"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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22 October 2007

Sun -day/eve and misc.articles

Decline of the Old Right - Chapter 11 of The Betrayal of the American Right by Murray N. Rothbard
LewRockwell.com Blog: Ron Paul - The Just War Theory & The Peace President
LewRockwell.com Blog: 'My New Hero!'
LewRockwell.com Blog: Andrew Sullivan on the Values Voters
LewRockwell.com Blog: The Beatles on the Taxman
Research Leaves No Cloud in Medical Pot Debate by Paul Armentano
Sycophant Savior
Surge Protectors
News of the Day #468 - SEN. CLINTON SAYS COUNTRY IS NOW READY FOR UNIVERSAL COVERAGE: $110 billion plan is her highest priority
Ananova - UK population 'to go up 15 million'
Anatomy of the Ron Paul Nation - Mises Institute
New Oxford Review
The Associated Press: Parents Use Religion to Avoid Vaccines
The Daily Reckoning
Declaration of Independence
The Real News
Why Senator Clinton? | Free Speech TV Community: Participatory Media
Palestinian PM: Suspects in plot against Olmert back in custody - Haaretz - Israel News
Report: Lebanese Druze leader to seek Barak's help in toppling Syria gov't - Haaretz - Israel News
Iraq leader orders Kurdish rebels to disarm after deadly strike - Haaretz - Israel News
In act of joint reflection, Israeli and PA diplomats visit Auschwitz - Haaretz - Israel News
It's time to shout it out - Haaretz - Israel News
Neanderthals Had Important Speech Gene, DNA Evidence Shows
Resolution to honor the WW II interrogators (they didn't use torture)
Woodstock museum? Nope.
Right Wing Watch: Contested Vote Count: Romney v Huckabee
Giuliani Tries to Reassure Conservatives - Politics on The Huffington Post
Marc Ambinder (October 20, 2007) - Clinton Defends Iran Vote In Iowa Mailer
Huff TV: Huff TV: Arianna on Countdown Discussing Rush Limbaugh And The GOP - Politics on The Huffington Post
His Meteoric Days Gone, Quiet Dean Leads Party - New York Times
Interview With Jerry Seinfeld | PARADE Magazine
John Locke Foundation
CANDIDATE GUIDE >> Liberty Watch offers briefs on the candidates and notes on the January caucus
The Magna Carta
Media Matters - Noonan: Clinton "has to seem like a woman" to win
Michael Knox Beran on Count Gottfried von Bismarck on National Review Online
The African Conundrum
The B-52 Incident – An Unfolding Saga of Villains, Scapegoats and Heroes
Will the GOP election theft machine do it again in 2008?
Is Pakistan Base Of Al-Qaeda?
Giuliani Fails the Religious Right's Job Interview
Fractal Politics-- Local Trickle Down of Campaign Lie, Distortion Tactics
Extinction or the elites. Choose
So They're Fond of Condemnations Are They? Let's Condemn the Entire Republican Leadership
King Hemp V: Industrial Disease
Voter Suppression In 2008 At Stake In Attorney General Hearings
Safer Airports across America
Uncle and Auntie-Semite: When Will Jewish Fans Finally Abandon Bill and Ann?
* Just How Much Trouble is the US Economy In?
John Edwards , Hillary Clinton , Fred Thompson and the state of the 2008 Presidential Election
President AhmaBUSHnejad
I say: "Embrace the Silly Conspiracy Theories"
Worthy and Unworthy Victims: The Armenian Genocide
Pakistani Terrorists Fail To Shatter Hope Of Masses
America to Blame for Pakistan Blasts?
It Was Never About Children's Health
W assumes it's his ball and he can go home anytime he wants.
I Can Show You How To Build An Empire
Imperial Courts Safe with Mukasey
Crime DOES Pay, and Patriots Are Punished in a Nation Under Surveillance
A Many-Dimensional Look at America
* Killing the Nuclear Beast by Saying No
Hillary -- A Bush in Sheep's Clothing
* Cubans evade huge border exercise
United Egg Producers Approve First Cage-Free Guidelines 7 Years Too Late
The Secret History of the Impending War with Iran That the White House Doesn\'t Want You to Know | Campaign Against Sanc
Who is Wrong, CNN or Wayne Madsen at Global Research?
Is Crude Oil on Course to hit $100 per barrel?
Christian right could defeat Rudy & make Hillary president
FIGHTING FOR A NEW HOMELAND: Army Lures Foreigners with Promise of Citizenship
Why Is There Even An Argument In Regard Impeachment
An Assault on Media Diversity and Democracy
Media Executives Arrested in Phoenix
Military Explains Nuclear Weapon Mistake
Israel: Government Blocks Medical Evacuees from Gaza
Nukes Over America: All A Stupid Mistake. Sure it Was
Obama Calls on DoJ to Fire Voting Rights Chief After Video-Taped 'Minorities Die First' Comment
Gates: Security Contractors Conflict With US Mission in Iraq
Sensing Cuba shift, Democrats target trio of House Republicans in Florida
Bill Richardson: A Global Agenda To Address The Welfare Of The Human Race
Could the crash of '87 happen again? - Eye on the Economy - MSNBC.com
Troops in Europe, Mideast speak out on Sanchez’s criticisms
George Bush warns Putin over 'World War III'
Israeli PM Travels to Russia for Talks on Iran's Nuclear Program
An Inconvenient Truth For Democrats
Gonzales Investigated Subordinates Who Were Likely To Testify Against Him
Obama: Hans Off Our Elections! Blocks Bush nominee, crosses Sen.Reid
Jewish rightist: 'Finish Hitler's work, kill Ashkenazi Jews'
Where Is The Funding For Veterans Affairs?
The Exodus and its Secrets
University of Washington Accused of Falsifying USDA Reports
Senate caves to Bush on telecom immunity
Has Iraq Turned British Soldiers into Monsters?
So Who's Afraid of the Israel Lobby?
Failing Prevention, Can We Recover from a Nuclear Attack?
New Guard Hiring the Old Guard
The Triumph of the National Security State
Free speech could lead to online disconnect
Bush and the Phone Companies: Partners in Crime
Waking Up from the Holocaust Hangover
The one candidate who is already acting like a leader
Seven protesters arrested at Blackwater's headquarters
CBS confirms 2006 Raw Story scoop: Plame's job was to keep nukes from Iran
Iraq whistleblower Dr. Kelly WAS murdered to silence him, says British MP
NEWSFLASH: The Hippies Were Right.
Barack Obama on Tavis Smiley (complete interview)
Energy Traders Avoid Scrutiny: As Commodities Market Grows, Oversight Is Slight
We can attack Iran, says US commander
U.S. Baghdad strikes kill 13, including toddlers
Kristol: Iran Is ‘The Only Real Threat’ To Success In Iraq
La Raza pulls its KC convention
A Massacre Foretold
The Costs of War for Oil
Banking on a Bailout
I Swear I Found The Key to the Universe
9/11 Fatigue
Mukasey Should Be Confirmed Only If He Agrees to Appoint a Special Prosecutor
Palestinians’ Lives Invisible to Israelis
The United States of Violence
Corporations Won’t Lead the Way on Solving Global Warming
Wi-Fi, the Death of Us All
What Do Brazil, Mexico, Russia and the USA Have in Common?
Can the Foxes Save the Hen House?
Terrorism and the Forgotten Threat
Don't Fence Them In
Note to Obama and Edwards: Step-Up on Iran
Protecting Small-Scale Food Projects from the Ground Up
Time to Ban Weaponized Uranium
Look Who's In Denial About Global Warming Now
Dodging Impeachment
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
Calling all bloggers: Are you ‘covered’ under House ‘reporter’s shield law’?
Weekend Watchdog
Can Rudy Convert The Christian Right?
Sarkozy seeks a "greener" France at policy congress
Good turnout for Polish vote
Malaysian spaceman touches down
IMF panel warns of inflation risks
Israeli Official: Palestinians Plotted to Kill Olmert in West Bank
US targeted Iran-tied group in raid
US: Raid of Baghdad's Sadr City Kills 49
Pakistan's Army: Unprepared to tackle terrorism?

Ouch! Hillary Clinton's softer image is clawed over dumped cat - Times Online
Cheney: Iran faces 'serious consequences' over nuclear drive
Tighter Border Delays Re-entry by U.S. Citizens - New York Times
GOP hopefuls get fired up - 10/21/2007 - MiamiHerald.com
wcbstv.com - Tomato Juice Spill Causes Long Lines At LaGuardia
My Way News - Hollywood Union Authorized to Strike
My Way News - AP: Sexual Misconduct Plagues US Schools
China's Hu in control of rapidly modernising military
My Way News - 70 Punished in Accidental B-52 Flight
My Way News - Courts-Martial for 2 in Haditha Deaths
San Luis Obispo County’s website | 10/19/2007 | Photos of troops overseas are gone from Paso post office, inspiring outrage
19 tons of explosives found in Iraq | Reuters
Pelosi Rebukes Stark for Iraq Comments
Kenneth R. Harney - Vultures Are Circling Over Distressed Properties - washingtonpost.com

ABC News: EXCLUSIVE: Israel's Case for Syria Strike: Apparent Spy Had Hard Evidence
Iran to fire '11,000 rockets in minute' if attacked
Crude oil prices too low: Iran
Tighter Border Delays Re-entry by U.S. Citizens - New York Times
Illegals OK'd to drive in N.Y. - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Giuliani asks Values Voters to trust him - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Giuliani primary strategy is risky - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
TheHill.com - Romney scores with religious right
Clinton plays defense on Iran - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
Romney, Huckabee Vie For "Value Votes"
Religious Right Divides Its Vote
'Values voters' lean toward Romney
Hospitals Full of Victims and Solidarity With Bhutto
IMF Warns of Inflation Risks
Kurdish Guerillas Kill 9 Turkish Soldiers Near Iraqi Border
Iran’s Nuclear Envoy Resigns; Talks in Doubt
French not fazed by Sarkozy divorce
Louisiana Elects Jindal as Its First Indian-American Governor
Louisiana elects young, Indian-American governor
Green advances health initiatives
March of Dimes Says Child Health Plan Doesn't Expand Government
You Can't Sue the Corps? How About Suing FEMA?
Economies of Sub-Saharan Africa to Grow Steadily, IMF Says
Close Vote Seen on Chrysler Contract
Dubai Government's DP World To Sell 20% of Its Shares in IPO
Viacom CEO Dismisses Google Antipiracy Plan
Copperfield's millions not taken, FBI says
Copperfield Cancels Shows, Feds to Bring Him In?
Air Force officers relieved of duty over loose nukes
Health Plan Used by US Is Debated as a Model
What Health Plan Will You Elect?
For Obama, a convenient truth: There's no sign Gore will run
A&M professor skips Nobel tag for now
US hits panic button as air force ‘loses’ nuclear missiles
Giuliani tells evangelicals he offers 'nothing to fear'
Green advances health initiatives
Looking for President Dean
Clinton visit won't be free to public
Mukasey's Constitution
Bush supports fish, fowl
Bush touts conservation of game fish
In 5 years, 60 educators disciplined
Few Answers About Nooses, but Much Talk of Jim Crow
Council candidate Velázquez pleads not guilty to DUI
Lights Out San Francisco
Anti-gay group draws protesters in Lynnwood
Prince William Crackdown Worries Some Merchants
Towns Experiment With Anti-Immigrant Laws
US woman survives 19 hours in occean waters
US Marines on trial for Iraq atrocity
Africans invite Hanson for a coffee
Hospitals Full of Victims and Solidarity With Bhutto
International Pedophile Suspect Denies Any Wrongdoing
Accused pedophile nabbed by technology
Twins who rule Poland face crucial test
Chinese Vice President, 2 Other Top Officials Set to Retire
More than a president
Portugal had doubts Poland would agree to EU pact
Senior Hamas figure criticises takeover of Gaza
Chris Cocklin grabs pience of Nobel Peace Prize | Herald Sun
Can Hillary Clinton Win?
'Values Voters' Flock to Thompson
A Second Look at John McCain
Message from Massachusetts
Time for Dems to Start Panicking?
Epitaph for a Congress
Limbaugh Turns Reid Letter Into Charity Gold
Poetic Justice for Senator Reid
Al Gore and the Big Lie Gang
Bombs Clarify the Situation in Pakistan
The Restoration of King Dollar
Is It Like 1987 Again?
Minding the Celtic Tiger
Brazil's Economic Growth Shouldn't Be Overlooked
No Easy Answers on Immigration
Women, Science, and Gender Bias
Over the Line in the House
Democrats Aren't Being Tough Enough
1987 Market Crash and Lessons for Today
Pakistan on the Edge
Jittery Donors Want Obama to Step It Up
GOP Field Poses Dilemma for Social Conservatives
Giuliani Primary Strategy is Risky
For 3 Candidates, a Test on Religion

OpinionJournal - Featured Article
IEDs Seen As Rising Threat in The U.S. - washingtonpost.com
Failed asylum seekers given £4,000 'bribes' to go home - including private school fees | the Daily Mail
An unlikely treasure-trove of donors for Clinton - Los Angeles Times
Putin Finds Expedient Hero In Four-Term U.S. President - washingtonpost.com
Ex-antiterrorism chief supports Spitzer's license plan
U.S. visas open to illegals hit by crime - USATODAY.com
Scientist James Watson flies home after employers suspend him - Times Online
Pelosi backs away from Rep. Stark's criticism of Bush
School probes racism claim against boy, four - Telegraph
Report: Iran's nuclear negotiator resigns - CNN.com
Benazir Bhutto blames rogue officials for bomb - Telegraph
70 punished in accidental B-52 flight - U.S. Security - MSNBC.com
San Luis Obispo County’s website | 10/19/2007 | Photos of troops overseas are gone from Paso post office, inspiring outrage

We can attack Iran, says US commander - Telegraph
Iran: 'We can fire 11,000 rockets in a minute' | Jerusalem Post
WorldNetDaily: Soldiers' pictures banished from hometown post office
Family-values advocates oppose sex-based workplace privileges
Raises rent for building use by $199,999 a year
But mayor says consular card won't stop arrests of suspects
Despite prosecution by Sutton, fake state trucks still being found
Boat carrying migrants reportedly capsized in Pacific
Officials say migration spike due to a lack of hope for change on island
Shocking new book starts its own online community
In Hugo Chavez's backyard, tribute demolished by gunfire
WorldNetDaily: 'Headline King' to cruise with WND readers
Celebrating 'winter' year after controversial tree removal
Millions earmarked for La Raza radicals, Charlie Rangel library, more 2008 pork
Investigation finds 2,570 teachers booted after accusations of sexual misconduct
David Kupelian explores why so many female teachers are seducing boys
Most comprehensive account on Internet of women predators on campus
Mayor: Display is to honor 'His Holiness the Dalai Lama'
City hearing scheduled to resolve dispute over subsidized groceries
Pastor: 'Book jolted me awake just as surely as someone bursting in my bedroom'
Photographs reportedly show reinforced cylindrical structure
Victims found in grisly crime scene all men
'I was working till midnight. I'm not a morning person'
Letter naming suspects in deaths of 3 given to prosecutors
Make have infected as many as 37 other patients
Expert had been viewed as more moderate than Ahmedinejad
Pursuit of victory urged at once
GOP Mike Huckabee and Dems Bill Richardson and Barack Obama fair best
Officials uncertain of contamination after parasite outbreak discovered
He told mom stick figure was holding a squirtgun
But admits he's 'not always the best example of faith'
'I'm aware my opponents are paying a lot more attention to me'
'Leaves fall off without becoming orange or yellow or red'
Hoping for agreement could 'lead to frustration and violence'
Congressman accused president of deriving 'amusement' from American war dead
Forecasts say Thailand's capital could be submerged within century
Armed conflict has cost amount equal to all help in same period
Action comes despite claim nation won't prosecute financiers
Cache discovered northwest of Baghdad
Authorities claim paper accepted 'fronts' for prostitution
Investigation now launched into system that detained her
Had been given 3-week wait for appointment
Scientist confirms Neanderthal had 'language gene'
'We are prepared to risk our lives. We're not prepared to surrender this great nation'
Relatives of Lockerbie victims still believe nation responsible for 1988 catastrophe
Wayward arrows brought complaints
'I saw debris falling down and people were screaming and running'
Investigations under way into 'worrying trend'
'We're guaranteeing more revenue without ensuring that streets are cleared'
'Do we have some security in this building?'
Vatican says Apocalypse means arrival of God
Says 'contradictions' between rhetoric and actions a problem
Israel plans to map every citizen by name, ID, phone numbers
Takes just 5 years to pass Vegas as world's No. 1 casino center
Government says listeners 'have yet to be found'
'What central bankers worry about is underlying rate going forward'
Rout comes after soft earnings reports
'When a price correction comes, and come it will, things will get ugly'
Odds 7-to-5 that crude will pass that level by year's end
'We are in serious trouble'
Unit smaller than a hair can turn waves into sound
Researchers believe better diet could reduce crime
'Writers do not want to, but they are resolute'
Said company's role in Darfur had nothing to do with decision
'We need to learn from these events and take steps to address policy issues'
Investors also eye new batch of earnings reports
Exclusive: Joseph Farah urges U.S. to pursue victory at once
Exclusive: Pat Boone condemns well-funded, anti-God zealots' attacks on students
Exclusive: Jonathan Falwell chides Radio Disney for 'Christophobic' movie trailer
Exclusive: Readers blast Hillary, Huckabee, Bloomington and Washington
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey sees prophecy as proof Jerusalem's split may bring destruction
Star Parker: Clarence Thomas shows he's everything enemies want you to think he's not
Exclusive: Ellis Washington honors justice's inspiring legacy, notable achievements
Exclusive: Henry Lamb chides leaders who try to keep jobs, fail to meet nation's needs
Exclusive: Greg Laurie inspires baby boomers to leave an example worth emulating
Exclusive: Randy Thomas refutes biological hypothesis for homosexual behavior
Liz Sidoti: Religious right uneasy with GOP slate, stuck between pragmatism, ideology
Terence Samuel: They may go into 2008 tagged as the party that couldn't stop Bush
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.: Every voter should have the facts about this pair before 2008
Mike Lester illustrates Clinton clash over medical costs incurred from 'intern-al affairs'
Adam Graham: SCHIP extended health care to children whose parents can afford it
Olmert escapes terror attack in Jericho - Ynet
Barak: Nuclear Iran will disrupt world order - Ynet
Iran: Ready for nuke cooperation with other nations - Ynet
Abbas: I'll resign if Annapolis fails - Jerusalem Post
Olmert's Jerusalem plan opposed by legislators - AP
US, Iraqi forces detain dozens of militia fighters - AP
10 Cases of Drug-Resistant Staph Reported at Iona College - Fox
Iraqi officer: Turkey has shelled Kurdish villages in N. Iraq - Jerusalem Post
Officials propose limits for JFK airport - AP
Thousands of teachers cited for sex misconduct - USA Today
Ethopia: Rebel Group Claims Killing 140 Soldiers - J'lem Post
Rising Seas Threaten 21 Mega-Cities - AP
China won't adjust currency - Washington Times
IEDs seen as a rising threat within U.S. - Chertoff vows to step up planning for bombs that have ravaged Iraq - Washington Post
Romney wins "value voters" straw poll; Huckabee close second - USA Today
Report to Address Possible Effects of Dividing Jerusalem - Haaretz
AP: Sexual misconduct plagues US schools - Martha Irvine & Robert Tanner
EXCLUSIVE: The Case for Israel's Strike on Syria: Official: Air Attack Targeted Nascent Nuclear Facility Built With North Korean 'Expertise' - ABC
October 21: Direction By Impulse - Oswald Chambers
October 21: Not of the Extraordinary - Streams in the Desert
Clinton Finds Way to Play Along With Drudge - New York Times

My Way News - GOP Rivals Argue Who's Most Conservative
FOXNews.com - Cat Fight Hisses in Republican Presidential Primary Debate - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
FT.com / World - Schwarzenegger urges Republicans to seize centre
FT.com / Companies / Financial services - US loan default problems widen
Tokyo soccer robots don't quite have Becks appeal - Yahoo! Malaysia News
News No. 1 in the world with $67.8 bil
Reports: Senior Indian official dies after monkey attack in New Delhi - International Herald Tribune
Turkish Prime Minister warns US: we will attack Kurdish rebels in Iraq - Times Online
Scientists a step closer to steering hurricanes - Telegraph
Steep decline in oil production brings risk of war and unrest, says new study | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
Rightists strengthen hold on Swiss Parliament - International Herald Tribune
Surfer champion, seen with Bar Rafaeli, detained over scuffle - Haaretz - Israel News
Ouch! Hillary Clinton's softer image is clawed over dumped cat - Times Online
My Way News - Cheney: US Will Not Let Iran Go Nuclear
Iran targets couples in continued moral crackdown
Tighter Border Delays Re-entry by U.S. Citizens - New York Times

GOP Rivals Argue Who's Most Conservative
Candidates to Sell Conservative Credentials at Republican Debate
Top Republicans defend conservative credentials
GOP Candidates Vie For Conservative Label
Republican debate: Giuliani fights for the GOP base
Huckabee Outshines GOP Rivals at Values Voter Summit
What if Huckabee Wins Iowa?
Gop Rivals Argue Who's Most Conservative
Turkish PM: 'We Will Attack Kurdish Rebels in Iraq'
Turkey says will crush rebels at whatever cost
Opposition Party Wins Poland Election
Iran’s Former Nuclear Envoy to Aid Successor
In a Southern State, Immigrants’ Son Takes Over
New La. governor's first job: Change state's corrupt image
Zoellick wins backing for new World Bank strategy
SPACE.com -- Space Shuttle Discovery 'Go' for Tuesday Launch
Wind-Driven Fires Plague Calif., Kill 1 | World Latest | Guardian Unlimited
Greenspan Says Demand for US Debt May Be at `Limit' (Update1)
Stagehands’ Union Authorizes a Strike
Chinese leaders in the spotlight in Congress Party reshuffle
Big Turnout in Philadelphia for an Anti-Violence Drive
Plot to Kill Olmert Foiled Before June Meeting, Israeli Says
FACTBOX-Health care plans of presidential candidates
GOP Rivals Argue Who's Most Conservative
World Bank: More climate-change resources needed
Big Turnout in Philadelphia for an Anti-Violence Drive
Van carrying Amish crashes, killing 5
Turkish Minister Calls for US Action Against Kurdish Guerrillas
Gates Sees No Imminent Turkish Attack
Turkish PM: 'We Will Attack Kurdish Rebels in Iraq'
Bhutto resumes campaign, undeterred by attack
Polish premier is routed in record vote, polls show
In nuclear chief, Iran signals harder line
Chinese leaders in the spotlight in Congress Party reshuffle
Rightwing SVP tightens grip in Swiss election
Plot to Kill Olmert Foiled Before June Meeting, Israeli Says
5 Arrested in Killing of Reggae Star
US forces fight major gun battle in Baghdad
Australian PM promises climate change fund if re-elected
Sri Lanka says rebel plane bombs air force base
Cheney, Like President, Has a Warning for Iran
Abbas resists US pressure to name Dahlan his deputy
Former Sudan Rebels Dismiss VP’s Accusations
World Bank refocuses agenda in fight against poverty
PM: Moscow won't let Iran threaten us
Urban monkeys accused over death
Conservative Faces Runoff in Slovenia
Briton among hostages in Nigerian oilfield
Attacks Sharpen in GOP Debate
In Republican Race, Game On
Californians for Rudy
Can Washington Be Fixed?
We're Not in 2006 Anymore
Partisan Politics & Dems' Turkey Problem
The New U.S.-India Partnership
Bobby Rises in Louisiana
Christian Right Gives Rudy Mixed Message
Next Challenge in Iraq
Victory Is Within Reach in Iraq
Is Nevada Turning on Reid?
The Allure of Stinking Campaign Cash
Congressional Wasteland
Candidates Hung Up on Faith
Paul Krugman, the Anti-Economist
This Week
Fox News Sunday
Face the Nation
What if Huckabee Wins Iowa?
Giuliani Advances
Russia and Iran Are Wary Allies
The Sinking Dollar
For Giuliani, Chasm May Be Too Wide
Some Say Clinton Model Is Flawed
Values Voters Back Romney, Huckabee
Dodd Looking to Pull Off Unexpected

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