"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

10 December 2007


Arkansas Online : Previous Features / Investigations
Iran students break campus gate in protest: reports
City Considers Fingerprint Scanners In Police Cruisers - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
ABC News: Teen Dials Bush Private Number 'to Chat'
Al Gore is criticised for lining his own pockets after £3,300-per-minute green speech | the Daily Mail
Baby tax needed to save planet, claims expert | NEWS.com.au
After a century, one-armed bandit gets a makeover - International Herald Tribune
PM Gordon Brown's message to British troops in Iraq | "Happy Christmas, your war is over!" | The Sun |HomePage|News
My Way News - 5 Die in Colo. Church, Mission Attacks
Man opens fire, kills 2 at New Life Church in Colorado Springs : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
The Denver Post - Arvada missionary workers gunned down
Shas minister: Americans' attitude to report reminiscent of Auschwitz - Israel News, Ynetnews
Company News Story
Israel wants citizens abroad back home - Yahoo! News
New York Philharmonic - North Korea - Music - International Relations - New York Times
'Serial Killer' Pig Farmer Robert Pickton Guilty Of Murder |Sky News|World News
Gene makes fruit flies bisexual: study :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Health
New polls show no clear leader in either party
Clinton Volunteer Asked to Resign
My Way News - GOP Hopefuls Temper Anti-Immigrant Talk
Tancredo: GOP Candidates 'Pandering' At Spanish-Language Debate - Politics News Story - KMGH Denver
Why parole a monster like Green
My Way News - Giuliani Defends Questionable Expenses
Screenwriters Dig In for an Extended Brawl - New York Times
My Way News - Civil Rights Icon Calls Obama Too Young
LiveLeak.com - YOUNG: 'Clinton's gone with more black women than Barack'...
Tension in Hillaryland Grows as Plan Goes Awry
Is Romney Drifting, Or Is It the GOP?
Romney and Religion
Holy Huckabee! A Pastor's True Calling
The Dynamics of the GOP Race in Iowa
Obama and the American Idea
'Our Moment Is Now,' Obama Declares
Our Heroes Don't Want Pity, Just Respect
After the Battle of Al-Fajr
Paulson Behind the Curve
The Trouble With the Paulson Plan
Promoting Free-Market Ideals in Europe
Window of Opportunity in Venezuela
The Iran Threat Has Not Diminished
Due Process for Jihadists?
A Year Later, Signs of Progress Around the World
MTP: Giuliani
This Week: Biden
FNS: Huckabee, McCain
Dems Admit Paygo Was a Farce
More Farm Follies
Delay, Obstruction and Darfur
Who Says Obama Isn't Electable?
Oprah and Obama a Hit in S.C.
Republicans Woo Hispanic Voters
Candidates Scramble To Defend Their Pasts
Clinton Rolls a Sizable Pork Barrel
The GOP Univision Debate (PDF)
Huckabee, McCain ON Fox News Sunday
Rudy's Hour On "Meet The Press"
Treasury Secretary Paulson Discusses Housing
Polling Roundtable
C.I.A. Official In Inquiry Called A ?Hero?
Op-Ed Columnist: Henry Paulson?s Priorities
Rivals Hold Firm On Immigration In Republican Debate
Congo Republic Awash In Oil And Poverty
GOP launches first attack invoking Hillary
First black president? Obama doesn't say it
Messianic rhetoric infuses Obama rallies
GOP puts gloves back on at Spanish debate
Giuliani won't sever ties, release list
Huck defends '92 AIDS stance, NIE ignorance
Clinton women hit Iowa
Restore America's standing in world | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
It's sad Romney felt need to explain faith | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Quick takes: Look for the Iowa label | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Holidays could make campaign more positive | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Renew commitment to excellence | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
The State | 12/07/2007 | Protecting students | Bills target school predators
The State | 12/06/2007 | Immigration key issue for Legislature in 2008
The State | 12/07/2007 | Romney bridging religious gap
The State | 12/07/2007 | Edwards confident
Union Leader - State House Dome: Pay-day loan review a lobbyist windfall - Sunday, Dec. 9, 2007
Las Vegas Sun Politics: Democrats rush, rush, rush for commitments from caucusgoers
Las Vegas Sun Politics: Democrats address a Nevada issue: Foreclosures
Tancredo boycotts debate due to Spanish translation | Politics West
Eyes in the sky for convention | Politics West
Faith in the Oval Office | Politics West
GOP hopefuls beckon Hispanics in debate - The Boston Globe
Among Hispanic voters, GOP candidates look to Cuban-Americans for allies - The Boston Globe
Decade-old parole case haunts Huckabee on the campaign trail - The Boston Globe
Hillary Clinton Lands Earmarks For Campaign Contributions - Politics on The Huffington Post
Obama Privately Meets With New Hampshire Freedom to Marry group - Off The Bus on The Huffington Post
Second Clinton Volunteer Resigns Over Obama Muslim Email - Politics on The Huffington Post
Will Smith For Obama: The Next Oprah? - Entertainment on The Huffington Post
Can GOP Hopefuls Win Over Hispanics?, Immigration Rhetoric Creates Uneasy Relationship Between Republican Candidates And Spanish-Speaking Voters - CBS News
Gore: Next President Will Shift Climate, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Says Bush Successor Will Be More Engaged In Climate Crisis - CBS News
Oprah: "Sick Of Politics As Usual", Talk Show Host Does Her Best To Rally Votes For Barack Obama - CBS News
GOP Faceoff At Spanish Language Debate, Six Presidential Hopefuls Gather In Florida For Debate On Univision - CBS News
Questions Grow as Jan. 3 Nears
Beware the Fog of Politics
No Done Deal for Clinton
Much Ado About Mitt's Mormonism
Romney Flunks a Religious Test
Hill Briefed on Waterboarding in '02
In Defense of Free Speech--And Mark Steyn
Media Should Stop Glorifying Killers
Wrong First Impressions of Election 08
Beginning of the End for Hugo Chávez
New Republic Does Right Thing
Iran's Nukes Fade Away
Keep the Pressure on Iran
Republicans Find Their Obama
The GOP Race is Still Up for Grabs
Mitt's Mormon Dilemma
The Abandonment of the Jews
Blame Neglect for Mortgage Mess
Republicans on the Fringe in Academia
Is Aid to Africa Doing More Harm Than Good?
'Scientific' Polls
Thank you, Bush and Cheney
Solving the Abortion Conundrum
Chronicling the Shredding of Our Rights
It's a Statist Life
Save the World!
The Troubling Embrace of Alexander Hamilton
Wasted Vote?
Captain Blackadder's Complaint
Advocates of Evil
Io Triumpe
An Open Letter to President Bush and Vice President Cheney by Murray Sabrin
An Open Letter to Republicans by Andrew Ter-Grigoryan
It’s a Statist Life by D. Saul Weiner
Is the North American Union Conspiracy Theory Really Real?
Cartel Heads Greenspan and Welch Confronted Over Grossly Concentrated Power
Baer Suggests Saudis Could Stage Terror In America to Instigate Iran Attack
Post-Pearl Harbor 'Jap Hunting License' All Too Similar to 'Terrorist Hunting Permit'
DOD Plan: 21st Century Global Police Force
Prince Philip's top aide to be quizzed over 'murder' claims at Diana inquest
CNN: Seymour Hersh 'vindicated' by new Iran intel estimate
Another Shooter With A History Of Anti-depressant Use
Bush Official : "He Doesn't Represent The US Government...We Very Much Disagree With Him"
Chinese Dissidents Establish Transitional Mainland Government
Al Gore’s Real Colors
Gunman killed after opening fire at church - CNN.com
Ministry of Homeland Security Visited Omaha Mall Before Massacre
Lee Hamilton: CIA Obstructed the 9/11 Commission
Bush Authorizes Full Access to U.S. Roads for Even More Mexico-Based NAFTA Trucks
New Jersey to Pass Law Mandating Flu Vaccines for Preschoolers
Future Combat Systems: Point and Click War Machine
Video of Cops Tasering Pregant Woman
Ministry of Homeland Security Seizing Native American Land Under Eminent Domain
Scott Ritter: Cheney’s Iran Policy Still Stands
Dems Betray Promise to Exit Iraq for Third Time
Shooting War: The Horror of Iraq Goes Graphic
Child rape sentence 'pathetic' | The Australian
Top US government research labs infiltrated by hackers
CIA has recruited Iranians to defect - Los Angeles Times
Border issue moves into landowners' yards - Los Angeles Times
Video: CNN Report On Ron Paul Blimp
US is the world's largest jailer: HRW
WorldNetDaily: Canada openly proclaims NAFTA Superhighway
'Lyrical terrorist' sentenced over extremist poetry | Terror threat to Britain | Guardian Unlimited
AlterNet: Rights and Liberties: Bush Goes Private to Spy on You
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » House Votes for Big Brother Public Wi-Fi Law
US reversal on Iran intel reflects breaking of the ranks: analysts
PipelineNews.org - The RIGHT News...RIGHT Now
WorldNetDaily: CAIR's Islamist quizzers featured at prez debates
FOXNews.com - Arizona Businesses, Latino Groups Vow to Keep Fighting Illegal Immigrant Hiring Law - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
FOXNews.com - LAPD Arrests Student for Posting Loyola Shooting Threat - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Frederick seeks authority to deal with illegals - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Muslim apostates threatened over Christianity - Telegraph
BBC NEWS | South Asia | India issues stark terror warning
WorldNetDaily: 'Imagine no religion,' says atheists' display
Iran accuses US of nuclear espionage | Jerusalem Post
WorldNetDaily: Jerusalem to be divided, declares Israeli official
Official cites 'incriminating information,' rips American report as 'politically charged'
Sends formal protest note to Washington for alleged espionage
'It is time to make peace with the planet'
'A lot of the time he doesn't actually inform the audience'
Exotic wildlife, squalor that led to 2002 SARS outbreak has returned
Residents irked by city-approved sign in public park blaming faith for 9/11
Bob Just takes readers on a thought-provoking journey to paradise
'This is the closest I'm going to get to God in my physical lifetime'
Death toll in attacks rises to 5, police search for clues
Said he'd kill as many people as possible before being slain himself by police
Also in possession of pair of scissors, locked blade knife
'We will deal with a worst-case scenario of global proportion'
Draws estimated 20,000 despite driving sleet, fierce cold
But say they'll take strong measures to close off borders to illegals
Read quotes from Spanish-language debate in Florida
Largest lead for Hillary now just 3 percentage points
Exclusive: Chuck Norris exposes fundamental concern receiving little political notice
Says combat operations in Basra will end 'within 2 weeks'
Readers bombard Newsweek with evidence after adverse story on Ron Paul
Offered control of Ecuadorian airport, Panama opts to teach language
Kind of energy accord U.S. has been trying to prevent
New book blames celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears for phenomenon
Investigators find no probable cause commentator willfully violated law
Surge of support triggered by WND column endorsement
Bureau report indicates Muslim group's claims wildly inflated
Family concerned after authorities refuse to acknowledge his arrest
President Calderon welcomes Khatami in effort to bypass confrontational West
'That was my worst terror – that they would come in and teach me a lesson'
Venezuelans, Guatemalans, Brazilians now make South Florida their home
To probe CIA's destruction of taped interrogations of suspected terrorists
'You can tell he was beaten up pretty good'
Supported Hugo's Bolivarian revolution, worked to stop coup against him
Persistent fuel-gauge problem to blame for delay
Big cat flips South Dakotan's robe into water before running off
Claims pooch mauled her repeatedly when she worked for Leona in 2004
'There was about a half an hour there we really weren't sure Matt would live'
Man takes shot in nether region to promote his athletic supporter
Al cashes in lucratively in just 7 years from books, speeches, investments in technology, eco-ventures
Exclusive: Joseph Farah exposes former VP's effort to conceal UK court denunciation
Officials in recent weeks have indicated willingness to cut rates further
Will sell more than 1 million Cadillacs, Buicks, other model in 2008
Tehran moves closer to confrontation with U.S.
Kind of energy accord U.S. has been trying to prevent
'Of course your medicine, your hospital and everything is free'
Wall Street Journal about to become part of News Corp empire
'Television has lost a legend, a truly original executive'
'It's below expectations, but it's not an out-and-out debacle'
Initially said spot would violate network's prohibition on controversial issues
'There's been some amusing wisecracks about it'
Charity to benefit continent has regional bands covering famous songs
Exclusive: Craig R Smith offers guaranteed solution to alleged 'human rights' violations against terrorists
Exclusive: Joseph Farah slams schools for forcing Gore films on kids as 'mind control'
Exclusive: Doug Powers prescribes strong marriage, homeschooling to save climate
Exclusive: Vox Day warns president's legacy will be one of national self-destruction
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson blasts TV network's reluctant acceptance of patriotic ads
Exclusive: Michael Ackley laughs at city plan to deploy counselors, social workers
Exclusive: Greg Laurie warns of turning Jesus into God's 'only forgotten Son'
Exclusive: Matt Sanchez reprimands journal editor for claiming 'right-wing conspiracy'
Peter Lemiska: The prospect of a female leader is no longer a stretch of imagination
Desperation rarely leads to good policy, will not ease nation's mortgage crisis
Richard L. Cravatts: Harvard prof calls for civil dialogue with other perspectives
CBS executive brought Oprah to TV screens
Tea Party 07 - Ron Paul for President Mass Donation Day
WTO | Welcome to the WTO website
WHO | World Health Organization
The World Bank
World Affairs Council
SPP Home
U.S. Northern Command
Welcome to the UN. It's your world.
IMF -- International Monetary Fund Home Page
Department of Homeland Security | Preserving our Freedoms, Protecting America
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
The European Council on Foreign Relations
Europa - The European Union On-Line
ECB: European Central Bank home page
Council on Foreign Relations
Home page - Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Bank for International Settlements
TruthNet Radio - Broadcasting the TRUTH 24 Hours A Day!
Intel Strike » Pentagon Plan: 21st Century Global Police Force
informationliberation - The GMO Giants Know Something We Don’t...
Graphic: Truck Plows Through Group of Reporters and Protesters in Taiwan
Four Dead in Colorado Church Shootings
NBC Political Analyst Launches Rage Attack on Romney’s ‘Religion’ Speech
News Anchor Has Some Difficulty Describing Woman’s Butt Implant Nightmare
Germany's attack on Scientology
Killer robots could replace soldiers
The Gloves Are Off Of The Military Industrial Complex
Secret DoJ Legal Memos: Bush Determines What Is Constitutional
NYPD Intelligence Division Officer: “We Are in the Business of Scaring People”
CFR: Considering the PetroEuro
A Proposal to Require Flu Vaccines for Preschool
Huckabee Once sought quarantine for people with AIDS
Homeland Security Visited Omaha Mall Before Massacre
Monsanto Is Winning The GMO Biotech Ground War
“Lone Gunman” Kills Cult Members in Colorado
Jewish Racism: Jewish Bankers Again Target Russia for Revolution
FREEMASONRY TODAY - Summer 1998 - Issue 05
MI5 chief refuses to back longer detention limit - Telegraph
US, Iraq at Odds Over Sunni Groups
Civil rights group: Israel has reached new heights of racism :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
New Videos by Iranian President, Pike
Natalee Holloway's Alleged Killers Go Free
Ritual Gloating Postmortems - Corporate Media Vs Hugo Chavez
BBC NEWS | Special Reports | World 'divided' on press freedom
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
» 8 Senior Republican Appointees Challenge 9/11 Story
» Obstruction of Justice in 9/11 Investigation
» Ron Paul is needed to end the war
» Pat Tillman Soldier Death In Afganistan War By M16
» Why did Netherlands vote against DU enquiry?
» Should Corporate Media Be ‘Wiped Off the Map’?
» In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism

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