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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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04 December 2007


WorldNetDaily: CNN faces lawsuit over 'fringe militia'
'Proven record of senior officials being indicted, imprisoned, deported from U.S.'
Group urges Muslims to buy tickets to al-Arian premiere
Effort targets supporters of Michael Savage's radio show
Organization's campaign targets radio show advertisers
Pertussis kills 1, strikes 8,000 in all 50 states, closes schools, colleges
Unlike Iraq, 'it's the good war, the just war, the authorized war – the forgotten war'
WorldNetDaily: What do you know about Roe v. Wade?
Philadelphia threatening $199,999 rent increase or eviction
Says new intelligence report on Tehran provides 'warning signal'
Says Tehran stopped 4 years ago but has since renewed it
'The Americans have no understanding of what is really happening'
'It's perfect way to make a statement of faith this year, and the next, and the next'
New Iowa front-runner met with generals lobbying against torture
'I'm just not going to go off into evaluating other people's doctrines'
Says he can't understand why her public experience is ignored
Leftist group says she makes decisions on basis of polls, not convictions
Committee considers 'cap and trade' system to cut greenhouse gas
Outraged by Muhammad teddy bear flap, minister names pig after Islamic prophet
Gillian Gibbons granted pardon for 'insult to Islam'
Jew confronts Islamist holy site desecrators in new book
Washington, Oregon declare states of emergency
'They are the completion of your soul'
Exclusive: Ted Baehr slams 'Golden Compass' for teaching kids to hate their parents
Exclusive: a 'Chuck Norris dis approval' for agnostic, atheistic, secular movie
Topic: Why church needs to engage in culture war
Reinstatement, back pay after sentence 'took away' 7 years of David Sipe's life
Appeals panel suggests prosecutorial 'overreach' in pursuit of border agents
Judge in border-agents case talks about prosecutors overreaching
As city's mayor, Olmert allowed 100,000 illegal Arab squatters
Waited until after Annapolis summit to announce suspects caught
But Prime Minister Olmert says he will still evacuate strategic territory to Abbas
Concerns slumping housing will increase bank losses, chance of recession
World's biggest counterfeiter upset others selling merchandise illegally
Flames begin shooting from engine when he tries taking woman for ride
'A married household actually uses resources more efficiently'
'The consequences for humanity are grave'
'I decided it because there are kids out there who have nothing'
Man allegedly sought anal intercourse with 13-year-old boy
'3 men have spent the past 13 years in prison for crimes they didn't commit'
Police find no evidence after alleged sabotage at pageant
'I want to make sure that we maintain our religious heritage in this country'
'Why waste our time trying to do this if we can't actually accomplish it?'
Says Barack 'started running for president the day he arrived in the U.S. Senate'
'Hillary's called my house 12 times so far. It gets old really, really fast'
'We're involved, still, in an intractable civil war'
'The international community has to turn up the pressure on'
'I am in fear of my safety and the safety of my family'
'It's come to the point where I have no other option'
Berlin considers it commercial enterprise that takes advantage of vulnerable people
Females from far and wide flock to furniture for fertility
'It is really a barometer for what is interesting and relevant for the world'
'It's just a matter of freedom to the mind and the body'
Ape at age 5 shown to have 'better performance in a memory task than humans'
'She couldn't fight and wasn't struggling because she was barely breathing'
Nurses make condom statement for safe 'habits': 'They're a visual shock'
'I was determined to finish high school, but college wasn't for me'
Dave Ramsey advises couple with property debt, woman considering 'debt counseling'
Proven way for regular folks to build real wealth with micro-cap stocks
'It's for everyone, whether you are a family or you're just here with your lover'
'Rising fuel prices and sliding home values delivered a 1-2 punch this month'
'They're kind of like people to me – they are people'
Will top $10 trillion sometime right before or right after Bush leaves in 2009
But dad, 77, will remain chairman of Christian network
'The new generation of consumers has completely different habits'
'It's more than just convenience. It's a feature I really appreciate'
Security guard broke nose when he was thrown into glass jewelry case
'It's a little ridiculous, the hype. But it's excellent for business'
Governments look to make data more accessible to search engines
Already millionaires, singers said to be earning $20 million each for new tour
Exclusive: Joseph Farah exposes terror-sympathizing ways of group in battle with Savage
Dennis Prager expresses regret to next generation for 'many sins'
David Limbaugh explains why Romney shouldn't talk about his Mormonism
Exclusive: Janet Folger predicts 'President Huckabee' would usher in demise of Roe
Exclusive: Readers get exercised over Islam, Best Buy, Rick Warren
Susan Estrich: Are Hillary or Obama worried about Mike? Not a chance
Exclusive: Olivia St. John hits believers who allow children to remain in corrupting schools
Exclusive: Mychal Massie notes parents of girls left in dark about abuse, abortions
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving asserts state-sponsored killing does nothing to stem murder
Exclusive: Ted Baehr slams 'Golden Compass' for teaching kids to hate their parents
Dave Ramsey advises couple with property debt, woman considering 'debt counseling'
Stuart Shepard lets retails know what they can do with their 'holiday' catalogs
Nat Hentoff pummels African countries for watering down condemnatory resolution
Doesn't Iran Matter?
So Much for the 'World War III' Rhetoric
Was Bush Behind the New Iran Report?
Hillary's Idea of Fun
Huck & McCain Rise as Rudy & Mitt Fight
Edwards Will Take 2nd in Iowa
Why Early State Wins Might Not Matter
Democracy Worked in Russia, Venezuela
A Climate Lesson from Down Under
China's Dictatorship of Talent
A Bombshell on Iran
Venezuelans Tell Chavez 'No'
The Vote Was Not Free or Transparent
TrustHuckabee Calling
'Now the Fun Part Starts' in Iowa
Mormonism Not Focus of Romney Speech
Huckabee Chafes at 'Front-Runner' Label
Morris Discusses His Relationship With Huckabee
McCain Talks Religion, And Election Strategy
Rough Turn Of Events In Democratic Race
Iran Halts Its Nuclear Program
Thompson Talks With Blitzer
Edwards Has A Cup
Mark Penn on MSNBC
Democratic Courage's Negative Hillary Ad
Immigration Thoughts From Chuckabee
Huckabee Profile on "Nightline"
The "Fun Part"
Kerr In The "No-Spin Zone"
Thompson is in "The Situation Room"
Edwards: "20 Generations"
Richardson Gets To 99
Have You Ever Wanted To Caucus?
Limbaugh Discusses Thompson's Conservatism
Huckabee's Media Campaign Continues
Romney Compares Himself and Huckabee
Edwards Heartland Appearance
Edwards: "Together"
McCain on "Face The Nation"
Clinton Talks To The Register's Editorial Board
George Allen Speaks For Fred Thompson
Hilary Clinton on Immigration Reform
Thompson on "Larry King Live"
Obama Talks To The Register's Editorial Board
John Edwards' DNC Speech
Grover Responds To The Candidates
Thompson Talks To The Register's Editorial Board
Newsmax.com - U.S. Intel Possibly Duped by Iran
INDONESIA Light sentence for terrorists who beheaded three Christians - Asia News
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- No Safe Harbor
Expert: 'Christian groups in PA to disappear' | Jerusalem Post
Phoenix Mayor Shifts on Officers’ Asking for Immigration Status - New York Times
A New Debate on Female Circumcision - TierneyLab - Science - New York Times Blog
Norman Hsu Indicted in N.Y. | The Trail | washingtonpost.com
Powerful Bay Area Lawyers Represent Immigrants For Free - News Story - KNTV | San Francisco
Islamists Target Michael Savage - December 3, 2007
WEBCommentary(tm) - Fiddling While it Burns: Michael Savage vs. CAIR, and Corporate America's Blind Eye
In Alaska, Oil Drilling May Threaten Whaling - New York Times
Democrat Senator’s Aide Arrested in Child Sex Sting | NewsBusters.org
FOXNews.com - Atheist Looks to Remove 'Under God' From Pledge of Allegiance, Currency - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
SCHIP Bill Increases Illegal Immigrants' Access to Medicaid and Undermines Welfare Reform
Tidal Wave of Lawyers Nears, Bar Data Forewarn - December 4, 2007 - The New York Sun
Iran wants world Islamic court for war crimes - Yahoo! India News
DEBKAfile - Bush Drops Military Option, Tehran Slams Door on Diplomacy
WorldNetDaily: CAIR called 'turnstile' for terrorist suspects
WorldNetDaily: Farah to discuss CAIR with Savage
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Hyping Hate Crime Vs. Muslims
Bill Clinton: Wife's Record Not Covered
The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Imus Day Two Ruined By Technical Glitches
Breitbart.tv » Meltdown on Day Two: Tech Glitch Prevents Imus from Broadcasting
baltimoresun.com - Bay & Environment: Historic vote on global warming
Bush to visit Israel in January - Israel News, Ynetnews
Catholic coloring book warns US kids of pedophile priests
WTNH.com, Connecticut News and Weather - Sentencing day for former Darien priest
No Charges Over Abortion Images in Ga.
FT.com / Companies / Autos - Carmakers warn of tough times in US
The Enquirer - Robbers: Tuition was motive
Iran: US Misled the World About Our Nuclear Program -- 12/04/2007
'US report should not deter world' | Jerusalem Post
World Tribune — Koch: Guess who's afraid of Iran?
US Ship Caused China 'Grave Concern'
Bay area schools randomly drug testing students - Local & State News - Tampa Bay's 10 - tampabays10.com
New Republic Disavows Iraq Diarist's Reports - washingtonpost.com
Al Qaeda-linked Web sites number 5,600: researcher | Reuters
British hospital turns Muslims' beds to face Mecca
Vulnerable Democrats See Fates Tied to Clinton - New York Times
Stay Current With Today's Top Breaking News Headlines - Examiner.com
Feds: Hand Over The Sax, Hsu - December 4, 2007
Person of the Year - TIME
Paroled Rapist Could Haunt Huckabee, GOP Candidate's Record As Arkansas Governor Marred By Controversial Parole Of Wayne DuMond - CBS News
Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job
Young Pakistanis: Bin Laden Is A CIA Creation
Man Tased 15 Times and Dragged Out of Vehicle
Ron Paul Charms The View
Britain 'is bound to follow if the US slides into recession'
Sen. Webb: Bush using 'fear tactics' for more war funding
Murdoch backs old adversary Clinton
G4's Layla Kayleigh interviews Ron Paul
Cop Who Shot Unarmed Man In Back Of Head 'Acted In Self-Defence'
Related: 'Not possible'
RFID: Making the World a Better Place
Manitobans may face fines, jail for not reporting child porn
Stephen Harper Opens Door To Prison Privatization
Houston, Texas to Deploy UAV Speeding Ticket Drones
Meet the women who won't have babies - because they're not eco friendly
Population control 'needs debate'
Related: The North American Union ID - Old Idea; New Sales Pitch
U.S. confirms high-tech driver's licences will be allowed at border
Robot cockroaches mingle with the real thing
US unleashes six bloggers in assault on Islamist propaganda
Intel will make net video "addictive"
Iron Fist or a Forked Tongue?: The West's Great Leap Forward: Knowledge Driven Revolution
PNAC Revisited: The Future of Warfare
Bloomberg’s Silence and Killing to Cure Poverty: Knowledge Driven Revolution
The Theory of Altruistic Government: Knowledge Driven Revolution
RFID Chips in Your Money, You Weren’t Supposed to Know: Knowledge Driven Revolution
Giuliani: the Terrorism and Graft Candidate
Citigroup’s Mexican Cronies
“Doomsday Seed Vault” in the Arctic
Supremes Uphold Warrantless Welfare Home Searches
Giuliani Brownshirt Threatens Ron Paul Supporter
What is the Security Prosperity Partnership?
Ron Paul: “Iraq is not Nazi Germany”
Taser Debate on Faux News
The Big Brother Agenda: Britain’s Spy Cameras and ID cards
Huckabee Says He’s God’s Candidate
Taser, the Next Generation: Wireless
CNN Hack: NAFTA Superhighway Figment Of Ron Paul’s Imagination
Court Allows Unlimited Police Power to Plant GPS on Vehicles

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