"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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26 November 2007


'Arms Race' May Lead to $5 Billion '08 Election
'Freezing and Very Seasick' Cruise Survivor Recalls Rescue
'I'm beating them in state after state after state'
'It could be through $100 at any moment, it looks like it has the horsepower'
'Reputation can only be built step by step, but it can be destroyed in a moment'
'Seemed to be a lot of pent-up demand'
'She couldn't keep her own home together, so how can we trust her'
'There's good reason to believe it's happening nationally'
'This does not even qualify as tabloid trash'
'Why is there so much corruption in the country'
1000s detained ahead of Sharif return to Pakistan
A Generalized Meltdown of Financial Institutions
A Globalist Thanksgiving Toxic Turkeys
A Nation of Speculators
A New French Revolution
A Wide Range of Possibilities in '08 Race
Actor's star-studded 'Lions' did poorly at box office, another film delayed
Airbus to Sell 160 Jets to China
Airport has smooth holiday
Al-Qaeda kingpin I trained 9-11 hijackers
America's largest intelligence-training center changes security measures
An economic engine in immigration
An Open Letter to Arab-Americans
Anglican Leader Blasts U.S. Over Iraq
Annapolis Summit Poses Daunting Challenge
Are Those Pesky Twoofers Weelly Cwazy
Australia's New Boss
Australia's New Order
Awful subprime scenarios emergeEffects may trigger economic calamity
Baath reform spurs uproar in Iraq parliament
Be Wary When Billionaires Call for More Taxes
Bean and Gone
Beating Back the Cancer Curse
Blame the Leaders
Blumenthal Urges Tribe To Negotiate With Dealers
Brawley Case is Lesson About Rushing Judgement
Bridge Players May be Punished for Speaking Out Against the Decider-Commander Guy
British newspaper says 'we're going to see new lows in dirty politics'
British study largely blames events on global warming
brown Long-Term Economic Reforms To Improve British Economy []
Brown says UK prosperity 'depends' on Heathrow expansion UPDATE
Bush launches drive for Mideast peace
Bush Lends Clout to Mideast Peace Talks
Bush Loses Another War Ally Howard
Bush to stay on sidelines of Mideast talks
But many Democrats in new poll can't stomach 'Merry Christmas'
C.H.A.N.G.E. confronts Glenn Beck
Campfire may have started Malibu
Candidates' Stances on Social Security
Candidates, Retailers Vie for TV Time
Carville, Matalin, Murphy, And Shrum On 2008 Race
Charter Bus Crash Kills 3 On I-40 In Arkansas
chavez Only 'Traitors' Will Vote Against Re-Election Reforms
China inks major orders from French companies
Chris Hedges I won't pay my income taxes if we combat this Middle Eastern target
Citizens would have option of using current system, or going to new idea
Click to see image of Hillary's assistant
Clinton and Obama switch roles in Iowa - Mike Allen and Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
Clinton Starts Campaign Day With Prayer
Clinton Unveils Autism Plan
Colombia, Venezuela in crisis over Marxist rebels
Colombia-Venezuela relations head towards deep freeze
Columnist blames WND for spreading 'rumors'
Communist Atrocity
Conjures up more than $50 million at North American box office
connecticut Casino Dealers Vote to Unionize
Consortium led by British tycoon Richard Branson's Virgin Group
Croatian Parties Begin Search for Allies to Form Government
Culpeper rules out day-laborcenter
Darnell in Defense of the ‘Truth’ - TVWeek - News
Deals Elusive in Iraq Debate
Dear Rudy
Death Of 2 Teenagers Leads To Riot In Paris
Discussion of Iowa and Clinton's New Ad
Don't Get Taken Alive
Don't like your constitution Then rewrite it
Eating More Fish May Improve Seniors' Memory
Effort Grows for Border Agent Pardons
EuroNewsEuroNews Chavez freezes ties with Colombia amid hostage row
Ex-Black Militant Becomes Eagle Scout
Ex-Secret Service agent reveals Chicago JFK plot
exclusive Barbara Simpson tackles legitimate problems facing America today
exclusive Chuck Norris marvels at grassroots movement favoring resilient candidate
exclusive Doug Powers exposes political double standard pervading Hollywood scene
exclusive Ellen Ratner asks why Bush admin is silent about misery of refugee women
exclusive Floyd and Mary Beth Brown shed light on why cohabitation is hurting youth
exclusive Joel Barbee illustrates paper's adverse reaction to prosperous troop increase
exclusive Joseph Farah admonishes nimrodswho construct super-states in defiance of God
exclusive Michael Ackley clobbers porn invasion into squeaky-clean hotel chains
exclusive Vox Day declares Iraq an 'American imperial beachhead into Middle East'
F.C.C. Chief Seeks Votes To Tighten Cable Rules
Faces Canadian rights panel for posting article tying pedophilia to homosexuality
factbox S.Africa's Zuma gains in ANC leadership race
Fixing Social Security the FDR Way
France Gets $29.62B in Chinese Contracts
France-based Areva Sells Reactors to China
Fred Thompson on the Economy
GDP, home sales, inflation, spending reports due out this week
Gerald Celente Dollar Will Fall 90 Percent
Giuliani Keeps Up Spat With Romney
Glenn Beck Says He’d “Love” to Have Ron Paul on His Show
Good Riddance to John Howard
GOP Race Fluid As Voting Nears
GOP rivals swap barbs on values, crime
Gore vs. Bush in Oval Office
Government Halts Illegal Immigrant Employer Crackdown to Rework Rules
Government halts immigrant enforcement for bosses to rework rules
Hamas 'to step up attacks' after summit
Hamas Shocked at Arab Endorsement of Annapolis
Health Care Round II
Hezbollah dismisses Annapolis talks as media show - Yahoo! India News
Hillary Attacks China
hillary I Have Best Chance Against GOP
Hillary, Obama Spar As Race Heats Up
How Big Man In McAllen Bundles Big For Clinton
huckabee America Enslaved to Saudi Oil
Huckabee, the False Conservative
Hunter shooting at Maine Yankee worries resident
Immigrants Pull Weight in Economy, Study Finds - New York Times
In '09, Dems Would Test Appetite for Change
In a Cycle of Attacks, Giuliani Gives and Receives - New York Times
In Iowa, Clinton Intensifies Attacks
Inclusion of Arab world in summit raises hopes
Indiana congresswoman dying of lung cancer
Instead of landscapes, galleries, culture, spots feature hideous visitors from space
Internet Soon to be “Full,” Government Solution More Taxes
Investigators say they hope people responsible will come forward
Iraq Sets a New Trap for Democrats
Jerusalem bureau chief analyzes upcoming U.S.-sponsored conference
Jonah Goldberg It's Huckabee who should be making conservatives nervous
Kosovo Talks Unlikely to Resolve Territory's Future (Update1)
Krugman Gone Wild
Laugh Lines In The Hollywood Strike
Lebanon's President Leaves Without Successor
Legal NORFED Coins Targeted for Ron Paul, Stop the War Messages
Longtime Channel 7 news anchor dies CHICAGO SUN-TIMES Obituaries
Loophole Allows Overseas Trips
Lott to Resign Senate Seat
Massachusetts Faces a Test on Health Care
Members Join Voter ID Challenge
Milder temperatures, gentler winds aid firefighters
Military training program for teens expands in US
Most Contentious Mideast Issues
Mounting number of studies come to some surprising conclusions
Multiple Stressors Raise Heart Disease Risk
Musharraf eyes civilian rule officials
Musharraf Foe Threatens Protests
My Way News - Huckabee America Enslaved to Saudi Oil
My Way News - Sen. Trent Lott to Resign by End of Year
Negativity in the Democratic Campaign
Neocon New York Post Laments Majority Opinion on 9-11
Neocon Richard Perle Defends One Million Plus Dead in Iraq
New Meredith post mortem considered
New riots shock France
New York Manhole Covers, Forged Barefoot In India
Newsmax.com - Oil Climbs to Near $99, Lifted by Weather
Novak Talks About The Clinton-Obama Feud
Obama and Iowa's Urban Issues The Trail washingtonpost.com
Obama is Right on Iran
Obama On An Updraft In Iowa
Obama Touts Health Care Expansion Plan
Obama's standing in Iowa poll shifts contest
Officials say State Department fears affecting negotiations leading to Annapolis
Oil Rig Fire in Shetlands Extinguished, Rescuers Say (Update1)
Older white women join Kenya's sex tourists - Yahoo! News
Oprah Set to Campaign for Obama
Oprah Winfrey to Stump for Obama
ornstein Voting Machine Mess Can’t Just Be Fixed by Congressional Bills
Pachyderms jam, play 'Jingle Bells' for public
Pakistan's Supreme Court upholds emergency Indian Muslims
Paris suburbs braced for violence after riots sparked by
Passenger-only ferries begin from Port Townsend
plamegate Truth will out
Plans to take oath as civilian president Thursday, spokesman says
Police Clash With Protesters Over Status of Kurdish Party
Powerful typhoon slams into northeastern Philippines, killing 8
Producers, stagehands close to deal to end strike
Putin blames US for election monitors' boycott UPDATE
Putin Says US Meddling in Russia Vote
Putin’s Security Forces Crack Down on Political Opposition
Ralph Peters Situation has improved so rapidly, Dems shun topic like they shun troops
Reading fades from daily use among young
Recession Fears Weigh Heavily on the Markets
Reconciliation bill draws Shiite anger
Rivals deadlocked in Croatian vote
Romney And Giuliani Turn Negative In NH
Romney Calls For Judge to Resign
romney I'm Glad Hillary Attacked Me
rothenberg Ron Paul, Politics and the Internet in the ’08 Campaign
rudy It's time to unmask Romney - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
rudy It's Time to Unmask Romney
Run, Rudy, Run Giuliani on 9-11 (video)
Says America's attempt to intervene overseas has led to 'worst of all worlds'
Says it makes mockery of American democratic principles
Says Republicans have nothing like Clinton's 'most impressive coalition'
Schwarzenegger clan visits Eunice
Schwarzenegger's plan has been pegged at $14 billion per year
Second Amendment issue likely to become major campaign theme
Senior leadership of most active West Bank jihad group joins American courses
Serbia won't give up an inch of Kosovo Kostunica
Short of Money, G.O.P. Enlists Rich Candidates - New York Times
Some homes reduced to blackened wrecks, while others barely damaged
sources Lott to resign by end of year
Special WND report on understanding and surviving difficult economic times ahead
spokesman 'We thought at 1st it was an allergic reaction, or maybe nerves'
star-telegram.com 11-25-2007 Regional airlines lower bar for pilots
State Supreme Court asked to address evidence she committed crimes
study NY immigrants central component in economic growth
Suddenly, Connecticut Is Stem Cell Central
Supreme Court and guns
Supreme Court will hear argument on 2nd Amendment's individual, collective purpose
Survey finds growing numbers seeking alternative explanations
Syria Says It Will Join Conference In Maryland
Taser Advocate Envisions Stun Gun Flying Saucers
Tax fatigue or not, Olympia is ready to act
Tax Police Threaten To Dynamite Dissident Art
teachers help us cope with migrants
Teen gets persuaded to drive, but unaware he was pulling another man
Tehran, Syria slam Annapolis on verge of peace conference
Tensions Rise for Colombia and Venezuela
The Dangers of a Deepening Crisis
The False Conservative
The Last Middle East Peace Conference
The Middle East summit mission impossible - Independent Online Edition World Politics
The Middle East's Middle Ground
The Second Amendment Wedge
The story of the shameless outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame is ...
TheHill.com - Thompson charges Fox News is biased against his campaign
Think Progress Distances itself from “Conspiracy Idiots”
Thompson Proposes Simple Income Tax Choice
Thompson Rips Fox News for Bias
Thompson says network highlights commentators critical of his run
Thompson Slams Giuliani on NY, Guns
Thompson Woos Gun Rights Contingent
Three dead, at least a dozen hurt in Arkansas pileup involving bus
Tony Blair Mention God and you're a 'nutter'
Turkey police disperse Kurd rally
Two marchers die in police clashes By Martin Arostegui
U.S. invitation has no preconditions for state accused of supporting terror
Udalls Hoping to Make Senate History
UN climate circus rolls in on CO2 cloud
Understanding the Second Amendment
US diplomat staying in N. Korea for nuclear work
US Genocide
US negotiator Hill set for Asia trip on North Korea
usgs 6.1-magnitude temblor followed hours later by 6.7 strength rattler
Voters Quiz Edwards on Policy Booklet
Wanna see Oprah Better get to work.
Weather-Beaten Tomb Has Served Nation Well
What Else Should Be Banned on the Road
Who's Winning the Electability Game
William O’Neill, 77, a Connecticut Governor, Is Dead
With his new discovery controversy 'will be just a funny historical footnote'
Woman sentenced for false ID papers because father briefly converted to Islam
worldnetdaily Calling Jerusalem! State Department's strange listing
Wounded Iraq veterans driven out of public pool when told they might scare children
Young Voters Change Channel on Howard
‘Reds Are Natives’
“Fusion Center” Trained Firefighters Search for Thought Crimes

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