"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

25 November 2007



Top Mafia figure sets the record straight once and for all, regarding the real controllers of the New World Order.
WACO: The Rules of Engagement (1/2)
WACO: The Rules of Engagement (2/2)
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Greg Szymanski Interviews Pastor Tony Alamo
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Bhagavad Gita - Audio Links
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Online Bible Concordance: Your bible study gateway
Bible.com - The Bible Online, Bible Prayer Room, Christian Community, Market Place and more..
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Bible: Revised Standard Version
Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon
Malibu Fire Claims 35 Homes, Forces 14,000 Evacuations - News Story - KNBC | Los Angeles
Celebrities flee, homes gutted as wildfire ravages Malibu
My Way News - Retailers Post Robust Start to Holidays
Retailers Post Robust Start to Holidays: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
US is‘worst’ imperialist: archbishop -Times Online
AP Chief Slams Case Against Photographer
Poll says Chavez loses Venezuela referendum lead | International | Reuters
As Democrats See Progress, Tone on Iraq Shifts
Making Sense of Ron Paul's Rise
Hillary Has Only Herself to Blame
Obama vs. the Icon
Growing Up Giuliani
Huckabee In Mitt's Rearview Mirror
Australia's Mystery Landslide
Best-Laid Plans Win Day
Let's Hear It For Good News From Iraq
Where Boys Grow Up to Be Jihadis
Annapolis: The Cost of Failure
Unheralded Military Successes
It is Proper to Challenge Islam
A Comeback for Communism
Race and Crime in New Orleans
How Bad Could the Economy Get?
The Failings Of Heroic Conservatism
Rudd Should Stay on Track
The Lessons of Howard's Defeat
Congress' Budget Challenge
Farm Subsidy Follies
For Romney & Company, Campaign Is All Business
Clinton Team Is Quick to Bat Down Rumors
In Iowa, Voters' Eyes Are On Pump Prices
Blue-collar Women See Hope in Clinton
U.S. Scales Back Political Goals For Iraqi Unity
Vindicated By DNA, But A Lost Man On The Outside
An Ancient Mandate for National Security
Paul Krugman Smears Ron Paul
What Beowulf Can Teach Us About Rulers
Just Another Prerogative of the State
Ron Paul Is Another Ronald Reagan
Oscar Wilde Was Confused
The Policeman Is Your Friend
Get a Job
The Basis of All the Laws of Physics
Privatizing Mass Murder and Property Destruction
The Real Threat to British Sovranty
Use It or Lose It
Paul Expects to Raise More Than $12 Million in Fourth Quarter - Yahoo! News
YouTube - Stop the "Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act"!!!-1/2
oobject » mechanical planetary models
Commission on Presidential Debates
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Using Compliments To Control Communication - lifehack.org
Rudy Giuliani In Drag Video
Dennis Kucinich blasts Democratic leadership, says the vow from his party's leadership is "total fraud" | AfterDowningStreet.org
Romney, Thompson Lead South Carolina; Thompson Almost Ties Clinton
Nuke to the Future
Super Sexy Train Passenger Video
Rome uncovers its founding moment | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
News Hounds: Naomi Wolfe Unnerves John Kasich on O'Reilly Factor
“Fusion Center” Trained Firefighters Search for Thought Crimes
Putin’s Security Forces Crack Down on Political Opposition
Legal NORFED Coins Targeted for Ron Paul, Stop the War Messages
Neocon New York Post Laments Majority Opinion on 9/11
Krugman Gone Wild
Internet Soon to be “Full,” Government Solution: More Taxes
Naomi Wolf Slaps Down Fox Neocon John Kasich
The New Inquisition Against 9/11 Truth
Air Marshal Exposes Quota Policy for Intelligence Reports
Gerald Celente: Dollar Will Fall 90 Percent
Awful subprime scenarios emerge:Effects may trigger economic calamity
Be Wary When Billionaires Call for More Taxes
Aggressive Police Cars
Former prosecutor: DOJ breaking rules for cell phone spying
Neocon Richard Perle Defends One Million Plus Dead in Iraq
Run, Rudy, Run: Giuliani on 9/11 (video)
Bridge Players May be Punished for Speaking Out Against the Decider-Commander Guy
Murdoch aiming to make BSkyB more like FOX News
What Happened to "What Happened" on FOX News?
John Gibson still wants to give someone a medal for outing covert agent
Sean Hannity And FOX News Help T. Boone Pickens Renege On Swift Boat Challenge
Attn News Hounds Near Ridgewood, NJ: Let's Show Sean Hannity What Democracy Looks Like
Islam Not Welcome in Hannity’s America
Amid Numerous Problems, Americans Still Have Much to be Thankful For
Huckabee's September Speech Posted on CFR's Website
Conspiracy: Fact or Fiction? | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Council on Foreign Relations | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
KGB: Dead or Alive? | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Illuminati | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Pearl Harbor | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Bin Laden Deal | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Lizard Men Rule The Earth | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Communism | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Constitutional Convention | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Council on Foreign Relations | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Free Trade Area of The Americas | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Freedom Index | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Government | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Immigration | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
International Criminal Court | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Military | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
NATO | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Oklahoma City Bombing | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Panama Canal | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Patriot Act | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Police State Threat | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Population Control | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Property Rights | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Religion/Traditional Values | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Taxes | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Term Limits | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
The Presidency | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Trade | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
U.S. History | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
United Nations | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Waco | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
World Bank/IMF | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Survey finds growing numbers seeking alternative explanations
Ex-agent reveals president changed travel plans 3 weeks before Dallas
IAEA silent as Tehran begins production of fuel pellets to power heavy-water facility
'What will we do when our children come home from school with blisters on their skin'
Mounting number of studies coming to some surprising conclusions
With his new discovery controversy 'will be just a funny historical footnote'
But many Democrats in new poll can't stomach 'Merry Christmas'
'All of these things ... come not from the hand of man, but from almighty God
Said he couldn't be open about faith like Bush because UK views religion with suspicion
Faces Canadian rights panel for posting article tying pedophilia to homosexuality
Government says comments on elections, politics violate tourist visa
Woman sentenced for false ID papers because father briefly converted to Islam
Justice ministry: 'She admitted to ... exchanging sinful relations'
New plan calls for dismantlement of 'refugee camps,' termination of Abbas' rule
Beirut toes line set by Arab League, sends representative to Annapolis peace conference
From Turkish jail, senior terrorist claims key role in atrocities around world
Report says academy should be closed pending review of its curriculum, textbooks
Ex-Fed chief says housing bubble has burst, more selling will come
Military spokesman: 'Current conditions allow for a withdrawal of the 1st unit'
If security continues to improve, Bush could become less of drag on GOP
Kevin Rudd's Labor party stormed to landslide victory in yesterday's elections
Surviving in Haditha: Secret side of military life press never reports
'Neo-conservatives' won't pledge to end war – 'How could I support something like that?'
Surprising surge of support for Huckabee has turned him into target
Talk tough to GOP base, but both governed from position of tolerance
Pledges to boost funding for research, education to $700 million a year
Plans to fix program's finances likely to loom large in general election
WorldNetDaily: Saudis calling shots at Annapolis peace conference?
Get-tough policy on border would flood courts, jails
'There was ... no lead, no avenue unexplored, in the entire case'
Houston chief: 'I wasn't ready to publicize this'
On surface, 2 women charged with stealing more than $20 million have little in common
5 deaths from children 'falling from windows or balconies or running into traffic'
Lack of shelter, clean water could kill many more, aid agency warns
Passengers rescued from stricken ship await transport from military base on remote island
Says discovered grotto not linked to Romulus and Remus but room in Nero's palace
Taser-armed junkie's assault on girl's mother fails thanks to martial-arts moves
Band member says Goth-rocker used band's profits for 'sick and disturbing' purchases
Psychologists discover using 4-letter words makes you more believable
Living cells in machine can filter blood, take over functions of natural organ
Legally binding contracts impose penalty on those who don't shed pounds
Large men have more blood so antigen diluted, prostate disease missed
'Men are often haunted by things that happen to them in life, especially in war'
'I installed the 1st solar-electric roof in the UK and it is the best thing I did'
Ex-Fed chief says housing bubble has burst, more selling will come
Subprime mortgage crisis keeps getting worse, claiming more victims
'For the financial services, it's the never-ending saga of the subprime shakeout'
Major chains say early-morning bargains lured in bigger crowds than year ago
Author is fierce critic of 'deferred-life plan,' instead promotes 'mini-retirements'
New generation of clean-living executives cuts back on costs, time wasting
Welcome to fair for Russia's millionaires
Business booming at pet rental companies in Japan
As walkout enters 3rd week, New York theaters, associated businesses losing millions
Investors haven't been paid promised dividends – blame government for losses
FDA looking again at role sodium plays in heart disease – foodmakers scrambling
Coffee giant says she harassed staff, was rude, beligerent
'We want to move from beverages as an accompaniment to being a beverage destination'
Star Parker: Republican voters rate candidate 1st in morality
Paul Proctor: Baffling consumer frenzy could be a sign of looming economic troubles
Exclusive: Henry Lamb exposes USDA, Codex intentions behind 'food safety' program
Exclusive: Floyd and Mary Beth Brown shed light on why cohabitation is hurting youth
Exclusive: Ellis Washington exposes eternal destiny of Huxley, Kennedy, C.S. Lewis
Exclusive: Joseph Farah urges Dems to learn lessons of Kennedy's stimulating tax cuts
Exclusive: Greg Laurie encourages worry warts to read 'directions' for stress-free life
Ryan T. Anderson: Leading scientists can research without killing human embryos
Stephanie Brill and Herbert Schreier: A call for childhood treatment and reassignment
Pat Buchanan: Bill promises to 'break' those who refuse to hire a homosexual
Exclusive: Readers tackle Carter and Reagan's religious beliefs, liberty, corruption
Warner Todd Huston: If Old Media wants readers, drop absurd 'balanced' claim
Joel Stein: Anti-immigration candidate certainly loves authentic Mexican food
Latest News | Top Stories | News Articles
Denver diversity-training video said to 'hammer the white guy'
Wounded Iraq veterans driven out of public pool when told they might scare children | the Daily Mail
Sisters behead uncle and aunt in front of their children - because he wore Western-style trousers | the Daily Mail
Sharif makes it back to Pakistan second time lucky
Under Rudd, Canberra likely to recast ties with Washington
Carson Reveals Terminal Lung Cancer
Israel believes Syria will attend Annapolis
Passengers of sinking ship journey home | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Shoppers may see the needle rise on Christmas tree prices
Christmas tree auction shows price spike
Obama says his health package does more
Obama, Clinton trade snipes from across western Iowa
Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney take gloves off as NH race heats up
Lite:Giuliani says he'll deliver
Giuliani's final push launched in NH
Astronauts Spacewalk, Finish ISS Project
Analysis: Summit Holds Risks for Bush
Arabs give US, Israel benefit of doubt at Annapolis
Firefighters make progress against blaze near Malibu
Six Die in Flooding as Typhoon Mitag Heads Toward Philippines
Court taking a loaded gun-law case
Skiers, boarders and resorts ready to get season under way
Eunice Kennedy Shriver hospitalized
Coast Guard Searches for Source of Long Island Oil Spill
500-gallon congealed oil spill has been cleared
Revised Rule for Employers That Hire Immigrants
US to modify business crackdown on immigration
Feds to revise immigration plan
William O’Neill, a Connecticut Governor, Is Dead at 77
Ex-Gov. O'Neill remembered for fairness
Paul's Supporters Clash With Media
Ron Paul Makes a Haul
Ferry fiasco: It never should have happened
Agencies target drunken drivers
Fund helps Humane Society treat injured animals
PUPPY MILL AFTERMATH Victories, Little by Little, Mark Rescued ...
Safety checks for some Santas, while others ring in the season
Volunteer Santas have to sign a clause
Missing mother, daughter found in Spokane
Missing teen from Germany found in Spokane
Hofstra hosting presidential debate next fall
Southern Political Report
Ron Paul's History of Virulent Racism (part 1)
How important is it for Syria to be at Annapolis?
Police Break Up Anti-Kremlin Rally In St. Petersburg
Russian police detain 50 anti-Putin protesters
Pope to cardinals: 'Give your life for the Church'
Unity of faith with pope among goals for archdiocese
Violence Errupts As Ethnic Indians Press For Equality In Malasia
Hezbollah raises specter of long Lebanon power void
Hezbollah recruits thousands in Lebanon crisis
Oil Rig Fire in Shetlands Extinguished, Norwegian Rescuers Say
Oil Rig is in Extremely Remote Part of North Sea
Shiites bombed market, US says
Shiite cell is blamed in market bombing
Pakistan Bombers Kill Despite Crackdown
Police say lack leads over Indian bomb blasts
Courthouse Bombings Strike 3 Indian Cities
Chinese Peacekeepers Arrive in Darfur
Darfur Rebels Reject Chinese Peacekeepers
Sri Lankan Air Force bombs rebels' communication center
Anglican leader launches attack on US
Archbishop's assault on US foreign policy
NATO and Afghan forces kill 65 Taliban - ministry
Nearly 70 Taliban claimed killed in Afghanistan
Iran says IAEA closes more files over atomic work
Iran: Allegations About Nuclear Program 'Baseless'
Baghdad Car Bomb Targets Iraqi Health Ministry; 9 Dead, 31 Injured
Croatians vote with eye on EU, NATO
Corruption and economy to the fore as Croats vote
Arabs prepare for Mideast conference warning against normalization with Israel - International Herald Tribune
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
Nave's Topical Bible
WACO The Big Lie Parts 1
WACO The Big Lie Parts Part 2

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