"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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12 December 2007



Londoners Interrogated Over Journey Plans
Beijing Olympics Will Use IBM High-Tech Surveillance System
9/11 Truth on the Underground
White House press secretary admits she didn't know what Cuban Missile Crisis was
Cindy Sheehan Launches Campaign to Unseat Pelosi
Egypt 'fabricated terror group'
Dozens killed in Algeria bombings
De-Facto One Child Policy Urged in Australia
Pro-Lifer Attacked With Club, Threatened With Arrest During Clinton Protest
Naomi Wolf - "There hasen't been a real investigation of 9/11."
Wired 8.04: Why the future doesn't need us.
Bill Joy - Forfeiting The Future
Consensus Shattered As Major Scientific Study Says Global Warming Is Natural
DARPA’s Control Freak Technology
Few Privy to FISA Court Rulings
Preventive Detention and the Constitution
The planned collapse of America
Morgan Stanley Issues Full US Recession Alert
Paulson’s Freeze: Just Another Fraud Perpetuated by the Feds
McCain: al-CIA-duh will attack oil facilities, destroy American economy
Viacom Hires CIA Torturer as Film Consultant
How to Control the American Population
Obama Supports Homegrown Terrorism Bill
America is Going Fascist
Commander-Decider Gave OK to Destroy CIA Tapes
China’s One-Child Policy Cited for Rise in Juvenile Crime
Privatization of Public Firefighting has Created Billion Dollar Industry
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Chretien Loses Patience With Questions On 9/11 Truth, NAU
Poll: Clinton Loses Lead, Romney Out In Front - Politics News Story - WMUR Manchester
My Way News - If Clinton Loses Iowa: Her 'Plan B'
Bill Clinton to aid Hillary's campaign
Dems, GOP in last debates before Iowa - Yahoo! News
Last debates could have 'seismic impact' | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Last chance for Republicans in debate clash
Pelosi vows more civil approach — next year - Jim VandeHei and John F. Harris - Politico.com
My Way News - Republicans Retain 2 Vacant House Seats
Update on Ratings of Bush, Congress
My Way News - 6 Shot After Leaving Vegas School Bus
The Pope condemns the climate change prophets of doom | the Daily Mail
UN chief says gas cut targets might be too ambitious for Bali climate conference - Yahoo! Malaysia News
Ex-U.S. Weatherman In Political Storm Eye
My Way News - CIA Destroyed Tapes Despite Court Orders
TheHill.com - Dems and GOP deadlocked as adjournment draws near
FT.com / World - Fed set to revamp liquidity support
'France worried by Iran-Israel tension' | Jerusalem Post
Israel PM warns Iran can develop nuclear bomb by 2010
Calif. board suggests study of caffeine - Yahoo! News
Chicago considers chicken ban - Yahoo! News
Father killed daughter for not wearing hijab, her friends say
Rapid acceleration in human evolution described | Health | Reuters
Huckabee Questions Mormons' Belief
My Way News - Romney: Attacks on Religion Go Too Far
Book Excerpt: In New York, illegal immigration took a back seat to making the city safe - Examiner.com
G.O.P. Voters Are Uninspired by Candidates - New York Times
Roles swap in Argentina's palace as first lady takes over - International Herald Tribune
My Way News - Huckabee's 1992 Words Get New Attention
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Comment - America must resist protectionism
Robot Heckles Campaigning Bill Clinton In Iowa - News Story - WRC | Washington
Breitbart.tv » Man Dressed As Robot Heckles Clinton
Body Odor Called Key Romantic Attraction - As Seen On NewsCenter 5 Story - WCVB Boston
NBC refunds advertisers as ratings plunge - Yahoo! News
TV critics cancel January meeting - Yahoo! News
Led Zeppelin | Comeback gig | O2 | After-party | The Sun |HomePage|Showbiz|Bizarre
Exposing the "Flying Imams" - Middle East Quarterly
CFP: Skeptical Scientists Urge World To ‘Have the Courage to Do Nothing’ At UN Conference
Southern outrage: 'Instead of a defensive battery – a platoon of lawyers' - Israel News, Ynetnews
Ecuador to drill park unless world pays - Yahoo! News
One in five babies born to foreign mother in UK - Telegraph
PipelineNews.org - The RIGHT News...RIGHT Now
World Tribune — Online terror camps cut overhead, teach Google Earth target acquisition
Is Soros Using Environmental Scare Tactics To Gain Control of Gold Mine? | NewsBusters.org
EXCLUSIVE IPT INVESTIGATION UNCOVERS HLF JURY ROOM BULLYING :: Articles by IPT :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- The New Contras
World Tribune — Intel 180? Gates says Iran may have 'already' restarted its nuke program
Sun, Not Man, Main Cause of Climate Change, New Study Says -- 12/11/2007
Our Enemy, the Fed
A Libertarian Curmudgeon Looks at the Candidates
'Support the Shopping Mall Killers'
Can Humans Hibernate?
An Open Letter to Advocates of Individual Freedom
A Dim View of Taxes
The Everyday Instruments of Empire
Would Hannity Choose Hillary Over Ron?
Laptop of Death
Real Global Warming
'Mathlete' Breaks World Mental Calculation Record
The Genius of Mad
Are You a Patriot or a Loyalist?
An Open Letter to the Antiwar Left
A Man for All Reasons
Thank you, Bush and Cheney
An Open Letter to Republicans
Wasted Vote?
'Infuse LGBTQ curriculum into history, social science, and literature classes'
Law protects people with 'gender-identity issues' in public accommodations
But pastor with global vision says he 'loves making an influence'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah notes God alone controls world's temperature, climate
Budget amendment 'threatens' border security plan
Mayor of McAllen, Texas: 'Building a fence is waste of taxpayer money'
Students were exiting bus when gunfire erupted from fellow riders
'I'm coming for EVERYONE soon and I WILL be armed to the teeth'
Murray struck multiple times by armed woman, but fatal shot self-inflicted
'The enemy is not stupid,' confirms U.S. Army major
'Apparently, it was a clerical oversight and it was just that simple'
Bush spokeswoman stays away from 'illegal alien' dispute
State kicks off caucus process with most Republicans undecided
Huckabee asks, 'Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?'
But ended up welcoming most of those 'causing me no trouble' as NYC mayor
Clinton campaign banks on strong push to win New Hampshire
Media turn close eye to remarks from earlier run for office
'Our guiding principle ... to select the most conservative viable candidate'
Secular leader smashes menorah, blasts 'infiltration' of observant Jews
Politician joins slew of arrests for working with 'enemy agents' during wartime
'Carriers that don't offer it will start hearing from their customers'
Friend: 'She said she was always scared of her dad'
'He kept saying that he didn't know it was illegal'
Dunkin' Donuts worker with famous name worried about his look on video
'He basically said, Let me help you'
Missing home, construction worker strips naked, attempts assault
Ex-cop launches website for defense fund after wife disappears
'The world's scientists have spoken with 1 voice'
'We're causing the outer part of the atmosphere to change'
With largest increase in history, global body's 'credibility at stake'
Says Tehran 'must explain to the world why they had a program'
President has not ruled out full clemency for Cheney's former aide
'Our primary concern is that they don't really improve the situation'
New York Philharmonic will perform American-inspired musical program
'Jeopardy!' host resting comfortably after 'minor' episode
Blames 2 bombings of Western passenger jets on 'individuals'
Young boy is 10th great grandson of legendary outdoorsman
'We're now communicating electronically with each other'
Company says technology will use DNA to find date with 'odor you'll love'
Police set up permanent patrol on hill after spate of amorous accidents
Mail carrier mows lawns of people on his route
For those who bought items overseas throughout past decade
Dow Jones falls almost 300 as hopes for half-point drop dashed
Gasoline and diesel prices are projected to average well over $3 per gallon'
Move to slash staff, launch massive stock offering could smack of desperation
Owners of analog sets won't be able to watch unless they go high-tech
To continue to view programming after 2009 nationwide switch to digital
Phone giant could favor EchoStar as its sole satellite partner
1st time any network has taken such a step in years
More fallout from Hollywood writers strike
'It's a big growth business for us and we expect to see that grow'
1st planes to come in late 2008, 109 to be delivered in 2009
Dave Ramsey advises man who can pay cash for house, guy with sprendthrift fiancee
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky says 'if you listen to politicians too much, it promotes brain rot'
Exclusive: Jill Stanek spotlights Obama's 'present' vs. Clinton's 'yes' on identical bills
Allan Wall whacks candidates for not following Tancredo by sitting out Spanish debate
Exclusive: Judge Roy Moore shares poem he penned about true meaning of the holiday
Walter E. Williams: Problems in black community can only be solved by blacks
Exclusive: Selwyn Duke points out 'hate' not factored in to prosecutions of minorities
Exclusive: Peter Rosenberger wants Medicaid recipients to pitch in for their heath care
Exclusive: Joel Hesch tells of firms cheating government out of resource royalties
Ben Shapiro: Atheistic thinking makes humans 'as banal as a pocket calculator'
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak's convinced there's a fat chance a chubster could be prez
Barbara Ehrenreich urges parents to rise up against 'sorry bunch of wusses'
Jon Mooallem rips 'Makeover' home show for taking humanity and 'turning it into bad art'
Bob Englehart has Al using global warming graph to predict his Nobel Prize take
Mark Steyn targets Bush on interest-rate move, seeks free market in housing, religion
CNN Poll: Obama catches Clinton in New Hampshire
Clinton Pushes Electability Argument
The Huckabee Factor
Suddenly A Contender, Huckabee Scrambles
Huckabee's Family Field General
Six students shot in Las Vegas after getting off school bus
San Jose building inspectors' strike ends
Republicans Retain 2 Vacant House Seats
Surveillance Court Declines to Release Secret Opinions
Secret FISA court won't release wiretap rulings
Calif. town recalls planning board that endorsed Blackwater plan
Could you give Drew a few bucks?
Drew Peterson seeks help -- and money -- online
Wife's sister tells of gunshot
Pentagon Critical Of NATO Allies
Military chief: Attacks up in Afghanistan
Agent's assertions revive torture debate
Ex-CIA agent: Waterboarding 'saved lives'
Madigan gambling bill proposed
State government reform panel: downsize, consolidate
Suspect: Chanukah row not hate crime
NYC Subway Attack Possible Hate Crime
Poll: 27% approval rating for Spitzer
Governor envisions Kentucky as 'America's next frontier'
Civil-rights chief resigns
Budget, Council Put Snags in Fenty's Plans
Sweep nabs 14 sex offenders
Statewide Sex Offender Roundup Underway
Chicago poised to ban home-raised chickens
Setting Emission Targets May Come Later, Says Ban Ki-moon
Rescuers search for bomb survivors
Twin Bombs Kill Dozens in Algiers
General Killed in Bomb Attack in Lebanon
3 Car Bombs Kill 39 in Southern Iraq
Israel army chief says big Gaza push more likely
Palestinians demand halt to settlements as peace talks begin
Official: Taliban flee, 50 killed
Designated heir calls for Putin to be prime minister
Despite Arms Data, New Push for Sanctions on Iran
Olmert: Keep pressure on Iran
Future Kosovo PM tells Serbs 'Don't Fear Independence'
Italy's truck drivers defy back-to-work order and continue strike
Will Hindutva carry Modi in central Gujarat?
Sentence review on Aborigine rape
Fujimori convicted and sentenced in illegal search
First Middle East peace talks in six years open in Jerusalem
Qaddafi Turns Against French Hosts in Human-Rights Ruckus
Iran's president softens tone in remarks about report
Iran's president sounds softer line toward US
Canada serial killer sentenced to life in jail
Life in Prison for Canadian Serial Killer
6 Shot Leaving Vegas School Bus
Canada mps to end isotope crisis
Harper's Hulk persona emerges
Father says killed daughter in Canadian hijab case

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