"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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11 December 2007


My Way News - Midwest Is Glazed by Ice Storm
Ahmadinejad, President and Blogger - New York Times
Putin anoints deputy prime minister as heir to presidency | Russia | Guardian Unlimited
FT.com / In depth - Putin favours liberal as successor
FT.com / In depth - Conrad Black’s fall from grace ends in jail
Conrad Black jailed for six years - Telegraph
Antarctica's penguins threatened by global warming - Yahoo! India News
.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :.
Led Zeppelin | Rock Gods | Attitude at their reunion gig | The Sun |HomePage|Showbiz|Bizarre
The Hollywood Reporter
The Set List: Set List: Led Zeppelin, London, 2007
Whole lotta herb tea of Led Zeppelin's stairlift to heaven | the Daily Mail
FOXNews.com - Naomi Campbell Mugged at Zeppelin Concert - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment
Security Guard: 'God Guided Me And Protected Me' - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver
Colo. Church Gunman Had Been Kicked Out
The Denver Post - Guard's hands "didn't even shake" as she shot gunman
WorldNetDaily: Church shooter was kicked out
ABC News: Victim: Gang-Rape Cover-Up by U.S., Halliburton/KBR
Virus Starts Like a Cold But Can Turn Into a Killer
7online.com: Man stabbed at New Jersey mall 12/10/07
Rapid acceleration in human evolution described - Yahoo! India News
Book Excerpt: In New York, illegal immigration took a back seat to making the city safe - Examiner.com
G.O.P. Voters Are Uninspired by Candidates - New York Times
Obama, Under the Clinton Microscope - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
My Way News - AIDS Comments Alarm Ryan White's Mother
My Way News - Clinton Says Hillary Was Always the One
Body Odor Called Key Romantic Attraction - As Seen On NewsCenter 5 Story - WCVB Boston
TV critics cancel January meeting - Yahoo! News
The Postwar Election
Behind the GOP's Anti-Immigration Frenzy
Behind the GOP's Anti-Immigration Frenzy
Rudy's Resiliency is Latest Test
Will Blacks Buy into Dream of Obama?
The Mitt-Mike Religious War
Poll Finds GOP Voters Uninspired
Dems Are Addicted to Backing Down
Talks vs. Tanks
US Must Transcend Neo-Con View
How to Defuse Iran
Dollar Diagnosis: Adjustment or Affliction?
Housing Crisis Clarifies Partisan Divide
A Precious and Painful Vision of the Future
Paralyze The FEC? Splendid.
Coburn Battles the Senate Over Earmarks
Christmas Books
Why Huck's Gaffes Aren't Gaffes
Putin's Man Gets Putin's Job
It's Truth-Telling Time on Interrogations
Cocaine: Balancing the Scales of Justice
Words That Risk Death
It's Iowa, Not NH, for Thompson
Independent Groups to Play Big Role in Election
Romney Runs Campaign's Inaugural TV Attack Ad
Turning Oprah Fans Into Voters
How McCain Could Still Win
Giuliani, Clinton & the Likability Issue
Convention Chaos for the GOP?
Pelosi's Credibility Hit by Torture News
Tax Fix May Doom Spending Cuts, and Dems
A Band-Aid for the Mortgage Crisis
It's Time to Abolish the CIA
Mike McConnell Is Flat Wrong
The Quiet Rise of Jon Kyl
Is Romney Drifting, Or Is It the GOP?
Tension in Hillaryland Grows as Plan Goes Awry
Romney and Religion
Holy Huckabee! A Pastor's True Calling
Obama and the American Idea
'Our Moment Is Now,' Obama Declares
Paulson Behind the Curve
The Trouble With the Paulson Plan
Promoting Free-Market Ideals in Europe
Window of Opportunity in Venezuela
The Iran Threat Has Not Diminished
Due Process for Jihadists?
AWOL Military Justice
A Year Later, Signs of Progress Around the World
Mike Huckabee on Hannity & Colmes
Morris And Gingrich On The State Of The Race
Pundits On The Obama-Oprah Weekend
The GOP Univision Debate (PDF)
Huckabee, McCain ON Fox News Sunday
Univision Debate w/ English Subtitles CAM
An Open Letter to the Antiwar Left
Are You a Patriot or a Loyalist?
A Blow to the Neocon 'Fifth Column'
Federalist Society Dictatorship
A Man for All Reasons
Bombed If You Do, Bombed If You Don't
Give Them a Stupidity Quotient Test
Ancient Roman Superglue
He Reconstructed Ancient Ships
Amazing Spider Socks
Huge Ocean Discovered
Left and Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought

The Libertarian Forum
Rothbard Speaks: Audio Clips and Tapes from Lectures of Murray N. Rothbard
The Betrayal of the American Right - Table of Contents by Murray N. Rothbard
Mises Audio/Video Murray N. Rothbard
Mises Institute :: Austrian Economics Literature
Biography of Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995)
Mises Radio
Murray N. Rothbard
Harmless As Doves - Christian Pacifism & Anarchism
Mises on Money
Issues & Views: Free Speech In an Age of Terror
Issues & Views: Free Speech For Some, But Not For All
Issues & Views: Do You Really Understand the Bill of Rights?
Issues & Views: The First Amendment Means Exactly What It Says
Issues & Views: Why Censoring Cyberspace is Dangerous and Futile
Issues & Views: The Nuremberg Files
Issues & Views:Rights go "too far"
Issues & Views:P.C. still rules the campus
Issues & Views:Stifling unpopular speech
Issues & Views:Besieged with P.C. from the left and right
Issues & Views:Seduction or coercion?
Issues & Views:More campus suppression of speech
Issues & Views:When charges are treated like verdicts
Issues & Views:Winning free speech rights on campus
Issues & Views:A common cause
Issues & Views: The Lawsuit Gravy Train
Issues & Views: Abuse of Power
Issues & Views: Can We Overcome Jesse Jackson?
Issues & Views: Don't Distract Us From the Main Task of Hustling Whitey
Issues & Views: The "Problem Profiteers"
Issues & Views: Step Down Off the Slave Auction Block
Issues & Views:Desperately trying to stay relevant
Issues & Views:Praise instead of rebuke
Issues & Views:Liberated from Jackson
Issues & Views:What is wrong with these people?
Issues & Views:A different kind of set aside
Issues & Views:J.P. Morgan meets the reparations crusaders
Issues & Views:Checking those ties to slavery
Issues & Views:The Reparations racket is still with us
Schlock and Awwww: Commercializing Altruism
Corporate Enemy No. 1: State Attorneys General
The Perfect Storm of Campaign 2008
From Sarajevo to Guantanamo: The Strange Case of the Algerian Six
MotherJones Blog: Mitt Romney's Big Speech: Love all Religions (Except Islam)
The Zero-Sum Fiasco
The War on Terror's Newest Front
Iran Hawks Down?
Heritage Foundation on Hunger: Let Them Eat Broccoli
Trying to Dispel a Mist with a Machine Gun
MotherJones Blog: Edwards' Message to Dem Insiders: Tear Down the Wall!
On the Attack: Are the Dems Moving Toward A Contempt Vote?
MotherJones Blog: Bush and the Iran NIE: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Man Involved In Colorado Church Shootings "Hated Christians"
VOA News - US Warns of 'Escalation in Repression' in Cuba After Church Arrests
Dalai Lama says sorry he can't meet Pope | Reuters
Biologist fired for beliefs, suit says - The Boston Globe
Catholic World News : Vatican astronomer likens creationism to superstition
The Associated Press: Nun Reads List of Curse Words to Kids
Pope says shun excessive materialism at Christmas
Leader of Iraqi Chaldean community celebrates first Baghdad Mass as cardinal - International Herald Tribune
Physical Dimensions of Spiritual Warfare
The Gnostic Traditionalist
Yoga & Christianity
Diabolic Disorientation' in the Church
Hate the Sin but Love the Sinner': Not Scriptural, Not Catholic Doctrine
The Man Who Was Ratzinger
The Man Who Was Ratzinger (Part II)
American Genocide
The Vaccine Debate
In Vitro Clinics Are Death Camps
Abortion Is More Than 'Murder'
Infertility & the Illusion of Control
Anti-Fetal Rhetoric: America's Best-Loved Hate Speech
The New Wonder Non-Drug That Cures Contraception
Contraception & Compromised Intimacy
What the Pope Called the 'Culture of Death' Is Actually a Syndicate of Death
The Catholic Ethic Made Politically Correct
Inclusion Confusion
Excerpts from The Dictionary of Diversity
Don't Call It 'Adultery,' Call It 'Loving More'
But Are Catholics B.C./A.D.-Compliant?
The New Totalitarianism: Forcing People to Be Tolerant
Hitler: A Pioneer for the "Politically Correct"
Darwin & Political Correctness
Why Hispanics Are Not 'Politically Correct'
An Ancient Structure To Beckon Gods'?
Pagans, Liturgists & The Transcendent
New Age Traps
Errors & Deception in The Da Vinci Code
Quantum Spirituality
Pagans or Apostates?
The Neo-Pagans Are Giving Ancient Paganism a Bad Name
A New Mary Magdalen
Beware! The New Age Movement Is More Than Self-Indulgent Silliness
Deja Vu All Over Again": The Return of Paganism
The United Religions Initiative, A Bridge Back to Gnosticism
Fox TV Is Violent, Profane & Obscene
Delusions of Grandeur
Not Dead Yet
Christian Zionists: False Friends of Israel
The Theocons?
Relevant Public Authorities'?
Rhetorical Witchcraft
What Is a Neoconservative? -- & Does It Matter?
What Does the Pope Know About World Affairs?
Can You Be Two-Thirds Free & One-Third Slave?
The Neoconservative Catholics' Dramatic Change of Direction
How to Become an Atheist
The Gender of the Holy Trinity
The Jesus Seminar: Making Uncomplicated Things Complicated
Bejesus Seminar Discovers New Gospel in Desert, Common Sand & Call to Faction Supporters Jubilant
The Ineffectual Jesus of the Jesus Seminar
The Shaky Foundations of the Jesus Seminar
"But What About Socialization?"
Home-Schooling for Survival
Hell and Other Destinations
Plan A & Plan B
The Most Important Question in Life
"No One Ever Goes to Hell Who Has Been Truly Loved by Another"
Evangelization as if It Doesn't Matter
f Everyone Is Saved...
Is Hell Closed Up & Boarded Over?
On Repressing the Fear of the Lord
There Goes Hell & the Second Coming
Must Human Evolution Contradict Genesis?
Darwinism & the Culture of Death
Intelligent Design vs. Blind Evolution: The Moral Implications
"Scientific" Literalism
Darwinism, Dawkinism & Christian Accommodationism
Genes as Gods
Problems With Darwinism
The Filthy Speech Movement
Lumps, Bumps & Meditation
Jesus Found Guilty of Hate Speech
The Linguistic Minefield
Murdoch Is No Threat to Democracy, but Media Protectionism Is: Newsroom: The Independent Institute
Our Second Amendment: The Founders’ Intent: Newsroom: The Independent Institute
In Search of Artemio: Newsroom: The Independent Institute
The Role of Government in Modern U.S. Society: What Would Adam Smith Say?: Newsroom: The Independent Institute
The Magic of Voluntary Regulation - (cartoon)
Toward a Theory of Strategy for Liberty
The Path to Sound Money
The First and Next 25 Years
The State, the Intellectuals, and the Role of Anti-Intellectual-Intellectuals
The New American Bible
WorldNetDaily: Rick Warren: 'I always own up to mistakes'
Woman who ended carnage: 'I knew what I had to do'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah urges believers to pack heat with Bible
Politician joins slew of arrests for working with 'enemy agents' during wartime
Health ministry says 67 dead, U.N. counts 12 staffers missing
WorldNetDaily: AutoZone: CAIR wrong about Michael Savage ads
List shows shoppers 'the good, the bad and the ugly'
Joe Kovacs joins American Family Radio today on what's in, not in Scripture
Argument becomes heated after dog damages seasonal ornaments
'It's a right biblically, and it's a right constitutionally'
'This could only have been dreamed up by someone exceptionally thoughtless'
Brugman hopes Ramos, Compean also free soon
Vast majority say they've not made final decision about whom to support
Churches risk losing tax-free status if they engage in partisan politics
Highlights how Mike supported in-state tuition benefits for illegals
'Build a border fence. Secure the border and do it now'
'I couldn't believe someone would do such a thing in such a short time'
TSA's only says: 'They dispose of it in an Earth-friendly manner'
Benefits refused because computer 'didn't have a button for miracles'
Huge Pearl Harbor Day air assault on Afghanistan
Medvedev would be youngest Kremlin leader since Tsar Nicholas II
Engaged ... for four days. Man trapped in bowling club loo survives on icy tap water | the Daily Mail
Researchers say human evolution speeding up
'Possibility these campuses aren't getting gifts, they're getting investments'
Officials don't expect to file charges against homeowner
'It has been a long journey, but I believe that justice has been done'
Would eliminate identity confusion by offering complete record on spot
Says couples with more than 2 kids children should pay for more trees
Parents shocked, others applaud principal firing off list of banned words in church
Click this interactive map to see some grow houses
Focusing on idiotic behavior when drunk may be 'catastrophically misconceived'
Houston woman claims company told her she could lose job if she sought help
Boy, 16, 'wanted to ... have a chat, invite him to Iceland and see what he'd say'
'This is the most amazing and remarkable creature'
New trial would make Bush's commutation of jail sentence meaningless
Driver, 94, quits after 82 flawless years behind wheel
'I immediately spit it out and ran to the bathroom to vomit'
'The guest can go nowhere, since outside is just a vast graveyard'
26-year-old cashing in on startling inconsiderate drivers
Pat Buchanan sees possible disaster for Rudy if Huck or Romney pick up early wins
David Limbaugh: Gov. Mike has perfect right to describe himself as a 'Christian leader'
Exclusive: Mychal Massie looks at Andrew Young's remark about Bubba, black women
Exclusive: Joel Barbee contrasts Obama's mode of transportation with Hillary's
Dave Ramsey advises man who can pay cash for house, guy with spendthrift fiancée
Chris Hedges explains why he will withhold income taxes to protest U.S. wars
Exclusive: Joseph Farah exposes former VP's effort to conceal UK court denunciation
Vin Suprynowicz: Those forced to fund public schools aren't getting money's worth
Putin consolidates atomic assets to compete with overseas rivals
America's largest savings and loan to close offices, cut some 3,100 jobs
'There is a link between Wall Street and Main Street'
AskEraser allows users to make their searches more discreet
Films May Stutter From Prolonged Strike
Newspaper mogul swindled, shareholders in his media empire out of millions
'That's what 'glamorous' women are usually wearing before they get dressed'
Wal-Mart, Dell, others see growth stall as rivals learn how to beat them
With approval of $3.1 billion deal imminent, search giant previews its plans
To help bolster bond insurer's reserves as it braces for mounting losses
Game makers add joysticks to add skill to entertainment
Exclusive: Joseph Farah cheers woman who saved Coloradans, urges believers to pack heat with Bible
Dennis Prager: When choosing a political leader, it's values that really matter
Exclusive: Janet Folger quotes candidate on government's arrogance, church inaction
TV star introduces candidate to adoring crowd in Iowa
Exclusive: Joel Barbee contrasts Obama's mode of transportation with Hillary's
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving rips Dana Perino for squashing question about 'gays' and AIDS
Exclusive: Selwyn Duke points out 'hate' not factored in to prosecutions of minorities
Chris Hedges explains why he will withhold income taxes to protest U.S. wars
Elite Depopulation Agenda Gains Ground
O’Reilly: Fox News Turned Down Pro-Constitution Ad Because It Was ‘Anti-American’
Ambassador Dennis Ross Confronted on Bilderberg Ties and Brzezinski Warning
Consensus Shattered As Major Scientific Study Says Global Warming Is Natural
DARPA’s Control Freak Technology
Chretien Loses Patience With Questions On 9/11 Truth, NAU
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Ministry of Homeland Security Visited Omaha Mall Before Massacre
Morgan Stanley Issues Full US Recession Alert
Paulson’s Freeze: Just Another Fraud Perpetuated by the Feds
McCain: al-CIA-duh will attack oil facilities, destroy American economy
Viacom Hires CIA Torturer as Film Consultant
Peer-Reviewed Study: Global Warming is Natural, Shows No Human Influence
How to Control the American Population
“Smart Surveillance” in China and New York
Commander-Decider Gave OK to Destroy CIA Tapes
China’s One-Child Policy Cited for Rise in Juvenile Crime
Privatization of Public Firefighting has Created Billion Dollar Industry
CIA Has Photos of Torture at Guantanamo Bay
Paulsen Plan to Ease the Lending Crisis is Full of Holes
Al Gore’s Real Colors

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