"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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11 January 2008

1-11-08 - ****CLICK HERE: Ron Paul Radio****


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ReviewJournal.com - News - LAS VEGAS STOP: Clinton pitch hits home
Clinton econ plan aimed at struggling Dems - Mike Allen - Politico.com
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Top Giuliani staffers to go without pay « - Blogs from CNN.com
Giuliani Staffers Forgo Paychecks
My Way News - Arizona Governor to Endorse Obama
Iran dominates Republican presidential debate in conservative South Carolina - Times Online
My Way News - Bank of America to Buy Countrywide
The governor's budget cuts nearly every state department
Bush: US should have bombed Auschwitz - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Mom Charged in 'Possessed' Girls' Deaths
PETA Requests Vegetarian Diet in Jail for Cannibalism Suspect
Yeas and Nays: MoveOnorg peels editor off of satirical Onion paper - Examiner.com
Political Radar: Clinton Bashes the Process Ahead of Nev. Caucuses
Kucinich Seeks NH Dem Vote Recount
ABC News: Clinton Relies on Quirky Message Guru
My Way News - Tina Brown Writing Clinton Book
A First! Snow Falls in Baghdad
NYC decides to clone 'historical' trees - Yahoo! News
Twins marry by mistake | The Sun |HomePage|News
Twins separated at birth marry each other WITHOUT knowing they are brother and sister| News | This is London
Obesity now a 'lifestyle' choice for Americans, expert says - Yahoo! News
Former Dem nominee Kerry endorses Obama - Yahoo! News
My Way News - GOP Rivals Back Tax, Spending Cuts in SC
My Way News - Huckabee Aims for Evangelicals in SC
My Way News - Poll: McCain Ahead in South Carolina
China blogger beaten to death - CNN.com
Tata Nano - world's cheapest new car is unveiled in India - Times Online
WorldNetDaily: Prof teaches 'being gay' with taxpayer funding
Proposed mandate would grant utility companies unlimited remote access to regulate temperatures
'The situation is horrible. We must leave our country'
Allegedly helped alien return to U.S. after man was deported for previous crime
Government report documents dozens of armed campaigns in Texas, Arizona
25% of all welfare, food-stamp benefits going directly to children of undocumented aliens
REAL ID designed to make it harder for terrorists, illegals
Pro-family groups seeking to overturn 'gay,' bisexual, transgender mandates
Reports surpass 1,000 for 2007, worst toll ever for nation
'Policy has the principle ... of advancing religion by conveying a message of endorsement'
44% of unchurched say 'Christians get on my nerves'
Officers told her 'rights' were 'only in the movies'
Comment gets cheers in Hispanic neighborhood
Sign of possible money trouble for last year's front-runner
Warns Tehran in reponse to question about incident in Strait of Hormuz
Republican hopefuls debate spending, illegal immigration, Reagan's legacy
'Serious and credible reports, allegations and rumors have surfaced in the past few days'
'God designed everything. He knows how it's supposed to work'
Claims he tried to reach candidate before boarding flight, but 'they didn't connect'
'She wasn't following her talking points. She was just herself, excited and passionate'
Branding whiz Roy Spence takes on bigger role in Hillary campaign
Phyllis Schlafly slams Clinton-style liberals for pushing 'universal' child care
'I don't know whether or not it's a lesson from God'
President takes emotional tour of Israel's Holocaust memorial
Jerusalem rally: How would Americans react if president ceded Seattle, Manhattan?
'The Jewish nation forever remembers those that inflict harm upon it'
Used it like 'giant train set,' causing chaos, derailing 4 vehicles
Amid high oil prices, weak dollar, fears of recession
Deal for country's largest mortgage lender valued at $4 billion
Moody's urges radical action to curb healthcare, social security spending
Telephone companies have repeatedly cut surveillance of alleged terrorists, criminals
Former attorney general's firm awarded 18-month no-bid contract worth up to $52 million
'It would be wrong to raise taxes on people to cover Sacramento's overspending'
Meteorologists issued highest-level fog alert but highway not closed to traffic
9-term Republican under investigation since 2004 in congressional lobbying scandal
Failed to file returns – repeatedly warned he was submitting 'frivolous' documents
'Incredible that a motion like this should have, by chance, acquired this significant number'
7-year-jail sentence is longer than 5-year prison term given rapists
Pair caught in major national scandal caused by unscrupulous builders, corrupt officials
U.S. military will transfer control to Baghdad authorities in March
'Unfortunately, the violation of human rights ... has also found new dimensions'
Tourism office says French news agency fabricated interview on use of photos in ad campaigns
Imprint in pooch pile provides proof plastered driver plowed through property
'People who have lived here a long time say it's the worst flooding they've seen'
New Zealander became 1st person to stand on Mt. Everest, world's highest peak
Man who videotaped himself with former player must wear electronic monitor for 2 years
12 additional charges for man who pasted 10-year-old girl's face on nude-woman pic
Finds Debra Lafave's conversation with 17-year-old neither 'willful nor substantial'
Most comprehensive account on Internet of women predators on campus
13-year-old became pregnant, subsequently miscarried
17-year-old boy says 'friend of family' molested him from time he was 11 until he was 16
Took in 11 disabled kids in lucrative swindle – 1 now missing
23 handguns stolen but sneaker prints unravel crime
Distant star has at least 5 planets – 1 could have Earth-like temperatures
Researchers find link between genetic anomaly, complex developmental disorder
Attempt to fortify Roman Empire well known, but exhibition focuses on another side of man
Portraits of famous historical figures ... starring their modern-day descendants
... about living with Bill, working with Warren Buffett, giving away their billions
Kucinich Backs New Hampshire Recount
Ron Paul: "Vote Fraud Is Not Beyond These People"
U.S. readies "reasonable" ID card rules after debate
Homeland Security to press ahead with Real ID
AT&T and Other ISPs May Be Getting Ready to Filter
The Population Bomb Part 1: How to Control the AMERICAN Population by Paul Ehrlich
The Population Bomb Part 2: How to Control the WORLD Population by Paul Ehrlich
The Population Bomb Part 3: Population, Religion and Sex Education
Those Involved in Population Control: The Population Bomb Part 4: Knowledge Driven Revolution
The Population Bomb Part 5: The Apocalypse, From Paul Ehrlich to Al Gore
Find the FEMA Concentration Camp Near You
US drops 40,000 pounds of bombs in ten minutes on al Qaeda targets in Iraq
Giuliani gets 9.11% of the vote in three towns ? | Ron Paul War Room
Is Giuliani Betting on a Terror Attack to Get Him Nominated?
Giuliani: New York City Survived 9/11 Attacks Because Of Me
Giuliani's Neocon Advisor Smears Ron Paul On Daily Show
Huckabee Confronted on CFR Ties by We Are Change
McCain is an American Friend of Bilderberg
TTC Maps Detail Infrastructure Dismissed as "Conspiracy Theory"
T.T.C. plans to pave over Branch Davidians
History Channel Admits U.S. Banks Funded The Third Reich
Prepare for flu pandemic economic hit: U.N.
Newscast's Chemtrail Investigation Reveals Dangerous Aerosolized Compounds
Institutions Need Networks; Human Beings Need Communities
The Apocalypse, From Paul Ehrlich to Al Gore - The Population Bomb Part 5
FOX 5 Anchor: Building 7 Just "Imploded"
For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets
Is it or isn't it? Brown keeps bottling the ID card question
Lego Animation About the Federal Reserve and Ron Paul
Our News is Controlled Propaganda
Ron Paul: 'Government does not own our children'
Mitt Romney Gets Booed For Attacking Ron Paul
Gold Hits Record After Bernanke Speech
Ron Paul Talks To Wolf Blitzer About The Newsletter Story
The Ron Paul Knockout in South Carolina
Ron Paul Wins, Luntz loses
Devvy Kidd -- Will Ron Paul Authorize an Audit of the New Hampshire Primary?
Hand Count Shows 15% For Ron Paul | Ron Paul War Room
U.S. Subsidizing Pan-American Highway
Hutchinson: Paul is a Racist, No Matter What He Says
No Escape from War and Unemployment
Ron Paul: 9/11 Commission ‘Hid Ineptness’ Just as Most Government Investigations Usually Do
Demand Corporate Media Cover Vote Fraud Story
Diebold Voting Machine Contractor Executive Has Criminal Background
Media Struggles To Whitewash Clinton Vote Fraud Suspicions
Study “Disproving” Mercury-Autism Link Published in Journal with Financial Ties to Vaccine Manufacturers
2008 presidential charade promises deepening of government criminality and expansion of war
Pentagon Climbdown Over “Gulf of Tonkin II” Video
Chris Matthews: Raw Exit Poll Data ‘Indicated Significant Victory’ for Obama in NH
Credit Card Processing Companies Refuse to Process Firearms Industry Transactions
Trends to a New World Order: Part 2
Helicopter Ben About to Shift the Confetti Shredder Into Afterburner
California Toll Agency Wants Power to Seize Cars
Globalists: Prepare for Big Flu Pandemic and Economic Hit
Thimerosal in vaccines doesn’t lead to autism?
Vote Fraud: History Repeats Itself
The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis
Dem Selectee Advisors: Neolib Engineers of Mass Murder
Transhumanist Dream: Human Brains Melded with Computers
Fraud U.S.-Style: Fake Videos and Elections
Arizona Politico Concerned About Biometrics in Schools
An Ominous Non-Event: The Gulf of Tonkin and the Strait of Hormuz
There is No Recession Because Hank Paulson Says So
New Hampshire Obviously Doesn’t Want Change, Do You?
Sutton Vote Fraud Mentioned During C-Span Call-In
CNN Mention of Possible Vote Fraud Finds Memory Hole
How Big Corporations Choose ‘Your’ Candidates
Results: Precincts where Ron Paul had 0-3 votes total
Osama and the CIA sponsored “War on Terrorism”: Americans are being killed by American trained Islamists
Bush Kills Second Amendment for Veterans
Voter Fraud Against Paul Confirmed in Sutton, N.H.
If you believe Iran “harassed” US ships, you have forgotten USS Vincennes
Richard Gage Responds to H.R. 1955 and the Simon Wiesenthal Center
No Jobs for the New Economy
Global Warming Engineered By Chemtrails?
Video: Freedom of Speech and H.R. 1955
Clear Evidence Of Widespread Vote Fraud In New Hampshire
Hacking Democracy
New Hampshire District Admits Ron Paul Votes Not Counted
Huckster Called Out as CFR Minion at N.H. Rally
Double Agent Gadahn Threatens Bush In Neo-Con Stunt
Ron Paul and the New Revolutionaries by Karen Kwiatkowski
InsideCatholic.com - Bring the Troops Home
Glenn Greenwald - Political Blogs and Opinions - Salon
The Future Is HERE by Matthew Robare
The 'Good War' Is a Bad War by John Pilger
James Freedman: Our Motto Should Be Choice, Not Change - Off The Bus on The Huffington Post
George Monbiot: The Turks haven't learned the British way of denying past atrocities | News | Guardian Unlimited Books
Tomgram: Gould-Wartofsky, Seven Steps to a Homeland Security Campus
Philip Agee - Telegraph
Mind Forg’d Manacles by Theodore Dalrymple, City Journal 3 January 2008
Girl Guide to Geeks
The BRAD BLOG : New Hampshire Primary Concerns '08
The BRAD SHOW On the Air! Via RAW RADIO!
Wiretaps Ended Due to Unpaid Bills
Police Break Into House To Take Child To the ER
International Nuclear Smuggling Ring Alleged Operating Inside U.S.
Navy in No Danger in Hormuz Incident
Frank Luntz and Fox News: Fair and Balanced?
A New Low for Privacy in the U.S.
Scholars of the Year
ADHD Breakthrough
Do the Math
Fool Me Once... North Korea Does it Again
That Two-for-One Deal? Hmm...
McCain: The Myth of a Maverick
Huckabee's Fickle Federalism
A Loss in November Might Be Good for GOP, If McCain Is the Nominee
Álvaro Colom Takes Charge in Guatemala: New Optimism for a Troubled Neighbor
North Korea: Clouds Block the Sunshine at the Six-Party Talks
A Safe and Bountiful Harvest: How to Ensure America's Food Safety
O'Reilly: Fox Vandalized, Attacked
Fred Thompson, Huckabee Clash at Debate
Rove: Obama Rhetoric Light as Air
Clinton to Propose $70 Billion Stimulus
Newsmax.com - Wis. Neighbor Charged With Killing 3
Newsmax.com - Problems Found at DC Home Before Deaths
Newsmax.com - Pregnant Marine Is Dead, Comrade Sought
Taking Social Security Too Early in Retirement Can Cost You Money
The New Abortion Wars
Obama Aides: It'll Be a Long Haul
FBI Confidential Payments Under Fire
Giuliani Team: He's Not Running Scared
A Welcome Calm Comes to a Street in Baghdad
Michigan's Early Primary Backfires
Is Kosher Food Safer?
Embracing Alternative Care
Chipotle's Secret Salsa
Tough Times for Sallie Mae
Borger: Hello, New Hillary and Old McCain
Bush Visits Kuwait to Promote Peace Deal
Astronomers Describe Violent Universe
Giuliani campaigning 24 years too late
Libertarians rising in Democrats' decline
Paul snub exposes censorship of competitive voices
Libertarian Party sees 25% gain in membership
Outlaw light bulbs and only outlaws will have light bulbs
Huckabee hopes to steal win in Michigan
Did insects kill dinosaurs?
Slain wife accuses husband from the grave
50-Pound Face Tumor: One Man's Nightmare
Sun May Be to Blame in Lost Cell Calls
Solar power systems arrive in more stores
Scientists Turn CO2 into Gasoline
Scientist: Solar Is Solution to Energy Crisis
Youtube moment catches Huckabeans seeming upset with Ed Rollins
Home Court Advantage?
Thompson, the Morning After
Fred Thompson Endorsed By Human Events (Instapundit)
Roseanne Barr's Wild Tirade Against Obama (The Huffington Post)
Delta Could Merge with United, Northwest
The Globalization Election by Fred Siegel, City Journal 10 January 2008
Lexington | The Republican crack-up | Economist.com
A Party Turned Upside-Down - HUMAN EVENTS
Populism's Candidate
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Revenge of the Lunch Buckets
Fred Thompson comes alive for what may be his last debate. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
Power Line: Reading John McCain, part 2
Clinton's Message Problem - TIME
Exchanges in Latest Debate Highlight a New Dynamic in the Republican Field - New York Times
McCain emerges unscathed - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
Barnett: A Big Night For Huckabee
Post-debate first take: Fred's not dead... - First Read - msnbc.com
Who's Crying Now?
Clinton v. Obama: Moving Forward
Clinton Courts Hispanics For Crucial Super Tuesday - WSJ.com
Bitter fight could damage Dems :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley
Economy Slumps To the Top of the Campaign Agenda - washingtonpost.com
Howes: Dems, GOP have left Michigan behind
Middle-Class Capitalists - New York Times
FT.com / Columnists / Philip Stephens - Reflection that defines choice for voters
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Bringing Obama Back to Earth
RealClearPolitics - Articles - On the Lookout for the 'Bradley Effect'
North Korea's True Colors - WSJ.com
Forging ties with Iran - The Boston Globe
The South Carolina GOP Debate
Parade of Candidates on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel Looks at Latest from the Trail
Richardson Drops Out of the Race
HUMAN EVENTS Endorses Fred Thompson - HUMAN EVENTS
IN OUR OPINION: Prepare for even tougher times ahead
Questions for Obama - January 11, 2008 - The New York Sun
Homeland Security on the Hustings - New York Times
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan questions how candidates will respond to regime
Exclusive: David Dolan chides Bush for predicting quick end to Arab-Israeli conflict
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey says Palestinian educational system created to annihilate Jews
Exclusive: Joseph Farah rebukes Congress' overstep in scrutinizing spiritual con artists
Bill Press dissects factors involved in pushing Clinton to victory in N.H.
Pat Buchanan: N.H. primary the 1st major battle between women and black voters
Camille Paglia: Close the book on the Clintons and herald the Obamas
David Limbaugh reflects on fierce intramural debate within GOP
Exclusive: Rebecca Hagelin demands president with resolve, courage, dedication to Constitution
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer chastises candidate for failing to tout his 1st-rate ideas
Phyllis Schlafly slams Clinton-style liberals for pushing 'universal' child care
Paul J. Shlichta: Heroes' names, photos should have been on front of all newspapers
Romney: "Pride of America"
McCain: "Endorsed"
Frank Luntz's Post-Debate Focus Group
Thompson's Debate Highlights
Giuliani's Debate Highlights
Romney's Debate Highlights
Giuliani: "First Day"
Obama: "Moment"
Anti-Huckabee Hit Airing in S.C.
Romney Sits With The Grand Rapids Press
Clinton Takes Questions
Thompsons on "Fox and Friends"
Kerry Endorses Obama
Vote For Uncommitted
Huckabee on "Morning Joe"
Giuliani: "Super Bowl"
Dick Morris Analyzes Remaining Field
Ross Investigates Obama/Rezko Connection
Jeri Thompson on "The Big Story"
Clinton Goes "Eye to Eye" With Couric
Campaigns Cross The Country After New Hampshire
Huckabee on "Larry King L:ive"
Giuliani: "Liderzago"
Edwards Goes In "The Situation Room"
Fed Chief Opens the Door To 'Substantive' Rate Cuts - WSJ.com
Central Banks Dance in Denial on Stagflation: Michael R. Sesit
Ever-increasing capital pressure on the world's biggest banks
On Point : Is This a Recession?
Foreign Policy: Europe’s Philosophy of Failure
The Comeback Continent - New York Times
How Arab Countries Are Coping with Globalization - Knowledge@Wharton
The Right 'Stimulus' - WSJ.com
To Blunt a Recession - washingtonpost.com
Rubin Rethinks - January 11, 2008 - The New York Sun
Why sterling is the next dollar
Bush's Fiscal Follies
Who's Afraid of Mideast Money?
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Let Markets Decide the Role of SWFs
Banks | Stepping beyond subprime | Economist.com
How To Partner With Recession - Forbes.com
Huckabee's tax plan is brilliant, so why is it getting trashed? - By Steven E. Landsburg - Slate Magazine
RealClearMarkets - Articles - The FairTax Crowd Answers Jerry Bowyer
Bernanke Termination Watch - Capital Commerce (usnews.com)
Econbrowser: What Are the Prospects for a Two Recession Bush Presidency?
Angry Bear /The Fed and Elections
Forbes.com: Digital Rules By Rich Karlgaard
U.S. Economic Monthly Overview
Safe Haven | The Ex Ante Factor: An Inverted Risk/Reward Ratio
Video - CNBC.com
Bloomberg News :VIDEO
FT.com / Short View:VIDEO
Forbes.com Video Network
What's the Fix for the U.S. Economy?
Harvard economist says impact greatest on lowest-paid workers
Fears that financial companies will suffer big writedowns
Immigration service's fierce probe at Swift is sign things will get tougher for employers
Moody's urges radical action to curb healthcare, social security spending
Attorney: Lender has 'extensive history of losing both checks and their attendant vouchers'
Dave Ramsey: Even if all you?ve ever done is pay your rent on time, you have history
Report that BofA could buy troubled lender cheers investors
Credit card company forecasts housing slump, decaying credit quality will hit bottom line
Despite rising prices, Bernanke signals more rate cuts coming
'We stand ready to take substantive additional action as needed to support growth'
Greenwich Capital's Stanley predicted U.S. economy will avoid recession in 2008
GM, leader for past 76 years, has yet to release numbers for 2007
Ultra-cheap price tag suddenly brings ownership into reach of tens of millions
'Those less experienced in emerging markets will become very nervous'
'We lost our rudder when we went for ever bolder, riper flavors'
Managers monitored Internet chatrooms, eavesdropped in covert campaign to ID employees
Aggravated identity theft, mail fraud, 2 counts of willful failure to file income tax
'These are treasures that we do not want to see true pirates take away'