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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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28 November 2007

WED. 28 TH

PM, Bush to hold private meeting on Iran | Jerusalem Post
High-Tech Drones Joining Miami Police Force - Miami News Story - WPLG Miami
Buttocks Sign Rejuvenates Neighborhood Cam Battle - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
STLtoday - News - Illinois News
Carson Daly About to Defy Writers Strike
Carson Daly Seeking Scabs - November 27, 2007
FT.com / Companies / Retailing & leisure - Online US retail sales exceed expectations
Meet the supermouse bred by genetic scientists that CAN'T get cancer | the Daily Mail
Madonna dyes sheep for Vogue Living shoot, RSPCA outraged | The Daily Telegraph
Venezuela Chavez: CNN may be instigating my murder - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Bush Calls Abbas, Olmert to White House
Google expands into alternative energy - Yahoo! News
Paris suburb riots called 'a lot worse' than in 2005 - International Herald Tribune
Dutch lawmaker planning film criticizing the Quran - International Herald Tribune
French police detain 'drag queen' over 18 gay murders
Man arrested for shooting traffic camera - Yahoo! News
Bill Clinton Flatly Asserts He Opposed War at Start - New York Times
Zogby International
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 11/28/2007 | Democrats' health plans echo Nixon's failed GOP proposal
My Way News - Huckabee Tries to Gloss Over Ark. Record
Romney puts faith in Christian past - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
My Way News - GOP Debaters to Face YouTube Questioners
ABC News: Overweight? Standing May Be Solution
Robots laugh, solve puzzles and get dental treatment at Japanese exhibit - Yahoo! Malaysia News
Romney Faces Serious Challenges In Iowa
Rudy vs. Mitt: Who's the Least Liberal?
How Hillary Will Go Negative
The Larger Issue Behind Mideast Conflict
Annapolis: The Cost of Failure
A Poor Track Record for Peace Conferences
How to Meet Our Nation's Challenges
Is Race Beginning to Fade Away?
That 'Top One Percent'
Lott's Bipartisan Ways Will Be Missed
The Meltdown of Hugo Chavez
Putin's Potemkin Election
Gov't Makes Mockery of Immigration Law
Web Videos Aim Questions At GOP Field
Politics Still Playing On Big Screen In '08
Ron Paul Supporter Hopes Lightning Will Strike Twice
Biden and Dodd Face Long Odds Together
Mideast Oasis or Mirage?
Republicans Need to Reunite Their Base
How Will Values Voters Vote?
A Bad Fight for Mitt Romney
Govern by Principle, Stand Up for Equality
Obama's Amnesia Problem
McCain's Electability Argument
Huckabee is a Fiscal Conservative
As Center Shifts Left, Populism Revives
The (Impossible) American Dream
Pelosi's English-Only Showdown
Fate of the Know-Nothings
Social Security: Five Myths and a Slur
On Environment, the Free Market Does It Better
A Crime That Screams for Outrage and Action
Iraq Must Seize Opportunity
Al-Qaida's Emerging Defeat
Clinton, Obama Tied
Bill's Take on the GOP Field
An Opening in Annapolis
Debate Preview
Bush on the Battlefield
Venezuela Veers Toward Dictatorship
France's Troubled Banlieues
YouTube Debate Raises Stakes
Senate Race That Fizzled Honed Skills for '08 Stage
Clinton Hits Obama on Health Care
No Buildup In Support for McCain
Joint Understanding Read by President Bush
Frank Luntz & Scott Rasmussen on Hannity & Colmes
Who Has More Experience?
An Interview With PM Ehud Olmert
Jody Woodruff Talks With Joe Biden
Jostling For Attention, Demonstrators Swarm Naval Academy Gates
A Non-Interventionist America
Why Ron Paul Is Right About Terrorism
Be Loyal to the Market
Free Michael Vick
Dangerous Kooks
Privatize Marriage
An Open Letter to Orthodox Christians
Right-Wing Nutjob
Taser Torture
The Extraordinary Mrs. Gaskell
H2O Police State
The Economics of Ron Paul Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
What the World Could Expect From Dr. Ron Paul’s Non-Interventionist America by Michael Scheuer
Open Letter to the Arab-American Community in Behalf of Ron Paul by George Ajjan
Krugman Gone Wild by William L. Anderson
Ron Paul – Just Like Ronald Reagan – But Without All the Acting by William H. Huff
Pain at the Pump by Ron Paul
The True Cost of Taxing and Spending by Ron Paul
The Political Earthquake by Kyle Hunt
Iran's Secret Weapon: The Pope - TIME
LewRockwell.com Blog: Conventional wisdom
Free Press Editorial: Semi-primary, full frustration for voters
LewRockwell.com Blog: The Ron Paul Re-van-lution
LewRockwell.com Blog: Morning Ron
Giuliani Gave David Rockefeller U.N. Award
Paul Abrams: Rove: "Congress Pushed Bush to War in Iraq Prematurely" - Politics on The Huffington Post
We Are Change Ireland Attempts to Confront Bill Clinton
Denying the North American Union
UCLA Report: Illegals Not a Burden on Health Care
S 2191: The Carbon Credit Enslavement System
EU Bullying World’s Poor to Rush into Dubious Trade Deal
U.S. Mortgage Crisis Slams Property Values, State Tax Receipts
Mandatory GPS Cell Phones for College Students
More Fox Fear Mongering: Jihadist Terror Tunnels in Arizona
Ex-Secret Service agent reveals Chicago JFK plot
Think Progress Distances itself from “Conspiracy Idiots”
Americans: Sheep to the Constitutional Slaughter?
120 War Vets Commit Suicide Each Week
California Schools: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and… Transsexuality?
Internet Found Guilty of Promoting Terrorism
Just a Friendly Reminder… Hillary Clinton is a Warmonger
Effect Change: Billings Ron Paul rEVOLution
Ron Paul: Economic Scholar v2
Ron Paul Admits Addictions
Ron Paul Liberty Bell Nov 10th Phillaldelphia Rally Visit
Serious Truth, Ron Paul 2008
Why Do We Support Ron Paul?
World stocks rattled by fresh subprime jitters
World spooked by declining U.S. dollar
Signs Are Pointing South on Wall St.
“Enemies of Free Speech” to Sue Accusers in Canada
The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
Violent Radicalization-Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act headed for Senate Vote
Are Those Pesky Twoofers Weelly Cwazy?
WorldNetDaily: 'Olmert holding Israel liquidation sale'
Ahmadinejad offers to be an observer at US presidential election | Iran | Guardian Unlimited
World Tribune — Lev Navrozov: Just as ignorant of Hu’s China as of Stalin’s Russia
Citizens Against Government Waste: CAGW Uploads Database of Labor-HHS Earmarks
Citizens Against Government Waste: porkerofthemonth
Citizens Against Government Waste:
Citizens Against Government Waste: government_waste_watch
Citizens Against Government Waste: Pork Barrel Report
Citizens Against Government Waste: Issues
WorldNetDaily: New film feature's Hillary's 'crimes on tape'
Parents pull students from district, citing conflicts with biblical rules
Toddler attraction features lingerie display
Government reviewing column endorsing symbols of Christianity
Feud involves copyright of holiday favorite launched in 1979
Free WND teleconference Thursday night with Farah, Corsi, Kupelian
Talk show trend-setter continues highlighting Muslim agenda
An unforgettable day at U.S. Air Force hospital in Iraq
'Bush, Harper, Calderon have punted to line bureaucrats'
WND author squares off with activist over illegal immigration
Appeals contend wrong law applied, administrative errors criminalized
Opponent: 'Absurd' to subsidize students who would need forged documents
Supporter of debt-ridden school says, 'Let's straighten the ship'
Kay Warren says U.S. evangelicals have been 'late to the party'
Israel arrests terrorists as Annapolis summit prepares to give territory to Abbas
Bush administration established as sole judge Palestinians fighting terror
Knesset members blast PM's Annapolis vow to evacuate territory
U.S.-backed declaration calls for Palestinian state by next year
U.S. magazine's list includes Mideast extremists, Joel Osteen, Britney's ex
Spokeswoman says 'everyone has their own responsibility'
Charges then-first lady orchestrated smear, intimidation to keep accusers silent
Authorities investigated after parents of 16-year-old complained
U.S. researchers genetically engineer rodents to be disease-free
Prosecutors sought IDs of thousands who bought books via Amazon.com
Mideast oil state now top shareholder of largest U.S. bank
Offers either to forgo rebirth, or be reborn while still alive
'We do not show an incident where he's received a ticket'
Church leaders accused of assaulting kids in ritualistic fashion
Tehran claims its latest rocket capable of reaching Israel, U.S. bases
Highest U.S. official to check on work to make atomic site unusable
Citizen from Great White North wants it to plead for clemency on his behalf
'Engaged in a personal relationship with a subordinate employee'
'We find it impossible to maintain an effective working relationship'
'He's probably the most durable and interesting American politician'
'The public will once again have faith in their government'
'There's no reason to assume that they will alter their game plan now'
Teen girl sentenced to jail, flogging despite sexual assault by gang
'I said Muhammad. I named it after my name'
Declaration of death would be step toward settling adventurer's estate
'These types of projects you will see springing up all over the place'
Fierce hockey brawl between 8-year-olds stuns police
Experts find remains of ancient Greek temple in which Paul preached
Prosecutors sought IDs of thousands of people who bought used books through Amazon.com
Contend there's enough insurance against financial turmoil
Exclusive: Joel Hesch tells how 1 American turned in firm selling defective body armor
To ease environmental strain caused by company's voracious appetite for power
Could accelerate shift to Web-based computing
Mirrors robust start to holiday shopping season reported by traditional stores
Mideast oil state now top shareholder of largest U.S. bank
'We are seeing a transfer of wealth of historic dimensions'
Wants euro-style currency to avoid exchange problems
'We're in the aftermath of the biggest housing boom in history'
'It's really a euphemism for non-union television'
Becomes 1st late-night talk show to resume production
Drink born from question: 'Why don't football players wee-wee after a game?'
Money raised through sale will be used to buttress balance sheet
Dave Ramsey advises father of woman to threaten lawsuit over repeated phone calls
'It's difficult to balance strength with flexibility'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah rebuts PC notion Jesus told government to care for children
Exclusive: Judge Roy Moore notes strike gives us a 'respite from new Hollywood filth'
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky describes his time picketing with other writers in L.A.
Walter E. Williams: What if the State mandated what kind of car we could drive?
Ben Shapiro compares Hillary's, Obama's years of leadership to GOP candidates
Exclusive: Jill Stanek labels Fred Thompson for treating abortion like senator did slavery
Exclusive: Andrew Longman jousts with atheists over result of rejecting 'Nature's God'
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak talks of honoring brother with AIDS Quilt contribution
Chris Carlson cheers president's reforms leading to '21st Century Socialism'
Exclusive: Readers respond to Folger fairy tale, skewer Christian leadership
Frank Gaffney asserts this time it's Arab nations victimizing Israel
Exclusive: Mychal Massie sees nation taking a long walk on a short plank
Todd Friel targets music that has grown men 'whining' like puppies

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