"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

02 December 2007

2 Dec.



Nonstop Theft, Bribery Staggering Iraq
Are Iraqi Hospitals Hunting Grounds?
Iraq Reports Drop in Civilian Toll
Iraq Sunni Leader Under House Arrest as Bloc Walks Out of Parliament
Turkey Reports Heavy Casualties on PKK in Iraq
US Withholds Comment on Turkish Operations in Iraq
PKK Reportedly Planning Move to Azerbaijan
Turkey's Gul Approves Sacking of Army Islamists
Iranian Envoy Pushes Nuclear Talks Back to Square 1
Diplomat: Major Powers to Seek Sanctions Against Iran
US Says It Has Right to Kidnap British Citizens
Army Told to Prepare for Funding Cuts
Euro Thaw Not What It Seems
Spectacle at Annapolis Spurs Nuclear Danger
Bill Clinton Rewrites His Support for Iraq War
Focus-Grouping War With Iran
Deck the Malls With Dirty Nukes
If You Thought Musharraf Was Bad ...
Source: Israelis Hit Syrian 'Nuclear Bomb Plant'
Peace? Sure, I'll See What I Can Do
In Iraq, US Shifts Its Tone on Iran
The Sunni Civil War
Caught in the Middle: Simply Holding Office in Iraq Can Be Deadly
US to Rely More on Iraqis' Measurements of Violence
Jordanian-US Citizen Missing After Covert CIA Transport
FBI Informant's Role Emerges in Court Hearing
Czech Republic: US Radar Provokes PR War
Conference on Basra Reconstruction Projects
Master Spinners Clinton and Rove Try to Rewrite the Roles They Played in the Run-Up to War
Rove: Congress Pushed for Iraq War Vote
Rove's Version of 2002 War Vote Is Disputed
Oklahoma Fire Brigades Members Begin Preparing for Iraq Duty
US Plans New Spy Satellite Program
Royal Navy 'Would Struggle to Fight a Major War'
Real-Life Spooks Head for Prague
Fearful Serbs Ready to Flee an Independent Kosovo
Belgian Coalition Talks Collapse as National Crisis Deepens
Russia Votes for Parliament, Putin Triumph Expected
Chad Defense Minister Sacked After Week of Clashes
Violence Possible if Darfur Force Delayed: Commander
Ex-Wife Leads Opponents of Chavez's Power
Iran Denies It Is to Blame for EU Nuclear Talks Failure
Iran's Use of Oil Weapon Cuts Two Ways
US Sees 'Mixed Picture' From Syria on Mideast Cooperation
US Remains Ambiguous Over Israeli Settlement Construction Rules
Abbas Says Annapolis Conference Achieved Its Goal
Hamas Boycotts Palestinian Census
Hezbollah Backs Army Chief's Candidacy
Saudi Clerics Urged to Do More to Fight Militancy
Pakistan's Sharif, Bhutto to Meet Next Week: Party Officials
Afghan Government Hails Dutch Troop Extension
North Korea: US Adds Conditions for Terrorism Delisting
Obstacles Loom in North Korea Nuclear Talks
US Ships, Barred From Hong Kong, Now Sail Under China's Nose
Maoists Gun Down Ruling Party Leader in Southern Indian State of Andhra
On Foreign Policy, Rudd and Howard Much the Same
Countries Pledge to Protect Journalists in War Zones
An Assault on Mental Health: The Struggles of a War Psychologist
'Reds Are Natives': Frank Chodorov as Cold War Critic
Study: US, Israel Should Begin Planning Iran Strike
Bolton: Gun-Shy America Is Losing the Best Chance to Stop Iran
Israel: 'Barak Has Lost His Killer Instinct'
US Building Next Generation Spy Satellites
Scotsman.com News - International - With friends like Israel, who needs Iran?
Greenspan Was `Very Bad' Fed Chairman, Says Artus of Natixis
The Last Ditch -- THE ISRAELI ORIGINS OF BUSH II'S WAR: A CLOSER LOOK by Stephen J. Sniegoski
How they killed Kennedy
Bush, While Citing Threats, to Cut Anti-Terror Funds
DHS Wants Firefighters To Spy In Homes
Yeah, Sure...Kerosene Dropped The WTC Towers
Besieged Bethlehem—the Wall :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
THE BROTHERHOOD-Part 9: The Pharmaceutical Racket
Ron Paul And The War Crime Tribunals
The Growth Of Secret Law In The US
Taxpayers' support for Northern Rock soars to £30bn | Business | The Guardian
'There's worse to come in credit crunch crisis' warns Bank of England chief | the Daily Mail
One with Cell-phone Towers and Fake Trees - Mighty Optical Illusions
US security firm runs into new trouble - and this time it's closer to home | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
Report: Nixon feared Israeli nukes would spur arms race
WATCH - How Zionist Media Hid The Real Iraq War
The Electric Universe
The 911 News Special You Never Saw
Army Rejects Dragon Skin Body Armor
Carol Rosin - Von Braun's Space Weapons Warning
If Americans Only Knew How Israel Controls Us
Nader Explains How Jewish Lobby Robs Americans
The Israel Lobby And US Foreign Policy
The US-Israel Empire
Mearsheimer - Israel Lobby Has Warped US Policy - Part 1
Mearsheimer - Israel Lobby Has Warped US Policy - Part 2
Prof John Mearsheimer On The Isreal Lobby
Measheimer And Walt On The Israel Lobby
Ike's 'Military Industrial Complex' Speech
Astounding JFK/ Lincoln Similarities
The Scientific Proof Of Life After Death - Michael Roll
Complete Fulford Archive - Illuminati Threatened
Impending Destruction Of The US Economy
Paul Calls CNN On Being Biased In Debate
The End Of America
Larry King Hosts UFO Press Conference Presenters
CNN Report On UFO Disclosure Panel In DC
Ron Paul Exposes Bernanke In Broad Daylight
Pot Better For Treating ADD Than Ritalin
CFR Controls US Media
How Television Works
Rep Watson, Israel Lobby, US Foreign Policy
Nader - Things A Lot Worse Than We Thought
Will the American People Have Had Enough?
Ritter - 'We're Not Allowed To Criticize Israel'
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit The World
Nanobot Replacing Neurons!
Len Horowitz - In Lies We Trust
New Iran Documentary - A Must See
Powerful Elite Group Subverts UK
Bush Hides Pardon For Himself
Citizen Knows Laws Better Than The Police
Ozone Therapy - Why Medicine, Big Pharma Fear It
Olbermann To Bush - 'Your Hypocrisy Is So Vast'
Money As Debt
Carlin - Education & The Owners Of America
Perspective And The Blinding Speed Of Change
The Real Rudy's Sweetheart Deal With Silverstein
Israel's 'Secret' Massive, Nuclear Bomb Program
The Shock Doctrine
Einstein African Parrot - Astounding Vocabulary & Sounds
South Africa - Racist Capital Of The World
Bush/Cheney Iraq War Planned BEFORE 911
Ron Paul Speech Says It All
Why The Fed Violates The US Constitution
Rather Reports: Trouble With Touch Screens
While We Slept, America Has Gone Fascist
AMAZING MSNBC Twit - China's Our Best Buddy!
The Bionic Hamburger - Watch, Disgusting
Laser Guide Lights On South Tower Before Impact
Another Video Of The Laser Bead On South Tower
Hoodwinked At Shanksville
Atty Tom Cryer Wins Against The IRS
BBC Doc - How Bush Stole The '04 Elections In FL
When Cars Were CARS
Ron Paul - Greatest Patriot Politician Of Our Age
Full Original TV Coverage Of First Moonwalk
Israelis Who Believe In Jesus
HAARP - Advanced Tesla Technology
Clinton, Edwards Anti-Dem Remarks Caught By Fox
Michael Moore Blasts CNN In Live Tirade
Black US Minister - Death For All SA Whites
What You Should Know About Blackwater
Bush Going After Moore & 911 Rescue Workers
One Secret To Solving Global Warming In The Soil?
Paul Slams Bush's 'Demented Philosophy Of Conquest'
Ron Paul Mops Floor With The 'War On Terror'
Does Facebook Have Links To The CIA?
The Deadly Fluoride Deception
The Truth Behind 911 - War & Globalization
How The Communist KGB De-Moralized America
The Zionists Have Stolen Our Name
Salt Water Burns - Watch!
The Man Who Travelled Forward In Time?
WeAreChange Confronts David Rockefeller
The Difference Between Jews And Zionists
Tell The FCC To Save The Internet Now!
Proof Bush Knew WTC Attacks Well Before 'Pet Goat' Reading
Big Brother X-Ray Vans Now Patrol The Streets
The Scientific Proof Of Life After Death - Michael Roll
Ancient Craft Left On Moon? - NASA Apollo Video!
Facts Are Facts - Jewish Dominance Of The Media
Olbermann - Where Does Politicization Of Justice End?
Fascinating, Mysterious 'Music' Of High Voltage Lines
Seven Minutes of Ron Paul's 'Debate' Answers
ET Implant Recovery - 'Not Made On Earth'
Blackwater Mercenaries Deployed In US, Too
DOD Tries To Shutdown Vid Of Snipers Picking Off US Troops
How The Bush Family Supported The Nazis
The Amero - North American Union Currency
Absolute Evidence Of NASA Moon Walk HOAXES
Apollo 11 Astronauts Appear As Bad Liars
911 Conspiracy Predicted In X-Files
Who Really Killed JFJ Jr?
Gay Activist Video - How To Pervert Children
Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 911
Jimmy Carter On Israel
Rare Flt 93 Video - Debris 'Spread Over 3-4 Mile Radius'
Orwell Rolls In His Grave
The Judaic Role In Black Slave Trade
The Israel Lobby - Revealing Dutch Documentary
North American Corporate Union Explained
Many Americans Are Dangerously Dumb
Man Draws All Of Rome After One Overflight
How Americans Are Israel's Tax Slaves
NASA Wants To Find Another Earth
The All-Powerful Israeli Lobby's Chokehold On America
The Titanic Truth Movement!
Rockefeller Admitted Microchipped Population Goal
Mena & Clinton's Arkansas Version Of Dr. Mengele
Astronauts Won't Swear To Trip
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon
Hoaxed US Moon Landing Video Rehearsal?
Economic Hitman Explains Money Motive For Globalization
Foreclosing On The American Dream
The Real European Union
Inventor Of Water Powered Car Murdered
Watch Enormous WTC Steel Beams Turn To DUST
Our Moon Isn't 'Ours'
Rudy Giuliani In Drag Smooching Donald Trump
The Secret Underground Lectures Of Commander X
Cheney - The Unauthorised Biography
Astronauts Refuse To Swear They Landed On Moon
Suppression Of Free Energy
Blackwater - Bush's Shadow Army
Your ATM Card Info Can Be Stolen At The ATM
The Horrific Drugging Of (Destroying) Our Children
Secret Mysteries of America's
Military Version Of Flying Human Platform
Armstrong 1969 Film Of Ancient Moon Building/House?
Bush - A Most Despicable Liar
Farming For The Future - Small Gardens, Big Fulfillment
Official 911 Exposed Again - The PentaCon
Engines That Run On Pure Compressed Air
Auschwitz Director Of Archives Reveals Gas Chamber Hoax
US Army General Says Flt 77 Did Not Hit Pentagon
Fiat Empire - A Closer Look At The Federal Reserve
Watch How The Feds Monitor YOUR Email
The Mystery Of Molech...The Owl
Wolfowitz All But Say Expect Another Pearl Harbor
Our Kids Are Dying For Israel
Republican 'Debate' Was Sheer Propaganda Exercise
Homosexual Activist Blogger Claims There's a "Larry Craig" Angle to Resignation of Senior Republican Senator Trent Lott
CNN Shafts Ron Paul Despite Crowds Of Supporters
Time To Move To Gun Owners Of America Which Supports Him
Patrick Henry And The US Constitution
Makow - The Worst Anti-Semites Are Zionists
Bush just made Iraq an American colony. Hello
Israel and Sex Trafficking :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
Makow - The World Of Illuminati 'Make-Believe'
True Names Of The Two US Political Parties
US Goes From Constitutional Nation To Supranational Colony
Jewish Racism: What Will the Reign of the Anti-Christ Look Like? The Seventh Year and Shmita
Jewish Racism: Pin the Tail on the Anti-Christ
jamesphogan.net --> The Cosmic Power Grid
ISRAEL ~~ PEACE OR ZIONISM :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
PDF: "the revolution in military affairs and conflict short of war"
Makow - Was Victor Rothschild A 'Soviet Agent'?
Jewish Racism: Judaizing Christianity: Is John Hagee the Prophet—the "Elijah" / "John the Baptist"—of the Jewish Anti-Christ?
Alien Nation - Immigration And America
"Is Zionism Of God" - pdf
The List of Annapolis Conference Participants: The World was Represented, Including the Vatican
Jordan's king urges Israel to withdraw from Arab land - Jerusalem Post
Rice meets 18 US Jewish leaders, tells them Israelis should take advantage of Bush's friendly attitude before next year's presidential elections - Ynet
Israeli Cabinet Endorses Annapolis Understandings - Ynet
Fourth earthquake jolts Israel in two-week period; no casualties - Haaretz
Two states for one people - Arabs want one state that is Palestinian-only and another one that is half- Arab - Ynet
Two very potent winter storm systems affecting the US today - The Weather Channel
Abbas repeats rejection of 'Jewish state' demand: "In Israel, there are Jews and others. This we are willing to recognize, nothing else." - Ynet
Saudi sees oil demand OK but no signal on OPEC move - Reuters
Foreign bargain hunters find U.S. dollars a deal - Washington Times
Putin, Chavez Seek to Expand Power in Landmark Elections - Fox
4.0 quake felt; Fourth in two weeks - no damage, injuries - Jerusalem Post
China's "Me" Generation - Chen Aizhu
Changing Nation - Will it Lead to America's Destruction? - Cal Thomas
Whose Right to Bear Arms? - Paul Greenberg
December 2: Desperate Days - Streams in the Desert
December 2: Christian Perfection - Oswald Chambers
Audio Bible Online
The Bible online
BibleGateway.com - Version information: 21st Century King James Version
BibleGateway.com - Version information: King James Version
My Way News - Russian Vote Seen As Referendum on Putin
My Way News - Chavez Seeks Sweeping Changes in Vote
Union Leader - NH Presidential Primary
Obama pulls ahead for Democrats in Iowa Poll | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Political Radar: Clinton Booed at Heartland Forum
Candidates smother Iowans with robocalls & hard-sell campaigning
Rudy, Iowa Christians, a tough sell - First Read - msnbc.com
Love of broccoli begins in womb - Times Online
Do People Secretly Think You're a Pig?
US Out of My Kitchen
The Great Fire Sale Has Begun
Doomed to Failure
Follow the Words of Paul
What Gives?
Losers Gather in Annapolis
To Protect and Serve
McCain and Hitler
The Filthy, Stinking Truth
Taking a Leaf From Mozart
Clinton tacks right at left-leaning forums
Huckabee, Morris keep lines open
Fired Arabic school founder blames Mayor Bloomberg for resignation
Wallace Shooter Freed; Others Never Caught
Who's Afraid of Barack Obama?
John McCain: The Great Man in the Race
Rudy Works on Clearing Final Hurdle
Co-president Seeking Her Third Term
Will Obama Win in IA Open Door for Biden?
Campaign Wasteland
Democrats Make a Bad Trade
It's Time to Declare Victory in Iraq & Get Out
The Smart Way to Beat Tyrants Like Chávez
The Humbling of Eliot Spitzer
Is Blair Smiling Over Brown's Agony?
A Failure to Confront Radical Islam
Howard's Defeat a Loss For Civilization
This Is How We Die
Fog of War: The Story of Our Baghdad Diarist
Saudi Whiplash
Recommit to Founding Principles
Has Chavez Overplayed His Hand?
DNC Punishes Michigan For Early Primary
Congress' Stall on Tax Bill Threatens Refunds
Dick Durbin's Challenge
Standoff Ends With Surrender At Clinton Office
CNN: Does Ron Paul Believe in a Conspiracy to Form a North American Union?
Giuliani Will 'Hear No Evil, See No Evil' About His Own Corruption
Lyman Ad Co. 1st Step to Ron Paul National Marketing Biz? UPDATE 1 - Free Market News Network
Millions of Tax Refunds Could Be Delayed: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Opinion | Republicans would be wise to tab McCain and Huckabee | Seattle Times Newspaper
The credit crunch could crush the euro - Telegraph
Murtha Says He's `Optimistic' About Deal on War Money
Printer-Friendly Version
WorldNetDaily: U.S. asserts right to 'kidnap' foreigners wanted for crimes
'Do you know who I am? I'm a big star, and I can look you up ... blow you up'
Accuses group of seeking 'harm to those who speak against violent agenda'
Muslim lobby group has troubling record of terror arrests
Freezing rain, flurries predicted for Iowa day after wintry mix kills 3
Came just after delivery of 60,000 Ron Paul dollars
New concerns over mercury hazards split green activists on switch to CFLs
Splitting into 2 households increases use of energy, housing, infrastructure
Scots urged to 'make atonement' for over-intensive logging of African tree
Outdoor heaters for pub customers produce hundreds of thousands of tons of CO2
Sentenced to be lashed 'because mingling begets evil'
Alleged victim tells his story of violent sex crime in modern Arab metropolis
Waitress got whopping $10 gratuity for service on power duo's $17.34 meal
'It did not shock me when I heard it was him. He drinks every day, morning and night'
Democratic hopeful looked like woman in charge after hostage drama
'I saw a softer side of her that I hadn't seen before'
Billed security expenses to department providing legal aid to indigent
Was to be used to publicize alleged racism of abortion industry
What are your thoughts on Georgia police seizing the pro-life 'Truth Truck'?
Tiller had sought to prevent review of claims against him
Planned Parenthood practitioner thought to have caused woman's death in 1992
'Fetoscope' width of 3 grains of sugar guides doctors
'We're depending on the righteousness of our cause and on the international community'
Israel objects to pursuing Security Council support: 'It's not the proper venue'
'It was a plant for processing plutonium, namely, a factory for assembling' weapon
'We should all be wishing them the best
Discusses being booted from George Galloway's office
Angry MP insists Hamas not terrorist, abruptly ends interview, deploys police
'God will not be silenced by legal decree'
Man who wrote critical missive to newspaper 5 years ago could be fined
Man's friendly gesture to female co-worker, gifts to youngster, make him 'father'
'If we avoid Christmas we are pandering to a secular minority'
Christmas symbol had been removed after complaint by Jewish professor
Tens of thousands preparing to flee province because of fears region on brink of conflict
'Aging and operationally defective ships' leave UK 'far more vulnerable'
Investigation finds pipes at production plants full of dried fat, dirt, bird feces
1/3 of state's most dangerous criminals are Muslim fundamentalists or converts
Violent attack against police chief signals worrying new level of barbarity
Armed forces authorized to launch major cross-border operations without need for approval
Deception prompted 30 colleagues to donate almost 1,000 hours of vacation time
Man used 'tools of terror' to extort nude pictures from girls
Campus officials say Catholic beads used by MS-13 gang to recruit new members
Posted comments online in debate about instructors' salaries
'I couldn't believe he was taking the word of the [New York] Post over my word'
Officer criticized for lack of communication with motorist who wouldn't sign ticket
What mom eats while pregnant or nursing, baby will like, say researchers
Teen girls among most at risk, doctors say
Victims conscious they're being operated on, but can't act
'Hittite plague' lasted 35-40 years, causing fever, disabilities, death in Near East
Infant's ashes in container at 1 of Mideast's most famous historical sites
'Too bad Congo doesn't work on the border patrol'
Required for any animal linked to 3 livestock killings a year
System claims to teach kitty how to use bathroom just like humans
'When the paramedics are called I think that is a good sign, it shows real determination'
'He has poetic license, he can pretty much bloody well do what he bloody pleases'
'For every one of these that work, ... there are an almost infinite amount that don't'
BizNetDaily - Business News
If economy has strengthened, expectations about rate cut could evaporate
Treasury secretary says scheme to be voluntary, help only some subprime borrowers
Spokesman blasts labor group for not contacting archdiocese before publicizing
PetroChina has lost 1/3 of trillion dollars in nominal value in just 3 weeks
Migrants following in footsteps of European settlers with Beijing's blessing
Smart entrepreneurs targeting affluent parents know how to manipulate
'It's an attempt to do something different in a fresh way'
'My Location' service uses cell towers as alternative to GPS technology
Scientists invent 1st aerosol plastic that can turn sun's infrared rays into electricity
'It is too early for us to rush off and start to get in a panic'
'It's a difficult line to walk. We know we're going to disappoint some people'
Group accused of stealing design for 'multilingual keyboard'
'We need more retailers who are willing to take a stand, to look out for people's well being'
Investigation finds pipes at production plants full of dried fat, dirt, bird feces
Global mass media lets mega-successful take advantage of 'Superstar Premium'
Stocks set to rally on more Fed rate-cut hints which will likely push dollar down, gold up
Pay rises to $815,000 with opportunity for bonuse of $1.2 million
Exclusive: Joseph Farah urges readers to follow lead of Des Moines parents
Exclusive: Henry Lamb spotlights fatal results of today's government-managed society
Exclusive: Pat Boone stresses need for armed conflict when liberty is threatened
Exclusive: Michael Evans targets Bush for partnering with terrorists at Annapolis
Jonathan Falwell reports on former guv's talk on faith, life, Islamo-fascism
Star Parker lists reasons voters give Clinton low marks for character qualities
Matthew Rothschild contends both Clinton, Obama should fear for their lives
Exclusive: Ernest Istook whomps Congress for driving up food prices with corn subsidies
Exclusive: Tom Flannery argues against leading atheist's 'human solidarity' standard
Exclusive: Ellis Washington shares about mother figure who recently joined the angels
Exclusive: Greg Laurie explains meaning of Jesus' final utterance on the cross
Exclusive: Anthony C. LoBaido photographs wonders of Florida's Everglades and Keys
Exclusive: Readers join rebuke of Rick Warren, defend pants-wearing women
Eric Allie offers lesson in trust to CNN debate planners
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan rewrites John 'Lenin' song to combat anti-troop 'goons'
Tammy Bruce rips movement's leaders for silence on teddy bear brouhaha, rape case
Johnny can't pass history
Fred Thompson's several life stories help him set priorities
Iranian president raps Mideast peace talks
Romney hones reputation for turning things around
Chesapeake leaders may seek wider smoking ban
Brazil to Dispense Condoms in Schools
Foot soldiers for the Ron Paul revolution
A wonkish Romney turns up on the trail
State trooper facing cocaine distribution charges
Kids 'need milk and sun for healthy bones'
Study looks at Latina women with aggressive breast cancer
Minorities spur health care concerns
It's Hollywood list season: Meet your richest, brightest
Witness Names to Be Withheld From Detainee
Bush handed blueprint to seize Pakistan's nuclear arsenal
Less pay, more work at immigration agency
Stepson recounts a night of alcohol
Is this any place to build a home?
Lawyer acquitted in motor vehicle death
Report a teacher who crosses the line
Court: Man convicted in slaying should be freed
Paul wins GOP straw poll
New Orleans Police Department still struggles to rebuild
Southern California expansion on ballot; impact on North Coa
Everything but ocean: Santa Fe has it all
Spirits of the Old West haunt ghost towns
Here's the rub, guys: Inn has massage special
World War II Medal of Honor winner
North Pole, Alaska: Santa Central
Why create new tribe of Native Hawaiians?
Widow links Street to Abu-Jamal case
Firefighter says he stole from club
A lab full of really good bugs
Delays loom for early tax filers
Hark the herald tubas
Malcolm X to be honored at former Queens home
Strong criticism over proposed homeland security cuts
Cop's widow rallies for name on 9/11 list
Giant menorah to be lit in New York
Obama's complex history with lobbyists
» Fayed feared Princess Diana crash was a plot
» Government-sponsored cyberattacks on the rise
» US Roman Catholic Bishop: 9/11 was inside job
» Armageddon: February 2008‏
» Giuliani & the 9/11 Mastermind
» US planning multi-billion dollar spy satellites
» MI5 and MI6 to recruit more minority spies
» The Princess Diana Cover Up – RINF Documentary
Alternative News Video Archive
Glenn Beck’s Offer to “Interview” Ron Paul
Fear-mongering legislation: The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
Utah Highway Patrol: “Reasonable” to Taser Motoroist for Not Signing Ticket
Naomi Klein on ‘The Shock Doctrine’ in Iraq
Chávez Threatens to Nationalize Spanish Banks Over Insult
Chávez to Neocons: Mess with Venezuela, Lose Your Oil
One Small Step for Mitt, a Big Step for Blackwater
Tucker Carlson receives my ‘Smarmy Award’ for smearing Ron Paul
Ministry of Homeland Security Driver’s License Rules May Come Soon
Court Allows Unlimited Police Power to Plant GPS on Vehicles
Ohio Cop: Roadblocks Unconstitutional
This country is in a revolution
Freedom’s Choice
Real Change Ron Paul
Excellence in Virtue
Once in a lifetime
Ron Paul Revolution - Live Free
Supremes: No Fourth Amendment for Welfare Recipients
Ohio Cop: Roadblocks Unconstitutional
The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act: A Tutorial in Orwellian Newspeak
Scanning for Drugs: the Latest Intrusive State Technology
RFID Is Good For You
Huffington Post Democrat: Hillary is the One
Crosswalk - NavesTopicalBible
Crosswalk - StrongsExhaustiveConcordance/

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