"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

01 December 2007

1 Dec. '08


» Brother of pilot falsely accused over 9/11 wins claim
» Government-sponsored cyberattacks on the rise
» US planning multi-billion dollar spy satellites
» Warning to Bush: Bomb Iran and face impeachment
» 20 percent of election printouts were unreadable
» US Roman Catholic Bishop: 9/11 was inside job
» Armageddon: February 2008‏
» Giuliani & the 9/11 Mastermind
» YouTube stops account of anti-torture activist
» The Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet
» US planning multi-billion dollar spy satellites
» Incompetence Shall Set Brits Free from Database Hell‏
» VIDEO: Mayor “Crook and Bully” Giuliani Pre-9/11
» VIDEO: How to make a candidate disappear
» The Bush Family Gets Away with Crimes
» NYC Fire Chief: Giuliani ‘Not a Hero’ ‘He Ran That Day’
» Neocon fabricated quote to stir war with Iran
» Habib ‘told not to talk about Guantanamo torture’
» US signs deal for long-term occupation of Iraq
» The Taliban rise again?
» Flight logs reveal secret rendition
» Bringing the War on Terrorism Home
» Japan opposition stands ground on Afghan mission
» The Secret Food Code Conspiracy
» Confession of an American Thought Criminal
» An Alternative to IMF and World Bank Dominance
» VIDEO: 9/11 - The Secret Rulers of the World
» Water Fuel Cell - Panacea Presentation
» It’s no secret - the election was a fraud
» RINF Podcast: Biometric Schools
» Former CIA Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud
Nov 30th Donation Day Success Lifts Ron Paul Well Over $10 Mil UPDATE ONE - Free Market News Network
Ron Paul Twofer: Little Debate Time, Straw Poll Bought by Romney? - Free Market News Network
Debate Wrap-Up & Ron Paul - Free Market News Network
Ron Paul Donation Dilemma? - Free Market News Network
The impact of YouPolitics | Capitol Hill Blue
Alternative Health News Articles Can A Trio Of B Vitamins Lower Blood Levels Of Homocysteine
Alternative Health News Articles Essential Oils Combat MRSA Bacteria
At least 5 seriously hurt as trains collide - CNN.com
Daredevil Knievel dies at 69 - Sports- msnbc.com
The Blotter: NYPD Chief Casts Doubt on Giuliani Expense Story
RealtyTrac: Foreclosures up 165 percent in Florida - South Florida Business Journal:
Murtha Confident of Troop Fund Deal - Free Market News Network
Murtha Says He's `Optimistic' About Deal on War Money - Yahoo! News
Lebanon army chief widely respected - Yahoo! News
wbztv.com - Clinton Office Hostage Situation Ends Peacefully
Britain faces threat of dirty bomb attack at Christmas, Home Secretary warns | the Daily Mail
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Olmert warns of 'end of Israel'
The Raw Story | Report: Rudy has business ties to 9/11 facilitator
McCain's Mangled Metaphor- by Justin Raimondo
Rights advocates target domestic terrorism bill in Senate (11/29/07) -- GovernmentExecutive.Com
Biden: Success of surge is `fantasy'
Newsmax.com - Clinton, Giuliani Give Rivals Reason to Hope
Newsmax.com - Democratic Race on Hold After Hostage Crisis
Newsmax.com - 5 Days and It's All Over?
Newsmax.com - Huckabee Hopes for New Hampshire Boost
Newsmax.com - McCain Slams CNN Over Gay General
Newsmax.com - Duncan Hunter: Romney Should Oppose China Deal
Newsmax.com - Chavez Threatens 2 Spanish Banks
Newsmax.com - Chavez Threatens to Cut Off Oil to U.S.
Newsmax.com - Boxer Blocks Impeachment Congressman
Newsmax.com - Clinton Urges Sweeping Action on AIDS
Newsmax.com - Kasparov: Russian Election a Farce
Newsmax.com - GOP Gay Group Slams Romney in New Ad
Newsmax.com - British Spy Chief Warns of China Web Threat
Newsmax.com - Lawmakers Reach Gas Mileage Boost Deal
Newsmax.com - China Blocks Another U.S. Ship
Newsmax.com - Putin Suspends Conventional Arms Treaty
Newsmax.com - Putin Party Heads for Landslide
Newsmax.com - Russia Critical U.S. Partner, No Matter Election Result
Newsmax.com - Giuliani: Kids of Illegal Immigrants OK
Newsmax.com - Short Voting Gap Shapes Presidential Race
Newsmax.com - Presidential Race Turns a Negative Page
Newsmax.com - Success Is Testing the Huckabee Campaign
Suspect in Trouble Before Hostage Drama
NTSB Probes Amtrak-Freight Train Crash
Ron Paul now GOP frontrunner according to fund raising
ConocoPhillips Proposes Alaska Pipeline
Clinton Adviser Was on Air at GOP Debate
Burglary Deemed Motive in Taylor Slaying
Biologist Seymour Benzer Dies at 86
NASA: Atlantis Cleared for Launch
Autopsy Slated for Secret Porn Star
US Withdraws Mideast Resolution
Friend: Relative Moved Peterson's Body
Man Charged in Student's Dragging Death
The Truth About Rudy Giuliani and Illegal Immigration
A look at new numbers on immigration
Most illegal immigrants near or below poverty line, study shows
Immigration Crackdown Challenge Tossed
The elephant in the room
As an issue, illegal immigration is poison
Forum debates illegal immigration
Tom Tancredo Hired Illegal Laborers to Renovate His McMansion
Despite Criticism From GOP Base, Huckabee Defends His Stance On ...
McCain says not all illegal immigrants should be deported
John McCain pitches experience, vision to Clemson
Giuliani: Stop illegal immigration at border
Richardson `Disgusted' at Republicans on Immigration (Update1)
Briefs: Illegal Immigrants , RR Break-ins
Kidnapping of illegal immigrants on the rise
Sanctuary sharpens the divide on immigration
GOP invokes a Reagan who never was
Admitting Illegal Students Sparks Debate
12% of Arizona workers are illegal , survey estimates
Minuteman executive director speaks in Indio
Blunt uses immigrants as scapegoat
Huckabee's front-runner treatment?
Lou Dobbs, Immigration and Campaign '08
Reports Add Depth To Illegal Immigration Picture
The Republican Debate
Romney, Giuliani Clash Over Immigration at GOP Debate
Immigration alone is low legal priority
States Crack Down on Sanctuary Cities for Illegal Immigrants
Bill would address illegal immigrants
Statement from Fred Thompson Campaign Manager Bill Lacy
Another Bible study on illegal immigration
A portrait of immigration
Romney Begins Taking Aim at Huckabee
Economics, Immigrants and Lou Dobbs
Hysteria over illegal immigrants must stop
Bosnia's latest political crisis
FARC videos show Betancourt, American hostages alive
Companies switch to hybrids
Russian election marred by allegations of fraud, coercion
The Gathering Storm
For the War, Then Against It, & Now for It?
Iraq's Fate Remains Uncertain
Putin, Chavez & the Cold War's Return
The Huckabee Factor
A Hint of Desperation in Clinton Camp
Obama's Mandates and Mudslinging
An Embarrassing End to the YouTube Experiment
CNN's Failure to Disclose
The Principled Henry Hyde
CNN Hit for Planted Questions
The Evolution of John Edwards
Rudy Defends Spending on His Mayoral Security
Immigration is GOP Hot Button
Clinton Says Wife's Schedules Out Soon
Rudy: "Debate Day Dirty Trick"
Success Is Testing the Huckabee Campaign
Obama Campaign Worker Discussed PAC Donations
With Iowa Tight, N.H. Becoming Clinton's Firewall
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Trouble on the Romney Trail
Hillary Seizes Opportunity After Crisis
POLITICAL CONNECTIONS: Shooting Matches (11/30/2007)
Secure Our Broken Borders. Restore Rule of Law
Obama's Identity Card (and Mine)
Is Rudy For the Rockefeller Treatment?
Mitt Advisors OK With Huckabee's Rise
Flat-Tax and Spend GOP
Paul's Crackpot Revolution
Bill Clinton, Secret War Opponent
The War Comes Home to Iowa
Three More Years of Goldilocks Economy?
A Vote Putin Fears
Why I Parted Ways With Chavez
Secularism is the West's Greatest Export
The Choices You Live With
Mr. Hyde, the Gentleman from Illinois
Osama's New Nonsense
Behind the Stem-Cell Breakthrough
Rudy and the Tax Fairy
Saudi Arabia's Medieval Justice
Paul on Track to be Biggest GOP Fundraiser
Bill Richardson on "Political Capital"
Bernanke Hints At Rate Cut At Charlotte Chamber
Edwards On Countdown With Olbermann
Frank Luntz Shares Results of His Debate Focus Group
Huckabee On Hardball
Lawmakers Set Deal On Fuel Economy Rules
Deluded McCain Thinks Americans Believe 9/11 Hoax
Giuliani Will 'Hear No Evil, See No Evil' About His Own Corruption
CNN: Does Ron Paul Believe in a Conspiracy to Form a North American Union?
Ron Paul to Top Giuliani's 3rd Qtr. Ceiling at 2 Month Mark of 4th Qtr.
Both Parties Cooperate To Keep Crimes Secret
“Thousands” Illegally Rendered By Bush Administration for Interrogation, Torture
Popular Mechanics Details New York’s High-Tech Police State
More Boos At Republican YouTube Debate As McCain Re-Writes History
Naomi Wolf: America's Fascist Coup Owes Legacy To Bush's Nazi Grandfather
David Rockefeller Denies Agenda For World Government
Ron Paul Rebukes John McCain in YouTube Debate
Consider a continental currency, Jarislowsky says
Clinton seizes opportunity after crisis
Naive media aghast at news of HRC plants
Why doesn't Edwards appeal to youth?
Card sells out Rove on Iraq
McCain Revises History During Republican Candidates’ Debate
Action Alert: The Senate Could Vote on the "Thought Crimes" Bill Soon!
CNN Ignores Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, and Duncan Hunter
China Sends a Message With its Turn To Nuclear Power
Ron Paul Really Is "The Champion of the Constitution"
Do People Secretly Think You're a Pig?
US Out of My Kitchen
The Great Fire Sale Has Begun
Doomed to Failure
Follow the Words of Paul
What Gives?
Losers Gather in Annapolis
To Protect and Serve
McCain and Hitler
The Filthy, Stinking Truth
Taking a Leaf From Mozart
Impeachment Debate
Civil Libertarians Warn of 'PATRIOT Act Lite' - by William Fisher
Savage:CAIR - Suit
Rapid Report: Alleged Hostage Taker Arrested at Clinton Office
CFP: Moslem Group Attacks Michael Savage: The Battle Between Taquiya and Talk Radio
Republicans Report Much Better Mental Health Than Others
Concord Monitor - Video shows help for teens after accident
Intelligence report hits China deal - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Horse fighting condemned as 'barbaric' - Telegraph
Asia Times Online :: China News - China's show of strength ups military ante
The Harvard Crimson :: Opinion :: Pulling the Trigger
Murdoch backs old adversary Clinton - World - smh.com.au
Israel, unlike Iran, poses no threat to its neighbours | Guardian daily comment | Guardian Unlimited
Man pleads not guilty in Elie Wiesel encounter in San Francisco
100,000 march against Hugo Chavez reforms - Times Online
Leeland Eisenberg: Will Media Paint Him as a “Constitution Kook”?
Fascism and the “Evolution of the Fire Service”
McCain Peddles False History, Takes Cheap Shot at Ron Paul
Chávez Threatens to Nationalize Spanish Banks Over Insult
Global Warming? Canada Reports Coldest Winter in 15 Years
Chávez to Neocons: Mess with Venezuela, Lose Your Oil
Hostages Taken At Clinton Campaign Office
Washington’s Masonic past
Army “Lowers Bar” On Recruitment
Tucker Carlson receives my ‘Smarmy Award’ for smearing Ron Paul
Ministry of Homeland Security Driver’s License Rules May Come Soon
McCain in Response to Ron Paul: the American People “Lost” Vietnam
US Coup Planned for Venezuela?
Americans: Sheep to the Constitutional Slaughter?
Real Change Ron Paul
Excellence in Virtue
Once in a lifetime
Ron Paul Revolution - Live Free
Helicopter Ben: Inflate!
U.S. Government, Banks Near a Plan to Freeze Subprime Rates
A Dollar the Size of a Postage Stamp
Scanning for Drugs: the Latest Intrusive State Technology
RFID Is Good For You
Mexican Flag Hung Over U.S. Flag After Perpetrators Scale Huge Radio Tower
•TPC• » Reckoning: The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush
Raw Replay - Revisiting History
Mystery Meat Macrophotography page 1
YouTube - "Seven is Exploding"
YouTube - Water Power
ENN: Abundant Evidence to Warn People Against GE Crops
THE NEW OFFICIAL "Loose Change Final Cut"
LewRockwell.com Blog: Ron Paul Is Winning
Shocked Leno staffers fired as strike drags on | Entertainment | Television | Reuters
California's Life-Giving Raw Milk Will Become Illegal March 2008
Ron Paul And The War Crime Tribunals
Bombs away? (Metro Times Detroit)
My Way News - 2 Suspects to Be Freed in Holloway Case
globeandmail.com: Start sweating: A new bacterial strain may be flexing at your gym
Tallahassee Democrat - www.tallahassee.com - Tallahassee, FL.
The Growth Of Secret Law In The US
See Gaza And Weep
Stealth curriculum is ‘threat to all toddlers’ - Times Online
Uranium for 'dirty bomb' seized by Slovak police - Independent Online Edition > Europe
Scotsman.com News - UK - Working nights cited as 'probable' cancer risk
'There's worse to come in credit crunch crisis' warns Bank of England chief | the Daily Mail
California NOW: Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What's at Stake for American Power
RIA Novosti - World - Turkish govt. allows military to attack separatists in N.Iraq
Nixon Papers Suggest Israel Stole Nuke Material From US
One with Cell-phone Towers and Fake Trees - Mighty Optical Illusions
US security firm runs into new trouble - and this time it's closer to home | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
When The Roadmap To Peace Is A One Way Street
Gazprom May Switch Sales to Rubles as Dollar Weakens
RosBusinessConsulting - News Online
Republican 'Debate' Was Sheer Propaganda Exercise
Take Action: Pennsylvania Restricts rBGH-Free Dairy Labels
The Welch Report
CNN Shafts Ron Paul Despite Crowds Of Supporters
Time To Move To Gun Owners Of America Which Supports Him
Jewish Racism: Adolf Eichmann Was a Crypto-Jewish Zionist Nazi
Patrick Henry And The US Constitution
CIA Caught Trying To Throw 12-2 Venezuela Election
Makow - The Worst Anti-Semites Are Zionists
Trinidad News, Trinidad Newspaper, Trinidad Sports, Trinidad politics, Trinidad and Tobago, Tobago News, Trinidad classifieds, Trinidad TV, Sports, Business
America's Day Of Reckoning Is At Hand
Snarls, smears and innuendo for Hillary Clinton as attack dogs get ready for the fray - Times Online
Scotsman.com News - International - Car boom will create 3.7bn tonnes of scrap
Law and Resistance: The Republic in Crisis and the People’s Response
True Names Of The Two US Political Parties
More than half of Afghanistan 'under Taliban' - Independent Online Edition > Asia
jamesphogan.net --> The Cosmic Power Grid
Billionaires Up, America Down
'We must talk to Syria unconditionally' - J'lem Post
Israel marks 60 years since Palestine split - Decision to partition Holy land between Jews, Arabs still heart of conflict - AP
Iran: Sanctions Won't Stop Atomic Work - Ynet
An Increasingly International Jerusalem - J'lem Post
US withdraws a U.N. resolution to reach a Mideast peace settlement by the end of 2008, after Israel objected - AP
Turkish military fires on Kurdish rebels inside Iraq - J'lem Post
'We must talk to Syria unconditionally' - J'lem Post
Estimate of AIDS cases in U.S. rises - New test places the rate of infection 50 percent higher - Washington Post
China Rejects Another Navy Mooring - Washington Times
Lawmakers reach gas mileage boost deal - USA Today
Pentagon Pursues New Multibillion Dollar Spy Satellite System - Fox
China and Japan begin talks to warm their long-chilled relations - J'lem Post
Venezuela's Chavez Says No Oil if U.S. Tries to Meddle in Vote - Fox
Wall Street sees silver lining in economy, former Treasury official says 'it’s a sucker’s rally' - NY Times
President Bush: Faith Key to International AIDS Fight - CNN
Wildfire-Scorched Southern California Faces Flood, Mudslide Threat - Fox
CAIR: Civil rights advocates or radical Islamists? - Muslim lobby group has troubling record of terror - WND arrests
Foreign bargain hunters find U.S. dollars a deal - Washington Times
Calif. leads, struggles with emission-capping plan - USA Today
Pakistan Opposition Leader Bhutto Launches Election Campaign in Turbulent Northwest Region - Fox
Chavez’s bluster surges ahead of vote Some observers link Venezuelan leader's tough talk with tight contest - Washington Post
Democrats reach deal on auto fuel efficiency - AP
Democratic Race on Hold After Hostage Crisis - NewsMax
Bush wants $30B more to fight AIDS - USA Today
Israel Averages 300 New Cases of HIV Annually - Ynet
Barak: We Must Safeguard Israel's Interests - Ynet
Olmert: Two-State Solution, or Israel is Finished - Haaretz
After Annapolis - Current peace process fails to deal with key issues - Ariel Cohen
Al Qaeda's emerging defeat - Austin Bay
Changing Nation - Will it Lead to America's Destruction? - Cal Thomas
Stand firm, Mr. President - Washington Times
Bush Rebounding - Clark S. Judge
Apartheid Not Peace - Caroline B. Glick
Rick Warren's Inquisition - Joseph Farah
Whose Right to Bear Arms? - Paul Greenberg
Olmert in Peaceland - Michael Freund
December 1: The Law And The Gospel - Oswald Chambers
December 1: Vision For Believers - Charles Stanley
December 1: Be Definite in Prayer - Streams in the Desert
Mob bay for teacher's death | The Sun |HomePage|News
My Way News - Teacher Hidden As Sudan Mob Urges Death
Teddy teacher: Lawyer expects her to be pardoned after visit from British Muslim peers | the Daily Mail
Hostage Situation In Rochester Ends With Man's Arrest - New Hampshire News Story - WMUR Manchester
My Way News - Chavez Supporters Rally Ahead of Vote
Castro Says He Warned Chavez About US
Facebook Retreats on Online Tracking - New York Times
Hidden Dangers in Visiting Porn Sites
2 Girls, 1 Cup: The Real Poop - November 30, 2007
YouTube - Erin Burnett refers to GWB as "the Monkey in the Middle" .
Democrats: Voters shifting focus from Iraq - Martin Kady II and Jim VandeHei - Politico.com
WH says 1,000,000 docs handed over - Mike Allen - Politico.com
CBS Seeking 'Irreverent,' 'Hip' Journalist for Eco-Beat (No Knowledge Required)
China wary on international climate goals | Environment | Reuters
cbs2chicago.com - Investigators Looking Into Cause Of Amtrak Wreck
Hillyer & Citizens United Threaten Legal Action Against CNN
Debate Ranker: CNN Has Top Two Debates
Riots Point to Racially Divided France
Sarkozy plans new blow to French 35-hour work week | International | Reuters
Iconic Daredevil Evel Knievel Dies at 69
wcbstv.com - N.J. Coach Accused Of Filming Student Sex Acts
Morrissey sues music magazine for defamation | Entertainment | Reuters
wcbstv.com - Obama, Bloomberg Hold Mystery Breakfast Meeting
wcbstv.com - Obama Puts On Show At The Apollo
The Candidate's 'Catch Me if You Can'
The Maginot Line doesn't always hold - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Bernanke hints of further rate cuts - Yahoo! News
New concerns over mercury hazards split green activists on switch to CFLs
Muslim lobby group has troubling record of terror arrests
Man surrenders after standoff of more than 5 hours in New Hampshire – none injured
Says she does not believe campaign had prior contact with man who made threats
'It's a sad day for New Hampshire and a sad day for the New Hampshire primary'
Man complained of lack of access to mental health care in call to CNN
'I saw a softer side of her that I hadn't seen before'
Threatens action will be taken to ensure 'his legacy will be marred for all time'
Discusses being booted from George Galloway's office
Angry MP insists Hamas not terrorist, abruptly ends interview, deploys police
'We should all be wishing them the best
Was to be used to publicize alleged racism of abortion industry
Tiller had sought to prevent review of claims against him
Came just after delivery of 60,000 Ron Paul dollars
'God will not be silenced by legal decree'
Jewish faculty member said it showed 'lack of sensitivity' to those of other religions
Top doctor in U.S. says big guy sets bad example
Also uses vulgarity to respond to man who expressed concern
'The problem here is not work ... it's educational level at arrival'
Prosecution accused of misrepresenting facts in trial of border agents
Hundreds wielding clubs, knives took to streets in Sudan calling for her to be shot
Beijing's capital walls largely insulate country's banks from crises elsewhere
WorldNetDaily: Savage lawsuit calls CAIR 'vehicle of international terrorism'
'Extortion': Visitors' computers disabled with relentless pop-up ads until fee paid
Threatens action to ensure 'his legacy will be marred for all time'
'That's a very delicate balance that's been arrived at, and I wouldn't change that'
Disputes candidate's claim of delayed-payment problem for police details
Previous administrations dispute claim others allocated security expenses same way
Both Romney, Dems have accused Republican of using misleading figures
Candidate's earlier commercial featured hooded terrorist blowing up shopping mall
'He had the foresight to vote against the war from the beginning'
Environmental group says projects that would have been approved anyway cashing in
'We definitely need a larger social science dimension'
Old fridges meant to keep brew cool blasted for inefficiency
Official says illegal studios to be closed, singers 'confronted'
Student helps save his love – a French Jew – from Nazis in World War II
Surgeons operated on wrong side of patients' heads 3 times in 2007
Experts say science behind gene analysis not sufficiently advanced for worthwhile results
Bush calls on Congress to approve $30 billion more to fight disease
'We as journalists also have a role to play in the fight against the disease'
Woman, 34, boy, 14, found in vehicle by deputies
Washington Redskins star killed during break-in
Officers smash through door when women take pie, refuse to pay deliveryman
Witnesses call police at 1 a.m. – outside temperature 35 degrees
Accused allegedly tied rope around victim's neck, attached it to truck
Judge orders 2 suspects released in Aruba
Tapes only recent evidence 3 Americans may still be alive
Director of science curriculum claims pressure over criticism of intelligent design
Study: Those who wait, particularly men, seem to experience more dysfunction
Co-worker admits accidentally striking victim with drilling vehicle
Rider best known for failed 1974 attempt to jump Idaho canyon
Man disobeyed advice from emergency operator to stay indoors
Discovered intact by tour guide 65 years after soldier dropped it
$1-billion-a-year gambling empire lets Seminoles hire better grant writers
Director-general of agency warns British companies under attack from Beijing
Cheap, dangerous – but analysts say there are opportunities for right investor
Recent comments by Bernanke, Kohn indicate rate reduction likely on Dec. 11
Proposal would suspend interest rate increases for resetting adjustable rate mortgages
'We believe this is good news for our sector as a whole'
Strong population growth, job growth, linked to appreciation in long term
Convert retirement funds now, without tax penalties or new contributions
'We're looking at (gas prices) backing off quite a bit'
Says interference in upcoming referendum will turn off pipeline
Stocks end November lower amid credit concerns
Technology-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index fell 6.9% in November
Madonna expected to bid on giant fungus found by mongrel
Japanese government stepping up campaign to encourage public to eat more
Woman said she was touched by cause of disabled children
New audit suggests DVD-rental service being undercharged
'Being in narcotics the majority of my career, I thought it was the real stuff'
Sued Kmart for twice collecting levy on exempt 'necessity'
Move would pit Web search engine against wireless service providers
Exclusive: Joseph Farah urges readers to follow lead of Des Moines parents
Exclusive: Henry Lamb spotlights fatal results of today's government-managed society
Exclusive: Pat Boone stresses need for armed conflict when liberty is threatened
Exclusive: Michael Evans targets Bush for partnering with terrorists at Annapolis
Jonathan Falwell reports on former guv's talk on faith, life, Islamo-fascism
Star Parker lists reasons voters give Clinton low marks for character qualities
Matthew Rothschild contends both Clinton, Obama should fear for their lives
Exclusive: Ernest Istook whomps Congress for driving up food prices with corn subsidies
Exclusive: Tom Flannery argues against leading atheist's 'human solidarity' standard
Exclusive: Ellis Washington shares about mother figure who recently joined the angels
Exclusive: Greg Laurie explains meaning of Jesus' final utterance on the cross
Exclusive: Anthony C. LoBaido photographs wonders of Florida's Everglades and Keys
Exclusive: Readers join rebuke of Rick Warren, defend pants-wearing women
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan rewrites John 'Lenin' song to combat anti-troop 'goons'
Tammy Bruce rips movement's leaders for silence on teddy bear brouhaha, rape case
. . . No, It's the Right Agency To Aid in War on Smoking
Debate reignited over smoking
Abbas: Summit follow-up talks to take place in Moscow and Paris
Chavez oil threat raises stakes in Venezuelan referendum
Do more to fight HIV
Obstacles loom in NKorea nuclear talks
Bush seeks added $30b in AIDS fight
The trouble with Teddy: The Kennedy who has seen it all
Bush handed blueprint to seize Pakistan's nuclear arsenal
US praises India's effort in fighting HIV/AIDS
Kids 'need milk and sun for healthy bones'
Rite Aid Selling Paternity Test Kit
Duck hunter dies after falling into Lake Michigan
Humans face tough choices with aging pets
Can Oprah win women for Obama?
Promising strategy for smoking ban
No debating Hillary's strategy
Celebrity houses burn in Malibu inferno (+photos)
Richardson veers from pack in deploring immigration discourse
Huckabee: America enslaved to Saudi oil
Turkey fires on Iraq-based rebels
Bush Seeks Cuts In NYC Homeland Security Grants
Alaska gets 5 applications for natural gas -
Stocks' recovery turns on subprime plan -
Turkish Army Gets OK to Hit Rebels in Iraq
Ex-Leader: Rebel Kurds Have Left Iraq
US 'Declaration' a Setback for Maliki
Raid on Top Sunni Threatens to Raise Iraq's Sectarian Tension
US to Launch Program to Employ Military-Age Men in Iraq
Kurdish Leader Presses for Independence
Bush Gets Plan to Seize Pakistan's Nukes
Musharraf: US Shares Blame for Pakistan and Afghanistan
US Pulls UN Resolution Disliked by Israel
Bush National Security Advisor: No Place for Syria in Peace Process
US War Vets to Speak Publicly About War Crimes
Military Overmedicating Troops, Counselors Charge
Euro Thaw Not What It Seems
Spectacle at Annapolis Spurs Nuclear Danger
Bill Clinton Rewrites His Support for Iraq War
Focus-Grouping War With Iran
Blowback From Moscow - by Pat Buchanan
The Early Word: Calming Down
This Week in God
Rumbling Republicans assail one another
'Should Gold And Silver Be "Illegal" Tender?'
The quest for a 'humane Shariah' in Nigeria
Russia's next flashpoint: Culture
Rape victim's sentence spurs calls for Saudi reform
In India, a terrible place to be born a girl
At Guantánamo, no right to confront accusers
Clinton office hit by hostage drama
Turk army enters N.Iraq to hit rebels
Powers gather on Iran atomic plans
U.S. says has proof of N.Korea uranium program
Daredevil Evel Knievel dies after long illness
Estimate of AIDS cases in U.S. rises
Report: Turkey fires on Kurdish rebels
Chavez's bluster grows bolder
Details of Clinton office standoff
Four arrested in shooting death of Taylor
Clinton suspect in trouble before hostage drama
Turkey fires on 50-60 Kurdish rebels
Sunni lawmakers walk out
Legal foreign workers caught in immigration stalemate
White House Wants To Cut Anti-Terror Funds
Hillary Offers Thanks In New Hampshire
Dems Reach Deal On Fuel Economy Rules
Traffic-Stop Taser Cop Acted "Reasonably"
Militants kill 14 Iraqi villagers
Turkish army fires on PKK in Iraq
Global effort on World Aids Day
UK peers visit teacher in Sudan
Belgium coalition talks collapse
Chavez urges reform vote
Bush handed Pakistan blueprint
Protesters in Sudan call for death of teacher
Iran tries to head off calls for tougher sanctions
Report: Turkey says it enters Iraq
China, Japan start key talks
Lawyers: Imprisoned journo's health failing
French riots point to race divisions
Chavez: No oil if U.S. meddles in vote
Bhutto campaigns in Pakistan's militant heartland
Russian liberals accuse Putin over pre-poll speech
Iraq Sunni Arab leader says under house arrest
Chad president sacks defense minister after clashes
Iran rejects EU 'disappointment'
Five killed in Israeli Gaza raids
Dutch cabinet votes to extend Afghan mission until 2010
6-week-old baby among 57 killed in Turkish plane crash
Operation in volatile Afghanistan district declared a success
Rice Aims To Prop Up Africa Peace Deals
Things Looking Down For U.K.'s Brown
Ukraine Mine Shaken By Another Blast
Lawyer Expects Pardon In Teddy Bear Case
Chavez Backers Rally To Alter Constitution
ETA members kill Spanish guard
Militants raid village, killing 13 and burning homes
Sri Lankan military: 13 Tamil rebels killed in north
Vatican removes 2 Ohio priests
Legal foreign workers caught in immigration stalemate
Giuliani's Stump Stats Often Off The Mark
Former Fed Fakes Cancer For Free Days Off
Mortgage aid plan sparks hope and resentment
Vick's Dogfighting Cohorts Sentenced
Pastor: Wife "Feared" Cop Husband
U.S. stocks set to move with data, rate-cut hopes
Quiet end to volatile week on Wall Street
Top countries that can handle their liquor
Judges, cops say Hershey's mint looks like street drug
Fed won't let market upset become calamity: Poole
Alaska gets 5 applications for natural gas
Google eyes US airwaves
Preventing suicide among the elderly
Africa makes 'spectacular' progress against measles
Excess sun may lower risk of a uterine cancer
Findings underscore kinship between Venus and Earth
Study: Unnecessary CT scans exposing patients to excessive radiation
Obesity: A shrinking problem for women?
Reporter gets circumcised to fight AIDS
Menstrual blood tapped as source of stem cells
Stem cell scientists find way around cancer gene
AIDS vaccine failure no reason to stop
Global effort on World Aids Day
Rapid chlamydia check developed
Skin ageing 'reversed' in mice
Military family will use webcam during childbirth
Police need mental health training, Liberals say
Hospital mortality rates released for first time
Bush: We Will Turn The Tide Against AIDS
Omega-3 To Fight Parkinson's?
Ten HIV/AIDS Myths
Switched-Off Genes May Hold Keys To Health
Hostage ordeal over, Clinton resumes campaign
Bush's to-do list for Congress: 'Clock will be ticking'
Will wireless carriers really open their networks?
Why Science Can't Save the GOP
Giuliani foes in GOP panicky
Anybody's game in GOP arena
Amtrak crash a mystery
NTSB Probes Amtrak-Freight Train Crash
Clinton to Obama: Pull health care ad
Clinton Campaign Calls Obama Health Care Ad Misleading
Giuliani Defends Spending on His Mayoral Security
China blocked another US ship: Pentagon
China denies 3rd US ship port call
Politician who banned abortion-related Web sites dies
Israel, Palestinians to Begin Negotiations
US Seems to Soften Syria Stance
Oil spill aftermath getting messier
Lott the Latest in Unusual Retirement Trend
Lott doles out $350K from war chest
Trent Lott Takes the Money and Doesn't Run
Two top Mass. justices speak out against 'vilification' of Tuttman
Suspect in Graham killings led Mass. police to remains in 2000
Viva the Ron Paul Revolution!
Former Scruggs Colleague Says Money Changed Him
State panel calls for new California water delivery system
Feds: Porn suspicions ignored; police officer's husband arrested
APD Officer's Husband Accused of Paying Young Girls for Sex
Peterson wants his stuff back
Drew wants his guns returned
New Search for Stacy As Officials Seem to Focus on Container
The Associated Press: Neighbor: Friend Moved Peterson's Body
Did Kathleen slug Stacy in '02? Cops say so, nephew denies it :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Search for Stacy Peterson
Clinton vows no let up in campaign after hostage-taking
Chavez threatens to cut oil
Bump in road for Chavez?
Bali Talks Aim to Set Path for Post-Kyoto Pact
Brown launches funding review
Britain's Brown promises changes after new party funding row
None Survive Turkish Plane Crash
Plane Crash in Southwest Turkey Kills All 57 on Board (Update7)
Iran says it will safeguard nuclear rights
Powers gather on Iran atomic plans
Philippine Authorities Hunt for Revolt Leaders
Colombia Seizes Videos of Hostages
Botched Manila coup a warning to would-be plotters
Israel Airstrike Kills 5 Hamas militants in Gaza
Fighting kills 15 Tamil rebels, 3 soldiers in northern Sri Lanka
French president emerges as the victor in transit strike
Turkish cabinet gives green light to army, which attacks Kurds
Turkey Says It Struck Kurdish Bases in North Iraq, AFP Reports
Bin Laden Releases New Tape, Message for Europe
Bin Laden: Europeans Should End US Help
Iraq pledge by Australia PM-elect
Iraq MP 'barred from parliament'

Politics1 - RON PAUL -2008 Presidential Candidates: Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX)
MySpace.com - Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) - 72 - Male - Surfside, Texas -
GOP.com | Republican National Committee :: Home
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Socialist Labor Party of America, Karl Marx, Daniel DeLeon, Daniel De Leon, De Leonists, socialist industrial unionism, socialist unionism, labor unions, Marxian socialists, revolutionary Marxists, revolutionary Marxism, revolutionary socialism
The Militant - a socialist newspaper - November 5, 2007 -- front page
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Nazi.org: Nationalist News Network
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PPPP--The Pansexual Peace Party Pages
Pot Party - A Movement to Pretty Much Legalize Marijuana!
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The Third Party of America - Exploring Alternative Political Solutions
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