"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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10 November 2007

Saturday - 10th November


Pelosi and the Democrats Sell Out the American Worker (Again)
Scarlet and Black | Grinnell College Newspaper
Play of the Day: McCain's Mom on Mormons
My Way News - Congress Aims to Put Out Cigarettes
McCain Says Kerik Reflects on Giuliani
O.J. may not have been aware of guns in robbery: witness
OpinionJournal - Featured Article
Senators still boast about bringing home the bacon - The Crypt's Blog - Politico.com
FT.com / Home UK / UK - Lieberman hits out at 'paranoid' Democrats
"Refund, Refund" - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
ReviewJournal.com - News - Giuliani plays up support from televangelist
Biographer: Norman Mailer Dead at Age 84
wcbstv.com - MySpace Overcome By Severe Phishing 'Epidemic'
LAPD Plan To Map Muslim Communities Angers Some Groups - News Story - KNBC | Los Angeles
Anger at LA police plan to 'map' Muslims
Midnight openings grow, but not all retail on board - Yahoo! News
Dollar Sinks to New Low Against Euro: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
President Bush visits wounded troops...but British leaders dare not follow his lead | the Daily Mail
My Way News - Broadway Strike May Darken Theaters
wcbstv.com - Autopsy: Gotbaum Died Of 'Asphyxia By Hanging'
Remnant of Yellowstone volcano rising, study finds
Hamas eyes West Bank upon Israeli withdrawal - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Students march against Chávez | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
FOXNews.com - St. Louis Archdiocese Angered By Synagogue's Hosting of Women Priests Ceremony - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Good Dog pups help kids learn to read
The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced | the Daily Mail
Military Jury Acquits Army Sniper of Premeditated Murder in Killings of 3 Iraqis - New York Times
Balkan Mujahedeens: Fundamentalist Islam Finds Fertile Ground in Bosnia - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Nazis and Islamists - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Your guns are 'too violent' for Remembrance Day, mayor tells rifle regiment | the Daily Mail
Hispanics to hear from GOP - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
The cyber school for killers - Times Online
AFP: 'Fifth London bomber' pleads guilty
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Bhutto resumes protest campaign
Egyptian Christians detained by police - rights group - Israel News, Ynetnews
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran 'must free' woman activist
Oregon teacher loses fight to take gun to class | U.S. | Reuters
FOXNews.com - Clinton Campaign Confirms Planting Town Hall Question, Says It Won't Happen Again - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
CAIR Targets Another Conservative Talk Show Host -- 11/09/2007
WorldNetDaily: D.C. imam declares Muslim takeover-plan
Hints of a thaw in Myanmar
Exploring genetic differences in the new DNA age
Bush's loyal 'families of the fallen'
Former chief's legacy pays off for BHP Billiton
Plans for monument to German unity cause some division
European politicians wrestle with high gasoline prices
Police consider 'meth gun' to find drugs
Some of spilled oil to be absorbed by S.F. Bay
U.S. student still in jail over slaying in Italy
Graduation rates calculated differently across America
Bush, Germany's Merkel to meet on wars
Recalled Aqua Dots sicken seven more children
Near misses a growing airport concern
Threat to Pakistan anti-insurgent plan
Celebrity Realtor's assistant charged with murder
Concern for Iran female activist
Sunni chiefs killed in Iraq blast
Congo river 'radioactive dumping'
NASA"S Luxury, At Your Expense
Cop Now Suspect In Missing Wife Case
Wall Street Plummets Over Bank Worries
Indian girl recovering after removal of limbs
Maher Arar tries to revive U.S. lawsuit
England spared major flooding after storm
Chad frees Spanish air crew, Belgian pilot
U.S. military frees nine Iranians held in Iraq
U.S. urges restraint by Ethiopia and Eritrea
Four Venezuela police shot in anti-Chavez protest
Autopsy: Woman accidentally strangled herself after airport arrest
Suspect arrested in death of girl, 9
AP: Relief copter unsafe in heat, Army says
Kerik’s case dogs Giuliani
Cop a suspect in wife's disappearance
Freight train derails in Washington, cars in river
Record 103 million flu vaccines distributed in U.S.
"Botmaster" admits infecting 250,000 computers
House Battles Over Middle-Class Tax Fix
DNA Leads To Arrest In 1974 BYU Slaying
Witnesses Recall Simpson Hotel Encounter
Corporate America looks for a new type of CEO
Wachovia's losses widen as Barclays denies speculation over write-down
EU cuts economic forecasts
Julius Baer reportedly plans to spin off New York unit
To be or not to be, the CEO?
Nasdaq sheds 2.5%, Dow 1.7%; consumers glum
Some jobs still draw from 1 gender
Fannie Mae loses $1.4B in third quarter
Wachovia takes $1.1B subprime hit; Capital One hurting
Ford aims for former glory with Taurus
Stocks tumble after banks' credit warnings
With gas again at $3, Congress is mum
Costly crude fuels price hikes on goods you use every day
Mexico ends session, week lower; Brazil rises 1.2%
Wal-Mart, Home Depot to paint picture for retailers
Visa plans $10 bln IPO as payments giant targets overseas growth
Wall Street sinks for third day
Bleak consumer outlook eclipses trade gap gains
Fuel prices could prompt airlines to ground planes
Dollar is world currency "for a reason": Paulson
More banking woes hit US shares
Court to study BAE fraud decision
'Mr. Toilet' nears completion of commode-shaped house
Traditional epitaphs rest in peace
Bank manager gives woman loans for sex
Tattoos, shaved heads out for judges
Flasher strips off in court
Hoping to replicate US success, Apple launches iPhone in Germany, Britain
Spacewalkers prepare Harmony for its big move
Salad dressing found in ancient shipwreck
Astronomers find the sun's long-lost twin
Democrats: Colleges must police copyright, or else
Start-up wants starring role in camera mechanics
Photos: Surface computer draws a crowd
Now you can customize your auto's alert
Truck played role in first wireless Net connection
Skynet military launch is delayed
Click a mouse, feed a mouth in U.N. campaign
How to Hack the Holidays and Score the Best Deals Online
Eye-Fi: How One Little Chip Will Change the Way You Share Pictures
New Sherrif to Scrutinize High-Seas Climate Cowboys
DOJ Cracks Down on Internet Pharmacy
Park service says Biologist likely died of plague
Injecting stem cells sparks progress in repairing heart
Dieting hardest for emotional eaters
Scale won't budge?
Quebec's asbestos report trumps 'pseudo-study': town's mayor
Ontario warns doctors to watch for drug-resistant bug
Cord blood bank could solve transplant problems: doctor
Placenta 'fools body's defences'
Childhood May Predict Type 2 Diabetes
Eat Fish, Get Smarter?
Hillary Denies She Attended Bilderberg, But Confirms Bill Did
Rick Santorum Emphasizes "Fear" of Islamo-Fascism
Hillary Criticized Bush Admin for 'Suspicious' Approach to 9/11 Investigation
Ex-Wall Street Journal Editor: Dollar Collapse Will Cripple European Economy
Genesis Communications Network
World economy can live with $100 oil
WorldNetDaily: Alarm: China signals flight from dollar
Scoop: Collins: Stealing Ohio 2004 – The Case Heats Up
Hillary Clinton: A Bilderberg Presidency
Welcome To The Technocratic Dark Age Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love My Enslavement
FOX Anchor Calls for Terrorist Car Bombings In Iran
Lieberman: ‘Paranoid, Hyper-Partisan’ ‘Left-Wing Blogs’ Wrote ‘Conspiracy Theories’ On Iran
The American empire is falling with the dollar
Diana inquest hears of plot to 'assassinate' the princess
State of Emergency: Could Bush ever arbitrarily declare martial law like Musharraf has in Pakistan?
Ron Paul Says Federal Reserve 'Robbed' Americans of their Wealth
A Gadfly with Wings | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Opinion: Editorials
Iowa GOP and Ron Paul Campaign Headquarters: Ron Paul is not out of the debate
Ron Paul Think Tank?
All Hard-Money Advisors Get Behind Ron Paul - Ask Maxium Client Donations
Actor Ed Asner : Opening Remarks at the 9/11 Symposium, West Hartford CT, 11/03/07
9/11 Family Member Patty Casazza: Government Knew Exact Date and Exact Targets
NIST Admits Total Collapse Of Twin Towers Unexplainable
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Pelosi and the Democrats Sell Out the American Worker (Again)
Vaccine Causes AIDS/HIV Related Infection that Spreads Through the Body via Common Cold Virus
Civilian Court Blocks Watada’s Second Court Martial
Bolton sees Bush administration’s Iran diplomacy as appeasement
Sibel Edmonds Case: the untellable story of AIPAC
Rove Decries ‘Nutty’ ‘Vitriolic’ Bloggers Who Spew ‘Bad Words’
Blair ‘knew Iraq had no WMD’
Clinton Announces Support for NAFTA Expansion
Huckabee is Bush’s “evil ideological twin”
The EU is missing an opportunity to make carbon markets benefit the poor
Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’
Pay It off Later: Debt Is the New American Dream
Pay It off Later: Debt Is the New American Dream
Pentagon Forecast: Cloudy, 80% Chance of Riots
HR 1585 Authorizes Plans For Martial Law
Big Brother Is Listening to Your Cell Phone Calls
Mark Klein on AT&T/NSA Domestic Surveillance Program: “The NSA is Getting Everything.”
Why war with Iran is likely
FBI Admits al-Qaeda Mall Attacks Not Credible
The Judeo-Christian Conflict: Zionism vs. Jesus
Democrat says ‘king’ Bush no longer honors right that dates to Middle Ages
Spitzer: Committed to license plan for now, but 'wait and see'
Bush, German chancellor take on all the global hot spots, from Iran to Afghanistan to Russia
McCain seeks $3m loan, raps independent ad effort
Bush Cozies Up To More Foreign Leaders
Bug tax increase could burn tobacco industry
New Hampshire independents moving towards Democrats
Dalai Lama a Big Blue booster
Romney Links Rivals to Sanctuary Cities
Mausoleum of Arafat Unveiled
Activists protest Clinton, Giuliani
McConnell to debut campaign ad; Luallen urged to run for Senate
House Roll Call: US-Peru Trade Agreement
How They Voted: Gay Rights
A Recipe For Republican Recovery
Democrats are building momentum
Republicans can breathe easy, for now
Despite gains, blue tide not forecast for Virginia politics
After election night success, county GOP splits
Retirements Give GOP Election Planners a Month of Troubles -
Angela Merkel plans to boost relations with India in business, science and politics
Hawaii seed crop business up sharply
Musharraf has failed the country
Constitutional impasse in Lebanon
Hillary Clinton defends Bill
McCain's cash crunch gains urgency
Pakistan emergency 'to be lifted'
US urges Musharraf to set date for benchmarks
Himachal's highest polling station warms up
Judiciary alone can show army red card: Beg
Writing about religion
Christianity Vs. Psychology: Section #2
Snow: Have religion, politics become too entwined?
Pastor-turned-atheist headlines Spokane event
Clinton, Romney lead in New Hampshire in latest Marist poll
Romney links Clinton, Giuliani with a 'sanctuary state of mind'
Ohio gov. endorses Clinton; she says road to W.H. is through Ohio
Ohio Governor Endorses Clinton
Clinton Talks Energy in New TV Ad
Obama Ratchets Up Criticism of Clinton
It's the Hill and Bill show
Former president sends message of hope for U.S.
Edwards campaign tried to quash student's TV story, professor says
Richardson: Brilliant or bumbling, or both?
Union stakes its claim on politics
Giuliani returns for rally
Giuliani heckled in Loveland
Letter: Robertson endorsing Giuliani is hypocrisy
Romney, Giuliani, Thompson sign up for Dec. 9 Univision debate
O.J. Simpson Hearing Continues Tuesday
9/11 attacks were acts of war on U.S.
Sir Ron
The Handwriting Is on the Screen
Putting Libertarians on the Couch
The Path to Atrocity
Ron Paul's Chances
What I've Learned From the Old Media
The Fed Has Wrecked the Stock Market
Chickenhawks for War
I Was Tortured by Government Agents
Is Your Child's Backpack Heavy Enough?
The Terrorist Threat
The Ridiculous Democratic Senate
Greenspan: It’s About Oil
ABC News: Dollar Devalued? Paul vs. Fed Chairman
The Writers Cartel of America by Andrew S. Fischer
French President Sarkozy Accused of Working for Israeli Intelligence
Comment is free: Déjà vu all over again
'USAF struck Syrian nuclear site' | Jerusalem Post
Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order
From the Desk of Donald Rumsfeld . . .
McCain's Hope Tied to Less Violence
One Million Iraqis Registered Jobless
Army Struggles to Meet Recruiting Goal
Injured Vets Costs Greater Than War
Hagel Dubs Giuliani/Clinton Reckless
Bush Claims Less Violence No Comfort
PKK Says Open for Turkish Talks
Iraq Takes Aim at Private Security Firms
Free Market News Network
Body Not Designed for Certain Foods
New Oil Reserves Found in Brazil
Diabetic man tasered by police Instead of being given medical attention
Texas Widow Drops Execution Lawsuit
No More Adult Prison for RI 17-Year-Olds
Book: Powell Pushed Iran Policy Shift
25 Years of Vietnam Offerings
Officer a Suspect in Missing Wife Case
Police Slaying Suspect Back in Philly
Lawmakers Seek Wider Munitions Search
2 Charged in Missouri Girl's Death
Rep. Cubin Won't Seek New Term
Loyalty a Factor in Heroism
Evangelicals' Issue: Radical Islam
Disney Sued for Segway Ban
Deaths Mark Grim Afghan, Iraq Milestones
Gitmo Builds Temporary Legal Compound
Pakistan: Emergency to End in 1 Month
Arafat Mausoleum Unveiled in Ramallah
Islamic Terror Hits Tourist Paradise
UN Chief Opposes Somalia Peacekeepers
14 Saudis Return Home From Guantanamo
Saudi Arabia Beheads 2
Lebanon Again Delays Presidential Vote
Exiled Koreans Return After 60 Years
Clinton takes lead among youth
Edwards links Clinton to Bush
McCain wants third-party ads taken down
House approves AMT patch
Dems' cash swing dwarfed by GOP's 1995 windfall
Obama and the Dream of a Color-Blind America
Hillary's Powerful Gender Appeal
McCain and Edwards Try to Stay Relevant
Edwards on the Outside
Mitt Romney: Consultant in Chief
Rudy Giuliani: New York Cowboy
Why Are Dems Getting Nervous?
Oil Price Causes Global Shift in Wealth
Pakistan Chaos Can't Be Scripted
U.S. Strategy for Pakistan Precarious
America's Strategies for Victory & Defeat
Dollar's Fall Becomes a U.S. Problem
NBC's Green Fraud
Ambush in War Zone D
Why Don't We Know Our Heroes?
Bush and Relatives of Fallen Lean on Each Other
Democratic Nomination
Republican Nomination
Bernie Kerik's Shame
A Rare Win for Open Markets
GOP Indicates it Won't Concede Hispanic Vote
Quantifying Media Bias
A Defiant Kerik Vows to Battle U.S. Indictment
Thompson Sets Social Security View
On the Deteriorating Situation in Pakistan
Former Senator John Edwards (D-NC) on Pakistan
Fred Thompson on Abortion, Hillary v. Obama
Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) on Pakistan, F-Policy
Interview w/ Former President George H. W. Bush
Mailer Made America His Subject
Fred's Social Security Plans
Dems Question Latest Anti-War Strategy
New Army Chopper Overheats
Israeli Minister: Apocalypse Over Nuclear Programs
Bolton Blasts U.N. at U.N.
Sen. Hagel: Rudy, Hillary Cowboys
James Dobson: No Endorsement Imminent
Paul Blasts Bernanke, Plans Ad Blitz
Knights Templar Secrets Revealed
Avigdor Lieberman: 'Mideast atomic programs apocalyptic'
Hamas: Terrible surprises await IDF should they invade Gaza - Jerusalem Post
Report: Mideast summit with a focus on Syria to take place in 2008 - Jerusalem Post
Report: Talks on possible Israel-Syria conference in Moscow underway - Ynet
Former UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali to Israel: No wonder everyone hates you - Ynet
Bush Urges Congress to OK Veterans Bill - Fox
China bans sale of toys linked to date-rape drug - Seven more children in U.S. hospitalized after ingesting ‘Aqua Dots’ - AP
Army Spends Billions on Helicopters With Crucial Flaw: They Overheat - Fox
Gunmen storm high-security nuclear facility - Worker shot as 4 armed men gain access to sealed control room - WND
2007 deadliest year ever for U.S. troops in Afghanistan - USA Today
Police shot in rally against Chavez as violence grows - Washington Times
18 fighters reported killed in clashes in Iraq - AP
Lebanese presidential election postponed for third time - Jerusalem Post
Bhutto rejoins Pakinstan protests - CNN
Oil price rise causes global shift in wealth - Iran, Russia and Venezuela enjoy the benefits - Washington Post
Congress aims to put out cigarettes - USA Today
Clinton Campaign Confirms Planting Town Hall Question, Says It Won't Happen Again - Fox
Dobson Says No Endorsement Imminent - NewsMax
Say It's So, Joe - The Politics of National Security - Vice President Lieberman? - William Kristol
Things Are Tough All Over - But Mrs. Clinton is no Iron Lady - Peggy Noonan
Tightrope walking - A period of economic sluggishness may soon arrive - Washington times
Oil hydra goes hyper - Victor Davis Hanson
November 10-11: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit - Charles Stanley
November 10: The Road Uphill - Streams in the Desert
November 10: Fellowship in the Gospel - Oswald Chambers
Worker shot as 4 armed men gain access to control room
Washington-based cleric working toward 'Islamic State of North America' by 2050
'We're not going to tolerate people blatantly disregarding our laws'
10% of illegals caught already have serious felony histories in U.S.
Targets 43 'types' of religious infiltrators, media employees, 'cult' members
Stock markets on both sides of Atlantic conclude their worst week in months
Dow down 220 points: Investors concerned credit slump shows no sign of abating
Sources stand by story saying evangelical leader to hit campaign trail
Staffer approached student to ask Clinton about global warming
Restaurant worker insists no one from Hillary campaign left gratuity
'Newsletter regarding decoration policies has been rescinded'
'We are hopeful this epic legal battle soon will be resolved'
Judge cancels university policies protecting Hezbollah, Hamas banners
'Lewd though it may be, does not fall within the purview of the ... statute'
Significant weaknesses: Information is neither complete nor fully accurate
ACLU: 'We are going down a dangerous road'
'This was a classic case of terrorism financing, and it was pretty sophisticated'
'He is being tried for not investigating a crime we now know never occurred'
'They had started studio to support themselves'
Defendant says hardest part of jailing was isolation in 3 foot by 5 foot cell
Voice of the Martyrs newsletter keeps Christians informed of attacks
'Can't just take a movie and make it anti-war or anti-torture and expect to draw people in'
Attorney: Cleric has history of psychatric problems, has quit taking his medicine
Qualifying projects do little to further goal of cleaning up China's energy infrastructure
Demand to jump by 73% between 2005 and 2030, with 80% of increase in China, India
Had Internet contacts with boy planning shooting spree at Philadelphia high school
Chilling text message predicted student's sex murder
'My child does not know what a prostitute is and she shouldn't be learning that'
Jury agreed he offered to pay $20 to perform sex act on undercover officer
Says lawyers for group keeping him off ballot didn't disclose ties to judges who ruled
Law to lower minimum blood-alcohol level could affect ability to drive after Mass
Strangulation: Woman was acutely intoxicated on alcohol, prescription drugs
'While it does not sound good to say go shoot her between the eyes ...
Crude was supposed to pay for reconstruction, but production lags
'That's not a prediction or a desire'
Lawmakers: 'The only prudent course of action is to expand the search for munitions'
Bottlenose pod helps protect severely injured boarder from monster great white
'It was swimming straight out to sea. That was the funny thing about it'
Glory grabber sets bizarre Guinness world record with 45-minute stunt
'Has an STD! Eww!': Claims 'shame and humiliation' forced her to stay out of school
'He's 49. He's a grown-up. If you learn from your challenges, then you become stronger'
Loss of lawyers means Heather could have to represent herself
Biomonitoring project finds potentially toxic chemicals in participants' blood, urine
Exclusive: Judith Reisman highlights high costs to kids of letting 'sexual liberation' have its way
Exclusive: Pat Boone blames 'naked media bias' for the empress-elect's new clothes
Star Parker hits Dems for passing regs making it harder for Americans to get mortgages
Exclusive: Henry Lamb reports latest on federal animal-surveillance program
Exclusive: Ellis Washington defends Musharraf, decries attorneys' influence in wartime
Exclusive: Greg Laurie looks at Lincoln, David to explain power of forgiveness
Exclusive: Peter Rosenberger challenges God-deniers demanding a missing leg grow back
Exclusive: Ted Byfield tells of young Quebeckers rejecting parents' rebellion
Exclusive: Ted Baehr explains simple plot realities of blockbuster films
Jackie Mason and Raoul Felder defend Giuliani from latest detractors
Rick Perlstein asserts conservatives' policies contributed to problem, stymie solutions
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey sees globalist types using crisis as excuse for N. American Union
Warren Smith exposes host's radio course that stands Bible on its head
BizNetDaily - Business News
Week of big losses: Wachovia, Fannie Mae latest lenders caught in real estate mess
'Uncertainty doesn't give investors any reasons to believe that a bottom might be in place'
2nd largest U.S. bank says market dislocations will hurt 4th-quarter results
But what if housing market is down for years?
Annual apples-to-apples comparison across country shows variety in prices, local economies
To reach 1980 inflation-adjusted levels, metal would have to surpass $2,200 an ounce
Presidential candidate faces off with Fed chairman
After being on brink of $100 a barrel, crude ends volatile week up just 39 cents
'Increasingly challenging macroeconomic headwinds' blamed for lackluster sales
'Things do seem to be unraveling a bit faster'
'I never called in sick or was late to work. Not once! And I was good at my job'
'Out of order' facility made available to those not black
As worldwide air traffic increases, experts worried over safety impact
Proposed Blue Card makes it easier to get work permit, bring family
90% of jobs require vocational skills, 90% of graduates have 'only bookish knowledge'
U.S. Still Holding Thousands of Iraqi Prisoners
Pat Robertson and Rudy Giuliani
National Debt Now Exceeds $9 Trillion — Rising Steadily
Ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty Would Give the UN Control Over Everything About the Oceans
House Passes Peru FTA (NAFTA Expansion) 285-132
Weather Channel Founder Calls Global Warming "Greatest Scam in History"
Members of Congress Collect Millions in Farm Subsidies
U.S. Government Claims No Privacy for Email
Pilot Who Dropped the A-Bomb Didn’t Know Japan Wanted To Surrender
EndgamE - full video - Blueprint For Global Enslavement
Google Spider Goats [A film for all Americans]
Tony Alamo interviewed by Greg Szymanski #1 (2/21/07) (Discuss Je...
Project for a New American Citizen, 9/11 Truth Movement Austin Tx Al...
The corporation
Noam Chomsky - War, Geopolitics, and History
Noam Chomsky - Illegal but Legitimate
Noam Chomsky - Emerging Framework of World Power
Noam Chomsky : The Militarization of Science and Space
Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn on Democracy Now for 2007-04-16
Noam Chomsky - Rebel Without a Pause
Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky - Imperial Grand Strategy
Noam Chomsky - Forgotten History

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