"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

06 December 2007

6 Dec.


Victim Feels 'Exceedingly Lucky' - Omaha News Story - KETV Omaha
My Way News - Man Opens Fire at Omaha Mall, Killing 8
Hillary Clinton HQ 'bomber' hoped police would kill him
Young Europeans prefer Internet to TV: poll
FT.com / Companies / IT - Apple’s rising popularity lures hackers
Mitt Romney's Faith Speech
fcc's Martin Faces Panel On Media-Ownership Reforms
Airports Fail to Prioritize Safety
US loses ground on runway safety - GAO report
Edwards Decides To Play Good Cop
Judge Rules for DNC in Calendar Fight
AP newsbreak: Preacher rebuffs Senate
Teen births tilt up, unmarried rate hits record
Senate Panel Takes Global Warming Bill
National Briefing | Washington Leahy Criticizes Vacant Posts
Dozens Of Cars Destroyed In Fire
Missing hunter found two days after going missing
Search resumes for missing snowboarders
MONTEREY / 'Legendary' surfer perishes in huge waves
Divers search canal in Stacy Peterson case
No holiday cheer for Peterson
Why the Pentagon Is Happy about the NIE
British Man Presumed Dead for 5 Years Arrested for Fraud
Supreme Court weighs Guantanamo hearings
4 Car Bombs Kill 22 as Gates Arrives in Iraq
Sino-US Conflict Brews Over Climate Technology
Thailand celebrates king's 80th birthday
Somali Prime Minister Pledges to Broaden Base
Sri Lanka Says Tamil Rebels Kill 15 Civilians in Bus Bombing
Family messages to Brit hostages
'Missing' ship found safe in Pacific
The real prison numbers scandal
Romney's Crunch Time
A Hope List for Romney's Speech
What the Founders Would Say
Obama & the Dean, Hart, Kennedy Trap
Revenge of the Evangelicals
Openings in an Altered World
Thank 'Cowboy Diplomacy' on Iran
Bush is Such a Liar
Political Persecution in Colorado
The Evil at GTMO
Clinton Rivals Hammer Her Iran Vote
Immigration Confronts Democrats in an Iowa Debate
More Immigrant Woes for Romney
Polls, Polls, and More Polls
Sens. Rockerfeller And Bond Debate NIE
Dems back off on Iraq demands
No. 3 GOP spot is competitive
Huck defends lack of awareness on Iran
Do Democrats have the backbone to win?
Clinton staffer received anti-Obama e-mail
Terrorism insurance bill hits stalemate
Hillary warns Wall Street
Cheney confident on Iraq future
Edwards plays good cop
NPR debate kept quiet, stays civil
Grassley makes presidential predictions
Comprehensive approach needed: Yes, enforce border, but also address illegal immigrants now here.
Tancredo’s TV ad links immigrants to violence
Huckabee urges respect, cooperation with other nations
Richardson ’not interested’ in pursuing vice presidency
Rule change could limit 'pork,' lawmakers say
New ‘green’ tax rules two-tiered
Huckabee Accuses Former Parole Board Members Of Making Politically Motivated Allegations
Romney cries foul on pro-Huckabee calls
Giuliani resigns as head of firm, calls his work there 'totally legal'
Candidate provides new fodder for rivals
For Most, Mormonism Remains A Mystery
Dems Scramble For Undecided Iowa Voters
Obama Calls For Expanding Service Programs
Clinton Volunteer Quits Over Obama E-Mail
Thompson: Arctic Oil Can Lower Gas Prices
Worst Mass Slaying In Nebraska History Claims 9 - Omaha News Story - KETV Omaha
Man Opens Fire at Omaha Mall, Killing 8
WOWT - HomePage
Action 3 News - Omaha, Nebraska News, Weather, and Sports | Police Remove Grenade from Westroads Parking Lot
KSTP.com - Record home foreclosures cause snow removal problems
Tour Bus Bound For Talk Show Crashes Onto Church Grounds - News Story - KNBC | Los Angeles
My Way News - Gypsy Clans Feud Over Fortunetelling Biz
VOA News - US Senate Panel Approves Bill To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Global Warming Vote on Snowy Day in Washington
My Way News - Deal Reached on Mortgage Rate Freeze
High income taxes in Denmark worsen a labor shortage - International Herald Tribune
NIE: An Abrupt About-Face
My Way News - Clinton Volunteer Quits Over Obama Email
TheHill.com - Hillary, Rudy may know life after death
Hollywood Writers Seek Percentage of Internet Revenue
Military urged Chavez to concede defeat: report - Americas
Reuters AlertNet - FEATURE-Philippine Catholics afraid of Muslim homeland deal
CANOE -- CNEWS - Crime: Radical Islam spread in prisons: Report
Couple asked to take down American flag - Local & State News - Tampa Bay's 10 - tampabays10.com
BBC 'funded paintballing trip for Islamic terrorists and didn't pass on information about 21/7 bombers' | the Daily Mail
FOXNews.com - Nebraska Mall Shooter Broke Up With Girlfriend, Lost Job Before Massacre - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
War Is Out, but Iran Is Dangerous
Iran's Nukes: Now They Tell Us?
NIE Report is Propoganda Victory for Iran
Forget JFK, Romney Seeks His Own 'Faith'
Mormon Speech Pivotal for Romney
Hillary Was Supposed to Know How to Rumble
Do Dems Have the Backbone to Win?
The Problem w/ 'Eve of Destruction' Politics
Get Ready for the GOP Playoffs
IA Turnout Could Help Clinton, Obama
No Faith in Mitt's Candor
Is Huckabee Dems' Biggest Nightmare?
What If the Conventions Are Contested?
Be Leery Of Mortgage-Meltdown Fixes
How the U.K. and U.S. Made the Modern World
The Costs of Containing Iran
Of Teddy Bears and Cartoons
A Rescue for Borrowers
A Political Reversal on Iran
Iran's Nonexistent Nuclear Program
The CIA's Flip-Flop on Iran is Hardly Reassuring
Crucial Test for Romney in Speech on His Religion
Clinton, Edwards Up the Ante on Foreclosures
As N.H. Primary Nears, Clinton Clings to Narrow Lead
Parties Struggle to Control Primaries
Huckabee Discusses Parole In "The Situation Room"
Negroponte Recounts Trip To The Middle East
Iran; And Trade With Latin America
The NPR Democratic Debate In Iowa
President Bush's Press Conference
U.S. Says Military Notes Led To Shift On Iran
The Flaws In The Iran Report
Bush Wins Deal To Freeze Mortgages
Lenders Agree To Freeze Rates On Some Loans
Bush to Iran: 'Come clean
Sen. Hillary Clinton asks mortgage-backed securities leaders to freeze interest rates and put a moratorium on foreclosures to spare homeowners
WorldNetDaily: Hundreds of safety violations documented for Mexican rigs
Campaigns silent, refuse to answer even simple questions about issues
Margins from 28 percentage points to 36 percent among Democrats
Suggested Barack a Muslim who wants to destroy United States
Ex-governor calls story 'complete exploitation'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah gives Mike lesson in true Christian compassion
'From fertilization we are dealing with something that represents the will of God'
Questions whether Republic, 'of, by and for the people' will survive
Magazine ridicules North American Union, superhighway as baseless conspiracies
'I was up front, and everybody except me was shot. It's a blur'
Judges asked to remove Him from motto, Pledge of Allegiance
'Citizens are being denied the right to have their vote count'
California parents start reacting to new 'education' requirements
Family group suggests proposal 'runs counter to free speech'
Bureau sets up El Salvador office targeting notorious MS-13, 18th Street
Pontiff offers indulgences for pilgrims who make it to Lourdes, France
'You said ho, ho, ho and that's not appropriate'
Day after U.S. announced $400 million to bolster Palestinian leader against terror group
Nardelli reportedly tells employees, automaker won't confirm number
Hailed as 'angel from heaven' for jumping in front gunman
Trysts continued even after teacher married fellow instructor
Minister rebuffs federal inquiry on salaries, spending
Crosses to be removed from chaplain badges
'We assess that Tehran is determined to develop nuclear weapons'
Would set caps on U.S. greenhouse gas emissions beginning in 2012
Wire service: 'Change is occurring too quickly for [plants and animals] to evolve'
'I think the stakes are way way too high to be playing around'
Seeks universal, global agreement before the end of 2009'
Juveniles range in age from 14 to 15, were riding home after school
Online clip shows victim taunted before onslaught begins
'We've definitely got the Holy Grail'
53-year-old husband named suspect, but maintains innocence
Woman slipped on floor while responding to 9-1-1 call
Study: Problems even among those who eventually slim down
'Took action to protect his community from an obviously dangerous drunk driver'
Prosecutor says not illegal 'as shocking and offensive as they are'
'It seems like [administrators] are trying to silence the activist groups'
'Now he will be joining us in spirit with his name emblazoned'
New 'View' co-host Sherri Shepherd gives Whoopi something to think about
Some harrowing stories that draw sympathetic media reports simply untrue
Democrat lawmakers, presidential contenders quickly blast plan as being too timid
Bond market frets: 'Even a 1-notch downgrade would be very serious'
All those empty houses mean no one's around to clear sidewalks
Said teaming up with Amazon.com to compete with Apple's iTunes
Say turbines could kill untold numbers of migratory birds, damage bay
Report cites chronic incompetence, disagreeable or impersonal welcome
Could lead recipients into 'phishing' schemes to steal credit card info
'People looking for a house should use all the resources they can'
California AG petitions EPA to impose standards on industry
Gals who go out to work still do bulk of household chores
Its mortgage investments declined by $9 billion in November
Company in bankruptcy, new owners plan to manfuacture in Indiana
Would set aside more than $1.5 billion to compensate 700 counties in 39 states
Rejecting Trump's golf resort 'would deter global investment'
Exclusive: Aaron Klein whacks secretary for requesting additional cash for terrorists
See compilation footage of candidate's best rhetoric
Murray Waas releases letters by women pleading for continued jailing of rapist
Exclusive: Jane Chastain rips candidates for pandering to Iowans, big agribusinesses
Ann Coulter flays National Review for trashing of 'the greatest book since the Bible'
Exclusive: Craige McMillan tells readers they too can 'participate' in re-election mania
Larry Elder reports data showing more GOPers claim to have excellent mental health
Exclusive: Dan Roodt looks at how recent Muslim riots forecast demographic tsunami
Exclusive: Jack Cashill recommends dozen tomes sure to stir up American complacency
Rebecca Hagelin asserts it's individuals, not government, that can cheer downtrodden
Exclusive: Readers delve into taxes, religion, Islamo-fascism
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky tears into actors whose behaviors qualify them as 'male bimbos'
Isabel Lyman profiles Florida's Christian QB whose 'kryptonite is hubris'
Mall Security Demands ID From Truthers Under Patriot Act
The Unknown Dangers of Nanotech
San Francisco GOP Group Cancels Straw Poll After Ron Paul Supporters Pour In
Podhoretz’s ‘Dark Suspicion’: Intel Community Trying To Sabotage Bush With NIE
Bill of Rights Under Bush: A Timeline
Government of Alberta: NAFTA Trade Corridors & State Truck Standards
Ex-Canadian PM Next 9/11 Truther?
Iris scans let law enforcement keep eye on criminals
Cops test surveillance system at tree lighting
What is the CFR?: The Bush Clinton Bush Clinton Administration
Ron Paul Spambot Caper: Political Sabotage and Dirty Tricks?
Bolton Takes to Factor, Promises Neocon Objection to NIE
CNN: Seymour Hersh ‘vindicated’ by new Iran intel estimate
It turns out Ahmadinejad was the truthful one
Alberta Government Admits NAFTA Superhighway
Amnesty International Demands Full and Public Scrutiny of Jean Charles de Menezes Murder
Huckabee: the Candidate Clueless about Iran NIE
British “Terrorist” Poet Receives Suspended Sentence
You Can Now Get Your Mercury and Formaldehyde Flu Sot at the Airport
DARPA seeks network firing ranges for cyber weaponry
Romney Employed Illegals at His Mansion
Another Breakthrough Energy Inventor Murdered?
It Just Gets Crazier - Airports Offering Flu Shots
Risk is high for 'catastrophic' runway crash, report warns - CNN.com
Visible ROOFTOP explosions just before North Tower Collapse | 911Blogger.com
Robot soldiers
UFO Crash Book
Iran Didn't Spark MidEast Nuclear Arms Race
Matt Simon: Former Google Employee Engineers NH Ground Campaign For Ron Paul - Off The Bus on The Huffington Post
Bernie Bucks And The Ron Paul Dollar Hustle
Iranian Attack on Hold Only Temporarily « The Ugly Truth
AT&T saying good-bye to its last pay phones -- chicagotribune.com
Waxman, Mukasey and Ten Million Missing Emails
New Right Rallies against Hate Bill
Asia Times Online :: China Business News - The coming China crash
Lo, Murdoch did bring the good news and stored up riches on earth | Media | The Guardian
Makow - America Divides Over 'God' In Hollywood Horror
Does the Bible Hold the Missing Key to the Current UFO Debate
RIA Novosti - World - U.S. and allies continue to push for sanctions against Iran
FDA science dearth puts public health at risk | Health | Reuters
The NAU - Doublespeak And Lies Vs Reality
Ron Paul Tea Party December 16
Ron Paul Can Save America - With YOUR Help
S.1959 Will Criminalize Free Speech, Thought Across America
End Of Free Speech - Hate Bill Approval Next Week?
See Gaza And Weep
IIlegal Aliens Cause Massive Cuts For US Seniors
Jewish Racism: How Einstein Helped Hitler
Kawther Salam » Blog Archive » The Daily Life of Kawther Salam
Melanie Scarborough: Somebody is lying about FISA - Examiner.com
George Washington's Blog: Former President of Italy: 9/11 was an Inside Job
Think Progress » Despite Knowledge That Iran Halted Nuke Program, White House Continued To Warn Of False Threat
Israel, Cheney & Bush - What Did They Know and When
'Cooling Down' Begins At Svalbard Global Seed Vault
The Austrian Government And US Intelligence
Romney to address role of religion
One dead in parcel bomb explosion in Paris
Witnesses describe chaos, terrifying moments inside mall
Mall gunman declared 'Now I'll be famous'
High court hears Gitmo detainee rights case
Runway safety in bad weather is poor, federal report says
Kin blame Huckabee in killings
Huckabee on Rapist, Murderer
Emissions bill heads to fight on Senate floor
Long decline in birthrate of teens ends
SF supervisors' panel backs Sequoia voting machines
Andrew Cuomo out for blood in Troopergate, says Spitzer aide
Ex-principal of Arabic Khalil Gibran school loses round in court
Building Partially Collapses in Florida
Mahony gives police details about assault
Judge throws out suit over Fla. primary
Gates Said to Oppose Force Shift to Afghanistan
VA nominee pledges to heal department
Teen struck and killed by Amtrak train near Oakland identified
Police Shoot Woman After Chase in New Jersey
Obama calling youth to service
Obama, donning Kennedy's cloak, issues "call to serve"
No one hurt in ’tornado of fire’ tanker explosion
Study Questions Va. Driver Fees, Raising the Possibility of Repeal
Study: Expensive fees aren't making roads safer
John Darwin's sons say they were 'victims of a scam'
US sticks to divisive climate change policy - official
Iran and US Jockey for Position
Pakistan's Sharif Barred From Meeting Detained Former Top Judge
Abbas open to Hamas talks if it cedes Gaza control
Sri Lanka warns rebels after bus attack kills 16
Officials Report Another Mine Explosion in China
Mine blast in China leaves dozens dead
Gates Cautiously Upbeat on Iraq
Car Bombs Kill 22 As Gates Visits Iraq
Bush makes overtures to North Korean leader
Countdown to zero: mediators prepare Kosovo report
Philippines Convicts 14 Muslim Militants in a 2001 Kidnapping
Gitmo Goes to Court
Justices Ready to Answer Detainee Rights Question
Death toll in central Baghdad car bombing rises to 19
Rice urges cease-fire in Somalia
Uganda: President Museveni Meets Rice in Ethiopia
China's Rise, Mugabe Will Dominate EU-Africa Meeting (Update1)
Supporters want Putin to stay in power
UK government to propose longer detention for terrorist suspects
Germans extradite Kercher murder suspect
Germany extradites suspect in UK student murder
NAFTA Trade Corridors Are Real
Senate Passes Peru FTA
Texas To Track Emergency Evacuees Using RFID
Is the North American Union a Figment of the Imagination?
Presidential Candidate Profiles Available from The New American

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