"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

14 December 2007

Friday - 14th



Fineman: Huckaboom and Hillabust - Decision '08- msnbc.com
YouTube - Turning Toward Hope
The Denver Post - Wyo. Dem chief: Clinton would hurt party
Concord Monitor - Obama edges Clinton in poll
'Santa Claus Hates You' T-Shirt For Sale - Spotlight News Story - WKMG Orlando
. U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :.
Way News - US, Europe Make Progress at Climate Talks
The Blotter: Al Qaeda Releases New Recording
wcbstv.com - Principal Tells Teachers To Dumb-Down Standards
My Way News - Writers Guild Files Labor Complaint
Latenight tries to stage comeback - Entertainment News, WGA Writers Strike, Media - Variety
Citigroup reveals $49 billion subprime blow amid ratings downgrade
NPR : Greenspan: Recession Odds 'Clearly Rising'
Clinton Apologizes To Obama Over Aide's Drug Remark
My Way News - Flood of Campaign Operatives Cause Worry
OpinionJournal - Peggy Noonan
My Way News - Democrats in Debate Urge Taxes on Rich
More Blacks Lean Toward Obama - WSJ.com
Iowa Republicans consider another debate - Jonathan Martin's Blog - Politico.com
Townhall.com::Huckacide::By Rich Lowry
HillaryClinton.com - Video
Military Soft On Don't Ask, Don't Tell?, 60 Minutes: Is Military More Tolerant Of Gay Members In Wartime? - CBS News
North Korea may have aided Hezbollah: U.S. report | Reuters
Coal Ash Is More Radioactive than Nuclear Waste: Scientific American
Latest hoodies 'a hooligan's tool' | NEWS.com.au
AIDS researchers find protein that greatly boosts HIV infection
WorldNetDaily: Dems: Amen to Ramadan, but forget about Christmas
Sharpton slams reported fed probe of '04 run - CNN.com
Judge attacks nine errors in Al Gore's 'alarmist' climate change film| News | This is London
The Ron Paul I Know by Carol Paul
Money Pits by Doug French
'Mr. Speaker, Peace Is Always Superior to War' by Anthony Gregory
How to Legally Live a Life of Crime, or Whitewashing the Real Crimes in the Duke Case by William L. Anderson
A Review of Peter Schiff’s Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse by Bob Murphy
Beam Me Up by Kevin Duffy
An Open Letter to Home Schooling Parents on Behalf of Ron Paul by Georgia Clifton
Ron Paul's Revolution Problem by George Ajjan
An Open Letter to Students by Alexander S. Peak
Whose Hole Is Looped? by Paul Hein
Women's backbones facilitate pregnancy - Telegraph
Did Unity Mitford have Adolf Hitler’s love child? - Times Online
The Ties That Bind Rick Perry & Rudy Giuliani
Terror Exercise Manager Peter Power "Grins and Bears" Tough Questions on 7/7 False-Flag Bombing
EU chaos as heckling British MEPs chanting 'referendum' ordered to leave Parliament
Ron Paul Warns Middle Class Being "Wiped Out" In Final Debate
Neocons Revise WMD Entry on Wikipedia Propaganda Portal
Fox News ‘Comedian’ Declares ‘Waterboarding: It’s A Good Thing’
The CIA may use waterboarding on Al-Qaeda, but the simple truth is torture does not work
U.K. Pound Declines as Survey Shows Worsening Housing Slowdown
Asking the Wrong Questions About the Federal Reserve
Have Bilderberg Kingmakers Selected Perry for Giuliani Running Mate?
Only Fascism Can Liberate America!
ABC News: Paul: Gov't Fails, So Get Out of Healthcare
Ron Paul Surpasses Fred Thompson as the New Straw Poll Leader Says USAStrawPolls.com
Naomi Wolf - "There hasen't been a real investigation of 9/11."
Pelosi and Harman Aided and Abetted 9/11 Cover Up
Philly 9/11 Truth Confronts 9/11 Commission Vice Chair Lee Hamilton on 'Angel Is Next' Threat Against Air Force One
Can Facebook Stand Tall Against Big Brother?
"Look": The First Major US Film Made Entirely With Surveillance Footage
Crashed Gitmo Torture Jet Did Double Duty as a Coke Mule
Ron Paul Warns Middle Class Being “Wiped Out” In Final Debate
Genetic Monstrosities: Glow in the Dark Cats
National Anti-Radar Front Blows Up French Speed Cameras
Mitt Romney to Buy Clear Channel Communications
More Wikipedia Silliness: Gitmo Troops Call Castro Transsexual
Banana Republic USA
Oblivious to Inflation, Consumers Flock to Malls
U.N.’s Ban Ki-moon is a Carbon Criminal
WorldNetDaily: Gunman boasted of following 'wickedest man in the world'
Philly precedent could be used against museums, radio station
'When you wear Jesus glasses, you cannot see the truth'
Critic: 'It's like having a CEO of an airline who has no experience flying'
Mercy also granted to carjackers, but not border agents defending U.S.
Documents detail deal handing Judaism's holiest site to Arafat
Report: Iran's supreme leader orders transfer of power to deputy
Report: Terrorists taught onsite in Lebanon how to build underground bunkers
May have misled prosecutors during jury selection
'Ignorance is a wall and we break down those walls to build bridges with each other'
9 House members praise Islamic faith, won't recognize Christian observance
5-woman prayer group says political correctness taking Christ out of Christmas
Hindus, Sikhs, Human Rights Commission agree secularization has gone too far
E-mail to ministry: 'I have studied, practiced teachings' of occultists
Who do you think is the 'wickedest man on Earth' today?
Accused of putting non-permitted religious messages on side of semi-trailer
Pastor: 'There's already so much hate in this world and we need to keep loving'
Says document written by 3 former State Department officials 'to maximize confusion'
Doc responsible for several women's deaths admits barely washing hands between clients
Baseball writers have mixed views on whether pitcher will get their vote
MVPs, All-Stars named in steroids investigation
'The response by baseball was slow to develop'
Once-imposing lead has evaporated in run-up to primary
Says former governor used line-item veto to nix other features of health bill
'He wants to trick the nation by having illegal aliens leave for a day to pick up new papers'
Obama: 'We're not going to be able to dig ourselves out' of Bush-era deficits
Woman also faces more time for reportedly trying to get teen to kill her husband
Former beauty queen, married mother of 2, charged with 3rd-degree rape
Majority say states should not check status for those applying for driver's licenses
Judge: 'There is a serious risk that the defendant will not appear'
Crews in Plains, Midwest work to restore power to hundreds of thousands left in dark
Brewer looking for character from folklore, – 'a graphic representation of local culture'
Keeps them onboard extra 30 minutes: 'Since you aggravated me, I'm going to aggravate you'
'I thought the American people's voices were so – and still are – so strong in this regard'
Claimed self-defense in struggle over lighted cigarette that could alert snipers
White House threatened to veto measure this week in lengthy statement
Says current policies far from those he put in place as president
Defying congressional subpoena to explain how group spent $98 million raised last year
8-year-old German shepherd to be adopted by family of Marine slain in Iraq
'I've never seen such a harsh punishment recommended for a nonviolent crime'
Man clocked at 107 mph with his 11-year-old daughter in passenger's seat
'She's a real strong woman. But it is being undressed by a stranger in your own bedroom'
Police suggest limb taken by those hoping to benefit from magical healing powers
Driver refused to call police: 'It was a hate crime against me because I was white'
Woman says she did 'best' she could with her son
Before clicking on holiday greeting, learn how you may be helping hacker or spammer
Zoo official suggests animal took to water after being frightened in bush
Said Americans didn't know much about geography because they lacked maps
Vessel discovered just 70 feet from shore in less than 10 feet of seawater
Philadelphia dig reveals evidence of slaves at mansion site
Sect's kidney donations pose dilemma for doctors – member's mom objects
Brewer looking for character from folklore, – 'a graphic representation of local culture'
'People still don't know where the bodies are buried'
'As long as uncertainty ... exists the disruptions on the money market are likely to persist'
Ex-Fed head says economic growth getting close to 'stall speed'
Traders remain unsure of Fed plan to aid credit markets
Germany's biggest airline paying $300 million in 1st foray into U.S. market
'The housing segment of the economy still has a way to go before bottoming out'
Christmas tree ornaments sold in U.S. tied to sweatshop labor
75% of companies plan to maintain levels of incentive payouts like year-end bonuses
Mogul's bid represents rich 65% premium over price of shares before offer became public
Researchers: 74% of UK philatelists university educated, compared with only 20% of public
Union accused retailer of predatory pricing, offering illegal discounts
Company says change of leadership should not be read as sign IPO is imminent
Undies suggest girls don't need money, they just need sugar daddy
French store offers male models to try on clothes
Says company failed to tell him using device to surf Internet would cost so much
New design features purple, gray colors, other changes to foil counterfeiters
'He in essence expects to be rewarded for not stealing this money'
Dave Ramsey advises man who can pay cash for house, guy with sprendthrift fiancee
Exclusive: Joseph Farah encourages readers to cast votes for 'straightforward' candidate
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer challenges Mike over rhetoric about illegals, education
Exclusive: Jerome Corsi spotlights Council on Foreign Relations' admiration for Mike
Bill Press cheers Mike Huckabee as Republicans' 'unelectable' front-runner
Phyllis Schlafly wants all candidates to respond to poisonous food, toys issue
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan shares highlights of pro-troops trip to nation's capital
Exclusive: Matt Barber wants Americans to use power of knowledge to fight abortion
Pat Buchanan: Intelligence uncertainties have torpedoed Bush policy on Iran
Daniel Pipes explains how 'small-minded' intel bureaucrats cooked their own goose
Exclusive: Reader sees socialism's need to quash dissent behind 'medicating' kids
Annabelle Gurwitch lists 'the little things that drove me crazy'
Exclusive: Tristan Emmanuel sees East in role of re-discipling Western secularists
Projection for growth shows 8 billion in next 27 years
Quin Hillyer covers this year's 'vicious' attacks on conservatives
SATC - Introducing the 'Golden Minute'
Israel National Radio
Why Is There No Honest Discourse About Terrorism's Roots?
Three Colombians Plead Guilty to Supporting Terrorist Group
Al Gore's private slip-of-tongue at UN climate conference in Bali admits George Bush exhibited effort to stop Global Warming in private meeting following White House Nobel Prize ceremony.
Hillary Clinton, Cultural Marxist
Inflation vs Demand
ACLU Claims Religious Test 'Proposed as a Necessary Qualification' for President
Matt Simon: ABC Exiles Ron Paul Interview to Web - Off The Bus on The Huffington Post
Hillary’s Musharraf Greg Palast
Patriotism by Ron Paul
Navigating the Land of Toy Recalls
Is America's Day of Reckoning at Hand?
Can Raw Fruit,Vegetables Prevent Cancer?
Obesity Affects Fertility,Cancer Survival
Senator Biden: America's 'Everyday Joe'
Omaha Sparks Mall Security Debate
Is There an ID Chip in Your Future?
Romney: We Are Bound by Moral Convictions
Edwards: Fighting for the Regular Guy
Iran, NKorea and Mideast Top Rice Agenda
CBN Media Center - Christian World News
2 Ph.D Students Killed on LSU Campus - U.S. - CBN News
FBI Probes Iraq IG on Misconduct Claims - U.S. - CBN News
Gates Pushes Allies on Afghan War Help - World - CBN News
US, EU Head Toward Compromise - Health and Science - CBN News
CBN Media Center - NewsWatch
Crosswalk Directory - Churches - Listen Online
Congress Must Be Held Accountable for Solving the Illegal Immigration Crisis
Remembering John Jay, One of Our Founding Fathers
Online Video Commentary on the "Holiday" Season
Asking the Wrong Questions About the Federal Reserve
Government Cannot Do Church's Job
Dog Killer Goes to Prison, Abortionists Stay in Business
The Constitution of The United States of America | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
The United States Bill of Rights | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Donate to The New American magazine | The New American
alamo ministries
The Shepherd's Chapel
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna - International Society For Krishna Consciousness
Hare Krishna News Network
Hare Krishna World
Krishna's Internet Radio Station
The BHAGAVAD-GITA in English
Audio Bible Online
New Revised Standard Version of the Bible
The Bible, King James Version
Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon
Free Bible Tools - Strong's Concordance With Greek & Hebrew!
Bible Index - King James Version - Strongs Concordance - Frames Version

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