'
'I think there's a good chance this week that we'll see some record highs'
Beginning Feb. 18, 2009, analog television signals come to end
'It's a sad day, but we're going out with heads high'
Part of transformation of state-owned company into commercial firm
PetSmart has removed all animals supplied by vendor
'We have had two confirmed cases of psittacosis'
'Re-homing a present means it will find a new owner who will really appreciate it'
Despite high fuel costs, increased competition
JBS President McManus Spreads Word in Freedom Movement
Top 10 Inconvenient Truths of 2007
Would Abolishing Public Education Be A Good Thing For America?
Free trade and Federalism
Ron Paul indeed Out-Foxed (for now)
United Nations Comic Books Designed to Brainwash Kids
Ron Beats Rudy? New Hampshire could surprise a lot of people
Untitled Document
Israel to assassinate Haniya: Report
BBC Censored Benazir Bhutto's Reports that Bin Laden Had Been Murdered
US stuck with Musharraf: White House runners
Other United Nations Youth Propaganda
Dollar Strategists Predict End of Bear Market in 2008
Huckabee Exposed as New World Order Puppet
Ron Paul's War Chest Swelled in 4th Quarter
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Ron Paul Air Corps Makes Its Debut
Ron Paul "Movement" Mentioned By Lindsay Graham
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail
9/11 Commission Report: Second Edition
Civil rights fears over DNA 'census'
The Gray Lady Gives Bill Kristol and New Lease on Life
Huckabee Lies About His Iran NIE Cluelessness, Botches Timeline Again
Satire: Toxic Toys
U.S. and Britain: “Endemic Surveillance Societies”
Top American Fascism News: Keeping Track of the Fascists
Rudy Giuliani will Convert America into a Police State
Now We are Human Commodities
How to Lose Your Job on Your Own Time
Obama Admits: “They Don’t Poll Ron Paul”
Forget Pakistan
GIS, GPS, and Geoslavery
Top Economist Says America Could Plunge into Recession
McCain Wrangler Lindsey Graham Worried About Ron Paul in Iowa
“Mushroom Cloud” Fred Thompson’s Message to America
Police in Thought Pursuit
United Nations Propaganda Comic Book Designed to Brainwash Kids
CIA-ISI Created “Qaeda Network” Blamed for Pakistan Troubles
CFR Favored Bhutto
Colorado Cops and Firefighters Not Doing Enough to Fight Terror
New Jersey Bans Sex Offenders from Using Internet
Pilot Complains About Worthless TSA Procedures
King George Continues to Defy Congress and the People
Irish Stock Market Crash and Global Depression
Super Digital Cameras Snoop Drivers in Britain
Clueless Congress Critter: Redeploy Troops to Pakistan
Anglo-American Ambitions behind the Assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the Destabilization of Pakistan
Creeping Fascism: History’s Lessons
“Global Democracy,” Neocon Style
Dog Raped At Black Housing Project
Open Left:: Blackwater too Hardcore for International Mercenary Association
TV cuts candidates from debates, angering Paul backers - CNN.com
ENN: Taking on the E-Waste Problem
Leaving the White House: 386 days to go (and counting) - Independent Online Edition > Americas
Ron Paul Supporters Could Cause Millions of Losses for Fox News
WorldNetDaily: Ron Paul not invited to Fox News forum
Curt Maynard's Blog: "Anti-Semitism," the Provocative Accusation
Spy planes to recharge by clinging to power lines - aviation - 18 December 2007 - New Scientist Tech
TV News Report On Danger Of Fluoride
Curt Maynard's Blog: Ron Paul, Channon Christian, Immigration, Israel, and Media LIES
The Canadian National Newspaper: Numerous evidence of Pre-Historic Nuclear War exists: Columns of Smoke Rose as if from a Mighty Furnace
Britain rated worst in Europe for protecting privacy | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
Leading surveillance societies in the EU and the World 2007
Devvy Kidd -- NAFTA Cementing a North American Union
Citizen 'Army' Needed To Monitor Iowa Voting
FAA Withholds Pre-9/11 ID Confirming Aircraft Serial Number Data Of 9/11 Planes | 911Blogger.com
The Media Hounds Unleashed on Ron Paul -- How the CIA Will Use Liberals to Destroy the Anti-Empire Candidate
Aspartame Turns Tissues To Plastic
Electric Universe Continues to "Baffle" Astronomers
Nicholas Jackson -- How Sodomy Was Sold to America
State of the World 2008
'Test tube universe' hints at unifying theory - Telegraph
A Case for Mistaken Identity
Smoking Gun - Apollo 11 'Live' Broadcast Faked
Wooldridge - Internet Saves America
DEBKAfile - Osama bin Laden vows to liberate “the whole of Palestine from the river to the sea”
Abortion Supporter Knocks 69 Yr. Old Pro-Lifer Unconscious, MSM Silent | NewsBusters.org
Sara Jane Moore, would-be assassin of President Ford, released from prison in Dublin
The American Spectator
Jihadists in Jails Win Leverage Over Their Keepers - New York Times
The State of Jihad: 2007 - The Long War Journal
'Israel must internalize divided J'lem' | Jerusalem Post
Pakistan: Jan. 8 Elections 'Impossible' After Violence Following Bhutto Death - Fox
Total of 8 Gazans killed as Fatah, Hamas battles continue - Haaretz
'Israel must internalize divided J'lem' - J'lem Post
Bush changes itinerary of Israel trip to fit in visit to Capernaum - Haaretz
Chavez coins new currency for Venezuela - Washington Times
U.S. diplomat shot dead in Sudan - USA Today
Kenyans Venture Into Tense Streets For Food - 145 Dead - AP
Outside Groups Spend Heavily and Visibly to Sway ’08 Races - NY Times
In A Safer Baghdad, Iraqis Party For 2008 - Reuters
From Beijing to New York, 2008 Arrives - AP
Pope Calls For Peace in New Year's Message - CNN
'MS-13' vandals deface Vietnam memorial - Veterans angered by defacing attributed to violent Hispanic gang - WND
Gay Couples Enter Into Civil Unions at New Hampshire Statehouse at Midnight - Fox
Miss. Congressman to Replace Sen. Lott - NewsMax
Obama, Huckabee Leap Ahead in Final Iowa 'Register' Poll - Fox
US universities woo Israeli students - Ynet
Let a Hundred Flowers Be Crushed - The precarious lives of China's dissidents - Ellen Bork
Challenge for conservatives - J.T. Young
Lessons From The Surge - Michael Barone
Abbas: This will be the year of our victory - Ynet
Knesset war report: IDF failed to eliminate Hizbullah rocket threat - Ynet
Gold heads for largest yearly rise in 3 decades - Reuters
Huckabee Stands by 'Christ' Comment - AP
Demagoging Pakistan's Crisis - Washington Times
A Mixed Review For '07 - Suzanne Fields
How Bhutto Won Washington - Elisabeth Bumiller
Fallen in The Line of Duty, 2007 - Washington Times
In New Poll, Good News for Huckabee, Obama
What If Iowa Settles Nothing for the Democrats?
Romney's Road to Nowhere
Did Huckabee Go Too Far?
In Iowa, Change Is in the Air
Obama's Elusive Campaign Message
Obama: Hillary Clinton 'is Just Like Bush'
Edwards Tries To Emasculate Obama
The Future Pakistan Deserves
The U.S. Is Impotent With Pakistan
The Precarious Lives of China's Dissidents
Putting AIDS in Perspective
Why We're in the Gulf
A Few Resolutions for the New Year
The Year When Congress Did Nothing
Not Such a Bad Year After All
Santa Claus Politics
Eight Possibilities Heading into '08
Rotate Regional Primaries
Will Bloomberg Do It?
Crisis in Kenya
New Iowa Poll: Obama Widens Lead Over Clinton
Huckabee Unveils Ad Only To Disavow It
Candidates Unveil New Messages, Ads in Scramble to Reach Voters
Nader Throws Support to Edwards
Predictions For Iowa
Observers Discuss The Latest Numbers
Thompson On "Fox News Sunday"
Huckabee, Obama On "Meet The Press"
Bhutto Spouse, Divisive Figure, Asserts Himself
Huckabee Tries To Get The Press To Air His Attack Ads For Him.
Dodd's New Year's Message
Edwards: "Bishop"
Romney: "Vote For Tomorrow"
Ralph Nader Is For Edwards
Biden's Web Video To Voters
Edwards On "American Morning"
Obama: "One Voice"
Romney Spokesperson On "Your World"
Obama Goes "Eye To Eye"
Polls Show Close Race
Huckabee's Negative Ad
Does Thompson Want It?
Clinton: "Countdown"
A Conversation with Sally Bedell Smith
Huckabee: "Tax Cuts" and "Our Values"
Romney: "Everywhere"
Edwards' Townhall In Boone, Iowa
Dodd Rallies Supporters
Huckabee's Morning Media
Giuliani Slipping In New Hampshire?
McCain's "Momentum" Web Video
Edwards Talks To Candy Crowley
Fred's Message to Iowa Voters
Romney's Morning Radio
Edwards On "Face The Nation"
The Thomas Jefferson of the 21st Century
Dulce et Decorum Est
Oligarchical Decay
I Quit
Neocons Love the Fed
Charley Reese's Conflicts of Interest
Conquering the World Through Anti-Terrorism
Blue-Collar Card Counters
Unhand My Patio Heater, Archbishop
The Five Iraqs
A Housing Depression for Years To Come
Are You a Classy Eater?
Conspiracy Pen Pal-Fairly Unbalanced
New York City's carriage horses may disappear - Yahoo! News
Martin Bunzl - Ulysses and the Hedge Trimmer - washingtonpost.com
Discovery News : Discovery Channel
Unloved TSA - Free Market News Network
No health care? Higher fines in Mass.
The Raw Story | Daily tracking poll shows Clinton holding Iowa lead
No Place In Iraq Is Safe, Admits US Military
Gold Heads for Seventh Year of Gains, Holds Near 28-Year High
Kucinich the Surprise Winner in Virginia Dems Poll
Ron Paul Is Right About Pakistan - by David T. Beito and Scott Horton
Offensive to crack down on al-Qaeda – U.S. official
Thousands Switch Parties: Is There A Primary Reason? - News- msnbc.com
You Decide 08! » Bloomberg Doesn’t Reveal White House Plans … Yet
How to pressure for peace
Top economist says America could plunge into recession - Times Online
CHALLENGES 2007-2008: Bush’s Twilight Year Looks Grim
Stocks End 2007 on a Down Note
Electronic Voting Is Questioned
Download Uproar: Record Industry Goes After Personal Use
Video: KPTM Piece On Ron Paul Censorship
Mandatory Internet Filtering To Protect Kids
Paul Supporters See Montana Opportunity
Individual Privacy Under Threat
CNN Video Report On Mexican Biochips
Subliminal Messages Can Influence People In Surprising Ways | Thought Criminal
DARPA's Raiding the Enemy’s Mind | Thought Criminal
FutureScanner.net Places the Future at Your Fingertips | Thought Criminal
Poll: Huckabee Maintains Lead Over Romney
Maine man protests civil unions in New Hampshire
Pursuit Suspect Jumps Off Bridge; Police Dog Killed
Factbox-The accused US Marines in Haditha killings
Thousands Switch Parties: Is There A Primary Reason?
ABC, Fox News cutting low-polling candidates out of debates
Highway Reopens; Stranded Travelers Free
Toddler has surgery after dog attack; dog euthanized
You've been warned: New laws in effect
Biologists Track Sperm Whale Sighted Off St. Pete Beach
Bush Signs Government Transparency Bill
Crist remains popular after a tough first year in office
Hospitals sue to block new rule
Pakistan decides "in principle" to delay poll
'50 burnt in church' as Kenya violence spreads
American diplomat shot and killed in Sudan
Death toll rises to seven in Gaza faction fighting
Palestinian President Calls on Hamas to Accept Early Elections
North Korea calls on US to abandon hostility
Sri Lankan Opposition Lawmaker Killed Near Capital
Chavez: Colombian Rebels Say Army Impeding Hostage Release
Rethinking our Pakistan policy
Traditional family key to world peace: Pope
Pope Calls for Protection of Family on World Day of Peace
Hundreds hurt in Philippines New Year revelry
Bhutan Steps Toward Democracy with Vote for National Council
Cuban Leader Fidel Castro Issues New Year's Message
Democracy Now! | Greg Palast Reports on the Battle Between Indigenous Ecuadorians and the U.S. Oil Giant Chevron
A Review of The Shock Doctrine By Naomi Klein
'The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism' by Naomi Klein
Freezerbox Magazine - Naomi Klein Takes Down the Shock Therapy Quacks
Poison From Depleted Uranium Site Lingers
Ron Paul Raises Near $20 Million In Quarter
Honey makes medical comeback - More health news- msnbc.com
22. Pesticide Effects on Sex Last Generations in Rats | Sex & Reproduction | DISCOVER Magazine
Natural Medicine: Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day
Site: Prairie Home Companion
Prairie Home Companion - (archive shows)
AccuRadio - The Next Generation of Radio
Internet Radio Index
ECUARADIOWEB la Radio de Ecuador
Tim's Radio
OpenAir Radio
MusicTerrain - Internet Radio
Radio IO
Totally Radio
La Vallenata - Con Sentimiento - Caracol Radio S. A. Colombia

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