"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

05 December 2007

Wed. 5th Dec.


THOMAS (Library of Congress)


TimeTravel Experiments, Parallel Universes, Stargates, 2012 and Ne...
Roswell986 - Tedd St. Rain - Mystery Of America - Time Travellers Fr...
Charlie Rose - Economist Milton Friedman.
The Paradox of Choice - Why More Is Less
JESUS - English
Why We Fight
TimeTravel Experiments, Parallel Universes, Stargates, 2012 and Ne...
Horizon - Time Travel .avi
Roswell986 - Tedd St. Rain - Mystery Of America - Time Travellers Fr...
UFO Ex NASA Scientist Bob Oeschler BBC Radio 1 DJ Nicky Camp...
Alex Collier 1994 Private Interview IMPORTANT
God & the Myth of the Big Bang


My Way News - Ahmadinejad: Report a Victory for Iran
Floods continue to plague Northwest | Top Stories | KING5.com | News for Seattle, Washington
Study Shows Why the Flu Likes Winter - New York Times
NBC Nightly News With Brian Williams - TV - New York Times
Don Imus' simulcast turns into simulcrash
LA cardinal was assaulted over Church abuse: paper | U.S. | Reuters
Catholic coloring book warns US kids of pedophile priests
No Charges Over Abortion Images in Ga.
Bloomberg.com: Worldwide
HIV-positive Navy priest accused of sexual misconduct - Navy News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Navy Times
Italy politician urges Nazi policies for immigrants | International | Reuters
Italy mob boss swallowed secrets before dying | International | Reuters
US jet intercepts ballistic missile for first time: officials
My Way News - Romney Fires Landscaper Over Illegals
ABC News: POLL: No Huckaboom in N.H.
Huckabee Bristles at Creationism Query
More than 10,000 jet into Bali for global warming conference
Obama: Many view Clinton negatively | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
The Associated Press: Clinton's Endorsement List Debatable
Hillary Clinton HQ 'bomber' hoped police would kill him
Comedian Says Minnesota Run Is a Serious One - New York Times
Radio 1 DJ who was set to play Dubai arrested at airport over drugs and pornography - Times Online
Political Radar: 'You and I' No More?
Doesn't Iran Matter?
So Much for the 'World War III' Rhetoric
Was Bush Behind the New Iran Report?
Hillary's Idea of Fun
Huck & McCain Rise as Rudy & Mitt Fight
Edwards Will Take 2nd in Iowa
Why Early State Wins Might Not Matter
Democracy Worked in Russia, Venezuela
A Climate Lesson from Down Under
China's Dictatorship of Talent
A Bombshell on Iran
The Vote Was Not Free or Transparent
TrustHuckabee Calling
Huckabee Chafes at 'Front-Runner' Label
Giuliani, Clinton Support Slips a Month From First Votes
Obama Says Democrats Need Decisive Win
Bush Still a Factor, Rove Warns
Economy Moves to Fore as Issue for 2008 Voters
Biden Addresses Youth Issues at UI Forum
Richardson: Revamp Mortgage Rules
Hillary, Rudy Will Prevail After Losing Early
Democratic Voters Flirt With Change
Would Obama-Huckabee Lead to Bloomberg?
Worst Mistakes of Election '08
Is Clinton's Negativity a Bad Idea?
Huckabee's Surge Has a Sting
Time to Talk to Iran
Ready for Real Answers from Romney
Clinton Back on Defense Over Iran
China's Satellite Blast Raises Fears
Citizens Beware: Paulson Is Here to Help
Rx For Health Care: Pain
Woe is the American Worker
Tragedy of the Commons II
U.S. Must Lead on Climate Change
The Science of Gore's Nobel
The CIA's Flip-Flop on Iran is Hardly Reassuring
Buy Health Insurance, or Else?
Peru Is In, Now Where's Colombia?
Clinton Rivals Hammer Her Iran Vote
Immigration Confronts Democrats in an Iowa Debate
More Immigrant Woes for Romney
The NPR Democratic Debate In Iowa
President Bush's Press Conference
Polls, Polls, and More Polls
Sens. Rockerfeller And Bond Debate NIE
Democrats Debate NIE; "Huckabee Express"
Ahmadinejad: Report A Victory For Iran (AP)
Rice Explains New US View On Iran Nukes (AP)
Intelligence On Iran
Monitoring Agency Praises U.S. Report, But Keeps Wary Eye On Iran
In This Audio Clip, The Democratic Candidates Were Asked:
A KOSmonoff Has Troubles With Facts
Newsmax.com - U.S. Intel Possibly Duped by Iran
Expert: 'Christian groups in PA to disappear' | Jerusalem Post
Norman Hsu Indicted in N.Y. | The Trail | washingtonpost.com
Democrat Senator’s Aide Arrested in Child Sex Sting | NewsBusters.org
FOXNews.com - Atheist Looks to Remove 'Under God' From Pledge of Allegiance, Currency - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Tidal Wave of Lawyers Nears, Bar Data Forewarn - December 4, 2007 - The New York Sun
Iran wants world Islamic court for war crimes - Yahoo! India News
DEBKAfile - Bush Drops Military Option, Tehran Slams Door on Diplomacy
WorldNetDaily: CAIR called 'turnstile' for terrorist suspects
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Hyping Hate Crime Vs. Muslims
An Open Letter to American Muslims on Behalf of Ron Paul by Hussein Ali
Bernanke the Bureaucrat
An Open Letter to Mike Gravel
A Nation of Anti-Semites?
'Ed' Plans in Obama Nation
Indoctrination? What Indoctrination?
Got Milk?
Played for Fools Again
War, War, and More War
A Throne of Attis
End of a Daredevil Nation
How Did He Know?
An Open Letter To Libertarians on Ron Paul by David Gordon
Ron Paul on the Evil Fed, the IRS, and Saving the Buck
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
Disgusting Media Spins the Debate by John Keller
LewRockwell.com Blog: SF Republican Establishment vs. Ron Paul
LewRockwell.com Blog: Ron Paul Literature Drop in Des Moines
LewRockwell.com Blog: Ron Paul on "The View"
Ron Paul - Council on Foreign Relations
PC World - Ron Paul Spam Traced to Ukrainian Botnet
ABC News: Ladies' Man: Ron Paul's 'View'
WorldNetDaily: Homosexodus! Students flee forced 'gay' agenda
'Clear double standard' subs foreign limits for U.S. laws
But attack survivor already had forgiven attackers
Significant numbers also think UFOs, ghosts exist
'From fertilization we are dealing with something that represents the will of God'
Questions whether Republic, 'of, by and for the people' will survive
Says he gave firm 2nd chance last year to get rid of undocumented workers
'What I believe is not what's going to be taught in 50 different states'
Says daughter 'would be alive today' if not for ex-governor
'To think of him as a United States senator almost boggles anyone's imagination'
'We are grateful the court refused to handcuff people of faith'
Despite intelligence report concluding Tehran halted program in 2003
In light of new intelligence, is Iran developing nuclear weapons or not?
Officials probe hundreds who may have used illicit papers to get licenses
Ordered to stop all medical work 5 times every day
'Proven record of senior officials being indicted, imprisoned, deported from U.S.'
Group urges Muslims to buy tickets to al-Arian premiere
Jew confronts Islamist holy site desecrators in new book
David Bossie, Citizens United threaten legal action after show labels activist group
Meanwhile, NBC barely edges ABC for No. 1 evening news
Story on Barack Obama's rumored Muslim ties gets criticism from within
Topic: Why church needs to engage in culture war
Lamborghini Reventon a 650-hp, stealth-bomber look-alike beast
Environmentalists encouraging Jews around world to light at least 1 less
'The big question is will it get stronger or weaker?'
Raytheon says it 'provides a revolutionary, low-cost approach'
Government calls it 'major pillar of our national defense'
Teacher sex offender accused of illegally talking to 17-year-old
'Somebody recognized him and attacked him'
Angel says child should not be alone with adult in closed room
Can't understand why media coverage of campaign ignores her experience
Border crosser rescued 9-year-old in desert after mother died in car crash
House holding 5-day weeks only 3 times next year
'If my parents were alive, they'd be having fits'
Michael Newdow takes arguments back to federal appeals court
'I was stressed out. I needed more money for college'
'He was shot while he was sleeping ... in his bed, no chance to defend himself'
'There is no question the adults should have said something to stop this'
Lawyer says neighbor regrets teenager killed herself, but is not responsible
'As far as I'm concerned, they should be dead'
'Confiscating contraband does not require jurisdictions to keep it alive'
'Sometimes you have to protect the public against themselves'
Police clock electric transport doing 40 mph down street
Going online helps corpulent gal lose more than 500 pounds
Even as automaker closes factories in North America
'The Chinese market should be a hog heaven for U.S. motorcycle companies'
'We are trying to help people make good decisions for products'
Some companies raising interest on good customers who pay on time
70% of company chiefs expect sales to increase into next year
'I am hopeful, I'm not terribly optimistic'
Nearly 1/2 of underage secret shoppers able to buy those for players age 17
'There's an endless stream ... that will never be suitable for children'
After newborn twins inadvertently given massive doses of blood thinner
'Reports of product dangers are not rapidly compared and analyzed'
Argues onlne auctioneer doesn't do enough to protect consumers
Turns them into 5,000 lap blankets, greeting cards
Exclusive: Joseph Farah lists Quranic verses in defending radio talker Savage's comments
Walter E. Williams combats notion middle class is shrinking in America
Exclusive: Mark Crutcher drubs politicians who want to leave abortion up to states
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky tears into actors whose behaviors qualify them as 'male bimbos'
Exclusive: Carey Roberts charges 'mommy party' with failing to portray 'strength and grit'
Rich Lowry blasts candidate for wanting to replace IRS with levy on sales
Stranahan parodies Giuliani, noting Rudy provided tip-top security for his mistress
Exclusive: Joel Hesch shares story of 7 people turning in cheating drug company
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak tells of friend whose account was used for Nigerian scam
Ben Shapiro: Dangerous and obscene behavior more prevalent thanks to Net identities
John Ridley targets N.Y. Times' Frank Rich for playing 'white father' to blacks in column
Exclusive: Readers cheer Buchanan, take sides over WND
Pat Buchanan believes current generation 'is witnessing the Deconstruction of America'
Doug Bandow thrashes Congress for plan to hike autos' fuel-economy standards
Ron Paul Letter From a Soldier - Free Market News Network
Trevor Lyman's Marketing of Ron Paul - Benefit, Some Backlash? UPDATE 1 - Free Market News Network
Rudy Giuliani to Ron Paul: 'Oooh, You Sure Have a LOT of Supporters' - Free Market News Network
Neocon Grand Master Podhoretz has a Tizzy Over NIE
Bill of Rights Under Bush: A Timeline
Huckabee: the Candidate Clueless about Iran NIE
Citigroup’s Mexican Cronies
“Doomsday Seed Vault” in the Arctic
Romney Employed Illegals at His Mansion
Ron Paul: “Iraq is not Nazi Germany”
Statements on Terrorism & Usama bin Laden — Central Intelligence ...
Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job
Young Pakistanis: Bin Laden Is A CIA Creation
Bin Laden Said Arguably The Creation Of A CIA-Led Coalition
Existence of "Al-Qaeda" Is Crap; Quite Literally
U.S. Intel Officer: Al Qaeda Leadership Allowed To Operate Freely
Osama Bin Laden Had A Pakistani ISI "Handling Officer"
'US ignored its own agency's reports on ISI backing Al Qaeda'
Mysterious September 11 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill, Michel Chossudovsky
Turkish Intelligence: Al-Qaeda a U.S. Covert Operation
(CIA-run) Pakistan helped al-Qaeda set up shop in Afghanistan: US documents
Bin Laden: the former CIA 'client' obsessed with training pilots | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
The Smoking Gun: Archive - bin Laden
Afghanistan, the CIA, bin Laden, and the Taliban
Bin Laden's, CIA roots. How We Created Our Own Terror
CRG -- Who Is Osama Bin Laden?
Bin Laden: the CIA’s Frankenstein
The Smoking Gun: Archive - Osama bin Laden
The United States did not create Osama bin Laden - US Department of State
Official Website of the Libertarian National Committee
Shootout! : Hunt For Bin Laden
The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of al Qaeda's Leader
911: The Greatest Lie Evers Sold - By Anthony Hilder
War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11 (9/11)
Was Jesus Really Crucified - Dr Zakir Naik - Part 2 An Eye Opener fo...
Who Killed John O'Neill? (911, conspiracy, ONeill, Loose Change)
The Great Conspiracy
Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination Alex Jones 911 Conspiracy
The Marijuana Conspiracy
The Secret Conspiracy
Mena Connection: Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA, Drug sm...
Panama Deception
A Miracle: Honest Intel on Iran Nukes
White House Continued To Warn Of False Threat
"The Tumult And The Shouting Dies..."
The Shortage Myth
America is going fascist
WAVY TV 10 - News, Weather, Traffic, Sports for Hampton Roads, Virginia - North Eastern North Carolina - Arab TV station shows video purportedly of British hostage seized in Baghdad
Reuters AlertNet - IRAQ: Government to cut items from its free food handouts
Reuters AlertNet - Iraq will suffer from cholera for two years -govt
Sadr tells Bush to get out of Iraq | Herald Sun
Our Troops Must Leave Iraq - CommonDreams.org
Iran hails U.S. about-face on nukes - Iran- msnbc.com
WANE-TV Coverage You Can Count On: IAEA says US report on Iran 'consistent' with its own findings
World reaction to Iran nuclear report | Iran | Guardian Unlimited
VOA News - Bush Calls for Continued Pressure on Iran
Company News Story
How Did a 2005 Estimate Go Awry? - New York Times
RIA Novosti - World - Iran demands compensation for U.S. nuclear program 'lies'
Truthdig - ‘The Iran Agenda’
The Hindu : International : Afghans’ support for Taliban grows
'US report should not deter world' | Jerusalem Post
VOA News - US Democratic Presidential Contenders Reject Bush View on Iran
Win Without War - CommonDreams.org
Obama the Terrorist: The Vote-Baiting Smear Begins - CommonDreams.org
McMansions Meet the Mortgage Crisis - CommonDreams.org
Our Serious Foreign Policy Geniuses Strike Again - CommonDreams.org
Liberal Hawk Says Iraq No Longer Matters - CommonDreams.org
The Failure of Annapolis - CommonDreams.org
Why Bush’s Troop Surge Won’t Save IraqThe influx of U.S. troops brought a relative lull in violence — but the failing state remains in political chaos and is headed for collapse. - CommonDreams.org
Rudy’s Numbers Don’t Add Up - CommonDreams.org
Guantanamo Detainees’ Fate at Stake in Boumediene - CommonDreams.org
This Crisis Demands a Reappraisal of Who We Are and What Progress MeansOutdated figures have been hiding the full extent of climate change. But I am still advocating action, and not despair - CommonDreams.org
Businesses Impeding Free Speech Rights in the Workplace - CommonDreams.org
Fact-Based Intelligence Prevails on Nukes and Iran - CommonDreams.org
Operation Iraqi Freedom Exposed: Bush Negotiates Permanent Presence in Iraq - CommonDreams.org
Iraq As a Pentagon Construction SiteHow the Bush Administration ‘Endures’ - CommonDreams.org
America’s Claim to Be Real Democracy for All Is Doubtful - CommonDreams.org
Cut the Corporate Welfare Umbilical Cord - CommonDreams.org
Give Detainees Their Day in Court - CommonDreams.org
Innovating Our Way to Financial Crisis - CommonDreams.org
The Seeds of Discontent - CommonDreams.org
Endangered Truth: Exposing the Administration’s Lies on Science - CommonDreams.org
Romney, a Victim of Bigotry, Turns On US Muslims - CommonDreams.org
How the Peace Movement Can Win: A Field Guide - CommonDreams.org
The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act: A Tutorial in Orwellian Newspeak - CommonDreams.org
Bush and the Despots He Admires - CommonDreams.org
Rudy Giuliani, Teflon CandidateScandals are non-stories for ‘America’s Mayor’ - CommonDreams.org
Jews Need to Speak Out on Abuse of Palestinians - CommonDreams.org
Guns Beat Green: The Market Has Spoken - CommonDreams.org
Corporate Citizenship–Oxymoron or Necessity - CommonDreams.org
‘Homegrown’ Suppression of Dissent - CommonDreams.org
Catch 22 in IraqWhy American Troops Can’t Go Home - CommonDreams.org
A Kick in the Eye from the FCC - CommonDreams.org
Mandates and Mudslinging - CommonDreams.org
Hillary’s Defense Dough - CommonDreams.org
The Plot to Rig the 2008 US Election - CommonDreams.org
Will Congress Make Taxpayers Fund Terror-Target Nuke Reactors? - CommonDreams.org
Are the Presidential Candidates in Touch with America? - CommonDreams.org
Out-Tancredoing Tancredo at GOP’s Anti-Immigrant Debate - CommonDreams.org
Global Warming: The Rich Opt Out - CommonDreams.org
Annapolis’s Sole Purpose Is to Serve the Bush Agenda - CommonDreams.org
US Wants to Have It Both Ways on Iranian Nonintervention Pact - CommonDreams.org
Kucinich for ‘Realists’ - CommonDreams.org
Coalition of the Unwilling - CommonDreams.org
Global Warming Is Reversible - CommonDreams.org
The Shock Doctrine Short Film | Naomi Klein
Ring of Fire - with Greg Palast
White House - Press Briefing /Archives
Charter of the United Nations
UNESCO marks anniversary of translation index with round table
UN refugee agency hails new protection law in Central African Republic
World's poor need action on climate change, UN official tells Bali meeting
US intelligence on Iran’s nuclear programme should spur talks, says UN official
Statements/Messages by UN Secretary-General
Briefing to an informal meeting of the General Assembly on key issues of interest to Member States
Speech at the international meeting on the Middle East
Statement for the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
Remarks to the Sixth Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (general debate)
Address to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) upon the release of its fourth assessment synthesis report
New Approach to Development Embraces Information Technology
Americans' Political Divisions Not Necessarily Bad, Experts Say
National Referendums Do Not Always Go the Government’s Way
Trade Pacts Seen Helping All Sectors of Latin America, Caribbean
President Bush Sets Economic Development Effort for Palestinians
Character Attacks Heat Up U.S. Presidential Campaign
List of Multilateral Treaties - Focus 2007 Treaty Event
MediaBurn.org:Video Site
OneWorld U.S. Home / Today's News - U.S. Intelligence Review Contradicts Iran Policy
UUSC Programs: Economic Justice: Maquiladora workers
OneWorld U.S. Home / Today's News / Daily Headlines / News - Rising Food Prices 'Threaten World's Poor'
A Manifestation of Evil or Just Plain Madness?
Writers' Strike: As Reruns Take Over Television, Eyes Shift To New Media
YouTube - Robots Are Taking Over the Web!
Censored By FOX News: Rescue the Constitution!
The Credit Crisis Is Becoming A Political Battleground
As the Media Merges With Politics, Can We Resist ‘Electotainment?’
FCC Ends Week With Quadruple Play
Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em Republicans Fuel Big Week Of Campaign Coverage
Senate Panel OKs Media Bill
MobileCrunch » You Will Control 25% of Entertainment by 2012
News Dissector Blog » Blog Archive » COUNTDOWN TO CATACLYSM: Credit Card Companies Under Scrutiny
Media Matters - Sunday-show discussions of Giuliani billing issue ignored that affair reportedly created increased cost for NYC taxpayers
Media Matters - Fox News refuses to run pro-Constitution ad
Media Matters - CNN's Bernstein cited Russert's misleading debate question to Clinton as an explanation for "what led to the problem in the Clinton campaign"
Media Matters - In Giuliani ad fact-check, Kurtz asserted "fierce dispute among economists" on tax cuts and revenues, but cited only one economist
Media Matters - Matthews objected to religious questions at GOP debate, but not colleague Russert's religion question at Dem debate
Media Matters - In "Clinton Chapters" segment, Hannity omitted key points from journalist on whose reporting he based the segment
Media Matters - NPR reported on McCain's criticism of Romney over waterboarding issue, but not his support for Mukasey
Media Matters - Fox News' Hill's take on newspaper article: "[S]omething about what Sen. Clinton said just sort of drove [Eisenberg] over the edge"
Media Matters - CNN's Henry reported that Murtha said "surge is working," ignored his continued call for Iraq withdrawal
Media Matters - Matthews described Obama as "almost Third World in his sort of presentation"
Media Matters - On Reliable Sources, Cullum claimed questions about where Obama's "religion lies, where his loyalty lies" could "backfire on Oprah"
Media Matters - AP article made false assertion about Clinton documents in discussion of Clinton, Giuliani "secrecy issues"
Media Matters - NY Post reported "Clinton volunteered to personally negotiate" with hostage-taker, but not her pledge to cooperate with law enforcement
Media Matters - LA Times article on CA ballot initiative omitted arguments against, ignored GOP affiliation of initiative's backers
Media Matters - O'Reilly declared it "ironic" that man invaded Clinton office on same day that Wash. Post reported Clinton inaccessible to press
Media Matters - Ignoring his flawed 2006 forecast, Wallace allowed Rove to predict GOP "gains in the Congress" in 2008
Media Matters - On Hannity & Colmes, DeLay claimed "there was no gotcha questions" in Democratic CNN/YouTube debate
Media Matters - MSNBC's Culhane on NH hostage situation: "Does [Clinton] pick up the phone ... or does she let the police and the FBI handle it?"
Media Matters - Despite airing praise of Huckabee's "ability to answer the questions," CNN again didn't acknowledge he didn't answer WWJD question
Media Matters - CNN's Henry reported Bush's attack on Dems "for dragging their feet" on war funding but not GOP blocking of bill
Media Matters - Wash. Post again misreports Bill Clinton's Swift Boat comments
Media Matters - CNN's Cooper praised Huckabee's failure to answer WWJD question as "probably one of the best answers you could possibly come up to"
Media Matters - Blitzer again ignored Bush's inconsistent statements on Pakistani sovereignty
Media Matters - CNN's Roberts equated "Christian conservatives" with "values voters"
Media Matters - Morning Joe failed to note Bill Clinton's statement against March 2003 invasion of Iraq
Media Matters - Boortz: "[M]aybe the reason" Obama doesn't wear flag pin is "the flag of this country irritates a lot of Democrat [sic] voters"
Media Matters - NPR's Liasson cropped quote to suggest Pres. Clinton accused Democrats of "Republican-style, Swift-boat attack" on Hillary
Media Matters - MSNBC's O'Donnell aired Thompson ad without challenging its claim that Thompson helped "expose the truth during Watergate"
Media Matters - CNN's Moos ridiculed proposed GOP YouTube debate questions, but ignored "diamonds or pearls" question CNN chose for Dem debate
Media Matters - Buchanan: "America [is] committing suicide" while "Asian, African, and Latin American children come to inherit the estate"
Media Matters - CNN's King reported that Giuliani "supports the constitutional right" to abortion without noting that he said "[i]t would be OK to repeal" Roe v. Wade
Media Matters - CNN pledges no Dem "gotchas" in Republican YouTube debate -- so why did CNN allow partisan "gotchas" in Dem debate?
Media Matters - Carlson: If Al Gore were president, "[w]e'd ... be living in yurts in the dark"
Media Matters - Contrary to researchers' views, Hume touted stem-cell breakthrough as "virtually eliminat[ing]" debate
Cliff Kincaid Discusses the Radical Muslim Campaign to Force Michael Savage Off the Air
Huckabee Supports Special Rights for Terrorists - December 5, 2007
Islamists Target Michael Savage - December 3, 2007
Complain about McCain, not CNN - November 30, 2007
Americans Pay for Emerging World Government - November 28, 2007
AIM Report: Treason, Plagiarism and The Washington Post
AIM Report: The Way Things Used to Be - November A
Exploring the Axis of Evil - December 4, 2007
Future Jihad: How Bin Laden Outsmarts the US with al Qaeda Propaganda - November 30, 2007
2008 As A Likely Change Election - November 28, 2007
Liberal Mantra: 'Political Change Needed'—True or False? - November 27, 2007
Should Democrats Form a 'Benedict Arnold' Caucus? - November 26, 2007
U.S. Manufacturing Obituaries Premature - December 4, 2007
United States Policy Made in China - November 5, 2007
Bush Says Iran Must Explain Past Actions on Arms
Violence dips, stable Iraq 'within reach,' Gates says
Romney's goal to calm fears in speech on his Mormon faith
FACTBOX-Facts about Mormonism, Romney's religion
Edwards sees opportunity in Clinton-Obama spat
Justices Weigh Courts' Role in Detainee Cases
Aide: Firm told Romney's son it didn't use illegals
Candidate provides new fodder for rivals
Gas tanker erupts, scores evacuated outside Boston
Alabama Lawmaker Pushing to Make Driver's License Exams 'English Only'
Senate OKs Peru free-trade pact
No new posts for Texas' 2 senators
Girl, 7, Shot 6 Times While Protecting Mother
High court mulls racial bias in juror selection
37-Month Sentence for Priest Who Defrauded Parish
No holiday cheer for Peterson
3rd search warrant served on Drew Peterson
Body Found in Missing Mom's Minivan
Body may be missing Bucks mother
NIE Report Contradicts White House 'World War III' Iran Rhetoric
Spooks show Bush a way forward on Iran
Republican Lawmakers Meet to Discuss Thruway Toll Hikes
US nuclear report opportunity for Iran-IAEA chief
British Police Arrest Man Who Was Presumed Dead Five Years Ago
Canoeist probe 'began months ago'
Cops say miracle canoeist's amnesia story is all wet
US holds talks with Australia's new government
Nation Honors Thai King on His 80th Birthday
North Korean Nuclear Program Almost Fully Dismantled, US Says
Tension over Kosovo, Russia set to dominate NATO talks
Judge says US suspect in Meredith murder 'violent'
Rice Consults African Leaders on Regional Flashpoints
South Korean Presidential Frontrunner Cleared of Fraud
Diana: Driver had 'spy' contacts
Diana driver 'had links with French secret services'
Dodi hatched Di's Ritz escape plan
The day the hostages were taken
On video, British hostage urges homeland to leave Iraq
Bush plans Mideast visit in January
Sri Lanka says 36 killed in northern fighting
Sri Lankan Authorities fCriticized or Mass Arrests of Tamil Civilians
Smith to ban non-EU unskilled immigrants from working in UK
Trade Concerns, Mugabe Dominate Preparations for EU-Africa Summit
Russia's Kremlin Sustains Control
Third term for Putin would not faze most Russians
Why Venezuelans Turned on Chavez
Chavez revolution takes hit in election
Legal battle on Guantanamo looms
DHS' data mining sparks more controversy
IAEA: US Iran Report Matches UN Agency | World Latest | Guardian Unlimited
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Gulf states urge peace with Iran
9/11 And What We Have Done To US By Jeff Berg
Townhall.com::CNN: Not an honest broker::By Brent Bozell III
Ruth Marcus - In Iowa, They Like Mike - washingtonpost.com
Pakistan to deport Code Pink protesters - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Nonprofits Become A Force in Primaries - washingtonpost.com
Wyden says intelligence report discredits Cheney Oregon, Northwest and National Politics & Elections News ­ OregonLive.com
FT.com / Home UK / UK - Oil slides awaiting Opec decision
Gold futures rally to end higher - MarketWatch
Lessons of Iraq Aided Intelligence On Iran
Giuliani no longer heads consulting firm linked to Qatar -- amNY.com
Former senator decries DHS as 'mess,' urges reorganization (12/4/07) -- www.GovernmentExecutive.com
Townhall.com::Climate Changes, but Media Remain the Same::By Dan Gainor
Army chief says troops strained, calls pace 'unsustainable' (12/5/07) -- www.GovernmentExecutive.com
Poll Shows Romney With Wide Lead in New Hampshire - washingtonpost.com
FOXNews.com - New 'View' Co-Host Sherri Shepherd: Christianity Older Than Ancient Greece - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment
Auto industry backs CAFÉ deal
Candidates Hold to Their Stances on Iran - New York Times
RIA Novosti - World - U.S. and allies continue to push for sanctions against Iran
FDA science dearth puts public health at risk | Health | Reuters
Over 40 million in U.S. can't afford health care: report | Health | Reuters
My Way Finance
Raisins Poison For Dogs
Credit Card Practices Denounced - Forbes.com
The NAU - Doublespeak And Lies Vs Reality
Ron Paul Supporters Drown Out Giuliani In GA
Jewish Racism: Banking Reforms, or Bank Bailouts? How the American People Will Suffer the Fate of the Third World If We Are Not Vigilant
Jewish Racism: How Einstein Helped Hitler
Bush: No change in Iran policy | Iran | Guardian Unlimited
The Pioneer Anomaly
Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » The Daily Life of Kawther Salam
Israel Unconvinced Iran Has Dropped Nuclear Program - New York Times
The "Great Game": Eurasia and the History of War
A Million Dollars A Minute!
US Speeds Into New Century Without A Roadmap
DHS Wants Firefighters To Spy In Homes
Man Turns Water Into Fuel - What Happened To It?
Where Does Stored Nuclear Waste Go?
Something Enormous Uncovered In Greenland?
The Electric Universe
Iraqi insurgents regrouping, says Sunni resistance leader | Iraq | Guardian Unlimited
Confessions of a Covert Agent
IIlegal Aliens Cause Massive Cuts For US Seniors
Gov O'Malley Sucks Up To Olmert - USS Liberty Is Forgotten
Infofascism ­ At Play In The Fields Of The Sword
Think Progress » Wolfowitz Returns To Bush Administration As WMD Adviser
Wolfowitz Back in Govt.? | Newsweek Periscope | Newsweek.com
Websites sell secret bank data and PINs - Times Online
Hillary Clinton is booed at campaign event - Telegraph
321energy :: The Last Days of the United States Dolla : James Howard Kunstler
Rothschilds & Rockefellers - Trillionaires Of The World
The Last Ditch -- THE ISRAELI ORIGINS OF BUSH II'S WAR: A CLOSER LOOK by Stephen J. Sniegoski
Bush, While Citing Threats, to Cut Anti-Terror Funds
tehran times : Sarkozy was ex-Mossad secret agent
Snarls, smears and innuendo for Hillary Clinton as attack dogs get ready for the fray - Times Online
'Greens' movement may have darker agenda
jamesphogan.net --> The Cosmic Power Grid
The Canadian National Newspaper: Famed NASA Astronaut confirms Extraterrestrials are here
Waxman, Mukasey and Ten Million Missing Emails
Democrats Seeking Answers About Report on Iran
Senate Judiciary Democrats Push Contempt Motion
State Holds Off on Saudi Arms Deal
Where Was Jeb?
Waxman Taps Mukasey in CIA Leak Probe
Judge Rejects Subpoenas for Reporters
Business Lobby Presses Agenda Before '08 Vote
NOW | Will the 2008 Elections Be Free and Fair?
White House Invokes Secrecy in Abramoff Lawsuits
Jordan's Spy Agency: Holding Cell for the CIA
Facebook's Beacon More Intrusive Than Previously Thought
US Pursuing New Spy Satellite Program
Robert Weitzel | Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act: A Tutorial in Orwellian Newspeak
Melanie Scarborough | Somebody Is Lying About FISA
Johann Hari | Republicans New Plot to Rig the 2008 Election
Naomi Klein | Forget the Green Technology - the Hot Money Is in Guns
Kelpie Wilson | Hey Bubba, Where You Going With That Oil?
Catherine Collins and Douglas Frantz | The Proliferation Game
Robert Parry | The Bush Rules of Evidence
Chris Hedges | America in the Time of Empire
The New York Times | The High Cost of Health Care
Bad, Worse, Worst and Beyond

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