"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

29 November 2007

29 Nov.


BBC NEWS | Americas | Strong earthquake hits Martinique
Al Jazeera TV says to air new bin Laden tape | Reuters
Bin Laden urges Europe to quit Afghanistan | Reuters
Economy Has Strong Showing in Summer: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
New US home sales show rise, but only after earlier revision
White House Lowers '08 Economic Forecast
Oil Prices Rise on Pipeline Fire
Study finds U.S. immigration at record level - International Herald Tribune
Half of immigrants in Texas are there illegally, study says
Winston-Salem Journal | 30% of Florida's immigrants are illegal, report finds
TSA plan to gather more data protested - USATODAY.com
Breitbart.tv » St. Louis Cardinals Manager Struggles with Alphabet During DUI Arrest
'Gay question' general linked to Clinton - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
YouTube - Anderson Cooper's Mea Culpa
Scarborough: 'Total Crap' CNN Didn't Know Gay Questioner Is Clinton Campaigner | NewsBusters.org
World faces cyber cold war threat | Reuters
McCain sour about Hillary plant - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Michelle Malkin » Digging out more CNN/YouTube plants: Abortion questioner is declared Edwards supporter (and a slobbering Anderson Cooper fan); Log Cabin Republican questioner is declared Obama supporter; lead toy questioner is a prominent union activist for the Edwards-endorsing United Steelworkers
IMUS BASHERS FACE VENGEANCE - New York Post Online Edition: Seven
Venezuelans Protest Chavez's Referendum
Gillian Gibbons | Charged in Sudan | Teddy name Mohammed | The Sun |HomePage|News
Republicans Hold Fight Night at Debate
Pope invites senior Muslims to Vatican meeting
NEW BREAKING NEWS: Menorah will share MSU space with Christmas tree | KY3 | Local
Rodney King Shot - News Story - KNBC | Los Angeles
CFP: Moslem Group Attacks Michael Savage: The Battle Between Taquiya and Talk Radio
Study finds U.S. immigration at record level - International Herald Tribune
Newsmax.com - Many Illegals Just Fly into U.S.
Immigrants, illegals use welfare more often - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
WorldNetDaily: Airline 'discount' charges heterosexual customers more
Old Allies Abandon Chávez as Constitution Vote Nears - washingtonpost.com
Joan Smith: Islam and the modern world don't mix - Independent Online Edition > Joan Smith
WorldNetDaily: 'Olmert holding Israel liquidation sale'
WorldNetDaily: Islamic attacks on Savage target advertisers
BERKELEY / Council OKs crackdown for parks, sidewalks
Charlotte Observer | 11/28/2007 | Community colleges ordered
to let in illegal immigrants
GoErie.com: Kucinich poses 2-party ticket
French Reveal Plans for Taser Flying Saucer | Danger Room from Wired.com
Muslim ex-guard on trial over alias - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
First Americans All from Siberia, Study Confirms | LiveScience
FOXNews.com - France Arrests Suspect in Gay Serial Killer Case - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Rudy or Hillary: Pick Your Poison
We Are Change Ireland Attempts to Confront Bill Clinton
Consider a continental currency, Jarislowsky says
Hillary Interrupted: 20+ Years of Dynasty Is Enough
Bill Clinton Flatly Asserts He Opposed War at Start
FOX News Takes 32 Seconds to Explain We're in Iraq Forever
EFF study confirms Comcast's BitTorrent interference
Why League of Women Voters calls presidential debates "frauds" | Wise Bread
McCain Peddles False History, Takes Cheap Shot at Ron Paul
Snoop Drones: First Texas, Now Florida
Gun-Grabbers Declare Bill of Rights Not “Absolute”
CNN: Does Ron Paul Believe in a Conspiracy to Form a North American Union?
“Thousands” Illegally Rendered By Bush Administration for Interrogation, Torture
Army “Lowers Bar” On Recruitment
Gun Owners Of America Weigh In With Supremes
UCLA Report: Illegals Not a Burden on Health Care
McCain in Response to Ron Paul: the American People “Lost” Vietnam
US Coup Planned for Venezuela?
Americans: Sheep to the Constitutional Slaughter?
Bridge Players May be Punished for Speaking Out Against the Decider-Commander Guy
“Loose Change” Story On Fox Crashes Web Server
Iranian Persecution of Bloggers
“Enemies of Free Speech” to Sue Accusers in Canada
The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
Violent Radicalization-Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act headed for Senate Vote
A Dollar the Size of a Postage Stamp
More than 50,000 Lost Their Homes in October
World stocks rattled by fresh subprime jitters
World spooked by declining U.S. dollar
Signs Are Pointing South on Wall St.
Battle of Ron Paul
Ron Paul TV ad
60 Second Radio Spot
Ron Paul for Prez!
Effect Change: Billings Ron Paul rEVOLution
Ron Paul: Economic Scholar v2
Purported bin Laden tape: NATO broke rules
Leahy: Rove must comply with subpoena
Ticker: GOP senator rips 'arrogant' White House
Plane skids on belly after gear malfunctions
Thompson airs campaign's first negative ad
Campaign trail rancor carries into GOP debate
Grading the CNN/YouTube debate
CNN/YouTube debate: Video streams and downloads
YouTube users rate candidates' responses
Debate scorecard: Who won?
I-Reporters grade GOP debaters
Giuliani: Report a 'hit job'
Thompson ad sets GOP debate tone
GOP hopefuls trade jabs at debate
Huckabee mixes faith, politics
YouTube - '08
YouTube - '08

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