"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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27 November 2007

27 th November

New poll shows Clinton trails top 2008 Republicans | Politics | Reuters
HSBC Fund Bailout Raises Citi Questions: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Tree man 'who grew roots' may be cured - Telegraph
cbs13.com - Teen detained for allegedly pointing a laser at a helicopter
wcbstv.com - Montclair State Unveils Mandatory 'School Phone'
Anthem Skipped Before Monday Night Game
Terrorists target Army base — in Arizona - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Iran builds longer-range missile - reports | Herald Sun
Reuters AlertNet - Saudi official rules out handshake with Israelis
Report Finds Washington Has Highest AIDS Infection Rate Among U.S. Cities - New York Times
US Elections - Times Online - WBLG: History according to a "Hillary confidante" (and Matt Drudge)
Recordnet.com: More recycled water could be on tap
Bush Welcomes Gore to Oval Office
LiveLeak.com - President George Bush, Al Gore Together In Oval Office
Christopher Booker: Planet-saving madness - Telegraph
Wall St seen rising on Abu Dhabi's Citi stake news | Reuters
Confident Clinton Takes On Attacks, Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Talks About Obama And The Mad Dash To The End - CBS News
In Elderly Women, Clinton Sees an Electoral Edge - New York Times
Democrats honor pickets outside View, debates | Politics | Reuters
64 officers injured in Paris riots: Police-Europe-World-The Times of India
Teacher Arrested Over Teddy Bear Named Mohammed |Sky News|World News
ABC News: Exclusive: Saudi Rape Victim Tells Her Story
Seventy French officers injured as Paris explodes into riots after teens die in police crash | the Daily Mail
The Daily Star - Politics - 1,500 Saudi militants go free after 'repenting'
Murtha's Mistake
WorldNetDaily: U.S. 'holding back reports critical of Palestinians'
FOXNews.com - British Teacher Faces 40 Lashes for Naming Class Teddy Bear 'Muhammad' - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Official: Bride, groom stopped in Iraq actually terror suspects - CNN.com
Rasmussen Reports™: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a mid-term election.
Effexor XR - Drugs - Pharmaceuticals - S.S.R.I.s - Antidepressants - Depression - Medicine and Health - New York Times
Uribe: Chavez wants a Marxist FARC government in Colombia - Yahoo! News UK
LiveLeak.com - Exoskeleton Turns Humans Into Terminators.
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - Taliban burn aid agency food: officials
Government report | Prisoners' 'quality of life' | 'Go soft on lags' | The Sun |HomePage|News
Convicted Lawyer Wants to Teach Morality | World Latest | Guardian Unlimited
Snarls, smears and innuendo for Hillary Clinton as attack dogs get ready for the fray - Times Online
Counterterrorism Blog: In "Call for Donations," Al Qaeda Admits Financial Stress
Lesbians murdered teenager with concrete slab 'because she was irritating' | the Daily Mail
FOXNews.com - Saudi Arabia Marks 136th Beheading of 2007 - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Glenn Beck Confronted, Protagonists Questioned By Secret Service
They Live Taser Saucer To Become A Reality
Internet Soon to be “Full,” Government Solution: More Taxes
Ron Paul's growing poll numbers vex mainstream press
Tasers a form of torture, says UN
Murdoch wants Sky News to be more like rightwing Fox
Media Blog - Mixed Media by Jeff Bercovici: Regan: You Can Buy My Silence on Giuliani - Portfolio.com
Parker Waichman Alonso Mark LLP | Legal Help For World Trade Center Rescue Workers
CNN: What is Houston planning to do with drone planes?
YouTube - Endgame - Alex Jones Pt. 1
Denying the North American Union
Gun-Grabbers Crank Up Anti-Second Amendment Propaganda
More Fox Fear Mongering: Jihadist Terror Tunnels in Arizona
Taser Advocate Envisions Stun Gun Flying Saucers
Ex-Secret Service agent reveals Chicago JFK plot
Think Progress Distances itself from “Conspiracy Idiots”
Just a Friendly Reminder… Hillary Clinton is a Warmonger
Military training program for teens expands in US
A Generalized Meltdown of Financial Institutions
The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act
Violent Radicalization-Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act headed for Senate Vote
Are Those Pesky Twoofers Weelly Cwazy?
The Top 20 Ways to Come Up With Amazing Ideas
Boing: The World's Most Effective Speed Bump
Taking Marriage Private - New York Times
The Media Arranged for Brothel Owner to "Endorse" Ron Paul
Nevada brothel owner to raise money for Republican presidential ...
Guess Who's Supporting Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul
I Suspect Ron Paul's Support Is Non-Transferrable
Ron Paul , Politics and the Internet in the '08 Campaign
Fighting Over Libertarianism
Artless Paul
Is Ron Paul unqualified to be president?
Some of Ron Paul's foreign policy ideas dangerous to US
Ron Paul and His KKK, White Supremacist, and Neo-Nazi Supporters
Ron Paul at MSNBC
Official: Ron Paul Will Make Over $6 Mil in Single Day December 16
Taco John sets Fox Business Channel straight on Ron Paul's campaign
Ron Paul Supporters Trying To Buy A Blimp
Ron Paul on the Issue of Medical Marijuana
Ron Paul & Huckabee Keep Gaining
Can Pat Buchanan's New Book Boost Ron Paul ?
Ron Paul Picks Up Crucial Pimp/Whore Endorsements
Huckabee and Paul : Not That Funny and Not That Righteous
Giuliani's Huckabee Strategy
Paul a Republican speaking out against the war
Why Ron Paul ? Let Me Count the Ways
Paul's popularity could take votes from Democrats, Republicans
Ron Paul Has Won: A neocon lament
David Freddoso on Ron Paul and "That" Contribution
Columnist: Paul exposes 'over-hype' of internet's place in politics
IF Ron Paul Makes US President: will he get on with UK’s Gordon Brown?
Ron Paul Gives Students Alternative To Afternoon Soap Operas ...
Ron Paul Full of Hot Air?
Kucinich 'Admires' Paul , Says Drug Problem Requires 'Compassion ...
Presidential candidate Ron Paul set to visit Grand Strand
Left-right ticket
Liberty and Racial Discrimination: Responding to David Duke
Contractor 'Cowboys'?
FROM THE EDITOR: Touching the third rail
Kucinich poses 2-party ticket
Are We All Libertarians Now ?
WSJ: Meet the Paulnuts
Mitt Romney Dominating in New Hampshire, According to New Poll
The doctor is out
Letters: AG-N helps bury less prominent candidates
Speakout for Tuesday, Nov 27
Primary pluralities
The Silly Prejudices of the MSM
Rockefeller Summoned by The Emperor
Perot Voters Still Looking For A Candidate
CATO Institute: 11/27/07
Blogs target primary, climate and shopping
It’s Time To End Hamilton’s Curse
Time for change's Journal
GOP hopefuls uneasy over debate format
ABC News Picks Facebook As Its Running Mate
Race gets personal in run-up to Iowa caucus
Republicans Try Marijuana at Higher Rate Than Democrats
Red State Thompson Vs. Blue State Giuliani
Writing book nearly a must for candidates
"Unbought and Unbossed"
True change
Hillary Clinton Has Only 458 Friends, Obama has 5738
End the Use of Signing
Looking for a man of principle
Counting down 'til Iowa
Giuliani Advocates Blowing Smoke While Ignoring Blowback
The Blogs Bleed Into The Mainstream
Can a Hillary Supporter and a Kucinich Devotee Find True Love?
Through the kaleidoscope
Starting Gate: It's Getting Rough Out There
Corporate taxes: a hot hot button
Mike Huckabee - False Conservative?
Ideology Was Bush's Undoing
Huckabee's Improbable Rise
Previewing The Annapolis Peace Conference (PDF)
Carville, Matalin, Murphy, And Shrum On 2008 Race
Ron Paul supporter hopes lightning will strike twice
Buzz eludes McCain despite efforts
Lobbying lucre awaits Lott
What's in a name? A career, for one thing
Politics still playing on big screen in '08
Young and uninsured turn to ... Facebook
Gore mum after first sitdown with Bush
Students join GOP debate via youtube
Dodd Posts Online Query for GOP Debate
The CNN/youtube GOP debate questions
What's new: Immigration is an issue far from border; campaigns battle
From Aliens To Televangelists, The GOP Gets Ready for youtube
GOP hopefuls come to St. Pete
Will GOP voters accept Giuliani's evolution on abortion?
Giuliani, Huckabee Emerge as Strange GOP Bedfellows
Huckabee Plans to Concentrate on Iowa; New mccain TV Ad Stresses ...
HUCKABEE CLOSES GAP with Romney in Iowa
Iraq to US: Don’t ever leave
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Mayor
Gailey: A GOP racing form
Hastert submits resignation letter
Highlights from Campaign `08
ABC News, Facebook To Sponsor NH Debate
Homeless Issues Resurface
mccain Blog: The Ghost of Nixon
The Clicker
Candidate's Debate
St. Rudolph and the Dragon Lady
Repeal Federal Taxes on Gasoline
Shill for the Police State
Giuliani's Culture of Corruption
Manners Maketh a Good Pupil
Civil Disobedience
Anglo-Saxon Gold
Don't Steal My Baby
The Lost Lady of Ancient Rome
Mobile Internet
Pharonic Korea
With the dollar plunging, is it time to take a look at a N. American currency?
Sided with Muslim imams who were booted from flight
Commissioners reviewing column endorsing symbols of Christianity
Radio legend credits God with allowing him to comment on war
'I don't know why it would be listed that way. I don't put out the directory'
Tells PA president in private meeting U.S. committed to Israeli withdrawal
Tens of thousands converge at Western Wall, rallies across country
'We will not do anything that will divert from the seriousness of the occasion'
'President is pleased so many countries are coming'
Family friend says star safety succumbed to injuries after surgery
Doctors perform procedure after exam reveals irregular beat
Behind Giuliani, Romney, Thompson, McCain, Huckabee by 3 to 5 points
Says wife talking to husband does not make her qualified to be president
'They are in position to run strong, well-financed grass-roots campaigns'
London Times: 'We are merely doing our best to report it'
'Custody shall be terminated for fanatical Bible students who endanger children'
Website claims finding truly idiotic present is art form
U.S. stocks fall 2% on financial-sector woes despite retail bounce
WorldNetDaily: Kathleen Willey: Hillary behind 'terror' campaign
'If drinking a little bit is wrong, then why did Jesus drink wine?'
Relatives try to drive out curse thought to have been sparked by theft of statue
Woman arrested, accused of insulting Islam's prophet
'It was never my intention to do any harm to anybody'
'Undocumented individuals demonstrate less use'
'Heterosexual contact in the District is the leading mode of HIV transmission'
Study suggests it might help stem spread of infection
Al: 'A very good and substantive conversation, and that's all I want to say'
Would give Iraqis greater role in determining their mission
Reportedly produced by As-Sahab, multimedia arm of al-Qaida
'We will not allow anyone to poke their snotty nose into our affairs'
'She was his 1st love, and they planned to be married after she got a divorce'
Florida newspaper asks question: 'Why do they bother?'
'Everybody was running for their lives, grabbing their babies'
Country 'just full of big young boys who like us older girls'
Park ordered to pay compensation to 3 gnomes replaced by temp workers
Also displayed handicapped permit that belonged to 86-year old woman
Football referee gives creative explanation for penalty
Can sleep 4 people, suspended in trees, accessible by rope bridge
Website says finding truly idiotic present is art form
Dave Ramsey advises father of woman to threaten lawsuit over repeated phone calls
Wants euro-style currency to avoid exchange problems
HSBC fund bailout raises questions about whether Citigroup should follow lead
'A pretty solid, projectable growth trajectory from the new car marketplace'
Anti-Iraq war movie produced by NBA Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban
1st Monday after Thanksgiving considered 'Cyber Monday'
Includes 2 diamond solitaire gold rings languishing unclaimed since 1960s
'We have the capacity to increase the output and supply more for the market'
1st time since trading pens for picket signs 3 weeks ago
Rush to put aviators in cockpits 'raises obvious safety concerns'
'[This market] is based on fear. Fear of the unknown'
'I'm cautiously optimistic we will get a bill out of the Senate'
8 months to apply for emergency loans to help cover financial loss of crops
Exclusive: Joseph Farah whacks Rick Warren, others for preferring interfaith dialogue to spreading Gospel
Pat Buchanan: President sticks by his 'gospel of democratism' – despite reality
Exclusive: Mychal Massie sees nation taking a long walk on a short plank
Exclusive: Janet Folger turns presidential race into fairy tale about Huck and Hill
David Limbaugh urges GOP to make party's 'obliviousness to reality' on Iraq an issue
Exclusive: Tom Kovach slams pro-life group for endorsing candidate to 'go with a winner'
Close friendship with Alan Placa could spell trouble for Giuliani campaign
Dennis Prager: If U.S. is so loathed, why do so many want to move here?
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving looks askance at demands of so-called moderate Arab states
Pat Bagley has Condi Rice leading party games at Mideast 'pot luck'
Dave Zweifel decries lack of attention to Scott McClellan revelations about lying
Exclusive: Letter writers shake pens at Ron Paul, Tom DeLay
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith wallops Cuban, De Palma for their 'al-Qaida training film'
Bill Steigerwald marks 30-year anniversary of 'unintentionally hilarious' commie exhibit
America's Prosperity Rests on Solid Foundation
Australia's Lesson For Democrats
The Day After Annapolis
The Illusions of Annapolis
Annapolis and a History of Failure
Dems March Backward on Foreign Policy
Media Over-Hypes Ron Paul Campaign
Romney's Crime Record is a Mess
Rudy Has Faced Off with Hillary Before...
Oprah Support Will Boost Obama
Bush's Farsighted Wisdom on Stem Cells
That 'Top One Percent'
Thank God for Time Off
The Rise of Family-Friendly Cities
Beyond the Drop in Iraq Violence
How Much Lower Can the Bar Get?
Annapolis Summit Poses Daunting Challenge
The Middle East's Middle Ground
Weather-Beaten Tomb Has Served Nation Well
Bush Loses Another War Ally: Howard
Romney Calls For Judge to Resign
How Big Man In McAllen Bundles Big For Clinton
Thompson Woos Gun Rights Contingent
Video: Michael Moore cut this scene from Sicko because no one would believe it
Video: The Art Of Mental Warfare
Video: Fox News Porn!
Video: Michael Moore vs. Sanjay Gupta pt1
Video: Michael Moore vs. Sanjay Gupta pt1
Video: Michael Moore vs. Sanjay Gupta Fireworks pt2
Video: FOX News Whitewashes Trent Lott Controversy
Video: Pat Buchanan: We're Gonna Lose The American Southwest
Video: FOX Attacks Decency... with Bill O'Reilly Leading the Way
Video: Murdoch-Owned NY Post Claims Murdoch-Owned Giuliani “Had Not, Until Now, Mentioned [9/11] as Prominently”
Video: The REAL Rudy: Radios
Witness - The Triangle of Anger - Part 1
Witness - The Triangle of Anger - Part 3
Witness - The Triangle of Anger - Part 4
The Grinch Visits The Middle Class - CAP's Weller on CNN
Most Who Know Him Don't Heart Huckabee
TPMtv Extra: Romney on Campaign Quotas
Chris Dodd Has A Great Question For The GOP YouTube Debate
Democracy Now! Monday, November 26, 2007
Mike Gravel Meets With Ron Paul Supporters
who the fuck is this guy?
Conspiracy in london:ahmadinejad putin bush romancing stone
Kucinich Campaign Update 11-26-07
Memories Of The Illustrious Trent Lott
Inside Story - Lebanon's Political Future -25 Nov 07 -Part 2
Richardson Unveils Policy for Veterans and Military Families
The Kucinichs, Dean, Biden And Ron Paul On "Peak Oil," War In The Mideast, Etc.
Mike Gravel steps forward with America
Chomsky: Do the Democrats have a different answer on Iran?
Sen. Joe Biden On Iran
Chavez laments 'capitalist excesses'
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Gil Scott Heron
Peak Oil - How Will You Ride the Slide?
Video: Bush and Gore Meet Again 11.26.07
Video: Trent Lott Resignation Press Conference
Protests at home as Israeli, Palestinian leaders meet
Lott Exit Spurs Republican Scrum
Why Oprah Won't Help Obama
Cheney back to work after doctors fix heartbeat
Gore Makes It to the Oval Office, if Only for a Chat
Dennis Hastert resigns House seat
Gates urges more funds for State Department
Officials from 40 nations gather in Maryland for Mideast summit
Capital Journal: Tax cuts are gaining relevance as outlook dims.
Changing amendment is wrong
Rep. Filner enters plea in airport incident
Kennedy Memoirs Said to Fetch $8 Million
No new farm law until 2008: Farm Bureau chief
UAW win in Conn. emboldens organizing at Indian casinos
mcclellan admission evokes memories of Nixon era
Ex-Milwaukee cop deported for assuming fake ID
skorean president oks Samsung probe
Scores of police hurt in Paris as riots spread through suburbs
Israeli troops kill two Hamas militants in Gaza
China walks political tightrope for 160-plane deal with Airbus
Putin blames US for decision by election monitor to withdraw
Back in Pakistan, Sharif Condemns Musharraf
Sudan Accuses Teacher of Islam Insult
Kosovo talks resume with no deal in sight
Protests Greet Far-Right Speakers at Oxford
Angry scenes greet Oxford debate
Rival students clash as Holocaust denier
ANC women give Zuma further boost
Iran unveils long-range missile
Chad fighting raises stakes of EU peace deployment
Chad, rebels each claim they killed hundreds
Rudd talks climate change with Gore
Olmert: Israel, not US Jewry, will decide J'lem's fate
Gang-Rape in Annapolis, Saudi Style
US troops kill five Iraqi civilians-military
Strong quake shakes Philippine capital - UPDATE 2
Is Chavez hurt by his incessant hurling of insults?
Colombia, Venezuela Firms Worry Chavez May Restrict Trade
Croatia's ruling HDZ opens coalition talks after poll
Chinese Cabinet Defends Three Gorges Dam
Sri Lanka military kills 13 with mine - rebels

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