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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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20 December 2007


My Way News - Giuliani OK After Checkup at Hospital
Ahead of Iowa, Republican Race Is Wide Open - WSJ.com
Drivers who use mobile phones face jail - Telegraph
FEC heads toward shutdown - The Crypt's Blog - Politico.com
Vladimir Putin - Person of the Year 2007 - TIME
Choosing Order Before Freedom - Person of the Year 2007 - TIME
Romney ‘disgusted’ by Time choice
The Weekly Standard
'Nuclear bunker being built for PM' | Jerusalem Post
Morgan Stanley posts first quarterly loss, and welcomes Chinese investor - International Herald Tribune
Fed Loans Banks $20 Billion: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
My Way News - House Approves $70 Billion More for War
Archbishop says nativity 'a legend' - Telegraph
MyFox WGHP | Chairs Thrown During Parents' Fight at School Christmas Program
Thrown Object Knocks Out Santa
Plaster of disguise: Bandaged Michael Jackson goes shopping in Las Vegas | the Daily Mail
Eco-boat powered by human fat attempts round the world speed record | the Daily Mail
Drudge alert: Lighten up, already - Entertainment News, Brian Lowry, Media - Variety
Probe: Beauty Queen Clothes Were Sprayed
My Way News - Kerrey Apologizes to Obama Over Remark
Huckabee and Giuliani tied in 2008 Republican race | Reuters
My Way News - Romney Aligns Himself With Bush in Iowa
My Way News - Huckabee Counts on Pastors for Iowa Help
Rush to Judgment - New York Times
For Clinton, A Matter of Fair Media
Mohammed now second most popular boys' name in Britain| News | This is London
2,600 Pages of Clinton Records Withheld - December 19, 2007 - The New York Sun
Punishing Failed Terror Plot: Cologne Suitcase Bombers Get Long Sentences - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Top News Blog Posts powered by BlogBurst
Man arrested with 'Christmas Day' bomb | NEWS.com.au
WorldNetDaily: Al-Qaida targets Pakistan nukes
Immigration semantics trip up candidates - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
AKI - Adnkronos international Iran: Top cleric says women without veils must die
Paul keeps white supremacist donation - Yahoo! News
Couple forced to take in criminal lodger after he tells court their house is HIS home address | the Daily Mail
FOXNews.com - Border Patrol Agents Face Massive Increase in Assaults - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Morgan Stanley Selling Stake in Company | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Bullies, Muggers, Sneak Thieves, and Con Men
A Christian Christmas in Iran
A Non-Voter Votes
Non Peak Oil Update
The Long Tail and Long Reach of Ron Paul
From Solon to Subprime
Rudy Who?
The Red-Headed Step-Child of the GOP
The New Huey Long
The Renaissance of Latin
War Is the Enemy of Civilization
The Real Value of Music
Beck Complains Of Threats, Yet Wanted To "Kill Michael Moore"
Rockefellers "Joked" About Controlling The World
Ron Paul Doesn't Rule Out Third Party Run
NASCO: Ron Paul Is "Confused" About NAFTA Superhighway
Coercive population control: from the mouth of Frank Notestein
DNA Pandora's Box
Culling the herd
Taiwan president pushes for naval build-up
WeAreChange Halloween 2007
System to Track Cloned Animals Is Planned
Chemtrail Proof - German Military Exposed
United Nations Model for the New World Order is China
RON PAUL on Glenn Beck Show for a FULL HOUR Dec 18, '07
Huckabee Supporters Suspected Of Illegal New Hampshire Robocalling
Latest Pathetic Mud-Slinging Attempt Smears Ron Paul As "Zionist Shill"
Glenn Beck Show Scrolls Paul Is Dead Message During Interview
Ron Paul TV Special for Iowa
Ron Paul's Base Could Give Him Post-Primary Influence, Experts Say
Borg Hive Technology Now Nearly Main Street
NSA Gets Real Time Access to Your Email
Surprise Over Government Criminality in the Corporate Media Echo Chamber
U.S. Warrantless Wiretapping predates 9/11
Congress Slams Second Amendment
Surveillance Society: New High-Tech Cameras Are Watching You
Unconstitutional Rewards
Neocon Historical Revisionism in Grade School Textbooks
2007: The Year in Thugs
California NBC4 Report on “Chemtrail Weather Control”
Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind
Hillary the Hawk
Another Milestone on the Road to Serfdom
Bubba Clinton and Poppy Bush, Emissaries of Mass Murder and Misery
WorldNetDaily: Congress bans incandescent bulbs
Judge ordered homeschooler to enroll kids or lose custody
Christians refuse to turn children over to state-run school system
Amazing volume conclusively documents America's Christian foundation
'How does a story about infidelity help Hillary Clinton?'
Former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard: 'On the issues, there's only 1 choice'
Has hinted he would consider running for Senate after presidential bid
'There is no establishment candidate. The Republican voters are searching'
'I think they were good decisions and I stand by them'
'That just gives him the sort of ground game that he would otherwise lack'
Grabbing weapons bin Laden's best shot at seizing power
Says country rebuffed possible approach from Pakistani-led traffickers in 2001
Terror leader boasts as UK stats show Muhammad skyrocketing
'Group with 7th century ideology is exploiting 21st century media capabilities'
Claims little evidence magi even existed, probably no oxen in stable
'We were gathered there to see our children perform, it's not fair to them'
'From murder to the blasphemous, 2007 was horrendous year'
Terror group establishes 'military wing' in city long controlled by U.S. ally
Slam Hamas terror group's Temple Mount broadcast as 'fostering bloodshed, war'
Terror group announces daily streams as Israeli police ban Jews, Christians from ascending site
Says water rights don't extend beyond structure perimeter
'I'm paid by the citizens of the city. My job is to protect their lives and property'
County clerks wrongfully rejecting signatures for voter referendum on new law
But Castro suggests he might want 'to be of consequence' until he reaches 100
Atlantic-Pacific route would allow North American goods deliveries
'Nowhere in the world is such a high price paid for being a Christian'
General consensus: 'Unauthorized immigrants impose a net cost on state and local budgets'
Majority living north of border are undocumented
UPS rolls out battery-powered vehicles this holiday season
Liberal Democrats' new leader says wife is Catholic, children being raised in faith
Devoting attention to delegate-rich Feb. 5 primaries rather than early-voting states
Used tactic nearly 130 times as state senator, sometimes sidestepping sensitive issues
1 in 5 Democrats undecided – number has nearly doubled since early last year
'I know that there is a God and he does listen to our prayers, because he led us to you'
'He was very close to Perry and he's taking this very hard'
'Atheists and agnostics find all the candidates distressingly religious'
'Barnstorming through Iowa right around the holidays is not a winning strategy'
Frustrated smugglers become more violent as enforcement strengthened
As written, proposal would keep most illegals from getting document
Dad, 3 kids found after being lost in Sierra for 4 days
Christian publisher puts 'Pop Culture Mom' on hold indefinitely
16-year-old's pregnancy sparks discussions about viewing habits, boundaries, consequences
'It's not Shakespeare, but there is a kind of folk eloquence in that'
Skipper hopes human biofuel leads vessel to new speed record
Dancing woman wearing only thong shocks some at child-health charity event
24-year-old woman hoped to avoid prison because of 'undiagnosed bi-polar disorder'
Girl asked professor what she could do to improve grade
'The thing that strikes me most is just the amount of cruelty involved'
Joke-gone-bad mimics scene from Will Farrell movie
Man suspected in slaying of Internet performer captured in Mexico
Say teens convicted in Cub Scouts' deaths 'railroaded' over heavy-metal music, occult
'1 second I was up there waving to people, and the next minute I wasn't'
Claimed assailants attacked him over his morally conservative beliefs
Critics call move by Texas advisory council 'latest trick' by religious groups
Both mentally manipulate representations of numbers to generate approximate sums
Instead of hunting for bombs, soldiers now hunting bombmakers
'There is absolutely no legal justification for the Bush administration to deny this'
'We cannot let the U.S. continue to block multilateral agreements'
Far-reaching legislation applies to cars, appliances, bulbs
Want to drive cheap car that gets eye-popping mileage? In 1987 you could
Effort to shield middle-class taxpayers from higher rates
'For small things, it's not worth the trip. For bigger items, absolutely'
Growth in personal-electronics field could be double growth in retail overall
Corporations blasted for relocating production to locations that can't ensure safety
Finding comes despite pressure in Congress for penalties in light of growing trade deficit
'Believe it is an important step in increasing the flow of capital between our countries'
Says administration orchestrated accounting scandal that led to his downfall
'They're no longer interested in the golf-course gated communities'
'This is a very profitable business that had a lot of money to spend on marketing'
Technology could slow vehicle if senses gas pedal hit for no reason
'High-altitude, high-speed train adventure ... hurls you forward ... backward!'
Dave Ramsey deals with questions about pre-paid funerals, property tax liens
Airline treating situation as theft: 'Now his career hangs in the balance'
Ann Coulter skewers candidate as 'the evangelical liberals like'
Exclusive: Tristan Emmanuel notes Christmas truth helps assuage angst over Hillary
Exclusive: Joseph Farah exposes Detroit News' distortion of WND's reporting
Exclusive: Jane Chastain blasts lawmakers for OK'ing billions for 'fat-cat agribusinesses'
Exclusive: Jack Cashill offers hilarious description of game, poignant tribute to father
Exclusive: Mark Crutcher targets those in movement working for pro-choice candidates
Exclusive: Jill Stanek praises film where pregnant teen makes positive choice
Larry Elder slams UC system for wanting to decrease GPA requirement for admission
Exclusive: Craige McMillan shares holiday story demonstrating our accountability to God
Rebecca Hagelin: Heritage Foundation taking place of leftist universities
Go Fish song rejects 'Happy Holidays' for less politically correct greeting
Ruth Conniff drubs officials for allowing conditions ripe for poisonous toys
Cinnamon Stillwell congratulates talk-show host for taking on Muslim interest group
Iraq Commander: Al-CIAda Still Capable
The New Skynet: Total War Control
NY Times Changes CIA Headline For WH
Morgan Stanley Sells Stake To China
Congress Moves To Expand FOIA
Carlyle Group Buys Copy Of Magna Carta
Paris Police Tear Down Tents For Homeless
Senate Passes Gun Control Bill
Media Assault On Ron Paul Campaign Continues
NORTHCOM Cementing Unified Network Response
3,000 More Combat Robots Ordered
Bush's bid to punish Iranian banks stalls - International Herald Tribune
Ethanol Blamed For Food Price Hikes
Six Identifiable Crimes In CIA Tape Scandal
Media In Japan Calls For Gun Control
AP Report On Gun Control Bill Passage
Newsmax.com - Firefighters Oppose Rudy
Israeli Troops Kill Palestinian Gunmen
Balancing Risk in a Time of Crisis
Grains Top Performing Commodity Class of 2007
Fact Check: Romney's pardoning practices - Yahoo! News
Fed plan reins in dicey mortgage policies - USATODAY.com
ABC News: Congress to Challenge Bush on CIA Tapes
Sharif out of Pakistani vote after losing appeal
UNHCR: Turkish shelling causing displacement in N Iraq - People's Daily Online
People's Daily Online - UNHCR urges concerted effort to tackle displacement, migration
Obama: Leader needed in foreign policy - Yahoo! News
Fire on White House grounds | Capitol Hill Blue
Technology Review: Part I: The Price of Biofuels
Wounded Iraqis cope with lifelong scars - Yahoo! News
Technology for a Male-less Matriarchal Society
The Wrong Way To Prevent a War Against Iran
Bush Administration Caused a Surge in Executive Powers
Lost family huddled for three days before rescue
Sinking Giuliani looks past NH
Giuliani leads California but Huckabee gaining: poll
EPA Says 17 States Can’t Set Emission Rules for Cars
Fire damages Cheney's ceremonial offices near White House
Congress Prepares Supboenas for CIA Officials Over Tapes
Congress Passes Bill to Stop Mentally Ill From Getting Guns
Congress toughens background checks for gun buyers
Explosion rocks Florida chemical plant
7-year-old killed with Mortal Kombat moves
Teens charged in child's killing
RPT-KBR, Halliburton hit by ex-worker's rape charges
KBR hearing centers on handling of rape kit
President Approves Realignment of the Army
Texas to get most troops in plan to expand military
Police: School bus driver solicits prostitute
State acts on abuse cases at women's prison
Sexual misconduct found in WA women's prisons
Girl speaks in first day of ICSD hearing
Preacher's killer's right to visit kids upheld
Tennessee high court denies Winklers’ appeal
More Ohio woes? Count on it
I-35w Bridge Collapse / Panel oks legislative probe of mndot
Legislature hires law firm to head probe of mndot
Suicide Bomber Kills 13 North of Baghdad, US Military Frees 100 ...
US says it frees 100 detainees in Iraq
Power Restored to Most in Oklahoma
Survivor Is Poised to Lead South Africa
South African Prosecutor Says Zuma to Face Corruption Charges
Iranian Nuclear Plant May Be Ready Late 2008
Bush and Bushehr
Four Palestinians killed in fighting with Israelis
Israeli forces kill 2 Gaza gunmen in raid
New South Korean leader to put economy first
Lawyer condemns Guantanamo 'lies'
Spain Aims to Extradite British Resident Freed From Guantanamo
Britain's monarch to hit milestone
Queen Elizabeth becomes Britain's oldest monarch
Putin, scourge of the US, named person of the year by Time
Pakistan begins formal probe into train crash
Pakistan Train Crash Caused by Faulty Line; Terrorism Ruled Out
UN Security Council Deadlocked Over Kosovo
6.8-magnitude quake rattles New Zealand
Japan May Suspend Plan to Kill 50 Humpback Whales, AP Reports
UK to Bring Forward Law After Russia Cancels Show (Update1)
Russia snubs art guarantees from British
Diana letter said husband was plotting to kill her
Diana chauffeur drove 'fast and furious'
Al-Qaida chief launches 'any questions' session on web
Al-Qaeda Leader to Take Questions From Journalists, AP Reports
pm's ascension is Moti's misfortune
Thai election signals return of a new political power
Iraq bomber strikes Sunni militia
France's Sarkozy meets Pope in Rome
Bhutto: Spies Meddling in Pakistan Vote
Key points in the Richey death penalty case

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